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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 233 KB, 640x512, OffshoreRig1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6265914 No.6265914 [Reply] [Original]

Remember the part where the door close and you wonder what's behind it (even though you will visit that part later in the next level) I used Position Editor and managed to get past the part where the door close.

>> No.6265916
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>> No.6265919
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>> No.6265920
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>> No.6265924

We already have two other Tomb Raider threads. Check catalog first, you cunt

>> No.6265925
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>> No.6265927

Thanks dick, I'm gonna post it over there.

>> No.6265928

Post link faggot

>> No.6265931

Kick rock, queer. I like this type of stuff even though I'm not a big TR fan.

>> No.6265932
File: 28 KB, 387x624, 463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get three replies
>But there are only 3 posters itt, including me

>> No.6265934

At the time I'm typing this, there are only 3 unique posters ITT, so nice samefagging, lad.

>> No.6265935

Op (me) this anon>>6265931
and you>>6265932>>6265924.

>> No.6265937

First two posts are mine (Op) you dumb insolent homo.

>> No.6265939

Is there a kind of name/trope for such game design?

>> No.6265974

Is there a way to tell TVTropes trannies to fuck off to their containment indexing page?

>> No.6265992

Why do you hate TvTropes so much? Care to tell me that, you angry 4channer faggot?

>> No.6266018


>> No.6266098

Not him, but that page is one of the most autistic parts of the internet. Literally a collective of autists that try to catalogue everything, for the sake of it, and then showing their ugly mugs on /tg/ and fucking everything for everyone with their combination of heavy autism, lingo and lack of understanding that nope, they aren't some sort of scholarly types doing research on (pop)culture, but bunch of autistic screetchers that ruin fun for everyone for no real reason

t. fa/tg/uy/

>> No.6266158

Well when I browse TvTropes, I only read the part of Nightmare Fuel, Heartwarming, Tearjerker but mostly YMMV Trivia and characters.

>> No.6266163

Neck yourself.

>> No.6266267


>> No.6266314

Played this game a lot as a kid as it was installed in one of our schools computers.
Start of the level "Fathoms" absolutely sucked tho.

>> No.6266350


>> No.6266428

But why?

>> No.6266598

Bump pump

>> No.6266615

what's with all the tomb raider shilling lately? is there a new game about to come out or something?

anyway, these games were garbage, and lara is a shit tier waifu.

>> No.6266658


>> No.6266667
File: 610 KB, 597x665, ladycroft.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're in archive already.

>> No.6266719

Why did they close the door again?

>> No.6266759

What do you think she was thinking about?

>> No.6266790

I dunno, Lara is enigmatic.

>> No.6267142

About all the men, animals and supernatural creatures she killed. Maybe the real treasure were the enemies she made and killed allong the way.

>> No.6268280

Hello everyone.

>> No.6268393

I like Lara's titties.

>> No.6268487


>> No.6268534

Yea, action-adventure, lawl

>> No.6268567

*sips* yep, that was a good game.

>> No.6268589

You referring to Super Mario World?

>> No.6268659

So do I and her athletic ass.

>> No.6268662

But uh did not one of you wonder at the time what will happend if you manage to go pass the closed door and see if you can explore the other side?

>> No.6268685

Is there a video channel about this kind of stuff?

>> No.6269373
File: 127 KB, 1024x768, baddies2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder, Tomb Raider 3 is a pleb filter.

>> No.6269575

how to be gay

>> No.6269621

What's the graphical difference between Tomb Raider 2 PS1 version upscaled in an emulator and perspective corrected, vs the PC version? Are the colors different?

>> No.6269698

I think the PS1 version has colored water.

>> No.6269891

i've burned out on tr3 like 3 times. i can't get past it. i just go back to playing 1 & 2

>> No.6270340

By that we need ask you.

>> No.6270554

Yes I remember and I always wondered what would happen if you go past the door and explore it.

>> No.6271735 [DELETED] 

Then it's working as intended.


>> No.6271737

>pleb got filtered
Then it's working as intended.


>> No.6271739

Meant to reply to

>> No.6272305

Fuck all of you useless boring bitches!

