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6256425 No.6256425 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone got any anti-yellowing tricks and tips? I'm tired of looking at my disgusting PSone and Dreamcast.

>> No.6256427

Tuck them away in your entertainment center below your CRT and look at the screen instead.

>> No.6256429
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You're disgusting. Unlike you, I enjoy a clean environment.

>> No.6256437

That's not dirt, it's oxidation. You can't "clean" it off, you can only remove material. Explain this to your wife/mother, and provide a source when pressed, and they'll probably get off your back about it. Best of luck, friend.

>> No.6256442

The only real way of getting rid of it is to use retrobrite under UV light to fuck with the molecules. Just be warned it's no a permanent solution, but as long as you keep it in a dark area it won't yellow again for a long time (but it will yellow faster the second time if you don't).

>> No.6256445

I think UV rays also play a part. I think Ive seen LGR do something about it.

>> No.6256448

>I think UV rays also play a part
They accelerate the process. Here's a good article on it: https://www.tested.com/tech/2505-why-your-old-super-nintendo-looks-super-yellow/

>> No.6256449

I can't confirm, but I recall something about soaking/washing in hydrogen peroxide unyellows plastic in the lego threads.

>> No.6256486

It does, but as with every supposed solution you'll find, it's not free. It fucks up the finish and embrittles the plastic, and it's eventually going to yellow again. The real answer is to just appreciate the console as-is, rather than feminine obsession with superficial aesthetics.

>> No.6256495

Hydrogen peroxide. Look up retrobright, 8bit guy on youtube has a whole bunch of tutorials on it.

>> No.6256537
File: 89 KB, 675x699, Custom-Yoshi-SNES-001-e1344866266510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

turn your problems into something fun!

>> No.6256540

My DC has been on my shelf since the early 00's and is still white as ghost.
I'm guessing the thick layer of dust is protecting it somehow, eh.

>> No.6256712

My grandma gave me her SNES. She’s had it since the 90’s. Still no yellow.

>> No.6256732

Well obviously someone who maintains it, it'll still be sparkling white for another 30 years but I picked up these consoles from old folks at garage sales so... yeah, yellowed as fuck.

>> No.6256742

Cleanliness is irrelevant for oxidization yellowing. You could keep it in a clean room, and if you got a batch of plastic that yellows, it's going to yellow because air exists.

>> No.6256751

why are you associating it's yellowing to cleanliness?

>> No.6256761

Do people really still not know why white plastics turn yellow in 2020?

>> No.6256764

The sun, obviously

>> No.6256775

It's actually UV light that causes it to yellow.

Anecdotally, my SNES was purchased in 1994 and has spent pretty much its entire life in the basement. Absolutely no yellowing whatsoever. Meanwhile, my Gamecube (bought 2004) spent almost all its time in sunlight, and has yellowed on the front, on the piece of plastic that surrounds the memory card slot and the controller ports. The only non-yellowed piece of plastic on it is the flap for slot A, which has had a memory card in it pretty much the entire time, and thus was not exposed to light.

I also have a Power Macintosh 6100 that has been in a lightless room pretty much its entire life. It's absolutely pristine.

>> No.6256786

>It's actually UV light that causes it to yellow.
It may accelerate it, but it is by no means the cause. You can open a sealed SNES and it could be yellowed.

>> No.6256789

Not all plastics are made the same some become yellow faster. I'd rather learn how to paint over it but shit looks complex

>> No.6256807

It stays on top of my closet. I honestly don’t maintain it or anything. I’ve heard some models just don’t yellow or are less prone to it.

>> No.6256838

There's a way to remove the yellowing using hydrogen peroxide and UV light. Have to soak the plastic in the hydrogen peroxide for hours to 1.5 days and have UV light hitting it. There's a tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jdWRsjnVD3s

>> No.6256847
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>some models just don’t yellow

>> No.6256852

Why would you want to de-yellow your snes? That's the console you grew up with...it's changed along with you. Unless you're some ebay fag who wants to display your bitchin retro vidya gaymin on your shelf.

>> No.6256871

>he likes his stuff looking like it's made of urinary butter

It's not an attractive color and no matter how much you clean it, it always looks dirty.

>> No.6256890
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>some ebay fag who wants to display your bitchin retro vidya gaymin on your shelf.
Not OP but that's exactly what I want, you jack ass. That's like saying you wouldn't take a fully restored 1969 Chevy Chevelle SS because it's been restored from it's 1969 authenticity.

