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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6277428 No.6277428 [Reply] [Original]

So, I may need to sell much of, if not all of my retro game collection on ebay in order to survive the COVID-19 crisis. Will this pandemic affect the prices of retro video games that are sold online? And unrelated to this place's topic, but is there any chance of the post offices being affected or anything in terms of shipping ebay packages?

>> No.6277441

>is there any chance of the post offices being affected or anything in terms of shipping ebay packages?
Anything could happen. Sell what you can now.

>> No.6277445

I should probably start slow though and not list a ton of shit at once, I have a whole box right now of stuff I'm gonna sell though.
But seriously, if we couldn't use the post office that would be BAD...
Like, they should at least have some way for you to maybe get packages pre-paid and then just put them in a mailbox or something.

>> No.6277449

>So, I may need to sell much of, if not all of my retro game collection on ebay in order to survive the COVID-19 crisis.

I think if you're that bad off, selling your old games and Covid19 might be the least of your problems

>> No.6277483

Anon means "i lost my job and can't pay my rent because of the soft shutdown of the entire country," anon.

>> No.6277505

>Will this pandemic affect the prices of retro video games that are sold online?
Yes, maybe more than any other industry since Gamestop is going to go out of business and that means a fire sale on all the retro vidya they have hoarded up over the last several years.

>> No.6277576

They still sell videogames?

>> No.6277593
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I am in the same boat too, OP. At this time around here takeout still being allowed is the only reason I have 20 hours a week. I am considering the long drive to the closest Amazon Fulfillment center or employment at the town Walmart, but those options may expose me to more people. I guess I can hang onto my emulation machine, but it will be tough to get rid of the Chinese flashcarts, with the extreme stigma following Chinese products.

>> No.6277596

Teal talk that's one of the ways this thing spreads so your rent or not mail has to slow down or stop. One wants to presume you're following best practices but let's say you are carrying but unaware, you fondle packages with your dirty hands and get them ready for shipping. Now they're little virus bombs ready to go off whenever they're opened.

This times several billion on a daily basis is the problem no one wants to talk about.

>> No.6277601
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what're you sellin?

>> No.6277628

Yes, and were in plans some years ago to start selling retro vidya but I don't know if that ever took off because I don't give a fuck about gamestop so I stopped following that story

>> No.6277642

Last time I went to GameStop I saw a Dreamcast and 2 controllers and an original GameBoy with a stack of GameBoy games behind the counter that someone traded in.

I tried to buy the Dreamcast on the spot as it was in pristine condition, but they wouldn’t sell it.


>> No.6277646

Yeah, the idea was it was all being hoarded in a warehouse and was going to be part of an online retro sales site.

>> No.6277647

>tfw photo-kun will die of coronavirus before he rips the eva CD-ROMs

>> No.6277650

Sell off stuff you will never play first, keep stuff you will

>> No.6277656

why do you buy so many games and consoles if you are that close to the edge? You have basically every game and console ever made, obviously it takes a lot of money to get all the shit you have. Especially since you have lots of obscure Japan only titles that either require paying eBay prices or paying for a plane ticket to Japan to clear out some small town Book Off.

>> No.6277657

knowing GameStop they’ll destroy anything that isn’t sold, they have destroyed so many PS2 era and X360 era games it isn’t even funny

>> No.6277663

Keep your 2 favorite consoles and your 20 favorite games for each.

>> No.6277668

From what I understand the virus won't survive past 3 days without a carrier. Once a package reaches its recipient it will most likely be fine. But there's no telling how many postal workers are being infected.
I've been leaving received packages in my mailbox for 2 days just to be on the safer side.

>> No.6277686

I heard it doesn't last even that ling. Something like 10 hours.

>> No.6277890

>spend thousands of dollars on vidya you could have saved by pirating via flashcarts/ODEs/modchips
>worst economic crisis of our lifetimes hits, as it was always going to
>be american, have shitty unreliable social safety net
>all that money gone for plastic trash nobody is going to give 2 shits about when things get serious
>headed to an amazon warehouse to get the rona/line jeff bezos' pockets

Ladies and gentlemen, collectards.

>> No.6277918

this is basically a fire drill so you wont get more than a month behind anon

>> No.6277920

>So, I may need to sell much of, if not all of my retro game collection
oh noes! not both your mario games!