>> No.6272405
File: 44 KB, 700x1040, Aragorn protects.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Aragorn Posting yet? Let's fix that

The Aragorn-posting Polish dump of Core-era TRs is back once more, GOLDs and top patches as always included.

>TR1 + GOLD (Unfinished Business)

>TR2 + GOLD (The Golden Mask)


>TR3 GOLD (The Lost Artifact)

>TR: The Last Revelation (TR4)
You need both, since zippyshare had 500 MB limit and the full installer weights 577 MB

>TR: Chronicles (TR5)

>TR: Angel of Darkness (TR6)
You need all four, for the same reason

>> No.6272494

The fucking fuck is this dumb shit?!

>> No.6272503

Fuck off fucker

>> No.6273591
File: 52 KB, 800x450, gPvhBisguncUiLQ-800x450-noPad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time to bring her back bros!

>> No.6273736
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>> No.6273823

Go fuck yourself and your retarded project. The very last thing I want is "remaster", especially from Squenix

>> No.6273859
File: 96 KB, 1200x1200, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6273875

If it's an actual remaster and they don't add a bunch of retarded revisions to the story and Laura keeps her bright blue top and brown shorts, i'd be down, but I don't have any faith in remasters to do this

>> No.6273879
File: 611 KB, 1086x1065, Gimme that.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6273882

Of course they are going to add bunch of retarded revisions, along with throwing hand-holding to the gameplay, clearly marking your path and also giving you EagleVision (tm). Don't forget about gritty realism and strong characters populating the game, along with removing everything whimsical or non-gritty from it (who would want to fight mummies or those uncomfortably racist Arabian ninjas in TR4, right?)

>> No.6273907

We've already been there. It was called Anniversary, and it's one of the weakest TRs ever made. Even outside of the context of being remaster/remake/reimagination/retardation of TR1, it's just a weak-ass game by itself.

>> No.6273979
File: 485 KB, 1109x1619, temple of osiris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd rather have a new game desu.

>> No.6273994

>This level of delusion
I bet it's made by some literal zoomer that started with '13, then discovered "retro" LAU and never even touched Core-era games, but still sells himself as "truest fan" and wants to "revive the franchise" - of course as long as it's in style of LAU, and preferably just the '13 anyway.

>> No.6274061

This, anybody still shilling for remasters or remakes of any kind on this board should be permabanned

>> No.6274072
File: 712 KB, 270x180, heavy no.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember that part where a rat gently brushed your shoe and you died? fun times.

>> No.6274075

>purity test
fucking millennials

>> No.6274598

Eat shit shithead

>> No.6274606

Did anyone else tried this? Are there any other levels or games like this? Answer my question you lazy bunch of shits.

>> No.6274674

whatever nowadays a remaster is raising the screen resolution keep on playing the broken copies of the game fag
you didn't read this is to get rid of horse cock lara

>> No.6274695

Why are Venice levels so bad in TR 2, bros? I am playing the game for the first time now and they almost made me quit, but the game gets better once you are done with them

>> No.6274741
File: 12 KB, 326x354, Fabio the Pilot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too much water and boat ride.

>> No.6274789

where are on earth did you get that from did you even read?

>> No.6274795
File: 908 KB, 718x1416, THE WHORE MUST GO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's asking for a new game and asking to ditch everything crystal dynamics

The real Lara Croft is long overdue for a return. The world has gone crazy with revivals, remakes and remasters and the only big name not participating in this is Lara Croft. Resident Evil has gone back to its routes, Spyro has had a remake and Bandicoot has had a return too which have been received well. Devil May Cry is among these games.

Tomb Raider has been ignoring the source material for a long time now for things including Lara's personality, backstory, design and the same goes for the many places she visits. The character and franchise has been turned into something unrecognisable and its time she goes back to being an character that can be viewed as confident, strong and truly independent not dwelling on backstories sobbing over her parents and living inside shadows including her own. The solution to this is restore her former glory, no franchise has ever completely denied the history of what made it famous to begin with.

Core Design's original backstory for the character was more engaging and had more depth and depicted a person who was truly independent. We want to have the Core Design era of Lara represented in the mainstream again for the next instalment of Tomb Raider. At the minimal a full return, restarting or continuing from anywhere based on TR1-6 and hopefully restoring her old games and expansion packs to all current platforms which have never been available before outside of PC.

