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File: 189 KB, 512x448, 34766-Ninjawarriors,_The_(USA)-1459358440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6254634 No.6254634 [Reply] [Original]

Anybody know where to get a scan of a Ninja Warriors Again manual? Google did not help. I wish to learn more about this game's deep lore. What year and country does it take place in? How did the precarious political situation depicted in the game arise?

>> No.6254650

Is this bait or a new meme? Since when do people care about lore this much?

>> No.6254790

So no then?

>> No.6254823

Idk. Once Again was fucking awesome though, love the new characters

>> No.6254854
File: 79 KB, 723x1024, 1564034139988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I question Mulk's design philosophy, but I'm not complaining.

>> No.6255163

gotta hide those arm extensions somewhere anon

>> No.6255182

All the game's lore can be inferred from listening to this piece enough times.

>> No.6255836

How come scans of manual of popular games can be so hard to find? Everybody go scan your stuff

>> No.6255939
File: 148 KB, 836x786, 1575166991648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinking any human gives a fuck about anyones anything outside of their monkey sphere

>> No.6255953

kunoichi is cute

>> No.6256365
File: 71 KB, 411x302, chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virgin mulk vs the chad banglar

>> No.6257136

certified Ugly Bastard

>> No.6257875

looks antisemitic. how does a dude like that even get elected?

>> No.6258234

probably by assassinating his opponents with ninja robots

>> No.6258395

he lied to morrons like you on twitter

>> No.6260256

I think the game actually does say he brainwashed people

>> No.6260276

> (n) type Japanese folkloric monster (yokai), thought to be a trio of weasels who appear in a whirlwind to cut their victim
so pretty much a pile of squirrels in a robot suit pretending to be human

>> No.6260295

You know, every time I think of Ninja warriors, I can't stop thinking about how the happy video game nerd pronounced kunoichi kuno ichi. How do you fuck up a pronunciation that bad?

>> No.6260365

>not amerimutt.jpg

>> No.6260834

by not being a weeb

>> No.6261697

>Being so retarded that you add a needless space to a single word
Also learn what weeaboo means.

>> No.6261730


>> No.6261879

But it is kuno ichi, you pronounce every syllable, you don’t say kunoychi

>> No.6262043

Same with Kama itachi

>> No.6262096

This has some pictures. It's not a full scan but shows the character bios at least


>> No.6262215

Very sincere thanks, anon. Interestingly, the story seems to imply that Mulk is dying before the events of the game, but we know from the ending that he must have pulled through.

Are "Mulk" and "Banglar" just attempts at making up western-sounding names? Sounds like they could be.

>> No.6262281

they're human reptilians

>> No.6262386

They could be bad translations that they just went with, could’ve been Mark and Vangra

>> No.6263357
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>> No.6263362

Shinobi are japanese so it's take place in nipland.
Probably pre 19th century.

>> No.6264012
File: 1.91 MB, 2016x1512, I_left_out_Journey_to_Silius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon delivers. I still enjoy perusing old manuals and magazine articles. A relic of the past, but part of my nostalgic memories with the games.

Which physical release is better to get?

>> No.6264020

I played a bit of it, and it doesn't seem to have an "easy" difficulty unlike the SNES original? Am I missing something?

>> No.6264023

I just bought mine off Amazon for switch. Basic 30 dollar one came with reversible cover, manual, a poster, and some stickers so that was nice since I didn't expect it.

>> No.6264027

It never had an easy difficulty on SNES, it was always normal and hard. Ninja normal is the closest thing to an easy mode the game has

>> No.6264035

That's weird, I've played it a few times on SNES and never had any issues with the difficulty, but the new version seems way harder.

>> No.6264092

>the new version seems way harder
There's no limit on how many enemies can attack you at once in Once Again, unlike before where it was 3-4 max because the SNES can't handle too many sprites onscreen. The bosses also got completely redone to be more threatening.

>> No.6264196
File: 169 KB, 1000x1500, external-content.duckduckgo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you liked these, i have a recommendation for you

>> No.6264659

I think it's only a little harder, except for the bosses. All your dudes get a bunch of new stuff to make up for the big enemy hordes.


Does that Ninja Warriors manual have any key info in it? not gonna lie, I don't think the original arcade game is that good, somehow I still want to git gud at it.

>the two terminator movies
yeah, that's all I can remember

"Mirai Ninja" is easier to google... that's one's a real HIDDEN GEM though

>> No.6264682
File: 341 KB, 618x800, 1583707190055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Huh, coincidentally I happened to play it on name today ( never heard about it before ) it feels like you play it kinda like sonic...keep running and pew pew pew everything on your way ! I didn't understand the health system desu !
Also... Why no one mentioned hagane ?

