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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 113 KB, 1024x768, B9222780-D61F-4891-89B2-13AEE323FBD4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6286402 No.6286402 [Reply] [Original]

In which we respectfully talk about new romhacks or translations.

Recommended download

Pre-patched and Improvement

General hack / Translation

SMW hacks

My Kaizo Kollection

Metroid Hacks

Super Mario 64




Vidya book collection (someone posted it in the last thread so saving it here just in case): https://mega.nz/#F!UBp3xDrK!MRcdOY9QFHx1XtA4aXIOCw

These links may still be a little old, so if anyone has an updated link with some new entries go on ahead.

Recently new romhacks:

Whomp’s Fortress in Banjo-Kazooie: https://youtu.be/qIhse8rbymY

Smash Remix - Smash 64 with Dr. Mario, Ganondorf, Y. Link, Falco, Dark Samus, and Wario: https://youtu.be/uD-CfhdcJe8

Mario Odyssey 64: https://youtu.be/NDSDASb0VSU

Fire Emblem: Three Houses GBA: no link available

Should fangames be rolled into here as well? I mean, SAGE 2020 will be coming later this year as long as things clear up.

>> No.6286536
File: 392 KB, 225x159, Not this year.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as long as things clear up.

>> No.6286557

I don't know about them books but I'll download them for some toilet tablet reading. Not gonna lie I'm a bit iffy on the HG101 books knowing what that site truly is.

>> No.6286584

Has there been anymore news about the Goemon 4 translation

>> No.6286590

Let’s not get into a repeat of last thread.

>> No.6286632

I've never looked deep into the HG101 drama but as someone who has read their articles for years, I appreciate the effort put into comparisons of different releases of games. I've only read the "reviews" never any of the books or other material.

>> No.6286642

I was patching 4 fds games to english and it took me hours into a night to find the proper images. So I'll upload them so you guys don't have to pass through the painful ass process.

>> No.6286661 [SPOILER] 
File: 423 KB, 518x808, 1585094682882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Untold Jap History books are legit page turners, though the first one has a lot of redacted and untranslated parts. Can't speak for the other books.
HG101 is trash and has been for years. Not for political bullshit but Cucklata has spewed bullshit before and some that he has working under him (Kaharl) are just straight up wrong about what they write. Stick to the books, avoid the site.
Shut up nigger, people need to know.

>> No.6286762

Kurt makes up a lot of things in his blog, I wouldn't read anything he puts out. He's demonstrated he literally doesn't play the games he writes about a lot of the time.

>> No.6286870

Jap SMW hacking: http://smwx.s602.xrea.com/view.cgi

Which rom are they patching? I tried no-intro "Super Mario World - Super Mario Bros. 4 (Japan).sfc" but it black screens on SNES9x and BSNES.

>> No.6286967

Dark Samus being there with all those N64 characters on an N64 game will never not trigger my autism.

>> No.6286971

smw romhacks will always be against the usa version. it's the only version that Lunar Magic supports

>> No.6287168

I really need Kawa no Nushi Tsuri translations. I see the original famicom game is translated and available at romhacking.net. Is that site legit? I’m new to this.

>> No.6287186

are tools to translate psx games any more accessible than it was years ago?

>> No.6287192
File: 24 KB, 320x224, Darxide_Title.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a download link for Darxide 32X (U). Makes it playing on all NTSC 32X add-on systems if you have an everdrive cartridge to add the ROM on, so no more searching for PAL 32X nor spending $50 on an repro cartridge. I had to bypassed regional lock in a hex editor app to make it playable on original hardware.


>> No.6287193

Will upload this to the depot if you don't bother to do so.

>> No.6287207

Please do after you download it. I've been trying to spread the word on forums but a no go. And thanks man, had to check some old instructions to get the ball rolling but the deed is done. Hopefully everyone save themselves from buying the repro cartridges.

>> No.6287728

Post some more books and shit

>> No.6287732

/vr/os, as I've got some time to kill thanks to corona-chan, I've prepared a little something for you all.


Here is an archive of all NES 100% playable fan-translated games from RHDN. If different teams worked on the same game, only the most recent patch is applied. If there's an addendum, it's also applied. If there is a choice between straight translation and localization, straight translation is always applied.

No incomplete patch nor non-english stuff, sorry guys.

Some of the stuff was pre-translated in the goodsets or, in the case of all the chinese crap, is pulled from pacnsacdave's site, but most of it is manually patched and tested by myself, so enjoy. Games work mostly on Mesen, some of them need antoher less accurate emulator like fceux (again, mostly chinese bootleg stuff, but also some old patches).

If you're aware of english fan translations NOT avaliable on RHDN, please feel free to contribute links.

>> No.6288083
File: 2.61 MB, 1280x720, ducks cold.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the Anon with the vidya books Mega. I have access to Bibliotik, MyAnonamouse, and several other private trackers. If you have any requests, I can look for you. Audiobooks are also possible, but there are storage limits on Mega.nz.

>> No.6288478

Smash Remix is fun as fuck, hope they add my man Dedede and Marina from mischief makers.

>> No.6288489 [DELETED] 

What is this?

>> No.6288491

I know these aren't new but is there a way to tell if multiple patches for a game are compatible other than just applying them all and trying it out? Specifically wondering about the Crystalis Proofread, Crystalis Rebalanced, and Sky Tower Exit patches

>> No.6288494 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 176x303, Screenshot_20200325-174821.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean this.

>> No.6288503

Does anyone know how to play the English translation of Clock Tower SNES via emulator? The furthest I get is a black screen after the intro video.
Aeon Genesis did make it clear back it was released that no emulator will run it - and none I've tried do work - but if anyone knows of any it'll work in, I'd appreciate it.

Really cool, thanks.

>> No.6288506

You sure anon ive played thru it a few times using snes9x just fine. No special settings needed either.

>> No.6288509

Yeah I tried several builds of Snes9x, bsnes, even Zsnes (took me back), Mednafen SNES and Mesen-S. It's not the end of the world though.

>> No.6288517

Polygon yoshi, this implies Boshi from SMRPG is going to be added next.

>> No.6288520

If using .ips patches, IPS Patch Checker will tell you if there's any overlap that will cause issues.

>> No.6288526

I wish SMW hacks were not such a pain in the ass to install. Every time I try to do so I'm utterly unmotivated by the process.
Are there any cool links to standalone SMW romhacks?

>> No.6288692

Based, thank you anon. But hopefully they're patched somewhere else already, in some romset?

>> No.6288840


>> No.6288856

I played it in zsnes over 10 years ago, intro video and all. It still works on snes9x too. It works on real hardware (I played a repro once) so I imagine it runs in bsnes also. You must have done something wrong like use the wrong rom or you're using a ridiculously old version of the translation in which case repatch with latest version (or do it yourself if you just downloaded it from somewhere, it's not hard).

>> No.6288857


>> No.6288862

Thank you fren, this is exactly what I've been looking for. I'll name my firstborn "Anon" after you.

>> No.6288920

Sorted it! In case anyone else has this issue: the listed Romhacking CRC32 is for the unheadered ROM (CBCD0DAD) but you have to header it (EC246B7E) first.
Had a similar sort of issue before for some other game when the CRC32 wasn't for the pre-patched ROM but for the ROM after it was patched.
Anyway thank you, because you letting me know it definitely does work for you made me try something different.

>> No.6288942

Glad you figured it out, anon. Enjoy the game. I really wish RHDN would accept anonymous or new account corrections of bad info like that. I've since given up on submitting corrections since they never accept them, the faggots.

>> No.6288951

Super Mario Encyclopedia

Super Mario How Nintendo conquered America

Console wars By Blake J Harris

any other books about super mario would be dope too

>> No.6288959

It's actually six but I have to look for two older patches I did a while ago, check them to see if they have a save so I guess I'll repatch them again.

>> No.6288964

Fuck RHDN for bowing down to the Kurt Kalata tranny hugbox crowd

>> No.6288968
File: 240 KB, 795x1076, ssfvc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unsure if it'll be of any interest but I ripped the DRM off of a gaming pdf which isn't already in the Mega:
Really recommend opening it in a reader which lets you reduce the gap between pages to zero (i.e. SumatraPDF) since it's heavy on images that span the pages.

>> No.6289026
File: 254 KB, 640x480, dj-boy-j-002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spends entire article being offered by a single character based on a "black mami" stereotype.

What would these idiots do with their time and energy if they weren't so busy being offended by everything?

>> No.6289049

>I've been trying to spread the word on forums but a no go
That's very odd considering how 60Hz hacks for PAL games is in vogue, especially if they work on real hardware. I thought RHDN just lets you upload on your own, never knew you need it approved or made known on the forums beforehand.

>> No.6289051

Not really books but any video game strategy guides? Doesn't need to be /vr/ but I'd love to read through proper pdf/cbz scans of PS1 JRPG guides.

>> No.6289060

There are a bunch here
Ignore the URL, there's 601 others included.

>> No.6289086
File: 59 KB, 500x500, mar.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I added all three of those as well as "Retro Gamer Book of Mario" and "Reverse Design Super Mario" for you.


>> No.6289095


>> No.6289126

Thank you bud, I'll see what other books I wish for

>> No.6289184

>That's very odd considering how 60Hz hacks for PAL games is in vogue
Not (at all) doubting it or anything but any examples? Interested to see which consoles this applies to.

>> No.6289203

SNES has a couple for the PAL-only english releases like Terranigma and The Firemen but there's also many going between Nintendo consoles that had substantial changes between NTSC and PAL like Luigi's Mansion PAL since that could pass as a remaster these days.