I look forward to buying some of that shit for pennies on the dollar when you can't even afford the fast food you're delivering

>> No.6277980

If you have enough of a collection to sell and live off of in lieu of a job, then you live in your parents basement, so just make them support you.

>> No.6278068

God how much toilet paper are you gonna need to buy for you to have to sell the entire collection?

>> No.6278069

Lol, I knew that eventually I'd had to snap out of collecting games a few years ago. Genesis Everdrive saved my life, now I can play Master System, 32X and Rom hacks on the original controller. Same for the Everdrive 64.

>> No.6278303
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It is probably for the best as I cannot figure out how to anonymously upload such contents without it being traced back to me and I definitely do not have the funds to fight legal proceedings. Good news is that the discs are widely available for cheap.

I don't, most of what I have was stuff I happened to have kept from my youth. I just figured they were still fun for me and worth more than the $3-5USD Gamestop offered for them. It was good times back in the early 2000s going to Book-offs and Hard-offs, I remember it was n engrish.com joke but I kept saying they were great places.

but I do use flashcarts and ODEs

My employer allows me to get one meal and drink for free to take home. It is one of the perks, but things have gotten really dire lately, with hours being cut.

>> No.6278323

Apply for unemployment benefits. Governers are waving of restrictions currently. If not then move back with your parents.

>> No.6278375


>> No.6278387

There is a high chance that non essentiels things like video games, toys and hobbies will be the first things that people gets rids of, so a race to the bottom will happen because nobody will be buying.
In France i think the post is somewhat closed and the service i use most for shipping is closed.

>> No.6278398

They do check this https://youtu.be/zuGbBTDHzFg

And they don't seems to be doing a good job.

>> No.6278473

>people who collect overpriced plastic instead of just emulating or using flash carts/mod chips are bad with their finances
who would have thought

>> No.6278485

Oh yes except for minorities. Then they should go back to their home country.

>> No.6278519
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>OP makes a thread about him being insecure about his current situation so he's thinking of selling his game collection
>note anon appears to throw his usual WAHH I'M POOR AND PATHETIC GUYS PLS GIVE ATTENTION WAAAAH! I'M A BIG BABYYYY! tantrumsometime later in the same thread

>> No.6278531
File: 804 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_20200321-053227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sigh... And American still want this gigs economy... Gov use tax money for politicians greed because citizens don't want "communism with my tax money" ... You know, the rest of the world is taught to laugh at you or hate you... But growing up is realizing we all are the same and want the same things...I hope this catastrophy will educate people and make them realize... But history don't tend to show that :/
Good luck my friend and stay safe!

>> No.6278574

This is what you get when you spend all your money on plastic hoarding instead of emergency savings.

>> No.6278620

>>worst economic crisis of our lifetimes hits, as it was always going to
now, let's not get ahead of ourselves

>> No.6278637

>>worst economic crisis of our lifetimes
Even 2008 was a lot worse than this is so far and the one in the 80s was even worse than that. Call me when stock brokers are jumping off of fucking buildings again.

>> No.6278646

>note anon appears to throw his usual WAHH I'M POOR AND PATHETIC GUYS PLS GIVE ATTENTION WAAAAH! I'M A BIG BABYYYY! tantrumsometime later in the same thread
pseudo tripfags are the fucking worst

>> No.6278717
File: 197 KB, 519x526, E0570AB8-EFA2-4367-A5A5-47D3EB629EFC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

collectorfags are on par with bitcoin tards
>buy at the highest price possible
>sell at lowest possible when the market crashes
fucking L O L

>> No.6279556

I wish I hadn't taken for granted all the easy jobs I held in the past, when all I did was play games after work. I started this one two weeks ago and now the entire office has to work remotely and I am being permitted to work from the office because I lack internet at home, and because the owner somehow trusts me.

I'm just an assistant. By all rights I should have been sacked the moment a recession was hinted, and probably will when it gets worse. But my biggest concern is doing a good job. This is first position where I have been given real responsibility. And it's possibly my one shot to prove myself. I am nervous I will fuck up.

At least now I have real reason to unwind with vidya when I get home. Games for this feel?

>> No.6279653

A positive from this is that anyone who was still under the delusion that their collections were an "investment" they'd end being able to see any return on will hopefully have had those fantasies completely BTFO

>> No.6279683

Don't bother. You only sell things fast if you price them totally wrong. Maybe try facebook marketplace to avoid ebay fees. Ebay is a fucking joke anyways.

