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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6221923 No.6221923 [Reply] [Original]

Anon, please say you didn’t fall for their PR department’s lies and buy this overpriced emulator in a box?

>> No.6221925

Is this one of those Analogue consoles?

>> No.6221929

I don't even know what that is so obviously no, I haven't

>> No.6221949

they don't even make this anymore

>> No.6221951

I bought one, it's fucking great. Overpriced yeah, but a lot cheaper than the $1500 they sell for on eBay now.

>> No.6221952

I thought about it, but quickly decided against it.

>> No.6222000

Fuck no. Analogue are shite and Christoph is a massive shithead.

>> No.6222001

I don't know what the fuck that is, but it looks like they cut down the brazilian rainforest to grow it, if you know what I mean.

>> No.6222007

It's a slab of aluminum

>> No.6222012

They're making another run due to a petition.

>> No.6222014
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I had to buy the Hyperdub Mega sg, its simply the best looking console ive ever seen. The Pocket console looks good.

>> No.6222016

Has anyone dumped the music cart? Was Burial on there?

>> No.6222017

Why? The AVS is way better and cheaper

>> No.6222029

I plan on getting an AVS sometime, I know it's cheaper but is it really better? The NT Mini has cores for other consoles, supports up to 1080p rather than just 720p, and has more available settings for fine tuning etc. I don't think it's worth the extra cost, but if it was the same price I thought people would opt for the NT Mini. If they made a cheaper NT Mini with a plastic shell ala the Super NT or Mega Sg, that would be a definite purchase for me.

>> No.6222031

>way better
In what way? I mean it's a good option but I fail to see how it can compete with the NT Mini's selection of jailbreak cores and playing ROMs from an SD card.

>> No.6222078

Sold my NES and Famicom to buy this, and I'm using its analogue RGB output on my CRT. Best thing I've ever purchased desu. And it's far superior to the original consoles. I would have bought Mega SG and Super NT as well but they're HDMI only so they can go fuck themselves.

>> No.6222084

They've now released the DAC for those consoles.

>> No.6222091
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well shit, goddamn nigger. these guys thought of fucking everything. im grabbing a DAC incase it gets sold out so that i can use it for the analogue pocket. ill wait on the super/sg since there is no shortage.

>> No.6222545

Is the shell aluminum? Are they sold out and will there be more available?

>> No.6222638

praise kevtris
in fpga we trust

>> No.6222660

I wish I bought one, or a few

>> No.6222665

What? The AVS is worse in every way that matters. It's ugly as fuck too, not that the NT looks amazing

>> No.6222714


Not yet, but I have a Mega SG and paired with bluetooth controllers, a Mega SD and one of the lowest input-lag OLED tv's I could find (LG C9), and it's been the ideal setup for playing old games in a modern setup for me. I understand why people would prefer original hardware and CRTs, but to me the benefits of convinience outweigh the downsides of my setup (the input lag isn't noticable to me and Analogue's built-in scanline and scaling options look good to me).

I'll probably get an NT and SuperNT with the appropriate flashcarts and bluetooth controllers for the same reasons. I won't deny that they're overpriced though, and that people can get a similar experience for less.

>> No.6222717

What is that. Is that like a toploader or something?

>> No.6222749

No, an AV modded Famicom with an Everdrive N8 Pro is the best way to play FC/NES games.

>> No.6222772

This, except for the flash cart

>> No.6222775

Don't get me wrong, I still have a good amount of games on their original cartridges. Just I don't feel like shelling out $500 for some games like "Gimmick!", for example. Everyone also wants a gorillion dollars for anything related to the FDS, which I am not interested in paying for 30 year old floppy disks that may have been rewritten at a kiosk with some other game on it or just straight up wiped either from time or being placed too close to something else magnetic.

>> No.6222783

Does the NT Mini have interpolation? I know the AVS does for certain. If you want to dial in the aspect ratio to 4:3 and not have pixel distortion you need that feature. (Otherwise integer scaling to 5:4 is close enough)

AVS also properly passes cartridge audio from audio expansion Famicom carts. The NT Mini does expansion audio entirely in emulation. The audio on all of these FPGA devices tends to be a little wonky though.