>> No.6256896

That anons post kinda reminds me of guitarists who think it's good to let their guitars get all fucked up because all the dings and nicks are "battlescars".

>> No.6256902

kek, this

>> No.6256919

It's not dirt, it's oxidation due to the flame retardant chemical (bromine) used in the plastic. This has already been thoroughly explained.

>> No.6256932

You misclicked your reply there, fampai.

>> No.6256937

You can retrobrite it and make it look great on cam but splotchy up close in real life, plus it'll permanently be brittle after the procedure; or you can airbrush it to the correct color and never worry about it again.

>> No.6256950

>plus it'll permanently be brittle after the procedure
It's already permanently brittle before you do it, the oxidization is what causes it.

>> No.6256953

I saw a clip where a guy left a shell in for too long, gave it a knock with his knuckle and it broke like a tortilla chip. Fuck that shit, I'd rather airbrush and have stability plus never having to do that shit again.

>> No.6256960

Using any bleaching procedure will make it even more brittle. This is just one of those things where you either learn to deal with the imperfection, or you end up further damaging the device.

>> No.6256978

My old tester unit would chip and crack just from being picked up. By the time I closed my shop there was nothing left of the top, and I had just cut up an old solder mat and zip tied it on.

Damned if you do, damned if you don't. It'll break easier either way, but people like them more when they aren't diseased piss yellow.

>> No.6256981

That's not necessarily true

>> No.6256989

He is not lying, retard. It all depends on the manufacturing process and chemical balance of the plastic. Second of all would be how it is stored.

>> No.6256995
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Embrace the piss. Embrace the age like a fine french wine. Embrace the blockbuster sticker and sharpie marker stains. Dont soil and ruin your consoles history with retrobrite jizzum and shame. Embrace the dust and sun bleached piss.

>> No.6257003

>Second of all would be how it is stored
Unless you're storing it in wildly unrealistic conditions (airtight black box), it's going to yellow to some degree. Meaning if it's setup in a way that you can actually play it, it's 100% going to yellow compared to NIB straight from the factory condition, so why worry as long as it's functional?

>> No.6257391

not without corroding integrity of the case - the best way is to prevent it by keeping the hw in a cupboard / treasure chest, away from direct or even indirect sunlight, because ultraviolet is a bitch.

>> No.6257513

just don't smoke cigarettes in the vicinity it's not rocket science

>> No.6257516

I don't, I shoot heroin.

>> No.6257536

belongs in the gore thread

>> No.6257586

Nigga, you’re supposed to take the shell off before treating. You also should have a UV light to speed up the process. Fuck you doing?

>> No.6257593
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He really wants some rust on the shielding and possibly traces/connections.

>> No.6257614
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Somebody stop these coomers

>> No.6257625
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When I see that chad I just picture a 6'4 ripped blonde hair blue eyed dude with a jawline that could shatter rocks wearing pic related to highschool everyday.

>> No.6257630

hydrogen peroxide + uv light

>> No.6257784

>feminine obsession with superficial aesthetics
Imagine how ugly the person who uses this phrase must be. Chilling, I know.

>> No.6257789

>Not storing his consoles in an air tight vacuum

>> No.6257918

You don't even need to submerge it in a solution. Sticking in the sun is all that's required. You just have to leave it there for longer.

>> No.6258281

>correct color
Choose one.

>> No.6258382

Does the SNES Mini yellow? I've seen 3 IRL but none of them had any yellowing.

>> No.6258398


This >>6257630
Strong peroxide from hair products, not the cheap brown bottle in the antiseptic isle.
Sunlight will do for light.

>> No.6258413

What he said ! 8 bit guy does that a lot

>> No.6258415

They are completely blind on that eye. There are more of these creeps around than you would think. The funny thing is, they need us, we dont need them.

>> No.6258418


If it does you will have to wait a decade or so to see it

>> No.6258472

I'm from 2xx5. I confirm, it does. We still don't know how to remove clean it.

>> No.6258505

I highly doubt it will.

Brominated fire retardents, which cause the yellowing in the first place, have been effectively outlawed in plastic production since the mid-2000s. It's a product of a past time so take pride in your piss-coloured gadgets while you still can!

>> No.6258558

Based gamin' grandma

>> No.6259128

no UV speeds up the reaction

>> No.6259137

Have the set that came with zelda. 0 yellowing and its been exposed to light for over 25 years

>> No.6259354
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ohmygawsh a fucken yoshi skin

>> No.6259502
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>cut out letters

>> No.6259512

Geeze, who bukkake'd that SNES....