>> No.6279734

No. When people say it can last hours or days on a surface, they mean in ideal lab conditions, same circumstances where you could spill a few drops of water and they'd stay there.
If you dropped water on a cardboard box, how long would it take to dry out?
That's more like what you're looking at. The time it takes small amounts of water to evaporate.
Sure, they can detect it on a surface 9 hours later, but that doesn't mean its transmissible at that point, just like you can find someone alive under rubble 3 days after am earthquake, but they not gonna be fit enough to kick your ass.

>> No.6279737

I've worked for the same company for about 11 years now. They asked me to work from but I said nah I'll just take a few weeks off thanks. Just got my N64 back from Voultar so it's perfect timing.

>> No.6279738

*work from home

>> No.6279774

>Gov use tax money for politicians greed because citizens don't want "communism with my tax money" .
But you get to experience both problems, hence Mama Merkel and Mama Macron.
>You know, the rest of the world is taught to laugh at you or hate you.
And yet, you all still benefit from our military defense gibs and all still come here if you need life-saving medical treatments (because the third-world neither has the technology nor structural capacity for such things).

>> No.6279826

More like poorfags. I just spent 700 bucks on groceries and bullshit I'd never even fucking get because "wow the shelves sure are empty hey what's this hey they're those little britbong cookies they call biscuits or digestives or whatever they look pretty alright i'll get several packages and give some to my neighbors" and my 1100 edition Vita and microSD adapter and Saturn and new joystick came in the mail today and yesterday. It's a horii fighting edge. Also got two bat tops and one ball top and a modded gate for it.

Don't spend money you ain't got.

>> No.6279830

>It is probably for the best as I cannot figure out how to anonymously upload such contents without it being traced back to me and I definitely do not have the funds to fight legal proceedings
... what the fuck?
Just rip them, upload to MEGA and drop a link on 4chan.

>> No.6279832
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I mean you are saying "because you are wrong Im surely right" or just "yeah but you sucks too" but come on dude, I just told you in the end we are all the same and want the same things... Don't confuse countries government and its citizens! I have friends who are worried about bills more than corona...

>> No.6279853

>choking on blood
>less than 1% mortality
yeah seems unlikely

>> No.6279854

They are trying to scare you over 0.2% death rates for under 50 so you'll be a buffer for the people dying at over 20% rate.

But never forget the people this kills are the ones that fucked everything up for decades. I'm not their shield, I'm not my brother's keeper. If they don't want it it's on them to stay away. I'm not going to panic and hug the government over something less likely to kill me than salt.

>> No.6280283

How exactly does that work for an 8th generation American white dude in LA?

>> No.6280294

>So, I may need to sell much of, if not all of my retro game collection on ebay in order to survive the COVID-19 crisis.

No, you won't. Move back in with your parents. I 100% guarantee you that you are overhyping this shit.


>> No.6280303

Everything in that image sounds like bullshit

>> No.6280426
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>> No.6280432

Stop being retarded, the claim isn't that it'll kill us all.
>remember when governments across the world shut down over zika and sars and bird flu lmao
No, I don't, because none of those things, even the ones that killed thousands, were highly infectious diseases that crippled healthcare systems in modern countries to the point that people over 60 aren't even treated because the young have longer to live.
Shut the fuck up and wash your hands, you stupid animal.

>> No.6280551

I don't thin anon is liquidating shit because of a maybe, I think anon lost their job and needs to pay bills.

>> No.6280556

literally everyone i know has lost their jobs over this and their universities have shut down. everyone's basically living communal and scattered to the wind in small groups

>> No.6280580

What jobs did these allegedly previously gainfully employed people have?

>> No.6280581

Bro, if you work anywhere but a grocery store(warehouse or otherwise) or food/package delivery you're likely to get hit hard.

>> No.6280584

>people over 60 aren't even treated because the young have longer to live.

Isn't that the case for literally every medical condition?

>> No.6280590

Where the fuck do you live? No, in all first world countries people are treated for disease up to and including the elderly. Whether you're in a shitty capitalist healthcare system or a shitty socialized healthcare system, pretty much only places nobody's ever heard of don't treat the old because their resources are so limited.

>> No.6280591
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I'll do the thin'nin around here, and don't you forget it.

>> No.6280595
File: 2.53 MB, 480x360, joke.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where the fuck do you live?
Somewhere people get jokes.

