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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6292805 No.6292805 [Reply] [Original]

Turns out i was right. Who would've tought.

>> No.6292812

RE: CV is real RE3 with souls work.

Nemesis is soulless PS1 crush grab expanded pack

>> No.6292810

Why would they remake the worst game?

>> No.6292815

It'll be worth it when it's $30.

>> No.6292826

People were very sceptical in general about RE3 Remake. RE2 Remake was alright given what I was expecting of modern video games.
This on the other hand feels what one could call a well executed cash grab. Not a badly made game by any means more in the sense they did the bare minimum and they barely end up scratching the surface, simply no love and passion.

>> No.6292827


CV was never RE3 at any point in development and is also a trash game in general.

>> No.6292828 [DELETED] 

>cope post
Keep lying n pant on fire.

>> No.6292832


Pretending CV was the real RE3 is a GameFAQs-tier rumor.

>> No.6292938

It the truth.

>> No.6292956 [DELETED] 


more like Cope Veronicuck LMAO

>> No.6292965
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>Who would've tought.

>> No.6292994

Not really. You can buy a used copy of the superior original for less than that

>> No.6292997

All remakes are soulless

>> No.6293014

It's not even out.

>> No.6294295
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>> No.6294297

the changed the story and just made it utter shit

>> No.6294516


Tbh, i see remakes as new games that i never played. fun gameplay, great graphics. but just...A game! It's been like this for a decade or more. You play to kill some time, but nothing memorable, people now are freaking out about FFVII remake, but nothing beats the OG one.

>> No.6294519

Had you been there when RE3 came out, you would've known that the original was the definition of what you call "soulless". It's perhaps theleast inspired, most unnecessary game in the main series. Even RE6 has its own identity (insane action sequences like one of the players actually flying a jet in a boos fight etc).
RE3 was Kamiya's RE2 on steroids AND sedatives.

>> No.6294767

Uhh...it was confirmed. How embarrassing.

>> No.6295161

It's like an upgrade or extra level of Res2
>I agree Veronica is actually the 3rd game
but Res2 is a lot of fun

>> No.6295317

>the worst game

I thought that was RE1?
>awful voice acting
>awful music
>story makes no sense
>gameplay was an awkward clone of Alone in the Dark
>puzzles were absolute shit

People like to forget that Resident Evil never got any identity of its own until RE2, and the series started to become beloved. Before then, it was just a laughable, awkward, puzzle shooter.

>> No.6295319

>practical outfit

What kind of a dumb retard wears a skirt, which restricts leg movement, during a zombie outbreak?

>> No.6295343

they are whoring out hard to the western zoomer market at the moment. it worked so well with re2hd and monster hunter world. next will be the dino crisis daddy simulator where everyone will have gremlin faces, lol

>> No.6295412
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>> No.6295417

Are there people actually this retarded in the world?

>> No.6295436
File: 421 KB, 634x480, Resident Evil 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These posts are disgusting. I love 4chan and the cool people here I've chatted with over the years, but the whole "autism" memes and mocking the mentally handicapped is dumb. Makes you guys look and sound like snobby five-year-olds. Be above that type of mess.

>People like to forget that Resident Evil never got any identity of its own until RE2, and the series started to become beloved. Before then, it was just a laughable, awkward, puzzle shooter.
I pretty much agree with this. It was Resident Evil 2 which made me fall in love with the series back in the day, and it probably still remains my favorite. Those tank controls, though. Or as I like to call them, "Asteroid controls with insta-brakes."

Funniest part of Resident Evil 1's voice acting is when that one dude (Chris I believe?) is stuck inside that cell and Jill goes to get help and find a way to bust him out. And he's like, "Okay! I'm just stay here until you get back!"

As if he could go anyplace to begin with. The writers reallllly should have thought that one out more.

>> No.6295451

What kind of a dumb retard questions the logic of fashion choices in a fictional video game? I never see people bitching about this shit when fighting games do it.

>> No.6295464
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>mocking the mentally handicapped is dumb
You could always go back to tumbr then, newfriend.

>> No.6295465
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True Soul
Only good game in the series

>> No.6295468
File: 179 KB, 404x521, a87385d89293e735fca990a50aa6780e35e11f9fab04bd328c018d8c20756160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>These posts are disgusting. I love 4chan and the cool people here I've chatted with over the years, but the whole "autism" memes and mocking the mentally handicapped is dumb. Makes you guys look and sound like snobby five-year-olds. Be above that type of mess.
Why not just go to Reddit?

>> No.6295471

As someone with autism myself.
4chan is not a safe space. You should know what you're joining.

>> No.6295476
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While I like RE3 and respect a lot of the choices / changes ups it makes, I really think RE1/RE2 are better games over all. If you can believe it, I love the dopey voice acting in RE1 It's rather charming now.


>> No.6295495
File: 32 KB, 624x387, Jill Samwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys always seem to assume that I'm massively offended or something. I'm not. I just find your unoriginal autism memes to be dumb and un-thoughtful.

>As someone with autism myself.
>4chan is not a safe space. You should know what you're joining.
Life itself is not a safe space, so yes, I agree. I'm not above leaving communities or boards should they totally collapse and become void of all intelligent conversation, but it's rare. Usually there's a few good anons lurking about who make posting and reading here worth my time.

>If you can believe it, I love the dopey voice acting in RE1 It's rather charming now.
Ah yes, what I like to call, "So bad it's good!" I guess in the end, had Resident Evil 1's voice acting been decent, but the dialogue remained stale, it would have been far less memorable. But because the acting in the game was so cheesy, it's now the stuff of legends.

>> No.6295537
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>But because the acting in the game was so cheesy, it's now the stuff of legends.

Yep, and somehow Capcom refused Japanese voice actors since they thought, the English voice acting sounded much "cooler". It really is the best combination of a B movie video game