>> No.6289205
File: 153 KB, 496x435, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I found about this game from a top 100 jrpg battle themes and im playing it right now, i heard years ago that someone was working in a translation for this game.
Is someone working on a translation of this game?

>> No.6289308


Blood sweat and pixels

The guide to classic graphic adventures

Game over Press start to continue

All your base are belong to us

Theory of fun

Level up!

Death by videogame

Videogame Storytelling (might have this one but just in case)

>> No.6289312

Forgot: Rules of play

>> No.6289313

Well far as spreading the word on forums it's on me because my phone is ass and my laptop is too outdated to tolerate the WiFi for some odd reason. I had to add ".32X" after the file so that Darxide recognizes as a Sega 32X game on emulators and Everdrive cartridges.

I've seen that site at least uploaded a patch for the 32X version of Pinocchio (prototype) because it was originally for PAL 32X systems only. I was just surprised that no one else did the same thing for patching Darxide since some guy online is trying to make profit with repro cartridges of the game by itself.

>> No.6289334

The fuck is that?

>> No.6289348
File: 165 KB, 500x426, Captur2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maka maka an snes rpg but its infamous because they released the game unfinished and without bug testing.
the image is one of the bosses in the game called dekaiken.
and yes, that is a kid version of ultraman in the party.

>> No.6289359
File: 51 KB, 714x900, snkartists-tonko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey man I would really appreciate 2 book by bitmapbooks

Metal Slug: The Ultimate History


And anything snk related! I searched on the net and either there aren't there or i looked at the wrong places. Thank you regardless dude :)

>> No.6289367
File: 25 KB, 480x360, .com.google.Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does that alleged 100% Star Ocean Blue Sphere translation actually work, like has anyone played through it without it crashing

>> No.6289418
File: 12 KB, 259x294, vidya_ackbar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Blood sweat and pixels
>Death by videogame
>Game over Press start to continue
>All your base are belong to us
>Theory of fun
>Videogame Storytelling (might have this one but just in case)
Found them; added to the main folder.

Author name?

>The guide to classic graphic adventures
In the Hardcore Gaming 101 folder.

>Level up!
Author name?

>Metal Slug: The Ultimate History
I'm sorry, I checked all of my private trackers and couldn't find either of these. IIRC the "Untold Story of Japanese Video Game Developers" books have interviews with some guys who worked on various SNK games.

>> No.6289441
File: 104 KB, 1024x490, snkartists-hiroaki2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I'm sorry, I checked all of my private trackers and couldn't find either of these. IIRC the "Untold Story of Japanese Video Game Developers" books have interviews with some guys who worked on various SNK games.

Thank you anon, you already uploaded plenty and that will more than do.

>> No.6289457

no its incomplete

>> No.6289482

Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design
Book by Scott Rogers

Book by Chris Kohler

Rules of Play
Book by Eric Zimmerman and Katie Salen

Replay: The History of Video Games
Book by Tristan Donovan

Extra Lives: Why Video Games Matter
Book by Tom Bissell

What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy
Book by James Paul Gee

1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die

Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World
Book by Jane McGonigal

Service Games: The Rise and Fall of SEGA: Enhanced Edition
Book by Sam Pettus

Vintage Games: An Insider Look at the History of Grand Theft Auto, Super Mario, and the Most Influential Games of All Time
Book by Bill Loguidice and Matt Barton

The NES Encyclopedia: Every Game Released for the Nintendo Entertainment System
Book by Chris Scullion

The Comic Book Story of Video Games: The Incredible History of the Electronic Gaming Revolution
Novel by Jonathan Hennessey

A Casual Revolution: Reinventing Video Games and Their Players
Book by Jesper Juul

Classic Home Video Games, 1985-1988: A Complete Reference Guide
Book by Brett Weiss

Classic Home Video Games, 1989-1990: A Complete Guide to Sega Genesis, Neo Geo and TurboGrafx-16 Games
Book by Brett Weiss

>> No.6289493

Thanks for taking your time to find these books

>> No.6289496
File: 529 KB, 2656x606, video_game_by_region.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Level Up! The Guide to Great Video Game Design
>Book by Scott Rogers
Added to the main folder.

>Book by Chris Kohler
Couldn't find this one.

As for the rest, how about you just give me your email and I can invite you to MyAnonamouse? They have most of the books I'm getting.

>> No.6289498

Ah shit, I'm out of invites. Pick five books from that list and I'll look for them before I go to bed.

>> No.6289519 [DELETED] 


>> No.6289535

Rules of play
Service games
Vintage games
Extra Lives

Didn't write the entire names as I already posted them

>> No.6289546
File: 40 KB, 360x480, sleeping dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All five added. Now I must sleep.

>> No.6289556

Based, godspeed

>> No.6289563

sorry your threads kept getting killed by faggots mods. your a real bro, thanks for this.

>> No.6289603

nah theres a 100% floating out there that was contracted by a guy for 2500 bucks but some people are reporting crashes

>> No.6289649

Well if someone finds the rom or patch post it please.

>> No.6289792

heres both

>> No.6289802

Appreciated, I'll get a few of these.

>> No.6289835

What are you even talking about? You just apply the patch and you're done. I takes less than 5 seconds.

>> No.6289839

If by standalone you mean prepatched yeah I figure some user could give you a few prepared roms here.

>> No.6289848

apply sound fix, run a specific version of zsnes, etc etc

>> No.6289854
File: 28 KB, 1673x131, 15489498489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6289863

Fair enough. I have played a bunch of smw hacks and have never had any trouble with sound or anything else.

>> No.6289872
File: 8 KB, 324x31, dist roms.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6289938

You forgot All your base are belong to us.

But, again, thanks for uploading everything else, very awesome of you. Do you have discord? I'd like to add you.

>> No.6290565
File: 201 KB, 1798x498, willow hack...gone!!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6290675

Looks cool. Is it playable without knowing moonrunes?

>> No.6291152

>You forgot All your base are belong to us.
Added in its own folder.

>> No.6291183

Can you try finding the other books if it's not too much to ask?

>> No.6291264

Hey anons. I'm looking for Japanese Wizardry artbooks, particularly the original 3. I am interested in all the Jun Suemi monster art. It was published in a book called All of Wizardry (game number) or Wizardry (number) no Subete. I am particularly after Wizardry 3 (Knight of Diamonds in Japan) but any of them are great.

>> No.6291310

OK, but I gotta go to work shortly. I'll search for some of the others tomorrow.

I'll look for these, too. It's freakin' hard to find artbooks, though. If I had the knowledge, I'd start a website designed to collect them.

>> No.6291376
File: 717 KB, 1280x1804, WIZ02_01[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


E-hentai has a shit ton of artbooks. These are actually game gudies but they have a lot of art.


This guy has a bunch too.


>> No.6291408

anybody got that one post of that dude listing who was considered for Remix by memory?

>> No.6291426
File: 149 KB, 1324x870, Smash Remix memory lane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same guy
have a cap

>> No.6291993

Alright awaiting eagerly for the books.

>> No.6292353 [DELETED] 

I'm shocked there hasn't been more game based shows. Mario and Zelda could make some nice Japanese animated series. Hell, Final Fantasy would be perfect wouldn't it? They could cover all the early games which only had simple 2D graphics and realize it in full splended animation. Would have been a smarter idea than that awful spirits Within movie.

>> No.6292381
File: 2 KB, 256x224, 4723titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't exactly the newest but here's a cool hack of Ninja Gaiden


It's almost like you're playing a different game

>> No.6292387
File: 3 KB, 320x224, 4816titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's another one that's not really the newest but is a solid hack that adds the TMNT to Streets of Rage 2 and adds shit like juggling


>> No.6292575
File: 2 KB, 256x224, hlwn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both great hacks, yeah.
I saw one which changed Friday the 13th on the NES to Halloween, which I haven't yet played (so can't recommend it) but looked pretty good.

>> No.6292642

These are by far the shittiest and laziest of the hacks

>> No.6292792

I don't give two fucks about the drama but Kurt and HG101 are absolute fucking trash. Those assholes are flat out wrong half the time and they'll defend it. Fuck them.

>> No.6292793

Just because it's not a hack of a shitty JRPG it doesn't mean a lot of work hasn't gone into it, it's far from a simple sprite replacement.

>> No.6293172
File: 87 KB, 591x563, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Famista 90' in english.

>> No.6293205
File: 274 KB, 1532x1006, 12165484894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that site won't let me view the "my hacks" or create an account

>> No.6293228
File: 85 KB, 600x801, book_in_face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm back. Here are some new uploads:

>What Video Games Have to Teach Us About Learning and Literacy by James Paul Gee
>1001 Video Games You Must Play Before You Die
>Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World by Jane McGonigal
>The Comic Book Story of Video Games: The Incredible History of the Electronic Gaming Revolution by Jonathan Hennessey
>A Casual Revolution: Reinventing Video Games and Their Players by Jesper Juul
>Classic Home Video Games, 1985-1988: A Complete Reference Guide by Brett Weiss
>Classic Home Video Games, 1989-1990: A Complete Guide to Sega Genesis, Neo Geo and TurboGrafx-16 Games by Brett Weiss
Added these.

>The NES Encyclopedia: Every Game Released for the Nintendo Entertainment System by Chris Scullion
Couldn't find this one.


>> No.6293236
File: 15 KB, 885x592, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The patch just gives me the same rom as the prepatched one.

>> No.6293246

what were you expecting?

>> No.6293383

No what we need to do is compare the patch with an older patch circling /vr/ and compare both of them, which I'm doing later.

