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File: 586 KB, 2178x2160, z3iSzbqFVwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6294578 No.6294578 [Reply] [Original]

"DSL" Edition
HOMM/MM pastebin: https://pastebin.com/6G9B1cMA
Previous: >>6263590

>> No.6294613
File: 517 KB, 1000x1000, HeroIrinaVI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"DSL" Edition
I gotchu OP

>> No.6294649
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>> No.6294653

DSLs? Yeah, if you like getting your dick sucked by Oprah.

>> No.6294672

Ok, stupid question... what's DSL?

>> No.6294675

Looks like he's holding a gun.

>> No.6294683
File: 937 KB, 1619x651, _.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6294701

Dick Sucking Lips

>> No.6294704

>Is blond in original
>Isn't on someone's shitty "high res" fapart

>> No.6294719
File: 36 KB, 640x604, 1480221649315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>watching hey hey

>> No.6294778
File: 566 KB, 1854x954, 51322.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if the series were more successful if it had cute girls

>> No.6294815
File: 1.28 MB, 200x200, Blackkek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not praying to your lord & savior Sseth every day

>> No.6294829
File: 71 KB, 550x442, Cool-story-bro0_h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, he's just happy

>> No.6294834
File: 484 KB, 800x600, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6294835

>Fucking love that map.
It's pretty solid.
One of each 6 towns in a circle around the center lake, corners have 2 random towns each, giving the map some variation but not clown levels of town rng.
Corners with desert+swamp makes for a nice "quest" to go for with the potential major reward in the middle through the teleporters. Summon boat is super abusable because of the powerful center island.
Island starts with excllusive ports, but with few resources makes for a safe home, but a home you must expand from.

Maybe some fedex events for orange+purple would be nice, so the wizard can afford his creatures. Maybe the AI necro could be a warlock.
Turning the islands into peninsulas could be way to make the map a little harder as well, but I think I'd prefer the island starts.

>> No.6294868

>Hole in a ground with a ladder

>> No.6294949
File: 474 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 Tomb of VARN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been exploring this place for half an hour or so and it's every bit as awful as I imagined it'd be, maybe worse is yet to come. It's why I've been taking a break for the game for a few days in the hopes of not burning out on this place.

There any secret to this that'd get me out of here with minimal suffering? I really don't want to have to deal with flying enemies in cavernous indoor spaces and crap like that.

>> No.6294951
File: 2.53 MB, 2060x2304, ForsakenLandsStrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Forsaken Lands
>2 human/AI, 2 AI only
>pick red(more peasants nearby) and pick sorc
>restart until I can get a necromancer hero
>get elves for week 2
>take exp from chest for better necromancy
>kill 100 goblins, kill 500 peasants, kill 1000 peasants and then move up to the Green base and kill his 1000 peasants
Only had advanced necromancy for the initial peasant stacks sadly. Shouldn't be too unlikely to get expert with a few more restarts.

>> No.6295057

It's okay compared to castle darkmoor desu.

>> No.6295073

Fuck me the portraits in MM6 are 100% PURE SOUL

>> No.6295080

Go to the left, open the door, get the key, then go to the right and go around the back. Inch toward the genies in the northwest corner and fireball/dragons breath them in groups. Go inside the door past them, find the water temple key, go in there, get the scroll and library key, make sure you keep the scrolls because you need them in you inventory to enter the codes at the end.
>control center is much short, arguably worse, depends how bad you want the good loot

>> No.6295095

stop being a faggot

>> No.6295102

Gonna be honest, I really miss the comfy times when it was just me trying to rescue some potter's daughter from bats and spiders, instead of me diving headfirst into a massive pack of Djinns, mashing the quickspell key for 20 seconds and then yeeting myself back to New Sorpgil temple for a minute before I repeat the process another 20 times.

>> No.6295114
File: 2.55 MB, 1600x900, ore cart survivor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It finally happened, the meme came true

>> No.6295116

How do you play Cove anyway? I've been intentionally avoiding trying them, but I should eventually give them a go.

>> No.6295123

Is this a modded faction?

>> No.6295207
File: 626 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 Magic Lamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these actually do anything, or am I just wasting inventory space?

>> No.6295238
File: 535 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 Water Temple key.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go inside the door past them, find the water temple key
The way you said it I assumed there'd be a chest with the key in it like 10 feet past that point, not 10 miles through winding corridors and falling down lift shafts.

>> No.6295324
File: 362 KB, 1019x763, ForsakenLandsAImighthaveultimatecloak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Yellow AI stole the hero and his stats from my last game.

>> No.6295340

Stupid question:
Why there is ore in the game and not just stones? Especially, since it's essentially stones anyway when used for various constructions.
I never understood this.

>> No.6295363

Yeah that's pretty weird.

>> No.6295378

You can trade the lamps in at Abdul's in Dragonsand. In MM7 you can use them on your characters for a random effect

>> No.6295449

How do you guys avoid the temptation to savescum? Unless you're a god, every turn can be optimised further, and small mistakes on a turn can lead to major consequences hours later

>> No.6295481

I don't know.
Sometimes I start with the intention of not saving at all, but then I make a mistake that I had no intention of making at the start of the turn and the autosave is right there..
Ironman mode would be nice for scum like me.

>> No.6295501

People don't savescum? I do it all the time.

>> No.6295524
File: 583 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 Blaster Rifle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I'm done with the control center now unless there's some quest or whatever, ran through basically ignoring enemies and grabbing blasters and rifles for a full set.

Leveled up a bunch with all the quest XP I'd been saving, got blasters to level 15 and master level and tried them out.

The results have been... disappointing to say the least. Was expecting to deliver molten death to all that lives, instead all I feel I got out of this is a side grade and quest items. They do about 30 to 50% of the damage I thought they were going to do and feel kinda on the weak side honestly.

Maybe Shrapmetal spam has spoiled me.

>> No.6295546

>digitized photo of developers and b-list models wearing garments found at a thrift store.

Omg 100% soul. They just dont put this kind of artistic effort into games anymore

>> No.6295579

Nah, this is when you go attack helicopter
>cast buffs+fly
>go to hermit isle/dragonsand
>realtime strafe everything, back and forth, until everything is dead. Just hold A. For attack helicopter
I am doing it right now as I sit and recover from malaria

>> No.6295603

>Just hold A. For attack helicopter
Wait, you can hold down attack like that? I've been spam left clicking everything.

>> No.6295607
File: 342 KB, 1009x771, SummonFireElementalThenFlee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attack warlock
>he summons a fire elemental and then retreats

>> No.6295617


>> No.6295642

Oh man, anon, I was trying to figure out what you did wrong to be unimpressed by blasters

>> No.6295669

I can't try it out tonight as I'm going to sleep shortly, but I'll definitely try it tomorrow and report back if it makes a difference for me.

>> No.6295674
File: 538 KB, 1442x982, 51364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That game had a really nice artstyle and was one of the best spin-off ubisoft released. I wish we got more like it.

>> No.6295678
File: 3.81 MB, 2024x3792, EnemyUltimateCloak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>53 blessed grand elves shoot at minotaur kings
>35 damage
homm2 tazar right there

>> No.6295680

Too bad this game got boring really quickly and the last chapter was quite obviously rushed

>> No.6295692

What asshole designer made it so you can't take ultimate artifacts and why?

>> No.6295698

By not having autism or looking for "perfect shot".
The only time I absolutely save-scum is when I know there is a chance AI will run away and I can't have it due ot needing the stuff AI hero is carrying.

>> No.6295702

What the fuck? What's the damage formula here then?

>> No.6295729

True, the last chapter was a disappointment. Still, it was pretty great in all other aspects, and i never found it boring despite replaying the campaign about 12 times.
not to mention the amounts of time i spend on free matches vs AI

>> No.6295730

It's similar to homm3.
Each defense skill point over attack skill in homm3 gives another 2.5% damage reduction, which is apparently capped at 30% reduction, so 70% of total damage.
In homm2 it says it's also like that, but it's 5% damage reduction per point. Though the damage should've been 37 if that's the case. 1/3rd, a reduction of 33.3333..% would put the damage at 35 which it was.

>> No.6295743

What the hell anon.
I guess I just got really bored of the strategy I used which was just get a champion unit charging as fast as possible, link some basic units behind it, and one shot the enemy. There were very few times when this didn't work.
This was replaying it on PC though, I remember the first time I played it on the DS I enjoyed the hell out of it similar to you. I guess my taste changed over time

>> No.6295763

I mostly played on my phone, so that's probably why i played so much. For the longest time no other mobile game came close to it in terms of entertainment it provided.
Also, i bought the game two times. Once on google play when it was still available, and once on pc to try multiplayer. I didn't like it. Tryhard russians kept fucking my ass every match with some bullshit strats i couldn't expect because the mobile version i played the most of didn't have all the extra bullshit artifacts

>> No.6295771
File: 272 KB, 531x1078, Jezebeth_CoH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah probably. Current art is so unappealing

>> No.6295775

The simple artstyle makes for easier fanart, and fanart is always great.

>> No.6295781

Oh yeah, they made some bullshit p2w dlc for pc didn't they?
Also I might look up these strats, they sound interesting

>> No.6295790

I remember one for haven that consisted of stacking turns (the artifact allowed your moves to be moved to your next turn, infinitely) and then charging like 2 or 3 elite units in one turn. By the time i realized what's happening dude had like 40 moves. Shit had no counterplay, i swear.

>> No.6295791

Dick sucking leprechaun.

>> No.6295804
File: 308 KB, 404x744, DSLtiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6295975

Anyone else notice a bit of a delay/stuffer after certain actions in the homm2 gog version, like while moving and building.

>> No.6296021

Rebecca is my waifu

>> No.6296106

>Also, i bought the game two times.
so you're twice the idiot

>> No.6296357

As a man of simple tastes and blonde / blue eyes is my thing, I'll go with Gem.

>> No.6296396
File: 104 KB, 640x480, mm72.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can we share some core M&M stuff? I'm sharing my two competion certificates, one light, one dark.

>> No.6296401
File: 2.19 MB, 1920x1080, mm7cimpletion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6296464

anyone played duel of champions? it was pretty good casual fun

>> No.6296502

When you reach that center room, better kill everyone in there. The puzzle is a nightmare if you don't. I personally run past the other enemies in the dungeon, fuck spending 4h+ full clearing it. By that point you should already have all the gold/items you need

>> No.6296539

But the game was good.

>> No.6296559

Yeah, it's not smooth.

>> No.6296601

imo her general tier is higher than her DSL tier

>> No.6296657
File: 695 KB, 1080x810, 20200329_110203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6296658

One track stops playing after a while in my pre-gog version, maybe because of alt tabbing, so figured I'd go with GoG, but since it isn't smooth it might not be worth it.

Is the gog dos version smoother?

>> No.6296659

I was talking about dos version exactly.

>> No.6296661


maybe pre gog gold with a music patch can get perfect music and smooth gameplay

>> No.6296734

Alright taking suggestions for my MM7 party and dark/light
>I have done more light runs
>also if you want me to weasel the wand/dragon fight

>> No.6296783

It depends what you are looking for. If you want a meme comp on dark Monk for crappy healing but better disarm, ranger+paladin because of how easy the 2nd promotions are and how little you get, and druid because of how late you get Warlock.

If not you can always just stack Clerics and Sorcerers and press your I win button on everything once you get dark.

>> No.6296790

Alternatively if you haven't done one AAAC on light gets absurd in late game, but it is annoying until you really start getting GM bow up.

>> No.6296935
File: 439 KB, 1013x765, 7lakes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually make red a warlock, but he struggles to get dragons too much

>> No.6296938

Ok, level with me...

MM6 vs. MM7

>which one is easier to get into? Bonus: why?
>which one has the more interesting story and world/setting?

>> No.6296939

btw, not looking to start a flame war. I'm legit trying to decide which one I should play first. Started MM7, but I am pretty early in the game that I could reconsider and do MM6 first instead.

>> No.6296954

7 is easier to get into. Skills are more streamlined and there is a tutorial starting zone (although hybrids are poorly balanced). 7 has the more interesting story especially as it splits into the dual paths. 6 has much better dungeons and is a much wider world. You should still probably start with 6 because losing out on GM skills will feel awkward if you go backwards.

>> No.6296970

I haven't played 7 in awhile but I just finished 6
>harder due to more monsters, more condition change attacks, more item breakage, more puzzles, larger dungeons
>more open ended allowing you to become very powerful earlier in the game, not restricted to picking dark/light magic for a playthrough
>slightly superior soundtrack
>the stakes of 7 make a lot more sense having played 6 if you care about lore shit

>more streamlined, more restricted, spells are gated behind mastery and grand mastery which can only be learned after promotion quests
>setting imo is better because I played HoMM3 while Enroth's geography has very little to do with HoMM2's campaign
>improved "AI" means NPCs can fight on your side in certain situations
>better class options, most skills work properly without a patch
>you get your own castle but it doesnt really mean anything

I started with 6 when I was a kid, this biases me towards 6 even though I would say 7 is a better put together game and less excrutiating in parts.

>> No.6296985

>6 has much better dungeons and is a much wider world

Better dungeons? Man, this makes the decision tougher. Thanks for the info, m8.

gotcha. These would be my first MM games, btw. I did pick up HoMM3 on sale as well, but I think I am craving more of a dungeon-crawling experience at the moment.

Kinda leaning towards starting with MM7 then going back to MM6, but idk. Maybe I'll play both for a couple of hours before committing to a decision.

>> No.6296989

If you're seriously considering both, start with 6 and know that it's generally advised to rush at least one character to master water magic. 6 and 7 are meant to be played consecutively, 8 as well but that's a story for another time

>> No.6296990

alright, fair enough. I'll start with MM6. Thanks m8

>> No.6297020

Want any sort of hints or tips? I know many people like to play blind or with minimal hints, but I'm a weirdo who likes to minmax first playthroughs from the start as best I can, and maybe you're similar to me.

>> No.6297054
File: 489 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 Blasting Dragons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, tried it out.

It doesn't work.

Holding A, at least from what I can see, just fires once and doesn't fire for the next character in line. I tried mashing A quickly which certainly got more damage and was a bit more impressive than previously, but I nearly got RSI from doing for for just 30 seconds.

Is there a setting or something I'm missing here?

>> No.6297070

I don't have an answer for this (grayface patch?), hopefully someone else does. I have never in 20+ years of playing experienced holding A or S not cycling through all your party members.

>> No.6297075

cast haste on everyone my man

>> No.6297078

wait, you tell me you don't combat in turn based mode?

