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6297089 No.6297089 [Reply] [Original]

The source code (and music and sound effects) of God of Thunder (1994) by Adept Software were released to the public domain.

>> No.6297147

I remember that game. Poor man's Zelda.

>> No.6297179

neat, I remember playing this on my first PC although I have no idea how I got it

>> No.6297314

It's more than likely that you got it from a shareware CD.

>> No.6298008

Mever heard of this

>> No.6299109


>> No.6299120

Not really. It's more of a Lolo clone.

>> No.6299126

That's neat.
I beat the first two episodes but screwed up in the third after buying the electric saw.

>> No.6299132

Why not link Sourceforge directly?
And who even uses Sourceforge in this day and age? Normally it's all Github.

>> No.6299139

What's wrong with SourceForge?

>> No.6299159

All I remember about this game the "EW!" sound effect

>> No.6299168

They did some shady stuff in the past like hijacking derelict repos and adding malware to binaries.

>> No.6299219

I like looking at official released game source code. The Doom 3DO source code is interesting, even moreso the story behind it.
>I was misled about the state of the port when I was offered the project. I was told that there was a version in existance with new levels, weapons and features and it only needed "polishing" and optimization to hit the market. After numerous requests for this version, I found out that there was no such thing and that Art Data Interactive was under the false impression that all anyone needed to do to port a game from one platform to another was just to compile the code and adding weapons was as simple as dropping in the art.
>I had to write my own string.h ANSI C library because the one 3DO supplied with their compiler had bugs! string.h??? How can you screw that up!?!?! They did! I spent a day writing all of the functions I needed in ARM 6 assembly.

>> No.6299545


>> No.6301297

>coder's name is Rebecca
>assume it's a tranny
>google the name

Every damn time.

>> No.6301306

You never heard of Burger Heineman?

>> No.6301309

I hadn't until now. Just found this after more digging:

>Burger Bill (as this person was known back then) is mentioned in 'Masters of Doom' as offering to do the Wolfenstein 3D port to SNES for id, then revealing (after months went by) that they were still under contract at Interplay, and everything they did would be owned by Interplay. Everyone at id was furious they had to drop working on DOOM and hack on SNES Wolfenstein instead, to the point they had an icon of BB on the wall to throw knives at: http://www.ew.com/ew/article/0,,450432,00.html

>> No.6301676

>assuming the gender of someone who assumed a gender

>> No.6301702

He still ended up doing the Mac and 3DO ports of Wolfenstein 3D anyways.

>> No.6304468

The Mac port of Wolfenstein 3D is one of the better versions of the game, neat.

>> No.6304471

Okay Mever.

>> No.6304809

Yeah, Burger Bill may be a retard, but he knows how to do ports.

>> No.6304847 [DELETED] 

Not reality. It's more of a Zelda clone.

>> No.6304856

Not really. It's more of a Zelda clone.