>> No.6293385

*compare the crc32 of both of them

>> No.6293387

Oh oh

>> No.6293409

you can grab NTSC patches for a lot of PAL releases from https://evilgames.eu/emulation.htm smokemonster included a whole section of NTSC prepatched roms with his rom packs, but since that shit's no longer being updated, ya know how that is.

>> No.6293414


>> No.6293439

NP. I like finding media and sharing it with people. My roommates all through college always came to me for movies, music, and textbooks.

>> No.6293467

I contacted the admin to see if he can help me make an account...

>> No.6293654

Probably would be if it didn't add juggling, difficulty changes, enemy name restoration, etc.

It's far more than a simple sprite swap

>> No.6293680

I was able to download the patch now, try again or I'll upload

>> No.6293707


You uploaded the comic book story of beer, by accident, I think?

Anyways I downloaded it, lol. Cheers! I downloaded everything in the Mega so far, great work anon.

>> No.6293742


Does anyone know if this is significantly different from the Sonic 1.2 improvement to justify downloading it? I don't have the original.

>> No.6294541

> no mega man hacks
Fucking crazy. It's like creators of generals specifically set out to subtly shit on mega man community.

Add these next time:

Minus Infinity
Rock'n Roll

Let's discuss which ones are also recommended.

>> No.6294550 [DELETED] 

>Should fangames be rolled into here as well? I mean, SAGE 2020
what does your tranny group gathering have to do with fangames (and more relevant, romhacks)?

>> No.6294621

Megaman CX looks interesting but dear god it has some lame shit, namely a kaizo-ass Air Man stage that 'I can't beat' and a boss called Cheat Man who can fuck you with an instakill in seconds. Shame cus as far as I played this is nearly Minus Infinity quality.

>> No.6294630

Rockman no constancy is pretty good too.

>> No.6294725

Who played all those Burst Chaser and Air Dash hacks?

What about 2.5?



>> No.6294727

What happened now?

>> No.6294768

I mean it's still Friday the 13th, so decent at best, I don't think they changed too much

There's also a Jason vs Freddy version where you play as Jason

>> No.6295004
File: 695 KB, 809x960, linus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Knowing the existence of a fan-translator who is translating your favorite game
>Starting to follow that translator
>Knowing that the translator hoard his build patches on a paywall where it's obvious that sooner or later it's going to be C&D
>Translator releases a public patch of the translation
>The translator insert bugs on purpose to force people to pay on his patreon
>The translator hoards his patches and simply not updating them because that would make him lose benefits from patreon
pic related

>> No.6295017

its a shame how pathetic the translation community has gotten . cant use certain words cuz it hurts peoples feefees and certain sites remove things cuz it hurts sissy queers feefees we got translators purposely making a game buggy to make profits which he should be doing and all sorts of crap. I miss when translations were bogged down by queers and assholes out for money and other bullshit

>> No.6295124

What translator did this horrible shit?

>> No.6295182

Can confirm RocknRolll. Shit is tight. I don't even care you can play as Roll. Amazing, so far almost as good as Unlimited.

>> No.6295196

DnM E+ translator

>> No.6295494

can someone upload the latest patch here? I can't find it anywhere

>> No.6295541
File: 40 KB, 553x455, Screenshot_20200328_183554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The public build is the only version that is available online, the fixed version of that build is paywalled in his patreon (pic related)

>> No.6295547


>> No.6295580

I might just join and remove the payment after downloading

>> No.6295627

Theres a heap of atari 2600 pal 60 hacks on atariage. The 2600 framerate is controlled by the game so its capable of anything from the high 40s to a bit above 60 fps if your tv can handle it.

>> No.6295731

Aw, damn. I was tired and I missed that. I couldn't find the vidya book you were actually asking for, even after Googling for awhile. I'll look for anything else you're looking for, though.

Ebook piracy was a lot easier 10 years ago when every blogspot and dodgy download site had seemingly everything.

>> No.6295749

What's the consensus? I'm playing the version from cdromance right now and it seems alright

>> No.6295760

where can i find good version of golden sun? played it a while ago on psp with a gb emulator but the save was corrupted after encountering that second or third djinn. thanks

>> No.6295769

And before Rapidshare and several hosting and download search sites went the way of the dodo.

>> No.6295881

even nightwolve wasn't this big of a cunt

>> No.6295943

The animal crossing patch guy is kind of a bitch for doing the thing he did.

>> No.6295950

Sorry haven't done the comparison yet I am busy.

>> No.6295962
File: 265 KB, 1336x650, Unarmored_Samus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to think some cancelled Brawl mod had more competence than taking the easy way out.
Togepi's still a bit stupid tho

>> No.6295963

What Animal Crossing patch do you mean?

>> No.6295964

*than 64 modders taking the easy way out

>> No.6295965
File: 890 KB, 1920x1080, 1571506165551(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Share it here

>> No.6295967

Never mind, just saw the above posts. Damn.

>> No.6295985
File: 23 KB, 654x122, Screenshot_20200328_225401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you are confused of him not updating the patches because he will lose the benefits of patreon, pic related is going to tell you why

>> No.6296007

Yeah he's promising the final patch to be free, but it's taken him over a year and a half of updates. And now based on what he's done I wouldn't trust using that final free patch.

>> No.6296056


Fuck I want the absolute best rom hacks but I don't know where to start.
I have: Smash 64 remix (it's awesome), Co-Op Super mario for NES, Mario 6 golden coins Colorization, Mk Trilogy for the genesis.

Is there some important must have rom-hack that i'm missing?

>> No.6296210
File: 259 KB, 640x582, A34C1C01-ED3F-4ADF-97D3-B70FAE4E6F52.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not so sure I want to do it now.

>> No.6296218

Some personal favorites of mine:

>Sonic 3 Complete
>Mario Party 64
>Sonic Classic Heroes
>Super Mario 64 Land
>Pokemon Omega Fire Red (or Ultra Violet)
>Super Metroid Arcade
>Pokemon: Crystal Clear

Most of the others are basic improvement hacks, which you can find via the above links.

>> No.6296262
File: 1.63 MB, 1080x1080, a.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your time, I'm the anon who collect and organize a bunch of games.

>> No.6296264

Can you post some rare roms not available online, like those in Vinny videos and similar?

>> No.6296297
File: 362 KB, 540x448, 1581764019891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, I've been waiting for him to release the next public english patch, but now I know it's not gonna happen anytime soon.
I hope someone do it eventually, I want to play the GCN Animal Crossing but my autism says it has to be DnMe+
Hey, I think I saw you before on /vp/? Or maybe I'm wrong.

>> No.6296327
File: 4 KB, 680x602, SonMapEd01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How should i use this? I tried to both unconpress and viceversa then what i got is scribblish mess. No, not the tiles i mean random colors that its not even a sonic sprite.

>> No.6296353

DDS said recently "don't give up hope" to someone asking about Goemon 4. That's more confirmation it's still happening somehow, in addition to more private comments supposedly by FlashPV ("later this year with GG1 and Soreyuke")
Still, Tom won't be coming back for the moment being.

Next best thing is that you can play Soreyuke using PeterLemon's partial translation patch, and an abandoned restoration of GG1 using the american rom that's simply missing too much, and GG4 using the gamefaqs guide or emulator save states (still worth it for the gameplay alone).

Patches to catch up on, before their removal.
Current live version on RHDN (moderation hostile to the team, the game, the fanbase) is an optional patch forced on main, is delisted from normal display, and its hosting situation very uncertain. Moreover, it has a major collision bug they won't let anyone post a fix for. Older versions (GG3 v1 aside, bugged script) are fine.



Confirmed dropped projects so far: Vernes World, Zill O' Zill (confirmed by Mugi), Yuusha Shisu (Vita version, but it got an official PC localization soon after), four PS1/GBC Goemon projects (one already got another translator and nears completion), two more Far East of Eden projects (IV got another translator, 1 and 2 are dead in the water)

Drama factors to avoid: RHDN administration (unless as a backup plan, not the only one), attention of any kind from ResetEra or HG101 or SNES Central or Tiny Cartridge, their confirmed lurking here.

>> No.6296367

I still wonder if the "newhalf" part is actually in the original or its from a bootleg, im not from Resetera or whatever just wondering.

>> No.6296380

Japanese is "I'm actually a newhalf... I wonder if I should tell my friend"
English v1.0-3.0 uses "tranny" with an option for "newhalf", still same line
RHDN mods tried to blackmail the romhacker to either change the whole lines and some other parts (it's fucking GG3, it's very "problematic") or else his GG2 patches won't be accepted, in the end they settled for that old optional patch but are still salty so they're nuking any threads with further work on the game or the series, and that page is filtered to never show on main page.

The point is moot. ResetEra hated that a modder had "resetera is cancer" in his twitter bio, and all of this is parallel construction to further their vengeance cancellation. That's the only real reason. Think about how Gamergate types suddenly flood you with unsollicited reeducation and correction whenever you mention their name. It's an internet beetlejuice effect.

You should, however, think more about getting translations as soon as they are released, because there's more of this crap coming. Give or take, the next few releases by big names who commented about this drama will be sanctioned one way or another.

>> No.6296436

In other words we have to backup anything that might be deleted.

>> No.6296454

The whole thing is really dumb honestly, but the real issue is that people who aren't in the know believe that RHDN is the only place to be getting fan translations these days due to how deep the site's fingers are within that realm of gaming so stuff like this goes completely unnoticed by the masses and in turn is given the green light simply because people aren't aware of it.