>> No.6297084

When you learn when to fight in turn based and when to fight in real time is when you've started to master Might and Magic (6-8)

>> No.6297162

With fanpatch playing in real time is easy, you can set up controls to pause with holding rmb and aim with mouse look during the pause, move with wasd, turn "always run" on and other stuff. At least that's how I play.

>> No.6297171

yeah that'd be cool.

>> No.6297175
File: 507 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 Blasting Dragons haste.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cast haste on everyone my man

>> No.6297193

What level of advice would you like?

1: Some general hints and knowledge, stuff that'd help you a bit but otherwise leave you to figure the rest out yourself.
2: A bit more than the above, advice on character creation, places you should head early, what skills are good and which ones belong in the trash
3: Partial minmax territory, how to get the most out of your characters to a large degree with a general overall skill plan and idea of where to head, perhaps even with a large map of stuff you can look up areas and dungeons too if you want it.
4: Full on minmaxing territory, "I want to see just how ridiculous I can make myself at level 1 and basically dodge as many obstacles and stuff that'd impede me as possible" and stuff like that.

Don't forget the install the Greyface patch, no matter which you pick.

>> No.6297203

Something is messing up your recovery time. It should be at 5. Make sure you got armor skills and aren't using shields. In 6 shield recovery time can't be removed.

>> No.6297212

Read the pastebin, the non-HoMM stuff is at the bottom.

>> No.6297217

I think he was running no armor/no shields and this is a keyboard input issue

>> No.6297260

A little bit of everything. Especially 2 seems important to me. I just don't wanna get murdered by low level mobs in the beginning of hte game.

>> No.6297262

I'll check that out too. Thanks

>> No.6297280

-Air magic (wizard eye), water magic (for town portal/lloyds beacon), body magic (first aid/cure wounds)
-bows (earliest opportunity to learn is at Castle Ironfist I think, worth mastering after you get your magics mastered)
-earth magic outside of stone to flesh is kind of trash, likewise mind and spirit magic outside of cures and don't have to take them past expert.
-light and dark magic are very expensive and difficult to get early if you don't know what to do, but worth it, especially hour of power and day of the gods (light) and shrapmetal and day of protection (dark)

>> No.6297302

thanks m8. I will definitely pick those skills.

Also reading the pastebin right now. Anything else I should know in terms of min-maxing?

>> No.6297308

The Paladin / Archer / Cleric / Sorcerer setup the game offers you at the start is actually pretty strong and balanced, you won't really go wrong with it.
There are wells / fountains littering the world, one for every stat except endurance (I think) that you can find, which give you +2 stats in that stat for a character each time you drink from it up to 15 in that stat, so by all means feel free to stick that character's stats as low as possible for less useful stats and then drink your way up to 15 or 16 in that stat. If a stat well runs out (it does after half a dozen drinks) it will replenish in a couple of days for you to carry on.
Int is useless for Paladins and Clerics, Personality is useless for Archers and Sorcerers. The well for Luck is in the starting town so you may as well give everyone minimum luck and save starting points there.
The process of leveling up takes like 8 days whether you do it for one level on one character, or 20 levels for everyone, so bank your experience until you can do a few at once.
Figure out the travel schedules for every boat and stable if you can, or just look them up. Until you get your skill levels up you're gonna want to stick to using them as much as possible as time is always ticking and your characters do age, so it's good to save time.
Do the stuff in the pastebin about the letter and learning bows, it's a godsend. Don't bother with shields ever and avoid leather / chain armor unless you have skillpoints to burn. Also don't bother investing skillpoints in
>Fire magic
>Earth magic
>Mind magic
That being said, you do want to get learning level 1 as soon as possible along with basically any skill not mentioned here.
Worth investing in up to Master level skill:
>Water Magic
>Air Magic
>Plate armor
>Merchant (1 character, get expert (level 4) early on)
>Identify item (1 character, may as well be merchant too)
>Disarm trap (may be good to get level 4 expert earlyish open every chest with them)

>> No.6297339

The endurance fountain up to 15 is by Castle Stone, a little to the northeast before the mountains.

>> No.6297347

(only get disarm on one character btw)
>Repair Item (pretty useless early on, absolutely mandatory later, 1 character)
>Dagger to expert, master if points to burn
>Body Building (eventually)
>Meditation (eventually)
>Perception level 4 expert for everyone, needed sooner or later
Should basically get all of your points invested in them until they're in the 20s and maybe even beyond:
>Light Magic
>Dark Magic
Early game you should probably have your Sorc dump every point they get into Water Magic until it can hit level 12, your Archer getting Wind magic, and Cleric getting Body magic to 12. Paladin up to you.
Early spells you should pick up ASAP are Enchant Item, Water Walk, Spark, Feather Fall and Wizard Eye if you didn't start with it, get Town Portal, Lloyd's Beacon, Jump, and Fly later on once you have the money and stuff, along with Cure Wounds and Power Cure for your Cleric whenever is good for you.
On Sundays you can take a coach trip from Castle Ironfist to a place called "The Arena" which is a great place to make money early on, it's level dependent so it's best if you're stronger than your level indicates you are. Enchant is a fantastic way to make money once you get it and understand it a little.
Remember to save

>> No.6297350

>>Repair Item (pretty useless early on, absolutely mandatory later, 1 character)
Past a certain level, master it on every character to save a ton of time since it masters at 7

>> No.6297361

I mean sure, if you have points to burn, but you're probably level 70 or 80ish at least by the time you can think about investing 27 skillpoints into something on every character for the sake of convenience.

>> No.6297437

>Paladin / Archer / Cleric / Sorcerer
Hybrids are fucking garbage, just go Cleric + 3 Sorcs.
>Worth investing in up to Master level skill:
>Plate armor
Into he trash with all other armor/shield skills.
Not needed, just hire duper and merchant npcs when you go shopping for spells.
>Identify item
Just hire a fucking scholar.
>don't bother investing skillpoints in
>Fire magic
>Earth magic
Yeah, why would you ever want to fireball or rockblast a bunch of monsters from a safe distance? Better kill them one by one with sparks and daggers.

>> No.6297458

This sucks

>> No.6297462

This rocks.
You just suck at using it.

>> No.6297464

>Hybrids are fucking garbage, just go Cleric + 3 Sorcs.
Not if you want a half worthwhile early game, Shrapmetal spam is nice but it's a one trick pony that only comes much later on.
>Into he trash with all other armor/shield skills.
It's worth it as you can get it to master for an investment of 9 skillpoints while the others take 54 and master level is all you want or need, while it also gives a decent enough buff to AC with gold plate.
>Not needed, just hire duper and merchant npcs when you go shopping for spells.
They don't get you to 1:1 buying and selling prices alone, they should still be picked up sure but they're not all you ever need.
>Just hire a fucking scholar.
You want him to hire three people when the hire limit is two? You've really not thought this through at all.
>Yeah, why would you ever want to fireball or rockblast a bunch of monsters from a safe distance? Better kill them one by one with sparks and daggers.
Not worth the investment.

>> No.6297469

>DUDE just fire your duper and merchant and reload over and over again when you need them

>> No.6297475

MM7 is easier to get into. Feels a bit more polished.

MM6 (and MM7) is more fun to get back to when you get the game a bit more.

Besides, SSSS is fun to play.

>> No.6297489

>Not if you want a half worthwhile early game
That's why you start building up fire magic first instead of some secondary crap like merchant and identifying.
>Not worth the investment.
Worth me not having to invest x10 more time on chipping off at every enemy in melee with butter knives.

>> No.6297501

>That's why you start building up fire magic first instead of some secondary crap like merchant and identifying.
Why are you trying to give deliberately bad advice? There are spells and weapons that can be used just fine without needing to touch crap fire magic, just hit and run with bows for example is simple enough for the early days.

>> No.6297518

I think his point is crap but fireball is alright

>> No.6297520

>deliberately bad advice
It's not me who's telling him to play hybrids in MM6.

>> No.6297521

Fire magic scales horribly aside from fire blast which takes a ton of spell points. Poison spray for your water caster and sparks for your air caster will always be better at the same rank than fireball and you will run out of spell points much more slowly. Daggers are fine at times anyway because heroism and bless apply even more to daggers because they are faster than bigger weapons.

>> No.6297539

The guy didn't ask how to meta the fuck out of the game otherwise we'd tell him how to immediately go to Dragonsand after farming goblins for a gate master

>> No.6297542

Fireball/rockblast damages a bunch of enemies at the same time, shotgunning works on one and only in melee. How exactly is it "better"?

>> No.6297553

What's even the point of using hybrids? +1 HP per level isn't worth -2 SP and loss of access to light/dark magic.
Also, poison is a terrible damage source.

>> No.6297559

Because you have to group them up in the first place. It takes roughly 5-6 enemies per hit of your AoE for it to be as efficient as running into melee and blowing them up. In addition doing it single target makes them die, so you aren't facing big groups for that long as you whittle down the enemy count. With an AoE none of them die until they all die.

>> No.6297560

I mean "horrible", fuck.

>> No.6297561

I've been playing Cove for the last few sessions. From my experience they are ranged-centric and all about early-game sweeping. The first 3 tiers, plus one or two Sea Witches as soon as you can afford them, are very effective against most monster stacks.
>bait them with Nymphs
>shoot them with Pirates, Sea Witches and Cannon
>Crew Mates are slow but sturdy and can finish off anyone who gets too close to your shooters
For these reasons Jeremy is a preferred starter because he's got the Cannon on day 1. And once he has Archery he's practically unstoppable.

Their late-game is not as strong, and honestly also not very fun to play due to bland upper tiers. I'm having the most fun with Cove on S and M maps.

>> No.6297564

Running in melee means you're getting more damage in your face and lose mana on healing.

>> No.6297568

Only when the enemy doesn't have ranged attacks or spells. Your healer shouldn't be doing damage anyway other than the occasional melee attack.

>> No.6297580
File: 405 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 Blaster gattling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a bunch more testing I've finally figured out where the weirdness is.

If I stand completely still and don't touch anything else at all, I can get gattling gun spam. If I try to move or do anything at all, even hitting Print Screen to take this picture, I instantly stop shooting and have to repress A again.

I assume something's wrong here, as it was mentioned I should be able to air strafe while doing this in order to dodge retaliatory fire.

>> No.6297582

Ayo hol' up, is that a fan-made faction?

>> No.6297586

>I assume something's wrong here, as it was mentioned I should be able to air strafe while doing this in order to dodge retaliatory fire.
On my laptop I am able to start moving in a straight line then press A for the gatling gun. Any other movement breaks it so thats why it turns into strafing, turning around, lining up, and doing it again.

>> No.6297602

You still can dodge ranged attacks better when you aren't hugging your enemies.
Healer can still shot a bow. And if you aren't using hybrids (which are crearly sub-optimal), more that one healer is redundant, water and air you can put on the same Sorc, what are you gonna do with 2 other Sorcs anyway? More fireball you can shoot, faster you can kill groups of enemies. And that's MM6, enemies here aren't walking alone most of the time. And higher your magic skill, more mana from shotgun spells will go into overkill anyway.

>> No.6297604

I see, yeah that does seem to work for me too. Was confused as I assumed I'd still be able to move around normally while doing it.

>> No.6297620
File: 509 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 fire magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newish anon who's been posting pics of his MM6 playthrough here:
I'm playing a SSSC party and honestly wish I'd gone with the standard PACS party and had a decent tanker and stuff for the early game, wouldn't have missed having dark magic on 3 people as long as I have it on 1 that's fine. SSSC would have been fine for a second playthrough but for my first time and struggling through early cave and stuff I wish I'd had those "sub-optimal" hybrids.

Also fire magic would have been completely useless for me for the reasons the other guy mentioned, I'd rather have a couple of enemies dead and run off to heal than do some AOE attack that kills nothing and forces me to go off to heal and leaving me at square 1.

>> No.6297662

yeah, one of the two added factions for homm3 succession war mod

>> No.6297770 [SPOILER] 
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, 1585510891493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoopsie doodle.

>> No.6297771

>some AOE attack that kills nothing
It kills off lower tier enemy variants so they can't damage you and you don't have to waste time on shooting/stabbing one-by-one, and it damages higher tiers so you can kill them faster with bows or single-target spells.

>> No.6297773

Lmfao the third eye is in the well

>> No.6297778
File: 559 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 Congratulations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay for real this time.

Was fun, dragged on a bit towards the end there with the gauntlet of nasty huge castles to traipse through, but otherwise I had a good time.

>> No.6297785

If I'd wasted a ton of points into fire, sure it'd do what you said to early enemies.

I'd rather use my points on something worthwhile, however, and just spark spam for a few seconds to do the same thing only instead by investing in a useful skill instead of a worthless one.

>> No.6297813

>useful skill
And what is so useful in it other than fly and wiz eye, which you don't even have to put more that 4 points in to get master and hour/level duration?
Oh yeah, 7 damage/level for 4 mana in melee to one enemy. Clearly so much better than 3,5 damage/level ranged AOE for 8 mana.
End game is a blaster/shrapmetal fest anyway.

>> No.6297823

Any general tips or things I should know going into HoMM 1? I’ve played the shit out of 3 and dabbled in 2.

>> No.6297834

Fire isn't useful, Fireball isn't useful, there was nothing that Spark spam didn't work on for me until I got Light and Dark magic to a good level, and I didn't have to spend a single point on fire magic to do it.

>> No.6297852

Good for you. You're still wrong tho.

>> No.6297861

Back at you, name one thing that Fire Magic would be good for other than fireball that'd make your skillpoints a worthwhile investment.

I'm not exactly seeing dozens of people here agreeing with your assessment of Fireball, or really anyone at all. Feel free to spend your points on Fire Magic, the rest of us... won't.

>> No.6297872

And now you know what the music inside my head sounds like

>> No.6297912

I dunno Haste maybe? Which lasts hour + 3 min/level even on master. And later you don't even have to recast Hour of Power every time Haste on it runs out.
Maybe I like just to blow up a crowd of enemies and go on instead of hugging every one of them?
People have finished the game with solo knight, that clearly means magic is useless, right?
I'm not exactly seeing dozens of people here agreeing with your either, just one other guy going FIRE BAD itt. Also, fuck appeal to the majority.

>> No.6297940

Just like in 2 the actual strategy is to just get Warlock town and roll with Barbarian heroes.

