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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 401 KB, 1440x900, 2-19-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6215395 No.6215395 [Reply] [Original]

Grinding exp to level 50 edition.

I also need to reinstall D2 because I haven't tried making a frenzy barb since 1.10 came out and I bet they kick ass now.

Although I also never made a werebear before.

Power leveling an OP artillery sorcerer by staring Hellfire on nightmare and zooming to level 15 sounds good too though. Nothing but nova and immolation spam.

>> No.6216157

Honestly ought to give d1 another try. Haven't played since like 1999

>> No.6216235
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path of diablo is the worst server of all fucking time
constant resets for no reason on a shitty low timer
constant d/c
constant hang ups
if you made this mod and are reading this KILL yourslelf

>> No.6216507
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Always though caves were the coolest part.

>> No.6216513

Same. Mechanically at least, its level generator is far better than the other three.

>> No.6216818
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I need 2 Surs and LK will not drop them. Please spare me.

>> No.6217217

I wish D2 had more lower tier rune words or drastically upped drops.

1.10 and above gimped the shit out of melee by making it less powerful that spells, but also, while spells always hit, hitting things in hell became fucking ridiculous.

More rune drops would fix that because high end runes give you massive + to hit. That or make epic rares more common so that getting huge AR boosts on high ED weapons and rings isn't that uncommon.

I used to do CS and Baal runs picking up all the rares everyone passed over and while I did pick up one wepon with stats that rivaled the very best runewords one time, 99% were total shit.

But lower level run words are fun too and playing melee just through nightmare is fine. I just wish there were more cool mid-level set ups.

It's a shame none of the D1 mods ever included sockets. I thought those were cool. D1 always felt less gear dependant though. I mean rouge damage and wizard damage is hardly even dependant on gear.

>> No.6217297

Diablo II is NOT RETRO.

>> No.6217301

It's a fifth of a century old Anon.

And all the pics so far are of the game that came out in 1996...

>> No.6217306

>frenzy barb
There's no amount of gear that makes them even remotely competitive with other good builds.

>> No.6217308

Does the protagonist look different when you put different armor on in Diablo 2?

>> No.6217309

Doesn’t matter if it was originally released 20 years ago. It’s a current game with win10 support, still for sale and has competitive ladder and active official servers.

>> No.6217313


>> No.6217314

>Local semen-taster Anon Dumbptard weighs in on reality. "I hate it"

>> No.6217317

>Melee splash jewel makes melee playable
Worth the trouble for this alone imo. What multiplayer would you recommend?

>> No.6217607

Caves has the best music in the game. When I think Diablo I think of that.

>> No.6218040

>When I think Diablo I think of that.
bruh fucking what is wrong with you Tristram is the best track in a videogame period 8 whole minuet of unadulterated kino

no other song sets the atmosphere of a series/game quite like it

>> No.6218173
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>each helmet (besides circlets) gives a different graphical appearance, with 7 different types, and quite a few extra for the barbarian and druid
>each shield gives a different graphical appearance, with 8 different types, and quite a few extra for the necromancer and paladin
>each body armor gives a different appearance, with 15 different base types, each of which is really just a different arrangement of unarmored/medium/heavy pieces

>> No.6218226

yes, see >>6218173
The color of the armor also usually varies based on it's color in the inventory.
Personally, I always preferred the look of the Gothic/Embossed/Laquered Plate over the rest, regardless of class. What color I prefer depends on what class I'm playing, IE Sorc i prefer purple, so Tal's armor is a favorite for me, but for Barb I prefer default colors.

>> No.6218267

instead of a single sprite per whole characer each set is separated for shoulders/arms/limbs etc. The game combines sprites from different sets depending on the armor you wear. The sprites are also color coded, but it was not done well so some color transations look off.

>> No.6218270

>released with win95 and 98 support
>on platforms launched in 1999 and earlier
>95 and 98 is before 99
That wasn't so hard now was it.

>> No.6218271
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That happened.