>> No.6222869

Just get a MiSTer you giga niggas

>> No.6222889

>If they made a cheaper NT Mini with a plastic shell ala the Super NT or Mega Sg, that would be a definite purchase for me.

I dont understand why they never, ever, bothered to think on this!? Just cause they wanted to richbait and do smarthphone material.

>> No.6222893

Better Question, what were the latest frimware tweaks done to the AVS so far? Did they ever fixed the Integer Scaling and the shimmering and Stutter? Or the Scanlines?

>> No.6222980

there's people buying the mister so.....

>> No.6223230

Maybe that's what the Analogue 8 will be?

>> No.6223567

MISTer wasn't really a thing when the NT Mini was released. There was the predecessor MIST FPGA project but it didn't have HDMI and the NES core was still a work in progress.

>> No.6223605

Retarded faggot.

>> No.6223626

People are selling prebuilt MiSTers? Most of the fun for the project is dicking around with it yourself.

>> No.6223854

That shit looks incredible. Imagine if Sega had released that thing as a counter for the holidays for when Nintendo finally released SNES? Sega would have owned them.

>> No.6225323
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Waiting for the analogue pocket. Drew out the screen dimensions on paper. It'll be about the width of a standard gba screen but with extra height to match the ameboy aspect ratio.

In the mean time, picked up a everdrive gba to hold me over for a bit.

>> No.6225337
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while i was playing Wheel Of Time i noticed something odd
near the end of the Vault Mission, you can find a Cuendillar Seal near the firetrap, but ONLY if you "skip" the map transion by walking close to the wall.
but if you do that the entrance to the last part of the level will be close.
is this supposed to be a secret or an error?
also talk about secrets or weird stuff found in other videogames

>> No.6225353

The actual GBA display at pixel-perfect resolutions will be smaller than the full-screen on the pocket, though, since only 6x resolution can fit (Unless they include some kind of pixelate filter for full width to help with the unequal pixel res).

Checking res's, max they can do with each to fit in the scree without stretching:

GB/C - 10x - 1600x1440
GBA - 6x - 1440x960
GG - 10x - 1600x1440
NGPC - 9x - 1440x1368
AL - 10x - 1600x1020

The only odd-men out for leaving whitespace all around are the GBA and NGPC, though, and even then it won't be by much.

>> No.6225375

That's still a solid 2.34 inches of width for gba and ngpc, still pretty good.

>> No.6225479


>> No.6225481

i have no idea what this anon means. somebody help

>> No.6225483

just download MESEN you turbo faggots

>> No.6225505


>> No.6225565
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>> No.6225616

>autistic retarded who can't visualize

>> No.6225703
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image spending $2,500 on a emulation machine.

I will never understand.

>> No.6225914

omg PINK!

>> No.6225941
File: 108 KB, 720x960, 20200225_144528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing some neo geo on pic related right now

>> No.6225959

no but I'll fall for the Analogue Pocket

>> No.6226326


>> No.6226363

It MISTer worth it right now? How is the input lag and how much does it cost?

>> No.6226407
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Only necessary thing you need is the DE10 and the RAM upgrade for Neo Geo games. That's $140 + $60-70. Another $70 if you need to hook it up to a CRT. Worth it for me because I really want accurate Neo Geo with no input lag and this is the best option for me so far.

>> No.6226424

Do misters work with 8bitdo controllers?

>> No.6226425

Wait, what? Another run of actual ANT Minis, compatible with the original pre-noncompete agreement Kevtris cores?

>> No.6226427

yes they work with pretty much anything

>> No.6226740

What do you use for a controller for Neo-Geo games?

>> No.6226814

right now just a ds4, I'm working on getting a couple of those modified neo geo mini controllers

>> No.6226824

they grow overpriced emulation machines in brasil?

>> No.6226835

>no input lag
There is significant input lag if you're using the default usb input

>> No.6226848

sorry I must have been mistaken. I am getting the blisster though

>> No.6226859

holy crap that thing is expensive. i'd just use a raspberry pi and a 3d printed case for a emu station if i wanted one. would cost a lot less than this.

>> No.6227280

>i'd just use shit because i'm a casual poorfag zoomer
correct answer

>> No.6227672
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>> No.6227902

source? no such word on their website

>> No.6228064
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>> No.6229203

What if that news turns out to be that they're not going to do one?