>> No.6297970

Yeah. Armageddon is a real fucking bitch in HoMM 1 since every hero can learn it with no prerequisites, and even dumbass barbarians casting it hurts like a motherfucker. You only really need to deal with this in the last couple of campaign missions though, but you'll need either dragons or a fast enough army to kill all enemy units before they can cast a spell.

You get to choose which faction to complete the campaign with so choose accordingly

>> No.6297981

>I dunno Haste maybe?
Hour of power, or just do it with 1 point in fire and you still get an hour.

There is no non challenge run situation where you'd be buffing fire magic for haste.

>Maybe I like just to blow up a crowd of enemies and go on instead of hugging every one of them?
Dragon Breath. Spark works just fine too even spammed from medium range in a confined space.
>I'm not exactly seeing dozens of people here agreeing with your either, just one other guy going FIRE BAD itt
Two other than me, at least, it looks to me. Point is your ideas are bad and you should feel bad. You want to play inefficiently? Great, do that.

>> No.6297986

Last time I played, I went with SSSS and fire magic.
Blasted pretty much everything up until the end. Lloyd's beacon back and forth between pretty much anywhere and to a temple of Baa for cheap heals.
Clearing out dragonsand and paradise valley by spamming starburst.

Still though. I think you enjoy these games by going through them like the developers intended. PACS is ok.

>> No.6297991

>Challenge run
Just proving my point here.

>> No.6298000
File: 177 KB, 640x480, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roland campaign is done, I heard Archibald's is easier, but can it be beaten faster?

>> No.6298005

>just do it with 1 point in fire and you still get an hour
On one character, yeah. You need an expert for it to work on all party.
>Dragon Breath
1-25 per level for 100 mana? No thanks.
>your ideas are bad and you should feel bad
How many times you have played the game, again?

>> No.6298012

And what exactly is so challenging in full-sorc party?

>> No.6298025

Give bows/archery skill to every character, it's gonna help out greatly at the start of the game both outside and in dungeon, just master the long lost art of walk back+shoot at enemies coming your way to whittle away their numbers.

>> No.6298032

You don't have much to fall back on in the beginning.

>> No.6298036

Good lord anon, that's rather fast. Nice job

>> No.6298040

Ignore this guy.
Cleric+3sorcs is not something you want to play with on your first time.

>> No.6298041

Also Sphinx considers Archibald the true king for some reason, but pretty sure Roland canonically won this succession war.

>> No.6298048

This. Also the fuck you need a cleric for anyways?

>> No.6298051

Better question is: who would pic a paladin over a cleric?

>> No.6298056

Yes, you should pick the default party and clear starting area like a good boy, and don't you dare to go to Castle Ironfist to buy bows til you finish, this is metagaming and not what developers intended.

>> No.6298058

Bullshit, first time I played the game Castle Ironfist was like the second zone ever that I visited after finishing New Sorpigal.
You get archery very early in this game, that's not metagaming at all.

>> No.6298064

>1-25 per level for 100 mana? No thanks.
Completely worth it, it's splash damage in a large radius and you'll have Dark Magic leveled up so high for other stuff anyway that it'll be hitting everything for 500+ damage in one shot. Can't do that with Fireball.

>How many times you have played the game, again?
Enough to clearly see that Fire Magic is a terrible waste of time and offers nothing of value.

Besides, the argument you started here originally isn't "Fire Magic has a use", what you're trying to claim is "Fire Magic is worth investing in early on, to the point of it being the optimal minmaxing strategy" and haaaaaaaaaaard disagree there.

Just ignore him, he's being a dumbass. I think I will too after this point.

>> No.6298068
File: 214 KB, 1007x751, massesoftitansinthecenter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Been a while since I've gotten view towns, wizard castle on the power island.

With this spell I also realized that I made Red a Wizard instead of a Necromancer like I intended.
Thought Red as a Warlock was too weak because the AI fails at getting dragons too often... wizard AI isn't much better in that regard.

Yellow Barbarian killed the AI-only Purp Necro during week 2.

>> No.6298069

But if developers wanted you to clear Goblinwatch and temple with bows, they would have put a bow shop in New Soprigal.

>> No.6298072

Does colour matter?

>> No.6298073

Who talked about cleaning the goblin den and temple with bows?
Besides isn't travel by horse unlocked? Then it was a possibility.

>> No.6298083


On Seven Lakes, Orange is an AI only wizard, purple is an AI only necromancer.

Green starts in the northern lake, nearby towns on the mainland are a wizard town and a sorceress town. So I prefer to make green a sorceress.
Blue starts in the western lake, on the mainland there's two nearby towns, a sorceress and a knight, so I prefer to make blue a knight.
Red=east lake, with nearby necromancer and warlock, so I tend to make Red a warlock because there's already a necro in the game, but as standard if it's AI I think I'll just make red another necro instead.
Yellow=south lake, with nearby barb and warlock town, so I think barb fits yellow best.

>> No.6298090

Archibald had the mandate of heaven, Roland murdered all those seers and then rebelled against him

>> No.6298091
File: 3 KB, 102x94, holup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

das rite

>> No.6298094

Do you think the Oracle would have acted like a sperglord had the Kreegan landed while Archibald was king?
Yeah, me neither.

>> No.6298097

Damn, you're right, I completely forgot about the premise.

>> No.6298105

>Can't do that with Fireball.
I would prefer not to jump back and forth to temple every minute.
>Besides, the argument you started here originally isn't "Fire Magic has a use"
That's more or less what I'm trying to say after all FIRE USELESS bullshit.
>what you're trying to claim is "Fire Magic is worth investing in early on, to the point of it being the optimal minmaxing strategy"
Oh, thanks, good to know what I *actually* was trying to claim.
"Optimal minmaxing strategy" would be to not bother with early dungeons at all and dump money into Kriegspire well from the start of the game after first low-effort high-payoff quests like stable prices, max out Light and Dark, farm money from Enchant Item or Circus pyramid farming or something like that.
>Enough to clearly see that
So you haven't really used it, but KNOW that maxing out air is clearly superior choice. Okay.

>> No.6298110

Remember that the Oracle did nothing while the Terminator Units murdered everyone, let he who is without sin cast the first stone

>> No.6298118
File: 45 KB, 216x295, Roland_Ironfist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rebel against your brother, the rightful king
>your brother held the necromancers in check, now they're doing whatever the fuck they want
>can't even figure out Sulman and Lord Haart are traitors
>can't do anything about Corlagon living down the block from you
>Kreegan land on your watch
>go personally investigate
>congratulations your reign is mostly held in a series of demon rape dungeons
>get blown up by retards with fancy swords
I'm thinkin' he didn't have the mandate

>> No.6298125

>marries the sole heir to the other greatest kingdom on the planet
>your dick makes her complacent and she gives up her throne and lets some random soldier keep a doomsday weapon

>> No.6298126

>I would prefer not to jump back and forth to temple every minute.
You'll have to do that anyway after Fireball scratches their ballsack slightly and then they cave your face in as a response
Your argument to start all of this was that everyone should be running only sorcs and clerics because anything else is sub-optimal hybrid trash (your words), along with wanting to fit 3 NPCs into 2 NPCs worth of space and other such hot takes, followed up by a 5 hour long spergfest from you about how fire magic is better than Spark and so on.
>So you haven't really used it, but KNOW that maxing out air is clearly superior choice. Okay.
I am capable of basic mathematics and basic logic, one of us needs to be.

>> No.6298129


>> No.6298140

I don't think it means what you think it means.
>I am capable of basic mathematics and basic logic
Yeah, I see.

>> No.6298142
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6298315

>because anything else is sub-optimal hybrid trash
But they ARE sub-optimal. Okay, I may at least kinda see why you would put a paladin in a party (healer with plate and daggers) but why would you ever use an archer? It's just a shittier sorc with less mana, more limited spell selection and 1 more hp per level and access to armor and weapons you don't want anyway. Am I wrong here? How?
>wanting to fit 3 NPCs into 2 NPCs worth of space
Because "use duper and merchant when shopping for spells" clearly means you should drag them around ALL THE TIME.
Also, forgot to mention, Dragon's Breath is poison-based, second worst damage type after magic.
Also, if you aren't against ICBMing enemies, fire has Meteor Shower which has better grouping than Starburst and costs 1/3 less in mana, also not a lightning damage which Titans are immune to.

>> No.6298491
File: 1.36 MB, 3056x762, fatpikestack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>first week get Tax Lien from a floating chest
>hire an extra hero just to grab it and then dismiss him
>forget about it
>destroy enemy barbarian hero
>get tax lien
>oh right that guy

>> No.6299025

>I don't think it means what you think it means.

>Gaslight: manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity.
>Biggest warning signs:
>1. They tell blatant lies.
>2. They deny they ever said something, even though you have proof.

Refer back to the previous post where anon tried to deny that they were saying Fire Magic is the optimal strategy. At best it's backpedaling, at worst it's gaslighting, depends whether he was trying to claim he was "never saying it" or "isn't saying it now".

>Am I wrong here? How?
Because it's his first playthrough.
Archers get the same amount of points as sorcs do from what I can see, just with hp and sp reversed. Swords are pretty good and have a huge range of types and options to choose from, as opposed to daggers where you'll probably be stuck using unenchanted long daggers until the late game. For subsequent playthroughs sure go with multiple sorcs, but for a first playthrough that's mostly blind you're not worried about slight differences in having more spellpoints or better access to dark magic or anything like that, you're more worried about survivability, ease of use and being more interesting in general than doubling or tripling up on the same characters repeatedly.

>Because "use duper and merchant when shopping for spells" clearly means you should drag them around ALL THE TIME.
Finding new NPCs and switching them out every time I want to do any shopping at all after finding all of those items I've just had identified for me sounds like hell, plus if it's the duper being dismissed and rehired that's going to fuck with your reputation.

>Also, forgot to mention, Dragon's Breath is poison-based, second worst damage type after magic.
Not really anything you'd care about not being able to dragon breath though, it's just Wyrms and stuff that'd die if you sneezed on it wrong with something a bit more basic than a late game Dark spell.

>> No.6299052

>Also, if you aren't against ICBMing enemies, fire has Meteor Shower which has better grouping than Starburst and costs 1/3 less in mana, also not a lightning damage which Titans are immune to.
Why are you trying to group burst down Titans when Titans are primarily solo or small groups, as opposed to Dragons which have that fuckhuge stack over in Dragonsands?

Air magic can have any number of points invested in it from level 4 upwards instead of needing level 12 for fire magic, Spark is better than Fireball for reasons I could pretty much write a short essay on, Starburst hits noticeably harder than Meteor Swarm vs anything that isn't immune, Air magic will have other uses too that aren't just "I can refresh Hate without using Hour of Power again!" and is just all around far more flexible and a better use of your skillpoints than Fire.

>> No.6299074

Best ending. Always worth saving then throwing the scroll away just to see it once before you finish for real.

Solid score and yes

>> No.6299080

>Always worth saving then throwing the scroll away just to see it once before you finish for real.
That's exactly what I did.

>> No.6299098

iirc random castles on start are not truly random, e.g. if you are in first position, aka blue, you will always get Necro. Not 100% sure, but recall playing multiplayer and there was this guy, oh let's play random and I will be first and he ended up with necro all the time

>> No.6299204

>manipulate (someone) by psychological means into doubting their own sanity
>anon tried to deny that they were saying Fire Magic is the optimal strategy
Yes, please, quote me where I said exactly that it's THE "optimal minmaxing strategy".
>Because it's his first playthrough.
Implying he will ever have the second.
>Archers get the same amount of points as sorcs do from what I can see, just with hp and sp reversed
Level 1, Per/Int and End 17: Paladin/Archer HP 34 SP 8; Cleric/Sorc HP 26 SP 19. I don't think so.
>you'll probably be stuck using unenchanted long daggers until the late game
Why the does it matter? They are faster and give more benefits from Heroism and Hour of Power. Just enchant them yourself if you cant stand using unenchanted weapons
>duper being dismissed and rehired that's going to fuck with your reputation
What? Since when does reputation changes from NPCs stick after firing them? Geeze, maybe I should just go and rehire a bard multiple times for that Saintly reputation?
>Why are you trying to group burst down Titans
Because that's how ICBMing works? Closer multiple explosions => more damage they do. Starburst projectiles drop fucking kilometers apart from each other.
>I could pretty much write a short essay on,
You need to actually use something first to have opinion of any worth.

>> No.6299280

>Yes, please, quote me where I said exactly that it's THE "optimal minmaxing strategy".
See, this is what I mean. Because you didn't say those specific words, only strongly implied it while talking about minmaxing everything and effectively trying to claim it's a good investment over Air Magic, you're trying to pretend that's not what you were going for at all.
>Implying he will ever have the second.
He probably won't thanks to your autistic ass, you're doing a good job of making me not want to play again.
>Why the does it matter? They are faster and give more benefits from Heroism and Hour of Power. Just enchant them yourself if you cant stand using unenchanted weapons
You can't enchant your own weapons that are valued under 250 gold, and most daggers you're going to find for ages aren't worth 250 gold. There is absolutely nothing wrong with one handed swords compared to daggers.
>Because that's how ICBMing works? Closer multiple explosions => more damage they do. Starburst projectiles drop fucking kilometers apart from each other.
Titans are typically spread out, that's what I'm getting at. Might as well just shrapmetal them down one at a time.
>You need to actually use something first to have opinion of any worth.
If I have the exact numbers and statistics of a thing in front of me, why do I need to use it?

>> No.6299284

One of you is going to fess up for saying rock blast was a good idea to invest in. That person is the loser.
>or obviously settle this once and for all in a game of HoMM3

>> No.6299314

>trying to claim it's a good investment over Air Magic
It's a viable investment and you don't screw anything if you master it like some people claim itt.
>most daggers you're going to find for ages aren't worth 250 gold
You can buy Mage's Daggers in Free Haven.
>Might as well just shrapmetal them down one at a time.
You don't need to dodge any lighting bolts and repair half of you items when you meteor them from a safe distance.
>why do I need to use it?
Because you don't actually know how it works in the game.

>> No.6299407

>It's a viable investment and you don't screw anything if you master it like some people claim itt.
77 skill points is a huge investment for something that is at best situational use, especially since the original 'tism comment was complaining that 27 skillpoints invested into a skill that means you don't have to keep swapping NPCs and get full value from shopping is a wasted investment. If you're going to complain that Merchant and ID item for one character are a waste of time, why would you also say that master Fire Magic for everyone isn't?

>You don't need to dodge any lighting bolts and repair half of you items when you meteor them from a safe distance.
So for the sake of minor convenience then.