>> No.6218409
File: 485 KB, 800x600, Screenshot272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when is cain at the fucking well and not right next to the WP?

non-plugy user here. i've literally, not once, in the 19 years of this expansion, had cain not be right by the WP

>> No.6218437

I really want to get into 1 or 2 but I find the way the stats and skills so strangecompared to other games.I always misinterpret meanings and prioritize the wrong things on the wrong character. All the guides I find just say "do this" without really telling me why. I'm also retarded.

>> No.6218440

By that logic Starcraft isn't retro either

>> No.6218446

That's really weird because he is right where he is supposed to be.

>> No.6218448

I don't think I've ever seen him beside the WP.

>> No.6218597

they have like 2 dozen servers you can choose from you zoomer faggot

>> No.6218628

ran hell countess today and she dropped an el rune

>> No.6218814

Him being next to the waypoint is a mod thing. A lot of mods move NPCs around/rearrange the town to make things more convenient.

>> No.6218850

ive literally only ever played vanilla d2, no mods, no plugy, no nothing - pure 1.14d. he's only ever been at the fence by WP. always.

>> No.6218854
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any reason why this didnt work? maul's arent polearms

>> No.6218863

mauls are hammers

>> No.6218917

Does that not look like a hammer to you

>> No.6218921

PC games go by release date, not what OS or hardware they run on. So any PC game that came out after 1999 isn't retro here.

>> No.6219085

Always been the stupidest 'rule' on /vr/.

If a game's old enough to drink and vote, then it's old enough to be retro in my books.

>> No.6219093

Maces are extremely fucked up when it comes to categorization, particularly in the case of runewords. "Maces" (maces, flails, morning stars), hammers, scepters and clubs are of the mace class, but only "maces" count as maces for runewords. But for Mace Mastery, "maces", hammers, clubs, staves, wands, scepters and orbs all count as maces.

>> No.6219245

The well is his original position, the WP is a bnet thing.

>> No.6219269

I've been running countless crypt runs trying to get a civerb with no success. Still gaining levels on my rogue on hell difficultly. Level 35 or 36 now. Decided run a few at normal difficultly and have found a bunch of enchanted shrines (the ones that remove a level from one spell and raise the rest by one). When I play again, I'm going straight back to running that f1-f4. Gotta raise teleport to reduce the mana cost.

>> No.6219284
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It's not a rule. Selective faggots like who you replied to loosely interpret the wording of the rules to say that "the only PLATFORMS (ie, not just individual games) that are retro are pre-2000 consoles." By that "reasoning," no console GAME is retro, just consoles, themselves.

>> No.6219397

I like Hell. No light, enemies everywhere, wide open hallways that make chokepoints much new important. And great music where you hear echoed screams in the distance. D1 is such a classic.

>> No.6219431

ohhh, i typically play bnet but wanted to take my time to progress this dude

>> No.6219503

Not him but I also think of caves because it had the greatest impact. When you arrive there the first time you suddenly realize you were in some real deep shit.
Tristram is a great track though.

>> No.6220503

>selectively changing the rules
That's not what it says. Show the part where it says >PC games go by release date. So any PC game that came out after 1999 isn't retro here.
Pro tip: you cannot.
Even some fag yesterday tried making a cope thread saying that it goes by gpu/video card in which case d2 runs on voodoo 3 released in 99.

>> No.6220534
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anyone else use "-act 5" in shortcut target command so they can test mods.