>> No.6296782

I've noticed that all the MIJET hacks have been "updated" on Romhacking.net and on the MIJET site, the main page has been archived with a message basically saying "Sod off, I want nothing to do with this anymore...."

Seems a bit odd?

>> No.6296796

>I've noticed that all the MIJET hacks have been "updated" on Romhacking.net and on the MIJET site
How these were "updated"? Elaborate, please.

>> No.6296820 [DELETED] 


As far as I can tell they've just changed the readme for each hack and they're no longer released by MIJET.

>> No.6296823

As far as I can tell they've just changed the readme for each hack and they're no longer released by MIJET.


>> No.6296842

What the hell...

>> No.6296847

Clearly they want to dissasociate with rhdn

>> No.6296865

"Ground Rules
Please do not attempt to contact me about any of these works. I don't want to hear anything about them ever again whether good, bad, or neutral.

Please do not attempt to contact me about any topic remotely related to this stuff. I will not respond to or even read your unsolicited ideas. You may consider all requests to be preemptively denied.

Instead of getting indignant, please try to be grateful for everything I've already given you".


>> No.6296887

Good thing is RHDN *is* losing relevance, the issue is how much damage their moderation will be causing.

So many just release their romhacks elsewhere, and not only "joke" hacks like Super Nazi Naked Princess Peach made for shock value by baddesthacks, but actual reputable projects.
Nightwolve is obsessed with Xseed, but he relies on his own website along with the people he works with to make more PC Engine romhacks. They ignore RHDN. Same shit for Saturn, arguably MSX as well but that's one dysfunctional scene. Any newer consoles not suitable for this christian board, while technically "allowed" there to some degree, 90% of the authors just don't bother to post it there, and if uploaded at all, it's by a third party.

Only real problem is PS1 and further down. No mature scene. Second best thing was some mod chip sites ages ago that got nuked. It's in dire need of a revival somewhere else. A lot of the new PS1 patches are anglophones getting seconds by spanish, italian or french translation teams. RHDN even ran off the one russian ps1 romhacker still posting there (castlevania sotn enhancement) with inane rules about "hardware compatibility" because they were too retarded to run an ECC fix tool on the end iso.

Any major romhacking collaborative -except for DDS, his single fatal flaw- have their own backup website (Dynamic Designs, Gemini, Pennywise, Aeon Genesis -not that he'd get ousted anytime soon, he's a mod-, you name it) so that they're not bound by the latest retardation gospel by the power-trip mentally ill moderation, like "this game was claimed by someone 20 years ago", "bootlegger wants this removed off the internet because he wants to make money selling it illegally", "it's a new nes game so no, even if the fucking developer sent us his approval"

Silver lining is that romhackers got the writing on the wall from this recent situation.
RHDN mods idea is to fix the "culture" to get some tumblr fags back but this won't be back anytime soon.

>> No.6296957

Just had a look at King Colossus. Seems like the "Family Friendly" version of the patch is gone?

So which version are they now using on RHDN?

>> No.6297167

>atari 2600 pal 60 hacks
Wow, who knew? Nice to see there was a proper 2600 ROM hacking scene.

>> No.6297174

>Fuck I want the absolute best rom hacks but I don't know where to start.
The pre-patched ones in the OP are a great starting place but honestly the best place to start is hacks of games/genres you already like.

>> No.6297296

The Family Friendly version, of course. And over "mild language" of all things. Wow.

Seems like it kicked into high gear already. Many romhackers who stood behind Tom posted examples of "mild language" and "problematic content" in their romhacks, some even suggested emphasizing it in new "resetera editions", and dared RHDN mods to delete all of that. Well, it seems they're doing just that now that it died down a bit. MrRichard was far from the only planned target.

Considering they have already started, it might be a very good idea to download some games cited during the controversy that are most likely on the moderation's upcoming hit list.

Mother 3
Famicom Detective 2
Chuka Taisen
Castlevania Symphony of the Night retranslation (Gemini, has a newhalf demon too)
Far East of Eden: Zero (by Tom, but even he thought some of its content was too much, even though he translated it fine)
Last Bible 3 (Tom too, same. You know what, get Ihatov Monogatari while you're at it.)

Any decensor patch that restores Japanese cut content, mainly nudity (Final Fantasy IV)
Retranslations (Final Fantasy IV, Chrono Trigger)
Live A Live, Bahamut Lagoon, Tales of Phantasia, Lennus 2 (uncut problematic content)
Front Mission 2 (all of the series really, it is problematic in one way or another. Gun Hazard has an amazing Africa segment for example.)
Any retro Dragon Quest translation
Dynamic-Designs translations (they're thankfully still on their site)

>> No.6297307


>> No.6297537
File: 1.53 MB, 620x460, B.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here all nes collection


Here is some new rare dumps you're looking for

I'm the nig from /vp/

>> No.6297583
File: 3.70 MB, 4160x3120, 20200327_174704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gun hazard
God, I just played that yesterday. I was dying

>> No.6297640

Oh right, so RHDN are purging the 'Probkematic stuff"?

I'm glad that I downloaded and patched most of this stuff already. Just seemed odd that all of MIJETs stuff was suddenly "updated" after a long time and then released under a different name...

Actually I think the MIJET profile itself has changed to something else on RHDN.

>> No.6298286

Just a reminder folks, if you want to preserve translations and romhacks from RHDN, patch the rom and upload the patched rom to the Rom Depot. There is no politics there, they will not allow shit to get censored to protect anyone.

>> No.6298543
File: 193 KB, 300x400, 1444517042260.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a way to bulk download on romhacking.net

>> No.6298908

it's important to preserve the patches as well, not just prepatched roms

>> No.6298965

>Mother 3
Fucking how though the main isn't even hosted on RHDN

>> No.6299006

Patches are also allowed, we just have no restrictions against pre-patched roms like RHDN does.

>> No.6299008

The de-censor patches are going to be a hassle to gather, who is brave enough to attempt to compile a list of them?

>> No.6299021

One problem with prepatched roms is the fact that when organizing them if you download them without a version number it is a hassle to know if it has a bugfix. Sometimes it's better to download the patch and do it yourself with the latest version.

>> No.6299048

We greatly encourage version numbers, and we would much rather have "Star Ocean (Translated by SOmeMonkeyFuck) (J) (T+EN) (!).sfc" than "STAR OCEAN.SFC". Only problem is naming of the files is controlled by whoever is uploading it.

>> No.6299207

You need the roms and the readme files, for as much versions as possible of the same project.
Also this: https://archive.org/details/ROMhacking.netFiles2015-12-29
Is a backup of the whole site prior to 2016. Not very usable, but has the files somewhere.

An archival / scraping effort of anything after 2016 is needed.
+ romhacks only ever shared or linked to on the forums and not submitted (unworked designs, mapper hacks, in progress translations, links to github folders, romhacking tools, undubs offsite or onsite, games from DS and newer on RHDN, etc)

In brighter news, someone came back to RHDN from tumblr!
(they) is doing a pronoun romhack for Ocarina of Time, to replace all pronouns to female, except when the speaker is a Goron because they lack the concept of gender. No changes for the 3D models because it's empowering that way, but it's considered.
Someone else complained it's not gender neutral, so (they) is doing a new version of the patch with gender neutral writing (all pronouns omitted). Someone else gender neutralified all of the Zelda games up to GC, but the world could still use more of these for the same game.

The rewrites for Mother 3 to be less problematic already exist since 2015, in different versions on the political correctness spectrum. Don't be afraid on missing out on the game, you'll still be able to play it with those patches once the original translation is purged. That way these "rewrites" will get actual views finally, after renaming them "relocalizations" wasn't enough. It will be so good everyone will forget to ask Nintendo of America to "properly localize" Mother 3.

>> No.6299239

>we just have no restrictions against pre-patched roms like RHDN does
They're always my last port of call but pre-patched ROMs really are appreciated.
It's not purely laziness or not understanding how to patch which can turn people off patching ROMs - sometimes even the bigger releases need to be applied to very exact and sometimes even quite obscure dumps (i.e. a specifically-dated GoodSNES or No-Intro - Ultima: Exodus Remastered for example expects the 2018 No-Intro release despite being released in 2020 after the game had been redumped) and just hunting these precise releases down can itself be a pain, especially because usually all you have is the hash so you have to download tons of different ones only to find out they won't work correctly.

>> No.6299259
File: 3 KB, 187x184, rh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is nearly* every release up until the 20th April 2019
*115 of them were not able to be scraped for some reason, the included readme has some info.

>> No.6299265
File: 39 KB, 625x407, stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heres every(?) known complete translations for console games and MSU1/MD+ hacks. ROMs are prepatched.

>> No.6299365

You, sir, are based as fuck.

>> No.6299379

Wouldn't mind if you added Protoman Edition for Mega Man 5 in there as well. I see that Second Strike is in the mega link (though not in the mediafire one) so thanks for that


Recently there has been tons more downloads than usual for it, and 2 more reviews in a short span. I wish I knew what happened, probably a youtuber or streamer played it or something.

>> No.6299424

The majority of ROM hacks on RHDN are pointless anyway, so another site with a quality filter would be most welcome.

>> No.6299425

Agreed, a site where the moderators are allowed to arbitrarily decide what is and what isn't allowed there sounds like a great idea.

>> No.6299443

They already filter translations on quality basis (pure machine-translated stuff is not allowed, like that one RPG for PCE-CD, most Django MSX patches or the infamous Retronomicon ones for PC-98).
It seems strange thay allow so many shitty hacks for Streets of Rage 2 with a shitload of poorly drawned/animated pointless characters from Touhou or whatever.