>Because you don't actually know how it works in the game.
Oh my bad, I didn't know that all the info the game and wikis present is completely wrong, in reality Fireball does 1000 damage to all enemies for no mana cost and no recovery time, clearly it's the best spell in the game once you actually try it.

>> No.6299462

>27 skillpoints invested into a skill
On every character, because training also costs shitload of money. What a useful investment of 5-6 levels worth of skillpoints at the start of the game for the sake of "convenience" of not having to swap npcs from time to time.
>So for the sake of minor convenience then
And now convenience is a bad thing. Yes, a convenience of effortlessly killing titans like 30 levels earlier.
>hurr durr I'm so clever
You have no idea what you're talking about. Fuck you and your bullshit.

>> No.6299558

>On every character, because training also costs shitload of money. What a useful investment of 5-6 levels worth of skillpoints at the start of the game for the sake of "convenience" of not having to swap npcs from time to time.
You'd only invest 9 points early on with one character, instead of investing 77 points into Fire so you can Fireball things down. You don't need master Merchant or ID early on.
>And now convenience is a bad thing. Yes, a convenience of effortlessly killing titans like 30 levels earlier.
You can kill Titans just fine once you have Dark Magic, there's no instance where you NEED to kill Titans earlier on to get things done.
>You have no idea what you're talking about. Fuck you and your bullshit.
Go ahead and explain to me what I will learn by using the spell a bunch vs looking at the raw data. I'm just throwing your stupid argument back at you.

>> No.6299593

>You'd only invest 9 points early on with one character
Duper and merchant gives you effective +14 to skill on all characters, that's an equivalent of 7-8 skill expert.
>Go ahead and explain to me
Really have no desire to anymore. This conversation is pointless. Have a nice day.

>> No.6299651
File: 3.13 MB, 2044x3072, randomblue7lake.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6299675

>Duper and merchant gives you effective +14 to skill on all characters, that's an equivalent of 7-8 skill expert.
Okay, if their skill does not add to your own then you have a point, otherwise you do not. I'm assuming that getting expert 4 yourself adds to the merchant and duper rather than overlaping, as that's been my observation.

>Pusses out after a day's whinging
About what I expected.

>> No.6299685

This was me playing under dos if that makes any difference, but I agree your pic should be the expected. Thanks for testing it and proving I'm spewing bs

>> No.6299694

tried it once in my dos version and I ended up as a barbarian

>> No.6299703

I meant dos as in actual dos, not dosbox back in like 98

>> No.6299810
File: 154 KB, 651x513, HOMM2 Archibald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a bad result at all I think, considering I was messing around for the most part with the first 3 missions taking 118 days total for them and I only started to try to go fast after that point.
Plus the last time I beat this campaign probably 20 years ago I took 10x as long.

>> No.6299849

I'd love to know the exact times I got back in the day.
Even when i think I'm slow I get a black dragon now, but I'm pretty sure I had a worse creature rating back then so it must've been awfully slow.

>> No.6299871

Anyone else not really like SoD? I loved RoE and AB but shadow is such a slog. It feels like every map is either necro or stronghold. the hack and yog campaigns are absolutely brutal

>> No.6299874

I vaguely remember my times, mostly because I'd sit in town for 4 or so months to build up an unstoppable army before taking the entire map.
And I went with the Necromancer's Guild.
And the Ultimate Crown.
I really didn't know what I was doing.

>> No.6300064

okay, I'mma do homm2 revolution
no saves
not even autosaves

I can do it. Even losing is a minor victory as far as I'm concerned as long as I don't use saves.

>> No.6300186
File: 1.75 MB, 4084x760, navigationlandmap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to resist the autosave when a witch hut gave Sandro navigation on this land map.

>> No.6300214

I don't even remember playing campaign as a kid, I was probably filtered right in the first mission. I only remember some scenario on a big map, there was a small snow island in south-east where final battle took place.

>> No.6300243

Just checked in map editor, It seems it was "broken alliance" with its sandy island.

>> No.6300253
File: 2.57 MB, 1548x2484, theend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, I was thinking that it sounded like broken alliance other than that it was a sand island instead of snow island.

>> No.6300267
File: 496 KB, 1011x757, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6300298

My memory for games related stuff is so good, that I even remember stuff like where the Ultimate Crown was buried on Archibald mission 9, to within about two tiles.

This comes at the cost of it being like I have dementia for everything else.

>> No.6300318

Is it always in the same place? Fuck me, I should have just googled that shit

>> No.6300349
File: 63 KB, 358x361, 1322395628136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he went for the crown

>> No.6300354

I can't confirm if it's the same place every time, but if it is then it's practically in the front yard of the enemy castle, just off the side of the road.

>I really didn't know what I was doing.

>> No.6300359

I just wanted to show my insane mspaint skills, sorry.

>> No.6300374
File: 150 KB, 592x500, AWWW SHIET NIGGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's fine don't worry about it, can completely appreciate wanting to show off a pic you'd rarely / never get to use otherwise.

>> No.6301060
File: 3.89 MB, 3020x2260, Revolutionsorcbarbandknightmostlygone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorc & Barb dead.
Knight castles are taken, but they still have heroes hiding somewhere. I don't think I had any losses with Sandro before the Knights, but they slaughtered my bone dragons.

>> No.6301454
File: 1.25 MB, 2080x2478, RevolutionVictory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

made it without scumming

>> No.6301831
File: 35 KB, 484x497, 1585196683604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw always pick Sorceress because qt3.14s
>shit units though

>> No.6301956

their units are good though
their excessive knowledge is shit

>> No.6301989

>elf shooting a lot
>unicorn powerhouse
>phoenix speed
>fairies with no ret
>druids when they get to survive
Sorc has really solid units, they're just a bit too glass cannony, but who cares when you have the fastest speed letting you cast first

>> No.6302094

Winning with the crown as Roland was a lot more enjoyable than steamrolling the final map with my gauntlet-acquired pack of black dragons as Archibald.

>> No.6302105

always hated how they changed the majestic homm2 phoenix into the thicc ugly firebird in homm3

>> No.6302176

>they're just a bit too glass cannony, but who cares when you have the fastest speed letting you cast first
Yeah the trick is to never let the enemy attack

>> No.6302184

Soul is not solely about quality, you mongoloid

>> No.6302201

who cares about retarded youtubers?

>> No.6302328
File: 473 KB, 1280x720, HOMM3 overwhelming odds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh guys, is there any sort of spell I might have or secret Ruski strat that can save my ass here that I'm not thinking of?

>> No.6302351
File: 234 KB, 808x630, HOMM3 spellbook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The spells I have to work with, they cast advanced (expert?) Stone Skin on turn 1 and wait.

The biggest advantage I probably have is I can more or less dictate where and when the fight happens, I've got advanced navigation and I doubt they do too. If I really wanted to I could land on their coast and take their castle on turn 2, then town portal back to my own shore. They have at least two heroes though so they'd probably take it straight back.

>> No.6302362

Oh boy. What are the other guy's stats? Is he the boosted main hero or a random weakling?

>> No.6302382

Fairly average attack and defense, something like 17 spell power.

>> No.6302396

Secret Ruski strat is to not have engagements like this.
Is this hota campaign?

>> No.6302413

Nah it's a single scenario, I wanted something for Cove on a medium map and picked this in the end, it's actually a pretty nice little map I'll want to play in the future, but Impossible difficulty + poor early decisions + getting fucked over on Crystals until I could finally recruit the crystals guy meant it was ages before I got any real momentum going.

Bay of Broken Ships is the name. If you go with Cove you get the important resources but have to rely on a mystical garden for gems and crossing your fingers with a single windmill on the west edge of your island for Mercury and Crystals (Reset the scenario until the +1 crystal per day guy is in your tavern, seriously). Cove gets near exclusive access to the seas and all the derilict ships and floatsam, but Necro gets two towns, much better land and a bunch of creature dwellings for Wrights. I really like what I've seen of it.

>> No.6302557
File: 682 KB, 1296x778, HOMM3 runaround.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Update: I didn't take the fight, instead I landed on his shores and forced him to come back, and I've spent the last month or so just avoiding fighting his main hero and taking all of his shit while exploiting the fact that the AI is shit at dealing with the cover of darkness..

Basically starving him out.

>> No.6302580
File: 601 KB, 1296x778, HOMM3 winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think that Sun Tzu ever said "The best way to win is to keep using Town Portal to confuse the enemy AI and make them wander back and forth in the middle of their land until they lose by default", but I'm sure if he'd known about the Shroud of Darkness he'd have said it absolutely.

>> No.6302592

“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.”
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”

>> No.6302612
File: 573 KB, 1296x778, HOMM3 winner for real this time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah that works nicely.

Also: wait shit, I forgot that the victory condition was actually to flag every creature dwelling and not to kill Purple. Ooops.
Fuck me I came inches from losing it without even realising it, all the creature dwellings are on his side and he had all but the one pictured when I first landed on his side, it's only because I started taking them to reduce his vision in the Shroud of Darkness that I prevented myself from losing.

>> No.6302640
File: 245 KB, 1040x826, halloffame2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe it's time for Red Warlock on 7 lakes.
Possibly wizard on some map.

Warrior Knight is fun, but I've played so much knight lately already.

>> No.6302648
File: 205 KB, 785x589, HoF3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

heh, looking at an old hall of fame screenshot I see that I was 1 day and 1 score rating off from only getting a Titan on my yellowbarb game.
>Seven Lakes, 72 days, 228 rating, Black Dragon
>Teleporters, 73 days, 227 rating, Titan

>> No.6304037

I'm trying out HotA right now. Am I getting this right, heroes with Artillery specialty actually have "Ballista" specialty so HotA's Cannon doesn't apply to it? And vice versa with Jeremy and "Cannon" specialty? Seems kind of fucky

>> No.6304082

They have speciality "Ballista", not artillery.

>> No.6304170


>> No.6304652

You're like a little baby.

>> No.6305246
File: 15 KB, 108x138, PaladinoftheDoseAttackDown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6305261
File: 742 KB, 1275x830, plus4chan power liches.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plus4chan has a Heroes 3 theme now.

>> No.6305342
File: 1.28 MB, 3052x766, nofightwithAerie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6305350

Why is HoMM3 so ugly, bros? It's such a monumental step down from HoMM2 in the art department.

>> No.6305354

HOMM2 just set the bar far too high, HOMM3 was a high jumper at a pole vaulting contest with no pole.

>> No.6305356

NWC fall for "realism" meme.

>> No.6305360
File: 460 KB, 1013x767, wrathmontdragonlord2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks okay.
homm2 is very nice looking within its style though.

>> No.6305401
File: 618 KB, 1024x768, 9411048ab1ded34cc9f615fe6c1d1a7974fa2503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a nice, even amount of days.
I forgot how bittersweet the ending was, shit

>> No.6305403
File: 2.16 MB, 2080x4130, dragonwarsvictory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had an estates witch hut near my capital, and later got the golden goose.
Planned to build armies through diplomacy, but ended up doing it with dragons mostly.

With the goose I started buying resources in the market. Trading gold for sulfur. Paid to get several mage guilds up to level 5 with no decent spells, while Red was dimension dooring around, much smoother once I took beelined his main castle and could dimension door on my own.

>> No.6305487

>Paid to get several mage guilds up to level 5 with no decent spells, while Red was dimension dooring around, much smoother once I took beelined his main castle and could dimension door on my own.
This is one of the things I like and appreciate about the HotA mod for Heroes 3 - there's a mechanic they add in the game that lets you 'research' (reroll) a spell of your choice that you think is crap and it gives you two options to replace it. Each time you research a specific spell in that mage guild it won't give you a previous one until it has been through the entire list, so if you're desperate for Town Portal or something then you can certainly get it.
For level 5 spells it's nerfed in usefulness and not really worth the price, but it's still nice to have the option at all.

>> No.6305597
File: 415 KB, 1010x762, wizardtime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6305769

I get that, but digitized graphics in the 90s were ugly as hell similar to how bad some facial scanning looks today.

>> No.6305950
File: 3.82 MB, 1996x3060, knightvsknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guess I got a bit overconfident

>> No.6305995
File: 2.01 MB, 2028x1520, roundtwo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6306549
File: 2.03 MB, 2080x4130, winterlands.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yellow Wizard on Winterlands. Two random towns near me were Warlock and Knight, I upgraded them to castles quickly for income. Skipped creature dwellings for the warlock town. Eventually upgraded the knight town because I conquered 2 knight castles from blue. Started building a knight army but they never reached any enemies, just finished it all with titans basically.
Used Sir Gallant the Knight as my main hero for most of the game, pushing north then west.
As I got my mage guild up to level 5 I got dimension door, consolidated my titans near home on Ariel and she dimension doored across the map, dug up the ultimate book of knowledge. She basically took half the map in a week while Gallant spent 2 months taking the other half.

>> No.6306553
File: 3.59 MB, 3048x2292, ArielDeathsbane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy Shout is a fun spell.

>> No.6306575
File: 381 KB, 1040x826, HallofFame2020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6306695

>NWC fall for "realism" meme.
They didn't just "fall" for it, it was a time of budding 3D graphics and it was a simple marketing decision, which helped to push the game to audiences. Mullich knew what he was doing. Besides, they didn't sacrifice clarity of visuals and clean artistic vision to make visuals look more modern unlike certain other European developers contracted by some French fucks.

>> No.6307205

Okay, what the fuck do you do to win the Evenmorn scenario in the HotA campaign? You start with NOTHING, jeremy does 0 damage with his cannon, you can build your Cove to Castle and Tower of the Seas, but have 0 possibility of building an economy.
On the other hand, the enemy Fortress player starts with a decent army and starts moving to you as soon as he has about a 100 lizardmen, hundreds of gnolls, 50 wyvern monarchs, 100 serpent flies and 30 mighty gorgons. I get out-fucking-done at every turn. When I try to bumrush him early on, I get my forces crunched too much by the millions of neutral monster stacks on the way to him. If I stay put trying to amass some troops, he just steamrolls me later on anyway. Your heroes start with shitty, useless skills, you are hemmed in by the environment, and the OTHER towns are at the far ends of the map and take at least a month to travel to.

What kind of vodka-fuelled slav savescumming shitty nigthmare is this? Is something wrong with the Russian brain where games aren't fun to them unless they have to save and reload every 3 seconds to perfect every moment of gameplay, otherwise failing you hard? Fuck me, S.T.A.L.K.E.R felt exactly the same way.

What do? I'm not the best strategist at all, but I could get through any of the other campaigns without much difficultues (except Dragonslayer, fuck that shit).