>> No.6220673
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>just spent the past hour and a half trying to kill one unique blood maggot, Chaos Snarl the Grim
>spawns right next to a bridge along with blunderbores, allowing it to spam maggots and waste my time as I slowly push out of the chokepoint
>but every time I got close to pinning it down the worst case happened
>blunderbores a screen away get lured over and knock my bear away, allowing it to run farther away
>a regurgitator a screen away gets lured over and since it has a wander-prone AI it will distract my bear away, allowing it to run away again
>a pack of blood maggots a screen away are spamming constant eggs, and my merc gets raped by tons of enemies if he is amped, allowing it to run farther away
>my stupid idiot oak sage decides to wander super far away for no reason, luring over a bunch of blunderbores and regurgitators, allowing it to run away again
>finally almost get it pinned down, fully drained its defense with Malice and am attempting to amplify it with a shitty magic sword
>it spawns an egg, which can make babbies in anywhere from a few frames to never
>of course the egg bursts within a second
>of course Chaos Snarl starts backing away
>of course this lures even more regurgitators and blunderbores
>finally get it bordering a platform that spawned pure blood maggots
>if I try to kill Chaos Snarl, the neighboring maggots will spam babbies which will rape my team
>to actually clear the platform would take a good 30 minutes since a pack of blood maggots spawned at each corner of the platform, which will allow them constantly reinforce each other
>realize the waypoint is just past this bug infested platform
>even if I clear out the platform, it is entirely possible that I will push Chaos Snarl even farther into the next unexplored area
Chaos Snarl managed to make my life hell for 1/4th of the way across the map and now I am finally at the waypoint, giving me no reason to actually fight it anymore. A virtual bug outsmarted me.

>> No.6220687

You should try Path of Diablo druid you can have every summon out at once. And two bears with the 1.11 runeword

>> No.6221082

So about cows, do they drop items from TC85? According to Plugy, regular cows drop items with ilvl81, which should be equal to their highest TC, yet I sometimes get stuff like scissors suwayyah and giant thresher.

>> No.6221181

Baranar's Star or Azurewrath for zeal/fanaticism pally? I have been using Baranar's Star and it has severed me well. Azurewrath seems decent and it improves my min damage, but it tanks my attack rating :/

>> No.6221241

If you really need to chose between the two, you obviously get azurewrath because of attack speed, better damage type and also higher damage. If you have problems with attack rating, get two ravenfrosts or whatever. But in my opinion physical zealots are not really good on hell. You need high base damage weapon like grief to make them viable. If you want to make zealot, you should make a tesladin and slap a crescent moon on him. For LI you can get holy freeze or whatever.

>> No.6221280

where to download original diablo 2 cds rip?

>> No.6221475

angelic ring and ammy, and you'll never need to worry about AR again

>> No.6221695

I am FINALLY close to beating this game on hell difficulty, with a meteorb, but I can't get pass the fucking ancients. Any tips? Also how the fuck do I level up in hell? I went from lvl 72 to 76 through the whole mode.

>> No.6221879

>Also how the fuck do I level up in hell? I went from lvl 72 to 76 through the whole mode.
By killing things. If you're 76 at the Ancients then you've skipped basically everything up to that point.

>> No.6221905

All summons at once is a boring and lazy fix to the problem. I'd much rather play a mod where you can still only summon one type, but they have different advantages, giving you an actual reason to choose between them. If I could summon them all in vanilla, it'd be completely brainless, I'd just walk up to and completely surround enemies and afk while they slowly die, whereas the summon limit forces me to work with the bear to manage its knockback effectively.

>> No.6221946

Town portal until they have acceptable mods. Split them up. Static field and some teleport micro. Kill Madawc first. Blast them with fireball instead of FO.

>> No.6221968

I've done every quest. I haven't skipped anything. That's why I don't understand why I didn't lvl up more than I did.

I pretty much use fireball for everything, so that's covered. This is good advice though.

>> No.6222008

You might be killing monsters that are too high level for you. You only get a fraction of XP that way. It's actually very possible if you are in act 5. Be sure you grind in areas around your own level. Look up some level 75 or 77, maybe level 79 areas. But 76 should be enough to finish hell comfortably. Hell Ancients are always pain in the ass for untwinked character.

>> No.6222020

He could try grinding at Hell Chaos Sanctuary or, hell, go do some Meph runs. Both would give a fair amount of EXP among other beneficial things.

>> No.6222039

Grinding CS is always good for items but he wants XP and he will not get many because every monster is 9 levels higher than him. The XP penalty is too high.

>> No.6222860

I didn't really consider that, thanks for the tips. But yeah I haven't had that much of a problem except for the fucking archers all over the place in act 5. I just gave up trying to kill them and I just teleport everywhere now.

