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6257170 No.6257170 [Reply] [Original]

You are now aware that Maverick Hunters are more dangerous than the "criminal" mavericks they fight.

>Maverick Hunters can decide you're a maverick for literally any reason, including just refusing to cooperate with an investigation (see: Repliforce)
>once you're considered maverick, they can legally hunt you down and kill you
>most "mavericks" literally aren't even doing anything wrong, they just hang out in a room and X busts in and starts shooting up the place
>the only mavericks who are actually dangerous to humans (Sigma, Vile, etc.) are all former Hunters
>the only time you see X actually saving a life, he's saving the lives of other Maverick Hunters, he gives zero fucks about anyone who isn't walking the thin blue line

In all of Megan X1-X7 is there a single instance of X stopping an actual crime? Or caring about the lives of people who aren't Maverick Hunters?

"We're here to protect--"
Who the fuck are they protecting? And what are they fighting for?

>> No.6257175

t. Maverick

>> No.6257184

Well honestly, yeah, if I were a reploid in the Megaman universe I would almost definitely be considered a maverick simply because I'm not a bootlicker.

>> No.6257252

All you have to do is not fucking kill people, Maverick.

>> No.6257260

Blade runner.

Anyway X is like Judge Dredd. Only the rules and order matters, who gives a fuck about casualties.

>> No.6257279

Repliforce have 0 confirmed kills. Most mavericks never actually kill anyone.

Canonically, the mavericks with the highest kill counts are members or ex-members of Maverick Hunter (Sigma, Dragoon, Zero, Vile). Maverick Hunter are not the solution THEY ARE THE PROBLEM.

>> No.6257284


>> No.6257287
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>> No.6257294

Yes! 19812!

>> No.6257752

You know, after you've had Sigma nuking cities, dropping colonies and commiting other crimes you pretty much shoot Mavericks onsight to avoid more damage.
The reploid-gone-rogue deal should be investigated, considering that acts of rebellion could be the X programming the Reploids are built from kicking in, instead of a virus that makes you blow things up.
But this is a Capcom game we're talking about; shit makes no sense.

>> No.6257927

>lol kill everyone who might even POSSIBLY be a sigma sympathizer! Because "nEvEr AgAiN"

Congratulations, you're the reason why 9/11 is peak hate crime season in the U.S.

>> No.6257935

Nice stealth /pol/ thread.

>> No.6258020

>You are now aware
Maverick scum detected.

>> No.6258030
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>> No.6258069

>Dr. (((Cain)))

>> No.6258073

>hi i am a mentally ill degenerate and i cannot say anything that doesn't push jew made marxist agendas
>ill make a blatant liberal propaganda thread on a videogame board and tranny jannies wont do shit about it

>> No.6258091

>le what if good guy was actually bad, big think woaaaaaah
Okay reddit.

>> No.6258328

Some Maverick Hunter redpilling going on in this thread I see

>> No.6258334

No, it's not "what if", I'm straight up telling you that Maverick Hunters are statistically more dangerous than the reploids they fight.

You look at Wire Sponge and tell me that guy's a threat.

>> No.6258381

So why does nobody want to talk about the fact that mavericks with the highest kill count are always Maverick Hunters themselves?

It almost feels as if law enforcement are CAUSING the problems they were originally intended to solve, in order to justify an increasingly militarized presence...

Does This Remind You Of Anything ?

>> No.6259470
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Well no duh. The Maverick Hunters gone maverick were the elite of elite. Of course things would go crazy if they were to get infected with the kill everything virus or had a change of mind.
So what's your suggestion? Talk it out with the kill crazy super android?

>> No.6259484

Or maybe the games aren't complex enough to have multiple extended cutscenes showing the Mavericks destroying shit. Also, do you recall that the very first stage of X1 showed Maverick mechaniloids destroying roadways as cars flee from the destruction? Or in X3 the where an army of flying mechaniloids attacks Hunter Base and presumably the surrounding city?

>> No.6259582

>infamous /vr/ tripfag creates bait thread
>/vr/ falls for it
You should all be ashamed of yourselves.