>> No.6307238

You have me kind of interested now what that scenario is like. I've not seen every scenario they've made by a longshot, but the ones I have seen were interesting and fair.

If you want to play Cove, give "Bay of Broken ships" a try, it's almost like a mini campaign in feel to it. Restart until you get the +1 per day Crystal guy in your tavern as there's no Crystal mine on your island, the seas are basically yours to command, just don't take too long and know you wanna get the Seer's hut done with your main wisdom guy as well as the Black Dragon tower on the tiny east island. You'll see what I mean.

>> No.6307332

It's the second part of the HotA main campaign.

I wrote very frustratedly, but most of the campaign was actually quite good so far. It's interesting that Cove gets built up as the story progresses: you tame the Ayssids, the Sea Priestesses join with Casmetra, and I like the frontier feel of not having a fully buildable town and that you're forced to explore the adventure map as much as possible.

Where it falls short is the soul-crushing difficulty. It's kind of a given for me that you have to restart a scenario because you need the advantage of knowing the map and the enemies in a basic kind of way, you can focus on the wrong units and the wrong heroes andsoforth... but this scenario in particular feels impossible, or requires an extremely cheap cheese strategy that I haven't quite found yet. The problem is that the Fortress player can build up his forces with Pandora's Boxes, a full town, and an already big starting army way too quickly. I can't see how I can achieve victory. You can't win by Might, because you will have neither the money nor the time to generate an army big enough to outbrawn your enemies, and your Magic borders on useless. The spell loadout of the Mage's Guild seems locked. There's no blind, there's no Clone, there's no Slow, there's no Earth Magic for that matter, there's no Haste. You get View Earth, Air, Magic Arrow, Protection from Fire, Bless (useful at least), Fire Wall (no Fire Magic, thanks), Lightning, Waekness and Remove Obstacle (real useful, thanks guys). The third and fourth level spells are similarly useless, except maybe sorrow. I would prefer Slow with Expert Earth Magic though. At the very very far end of the map inside a subterranean passage behind a teleporter, there is a Tome of Fire Magic guarded by 10+ Phoenixes. I would simply say "fuck it, i'll get the Fire Tome" if that were a viable option logistically, and if there were the possbility of getting Fire Magic. Every option is unviable, short-term or long-term.

>> No.6307439

There are probably playthroughs on youtube, check them.

>> No.6307463

I have found some playthroughs on youtube, but they are very long. Maybe I can find something there. Still, it should perhaps be a little bit easier on Rook difficulty. If I wanted the scenario to be this hard I would have selected Queen or something.

>> No.6307484

I got to Prisoner of Doom scenario in Bidley's campaign before hitting the same wall. I'm sure I could do it if I lowered to expert but I'd rather just leave it at that point. No idea how I'm meant to do it on impossible, there's no way to buy enough army to immediately rush the AI's first castle and you're fucked if you don't get there in the first 2 weeks since you can only build to rocs and both their towns can build to behemoths, can't build city hall in your town or even a fucking tavern.

There is a playthrough on youtube for the scenario I was fucked by, it was uploaded on an older version of hota where the difficulty is locked to hard so doesn't help.

>> No.6307554

Found the guide how to beat this map in Russian. Tried to translate it. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1JSYosV4VX9aLiU04_Q-sOU9XHVYCwtihaC1aYep2-oI/edit?usp=sharing

>> No.6307626

>It's interesting that Cove gets built up as the story progresses: you tame the Ayssids, the Sea Priestesses join with Casmetra, and I like the frontier feel of not having a fully buildable town and that you're forced to explore the adventure map as much as possible.
Ubiheroes do that all the time lol

>> No.6307728

Based tovarishch bro. You are a godsend. Finally managed to take Fortress early on, that guide is basically NEEDED to win this scenario. It was a close thing even going step by step, but it worked.

This proves to me that this community is full of great people. Despite my bitching someone took the time out of their day to help me out with this mod campaign. Thanks

>Ubiheroes do that all the time lol

Restoration of Erathia did that already as well? Griffins and Angels were a part of the first campaign afair.

Also, I kind of have more respect for a bootleg russian mod made by gopniks in their spare time to include this kind of build-up into their content than an AAA publishing company that ends up buthering the IP and raping the franchise into forever-mobile-card-game-hell.

>> No.6307908


Looks like early succwar mod versions had hippogryphs and owlbears

>> No.6307912

you will never get the succ

>> No.6307914
File: 13 KB, 360x360, HeroZydarIII.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you will never get the succ

>> No.6308262
File: 45 KB, 79x113, homm2bluedragonidle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6308346

playing MM6 for the first time. Going for the basic:

>Might 20
>Intellect 7
>Personality 7
> Endurance 16
>Accuracy 13
>Speed 13
>Luck 9
>Disarm Trap

>Might 15
>Intellect 14
>Personality 7
> Endurance 13
>Accuracy 16
>Speed 13
>Luck 7
>Air Magic*

>Might 7
>Intellect 9
>Personality 20
> Endurance 12
>Accuracy 11
>Speed 12
>Luck 14
>Body Magic*
>Spirit Magic
>Mind Magic

>Might 7
>Intellect 21
>Personality 9
> Endurance 14
>Accuracy 7
>Speed 18
>Luck 11
>Fire Magic*
>Air Magic
>Water Magic

No idea what to do for the last two skills of archer... not sure about the stat allocation on any of them. Anybody got any advice? I just wanna have a competent party so I don't get steamrolled in the early game, and can still be very powerful later on.

>> No.6308369
File: 281 KB, 1024x701, Might&Magic_6_worldmap-From Game World Navigator #6'1998-mm6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are playing patched MM6, Expert Dagger is the best skill. Sure it eventually gets out scaled by Master Axe like everything else, but that is very far into the game.
If you are playing unpatched Dagger/Spear is still the best skill, but you don't get any benefits from dual wielding

Outside of that, remember to figure out if holding shift gives you faster attacks.
Have fun.

>> No.6308461

Well, I started with those stats, did the stuff from the pastebin, and now I am trying to do 3 quests I picked up that all happen to be in the Abandoned Temple... problem is there are mobs waiting outside and they totally rape me.

>> No.6308559

Everything in New Sorpigal that is reachable by foot isn't that bad with daggers.
Even less so with alchemy and buffs.

>> No.6308561

Is there any other post game changes in MM7 than peasants talking about rumors of laser wielding goblins conquering the countryside (Dark path). I love RPGs where you can run around after changing the world and see the ramifications but that seemed to be the extent of it

>> No.6308567

I'm using 2 bows, 1 dagger, 1 sword

>> No.6308572

Are you using shift/caps lock to attack fast, in the correct method?

>> No.6308576

haven't tried that actually. I thought you didn't want to press the run key while attacking cause it made attacks slower.

>> No.6308580

Just make sure you are doing it the correct way.
I got to the orb quests before I figured out, and it turned the game silly tedious.
It also made turnbased seem a lot stronger than it really was

>> No.6308590

>Just make sure you are doing it the correct way.
what's the right way? Is there like a timing to it?

>> No.6308595
File: 102 KB, 640x480, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Might 20
You're missing stat threshold here and further. Put 21 or 19.
>Intellect 9
>Personality 9
Wasting points again, just put them at minimum.

>> No.6308597

thanks m8!

>> No.6308601

No, its just stupidly slow if you do it the wrong way.
Make sure to figure which one is which one.
Diablo did something similar with Run vs Walk, as did a lot of games of the era.
Its just a bad mechanic because you sorta want to walk everywhere, because there is insane penalties for running. At the least in the common implementation.

>> No.6308628
File: 101 KB, 640x480, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or probably even something like that. Health would be more important at the start and with bows might doesn't matter.

>> No.6308657
File: 60 KB, 210x190, greengoldredblackrustazure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6308762

Based colour autist

>> No.6308850
File: 27 KB, 94x170, PaladinCrusaderKnightTemplar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6309024

>with bows might doesn't matter
>dagger is best

why not a second archer instead of the knight?

>> No.6309394

Because he choose KACS? Didn't wanted to provoke screeching about party composition again.

>> No.6309518

I'm getting the same kinda problems with the following scenario, Shores of Hell. Is there a guide for that in Russian too? I stilll wished that the scenario difficulty would depend less on omniscience of the entire map and extremely time efficient use of time. You're never going to guess where to find the Portals, Tents and Border Gates you will have to pass before the end of the first week in order to even have a small chance to win. I encountered an Inferno enemy early in Month 2 who already had a huge army of 50+ efreets etc. Fair enough, if I use my magic properly I still have a decent shot at winning. Then he instantly uses expert level Berserk, that's just adding insult to injury. You get nothing, but the enemy has everything and more, and you have to bumrush day 1 in order to have a minor chance of winning. Once I have to restart your scenario for 3+ times after playing it multiple hours each, you need to reconsider your scenario design.

>> No.6309543

What did you expect from PVPfags who know the game back to back and can't get their PP hard from playing on 180% anymore

>> No.6309569

Sadly the next guide is kinda obscure and relies more on video. Use subtitles with auto-translate as the commentator speaks quite clearly and the machine captures and translates words well.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NSszEsgqFX0&list= part 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYDWh-E7skc&list= part 2
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SGIB-nvnofk&list= part 3
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fZXmYIbmOmI&list= part 4

>> No.6309795

>they didn't sacrifice clarity of visuals and clean artistic vision to make visuals look more modern
They absolutely did though. The battle sprites are ugly as shit and always were.

>> No.6310243

That's just your opinion man
Each creature is well animated and instantly identifiable both as to what it is and against any kind of background in the game, and that's not something that has to be taken for granted, you can trust Ubisoft on that

>> No.6310785


>> No.6310796

The fuck else are you gonna do. Inferno was degenerate from inception.

>> No.6310941

As opposed to what? That's how they're portrayed in fiction. Do you also want tall skinny dwarves?

>> No.6310946

Any thoughts on the MM6/7/8 combined mod?

>> No.6311215
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>> No.6311218
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>> No.6311219
File: 13 KB, 108x137, CrusaderAttackDown.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6311489

>looking over ripped vampire sprites from homm2
>standard vampire has red colors
>vampire lords have yellow colors
>except in some frames for the vampire lord the eyes are yellow and others still red
>and the inside of the mouth was also changed into yellow

>> No.6311509
File: 11 KB, 64x83, BLEH.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6311910

Worth playing once for sure, but not as good as the base games. Since you have carry over you end up finishing one game early and then blasters trivialize the other two. The cross-game mechanic is really neat, but with the scaling of the 3 games being so different you basically play 1 game and then destroy everything.

>> No.6312003

>in 8
One day I'll do this

>> No.6312043

Thanks. I guess I will just use a cheat or something to see the rest of the campaign though. It's a shame because the map design and the general idea of the game is great. The pirate faction is lore friendly, the heroes were designed in the same style with the same kind of flavour text, every element of the map is used sensibly and the first few scenarios are absolutely beatable. The soul-crushing difficulty is what ruins it later on, and I think this is where the balancing issues come in. Cove is kind of a strong faction,and I guess that's to compensate for the fact that you cant grow a large army of them for most of the HotA campaign. They should have probably done something to make Water Magic more useful. Most of the time you will use Lightning Bolt with Casmetra...Why? You will not have Air Magic proficiency, so why not give her Ice Bolt, Prayer, or a NEW spell to work with? Sensible opportunities got passed up to make it annoyingly difficult I guess.

>> No.6312249

I think odds are slim anyone here will be able to help, but it won't hurt asking i guess
I pirated m&m x to see if i'll like it. i played for a few hours, decided i did, and bought the game. Then it turned out the legal copy doesn't see my old saves ( i have moved them into the right folder and converted them to the proper format). Anyone has any ideas how can i force the game to see my saves? I kinda don't feel like throwing hours of gameplay into the trash, but i'd also prefer to play on the legal copy.

>> No.6312291

Jesus, it took some serious workarounds, but i managed to do it. Fuck ubisoft for making moving saves imppossible btw. Apparently, it wouldn't work between two legal copies, either.

>> No.6312292

>Jesus, it took some serious workarounds, but i managed to do it.

>> No.6312429

followed your advice and successfully killed the goblins that are by the bridge outside trying to ambush you outside New Sorpigal. Killed at least part of the other group that decided to aggro me (the group that includes some wizards).

After that decided to look at a guide (I know, I suck), and it showed me a "glitch" (idk, the guide said it seems like is placed there deliberately by the devs, so it's more of an easter egg or cheat?) for getting to the shrine of the gods or something, so I got +20 on all stats for all characters, then went into some dungeon with a bunch of items and gold and have close to 300 on all stats (temporarily)... it was the shit! Ready to train some skills, and get some decent gear together, then go clear out the abandoned temple.

>> No.6313249 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6313256
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>> No.6313290
File: 35 KB, 85x167, BluePhoenixDeath2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6313337

>abra abra cadabra
>I wanna reach out and grab ya

>> No.6313612

>m&m x
Is it the trash pile that I've heard it is?

>> No.6314428
File: 993 KB, 200x234, 1585095654268.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Expert Berserk

Reminder to always pick Fire Magic

>> No.6314461

Honestly I'm having a blast playing it, but I'm not a m&m veteran, so i might just be perceiving it differently. Would say it's a good game of it wasn't for the tremendous amount of bugs. Every time i launch the game i experience a new bug, and some are seriously frustrating.

>> No.6314481

No it's an okay dungeon crawler
It just doesn't really play out like a Might and Magic game
Which may be a good thing in your eyes

>> No.6314579

is fire magic better than water magic because of berserk?

>> No.6314608

based and mindrape-pilled

>> No.6314643

That and efreet armageddon shit

>> No.6314656

No, water has bless, prayer, clone, forgetfulness

>> No.6314662
File: 249 KB, 672x1024, Heroes-of-Might-and-Magic-Игры-Heroes-of-Might-and-Magic-2-HOMM2-4695213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a unit growth spreadsheet for homm2?

>> No.6314679

the extra damage for spells is really minor from magic skills

>> No.6314682

Okay, I'll pit a guy with Expert Fire Magic and Berserk against you with bless, prayer, clone, forgetfulness and a large army.

I'm taking bets on who will win.