>> No.6229770

I'll go to their headquarters and shit on their floor.

>> No.6229832

Are you speaking from experience? From what I've seen online, assuming you're using a basic USB hub, simply overclocking USB polling rates can make for lag-free input. The main determiner of latency is what controller you use.


>> No.6229834

Because the current one they make is literally taking NES systems apart and desoldering the chips from it. It's expensive and costly (timewise) as fuck. If they release another one it'll be an FPGA like the Gen/SNES ones, and even though the system is a known quantity it's still r&d costs so you just can't shit it out

>> No.6229836

The NT was original NES chips, the NT Mini is FPGA

>> No.6229852

The IO board is only about $50 if you are fine with the default fan.
Either way I went with the mister since I primarily want to emulate arcade games and Analogue will likely never do that officially at least.
Everything else is does is a nice bonus.

>> No.6229978

Probably will have interpolation like their other consoles.

>> No.6230038

Just got my gba everdrive in. I can play GB, GBC, GG, SMS, and NES games. Give me some good grid based dungeon crawlers.

>> No.6230101 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6230364 [DELETED] 

>Because the current one they make is literally taking NES systems apart and desoldering the chips from it.

>> No.6230498

Whooooah, can it play CPS2, can it play MAME? Can it play PS1?

>> No.6230635

CPS1 is currently a work in progress. I was watching Aquas streaming Ghouls 'n Ghosts, looks very playable but there were a few graphical anomalies.

CPS2 should follow eventually, although obviously it'll be a more complex nut to crack.

>> No.6231250
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you're both casuals.

>> No.6232136


>> No.6232146


>> No.6232163

Thanks, I don’t care

>> No.6232165

>"one last time"
>no per person quantity limit
Clever scalper bait. Well played kevtris.

>> No.6232193

>500 fucking dollars
Nah bro nah.

>> No.6232438

>500 credits
Fuck Analogue.

>> No.6232568

I realize they probably mark this shit up to an idiotic degree, but would it really kill them to make a normal-priced one out of plastic?

>> No.6232647

The NES library aged poorly and thus has little mainstream appeal. The only people interested in a product like this are collectors who're heavily invested in their physical collection, and for them, $500 is nothing. Throw in a little FOMO, and the fact that people were willing to pay $2500 for the last model on ebay, and they'll easily sell as many as they decide to make to collectors and prospective scalpers hoping to cash in.

You can only run that scam so many times, so I'm sure we'll eventually see a plastic version like we have for the Genesis and SNES, but milking whales with "limited run" products obviously takes precedence for an easy few hundred thousand profit.

>> No.6233310

I want a PlayStation version.

>> No.6233489

This is gonna sound weird, but I actually ordered 2. One to use and the other to scalp like >>6225565
shows. Hell 2 sold for $1000 just today alone. Basically a free console.

>> No.6233559

>The NES library aged poorly
What a tasteless faggot. Don't voice your opinion on any artistic medium again. It's embarrassing

>> No.6233602

the soundtrack's just on a micro sd cart. want me to upload it somewhere?

>> No.6233604

The only series with good games got a SNES remake that is a straight upgrade over the originals. Without nostalgia to compensate for the genuinely ugly visuals, awful soundtracks, and shit gameplay rooted in the worst aspects of arcade design philosophy, they're unplayable. Pre-gen 4 vidya is like pre-1970 cinema, nobody had any idea what the fuck they were doing, leaving us with a sea of unrefined trash that doesn't hold up.

A) Games don't age, and thus can and should be judged by refined standards.
B) Games do age, and can only be fairly judged within the context of their release window.

Pick one.

>> No.6233654

Yeah that would be fantastic, thanks anon.

>> No.6233686

Gameplay doesn't age anon. It has gotten more complex, yes, but not 'dated.'