>> No.6223329


Finally found a razortail for my plaguezon - dropped from NM Andy while leveling up my dancer sin. Previous one dropped from p8 hell cows, and, as a cruel joke, rolled eth. Now I just need to get griffon, and another lightning facet, and i'm good with my ama.

>> No.6223392
File: 76 KB, 857x150, d2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>28 406 playing currently D2

I thought D2 was dead, what the hell?
Do seriously so many people still play?

>> No.6223428

Probably 90% bots.

>> No.6223493

So MM and HoMM aren't retro either? You're a complete fucking mong.

>> No.6223515

Is my only option to play Diablo 2 on the ladder through the fucking Blizzard Launcher? That client eats my computer alive for some odd reason.

I want to get into doing some multiplayer, but honestly I don't want to install that shitty client again.

>> No.6223584

You don't need their launcher for D2. I have a shortcut on the desktop with -skiptobnet that does exactly that.

If you can't download just the games' installers from battle.net then get a pirated copy and use your keys for it, then hit bnet and it will update to 1.14d

>> No.6223893

not the guy who was asking, but I've had the installation files for ages now, tucked away on my hard drive, and now I just have a copy of the game folder on a usb stick, so I can play at work when things are going slow, without having to install anything on my work computer.

I play SP though...

>> No.6224149

>it'd be completely brainless, I'd just walk up to and completely surround enemies and afk while they slowly die
Like skellinecro?

>> No.6224952

which mod is that?

>> No.6225136

unless you want to play Diablo 2 1.00, without LoD, why can't you just get the installers from b.net? There used to be installation files in your account section, where you could register your old cd-keys, and get a no-cd installer out of it.

>> No.6225169

Many people playing The Hell 2 mod? Having fun grinding first few zones with +exp items, level 30 atm, i need to stop.

>> No.6225334
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Yeah. Really cool mod.

>> No.6225484
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>> No.6225557

Haven't played the mod since 2014 so it has been hella fun to play. Do you have any idea how minions scale btw?

>> No.6225623
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Let's goo!

>> No.6225630
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>> No.6225705

>wasting Ber on fucking CoH
What did he mean by this.

>> No.6225757


Pick one, retard.

>> No.6225765

>worse fortitude, if you want damage and defense
>worse enigma in every other aspect
As long as you're happy with it, it's fine.

>> No.6225770

I already have fortitude and enigma, retard, and also CoH is not worse than fortitude. Furthermore, you're comparing oranges to apples.

>> No.6225778

Well you can't wear two armors at once so why would you prefer CoH to either of those other two options if you even already have them? The resistances?

>> No.6225876

Not really. I only got an Executioner and Scout up high.

I kind of want to try the monk or potion thrower next.

>> No.6225973

>pleb shroud

>> No.6226003

It's really going to be like that, isn't it?
Any perks worth getting? The one that gives you more stats per level up sounds good but maybe it isn't.

>> No.6226436

Resistance and the +2 skills can be useful depending on your build. Also helps get DR up.

Two armors is doable. You can pop on treachery to get fade and then something else since it lasts a long time.

>> No.6226479


Also, armor ED is added after weapon and skills ED, not before like weapon ED.

So the gap when fighting demons is actually closer to 15%. This isn't exact. Higher DPS skills/aura combos will actually reduce the gap since the armor matters less.

Plus to skills will also increase defense on a paladin through HS and a barbarian through skills and mastery as well as AR.

The resists and leech free up options for other items. Plus more DR.

Honestly, COH seems like the better hardcore option for pure safety and if you can afford high end rune words for both, your weapons are probably good enough that kill speed isn't an issue.

That said, why the fuck is it not in top level plate?

>> No.6226513

The Virgin Diablo 2
>Have to run the same areas over and over to get endgame content because everyone needs Enigma so that they can teleport and skip all the maps that are over large and just filler.

The Chad Diablo 1
>Every class can teleport. Telekilling is an essential part of high end warrior gear. Gris sells all the best gear, no need for runs. Game play is more strategic and art style and music are GOAT tier.