>> No.6314683
File: 41 KB, 800x750, homm_3___sandro_by_kiriosanjouin_d3cnhtq-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6314697
File: 130 KB, 1200x709, Heroesofmightandmagic_GF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Implosion
2. Mass slow
3. Meteor shower
4. Resurrection
5. Town portal
6. Force Firled
7. SHIELD is amazing

1. Dimension Door
2. Fly ignores terrain penalties at Expert
3. Haste
4. Lightning Bolt & Chain Lightning
5. Counterstrike(underrated but situational)
6. Air shieldi is okay, but its nothing compared to Forgetfulness /Berserk/Blind

1. All the buffs and Forgetfulness
2. Ice Bolt
3. Teleport & Clone
4. No level 5
5. Water terrain isn't incorporated decently into gameplay due boat mechanics, so water loses its core benefit

1. Curse and Bloodlust
2. Blind and Fire Wall
3. Armageddon &
4. Slayer doesn't work against everything
5. Inferno and Fireball both have garbage scaling
6. Sacrifice is cool

>> No.6314728

Listing all the spells is useless.

Earth magic is the best because of Town Portal.
Air Magic is the second best because of Dimension Door.
There are other good spells, but you don't need to consider them when it comes to which school is better because of those perfect spells.

The question is fire vs water, what really matters.
Marginally better blind or a marginally better ice bolt or armaggeddon definitely does not better.

>> No.6314749

Yes and no.
It depends on the investment. Both Lightning and Ice bolt are both good without the skill investment.
Earth and Air has some very critical tools behind Wisdom and high guild levels.
Fundamentally the key problem is that Forgetfulness is one of the best spells for creeping, since ranged losses is one of the reason why you can't do a lot.
But Berserk just gets better and better.

But fundamentally:
Town Portal = Dimension Door > Fly > Mass Slow > Forgetfulness = Berserk = Blind > Haste > Damage magic = Buff magic

>> No.6314758

>Fundamentally the key problem is that Forgetfulness is one of the best spells for creeping, since ranged losses is one of the reason why you can't do a lot.
Ah okay

>> No.6314771

>Air Magic is the second best because of Dimension Door.
The problem with that is DD (and fly) is disabled as an option on 95% of the maps I've ever played.

>> No.6314812

Yeah with changes like that it's more of a discussion.

Without Fly, DD and Town Portal, how would you rate the 4 school specialities?

I remember playing Reclamation one time, I think Fly and DD are just disabled on the map, but town portal isn't, town portal is just manually removed from every mage guild except 2. The AI got it in one of his, the Orange one that also gets 2 level 7 dwellings of its type.
So whichever front I move forward on he town portalled his main hero which had more Arch Devils than I had unicorns.

>> No.6314823

Knight was the MVP in my M&M6 walktrough. I remember them having tons more health than other classes which meant that the spell that redistributed health was a full healing for most party members.

>> No.6314834

I've never seen Town Portal disabled, just DD and Fly like I mentioned.
Earth > Water = Fire (or water slightly above) > Air

>> No.6314850
File: 51 KB, 400x323, confused kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5. Water terrain isn't incorporated decently into gameplay due boat mechanics, so water loses its core benefit

>> No.6314965

The overall line-up isn't that good but expert Berserk is excellent for dealing with enemy armies that are bigger than yours.

>> No.6315307

>if we ban good spells, the school becomes worse

shocker, but then you are playing homm'

>> No.6315320
File: 57 KB, 225x131, VampireKingBleh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6315323

When HoMM invented TP and DD they were decently limited by the fact you'd have to refresh them in the town they were obtained in instead of casting them a million times with your huge mana pool. Keeping them in H2 and H3 without limitations is devs' mistake.

>> No.6315335

homm3 did somewhat fix DD compared to homm2 at least.
Limited the # of times you can cast it by turn, a few more with air magic.

They went the opposite with Town Portal though for some reason.
In homm2 there was Town Gate a level 4 spell which functions like homm3 standard town portal, you portal back to the closest town, then the super rare Town Portal a level 5 spell which functions like homm3 expert town portal where you can choose town.
So DD was slightly nerfed, but TP became very common instead of extremely rare.

>> No.6315608

I kinda wanna play M&M games, but someone told me they're time limited, and i cannot stand time limitations. Is that true?

>> No.6315614

>Hair on top of a hood
So is it like Jotaro's hat?

>> No.6315680

If you mean HoMM then scenarios can have turn limits (finish within 4 months) especially within the campaigns. If you mean the base series then there aren't any limits aside from a trap gimmick in MM2.

>> No.6315685

If you do mean the Might & Magic games, only limited in the same sort of way that your time on this mortal coil is limited.

>> No.6315718

There is a soft time limit in form of aging. If your characters get too old they start losing stats. In practice, outside of unnatural aging (which is cleansable) it's almost impossible to take that many years of ingame time.

>> No.6315758

Not counting HOMM because it's basicaly as mainline as M&M, what are your favourite spin-offs?

>> No.6315786

Well i'm super slow playing anything, so i could probably hit the old age thing. But you say it's cleansable? Is this a reliable thing, or something difficult to do?

>> No.6315808

Unnatural ageing is cleansable, as in if a Ghost pokes you with his special attack and ages you by a year you can get rid of that.

Regular ageing you can't do shit about, but you have full years with full 24 hour days to work with and the game is easily beatable in under a year, just as long as you don't try to walk absolutely everywhere and use some advanced magic instead, or at least pay for a ride at the stables to move to other areas.

>> No.6315841

As long as you don't use the training center individually for every character that gains a level and at least wait until they can all level up at once, and don't walk on foot everywhere across the world as
said, the odds of your characters ever becoming geriatrics is basically nil.

>> No.6315848

Well the problem is, most of my joy in games is walking absolutely everywhere. Is there maybe a cheat, or a save-editing tool that would allow me to age back if i fuck up?

>> No.6315870
File: 114 KB, 546x438, Deal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, what's wrong with using a coach service if you don't want to use magic? In MM6 at least there's 15 very big areas that make up the world and you can walk from one end of those areas to the other in a couple of hours, then if you rub up against the border of one of those areas you can choose to travel to the next map area but it'll take 5 days or whatever to do. With a coach trip it's roughly the same thing, but it takes two days instead.

>> No.6315880

You can saveedit but trust me hitting natural age cap is nearly impossible.

>> No.6316008

This isn't going to happen unless you murder a ton of villagers, go to jail, and get out and do it again, over and over

>> No.6316592
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>> No.6316992 [DELETED] 

You can easily hit every tile in the game within 2 years. Your characters have over 100 years with some races having a lot more than that.

>> No.6317003

You can hit every tile in the game within 2 years and even if you are super slow about it then 5-7. Your characters have over 100 years with some races having a lot more than that.

>> No.6317061

>t's almost impossible to take that many years of ingame time.
You can work for money.
In M&M3 a week has 10 days and a year 10 weeks so you age more quickly than you realize.

>> No.6317063

It's a noob trap, buddy. And worst come to worst you can just generate a new party in MM3 at the Inn, which you can't do in 6-8.

>> No.6317410

dunno why you think you know better than the devs, lol. Things not working the same across versions is expected.

>dd op
>tp op
>diplomacy op
>necro op
>conflux op

just play the game

>> No.6317426

>dunno why you think you know better than the devs, lol
Because we have 20 years of experience playing the game on top of new installments with creative new ideas that do improve the gameplay. Devs are not infallible and their image of what the game should look like and how it's supposed to be played doesn't always line up with how it actually ends up played or what's better and healthier in terms of mechanics.

>just play the game
Why do dumbass kurwa boomers think their opinion matters?

>> No.6317540

lmao, sure you know better dude

>> No.6317547

Why don't you go back to heroescommunity, sperg

>> No.6317550

sorry, I did not want to hurt your feelings, you are free to play your mods, argue about them or present your custom rules as canon. Bit silly, but me my guest, h3 obviously selects for autists like you

>> No.6317589

Keep seething

>> No.6317675

Unlike HoMM2 that selects for people who autistically proclaim that their colourful high-fantasy strategy game is better than the following colourful high-fantasy game, so much that they painstakingly convert the look of the game with a mod?

>> No.6317682

Why does this community fight 24/7 over which game was better?

>> No.6317775


Weapons-grade turboautism. Instead of enjoying whichever game (or combinations thereof) you like, you have to shit on those who like something different.

>> No.6317780

because some people are wrong and they're vocal about it

>> No.6317810

nah, you are deliberately mixing things up, saying homm2 style is visually more appealing while homm3 brings better game mechanics is perfectly valid
personally I observe the high tier arguing about minutia and being wrong autism from h3 fans way more than h2, but your experience might differ, I can agree to disagree

>> No.6317817

>Devs are not infallible and their image of what the game should look like and how it's supposed to be played doesn't always line up with how it actually ends up played or what's better and healthier in terms of mechanics.

You mean the devs didn't intend their game to become the hot dumpster fire where the best player is the one who gets Dimension Door and Town Portal? Surely you jest.

Jokes aside, just consider how many unpredictable variables there are in games like this. It's not like Chess where both sides have the same pieces with the same moves - it's going to be a fucking free-for-all with horrific min-maxing strategies. As a one-off scenario it's acceptable to cheese our enemy with Efreet-Armageddon combo, but when every game becomes a rush for the first broken lvl 4-5 spell the game loses it's charm and the VARYING in strategy which is the point of the game. The devs just made a game that happened to catch lightning in a bottle, but the way it was made does not lend itself to balanced competitive play, which the devs also did not intend for.

>> No.6317835

Well, HOMM works because its not a balanced game. Its just balanced just barely enough to make hotseat viable. And to make the AI to be decent until actual stratagems are formed.
But its long term balance is certainly better than HOMM1, and HOMM2, where the factions are balanced around earlygame Might factions vs Lategame Magic factions.

>> No.6317920
File: 70 KB, 707x960, 92254115_560043851289249_799207720598110208_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6317934

Okay, I guess I'm actually fucking stupid and forgot to save that tier list of Homm3 skills and one other thing that was posted at the same time.

Anyone got them?

>> No.6317947
File: 525 KB, 507x1086, Homm3Skills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

several ones have been made, for different versions
I think I have 2-3

>> No.6317951
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>> No.6317965
File: 20 KB, 63x86, TrollRockMage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6317968

Just get logistics and earth magic, bro.

>> No.6317986

It was one with S, A, B, C, D, E and F tiers, one other chart too.

Nobody remembers it from like two threads ago?

>> No.6318020

Check the archive then if it was that recent.

>> No.6318023

I think I saw it, but I don't think I saved it.
Pretty sure it was a hota chart and had one of their skills in it. I think I saw it on /v/ a week ago though.

>> No.6318030
File: 466 KB, 967x657, HOMM3 skill tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found them.

>> No.6318032
File: 887 KB, 1141x717, HOMM3 spell tiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quicksand in S tier
Really? I have literally never used that spell before.

>> No.6318036

It's the slow spell in S, quicksand in C tier.

>> No.6318060

was gonna ask about the ranking of ballistics, artillery and sorcery
opinion discarded

>> No.6318064

What does it mean?

>> No.6318073

Oh right, just saw it and thought it was quicksand.

>> No.6318078

Sorcery is decent on specalists.
But if its not on a specialist its:
1 extra spellpower per 20
1 extra spellpower per 10
3 extra per 20, or about 1 each 7-8 spellpower.

>> No.6318576

Being wrong is one thing, but having a different opinion is another. There's no such thing as wrong opinion. Person who claims Homm IV is the best game in series is just as right as a person who claims Homm III is the best. Now, if they said it sold more(which I don't know if it did, not gonna check) while it didn't, only then would they be wrong.

>> No.6318579

>There's no such thing as wrong opinion.
allow me to demonstrate.

Homm6 is the best game in the series.
Homm2 and Homm3 are unplayable trash.

>> No.6318609

Just because an opinion is unpopular, it doesn't mean it's wrong. By definition, opinions cannot be wrong.

>> No.6318626

>By definition, opinions cannot be wrong.
Yours is.

>> No.6318635

>There's no such thing as wrong opinion.
Yes there is. You can't just say stupid shit, placate it with "it's opinion" and expect to not be called dumb

>> No.6318657

wtf is Shield doing in S tier? More useful than Fly, Haste, Implosion and Chain Lightning? I swear tier lists are made with the sole purpose of fucking with people.

>> No.6318665

Do you know how shield works?

>> No.6318686

-30% melee damage on your guys is really that good? I never use it but now that I think about it, you're getting double expert armorer for the price of one spell. Still figured opening up the adventure map with Fly or nuking the enemies strongest stack with Implosion would be more useful, no?

>> No.6318705


>> No.6318708

>Still figured opening up the adventure map with Fly or nuking the enemies strongest stack with Implosion would be more useful, no?
I don't necessarily agree with the chart overall.
I think Town Portal+Dimension Door>Most things.
Probably Fly as well.
I think I might put shield above implosion though.
I don't think it's crazy to see Shield in S tier anyway.

>> No.6318723

>HoMM is not balanced
That's stupid. It has options. People play Jebus Cross in HotA because it's fast and somewhat balanced for PVP. If people want a complex single-player adventure they play Wayfarer. If you think DD is too strong you can just block it out. This is why it's so weird that people are against adding options and general balancign that allows the game to be played in more ways than before.

>> No.6318759


>I don't think it's crazy to see Shield in S tier anyway.
Guess I'm the shitter, always thought Haste was the best buff.

>> No.6318872
File: 1.86 MB, 1614x879, 1544372111079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw the anon that used to make maps for HoM&M 3 in these threads is now long gone

Take me back.

>> No.6318954

The fairy spanker?

>> No.6319002

>Obelisk color matches surroundings
>dirt-swamp transition at Marletto Tower is a semi-circle parallel to its moat
>Sulfur hills merge into dirt hills
It's those little details that make it all the more aesthetic.

>> No.6319058

I've seen him on /v/ recently

>> No.6319738

was probably someone else

>> No.6319857

this is literally modern journalism. Baiting with straightforward lies presented as opinion

ah, the everyone should play necro argument. People are not against modding, but when the autistic screeching starts how the mod is the true source or argue about game mechanics from the point of their made up rules that's where it becomes a joke.

>> No.6319910

That's a good looking map.

>> No.6319935

I'm not saying it can't be dumb, I'm saying it can't be wrong.

>> No.6320157

>ah, the everyone should play necro argument
No, it's the literal opposite of that. It's "how do we make it so people don't have to play necro".
>when the autistic screeching starts how the mod is the true source
Literally nobody said that, you started screeching first.
>or argue about game mechanics from the point of their made up rules
People argue about game mechanics because they have a deep understanding of them, unlike you, who for some reason feel threatened that people dare to examine the game critically.