>> No.6280596

>literally everyone i know has lost their jobs over this and their universities have shut down. everyone's basically living communal and scattered to the wind in small groups

I'm still working my job. They made us all working remotely until this blows over. The ceo mrs. something-berg had a telephone conference with us. She said we are an essential service and that the company was very strong financially.

I couldn't help but feel no job is recession proof while being told mine is. Its just a question of how bad the recession gets.

>> No.6280597

Jokes have to make sense and be funny to work. If someone is likely to catch your meaning and dismiss it for being too pedantic to be a joke(and so take you literally instead) then it's probably not a good joke.
>haha young always have longer to live kek

>> No.6280598

>Jokes have to make sense and be funny to work.
>People over 60 have less long to live then young people
It wasn't subtle

> If someone is likely to catch your meaning and dismiss it for being too pedantic to be a joke

Man I hope you catch disease like you catch humor, anon.

>> No.6280601

>It wasn't subtle
No, it was so unsubtle as to not be funny. Therefore, as I said, I dismissed it as a joke and took you literally.

>> No.6280607

Thanks for the well wishes though, I also hope you stay healthy.

>> No.6280837

>Bro, I can't give you a straight answer because I don't know anyone who has a job
That's what I thought

Bitches don't know about my death panels

>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.6281125

How can racism exist if it's only used against a huge homogeneous population? Also how is an Anglo a minority?

>> No.6281224
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Racism can exist anytime someone has "prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior". "Anglo" is a minority when it's "the smaller part or number; a number, part, or amount forming less than half of the whole." This is true of many major US cities and the world as a whole. The more you know.

>> No.6281226
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>> No.6281583

>1800th century tuberculosis-tier symptoms
>98% survival rate
>mother jones

>> No.6281603

security guard
library assistant
systems engineer
museum clerk
web developer
delivery driver
college administration

>> No.6281697

I hope the "nintendo playstation"-guy got his money already lol.

>> No.6282032

I'm in a somewhat similar position, working remotely in SaaS B2B management and implementation. I'm fortunate enough that we just secured series D funding and have enough cash in the bank to sustain 3 years of operation with no new clients, but they cancelled all the interviews for new hire prospects I was going to run, so we are absolutely turtling up now.

On the plus side I've watched a ton of movies and got pretty far in "Last Bible" for the GameBoy Color, although its a pretty middling RPG honestly. Here's hoping Last Bible 2 is better.

>> No.6282071

>hah i swear we're all safe
if you work in any industry but those two you are going to get hit hard. you don't have to believe me, your boss will lay you off or cut your hours soon and you'll say "wtf this is no big deal"

>> No.6282106

I work adjacent to the healthcare industry. No better job security than that.

>> No.6282109

so you're starting to realize tons of industries are cutting employees and hours as they fail
good job anon you have officially pulled your head out of the sands of the copi desert

>> No.6282130

sorry nevermind looks like you're a different anon. i'm happy that your job is safe, fren, stay well

>> No.6282167

IMO the 'pandemic' is going to inflate the price of retro stuff if anything. The lockdowns have greatly increased the demand for home hobbies like vidya.
Godspeed anon.

>> No.6282173
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Racism is a belief/mindset, not a system. If you think someone's skin color determines the quality of their character you are a racist.
>also how is a tiny proportion of the world population a minority
Oh, so it's retarded... here, sweet child, here are a couple of facts for you.
>anglo is short for anglo-saxon and doesn't mean white
>the area directly around you isn't the world, and half of the population of the world is asian

>> No.6282267

>If you think someone's skin color determines the quality of their character you are a racist.
But it's never used like that at all. It's always wanting access to everything homogeneous societies have and justifying stealing from others due to power structure.
>also how is a tiny proportion of the world population a minority
I am meaning in America. This site is American after all even though other parts of the country visit here. Either way this means by your own rules that essentially Anglos are owed back free welfare from China and various other countries due to their power and racism. Which is just a made up term and used for shaming language anyways.
>"prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior"
That's always the definition but it's never used this way properly. Because every race thinks their race is superior and does not take into account human biology. Also it is always used against whites because they are the only ones that believe it when other races think whites are idealogically backwards.
> "Anglo" is a minority when it's "the smaller part or number; a number, part, or amount forming less than half of the whole." This is true of many major US cities
Anglo is a term for white. Also you mention this as "matter of fact" that Anglos are minorities. Globally yes. But in their own native Lands they are not. And racism is always the charge to demand free stuff be given to minorities because they can not and will never provide for themselves.