>> No.6299451

I do agree that most hacks are pure shit and don't need to be shared but not allowing them due to that - and some of these cases will very objectionable, refer to the poster in this thread who dismissed the TMNT SoR2 hack as shitty and lazy when actually a hell of a lot of good hacking work went into it whatever their personal feelings or emotional arguments - could see some misunderstood good hacks or even hacks with later potential turned away.
Best way is always to just keep all of them (except obviously illegal ones, like putting kiddy porn into Golden Axe or whatever) and have approved as worthwhile or rejected as worthwhile in different categories.

>> No.6299517


hey thanks a lot anon keep em coming please

>> No.6299729
File: 116 KB, 1552x873, dcy1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for this.
Question for anyone who knows though, I know they're really made for the Mega SD but are there any emulators which play those MD+ games?
I know with SNES MSU-1 hacks you just load the patched .sfc and most modern emulators load the .pcms, but with these MD+ hacks every emulator I try and send a .cue to reads it as a Mega CD game and if I just load the .md it ignores the wavs. Thanks.

I've got one more, I'll keep sharing others I get over time.
This one is quite wordy but has some good personal anecdotes about the launch of the Dreamcast in it. If you don't like the Dreamcast then you'll get very little from this book.

>> No.6299750

Not sure if this is useful to anyone, but this is a collection of patches for Super Fire Pro X Premium on the SNES. I've not seen these anywhere else.

They're quite old, so roms need to be in ".fig" format. Maybe someone will have the time to convert them.


>> No.6299759

>Have started 4 different Mario Kaizio hacks
>Gotten walled by Shell Jump tricks in each other

Midair Shelljumps and Double Shell jumps are cancer

>> No.6299807
File: 55 KB, 308x326, +_67a40156a22f437abe54b0d827ddf49a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Thank you very much . Fren

>> No.6299992

>It's another anti-RHDN schizo ruins /rhg/ episode

>> No.6300020

>defending RHDN's purging of shit for political reasons
Get out, go back.

>> No.6300041

Why don't you write me another 400 words post of the same shit you've been pestering about for two whole months now

>> No.6300042

>post includes links to deleted stuff
>get triggered
Like clockwork.

>> No.6300054

>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person!
Go back already retard.

>> No.6300059
File: 52 KB, 440x519, upvote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6300086

It will be more "curated".
That sets the precedent moderation is responsible for what's on the site.

Kotaku runs an article about a few patches by rightwingers that changed menu text in (fictional analogy to real life example) Tetris Battle Gaiden to English, and as you know those can't be allowed on platforms. If moderators agree to host that romhack, they agree with that author when he wrote on twitter some shit about bathrooms and immigrant votes, 100%, even if they didn't read that.
Worse, the menu text might have been influenced by his political opinions, making that Tetris patch propaganda.
The moderation then posts that they hate that author. The pressure dies down a bit. Then someone tweets the author is still on the site. The moderation bans him for a misspelled rom name or some jab at another romhack.

The author pool is more "curated" this way.
But this will have limited effect as long as the moderation staff isn't "curated".

So Kotaku runs another article about a low effort romhack, or a political campaign romhack of the "correct" kind, that wasn't approved fast enough, because the moderator isn't enthusiastically FOR the romhack (this can be disapproval, plain apathy, or unavailability) So to clean up their act, the moderation team must purge that moderator and replace it with new moderators of the correct political alignment, who came there to enforce the correct political alignments (mods maintain romhacks? what are romhacks?)

Now the moderation is "curated" perfectly.
Shuffle and repeat.

Now don't get me wrong.
Low quality, low effort spam like BHDN or PolCorrectness-fixes, or google translated spanish patches, kills a website, because it's spam. At the very least, it should be its own category, that can be filtered out by users.
Illegal content kills a website literally.
So you do need curation.
The question is, how well defined the criteria is, and how fool-proof to subversion attempts it is.

>> No.6300115

>At the very least, it should be its own category, that can be filtered out by users.
But flat-out refusal to host because it's deemed to be worthless or too offensive is itself a form of censorship because it can ultimately be an arbitrary decision.
Some people might like a Pokemon Yellow where the only change is Samus Aran takes Pikachu's place follows Ash around. In fact I'm sure some would really like that, those sorts of hacks do get downloads, so while I consider it worthless personally and I'd have it in the worthless section, it should be permitted all the same.
But again though, I do agree that illegal stuff should be rejected (this is rationalised not due purely to emotion but for the longevity of the site) and also that most hacks really are objectively pure crap. Probably 90%+ are pretty much pointless. But they shouldn't be outright rejected just because of that.

>> No.6300121 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 399x399, cMLT1qgd_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mмм, Зeльдa, Mapиo, Coнник, oбoжaю

>> No.6300146 [DELETED] 

Get some sleep muzhik

>> No.6300279

Can you upload that readme separately on pastebin or something?
That shit is useful.

>> No.6300304


>> No.6300358

I have no idea what game is this, but thank you, anon.

>> No.6300434

Any new cool shit for the Super Famicom?

>> No.6300470

Thank you Anon !!!

>> No.6300768

It's a snes wrestling game.

>> No.6300872

Thank you.

>I only scraped what was available through the "Download" button.
>April 20, 2019
>115 missing that far
So it's a matter of getting those.
Things that don't have associated downloads are bigger patches (hosted elsewhere, often dying links) or what we shall charitably call persona non grata romhacks for the RHDN moderation's tastes (either official romhacks by Nintendo, or wrongthink authors or games)
The sooner this is done the better. They used to keep the project page and disable the download, but now they're nuking project pages and overwriting their ID with new submissions.

Not bad at all.
These are all translation patches (all languages) from after April 20, 2019 until today. I counted 1020+ romhacks.
These are other romhacks. +620 romhacks.

I downloaded everything by MrRichard a while ago manually (80 projects) and it was very impractical.
Getting those is very impractical.

Sadly some things were cancelled (Vernes World) because of that situation.
But Goemon 1, Goemon 4, Soreyuke Ebisumaru are still releasing somewhere this year.
MrRichard (banned from RHDN) is planning all of Namco's Famista series and is about done with the NES ones.
LuigiBlood is doing the BS Marvelous series.
Go Go Ackman 3 is out but not submitted (and it looks like 2 might be possible) and so is the Beta for Cooly Skunk, also known as the game furries funded a fundraiser for in 50 minutes and finished its translation in one week.

>> No.6300874

Langrisser Mega Drive MIJET + D


>> No.6300903

Bare Knuckle II USA + BKM Blaze


>> No.6301015

Does anyone know how to do the board the platform stage for polygon mario and polygon jigglypuff in the latest version of smash remix?

>> No.6301446


>> No.6301747

Probably the best Wrestling game on the system. It's between that and Burning Pro Wrestling

>> No.6301887

not sure if it would have made a difference, romhacking.net has index pages to all of the translations/hacks.
an extra layer of effort above just mindlessly downloading a numbered range which might have made a difference.

>> No.6302513

Yeah I noticed how all the downloads were in numbered zip files, that's 5000 patches I won't know where to start with in case they're not accessible.

>> No.6302926

>wolf over peppy or slippy
For what purpose?

>> No.6302978

>dude le barrel roll memes XD
fuck off

>> No.6303057

Fuck off, Peppy is my favorite SF character.

>> No.6303146 [DELETED] 
File: 1.92 MB, 750x422, super smash bros.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did anybody download animal forest +e ?

>> No.6303254

initial patch is an advertisement, all updates are behind a patreon paywall, a sob story how this is his day job, and a vague promise to release the final patch for free 1.5 years later.

tried and true tactic, see project melancholia sd snatcher.

>> No.6303371 [DELETED] 
File: 1023 KB, 720x1274, 1530197310996.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I assume someone will become his patreon to get the complete build early . Like they did with mario 64 multiplayer .

>> No.6303425

that not any reason why he should be over Wolf for ANY Smash
outside overdone Barrel Roll memes, Peppy's a shit.

>> No.6303428


I'll be posting more stuff on the next thread. Post a link to the patched ISO once you're done, have fun anons.

RomGuy out.

>> No.6303442
File: 315 KB, 750x675, 007DBA63-613E-4899-9A3F-A80FE3208105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you fren

>> No.6303457

Welcome bud.

>> No.6303493

Thank you so much.
Posting the patched ISO isn't that complicated (compared to your 15MB link, it's only 30MB that can be expanded back to the full iso, byte perfect, look for a link of the current nkit romset in the emugen thread right now)
and it's very preferable not just because i'm a lazyfag, but because the patching tool can be used to call back to the motherbase and made unusable, whereas the ISO will never be DRM-able.

>> No.6303510


Please keep those for future use.
>unpack 30MB nkit.gcz (j) to 1.4GB iso (jp)
>apply english patch to iso
>repack 1.4GB iso (en) to 30MB nkit (en) (or you can use wbfs, gcz, whatever)
>share 30MB nkit + readme
>delete all files except 30MB nkit.gcz (j) (useful for future versions)

>> No.6303542
File: 82 KB, 273x333, batscared.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Megaman CX is a god-tier hack with shit-tier level design. If you power through it I think it gets MORE crazy in the endgame than the entirety of Minus Infinity, though MI is by far better due to having competent level design. CX was made by an absolute madman though, for sure, and he goes complete balls-to-the-wall in the Light Fortress stages. Don't click the spoilers if you haven't played it through because they're worth not spoiling
>that entirely optional stage based on Castlevania 3 where you can get Quickman as a playable character for the rest of the game and switch between him a la Zero in Megaman X3
>the bottom-screen dialogue that happens during live gameplay like it's Kirby Super Star
>fighting Fireman and Iceman at the same time
>Elecman gets pissed and just starts fucking ripping spikes from the ceiling of the boss arena and throws them at you
>literally everything about the Dr. Light fights I can't even begin

Himajin Jichiku has to be a time-traveling Puresabe from a future where he went completely insane and took over the world using his assembly coding skills

>> No.6303553

>(pure machine-translated stuff is not allowed
If that's true why does hasn't that one guy who machine translates like 20 games into Spanish every single week not been taken care of yet?

