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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6252328 No.6252328 [Reply] [Original]

I had always planned on playing the older Zelda games, given how much I loved Breath of the Wild, and in anticipation of the Link's Awakening remake, I was advised by some very nice posters to give A Link to the Past a try first to see if the old style of Zelda games - which I am only very vaguely aware of - is something I would like.

I had always imagined I would like the older games, given the comparisons to Okami and God of War, both games I enjoy, I have heard bandied about. I also knew about A Link to the Past's legendary reputation. It's supposed to be one of the best games ever made, with game design so perfect it holds up all the way today. Game developers cite it as an influence to this day, so surely I was in for a treat?

But... it's just okay?

To be fair I haven't actually completed it yet, but I'm almost done (I just picked up the Master Sword after completing the tower, and I'm on my way to Hyrule Castle), and I'm all around disappointed by it. The overworld has a vague sense of Metroidvania style progression to it, as do the dungeons, but it feels like the game was only just starting to find its footing and I'm already at the end. I've heard so much about the older games' dungeon design and progression, and while I understand a 16 bit game will be more limited than something like Ocarina of Time I imagine will be, I'm just... trying to figure out why there is so much rave acclaim for this game. Like... it's okay? The graphics feel fine, the controls are sharp, the music is really good, and I'm surprised at the emphasis on storytelling they put, but in terms of pure design, it just feels so vanilla. It basically feels like it ends before it even starts (my activity log says I am under 5 hours, and I would have been pretty mad if I had spent $60 on this game, to be honest).

Am I missing something?

>> No.6252340

Nice copypasta, faggot.

>> No.6252342

>I just picked up the Master Sword after completing the tower, and I'm on my way to Hyrule Castle

Not the end buddy.

>> No.6252362

Will never forget hearing the rain for the first time.

>> No.6252367

Getting the Master Sword is basically the very beginning in link to the past.
Am I getting baited?

>> No.6252380

>Better trigger the Boomers by saying I don't like beloved game
>teehee they'll never see it coming!
>They'll reply and I'll be like "okay boomer"

You're wasting valuable youth and you don't even realize it.

>> No.6252382

Most likely, yes

>> No.6252771

I've never enjoyed ALTTP. I've been trying to play it for 20+ years now and can never get into it. I really like Minish Cap and Link's Awakening and dislike all the 3d Zeldas though, so I'm sure I'm in the minority.

>> No.6252784

No, I'm exactly like that too. The portable Zeldas are awesome and ALTTP it's just not as fun as it seems to be (although that doens't mean it's not an important game in the history of the medium).

>> No.6252873

>Playing Zelda for the plot
>Playing Zelda for the characters

>> No.6252903

What did Anon say about the plot or the characters? If that's all he cared about he'd prefer the 3D Zeldas, no?

>> No.6252905

The first game is better.

>> No.6252920

ALTTP is certainly one of the leaat replayable Zeldas, but I liked it alright the first time.

>> No.6252926

You're not alone here. LttP is honestly, despite being a milestone game in what it advanced, one of the weaker entries of the early games, and IMO lacks the 'wow factor' of having any specific thing it does amazingly like so many of the other games. The gameboy games are generaly much more polished and refined in design, gameplay mechanics and atmosphere, the 3D games (N64 especially) have far more in depth worlds and the NES games are more freeform and challenging. I've never been able to care for it too much.

>> No.6252984

>Am I missing something?
Real hardware + CRT

>> No.6252987

>Minish Cap
Worst of the 2D mainline Zelda games

>> No.6253153

>but I'm almost done (I just picked up the Master Sword after completing the tower, and I'm on my way to Hyrule Castle)
You have done maybe 15% of the game, there's a lot of it left.

>> No.6253161

Funnily enough it's the one I replayed the most to this day. I think I beat it 10 times by now. It's hard to explain why but I don't get tired of collecting everything and going through the dungeons. It feels like it's one of the few games out there where it never feels like a chore to collect everything as opposed to most (more) recent games.

>> No.6253306

for one, alttp has very few collectables.
some optional items and upgrades, but nearly every heart container is from a boss, so there's only a very small amount in the overworld.

>> No.6253337
File: 149 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Play this modern version of ALTTP.
Its very good. SNES version is hard to get into if you have never played it before.

>> No.6253338

>the 3D games (N64 especially) have far more in depth world

Honestly you should be ranged banned just for posting something so retarded. Did you literally get off the boat from GameFAQs or something?

>> No.6253358

I always loved the GB Zelda games, but yeah, ALTTP was just "okay" for me. I beat it the one time and I don't imagine I'll ever play it again.

>> No.6253359

Disgusting. ALBW is a dumpster fire

>> No.6253370

I liked it. The 3D effect is gorgeous and cannot be replicated on any other system.

>> No.6253838

do you always talk to yourself or is this a one off thing?

>> No.6253886

Love the original, but this one is great too. They're different games but they feel similar. The one in this pic has more puzzle elements to it IIRC.

>> No.6253934

I have only one gripe with this game: the sword is too short

>> No.6253965

I thought it was alright, even if ALTTP is mostly better.
6.8/10, would play again.

>> No.6253969

It's not the size, it's how you use it.

>> No.6253971

The 3D effect is nice, but it can't save the hideous art

>> No.6253986

99% of the time when zoomers have an issue with a game it either directly or indirectly relates to the game being too difficult. I don't think I've ever seen one whining about a classic game being too easy. It's embarrassing

>> No.6254014


>> No.6254659

You're not even at the halfway point and you also gotta realize the context of when this game came out.

When it came out there is nothing like it. Also, all video games have in some way improved upon this formula. Of course it's going to feel outdated.