>> No.6233697

>ugly visuals
Incredible palette, best pixel artists of all time in their creative prime during this era, talented modern indie artists are still trying (and failing miserably) to emulate these games
>awful soundtracks
Konami, Capcom, Sunsoft, Nintendo at their peak. Listen to Gimmick, Batman, Castlevania, Contra, Mega Man 2, Metroid--your taste in music is an embarrassment, my gentle summer autist
>shit gameplay
Inept fat fingered mongoloid emulating with 3+ frames of lag thinks his opinion is valid
>worst aspects of arcade design philosophy
Best aspects. Video games have been in a downward spiral ever since, catering increasingly to tards like you who have a fit every time they get a game over

Your taste is garbage, your dexterity is a joke, your brain is leaky, your opinion is laughable. Congratulations

>> No.6233708

>like pre-1970 cinema, nobody had any idea what the fuck they were doing, leaving us with a sea of unrefined trash that doesn't hold up.

2001: A Space Odyssey (1968)
Midnight Cowboy (1969)
Dr. Strangelove (1964)
Le Samouraï (1967)
The Graduate (1967)
Andrei Rublev (1966)
Easy Rider (1969)
La Jetée (1962)
Pierrot le Fou (1965)
Knife in the Water (1962)
12 Angry Men (1957)
The Night of the Hunter (1955)

What a retard

>> No.6233759

Exactly one of those movies holds up, and the acting is still atrocious.

>> No.6233817
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>> No.6233927

Great, a battered old NES with shitty composite out, a taped together power pack, no doubt dodgy cart connector and no games.

Meanwhile the NT Mini has a sleek aluminium shell, HDMI and RGB component out, can play 99% of games straight from an SD card and has cores for a whole host of other 8-bit systems including Game Boy, Game Boy Color, Sega Master System, Game Gear and Atari 2600.

>> No.6233943

>RGB component out
If you buy the $80 DAC with it that isn't out yet

>> No.6233970
File: 342 KB, 1201x801, df-retro-hardware-analogue-nt-mini-review-1488707131730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NT Mini doesn't need the DAC.

>> No.6233975

Nt mini is built to last. I'd say it's more for professional use than consumers honestly. I'm just waiting for the pocket and dock.

>> No.6233989

Oh, nice

>> No.6234057

You have a computer that can do all that and more. Retard!

>> No.6234441

>Hell 2 sold for $1000 just today alone.
but why?

>> No.6234486

What's the best option to play GBA, Genesis, and SNES/SFC games in a single console? Is Retron V the only one?

>> No.6234521

a MiSTer

>> No.6234523

You can scream that it is an emulator as loud as you want, everyone else will just confirm your autism.

>> No.6234532

I own both. Heavily disagree.

>> No.6234557

Nvidia Shield with retroarch.

Don't bother with shit like the Retron V. They use shitty bottom-tier components and stolen out-of-date emulators that can barely handle NES games at full speed.

>> No.6234560

It should be easily disprovable if it isn’t an emulator. However, we all know it is an emulator, which is why you can’t.

>> No.6234570

Retron products make no sense to me. If you're going to emulate, you can get cheaper hardware to do the job. Is the appeal of running off of real cartridges (which you aren't even doing since it's just dumping them first) really that appealing to collection fags?

>> No.6234573

The differences between an emulator box and an FPGA device are the same as the differences between SNES9X and bsnes. The experience for the end user is almost identical, but the technology under the hood is a world apart.

>> No.6234601

guess that I should have clarified that for physical cartridges, not roms.

>> No.6234607

Then yeah, I guess your only hope is the Retron. But like I said, it's super crappy. It's literally an emulator box with a cartridge slot, the thing everyone shitposts about FPGA devices being.

>> No.6234619

also it looks ugly as fuck jesus

>> No.6234815


Why do you want to play physical cartridges if you don't want to play on original hardware? Not judging, I just don't understand.

Retron and similar devices are the worst of both worlds, combining the inconvinience of physical cartridges with the compatibility issues of emulation.

>> No.6234981

I just preordered mine.
Please tell me you're not mad :(

>> No.6234989

It's definitely worth it but you'll need the ram module if you want to play the most things. It's surprisingly great.

>> No.6235000

I use a ps3 hori fighting stick. You can also use the neo geo x stick since it's usb. As someone with a consolized mvs, this thing makes real neo geo hardware pretty much unnecessary. I sold my consolized mvs. The 161 in 1 is a decent cart to get going, but it's missing some really good games. It was cheaper to buy an entire mister setup, complete with all the extras, than to buy a flash cart for an mvs. It was an easy decision. I sold my setup for enough to buy a complete mister and have money left over.