>> No.6282282

>Anglo is a term for white
Confirmed fucking retard.
>anglo is short for anglo-saxon and doesn't mean white
Anglosaxon is literally a british ethnicity, and not even all brits are anglosax. White means white.

>> No.6282284

>Either way this means by your own rules
Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, you IQ90 shitstain?
>whites are a minority in the world
>racism isn't systemic
Fucking incredible.

>> No.6282298

>Confirmed fucking retard.
How does it feel to be lonely and autistic?
Yes they are a global minority of the world but you outright ignore the fact racism is just a made up term and are arguing from a disingenuous position by then strawmanning my arguments because you have no counter arguments to present.
>Who the fuck do you think you're talking to, you IQ90 shitstain?
Apparently you because you are projecting here.

>> No.6282312
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>hurr autistic
Yeah, I'll bet, bud.
This is my first post. This is 4chang, dude, you're talking to more than one person. I haven't said a single logically inconsistent thing and you bet your ass racism is real and science has proven it's actually pretty accurate when it's not borne of cope(muh systemic oppression, ebil whites). Read Haidt. Go fuck yourself. The door's that way.

>> No.6282317

>Yeah, I'll bet, bud.
At least be proud of being an autist instead of trying to defend your own bruised and weak ego.

>> No.6282318

Prices will increase on ebay because all the gamestops are closing/bankrupt and people are desperate for income.

>> No.6282324
File: 496 KB, 1024x543, DOW-JONES-INDUSTRIAL-AVERAGE-2020-vs-1929-Screen-Shot-2020-03-14-at-3.01.19-PM-1024x543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The virus is just the beginning anon. The economy is taking a massive shit right now that will undoubtedly leave us in a deep recession like 2008, and that's if we're lucky. If things stay closed long enough and enough people get laid off, this may rival or be worse than 1929. You absolutely want to sell right now as you're not going to be able to get more for your games ever again.

When unemployment is at 25%, people are having to choose between eating and paying their mortgage, and 75% of retail stores go bankrupt you'll be happy you sold when you did. Everyone else will be lucky to get $40 for their copy of Earthbound at that point.

>> No.6282325
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>> No.6282551

So you're saying buy lots of cartridges from dumb boomers next summer for less than they paid? Resellers fucking deserve this

>> No.6282570

Unless you're independently wealthy or have a good, economic crash proof job, then sure.

If you're like 75% of the population you'll be too concerned with making sure you have enough to live off of to worry about /vr/. If we do go into a depression it's going to be hard on almost everyone.

>> No.6282792

In terms of percentages this is nowhere near as bad, in '29 alone the stock market lost nearly 50% of its value. Just because this loss has roughly the same shape doesn't mean it's overall magnitude relative to the size of the market is even close to the same.

The economy is not good right now, but it isn't close to 1929 levels of not good.

>> No.6283396

just make youtube videos about your collection

>> No.6283442
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thank god for retroarch helping me avoid modern day slavery

>> No.6283446

>My employer allows me to get one meal and drink for free to take home.
then just get the most calorie dense meal and make it last longer

>> No.6283698

>may need to sell much of it
If you hold it and it survives through the race war the value will sky rocket

>> No.6284003

Lmao it's wild how stupid people are capable of being. What doesn't compute about luxuries being the first thing to go for anyone who's looking at reduced income potential? You think people are gonna want to pay /more/ for like, a copy of Einhander or w/e in these circumstances, rather than making the easy assessment of "That's $75 that could buy me a lot of food to get by", which only Chris-Chan level retards wouldn't.

Demand is going to crater with way less people having disposable income. If a handful of richfags in their compounds want to duke it out on ebay over /vr/ stuff, hypothetically, sure, but that seems unlikely that they wouldn't already have what they want anyways.

>> No.6284056

>"That's $75 that could buy me a lot of food to get by"
it's because life is so devoid of meaning that people would rather have a distraction

>> No.6284408
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>it's because life is so devoid of meaning
Every. Fucking. Time.

>> No.6284458

>What doesn't compute about luxuries being the first thing to go for anyone who's looking at reduced income potential?

You can't honestly be this naive.