>> No.6303559

I'm getting an array failed with the Nkit

Any ideas on how to extract this Revision?

>> No.6303562
File: 1.38 MB, 750x1334, E816A62A-2358-4CA8-AB27-176319A7248F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any good Pokemon romhacks prefer no oc mons tho, sprites are fine

>> No.6303587
File: 2.60 MB, 1894x2429, 20200329_191746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any good Pokemon romhacks prefer no oc mons tho, sprites are fine

How about all pokemon rom hacks
Gba hacks

GB hacks

Gba improvement

>> No.6303604

anyone tried those playable Zero hacks for MMX1 and 2?

>> No.6303609
File: 401 KB, 523x655, 8D390F29-4AB7-4897-8DAE-C28AFCE3E44F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crystal Clear 2.0 Baby is pretty amazing and perfect

Thank you kind anon

>> No.6303612


>> No.6303627

I honestly think that the Tranny bit was just ignorance, and not maliciousness. And whether or not it's problematic or not, it wasn't a bad idea for it to be brought to attention.

I just wish this entire shit show that followed never happened. It didn't *need* to happen. There just needed to be some talking, and that's it, but instead everything is just nuked to oblivion.

>> No.6303649

RomGuy here, needed to mention this:

Ok I confirmed that the Nkit iso works, I looked for an uncompressed iso of revision A and it as nowhere to be found online, so def use the Nkit iso mentioned.

If you want I can upload the prepatched ISO, as it seems the dummy files are removed so it's 20 mb's and easy to upload, but still the instructions to patch it are as followed:

>You may need a visual basic redist library or net framework for Nkit
>Decompress the ISO
>The actual patcher will check to see if your iso is valid for the patch
>Do not uncheck compress iso, as this failed for me and if you leave it on, the iso changes to the 20mb size
>Can confirm this iso works on Dolphin nicely

>> No.6303710
File: 1.22 MB, 828x842, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any rom hacking site that is exclusive Japanese .

>> No.6303758


>> No.6303924

Thanks anon!

>> No.6303987

He probably gave up after the lunatic psycopath shit storm that happened when he translated one of the other games accurately.
>I'm a bit iffy on the HG101 books
So you should be. Their writing is atrocious, full of not only grammar mistakes in every single paragraph, but riddled with factual horse shit they pull out of their asses or copy paste from stuff they heard on the playground without verifying.

>> No.6303992

It was an accurate translation. He was forced into changing it for political purposes.

>> No.6303996

>I have access to Bibliotik, MyAnonamouse, and several other private trackers
What are some other good private trackers for Books btw? I only have access to MAM.

>> No.6304014

How hard/easy is it to replace a character model in a 64 rom?

building on that how hard is it to get that small edit of a rom to run on real hardware? Ive seen a few mods like this but not many.

>> No.6304204

>Question for anyone who knows though, I know they're really made for the Mega SD but are there any emulators which play those MD+ games?
Did some research into this, sharing in case someone ever needs it.
Kega Fusion and Genesis Plus GX can play these, it's called Mode 1 and it's a largely-overlooked function on the original hardware but basically it lets the Mega CD hardware take care of the audio and lets the Mega Drive process the game.

In KegaFusion, edit the Fusion.ini to change CartBootEnabled=0 to =1 to enable it there. Genesis Plus GX without any such edit necessary.

There's still a problem though - I tried those hacks in the Mega and none of them work (it's likely the cues need editing, I've tried a few variations and none work but I'll look into it more). That said the video of this Top Gear 2 one has a link and that one does work for me in both Kega (remember, edit the ini) and Genesis Plus GX via RetroArch so this particular release should help people if they want to test their setup. Be sure to load the bin and NOT the cue as that'll just open the Mega CD CD player.

>> No.6304248

What’s a good romhack for Super Metroid to make it more like the gba titles?

>> No.6304281

>I honestly think that the Tranny bit was just ignorance, and not maliciousness.
it was a different time

also probably text space?

>> No.6304472

Goemon 4 is still coming later this year if circumstances allow according to DDS and FlashPV statements.
All of the games text for the Goemon tetralogy + Soreyuke were translated, minor background text aside (they looked for help for that before going dark)

The other games Tom was working on aren't coming back unless he does.

>Animal Forest e+
Thanks a lot for the goods. Checking that patcher utility, it really uses the Patreon API.

>> No.6304504

>I honestly think that the Tranny bit was just ignorance, and not maliciousness.
It's neither. The source material is really that way.
Konami censored some Goemon comics in later prints.
You either want that game translated, or you don't.

>There just needed to be some talking
Talking happened.
Tom refused to compromise on the availability of the accurate translation.
He was however willing to provide a reworded version, as an OPTIONAL version with a disclaimer it doesn't represent Konami's intent, and that what it changes is Konami's writing.

The "talked to" didn't like that answer, because:

1- Tom will be always wrong. Because...
Tom is already guilty by proxy of being an alt righter, because he worked with DDS, who wrote "resetera is cancer", which discoalucard decided is exclusively an "alt right meme". That conclusion was foregone, no matter how much bending back like a jello Tom and DDS would do.

2- The original version is still available.
They don't want anyone to read it in that way. Neither learning Japanese, nor tracking down older patches, youtube translated playthroughs, older guides...
If they get an optional patch, it's not a solution because it's not about them.

3- The optional patch replaces it with newhalf.
It doesn't make Goemon 3 a tranny-approved game. You know, the game with another tranny antagonist with an elaborate unavoidable Mode 7 battle sprite with a huge feminine weiner, or jabs at political correctness, at traps who hide their status to get laid, etc etc. And that's nothing compared to Goemon 4.
Konami has the source code and didn't bother to localize it officially because it's too much work to do that.
Tom/DDS doesn't have the source code.
The PC faggot who wanted to clean up "gender roles" in Goemon 2 onsens never released his work after taking years.
It's an impossible demand, and that's just what they wanted to punish dem resetera enemies.

Hence that shitshow and harassment online and offline.

>> No.6304731

wtf is up with that user Pennywise on RHDN changing readmes of a ton of hacks, deleting names of the people who made the friggin hack?

>> No.6304751

Is there any listing of translation groups websites?

>> No.6304752

At this rate the MD section on RHDN will just be full of shitty SoR2 character hacks.

>> No.6304771 [DELETED] 

This threads need facts:

1. EOPs are subhumans.
2. Translations are shit.
3. Trannies are mentally ill and often child predators too.

What else is there to say? If you feel you're trans, cut off all your fake internet friends from Discord and Twitter, find a meaningful activity to do in real life, eat better, sleep better and reevaluate your life after a while.

>> No.6304775

Tom if you are here I love your work and how you gave us translations for really niche games. You don't need Twitter to release your translations, just setup your own website with RSS. It was possible before social networks, it can be possible now.

>> No.6304778

I'm betting it's a corrupt mod, I don't trust RHDN, once they warned me immediately over "necroposting" when I clearly sent a private DM (private as in no one in the server was supposed to read it) over a request of an old planned translation, and after that I never trusted the stupid website

>> No.6304786 [DELETED] 

This thread needs facts:

1. EOPs are subhuman.
2. Translations are shit.
3. Trannies are mentally ill and often child predators too.

What else is there to say? If you feel you're trans, cut off all your fake internet friends from Discord and Twitter, find a meaningful activity to do in real life, eat better, sleep better and reconsider after a while.

>> No.6304789

Retro Within has a lot of vidya books and manuals.

>> No.6304802

deleting any mention of mijet, his page and his patchers and stuff.

and, ironically, also the anti-piracy-disclaimers, lol

>> No.6304880

I wish you would give concrete examples, with evidence, instead of twisted rhetorical examples, hyperbolized to garner sympathy for your perspective.

Real examples of this stuff, without the exaggeration, would do better in gathering support.

>> No.6304983

They banned GuyPerfect too for no reason. Over "unsollicited DMs" they say. That's the guy who used to restore the lost BSX and e-Reader content for the F-Zero series. He's now doing a VB emulator instead.

That's how a new "curation-first" website would get subverted. The examples help illustrate that hypothetical, the goal wasn't to chronicle how RHDN got subverted.

RHDN had very unsavory friends of the mods saying very horrible shit on IRC, so they overcompensate in public, and to calm triggered jannies with all the power trip they want: nothing like handing me goodies and power to get me to forget about my "principles."
Dynamic Designs have an editor named Wildbill who puts Irak War and pro-Bush crap in their translations. Kotaku ran an article about that so they basically bullied the entire group (not only Wildbill's games) offsite.
Then they use that as "evidence" that no one who is politically X (comments, countries they're living in, account follows) on twitter won't turn their translations into propaganda that should be removed.
So Russian modders are attacked out of the blue, Brigandine's author gets a trial whether his translation choices are influenced by his religion...
RHDN mods are still trying to appeal to admins to get Dynamic Designs translations removed, and they might just do that now.
In which Zynk Oxyde, a mod spamming Roll-Chan gender swaps for entire series, is now an anti-feminist because a trans rights romhack wasn't approved fast enough (waited 4 DAYS!!!) and kicked off the moderation team, with Kotaku pomp and Resetera inspectors verifying if he's banned everywhere yet as well (that's why DDS said resetera is cancer)
They immediately approve a bunch of gender neutral hacks that weren't approved because they were text edits, and the author was trying to get fucking nintendo to shut down the whole site (triggered by members and romhacks there)
His "replacements" are now curating older romhacks.

