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6239637 No.6239637 [Reply] [Original]

What's the fastest a game's security has ever been cracked?

>> No.6239642

Why not just make something that spoofs a SNES machine so the cartridge doesn't know it's another device?

>> No.6239658

>diddy and dixie locked in a cage

the king's knight thread made me think about games that confront you with the consequences of losing the game. Ninja Gaiden arcade also comes to mind

I also remember a terrible Genesis rocky & bullwinkle game where you're trying to recover stolen attractions to a museum. if you get a game over, you see that the museum has had to close down because r&b couldn't get everything back

I kinda like an immediate, detached game over flashing on the screen. I don't want to know people are suffering because of me

>> No.6239695

Plenty of games came out with no security at all.

>> No.6240272

spore? the 3D GTAs?

>> No.6240304

Most games are cracked same day of release. Only a few exceptions with new/innovative copy protection or anti-tampering methods.

>> No.6240309

You could bypass this with a GameGenie

>> No.6240319

Yeaah, no. The copy protection/anti-tamper in this game was pretty impressive for the time. https://tcrf.net/Donkey_Kong_Country_2:_Diddy%27s_Kong_Quest_(SNES)#Anti-Piracy

>> No.6240783

>What's the fastest a game's security has ever been cracked?
Devil May Cry 5, cracked the instant it was released because Crapcom uploaded the DRM-free version.

>> No.6240875

How about topping EarthBound?
>First layer is the typical "won't run on illegal devices warning"
>Second layer is a severe heavy increase in enemy encounters, even glitching in spots because enemies are spawing in places they're not supposed to
>Get all the way to Giygas and the game crashes and self-deletes all save data

>> No.6240971

Leaks aren't cracks.
Has some funnier results, but less overall security measures. EB only has SRAM and checksum routines, DKC2 has much more.

Another good one that stumped pirates for months was Spyro YOTD. https://tcrf.net/Spyro:_Year_of_the_Dragon#Anti-Piracy

>> No.6241952

0 seconds

>> No.6241953

One time in the 80s, EA president Trip Hawkins boasted that their latest C64 protection would take at least three months to crack. As he was saying this, it had already been cracked and the games were up on BBSes.

>> No.6241984

Mega Man X has some good shit too https://tcrf.net/Mega_Man_X#Copy_Protection

>> No.6242046

> the original Japanese 1.0 release suffered from frequent false positives due to the ROM inadvertently having the "expected" values already present at the right addresses in ROM for the copy protection to falsely think that the writes were successful.
LMAO. what a bunch of geniuses.

>> No.6242372

Do prototypes count? There's the Sonic 2 CENSOR prototype that was leaked a week prior to its release.

>> No.6242456

I don't think it had any copy protection at all.

Here's an interesting video on floppy copy protection. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VheNpiSZxf0

>> No.6242610

>Megaman X cartridges will treat you like a pirate if perfectly valid data just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time

It's a perfect metaphor for how X is a hot-blooded cop who will consider you a maverick if you even look at him funny

>> No.6242701

A friend of my older brother used to crack AAA ST and Amiga games on release day. Made him a right mint at school, so I was told.

>> No.6243121

>my older brothers friend worked for crack
Probably true, but not in the way you think

>> No.6243160

>What's the fastest a game's security has ever been cracked?

GBA had the full tech specs leaked and it had working emulators before the console was released. I don't think that can be topped.

>> No.6243282

>my older brothers friend worked for crack
What the fuck are you talking about? Read it again, mongoloid. Oh, was that your attempt at a joke? Fucking fail.

>> No.6243527

>i'm also a crack whore

>> No.6243741

I remember renting Dino Crisis when it came out, going on some famous crack website (the one everyone used for no cds, I forget the name) and running an exe to patch it.

>> No.6243762

You mean an emulator?

>> No.6243791

Probably before the game has even been released.

>> No.6244391

Gamecopy world or something. In retrospect I wonder how malware free those nocd .exes actually were.

>> No.6244423

the prototype supposedly had a copy protection too. it also had a crack intro but the lamer collectors stripped off the crack intro and kept the copy protection bypass. if it wasn't a rare prototype (so rare in fact that everyone had a copy of it back in the 1990s lmao) then censor would never got any credit for the discovery. ;)

>> No.6244430

Weren't they showing Sonic at a trade show and someone punched one of the devs in the face and took the cartridge?

>> No.6244434

>it had working emulators before the console was released.
sort of. gbaemu came out relatively close to the launch day of the gba, could only run one cart, some tech demo or something. my memory is fading. was damn impressive anyway.
in retrospect, yeah. i guess you could see it that way. at the time, I am almost certain that those programmers must have got a good slap from their employers for releasing such broken garbage into the marketplace while doing -zero- testing on their protection schemes.