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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 213 KB, 600x848, comix zone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6244104 No.6244104 [Reply] [Original]

>One guy, no continues

This game could have been a classic if it didn't do this.

>> No.6244107

git gud

>> No.6244115

I always got mad jealous when I watched my friend play this game, because it always came apparant how much better at gaming he was than me. He breezed through it like it was nothing. Loved the artstyle and music, very unique game. But it was too hard for me.

>> No.6244121

Had another friend who was terrible at gaming. He would always invite me over and within 5 minutes I would be better at any given game than him. Whenever I kicked his ass, he would always go 'I'm bored with this game, let's play an other one'. And I would kick his ass again. Sometimes it got so bad I would lose on purpose because it got to him so bad. He considered himself a pro gamer and he literally couldn't cope with the fact that I made him look terrible.

>> No.6244160

Don't you get an extra continue after the second stage?
I thought this was a very easy game anyway. I suck at combat but as long as I picked up the items and used them in the right places I could beat it. I guess it's harder if you ignore all the little puzzles and just try to brute force it but the fact that you can still win that way with some effort just reinforces my belief that it's easy.

>> No.6244227

It's plenty beatable. Comix Zone is one of my favorite Genesis games ever.

>> No.6244232

compounded by your own attacks hurting you. that was really fucking gay. this game shot itself in the foot bad even with so much greatness aside

>> No.6244234

It would have been good if it didn't have embarrassingly bad controls, framerate drops, and hideous art. Bare Knuckle 2 and 3 wildly surpassed it in every way possible, and that's why they're remembered as peak punch'em'ups, and comix zone is remembered as "that one game with the really catchy intro music".

>> No.6244281 [DELETED] 

Here is a pro tip for you.
It plays amazing with an analog stick and setting shaolin kick example on button C and rad the manual.
My theory is because SEGA is an arcade company first they tend to make games in certain way.
Mashing A and easily adjusting height of punches with an analog stick makes the game a real adventure and a joy to play.
Took me a week to beat it playing on and off.
Now I can probably do it with my eyes closed I know the stages by heart.

>> No.6244284

Here is a pro tip for you.
It plays amazing with an analog stick and setting shaolin kick example on button C.
You should also read the manual.
My theory is because SEGA is an arcade company first they tend to make games in certain way.
Mashing A and easily adjusting height of punches with an analog stick makes the game a real adventure and a joy to play.
Took me a week to beat it playing on and off.
Now I can probably do it with my eyes closed I know the stages by heart.*

>> No.6244449

They only hurt you when you're punching walls or spikes and there's usually a better way around.

>> No.6244545

>Don't you get an extra continue after the second stage?

You get an extra continue for every stage you complete. There's no point in giving you one for the first stage since you are restarting from the beginning anyway.

And yeah, using the right items (and finding the hidden ones) makes the game a breeze. Except for the very last page, where you can simply run out of health unless you got very lucky rolls with the random items.

>> No.6244564

The dev forgot to put checkpoints in Fester's Quest, kek

It was a different time

>> No.6244594

>And yeah, using the right items (and finding the hidden ones) makes the game a breeze.

My impression is that a lot of people who say the game sucks or is too hard tried to play it like typical beat em up, but it's really more of a beat em up mixed with a puzzle game. If you try to just brute force then it would feel unfairly difficult.

>> No.6244628

I struggled to beat this as a kid but loved it anyway. Can beat it easily now. I was more upset that it came in one of those cardboard boxes.

>> No.6244682

I had no problems getting to the final stage without wasting any continues, but I always lost them by letting the girl drown.

>> No.6244738

They really could've had a series going had they not release it at the end of Sega moving on from Genesis. They were unfortunately able to get the sequel going for Saturn. They couldn't even get an Official Sonic game going for Saturn. Shits sad for how powerful the Saturn actually is whenever put into the hands of a great developer.

>> No.6244745

I played it a few times. It's really not that good a game. Above-average at best.

It definitely feels like something Sega of America was desperate to finish and release before the Genesis market died. Vectorman (1 and 2) and The Ooze felt the same way.

>> No.6244750

Your friend sounds like me when my buddy and I play smash.