>> No.6305016

Ah, le ethics of bootleggers arguing quality control.
Gonna go enjoy my ethical bootlegs.

>> No.6305050
File: 158 KB, 750x650, 18350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck, they added the piano the smash remix

>> No.6305378

It actually looks like it works better than it has a right to.

>There's still a problem though - I tried those hacks in the Mega and none of them work (it's likely the cues need editing)
I've really hit a wall with this.
I'm seeing a recent-ish issue relating to these MD+ patches on the Genesis Plus GX core's Github so I'm assuming it's just too new to be fully supported. It's a relatively arcane feature, but if anyone knows a reliable way of getting these or the Zeldix MD+ hacks working in an emulator, please let me/us know.

>> No.6305762


>> No.6305889
File: 247 KB, 705x527, 1585717349574.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before I pre patch all n64 hacks & translation. Has anybody done it .my hands and computer is slowing down from all this collection.

>> No.6305913

Those hacks aren't using Mode 1. They're instead using a custom chip in the Mega SD cartridge that feeds audio into the Genesis through the Audio Expansion lines on the cartridge port (think Famicom Expanded Audio or the MSU-1 on the SNES). No emulator emulates this custom chip so those hacks can only work on the Mega SD.

Sega CD Mode 1 hacks are completely different.

>> No.6306021

less and less hacks are being added to rhdn kek

>> No.6306036

they have tutorials on n64vault, my spiral power friend

>> No.6306128


>> No.6306459

Where should I post my hacks when I finish them? I'm actually considering badhacks, because they're a bunch of good guys, unironically. But their site is indeed awful, not much different from simply throwing a link up on a neocities page.

>> No.6306474

is that a website? never heard of it.

>> No.6306490

is my computer going to get riddled with spyware and shit from this

>> No.6306701

Super Metroid Redux.
Started my first ever Super Metroid playthrough just now. How can anyone like this game? Almost everything is fucking hidden, not even a subtle change in the tiles.
You have to bomb and missile through every screen or follow a fucking walkthrough.
Overrated piece of shit.

>> No.6306783

Sorry, I meant baddesthacks.

>> No.6307051

Can you redpill me on this webside? It also allows the patched hacks too?

>> No.6307096

They hated the crybaby censorship so they fucked off to operate their own website with blackjack and hookers. I think they only hosted 1 serious hack and a bunch of low effort joke hacks until the Goemon fiasco when they mirrored the original uncensored patches to preserve them and give another fuck you to RHDN. They claim to accept whatever you submit to them though, just nobody does yet. Their forum feels a bit like Moon Central, pretty comfy fun-allowed shitposting, no real hard political stance like /pol/ or anything besides being politically incorrect. Nobody really cares to debate about shit on the forum anyway, it's mostly just hacking ideas, shitposting, and romhacking drama discussion. But like I said, the website isn't very good and isn't much different from putting your hack on a neocities page or, say, zophar's domain.

>> No.6307298

Dunno if this helps for anybody, but I found out this.


It’s in alpha right now, but the plan is to create a new centralized database of romhacks and translations, with patching being done using specific software rather than done manually (using no-intro ROM checksums as reference). Haven’t used it yet so I can’t verify it, but maybe it’s what you guys are looking for.

>> No.6307338

>download our malware installer

>> No.6307354

I prefer to patch them manually.

>> No.6307386

Haven't used it yet eh? Well you let us know how it goes then holla back.

>> No.6307401

Thanks! Do you have NES/Famicom Compedium and other gaming e-book?

>> No.6308248

They've just uploaded D's Warsong Re-Translation on RHDN... Wonder if they got it from here?

They've also "updated" all of MIJETs Phantasy Star SegaNet translations...

>> No.6308264

>edgy webdesign-shit-animation-crap-layout
literally cancer.

>> No.6308487

Some nice to have retranslation patches to preserve:

Final Fantasy VI - all versions, including Sky Render (they really hate it, goes beyond normal mockery and into "why is it not taken down")
Chrono Trigger - Sky Render, same shit
Beyond Oasis
Langrisser 1 MD / Warsong (already taken care of)
Dynamite Headdy
Mother 1 - Tomato's version prior to "restoring localization changes"
Earthbound - a partial restoration
Soul Blazer - retranslation is good but item names are made up by romhacker because he had no good translation, it's worth backing up and fixing later
Assault Suit Valken, Twinbee Rainbow Bell Adventures - just in case Aeon Genesis falls within his party's lines "localization enemies are the devil"
Tons of NES shit (CV2, CV3, Crystalis ...)

>> No.6309441

>Sky Render
>they really hate it
Peak autism.
Better baddesthacks, here atleast you can upload any type of romhack you want, even the autist hack too.

>> No.6309445

There's a bunch of Phantasy Star re-translations, don't know how good they are..

>> No.6309454

What is Phantasy Star Seganet tho?

>> No.6309549

Phantasy Star got a bunch of visual novels as side stories for some characters and lore. Barely any interactivity, but amazing stuff if you're a fan of the games and lore.

A lot of JRPGs get those. Suikoden, Chrono Trigger (Radical Dreamers)...
Most localizations remove them, such as Final Fantasy Tactics or Dragon Quest XI (based Plus Alfa removing huge amounts of text ever since 2004)
The Euro version of Metal Gear Ghost Babel kept it.

You can watch them on youtube or something.
MIJET did the ones for Phantasy Star.

That said, SMSPower has a retranslation for Phantasy Star 1, and a few based frenchies translated the Sega Ages remakes for PS1 and PS2. (different from the Switch version, which btw had some false advertising by Sega that Atlus USA retranslated parts of it, but it turned out bogus. Still has a minimap, which is a godsend for that kind of game)
There's a "relocalization" of PS4 that restores some stuff but its branding and admitted intentions are very dubious, "righting the wrong that Wrecking Designs' bid for the localization failed" and shit. Another one for PS3 but might be a simple edit pass with no real restored content.

>> No.6309559

They tried to remove useful fix patches for games people actually needed to play some jarpigs, because they fell under the same new rule by RHDN mod faggots (no low effort romhack)

That there is telling how much they "care".
Weren't some on BHDN so insufferable and actual nazis that a lot of talented ones actually ran away from that shithole? Despite what resetera might say, translators who dislike resetera-approved moderation aren't necessarily fine with klans company.

>> No.6309684
File: 12 KB, 364x239, 1558441939859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was looking in the tiles of this GBC rom and found this. It's nowhere in the game which makes me think it's an asset recycled from another game. Anyone know what it could be? The game in question is made by Banpresto and RED.

>> No.6309848

Does anyone have Vol.3 of the Untold books?

>> No.6310131

No one "tried" to remove anything or was sending retarded "noncompliance" shit like Zynk still does. They were just asking what RHDN was doing with their retarded policies.

>> No.6310152

thats not true at all. the only "hacks" requested for removal in the "low effort" fiasco were pronoun hacks, title screen "translations", a hack that changed a pointer from an arrow to a hand, and a single-pixel hack.

They do have some competent guys there, even if most of the output is just dumb shit.

>> No.6310182

it was either a temporary permaban or smiley, lol

>> No.6310186

leave Dunkey

>> No.6310506

can someone give me a link to a prepatched version of rockman CX? i'm no good at patching mega man hacks.

>> No.6310684

OP should extend the list.

>> No.6310823

OP make a new thread please.

>> No.6310827

Just google "Mega Man CX".

>> No.6311037

not sure what you mean, my original question was about the n64 vault

>> No.6311042

I genuinely can't tell if I'm failing at applying the new Puyo Puyo Sun 64 translation patch, or just failing at getting it to work on my chink flashcart.


>> No.6311125

Looks like there's no ebook version. Maybe the author got sick of piracy. I bought a physical copy about a year ago just to thank him for his hard work.


>> No.6311728

the GoldenEye 007 Editor has been used for ages
all the tools are safe to use, just wish Sammy Husky pitched in an editor to convieniently hack 64 all in one place

>> No.6312114 [DELETED] 

i love this thread, sorry if you /vr/os get upset but this board has soul. mods and romhacks are the saving grace for me :/ i'm pretty sure i would of quit gaymen by now of it wasn't for those two, literally all i play :3

>> No.6312257

Is there a SA-1 patch of Megaman X?

>> No.6312383

Link to the next thread please.

>> No.6312693
File: 694 KB, 3120x4160, 1586023645979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more prepatched pc98. So far I've only found the first 6 Farland Story games and a Mahjong title

>> No.6312742

Maybe here?

>> No.6312842

Thank you anon. Doing the Lord's work

>> No.6312848

Hey all, I'm trying to do a translation romhack of this GBC game. Problem is, the game doesn't seem to react when I change the values for monster names. For example, I tried changing the value of one character in the first monster to see if the change would show up when I played the game in an emulator, but the change doesn't seem to actually go through.

Anyone know what might be up? The monster names only appear once in the hexdump when I check by searching both via monkeymoore and looking manually in windhex32.