>> No.6226772

>oh no, monsters
>better run away and close the door
Sun Tzu would be proud.

>> No.6227142

If I'm level 77 hc trapsin with like 200% mf should I just farm andariel on hell until she drops me something good? I feel a bit spoobed about progressing further in hell, my resists are in like low 20s and hp pool is about 1200.

>> No.6227159

Play path of diablo.

>> No.6227203

Res is always good but for a price of a high rune and the armor slot? Which usually means losing massive +str (which directly translates to massive +life through vit and BO), ability to teleport and/or massive +frw? I'm sure I can raise my res up in a more effective way.
You know perfectly well how I meant the two armors thing. Yes, you can pop fade from treachery and then switch to something different but you can't effectively switch CoH and enigma when you need it.
The life leech from CoH is too low and if you want life leech in the first place, you should have life tap wand on switch or dracul's. Or exile.
+ to skills is also nice but enigma gives the same bonus so this conparison is irrelevant.
The damage is simply better with fortitude, which will also give you a big boost to def, life and some res to boot. I don't see a reason here to prefer CoH at all.
+ skills on physical fighters are not that important. The bonus barb would get through his masteries is nice but not significant enough. Paladin and everyone else would still get more def from fortitude because of higher +def mod and frozen armor. All that being said, fortitude is kinda shitty, too. The way off-weapon ED calculation works, it's not really worth it when compared to bonuses you would get from enigma.
In HC CoH is okay, I guess, but solely because you don't want to teleport because it will surely kill you, the question just being when. Even then it's debatable because enigma also gives you massive +life, %DR, +skills and frw. You don't have to use the teleport oskill.
In conclusion, CoH does give you okay bonuses but when compared to other options, it simply doesn't cut it. Then again, anything is shit compared to enigma. Fuck you blizz for making blatantly overpowered runewords which invalidate other gear options. It's still a waste of Ber rune.

>> No.6227267
File: 605 KB, 800x600, bramble.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Well, you might use CoH if you're a sorc, since you don't need that +1 tele, from enigma.
Vipers are also good for fcr

I use Bramble on my plague/fury zon (got lucky with 50% on second roll, though the only reason I was rolling another was to change to breastplate for the looks, since my original one had 44%, which is perfectly fine).

Now I'm just missing a griffon, and another lightning facet (already got two in my moser's).

>> No.6227474

There are cases where CoH is a better option.

Strength requirement, autist. Also defense is negligible.

Tl:dr. And also why would I not make CoH if I have a free Ber rune I don't need for anything else? It's a waste to keep it in my stash. You're an imbecile.

>> No.6227510

>There are cases where CoH is a better option.
Don't be shy and share them. Faggot.

>> No.6227529

Not him but in long dead forums people who who seemed to know the D2 engine pretty well point out that it's a good way to get high resists and damage reduction on dual wield builds.

One odd suggestion was that it was better because it allowed you to use the Angelic combo for an AR so high that you're always above 90%.

And I guess based on frames per second the math can work out to more DPS from the AR boost than the dmg%.

No idea if that's true but people were saying that the difference in kill speed and survivability was negligible between them.

>> No.6227665

Diablo 1 doesn't work on my Win7.
Not the original version nor the GOG version. It just crashes every time I open it. What is happening?

>> No.6227689

>spoonfeed me

No, fuck you.

>> No.6227723

>worrying about minmaxing in a single-player game

>> No.6227738

>worrying about how people spend their time

>> No.6227753

Do you think this was before or after they added annihilus and torches? It's kinda hard to not reach res cap when you have these bad boys in your inventory. Also when you talk about dual wield, only barb comes to mind and he has battle cry and masteries, so both AR and incoming damage should be all smiles. Maybe in a team game where you don't want to overwrite some other debuffs.

>> No.6227964
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>tfw your gf the countess drops two keys in one run

>> No.6229229

The last time i seriously played diablo 2 was in like 2005-2006 when i was 12.
Should i jump into vanilla or do one of those big mod like median xl?

>> No.6229304

>try path of diablo
>finish hell
so wheres the maps?

