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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6232028 No.6232028 [Reply] [Original]

>he fell for the 8bitdo meme

really, is it finally time to admit how awful these are for retro games?

>> No.6232031

Why are they bad? I have a couple of different 8bitdo controllers and they seem fine. Although I don't know much about input lag so maybe I'm wrong?

>> No.6232058

shills will claim them to be equal or even superior to the real thing, yet these controllers offer some of the worst aftermarket dpads out there. horrible diagonals and missed inputs out the ass. there’s very little reason to choose them over modern default pads, with the exception of switch.

>> No.6232060

I think they are pretty good all around, unfortunately the D-pad meme is true and it isn't perfect. I didn't want to open mine and add tape to it because it sounded like cope so I just flipped it back on to eBay and took my loss.

>> No.6232067

But the dpad on the pro+ is nearly perfect. It's the older ones that leave something to be desired.

>> No.6232078

Their quality control is very inconsistent

>> No.6232170

Input lag, bad d-pads. They're fine for casuals but our autism is set off by it since we have so much experience with the originals.

Personally, I can't stand how mushy most SNES controller buttons feel nowadays, so for me it's like
>bad d-pad
>bad buttons
>pick one

>> No.6232182

for retro games?
i bought them to play Splatoon 2 on my switch, while keeping the feel of the retro controller.

>> No.6232184

I end up using the analog instead of the d pad a lot of the time. For me it usually works better for uppercuts in fighting games. But yes I get what you mean about the 8bitdo d pass but being that great.

>> No.6232217

They're heavily marketed and designed to fit the needs of their target audience at a reasonable price point, and they do exactly that. If you're familiar with input lag, and have moderate to high standards when it comes to performance and build quality, you aren't the target audience, and that's fine. If you're the guy still using zsnes, or wanting to play the latest bing bing wahoo on your switch with a real controller, this will probably tick all of your boxes.

>> No.6232232

For anons reading this thread who are contemplating buying an 8Bitdo pad, I have the SNES looking one, and it's pretty great.

>> No.6232239

The D-Pad in the controller in the OP is perfectly fine though, no diagonal fuckups, no directions getting stuck or being harder to press than the others, I can use it on fighting games no problem, I do wish L & R were bigger like in a DualShock though, instead they made them exactly like on a SNES pad, which is a bit uncomfortable and hurts my index fingers after a while in games that make heavy use of those buttons.

One word of advise though : use firmware v3.01, NOT v3.02, for whatever reason 3.02 has this bug where if you don't use the left analog it'll start sending random ghost inputs after a while, which may be troublesome depending on your setup.

I mostly use mine for Switch though, tried it on RetroArch and it was fucked out of the box. You can probably fix it somehow if you have the patience, but who the fuck does, specially with RetroArch's bloated menus and config files.

>> No.6232283

Yeah from what I've heard they fixed the d-pad on this model so you don't get those garbage diagonals. The only issue I have with mine are the syncing issues for the switch which get pretty annoying.

>> No.6232316

I have 2 of the SNES/Sufami shaped 8bitdo controllers.

The diagonal problem is fixed by replacing the dpad and silicone pads with parts from a defective SNES/Sufami controller, and using a holepunch protection sticker on the PCB.

The input lag is minimal. Not even an entire frame for 2.4ghz models.

Bluetooth is always laggy and depends on environment. With a good receiver and little interference, it's quite serviceable.

>> No.6232341

If you own one and it hasn’t worked for you then send it back and get another. Failing that, fine, get a refund and talk shit on the internet. Now that the SNES30 works on the switch and iOS I think it’s fucking excellent. I grew up with the snes and the d-pad is next to no different. They’re also pretty cheap. If you’ve never used one then quit chiming in.


Yeah ok, get it all out you sperg, I couldn’t give a fuck.

>> No.6232353

I have an original snes, the 8bitdo snes controller, the Wii snes controller from the club Nintendo promotion, and the switch online snes controller and there’s next to no discernible difference in d-pads or buttons for me. Turns out I’m just not shit at games and use whatever excuse I can find when I fail. Don’t know about anyone else but I have my suspicions.

>> No.6232361

>8bitdo fan
It checks out.

>> No.6232402

>no actual argument
Checks out

>> No.6232415

I have an SNES30, or whatever the older snes one is called. It was good for a couple years, but the bluetooth more or less died and the battery went out recently, so now it's a brick. It's a shame, it was pretty useful and the form factor was easy to haul around. But I guess it had a decent run.

>> No.6232441

Maybe it's just the fact that I'm using controllers from when I was in preschool and that they need to be cleaned, or I need to try a repro.

>> No.6232885

based shill. But tell me how you guys are going to keep up production tho with everyone in your country dying to nCoV?

>> No.6232963

The shitty D-pads are on specific models (wireless SN30 Pro, with no handles) and they're caused by the PCB contacts that imitate the ones on the Switch Pro controller, which has the same issue

>> No.6233290

Many here are talking about their SNES controllers, but how is the M30? If anyone here has used both that and, say, a Saturn controller, which feels better overall?

>> No.6233321

The only issues I have had with OP's pic is some LAG only when playing Mario Maker 2 with a friend using two consoles for local play.