>> No.6264687

I looked up a 1cc video of Nina Warriors because I could not figure out how the hell you're supposed to play it without getting tagged by random jumpkicks constantly. Looks like leaving guys on the screen (like the tank in level 2) to keep more people from spawning works better than playing the game not-like-a-fag.

>> No.6264695

Sorry I should have precised that I'm talking about Mirai ninja.
As for ninja warrior that's a tip I'm going to use because I never went past the tank, and coin feeding that boss isn't enjoyable at all.

>> No.6265543


>> No.6265707

Jump on the tank, nigga.

>> No.6265816

La Creatura...

>> No.6265929

They really dumbed down the agressiveness of the AI in the remake.

Play the original SNES on Hard Mode and you'll see a heavy difference.

>> No.6266230

mirai ninja is peak obscure low-budget scifi

>> No.6266252


anyone know where we can acquire some of the promotional material they made?

>> No.6266603

I actually tried that right after I beat the remake, it's true they are more aggressive, but there's so few of them it kinda evens out. I'm going to go back and 1cc the original once I'm done with the new one, it's given me a whole new appreciation for the game.

I didn't even know the movie came out

>> No.6266704

Try Yaksha if you want your ass kicked

>> No.6267269

it's only ever been released on DVD in this collection:

>> No.6267272

yaksha is easily the most OP of the bunch. her dash/leap move makes her essentially invulnerable

>> No.6267281

Nah, she's tricky, but rewarding once you figure out her arms.

You want something ball-busting, you pick Raiden. He can't even turn around without inputting a button sequence.

>> No.6267283

No way, Ninja is the easiest by far for me.
He just fucking dunks the entire game, and can really fuck up Banglar with spin throws. I never have issues with him.
I find Yaksha to be really unforgiving, she needs battery meter to do anything. If your talking about the doc Ock dash, that shits slow and again takes meter, and leaves you wide open if you miss.

That said my issues with her may stem from constantly trying to style with her. Her combo game is nuts

>> No.6267290
File: 166 KB, 970x1024, 1578115922432m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do way better with raiden. What I do is abuse throws to let you turn quick. Grab enemies, throw them all to one side, then smash em up. His turret mode destroys bosses

>> No.6267325

no, i'm talking about her regular dash move. i forget the input, it's something like hold jump fwd fwd? every character has one. it doesn't use meter.

>> No.6267334

sorry, i think this is the correct input:
Hold attack to block and press forward or back jump

>> No.6267350
File: 63 KB, 688x516, chile morron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6267367


>> No.6267372

Yeah the dodge/block move. It's pretty nice. Her slide kick is really nice to get you in

>> No.6267389

Morrons everywhere

>> No.6267429


>> No.6267474

>yaksha is easily the most OP of the bunch.

No she isn't. Ninja is the strongest character.

>> No.6267657

Not in my experience
Yaksha is ez mode

>> No.6267658

Your experience doesn't involve no-death speedruns.

Ninja is the strongest character.

>> No.6267662

Yeah Ninja is OP as fuck and then Kunoichi is second if you can constantly triangle jump

>> No.6267667

I think second/third/etc places are debatable. All I know is that Ninja is #1, period.

>> No.6268243

lmk when you get good with yaksha

>> No.6268438
File: 146 KB, 1024x576, The-Ninja-Saviors-Man-on-rock-1024x576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ends your 1CC attempt with an untelegraphed grab

>> No.6268516

>standing anywhere near that dude
>starting the fight with that little health
asking for it

>> No.6268759

It's already established among the speedrunners that Ninja is the best. The fact that you think Yaksha is the best characters exposes that you're not very good at the game. You couldn't even remember how to do such a basic move by heart. >>6267325

Get good, kid.

>> No.6268794

Not him and I think hes full of shit but using speedruns as the test of character strength isnt a good idea because its a specific playstyle which prioritizes things like DPS over risk minimization and easw of use. Hes wrong because Ninja is easy to use, safe and very poweful, on the other hand Yakshas probably the hardest to play while also not being that impressive in terms of damage output.

>> No.6268894

.t yaksha nublet

>> No.6269292

That just happened to me dammit

>> No.6270712

Thanks for the important clue, I didn't know that this prologue existed: https://youtu.be/zUpJVxETRSY

Embed confirms his name is "Mark" at 5:15

>> No.6270995

what even did i just watch

>> No.6271482

I don't know

No one knows

>> No.6272030

And this motherfucker killed me again. I can drop him like a sack of bricks in time trials but half the time I choke on a proper run.

After losing, does he suicide or overload by accident?

>> No.6273630
File: 1.77 MB, 2016x1512, How_did_he_get_here_what_does_he_want.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks! That's exactly what I was looking fore. Always nice to get extras like manuals, posters, and other little extras to complete a game purchasing experience. I'm just not so keen on the US title but for all the extras, I can look past that.