>> No.6229307

just get plug Y the big mods like median and path of diablo are shit

>> No.6229326

Any reason why the bug overhauls arent worth it?

>> No.6229352

Most the thread here hates mods but I find them fun just because they're different. Some overhauls like median are like a completely different game but you can also have something like eastern sun which has a mostly vanilla feel to it but with new itemization and more freedom with the cube or there are high difficulty mods like aftermath or hell unleashed which are intended to be played in a party, for example in aftermath hell difficulty most monsters will be immune to like 4 elements minimum so solo play is nearly impossible. Of course there are shit or just wacky mods, most notable that comes to my mind is zy-el which raises level cap to 10000 and there's a whole bunch of dumb shit there too so just try them out for yourself instead of relying on opinions of others.

>> No.6229512

Keep killing Hephasto until he drops a T1 relic. It should be used in the special location that's available in act 5. You can get there from town. Then, if I remember the procedure correctly, you need to right-click the relic. That will get you inside Tier 1 map. Then you just slaughter monsters until you kill the boss of the area and get another relic.

>> No.6229553
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>casual singleplayer experience
Any version of classic Diablo 2 pre-immunities
>easy singleplayer experience
Diablo 2 version 1.08 with PlugY
>fairly normal, reasonable singleplayer experience
Diablo 2 version 1.13c with PlugY and Basemod plugin.
>decent multiplayer experience
Path of Diablo
>something completely different
MXL and MXL:U. Expect to read a lot of documentation since there are a bazillion cube recipes and events that aren't really explained in-game. Can be played singleplayer or multiplayer.
Play and beat mods at random and bear witness to the surreal nature of most Diablo 2 mods. This option becomes increasingly fun as you understand the deepest secrets of the game, since modders can only somewhat change the rules, allowing you to carry over persistent, fundamental knowledge no matter how hard the modder tries to change or prevent things.

>> No.6229741

median is trash. removes the fun spells in d2 for complete garbage then adds stupid amount of monsters that spam retarded shit that cause severe slowdowns.

Path of Diablo has almost nothing new in it.

>> No.6229760

what kind of toaster are you running on anon?

>> No.6229880

Does amp damage increase the damage from thorns and SOB? I feel like this combo could absolutly kill melee heavy areas with a necromancer, although I guess CE is already quick enough at dropping bodies.

Anyone ever stack holy fire, holy shock, holy freeze, and conviction on your army (doable with the right words). Probably doesn't work too well due to losing bodies for CE. It'd be cool to have a total AFK build though.

>> No.6229929

if a shield shows 47% block chance does that mean going over 47% with dex is pointless?

>> No.6229938
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15 items left in Grail but gonna stop, only novelty shit left. Maybe revisit in future.

>> No.6230128

Or maybe you can start a legit grail without using a drop mod.

>> No.6230232
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>> No.6230273
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Finna craft some chains to flex on you niggas.

>> No.6230293


mods are for pussies

>> No.6230305

Shut up retard.

>> No.6230520

what's the matter? Did I touch a nerve? Can't make a good character without using dropmods, and other weaksauce shit?

>> No.6230761

If I want to play D1, is there a mod that's good for a first playthrough? I've the gog version and booted it up and not having shortcuts kinda blows. Is Belzebub good or does it change too much of the core concepts?

>> No.6230769

Dude's just extremely defensive. I wonder why he posts his shit here if he doesn't want to discuss things at all and automatically calls everyone a retard.

>> No.6230889


>> No.6230891


If you've never played, vanilla is fine. There are waypoints back to town at the crypt, caves, and a portal to hell will open up eventually.

D1 is a very short game, and you generally clear every floor (they are significantly smaller than the Blood Moore) before going down. If you rush down every set of stairs you see you will get raped by being too low level and not having spells.

Beelzebub I find kind of ruins the great atmosphere of D1. The Hell 1 & 2 are good but they make the game significantly more difficult.

It can be finished in one sitting even with the slow walking, which you get used to.