>> No.6244808

This game was crazy popular when I was young, everyone loved it's style.
Also, google the manual, there's a cool comic in there that just screams "90's".

>> No.6245028
File: 201 KB, 799x547, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>One guy, no continues
While you do start without any continues, you do get some the further you progress. Considering it's a pretty short game, it's not that bad. It definitely had flaws though: the Question Mark items occasionally just blowing up, the fact that you hurt yourself when hitting some objects, etc.

>> No.6245124
File: 145 KB, 1777x999, bootsymikematei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're so jealous of your friend being better at you at vidya that you stop being his friend and expel him from all of your shows and content

>> No.6245162

That music, tho.

>> No.6245234

I had this friend who really wanted to get good at fighting games but just couldn't seem to and he'd always get upset when we got together. It didn't help that he'd spend hours a day sometimes practicing, but it was always vs the computer and the only time he'd play real people was when we all got together. So it really just made him worse over time. It would always start positive but the more he lost the more annoyed he'd get which would make him lose even worse until he'd just play something else and keep passing on his turn. We still make fun of the way he'd say "my quarter circles aren't working"

>> No.6245324

goddamn, /co/ had the fattest boner for this game

>> No.6245332

Game's already a classic.
Its only flaw is that there isn't more such classics by that team. Seriously, one of the most underapriciated gems of all time, a meta narrative beat-em-up with adventure game elements? Brilliant.

>> No.6245336

Love it. And love the arrange album that came with it. Brilliant how the game utilized GEMS for that guitar "twang".

>> No.6245359

Cinemassacre is collapsing and the fallout is going to be unlike anything the Internet has ever seen.

>> No.6245725

This board is so strange. I've pretty much never heard anyone speak positively about these youtube gaming channels, but you're also all so invested in them.

>> No.6245729

Mike Matei used to post here, got caught shitposting trying to hit the bump limit on a thread that was exposing stuff about his beef with Bootsy.
I think Cinemassacre is doing fine, but Mike Matei is going to get his ass kicked soon

>> No.6245735


>> No.6245738

t. Bootsy. Nothing is gonna happen and no one will give a shit.

>> No.6245785

James let Screenwave turn his shit into a generic content farm and one of the Screenwave guys was caught defending pederasty.

>> No.6245839

I've never been more glad I have no idea what either of you are even talking about.

>> No.6247223

Real flaw of this game is how breaking the walls hurts you, I have never seen anything more stupid than this, there are some games that allow you to do more powerful attack by sacrificing some of your HP, but this is the only one where breaking the wall with basic punches, something you need to do to progress does damage to you

>> No.6247238

Lol that's what was mentioned earlier. You're meant to use the items you find ir go different routs. People who whine that it's unfair because of environmental damage got filtered.

>> No.6247260

>Real flaw of this game is how breaking the walls hurts you
Its not that simple. They included these puzzle elements and almost always give you a way to solve them or to just avoid them with route changes. However if you come up against one of these puzzles and lack the items or can not figure it out should the player be softlocked? Of course not, so you are allowed to punch your way through. But if you could punch your way through without consequence then why do anything else? At least, that is my theory.

>> No.6247281

Double Dragon III lol

>> No.6247285

>unacceptable thing is now acceptable because "filter"

>> No.6247294

You don't even lose that much health, so it's not critical, but it's still very annoying and those moments happen way to often for such a short game.

>> No.6247320

I don't know, I just see it as part of the strategy of the game. Planning the rout you're going to take was part of the fun to me and one of the reasons I like it so much. Different strokes yo.

>> No.6248584

This is a tech demo, not a real game, also fucking SEGA patented it's amazing artstyle, but never made a sequel

>> No.6248594
File: 61 KB, 640x360, gitgud-front-image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>git gud

This is correct. Also there are a few traps which brutally sap your health or outright kill you, unless you know the exact way to bypass or solve them.

The games designer made concept art for a Saturn sequel, but Sega didn't want to do it.

>> No.6248628

Great idea but Boring, repetitive combat kills it.

>> No.6248691

Dynamite and the paper plane attack is quite consistent against the final boss, but very risky.