Just enjoy it for what it is. Or not. But don't hype it up to be more than it is when you didn't even get to enjoy it during its heyday.

>> No.6254687

get a longer sword then

>> No.6255040
File: 140 KB, 1057x1599, BS4Bf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please stop being a little bitch and at least admit that LttP is not the be all end all of Zelda. There are individual rooms in these games with more depth than whole over-world sections of LttP, and if you don't acknowledge this than that's just down to your ignorance.

>> No.6255052

The fact that you have to wait to be able to officially "buy" your tools is a real boner killer. If I want to spend hours grinding rupees to buy the bow so I don't have to risk losing it when I die, I should have the ability to. This game really cockteased the freedom it promised. Luckily the next 3D Zelda delivered but I want my 2D fix.

>> No.6255053

>He's a Majorafag

That explains it all.

>> No.6255125

He's completely right. A lot of ALttP is "use the item you got in the last dungeon to get to the next part of the world and do the next dungeon." It's pretty strictly sequenced. People talk about it like it's so open but there's only what, two pairs of dungeons in the dark world you can do in an interchangeable order. The 3D games have a lot more to do in-between by comparison.

>> No.6255181

I'm not even. I don't even enjoy MM all that much or think that it's all that well made overall, but it's depth of worldbuilding is still far ahead of everything else. At least you basically admit you don't have much argument.

>> No.6255194

Link to the Past is THE most overrated Zelda game

>> No.6255235

At least you basically admit that you're another one of those nu-Zelda fans that thinks things like "worldbuilding" matters in a fucking video game.

>> No.6255239

Different guy, but world building can be an important element depending on the kind of game you're making, I'd say it's essential to role playing games.

>> No.6255306

They're all good games excluding maybe a few that aren't worth playing. You might just not enjoy the 2D franchise as much as the 3D franchise. That's the divide. That's where a lot fans have split off.

Personally the best games I've played have been this one, all the gameboy titles are worth playing and the N64 games are great too. In recent years, directly after Wind Waker came out, I've lost interest in where the series is going. They seem to be about recycling the same concepts over and over again, but that's kind of what happens when a series like "The Legend of Zelda" has been around as long as it has.

>> No.6255383

>People talk about it like it's so open
Do they?

>> No.6255386

What gave it such a retro feel?

>> No.6255406

>that's kind of what happens when a series like "The Legend of Zelda" has been around as long as it has.
Yeah but Breath of the Wild though that one plays nothing like the older games and is basically a modern 'open world' game but with a few elements from the older games so that makes it worthwhile right? Right guys??

Sarcasm aside I completely agree with your statement about the franchise at this point. I won't deny I can still have fun with not /vr/ zeldas but the ones before the GBA and Gamecube era are the ones I'll replay because it feels like they didn't do anything new starting with the oracle games. The fact that the older games are shorter makes it even better to replay (well except for OoT but even that's not as bad as Twilight Princess or Minish Cap).

>> No.6255632

I agree with your complaint, but at the same time I don't think I ever died in ALBW

>> No.6256037

I actually have yet to play Breath of The Wild because it doesn't interest me at this point and I don't own a Switch. (I could emulate it I suppose, but it doesn't look like my cup of tea). I think when it comes to any game in the series its often their simplicity that often overshadows the more complex entries. I grew up playing Ocarina of Time, but I'd never say it was the best game ever made (I had Starfox 64 to give that medal to) however, it was a turning point for the franchise and one that kind of type-casted the plots to consist of basically the same shenanigans over and over again. Their was something kind of off beat about Majora's Mask or the Oracle series, or the Minish Cap, and Link's Awakening that were nice departures because they didn't include any of the fagtastic melodrama drivel that they now believe is mandatory to place in the game.

I'm just old dawg. That shit used to be lots of fun, but I'm getting tired.

>> No.6256248 [DELETED] 

Whatever dude MM was fcking tight. Maybe not OOT but great garden sequel. If there was a complaint about the N64 days regarding Zelda it was they should have made 3 of them for the N64 instead of 2. That and they should have used 64MB tons instead of 32.

>> No.6256256

Whatever dude MM was fcking tight. Maybe not OOT but great gaiden sequel. If there was a complaint about the N64 days regarding Zelda it was they should have made 3 of them for the N64 instead of 2. That and they should have used 64MB roms instead of 32, or made the 3rd for the DD.

>> No.6256350

Nah man, it's just the reality of the situation is that people used to just want to play a video game to take a break from some bs in life or just unwind. They were expecting entertainment and that's what it did pretty well. But as time went on gamers are no longer a niche but an entire culture of autism, and Nintendo like all corporate companies invested in anything went for the larger market share. They started spitting in the faces of thier original sales groups and decided to market to larger audiences. Now they put in a back story and fmv every 5 seconds over some visual trinkets because they can, although in the case of BotW I don't think it really hurt to much as the game is radically different from its prequels anyway. But Zelda telling you to do the dishes and then leave is kind of annoying when you just get done listening to some fish girl you banged cry to opera music for 30 minutes. It was tolerable in OOT because they couldn't drag it on and on like they can now, and in MGS it was borderline acceptable because it was new, but done well enough that it was still very entertaining. Most games after that just started to suck hard when it came to playing a damn game, they can't resist the urge to spam cutscenes that aren't really important to the gameplay.

>> No.6256373
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If this is not pasta, then the reason it feels average to you is most likely because you played other games that are largely based on its mechanics (such as Breath of the Wild supposedly is), so you find this base game dull and lacking features. Happened to me a lot when I tried playing many NES games (other than Kirby's Adventure, Wario's Woods and Mega Man 1) after growing up on Genesis and N64 games.