I do. I don't think I've played your recommendation but I'll fire up MAME and play it while I wait out the contagion. The design and artstyle seems very cool to me in a Zeiram kind of way.

The story in the manual is pretty much on the video on the disc posted by >>6270712 ... Same points, Banglar with his evil magic was elected to the high office .... yadda yadda ... 3 pronged plan ... attempted to make contact with Lee Wong ... ZTT.

I remember playing the arcade game a lot at the end of the department store past the registers/tills next to Roadblasters, a Playchoice-10, and Centipede (later replaced by Devistators) by the egg catchers. Ninjawarriors was pretty impressive with its superwide screen and that song is so good. Feels great to be an unstoppable murder machine. I even like how inserting a credit mixes right into the song well. This was during the NES days, so I guess I was easily impressed.

>> No.6273713

>not the Japanese version of Ninja Warriors Again

Shame on you. The US version is objectively inferior. In fact, it's an incomplete version of the game.

>> No.6274208

i don't think the cyber ninja game is supposed to be very good
the movie is worth watching

>> No.6274360

>i don't think the cyber ninja game is supposed to be very good
I played a couple levels a while back, seemed pretty nifty to me. I'm actually interested in the movie now.

It's a neat item regardless. US version is just missing the female ninja, right?

>Same points, Banglar with his evil magic was elected to the high office .... yadda yadda ... 3 pronged plan ... attempted to make contact with Lee Wong ... ZTT.
Gotta admit I understand less now than when I started

>> No.6274596

Is there a beat em up on the SNES as good as Ninja Warriors? I just love all the cool moves and shit you get, even though it's locked to one plane which is unusual for that type of genre.

>> No.6274904

not really, ninja warriors sets the bar for movesets in the genre

>> No.6275028

>US version is just missing the female ninja, right?

It's actually a really big deal. She's a very detailed enemy with unique moves and patterns. She adds a lot to the gameplay and variety of the game.

>> No.6275104

Yeah but don't the japs not get the little wolverine guys?

>> No.6275107

Nope. The Japanese version has BOTH.

>> No.6275120

The enemy spawns are completely different in the jap version.

>> No.6275661

No, the one other good SNES beat em up is Batman Returns but that has very few moves. Final Fight 3 has a decent move selection but the game itself is painfully mediocre.

>> No.6276487

Even arcades games usually have smaller movesets than Ninja Warriors

>> No.6278065

Yaksha's tits aren't half big enough in that

>> No.6278272
File: 2.00 MB, 2016x1512, Go_Straight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's somewhere around here, I'll find it. I don't think the green ooze adds that much.

I just tried it, it's okay. The theme/setting does make it cool. Never saw it in the arcades back then, and it still looks alright now to me. I don't think I'll actively seek out the movie, but if I have the time in the right mood, I may check it out.

Japanese writing may be intentionally vague to allow for the imagination to flourish. I think I understand it, or maybe it is my own headcannon which fleshes out what was presented. Back then, the Japanese fascination with robots coupled with inspiration from the hot movies of my childhood like Terminator, Robocop, Blade Runner, etc. just was the right mix for games.

Maybe not as good as Ninjawarriors, but maybe what you're looking for is X-Men: Mutant Apocalypse and War of the Gems. Has cool moves, locked to a plane, and are some fine brawlers on the SNES.

>> No.6278301

and her arms aren't corded extensions

>> No.6278343

Give me the info on what the differences are please

>> No.6279262

Where are you getting this?

>> No.6280519

I only recently learned that Black Magic M-66 has a game loosely based on the OVA that came out 10 years later. It's an incredibly bland tactics game but it's sorta interesting I suppose. I stopped playing a few levels in because the movement is EXTREMELY slow.

>> No.6280717

Are you deaf?

>> No.6280792

Thread theme:

>> No.6280797
File: 60 KB, 474x515, final-fight-character-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does the japanese manual have some unique character art that isn't available in the US version?

>> No.6281610

It's not pronounced with a pause between no and ichi.

>> No.6282437

why would she go to the beach with her combat arms on

>> No.6284378


>> No.6284459

What a shitty site. It doesn't even mention that the Japanese version has green blood.


>Female ninjas have been replaced by little ninjas with claws in the international versions.

That makes it sound like the "little ninjas" are exclusive to the US version. Nope. The Jap version has them too.

>> No.6285012

Why would Kamaitachi have his blades on?
I don't think it's a choice anon

>> No.6285013

because if you speak japanese you speak quickly, but you speak every syllable individually

>> No.6286715

they're most likely helpful when swimming

>> No.6286745

I don't think you understand what I'm saying, Happy video game nerd would pronounce it as though it was two words. Like he referred to kunoichi as Ichi as though it was her surname.