My only complaint besides the LAG that only happens in that one situation (it doesn't happen in single player or co-op same device) is that the D Pad makes a sound when you shake the controller. Look at it while shaking it and you will see it slide around. I don't have any issues with diagonal inputs or anything bad to say about the performance of the Dpad other than the loose fitting shape that slides around.

>> No.6233553

What does LAG stand for?

>> No.6233719

The Nintendo style d-pads are fucked up but the M30 controller is my preferred method to play Genesis games and most 2D Switch/PC games. Th

>> No.6233739
File: 236 KB, 1181x1748, D86nuxwUwAAlyNW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly play GameBoy/Advance games on my GameCube via the GB Player:
Ideally I'd like to use a Wii U Pro controller with it but 8bitdo haven't made a bluetooth adapter for GC yet, so what's the best option in terms of hooking up a half decent 2D pad?

>> No.6233793

Raphnet has a good SNES controller to Gamecube adapter. It also has a gb player mode so you can use Y and B instead of B and A, which is pretty nice.

>> No.6234142 [DELETED] 

I have the SF30 pro, both M30s. These are the best controllers i ever used. Even leaving the original ninty and sega controllers far behind. However i noticed sometimes its a bit the luck of the draw. In example some of them coming with slighly inferior rubberpads. Just return and get a new one.

>> No.6234158

>>6232028 (OP)
I have the SF30 pro, both M30s. These are the best controllers i ever used. Even leaving the original ninty and sega controllers far behind. However i noticed sometimes its a bit the luck of the draw. In example some of them coming with slighly inferior rubberpads. Just return and get a new one. And yeah the SF30 pro is a bad chice for street fighter because of how sensitive the d-pad is. You end up getting unwated directional inputs. But the analog sticks are awesome. Especially for modern games. And the M30 is perfect for street fighter. The retrobit crap on the other hand. That was really wasted money.

>> No.6234167
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latency something something gayming

>> No.6234887

>retrobit crap

how do you claim that? they’ve been guilty of true abominations in the past, but the official sega pads are fucking ace.

>> No.6234913

I’ve yet to try them but I see no reason to risk it. playstation 3 dual shock is my go to for emulation

>> No.6235301

>sega pads are fucking ace.
No they are not. While the hard plastic parts are very well done, the rubber pads are of the cheapest quality possible. I gave both saturn controllers back because of it. Havent tried the mega drive controllers though.

>> No.6235317
File: 406 KB, 2048x1536, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've yet to find a better controller for both modern and retro games.
>excellent battery life
>stable wireless connection
>good dpad
>xinput/dinput toggle on the adapter
>justwerx without autistic futzing with bluetooth drivers and xinput wrappers
The newer Mayflash Magic-NS adapter is even better, but this is what I found pictured.

8bitno has been complete shit in my experience, with awful dpads, janky wireless signal, and one controller (the most expensive Pro+ model) just up and dying on me.

>> No.6235341

everyone i know in the kaizo community hates the pro+ d-pad.
it starts off great, then after months, it becomes terrible

>> No.6235384

I have an sn30pro. It lags horrible on my switch, though now that I think about it, it might be game dependant also. Connected via USB to my PC it's fine.

>> No.6235394

I wonder if there's something with batch production quality or something, because I own two original NES30s and have had almost no problems. Connecting them to a PC used to be a huge pain in the ass, but later firmware updates fixed that. In terms of physical performance, like button press detection, I haven't noticed a thing. I have, however, heard a ton of people complain about it and seen fix videos that show what the issue is. Had some friends complain about input lag, but I never noticed it. The Logitech F710, though, was a fucking disaster with massive lag. Still love the F310 - thing is a tank.

I considered getting some of the newer models, but I can't bring myself to spend the money when the shit I have still does everything I need it to, and I wonder if I didn't just win the chinese quality lottery with them.

>> No.6235450

>wii u
That's the most praised but I don't know if it's the same anon always boosting the controller.

>> No.6235479

I've shilled it a few times, but it's really underrated and honestly the best in my opinion

>> No.6235490

Love my SN30 Pro+, love how it can still take AA batteries despite coming with a battery pack. My only issue is in RA with ps1 emulation, if I enable the analog sticks the frame rate gets cuts to 50, been googling it forever and never got the answer.

>> No.6235528

I've never used an original Sega controller, but out of the knockoffs I've crushed in my hideous crab pincers, the M30 is the best one

>> No.6235651
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well that model in particular is hideous and buyer gets what they deserve with that one

>> No.6235803

The F310 I bought had issues with diagonals, so much that certain games were unplayable. You couldn't go from one diagonal to another - a shmup for example would result in your ship sticking and getting shot up by whatever came its way. Returned it cus I'd never played with a more useless pad.

>> No.6235851

>lags horrible on my switch
i use a sf30 pro on my switch. i have no noticeable lag at all. two things come to mind. i read the older revisions have higher input lag. also i think you should upgrade to the latest firmware.

>> No.6236921

the button rubber pads, always broke up, or get stuck, after a few months of use, the only good thing is that 8 bitdo send me 2 rubberpads for replacement!