>> No.6312961

Does the name appear as ASCII? If it does, it's probably not used at the monster screen, it's used elsewhere. Those older games used more than one character set, meaning that even if you make a table, you may need not find every text refenrece, and you need another table. Usually this happens on intros or credit screens.

Can't you say the name of the game?

>> No.6313156
File: 182 KB, 1220x1342, 1558390500061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, sorry. Kakutou Ryori Densetsu Bistro Recipe (Wonder Battle Ver.)

Kind of a literal who tier game. It's in Japanese so it doesn't appear in ASCII but like, values that equate to specific kana. And those appear to be consistently used from when I've poked around in the ROM.

>> No.6313161

The game pulls from two "banks" of tiles (one for menus and one for battle text and dialogue) but each set of tiles is laid out the exact same way. So anywhere in the game, if the game calls for a katakana "mu" in the text, it will always use a 46, as an example.

>> No.6313423

The creator of the website says he "definitely intends" to make it open source later on.

>> No.6313469

FF6 T-Edition is slowly getting translated


>> No.6313572


>> No.6313605

There's no platform stages for non-vanilla characters yet, just targets.

>> No.6314314
File: 48 KB, 640x400, 16388fcc713701948fd4f900fd0b1ff1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The English speaking world needs more sweet cyberpunk kino

>> No.6314640

Every now and then I find a bootleg cart online of what appears to be a fan mod, how many mods are there of games known to run on actual n64 hardware? there is some 007 mod with mario characters or something you can buy.

>> No.6314768

How do I download the books from the mega link? I keep getting quota exceeded. Do I have to download them one by one?

>> No.6314772

I used J downloader and downloaded half the books one day and half next day

>> No.6314773

You get a higher quota if you have an account - just fill in some fake details and use a burner e-mail

>> No.6314913


nice, thanks

>> No.6315089

In the last thread about romhacking I asked for advice on how to change what number of coins you get an extra life in SMB and someone gave me a really detailed answer.

Thread got deleted before I could reply and I felt like a dick for not saying thanks. So if you're reading this thread, thanks.

>> No.6316574
File: 57 KB, 900x600, product_LoL_passport_LoZ_photo1_1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm looking for PDF's of Fangamer's EarthBound Handbook, Legends of Localization 1: Legend of Zelda and Legends of Localization 2: EarthBound. Can anyone help me out?

EarthBound Handbook

Legends of Localization 1: Zelda

Legends of Localization 2: EarthBound

Also looking for Legends of Localization: Passport to MOTHER 2:

And Legends of Localization: Passport to the Legend of Zelda:

>> No.6317089
File: 593 KB, 1024x780, waifus02-1024x780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone has the rom of this romhack called Super Mario World Waifu$?
I tried to patch myself but what i got is blackscreen.

>> No.6317814

So I'm making a very simple romhack and I've written the assembly already and tested it with an emulator and it works fine but I'm having trouble patching it directly.

I have an instruction that I'm overwriting, I know in hex it's 8EE40520 but if I open my game in a hex editor I can't find that string of bytes. Even if I account for little endian it still never shows up as 2005E48E.

How is it possible that the instruction I can read in the debugger isn't present within a hex editor?

>> No.6317918

Looks like it doesn't ship were I live. Could you at least share Yoshio Kiya's interview? That's the part I'm most interested about.

>> No.6317994

Must be headered rom. Never use headers.

>> No.6318070

Or wait. I'm an idiot. Your code could be self generating. Compressed code, bytecode, self modifying code... Check if the address of the instruction isn't 7Exxxx or 7Fxxxx.

If that's the case, your romhack would be anything but simple.

>> No.6318124

The address is 08931404, if I account for the virtual memory offset of my emulator then I'd expect the hex editor to find the instruction at 0012D404, but even if I ctrl+f the whole file, that string never comes up.

It's possible the file is compressed somehow but that would show up as garbage within a hex editor, right? Is there any sort of compression method that just shifts the byte values like a cipher? That's the only thing I can think of.

Either that or I need to unpack my game into its constituent files and open the relevant one in a hex editor? I've only ever worked with simple NES or Gameboy files and patching those are pretty direct, I've never had to deal with compression techniques before and sadly my chosen game has little documentation surrounding it.

>> No.6318328

I would guess that you're searching wrong. Maybe you need to indicate hex in the search box?

>> No.6318417

Thanks for your help, I looked at the address where I expected to find my instruction, copied the hex there and tried to convert it back to MIPS and it doesn't work so It's a safe bet that the file is encrypted, once I figure out how to decrypt it I should be fine.

>> No.6318534

MIPS? So it's N64? I suppose it might be compressed then. More able to run decompression routines + less space than CDs = just jam it in there tight.

>> No.6318556

PSP actually, it's the remake of Tactics Ogre. I couldn't figure out the encryption of the .BIN files so I just wrote my code directly using cwcheat format and that works perfectly since it applies itself to a running, already decrypted file at that point.

If I continue to mess around with TO I'll look more into it but I have no idea where I'd start figuring out a specific encryption type from scratch.

>> No.6319131

Any decent translations of the Dragon Knight games?

>> No.6319215

As far as I know, the only game in the series with a full translation is Dragon Knight III (localized as Knights of Xentar), but it's far from ideal. There's a patch that removes all censorship, but the translation is still super sketchy.
I've seen some projects involving the other games in the series, but they never went anywhere.

>> No.6319291

Any resources that can explain the concept of pointers in romhacking to a dumbass like me?

>> No.6319546
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>> No.6319568
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it's happening again, it is supposed to have the keyboard ported now?

>> No.6319672

they live

>> No.6320305

I've been playing Streets of Rage Remake + the numerous mods. Not sure if it counts but I think they used the original assets.

>> No.6320496

I thought it was SNES.
>7Exxxx or 7Fxxxx
Means RAM, but only on SNES.

Game has no reason to execute code from RAM unless it's compressed, bytecode, self generating, etc.
OR... a CD game that has to load stuff to RAM. Which fits the PSP.

The actual range is different for PSP:

Well a way to do this is to figure out first where that code came from. A write breakpoint on it for example.

>> No.6320747

Do you, by chance, have Mato's books? I wanted to read them for quite awhile, but I have no idea where I can download them.
Great stuff, saved.

>> No.6320778

Huh, they even put my translation I made way back in 2014. I had forgotten about it.

>> No.6320781

How based is this guy?

>> No.6321554

highly problematic

>> No.6321569
File: 37 KB, 512x448, nuevo-parche-de-traduccion-al-espanol-castellano-para-soul-blazer-de-super-nintendo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Know any good compilation of Spanish translations?

>> No.6321606

Only this:

>> No.6322046
File: 1.95 MB, 3096x4128, 012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't find PDFs of these anywhere. And I don't have the money to buy hard copies right now, otherwise I would. Sorry, anon.

Here's the Yoshio Kiya interview from my hard copy of the book. Please forgive my shitty cell phone pics with my finger in them and let me know if I need to reshoot any of the pages.


>> No.6323231

Off topic, but Hayao Miyazaki's Starting Point, both volumes, and this series (has exclusive info about the internal power struggle at nintendo, but in french)


>> No.6323232

Add a header to the clean SNES rom and apply the patch again.

>> No.6323239

Yes, it's called RHDN.

>good compilation
If you want "good", you can check actual Spanish romhacking sites, before the great "wave" of spam begun.

>> No.6323242

Pointers are strange. When you first encounter them they are confusing and hard and you will never understand them. Then one day things just click and they are so simple you can't imagine ever being troubled by them.

A pointer is an address.

That's it really.
It's some address where you'll find something. In romhacking you'll run across pointers to text, or to the start of a map, or where a character's data is, all kinds of things. Now if you want to find where the pointer is pointing to in a rom file, that can get a little more complicated.
Remember, to the system, there is no rom. The rom is only on your hard drive, the system asks the bus for the data at certain addresses and it gets the data. Nobody knows exactly what kind of evil black magic rites the bus has to do to get your data, but it hasn't let us down yet so it's best not to ask questions.
Actually you are going to need to know if you want to find what a pointer is pointing to in a rom file. So when the pointer is used, it needs to be pointing to something relevant, at the time it's being used. Well maybe there are different banks that get swapped in and out. Also somebody stuck a header in front of your rom file.
Let's say you have a pointer to some dialog an npc says, and you want to find that text in the rom. You can take the value of that pointer and add the size of the header + (the bank number * the size of a bank) and you'll get the offset into the rom file where you'll find the text.

Anyways I'm getting rambly and delirious. tl;dr: A pointer is an address to memory where you'll find some data.

>> No.6323242,1 [INTERNAL] 

The link is down
New link?

>> No.6323242,2 [INTERNAL] 


Ugh, this looks INCREDIBLE but the link no longer works :(

I would do pretty much anything for a working link...

>> No.6323242,3 [INTERNAL] 


Well, I guess all it took was ~1 hour of desperate Google-Fu...

The English translations posted by >>6299265 are available on archive.org, thanks to user "cudencuden":


Unfortunately, I wasn't able to find a working link for the April 20th 2019 dump of romhacking.net posted by:

I did find the source (a thread on /r/DataHoarder/), and was able to recover the Google drive link and uploader's username from the deleted post using removeddit, but sadly the link doesn't work anymore, and on top of that, the uploader deleted their account.


So if anyone has a working link for that dump, it would be GREATLY appreciated!

>> No.6323242,4 [INTERNAL]  [DELETED] 


Also, there's another dump of romhacking.net on archive.org, but it's from August 8th 2017. Of course, the 4/20 2019 dump would still be preferable, but it's something :)