>> No.6235027

Because I like buying physical cartridges I find in nearby stores or when I travel to Japan but my consoles are in another country and I'd rather not buy two consoles.

>> No.6235075

Then emulate it and just enjoy your collection. idk dude, the Retron V is just the worst.

>> No.6235085

just get a "mister"

>> No.6235220

Pardon my stupidity but wouldn't a system that essentially dumps the contents of a cartridge before letting you play wear the cartridge down faster?

>> No.6235241

The NT Mini plays games direct from the cart like a real NES

>> No.6235252

I know. I'm talking about those retron systems.

>> No.6235273


>> No.6236129

bitly /2TqL1B6

>> No.6236251

Awesome, thanks dude.

Does the Hyperdub cartridge actually have any function? Does it allow you to listen to the tracks on the Mega SG?

>> No.6236434

What is this non compete you're referring to? Are you saying Kev cannot release the zimba? Citation needed.

>> No.6236439

Obviously it won't be and isn't. Most of the work is already done with the cps1, there is just minor implementation quirks beyond writing the core. Look at jotego's Twitter replies

>> No.6236481

My pleasure and yes it does, it just doesn't have the music on a traditional rom chip but a micro sd card. it's like a music everdrive cartridge sorta. it's not limited to the SG, can listen to it on real MD's as well.

>> No.6236953

You can easily fix all of those problems for less than what you would pay for that overpriced shit box.

>> No.6237313

No offence but I chose the retro AVS because the nt mini wasn’t available.

>> No.6237375

Cheers for this.

>> No.6237656

I've bought their other products, and will probably buy the Pocket, but $500 is too much even for me. That's a cartoonish price.

>> No.6237692


Great, one final run of this thing, and they still havent got trough their thick skulls that maybe they should have released a version with hard plastic instead of meme alluminuim cellphone material and drop all the bells and whistles and just sell it for 199 at worst!

>> No.6237704

Maybe they'll do that as a new pfoduct after this?

>> No.6237732

Most everyone assumes the "Analogue 8" product name that got leaked last year will be exactly this. The plastic cheaper NT Mini. I guess they wanted to squeeze out some more $$$ with the original device first.

>> No.6238175

I didn’t fall for their PR department’s lies and buy that overpriced emulator in a box.
A famicom works fine.

>> No.6238176

I hope that people stop buying their shit and they go under without ever releasing anything again.

>> No.6238179

Why? Hyperkin, Retrobit, ATgames, etc, are far scummier companies.

>> No.6238181

There are allowed to be multiple companies that you hope go under.
>far scummier
and also far cheaper. I mean, did you see that DAC thing?

>> No.6238182

At their price points, the "DAC" should be built in to all of their products.

>> No.6238190

Those other companies sell products that are objectively worse than emulating on the PC you already own. They're scams. Meanwhile, you're over here shitting on analogue because as a misterfag, you irrationally hate kevtris. You should welcome more healthy competition in the market, maybe we'll actually get a mister with a good presentation and out of the box experience.

>> No.6238259

>you irrationally hate kevtris
Way to jump to conclusions.
Actually I chat with him a lot on IRC, this is something I agree to disagree with him on.
He's pretty cool because when I have trouble (I program for the NES and other old computers/consoles as a hobby), he often has good advice.
I do have bigger problems with the old Analog NT's which just cannibalized famicoms.

>> No.6238261

>healthy competition in the market
None of which needs to exist when old hardware still exists and works for the same amount or less and definitively has 100% compatibility.

>> No.6238263

Also I legitimately have no idea what a 'mister' is. Enlighten me.

>> No.6238271
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Nevermind, I looked it up. Turns out you're putting even more words in my mouth (and being even dumber) than I was giving you credit for.

Here's my gaming and development system, just for reference.

>> No.6238275

Including shipping from Japan, that famicom cost me around $60 in 2016.

>> No.6238743

>What's the best option to play GBA, Genesis, and SNES/SFC games in a single console?
A PC and emulators.

>> No.6238881

no one asked, shithead

>> No.6238887

Where did you get that NES to Famicom adapter?

>> No.6238915

SNES mini

>> No.6238958

Ebay, years ago.
Modded it to work with Castlevania III, added expansion audio pins for Powerpak/EDN8, and 3D printed a case for it.