If you are willing to say that opinions can't be wrong you should always be willing to accept that stating objective falsehoods such as sun revolves around Earth or 2+2 is 5 aren't opinions but in fact, simply incorrect statements.

>> No.6320176

They fucking suck what are you on about?

>> No.6320225
File: 366 KB, 1305x143, rRfUKSm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heroes 3 HD Mod introduced a new feature that shows rounds and which stack is next, similar to Heroes 5. Very nice.

>> No.6320280

Looks like unnecessary and overloaded pile of shit. How to disable it?

>> No.6320286

Seems really convenient for casual maps and single player

>> No.6320314 [DELETED] 
File: 3.68 MB, 4856x2627, Concept maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take me back
I'm still here! I've actually started the previous thread but since I didn't have anything to contribute, I left you fine people to talk about M&M.
Can I help you somehow?

>> No.6320319
File: 3.68 MB, 4856x2627, Concept maps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Take me back
I'm still here! I've actually started the previous thread but since I didn't have anything to contribute to the conversation, I mostly kept to myself and played a lot of Civ VI.
Can I help you somehow?

>It's those little details that make it all the more aesthetic
Appreciate the compliments! I spent more time than I'd like to admit on making the environments (and especially the fauna) of the Fortress and Rampart maps look as natural as possible.

>> No.6320329

Those look superb, but are they fun balanced to actually play on?

>> No.6320338

play at original resolution

>> No.6320346

lmao keep calm dude, the game is intended to be played as is, case closed. Feel free to express how the devs made a mistake because your autism prevents you from playing it properly or how shit air magic is if you take out the good spells

>> No.6320374

You clearly don't differentiate between opinions and facts
>Game X is better than Y
>Game X has a higher metascore than Y

>> No.6320391

Opinions are based on facts, you dumb nigger.

>> No.6320398

Opinions are determined by one's personal experiences and point of view. That's why there's no one correct way of art interpretation. You cannot determine who is more right when two people see a particular piece of art in two different ways (unless you can ask the creator, but most of the time they either don't have a set interpretation, or are dead and can't tell anymore). The same goes for games, there is no one set method of interpretation, even the researchers who attempted to unify game studies were unable to because too much was based on the reviewer's opinions (for example one thought the HUD is clear and the other thought it's a visual clusterfuck. How do you determine who was right?).

>> No.6320419

are you planing to do anything for the two new hota terrains?

>> No.6320443
File: 1.31 MB, 1242x735, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are you planing to do anything for the two new hota terrains?
I've experimented with the Wasteland terrain already, as seen in the attached pic. I also planned on making a concept map for the neutral Conflux/Cove faction that would've been in the middle of my never-to-be-made map but have decided against it simply because of how much time I wasted just on those eight concepts. Maybe I'll do something with them eventually - no promises though.

>but are they fun balanced to actually play on?
Well, the primary purpose of those maps (if you could even call them that) is to show what, in my opinion, each HoMM faction is about by using the faction's native terrain, decorations and objects and combining them in unique ways.
I once had an idea to join all these concepts into one single gigantic map. The goal of that map would be digging out the Grail and building it in the middle of the map in a Conflux city. However, I work way way way too slow to ever have the hope of finishing it, but maybe some of you could use it for your own maps.

>> No.6320701
File: 46 KB, 303x152, around the bay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we are talking about maps, here's one of 2 new maps inspired by HoMM 1 which would be added with next hota update.

Second one is based on "claws" map but actually bigger.

With this two the final list of HoMM 1 maps in hota should be like this
- Marsh
- Island of dust
- Claws
- Around the bay

>> No.6320757

>noooo you can't just tell me dimension door breaks logistical strategy element noooo
Holy cope

>> No.6320796

I'd rather have H5-style Tactics phase.

>> No.6320914

> HoMM works because its not balanced

I totally agree. It would be boring if it were balanced in equity to a Chess game. Still, it cannot be denied that the developers could NOT foresee every end of gameplay, and could not playtest every strategy that would emerge from the game. The argument that there are completely broken parts of the game that can make it decidedly not fun still stands. The developers are not infallible gods whose product is above all criticism. It's a great game that we all love, and yet it's not unfair to call out the broken aspects of it.

I'm totally fine with there being stuff modded in and spells/skills being locked out of competitive play. Diplomacy isn't a problem unless the players KNOW how to abuse it and how strong it is. Same goes for any end-game strategy. It becomes a problem when people beeline right to one strategy. The game loses its natural flow. It's like when I played Halo 2 with my buddies after school and there's always one kid that INSTANTLY runs to the rocket launcher/shotgun/sniper/sword and camps the fuck out of those weapons.

>> No.6320917

I made a shitty map with a the theme of how Sylvia went from pirate to knight. I still think it's on my hard drive, I might look it up again and rebalance the whole thing to be actually fun. I think it was still a little bit to big.

>> No.6321031
File: 1.09 MB, 2202x1408, gimmediplomacy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>150-344 elves hanging out near my start
please I want expert diplomacy so badly

>> No.6321923

I'm ok with this because all the information is technically present in the game itself, it just automates checking the speed of everything. Making information more readily available is the right kind of accessibility and HOTA/HD already does a ton of that kind of thing.

>> No.6323073

Thanks Hotanon!

>> No.6323124

That's cool I played Island of Dust just recently. The exploring of the desert was very rewarding, every time I thought I had to make my hero retreat and resupply I stumbled upon another Genie Lamp or monsters who joined me. Lots of neat little details also, like the Dwarven Treasury having a "garden courtyard" with a fountain or Wind Mills surrounded by fields and farm animals. I'm looking forward to playing the others.

>> No.6323354

Not gonna lie HoMM1 is not the game I'd look to for map building inspiration, NWC didn't really know what they were doing yet

>> No.6323512

She looks like Oprah.

>> No.6323516


>> No.6323617

It's how they say "Cobra" west of the Oder river.

>> No.6324435
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>> No.6325047
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>> No.6325065

Without wait button I have casualties after almost every battle.

>> No.6325168
File: 580 KB, 1040x1652, secondelfarmy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was lucky he decided to cast Curse this battle.
8 Spell power lightning bolt=8 greater druids.

Could've had zero, if the medusa didn't get morale and I held back the pikes I think.

>> No.6325178
File: 320 KB, 1040x826, SirEctor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>8 Spell power lightning bolt=8 greater druids.
Oh nevermind, forgot I had Thunder Helmet on this guy.
Got 4 items from this battle.
Dragonsword of Dominion(+3 atk), blue cloak=50% less cold damage taken, medal=morale, blind immune amulet.

So 50% less damage from cold, fire and lightning spells for Sir Ector and his throng of elves.

>> No.6325710

playing replaying some homm2, has anyone here played any custom maps vaguely similar to seven lakes? I have found that one to be my favorite with the correct mix of rapid offense or passive exploration. The only custom map I have found so far that seems similar is mt. splashmoore.

>> No.6325817
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>> No.6326102

You gay?

>> No.6326109

Because contrarian edgelords refuse to accept that 3 was better.

>> No.6326116
File: 6 KB, 220x229, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stop having your own opinion!

>> No.6326130
File: 86 KB, 896x448, Art_Anastasya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think many people would try to refute that 3 was the best, it's just that 3 is not infallible and personally I wish the series could move forward but not a SINGLE game released in a complete state since 3, while 3 grew better and better. You can just fucking release unfinished, poorly thought out, broken, bugged piece of shit product every time and then wonder how come sales are in the dumpster again and hope to mend the holes with expansions that are subject to cancellation by your publisher any second.

This is why there's a certain subset of core fanbase of the game that defaults to "make it like 3 but with good features from here, here, here and here" as a recipe for a Heroes game they want to see, because 3 perfected the core loop, but later installments had ideas on how to improve the crunch in areas that 3 was lacking in - notably skill system (which 5 did better), creature abilities (which 6 did better), logistics (which 7 did better) or even role-playing or map scripting (which 4 did better).

Shit's tragic and French are at fault.

>> No.6326181

>If you don't think the same way as me you're a contrarian edgelord

>> No.6326191

Thanks guys.

I'm afraid new maps lack such details. Around the bay is much more classic in terms of decoration. With island of dust I went with XL size so I had extra space to fill with decorations.

There are shit maps. There are great maps. I obviously pick the ones I've played and liked.

You can find pretty shitty maps in RoE

>> No.6326476

>keymaster tent behind keymaster gate
>one way portal out
I hate this anon

>> No.6326487

What can I say, after playing Crag Hack's campaign, I wanted to have a bit of revenge. In all seriousness, the main goal of that map is to look as pretty as possible - if someone wanted to balance it, they'd just have to replace the keymaster's gate with the regular one.

>> No.6326584

I sometimes do that, but I have another keymaster tent that everyone can get to eventually, either behind monsters or a quest guard.

>> No.6326754

Is there a source port or something for MM3? Dosbox runs the game pretty slow for some reason.

>> No.6326759

>Dosbox runs the game pretty slow for some reason.
have you tried changing cycles?

>> No.6326782

Hit tab and set delay to 1. The default 5 is stupidly slow and if you put it at 0 you don't have time to see your loot.

>> No.6326810

I did one hell of a map in my point of view when I was younger where I took care of all the details to make a beautiful map, the aim was to reach the center of the map where an isle circled of mountains was located to get access to the graal and some amount of insane dragons hive and bring the graal back to your own town.
Unfortunately I lost that creation and all it remains are some thoughts.

I remember hiding secret pass with the help of the top of some mountain making it able to hide some roads.

>> No.6327017
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>> No.6327140

Anyone know exactly what causes neutral creatures to flee in homm2?
Or homm3 if you know that, should be similar.

It's not just the Hp sum of creatures.

>> No.6327142
File: 1.90 MB, 1604x861, Rampart concept.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That sounds like a comfy map. It's a shame you weren't able to recover it.
Oh well, at least it lives on in your memories.

>> No.6327470
File: 502 KB, 1029x765, alltheelvestogether.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the elves together in one army now, with genies.
Bought 1 stack of lots of genies through diplomacy, and got 1 stack of lots of genies for free.

>> No.6327629

there is also your gold and a random value. If you have diplomacy but dont have enough gold instead of offering to join they just bounce and the random value can mean you need a lot more HP of creatures to make them choose to sell/join you instead of running.

>> No.6327654

>and a random value.
Ah okay that could explain it.
I thought I had it down first, but it wasn't just HP.
A group of Black Dragons 2400 combined HP, I couldn't get them to flee/join(for cash) with 4800 hp, twice their hp, but when I added +1 phoenix(+100 hp) they would flee/join(for cash).
Tried it with extra elves instead of the extra phoenix and they wanted to fight though. Even if I went above the combined HP I had them join with the phoenix.

>> No.6327767
File: 2.22 MB, 2080x4130, LostContinentWin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought I might've been too slow for Black Dragon, but huge maps with harder difficulty ratings are a bit more forgiving. I was taking it really slow and getting the elf stacks before I really moved far out. Had so many elves I split them between two heroes, and even into several stacks for each hero depending on the fight.
I got 10 black dragons that I made use out of after I took out purple with Sir Ector and his elf army. The rest of the dragons are just some I collected near the end with Diplomacy just because.
Never had so many genies before on a legit map. They're not that expensive for their damage, but pretty fragile.
Gallant was my main hero, had to fight some battles with Troyan because he was far away, then she dug up the Ultimate Staff, got Dimension door in the capitol and took large swathes of the map herself.

Barely upgraded other towns than my cap, just got the money generating buildings and markets basically.

The grayscaled heroes are heroes I didn't train, but hired after other factions had lost them.

>> No.6328343
File: 27 KB, 120x103, Efreethomm2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6328412

Thanks, that seem to did the trick. I also switched a Dosbox build to something else.

>> No.6328610

genies are second only to ghosts imo

>> No.6328618

I thought cyclops in homm2 were shooters too? I played it almost 20 years ago.

>> No.6328621

Damn I gotta admit that look great - it fits right in with the other terrain types. Haven't seen it in motion though.

>> No.6328829
File: 300 KB, 798x600, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I decided to replay the final map without speedrun tactics and it was pretty fun aside of trying to catch all enemy heroes. But with the crown I think it would be a total headache.

>> No.6329229
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>> No.6329493
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>> No.6329604

Has Conflux been properly nefred in hota yet or should i ban it when playing with friends?

>> No.6329610

Decently nerfed - Inferno needs more buffs though. I hate that they assume you'll be demon-farming, I can't stand that shit.

>> No.6329987
File: 383 KB, 1021x763, bug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never really bothered with this bug, but I realized it could be fun on the Enroth map.
If you right click and hold above a castle/town, you instead see the contents of the castle/town that is the farthest to the northwest, and on Enroth that is a random town on a desert island.

Could be useful if you want a comfy migratory game.
Like restarting until it is a wizard town. Skipping Stonehenge+Fence Meadows, saving the stone+wood+gems for Cloud Castle.

>> No.6331268

>it fits right in with the other terrain types
It does, though I still think it's redundant.

>> No.6331447

>3: Partial minmax territory, how to get the most out of your characters to a large degree with a general overall skill plan and idea of where to head, perhaps even with a large map of stuff you can look up areas and dungeons too if you want it.

bumping this. Followed the pastebin, and it was good, but I want to be more powerful early on.

I started watching a guide on youtube where the guy was going full minimax with 3 sorcs and 1 cleric, and was dumping pretty much all stats into 1 of the wizards saying the other 3 in the party were meant to just be killed, and I stopped watching...

I mean, I want to be Overpowered, but I also want my whole party to be useful, even if it means I'm not as overpowered as I could possibly be. Otherwise I might as well just play Daggerfall with an OP character for a single character dungeon crawl experience...

>> No.6331470

Remind me what your party lineup is again? is it a standard PACS?

I'll work some stuff out, you won't be the most powerful ever but you'll get good results. Have you progressed through the game or anything or is this starting from scratch, etc?

>> No.6331478

Thanks m8, that'd be great!

I've progressed a bit, but I'm willing to start from scratch and maybe even do things differently. This game is fun, and I can see myself playing it long-term.

Party I've tried so far is KACS. Got them all bows, and picked up some decent gear, and I've seen some success, but I wanna be more OP. I'm willing to try a different party. My only constraint is that I am still kind of a beginner, and wanna be pretty OP, while still keeping all of my party useful unlike that example I mentioned where he seemed to be concerned with only one of his members being OP early on and making the other 3 expendable almost.

>> No.6331484

PACS and PCSS are both fine for beginners as we say in the pastebin. If you want more power aim take the latter.