>> No.6284483

wow life is still devoid of meaning
>heh, cleaning my room actually makes me le epic ubermensch and isn't also a distraction from inherent meaninglessness cause uh i could also make art and stuff

>> No.6284495

Why do you people get so triggered over the absolute FACT that video games can be an investment? It's not even hard to predict or anything

>> No.6284505

We can't really overcome nihilism so much as we can endlessly distract ourselves from it.

>> No.6284509

He didn't quote Nietzsche, though.

>> No.6284510

>hurr durr
You know that lockdowns affect everyone including richfags who wouldn't mind paying $300 for a Secret of Mana cart, right?

In your opinion, why did game retailers like Gamestop not only insisted on staying open but also told their employees to keep accepting used games? Simply because there's a huge demand on vidya due to people being forced to stay at home but also a huge supply due to other people like OP who're left without a job and are willing to sell their whole collection for a couple pennies just to be able to pay the rent.

Scalpers must be rubbing their hands right now because they are going to make some huge margins during the pandemic.

>> No.6284515

You're allowed to die having achieved nothing if you want, but don't expect to tell the rest of us 'told ya so'.
I don't know how many people use retro game collecting as a coping mechanism. That money is going on alcohol.

>> No.6284519

>why did game retailers like Gamestop not only insisted on staying open but also told their employees to keep accepting used games?
not that guy but literally the only reason is because GME is on the verge of bankruptcy. they won't be coming back from this.

>> No.6284523

Yeah, there will be huge margins until half the population runs out of money because we're headed towards another depression... Don't get me wrong, you are correct for now. I've sold more stuff in the last 2 weeks than I have in 6 months, but that isn't sustainable. Once economic reality sets in for the proles it's going to get messy - suspending mortgages and utilities is only kicking the can 5 months down the road

>> No.6284524

>I don't know how many people use retro game collecting as a coping mechanism.

Well if we look at youtube, a lot. Plus the gubmint is going to be handing out free money and evictions are suspended so people are going to buy whatever the fuck they want.

>> No.6284529

For as long as free money and delayed bills can last. When they start weaning people off that, and if their old jobs from X months ago don't magically come back, everything is going to shit. It's ridiculously short term.

>> No.6284530

>I don't know how many people use retro game collecting as a coping mechanism. That money is going on alcohol.
Honestly I don't think I'd be sober right now if I didn't have my wife and video games as a distraction.
I think birthrate is going to skyrocket in 9 months.

>> No.6284541

>You're allowed to die having achieved nothing if you want
achieving something doesn't mean life isn't meaningless

>> No.6284547

>magically come back
Have they magically gone somewhere else? Obviously jobs will be lost, but when corona-chan gets to be under control restaurants and movie theaters and airlines will still exist.

What is the actual rate of permanent layoffs vs temporary anyway? Have there been any official numbers released?

>> No.6284564

Sure, but that's lazy and uninteresting so count me out.

This simply isn't true. Atleast here in Australia, QANTAS laid off 2/3 of its workforce AFTER being bailed out by the govt. to the tune of $715m. Without massive bailouts, nearly every airline in the world is going to go bankrupt - the margins are already razor thin on a good year.
>What is the actual rate of permanent layoffs vs temporary anyway?
The problem is that they're temporary until they're permanent. With the situation deteriorating so rapidly, nothing is really certain. Maybe some businesses can afford to weather it for 2 months, maybe some for 6, but we won't know how many jobs have been lost until the virus is contained/cured and people start looking again.

>> No.6284592

if we see every airline in the world going bankrupt and businesses that were not previously struggling permanently closing by the end of april then money and jobs are going to be irrelevant anyway, because society will have totally collapsed

>> No.6284603

We won't see that happen because governments will bail out major airlines and other essential services. This mentality is also baked into investments, so there won't be a complete run on their stocks.
Conservative governments giving ordinary people thousands in handouts is a 'last resort' strategy to keep the house of cards from falling over - if they thought the economy could survive without doing this, they wouldn't be doing it.

>> No.6284613

It means you should buy ebay stock with what you have left since you're the millionth person to think about selling their stuff today. which yes, that means prices will be affected when the market is flooded

>> No.6284617
File: 9 KB, 327x237, a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, what could pawsibly go wrong?

>> No.6284626

>not understanding how stocks work
ok. would you like a lesson?