>> No.6238991 [DELETED] 

Unironically this. For as much as fags on here will screech about it, the SNES classic is an affordable and piss easy way to play all that shit, and pretty well too. GBA has some sound popping but the game play is fine and everything else including rom hacks that I have tried have worked. "Hacking" it and installing emulators takes like 5 minutes and it's got sweet controllers and a nice interface, which you can also use the hack program to customize the roms with cover art in the menu just like the preinstalled games have.

>> No.6239001

You have a Famicom, why wouldn't you just play Akumajou Densetsu with the infinitely better soundtrack since it can already play that?

>> No.6239021

Yes, I do.
But I also modded the adapter so it can work with "everything" instead of "nearly everything."
No reason not to do so.

>> No.6239027

I see. More power to you, then. Similar to me wanting to do the Famicom expansion audio channels mod to my toaster NES even though I already have a Famicom, I guess.

>> No.6239031

That's a single resistor mod. Piece of cake.
Or a pot if you want to adjust it.

>> No.6241073
File: 130 KB, 820x583, nt mini ebay2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fucking scumbag chancer scalpers are already trying to sell the new NT Minis for $1000+ as 'preorders'

>Two have already sold

>> No.6241083
File: 589 KB, 1080x2005, Screenshot_20200303-162858_eBay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do these actually appeal to consumers? Even at $500, real NESes are dirt cheap and it's got fantastic emulation otherwise.

>> No.6241115

It's definitely a premium prestige product. I mean you can buy a Casio and it will tell you the time and for most people that's all they need, but there will always be those with enough money that want a Rolex.

NT Mini is essentially a NES with added extras such as every kind of video output you could possibly want: HDMI, RGB scart, component, S-Video and composite plus built in flashcart capabilities in a nice aluminium case.

I don't regret spending $500 on mine at all, neither do I regret buying the Super NT and Mega SG. The work Kevtris did with the cores is fantastic.

MISTers are really good too and would be a far cheaper option. I've been meaning to pick one up ever since the Neo Geo core was made available.

>> No.6243798


>> No.6243805

lol, this is like asking why people drive expensive cars.
Not everyone wants to drive a yugo, ok Chang? You can keep being jelly under the false argument of "I respect my money more!". Of course you do, poor people do.

>> No.6243860

>Even at $500
Anyone who is paying that much for an NES is fucking retarded.

>> No.6246375

I wanna get Mega SG, but I heard that they can't play 32X and that they don't read Saturn pads properly, also HDMI only if I'm not mistaken.
Is this true? If so it seems like a waste of money for now.

>> No.6246392

>I heard that they can't play 32X
They can't, you have to buy the DAC addon.
>they don't read Saturn pads properly
Don't know about this one.
>also HDMI only
It's not for you.

>> No.6246421

They have registered a trademark called "Analogue 8" last year. It is rumored to be an 8 bit FPGA console, playing NES and TG16 games.

>> No.6247705

it looks like cheap plastic junk.

>> No.6247732

get a retrousb avs. same god damn thing for less than 200 bucks. analogue is crazy.

>> No.6248235

Not the same at all. The mini supports multiple systems by installing additional cores, playing games from SD, analog video output and 1080p HDMI output. Pretty fucking big difference, I'd say

>> No.6248764

But I have the original NT with real nes chips :3

>> No.6250957

A great business opportunity.

>> No.6250997
File: 2.41 MB, 2464x2500, 75c59eb048c373ad5103cd68a5d32d0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you say the visual output is better or more accurate than the consolized MVS options out there (the various Chinese ones anyway), or is it just on par?

I feel like it couldn't be worse, but maybe there's still room for improvement.

The one thing that I imagine is worse is the audio, because that's always the thing that's overlooked. My real Genesis and SNES output sounds so much better on a good audio system than most repro systems and emulators.

>> No.6251028

How is the Mega SG and does it work well with SEGA CD and power base converter?

>> No.6251796


This guy literally just did a comparison of an MVS and the MiSTer. It's kind of shit though because he didn't sync the videos.

>> No.6252080

It looks fucking great on HDMI and also great on analog out, but you might have to adjust the gamma in the menu a tiny bit with analog depending on your cable. My cable tended to make the image over bright on my crt, but 30 seconds in the menu fixed the issue.