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628309 No.628309 [Reply] [Original]

Which smb2 character was your favorite and why?

I like peach for her hovering but I always ended up using mario most of the time

>> No.628319


>> No.628317

Peach was just a complete gamebreaker. I used her constantly. Except for that one stage that needs Luigi to get to the warp zone.

>> No.628325

Almost always used Peach, but I would occasionally use Toad for the hell of it.

>> No.628327

Luigi for those paddlefeet. Floaty jump is best jump

>> No.628328


>> No.628337

Toad master race checking in.

>> No.628339

>can't jump very high
>weakest character
>can only float

Granted she'll cover 3 more pixels than Luigi can.

>> No.628365

I used either Luigi for his high jump, or toad for his grabbing ability. Being able to grab and go was something I really found useful. Peach took for-freaking-ever to pick anything out of the ground and that bugged me. That's just personal preference though. It didn't matter when you got to Wart.

>> No.628380


Also, anybody, anywhere, who used Mario was a faggot.

>> No.628389

The jump difference was only on the Nes version or what? They all jump the same height on Snes version.

>> No.628403

Peach and Toad couldn't jump for shit, Mario was average, Luigi was Nigerian

>> No.628409
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I always used Peach or Toad because at the time it was the only way to play those characters that I know of.

>> No.628414

>World 2
>Digger level
>Any character but Toad
>my life is suffering

>> No.628417


>> No.628416

Luigi, because he is a secondary character

>> No.628429

Toad, because he gets all the bitches.


>> No.628437

Peach, because she was the fictional female I was most familiar with when I started getting curious about what erections were and what it might feel like to have one.

Puberty is confusing.

>> No.628446

>Toad is female
>And phallic

>> No.628462

Toad for quick grab

>> No.628475

Luigi because FUCK YEAH LUIGI
They should put Wario in the next game

>> No.628515

Was there ever a proper sequel to the SMB2 style of gameplay? There's about thirty fucking zillion Mario games and I don't feel like sorting through that shit

>> No.628530

SMB2 is not even a real mario game, it was released in Japan as something else so I guess that's why they didn't make another similar game

>> No.628549

Toad was really worthless in any stage but the ones where you have to dig through sand.

>but he doesn't lose speed when carrying something

Yes but then again he's already the slowest one and his speed is the same as Mario's carrying speed.

>> No.628551


It was first planned as a Mario game, then turned into a Dream Factory game, then turned again into a Mario game.

>> No.628554

>Yes but then again he's already the slowest one

No he wasn't, you dumb nigger. Peach was.

His only downfall was his jump.

>> No.628572


Toad for digging levels. Luigi for everything else.

I didn't care for Peach's slow pull speed and Mario was just meh.

>> No.628579

Always Luigi

Anyone have that comic of the guy trying to do the flutter jump while driving?

>> No.628614
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>> No.628670

when i was in 8th grade in gym class they will make us do pull ups to see who will do more and this guy use to kick his legs like luigi to lift himself up, it was hilarious. He was known as luigi ever since