>> No.6274836

I ain’t gonna read this shit.
It’s to fucking long and boring!

>> No.6274848

enjoy staying with horse cock lara then

>> No.6274860

i just beat underworld and legend those games were lit and fun !

starting anniversary once it finishes down loading

fudge new lara

but the first new lara game was ok tho

>> No.6274867

So you think nobody since 1997 has thought of doing this?

>> No.6274874

Well did they? Did they discover the method to do this? Did any of you?

>> No.6274890 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 481x592, FACFEACF-4EC3-4710-91AF-331C764D197C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6274990 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 750x1334, 4FB034B0-90B7-455C-8E03-391652300D26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6275012

All I remember is shooting the (human) mafia boss in the house level and suddenly getting a cutscene with a dead decaying dragon and the game was over, leaving me all confused.

Only years later I learned there was supposed to be more in between.
Did I hit my head and forgot it? Did I trigger a bug or something? Did the game crash leaving me the delusion of having finished it? Was the game cracked unproperly?
I don't fucking know...

>> No.6275178

nice word vomit but if the first Tomb Raider had been made with an a-cup character, that would have been the last one. Her tits were what sold that game.

>> No.6275473

after the filename tl;dr, so I guess... fuck off?

>> No.6275485

>it's asking for a new game and asking to ditch everything crystal dynamics
Shame that the copyright belongs to Squenix, so you can forget doing anythign with Tomb Raider or Lara and especially anything good.
The only good thing about nuLara is that it crashed and burned Vikander's """"career"""" after starring as nuLara. And suprisingly, Squenix endorsed that, despite it being a good thing.

>> No.6275793

Squenix don't care for nulara they will do what we want if we actually make a fuss but TR fans are fucking doormats who take it up the ass oh no it's a big company they will never listen to us fuck off with that!

>> No.6275795

yeah and this is about getting them back what's your point?

>> No.6275798

i think it's a good file name.

last i checked people who blew horses
were classed as whores.

>> No.6276224
File: 2.84 MB, 1440x810, Hysterical.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. idiot deluded that companies give even a single fuck about fandom of their games, not to mention what said fandom wants

>> No.6276909
File: 65 KB, 900x1350, lara_croft__too____render_3_by_jetsynth_ddoueno-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they literally are giving away tomb raider 2013 for free on steam
Also LC the temple of osiris game

>> No.6277071

Fuck Steam.

>> No.6277259

Reminder that Shadow was on discount a WEEK after premiere... and it still had returns

>> No.6277373

This. Fuck remasters. Fuck remakes. Just emulate that shit.

>> No.6277432

Just play the Core games if you want Core Lara, you whiny bitch! And finally let this franchise to a well-deserved rest.

>> No.6278352

I wish I could delete my own thread. My thread has become shit and cancer, full of vermin and retards. Such insolence must be punished...

>> No.6278381

When you create a thread you're basically ringing a dinner bell for the trolls and fucktards to come and feed. It's a risk we all take.

>> No.6279493 [DELETED] 


>> No.6280435

it's doormats like you who take it up the ass.
thank you

>> No.6280437

why not have it on next gen consoles?

>> No.6280439

Retards ignored the topic at hand.

>> No.6280791

As long as they keep on trying to re-invent the franchise while people keep on enjoying the classics, they'll see the franchise not do as well as it once did.

>> No.6281635

Why is my thread still up?

>> No.6281646

>If you aren't delusional retard, it means you are a doormat
Sure, faggot. Sounds to me like you are the one that not only loves to take it to the ass, but also suck some other dick in the same time.
Nigga, this is SquareEnix we are talking about. They never did and never will care about "fandom demand". Especially not in case of non-native franchise. For them, acquiring Tomb Raider was pretty much an accidental to buying out a publisher they needed

>> No.6281732


>> No.6281825

>Oh god someone's talking about games again! Better call him a cunt quick, before the conversation gets going!

>> No.6281858

Thanks for sticking up for me.

>> No.6282345


Fuck you faggot