>> No.6284646

ebay is shit, has been shit for a long time, and pisses off both sellers and buyers with practically every update. if you're going to buy stock, buy one of their superior competitors - etsy, alibaba, amazon

>> No.6284685

Pretty sure the Romans didn't think a few small skirmishes with some bearded hobos from the north was a problem either. And who cares if the peasant Jews were worshipping a new guy named Jesus? Those kinds of things don't break the world.

I'm not saying it will topple but society isn't as durable as you seem to think. We've had plagues and quarantines for over 2000 years and still get knocked on our ass by them.

>> No.6284708

>Gamestop is going to go out of business
Then does that mean my PS3 games with Gamestop price stickers on them will become collector's items?

>> No.6284710

I would love to hear your reasoning for buying eBay stock considering their management, their performance over the past 5 years, growing competition from better competitors, and the ongoing and rapidly deteriorating pandemic we're currently going through. Go on, convince me ebay is a good buy.

>> No.6284716

jesus isn't economic stagnation

this is just the inverse retardation of "lol its just like the swine flu bro dont worry"

>> No.6284732

>Go on, convince me ebay is a good buy.
you can buy gdemus really cheap

>> No.6284735

>jesus isn't economic stagnation
if people actually did what he said it would be

>> No.6284756

They would if they were allowed to go outside

>> No.6284794

>white dude

>> No.6285010

No, Anon mean "I need /vr/ to tell me whether COVID-19 will affect the prices of the retro market, and I want guaranteed replies"

>> No.6285097

Anyone got an archive link to the thread this pic was from?

>> No.6285104

You'll be fine, dude. I did a similar job in an office and I was there for a month and my boss got fired and they told me I was taking over, I was just the assitant. I had to try to go through my old bosses compamy emails and files and shit trying to piece together how to do the fucking job, no one there knew because this lady had been doing it like 15 years. It was beyond stressful for a while but eventually I figured things out. You will too. You may mistakes but that's ok, and most jobs are going to expect it from new employees anyway

>> No.6285645 [DELETED] 
File: 296 KB, 1440x1440, 1584174564235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly you people laugh at toilet paper hoarders, but you really dont have enough toilet paper yourselves. The average person uses 1 roll per day. If you have a family of 4, that's 28 rolls a week. Over 100 a month. TP rolls will be worth their weight in gold in a few months, because everyone needs it.

>> No.6285649

I... what? My family of four uses about 1 roll a week. A 4 pack lasts us almost a month anon

>> No.6285650

>1 roll per day
damn nigga how much are you shitting

>> No.6285653 [DELETED] 

7 to 8 times a day, like any other person does.

>> No.6285654

>all these people living paycheck to paycheck


>> No.6285657

Why not get a bidet anon

>> No.6285672
File: 205 KB, 651x564, caveman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7-8 times

If you're not shitting in the double digits you have severe indigestion issues. I suggest you see a doctor.

>> No.6285693

I actually did run out of toilet paper last week and haven't been able to find more anywhere. I just rinse off in the shower after every shit now.

>> No.6285709

why not just go to poor people land and buy it there?

>> No.6285956

Is that even surprising for shitposters? They ain't called that for no reason, anon.

>> No.6286103

That's a nice mawshot

>> No.6286367

>1 roll a day
Are you a literal elephant? Slow the fuck down on burgers and burritos.

>> No.6286606

>replying to pasta

>> No.6286683

>It is probably for the best as I cannot figure out how to anonymously upload such contents without it being traced back to me and I definitely do not have the funds to fight legal proceedings
...Are you serious?
There are dozens of ways around this, the easiest of which is literally just upload it to Internet Archive. They have a copyright exemption by the act of congress. You CAN'T get in trouble for it. Even beyond that, no entity cares if you upload things to Mega, etc. ROMs are shared flagrantly in the west.

>> No.6286834

the republicans will bailout big business as usual and life will go on

>> No.6286842
File: 475 KB, 468x490, Thousand+yard+stare+much+respect+and+thanks+to+those+who_dbff43_3991804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the average person uses 1 roll a day

>> No.6286860
File: 720 KB, 396x292, Toilet-fountain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to start washing your ass.

>> No.6287961

>The average person uses 1 roll per day
Confirmed kungflu infested chingchong. You fuckers might spend half your life sitting in the toilet smoking and eating shit tickets, or whatever the fuck you do with them, but this isn't normal. No one else does this shit.