>> No.6260206
File: 3.89 MB, 4032x3024, tower of power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get another better console and swap the shell.
That's what I did when my 1chip snes got a crack from the brittle yellow plastic.
My SCPH-1001 is still in a brittle shell held together with hot glue, though, since I haven't found another one locally to take a shell from. It's kind of my "project system," anyway, and nearly everything's been replaced or hacked up on it. I use a SCPH-5501 (which hasn't yellowed much at all) for day-to-day playing.

Or use retrobright or whatever. I've had mixed success with it.

>> No.6260376

What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.6260534

I got my SNES in Christmas 1994 and it's not yellowed yet.

>> No.6262261

>Works pretty well
>been using variants for the past 10 years


>> No.6262473
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I'm probably going to use this method as I have the space in the garage for a shallow tub with a foil-reflective tent. I have 3 famicom consoles, super famicom, a dreamcast, and an NES that are in need of some TLC. My GF comments on the video you posted is my "ASMR", but in reality, I want more SHOW than TELL when it comes to things like these.

Presentation and restoration. Sure, your console has been around since your childhood, why not restore it's appearance (to an extent)?

Is it possible to get higher % in the states without a cosmetology license (in the US at least)? Thankfully, my gf is a hairdresser and has access to these types of things of which she'd be happy to assist in the procurement of.

I'm a mark for Mizucat's console coloring, but I wouldn't do it myself as I'm a shitty artist.

>> No.6263024


>> No.6264375

It is the current year and OP doesn't know how to de-yellow old plastics? Are they a hermit or something?

>> No.6264842

It seems to be a lot of trial and error.

>> No.6264853

He’s saying it’s not yellow because it’s dirty, it’s yellow just because it happens when naturally from the air

>> No.6264862
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>naturally from the air

>> No.6264864

>What the fuck does that even mean?
It was fairly basic English.

>> No.6264867

In this video this guy is able to completely fix it. I cant remember what exact video of his goes more in depth on how, so check arround his channel if its not this one.


>> No.6264869

take it apart and paint the shell

>> No.6265052

i'm going to paint mine yellow.

>> No.6265321

>questions the word cleanliness then posts a caved-in wojak
Jesus christ go the fuck back.

>> No.6266076

Is the creamy solution more effective than just putting it in a tub of hydrogen peroxide as seen in the video in this post? >>6256838

>> No.6266194

I think using the cream can leave small streaks, especially if the coating isn't applied evenly.

>> No.6266348

Get a load of this hoarder.

>> No.6266417

What an asshole. Cock sucking neckbeard faggot niggers like you are the reason why the market for original hardware is so damn pricey. Why the fuck do you even need all that?

>> No.6266483

dont ps1 units tend fuck up fairly easily?

>> No.6266507

Just paint it. This isn't a keyboard computer that has your hands resting on it. You don't need to fear paint on a surface that isn't being rubbed with body oils.

>> No.6266557

How many 8-bit guy videos are there of him retrobrighting old C64s? Are you a newfag?

>> No.6266994

Left has high blood pressure. He will die from a stroke soon. Right will die from a nigger cock up his ass. Rip Bros.

>> No.6267037

Cover it in Salon Creme 40 and then put it in shrink rap. Lie it outside on a sunny day for a few hours, and it should help exponentially.

>> No.6268026

i can tell just by reading this you haven't gotten laid in about 7 to 8 years.

>> No.6270471


>> No.6270647

It's true. Apparently later model SNES and Super Famicoms do not yellow, especially the Jr models. Nintendo apparently used a different formula of plastic on them. On the other hand older SNES/Super Famicoms seem to be very prone to yellowing regardless of how well you store them. The NES and Famicom tended to yellow in the areas that were exposed to direct sunlight/UV and it's a lot less pronounced.

>> No.6270673

Right carries a gun though.

>> No.6270675

place the items in a plastic tub lined on the outside with foil, pour in hydrogen peroxide, and get a high intensity uv light to shine on it for 12+hours.

>> No.6270693

I really hate that this is some sketchy concoction you have to mix yourself following some instructions on the internet and not a product you can just buy at a store. Why has nobody cashed in on the idea yet? I don't want to be put up on a list just because I wanted my old junk not to look yellow.