>> No.6331490

PCSS sounds good. I'll go for that this time around. I'll be on the lookout for how to make them OP. Thanks m8

>> No.6331494

Don't worry about that or the "making 3 expendable" thing, he was doing that because you can drink to gain stats from wells up to 15 so he just stuck the important stats up high and left the rest low as possible so he could get them up to 15 or 16 for free.

Hold on, I'll boot the game up and give you a good idea of what to set the stats to for a PCSS party and which starting skills to go for.

>> No.6331505

>he was doing that because you can drink to gain stats from wells up to 15 so he just stuck the important stats up high and left the rest low as possible so he could get them up to 15 or 16 for free.

gotcha. So I'd have to look into the locations for those specific fountains. I saw early on he went to some shrine of the gods and got stats boosts there too.

>> No.6331510
File: 610 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 start.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right, here's how I'd go for it. Don't worry about the other 3 having low stats, the Paladin will just carry them for a while until they get their free stat packages and stuff.

You be taking care of that, I'll be writing up the next post.

(Shrine of the gods should be done as the very last thing, he went there but he didn't click the shrine immediately, he was there for other reasons. I know the vid you're talking about.)

>> No.6331521

good stuff already, m8!

>> No.6331539
File: 523 KB, 1920x1080, MM6 Gate master.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to keep an eye on the travel schedule and plan accordingly, just so you're not sat around for day at a time with your thumb up your ass doing nothing.

Keep in mind while doing this, for as long as you can possibly resist doing don't level up at all. You're going to be doing the arena for gold to pay for shit ideally and it's level based, so best case scenario you're gonna have an overpowered level 1 party and easily demolish the arena on the highest difficulty.

Start off by grabbing the horseshoes from the stable and equip your sword and shit. Go to the well in town that gives Luck and drink from it with everyone until it stops giving any stats. Do the stuff with the letter it talks about in the pastebin for some starting gold and buy yourself 4 Precision Bows if possible or the next best thing if not available. SAVE 2000 GOLD MINIMUM, feel free to pick up the plate and identification skills on your paladin but maybe it'd be best to save your money for now, you need at least 2k.

Once back in New Sorpgil, go back to the Luck well and drink from it a bit and see if it's refreshed yet, afterwards go to pick related and hire the Gate Master, wherever she may be.

>> No.6331553

>Start off by grabbing the horseshoes from the stable

in the New Sorpigal stables there are horseshoes? What do I do with them? In the video I briefly saw, it looked like he consumed them

>Do the stuff with the letter it talks about in the pastebin for some starting gold and buy yourself 4 Precision Bows if possible or the next best thing if not available. SAVE 2000 GOLD MINIMUM, feel free to pick up the plate and identification skills on your paladin but maybe it'd be best to save your money for now, you need at least 2k.

should I also work on getting archery for everyone early on?

>> No.6331565

The Gate Master, for the low low price of 20% of all the gold you pick up, will let you warp to one of 6 towns in the world once per day. Eventually you'll be able to do this without their help and can fire her, but for now it's fine.

Don't forget to pick up horseshoes from any stable you visit, give horseshoes to your Cleric until she has 10 skill points and choose a main Sorcerer, give them horseshoes until they have 10 skill points too eventually. Don't spend any of them yet.

Now refer to the map provided before, do a Ctrl + F search for "Well (+2 Luck permanently)" and replace that with each stat type so you can look for each one, stick to the ones in
>New Sorpigal
>Misty Islands
>Free Haven
>Silver Cove
You will need to pick up the Water Walk spell from Free Haven's Water Magic Guild to get the ones in Silver Cove. Stick only to the +2 stat ones, ignore the +5 stat one off drinks for now.

>in the New Sorpigal stables there are horseshoes? What do I do with them? In the video I briefly saw, it looked like he consumed them
One time buff of +2 skillpoints to the character you use them on, use them as dictated in this post. You want two guys with 10 SP free to use each.

>should I also work on getting archery for everyone early on?
Sure. Consider your soft time limit for this stuff to be mid January as with luck you'll have this stuff done with in time to do the first seer quest, you'll want to have the Might stat done for everyone (Free Haven has the well) if nothing else so you can get that done too for even better gains.

Keep an eye on the date and day with the 4th book, the one that looks like it has a gold spanner on two gears or something.

>> No.6331586

Be picking up herbs and roots etc you see lying around, it'll help you later.

As you're doing this keep an eye on the date, you want to head back to Castle Ironfist by being in New Sorpigal on Friday and take the stable to Ironfist, then you'll be able to travel to a place called the "Arena (1d)" from Ironfist stables. You want to go there as often as possible / is convenient as you're doing all of this for $$$, save before you do it and take on / clear the hardest difficulty you're capable of doing. Use the money from the first time to buy the Water Walk spell if you're short of money, keep doing the easiest to access wells that you can teleport to until all 4 of your party members have those stats at 15 or higher.


Start making a few stat potions with your remaining money. Only do stat potions for a character who already has that stat at 15 or higher, and only for the more important stats. Use your head and do it accordingly, for example you can drink a potion of intellect with your Sorcerers for +15 int and -5 might, then sip from the Might well in Free Haven to get the stat back up to 15, or better yet do it while Might is at the minimum. The Cleric and Paladin don't need Int, the Sorcs don't need Personality.

Do all of this until you've just done your second Arena for cash.

>> No.6331618

Now you should be in the Castle Ironfist area on something like the 15th of January and you should have at least 15 might on everyone and have already drunk any potions you need that would lower your might (Int, Endurance) as well as the Water Walk spell. If you picked up the quests from Albert Newton you'll be able to do the promotion quest for your Sorcs at the same time.

Go kill your way through all the Acolytes of Baa in the field and fight your way to the Seer, check the map for where his hut is if you don't already know.

Ask him for a pilgrimage quest and he should direct you to the shrine of Might as it's January. Fight your way to the north end of Castle Ironfist and go to Bootleg Bay, or just use the boat in town there (Zephyer) on Tuesday or Friday to get there easier. You need to now Water Walk your ass over to the Shrine of might and you'll get +10 might on everyone for completing the pilgrimage. Feel free to try to do the two wells in Bootleg Bay while you're here if you like, though all your characters should either have the relevant stat up to 25 or more and the other stat is useless for them. Still, if you want to do it so all your stats look good and think you can fight your way through the enemies around those wells to do it, then by all means go for it. Feel free to drink from the Shrine of Magic too for the Wizard promotion quest while you're in the area.

Once you've done that, return to drinking from the +2 wells every few days for everyone and making potions when needed and accumulate a bit of gold from the Arena to work with.

>> No.6331642

Feel free to stop me and ask questions if anything's missing / I miss something out by accident.

With some money built up, you want to buy Merchant skill for your Paladin, Meditation, Body Building and Learning for everyone, and get Light Magic for your Cleric and Dark Magic for your Sorc you have some horseshoes to. You want to spend those horseshoe skill points on getting level 4 Light Magic and level 4 Dark Magic respectively. Train the skill to expert once you've done so. Feel free to do this step at any point once you have the money spare for it. Go visit the Light Guilds and Dark Guilds, pick up the spells for "Day of the Gods", "Hour of Power" and "Day of Protection". After that go to the magic guilds in Free Haven and grab the spells for Spark, Enchant Item, Fly, Town Portal, Lloyd's Beacon, Feather Fall and Jump for both Sorcs, as well as any healing spells / other spells you want for the Cleric and Paladin. Feel free to upgrade your equipment a bit.

Look at the map and pinpoint all the +2 wells, travel to them as efficiently as you can (stable, boat, walking as a last resort) while making and drinking potions with your arena winnings as best you can. Eventually all your characters should have 30 to 50 or so in every important stat and 15 or 16 in the less important stats. Do arenas as often as it is convenient for you and ask the Seer for a new pilgrimage in Feb and each month afterwards (the shrine is on Misty Island, much easier to do since you can warp there and it's not on a little island)

At this point you should now do the bigger one-off permanent stat increases like the two fountains in the town in the Frozen Highlands and Blackshire, as well as any sort of permanent magic resist buffs. During all of this complete any quest you like and you can that *DOES NOT GIVE KARMA*, check the quest log on that map site as needed. Repeat the previous cycle of getting all the permanent stat buffs and fountains etc that you can get to across the world.

>> No.6331646

I remember doing this glitch in Homm1 but it would show towns that don't actually exists on the map, you got a different town depending on which pixel you clicked.

>> No.6331662

did the luck well thing, got the horse shoes but they haven't respawned, and neither has the luck well. Got everybody using bows and got the gate master, and just got 500 gold from the arena on the highest level of difficulty. It's the 8th right now. About to try the well again and check for more horseshoes.I'll start teleporting around till I can get Might and other stats to +15 (so far I've only gotten luck +5).

>> No.6331665

Now how long you keep up the previous cycle of pilgrimages and getting your stat buffs from around the world while doing whatever quests you can manage to dive into headfirst is up to you, do it until you're bored or got all the permanent stat / resist buffs from across the world or whatever.

At some point do the following:
1: Use the fly spell to fly onto the north part of the roof of Buc's Lair in New Sorpigal, (save first) and click the roof to be teleported to a sandy shithole surrounded by dragons. Quickly click the obelisk in the middle of the small shrine next to you with everyone (or just once for a party wide buff, I forget) for +20 all stats, immediately GTFO of there before you die horribly and Town Portal somewhere safe.

2: Check which quests you can manage that give karma, you want to complete (but not turn in) +800 and change's worth of karma in quests and then hand them all in within as short of a time frame as you can. Hire a bard which should push your rep up to +1000, go to Eel Infested Waters (the boat for it is next to town in Silver Cove on Wednesdays or Thursdays I believe it was.) and go visit the trainer for Master Light Magic in the back of the tavern on that lonely island nobody has any reason to visit. Get Master Light Magic.

3: Fire the Bard and get to -1000 Karma however you like, go visit the trainer for Master Dark Magic and get both your Sorcerers to Master level Dark Magic. Once done immediately go donate at a temple a few times to get back to neutral rep.

Whenever you like and feel ready for it and don't care about the arena any more at any point, level up all your characters in one go. Don't forget that it takes like a week to train whether you do 1 level or 30 levels so if you don't want to miss pilgrimages then just do a batch all at once.

Get Body Magic to 12, Water 12, Air 4 to 10 (up to you), plate 4, master Swords and Daggers etc, just go for the good shit and don't bother with Leather, Chain Mail or Shields.

>> No.6331678

>got the horse shoes but they haven't respawned
Horseshoes only respawn every 6 months or some shit, look on the map page for that specific map, it'll say "Resets every 6 months" or whatever under the location name. That's how long you'll have to wait until any enemy you kill respawns and horseshoes come back.

>neither has the luck well.
That takes a couple of days, I don't remember off the top of my head how long. If you drank from it on Monday, check back on Friday or something and it should be back. The other wells should work just fine, the well exhaustion is individual per well so you can be doing Might while you wait.

Good luck.

>> No.6331683

>Horseshoes only respawn every 6 months or some shit, look on the map page for that specific map, it'll say "Resets every 6 months" or whatever under the location name. That's how long you'll have to wait until any enemy you kill respawns and horseshoes come back.
Oh and to add, the horseshoes you should be getting are from every stable across the world, rather than trying to get the same two from one stable repeatedly. Use Wizard's Eye to help find them more easily.

>> No.6331701


thanks m8. Man, I think I messed up. Went to free haven and didn't pick up waterwalking, now I'm in Silver Cove, which I used 4 days to travel by stable to (because I used town portal to get to freehaven), and the two wells require waterwalking. Oh well, not too much has been lost. I think I have a save in Castle Ironfist right after turning in the letter.

>> No.6331709

>thanks m8. Man, I think I messed up. Went to free haven and didn't pick up waterwalking, now I'm in Silver Cove, which I used 4 days to travel by stable to (because I used town portal to get to freehaven), and the two wells require waterwalking. Oh well, not too much has been lost. I think I have a save in Castle Ironfist right after turning in the letter.
Just rest for a day after using your gate master, then you can use them again. Use that time to do shopping or killing the local wildlife, whatever you choose. Walking is always an absolute last resort for places where no other option exists.

>> No.6331716
File: 1.40 MB, 1025x762, mm7 alhpa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really weird that they didn't use this video but remade it with Archibald who doesn't look like himself


>> No.6331879
File: 308 KB, 743x437, AAWcOGu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I love Horn of the Abyss and Heroes 3 Succession Wars mods for some reason, that is because they added tribals and crewmates - destroying niggers in a million possible ways adds a whole new level of satisfaction to the heroes experience - especially when they baby boom on the map if their week hits. God I love putting them into the Skeleton Transformer.

>> No.6332007

cool ability

>> No.6332089

>That takes a couple of days, I don't remember off the top of my head how long. If you drank from it on Monday, check back on Friday or something and it should be back.
Actually, wells are supposed to give only 8 portions of +2 to a stat per month, but because of a bug, in original version timers reset every time you revisited map. Greyface patch fixed it, but you can disable the fix by adding "FixTimers=0" to MM6.ini

>> No.6332139

>But with the crown I think it would be a total headache.
It was easier than I remembered when I did it with the crown a couple of weeks ago, compared to a game like maybe 8 years ago.
Though I had a much more aggressive strategy this time where I rushed the Necromancer with Eliza+1 Phoenix+the ultimate crown.

I was much more defensive the previous time I remember from +8 years ago, clearing out the dirt area first and having my real battle against the AI near my town, a slugfest of a full necromancer army vs a full knight army getting hit by 5-10 spell power spells each turn

>> No.6332249

I went for the barbarian right away and there still was a lot of running for enemy heroes everywhere.

>> No.6332347
File: 332 KB, 640x480, 91lvl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where to put the last skill points for the solo run?

Is it even worth to invest in blaster?

or better put everything in water magic for acid bolt?

>> No.6332376

Stop using daggers with the blaster. The dagger defeats the point since it sets your minimum recovery to 30. Blaster+haste should be 5. If you wanted to put points into something other than Blaster more dark magic is always ok.

>> No.6332431

>Haste and Meteor Shower are Fire Magic
this fixes so many things and it's only the first page wtf

>> No.6332695
File: 1.02 MB, 2078x826, clean.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Odd knight town to conquer.
I guess the AI never had a comfortable amount of wood.

>> No.6333197

What's demon farming?

>> No.6333216

Pit Lords can raise dead stacks as demons.
So as Inferno it can be good to turn your Imps+Gogs+Dogs into demons.

page 10, bump limit btw

>> No.6333636

Okay, new thread - >>6333634