>> No.6230904

I should also add that D1 saves right in a static moment so you don't end up in town unless you choose to go there.

This also means that you can save yourself near certain death by accident. Enemies don't respawn so you always want to keep going down.

Multiplayer cuts out 90% of the quests. Not every quest spawns every game so you might not see the Butcher on your first walkthrough, but you can always create a new character and the wounded townsman might show up. 2/3rds of games have the Butcher.

>> No.6230908

Writing that made me realize how much I wish D2 had stuck to the rougelike idea behind D1.

There is so much useless space in D2. Shrinking the maps significantly and cutting useless areas, while also filling vacant areas with randomly seeded quests would have been cool.

I did think trying to do battlefields in Act V was cool, even if it doesn't totally get pulled of as good as it could have been.

>> No.6230929

This is peak autism, arguing over cheating in a single player game that is not in anyway difficult if you sink time into hiding gear and exp.

I honestly don't get how people stay committed enough to load out multiple characters with top end runes (aside from botting, which is cheating). It seems like Ironman, speed runs, odd builds would get you more milage.

And didn't we have someone here single player botting runs? Jesus bro, just get an editor and fill your shit with what you want.

>> No.6230969

Interestingly enough, D2 did stuck to the roguelike idea somewhat given that it has actual permadeath this time. That, and it was supposed to be a lot more in-depth in terms of crafting and what-not. Also, randomly seeded sidequests would be pretty cool and original. It definitely would have spiced up the game quite a bit.

>> No.6231651 [DELETED] 

Is there any reason to use Lightning Strike? It seems to just be kind of crappy. It does much, much less damage than Charged Strike and much, much less area of effect in comparison to Lightning Fury.

>> No.6231657

Is there any reason to use Lightning Strike? It seems to just be kind of crappy. It does much, much less damage than Charged Strike and much, much less area of effect and damage in comparison to Lightning Fury.

>> No.6231748
File: 523 KB, 955x1024, 1578828111942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>looking online for guides/tips to lvl faster to 99
>looking specifically for shit like "kill Beetleburst and his boss pack on /players 8 until lvl X" kind of shit
>literally every guide starts with "ok so step 1: be lv98"
>usually followed by "leech off of people on b.net xD" or "do Baal runs xD"
fuck man, it'd just be nice to have a character or two above lv85 for once.

>> No.6231787

No, you're just a retard with a retard opinion.

I post here every day and get no replies. I haven't seen you start a discussion with none of my posts except spewing stupid opinions like "what a waste" and similar autiatic conversation enders. If someone needs advice I reply to them. What do you do in these threads besides forcing your unwanted opinions?

>> No.6231804

That's just how the game is though. You kill Diablo on p7, then do baal runs on p7 while switching to p3 for Baal himself.

>> No.6231807

no reason at all. The only reason to put any points in it is for synergy. If you're playing full lightning build, you max all 3 of the synergy skills that you don't otherwise use (power strike, lightning strike, and lightning bolt).

If, however, you are playing plague/fury, you only max LF, CS, and one other synergy, leaving 40 points for plague, and poison javelin (not a terrible idea, since LF only gets +1% per point in synergy skills, you are losing about 25% of your LF damage, and getting a huge poison attack, that works against LI monsters. You are also losing ~40% of charged strike damage, but that's mainly used against bosses, so it's not a big deal).

>> No.6231813

>literally every guide starts with "ok so step 1: be lv98"

you forgot:
and have all the top-end gear to begin with.

Which part are you struggling with? I'm leveling up a trap kicksin, at 77 atm, and just doing NM Baal (mainly cause i'm looking for G's face, so I don't want to run on hell, though I probably should be killing Duriel for that).

>> No.6231864

>I haven't seen you start a discussion
This is funny because I tried to do exactly that. I might have been a bit confrontational about it with the initial comment but this is 4chan. If you can't handle the bantz, maybe this is not the right place for you. Afterwards I asked normally here >>6225778 but you just called me an imbecile. I also tried asking kinda normally here >>6227510 but you just told me to go fuck myself. So tell me more about autistic conversational enders, m88, you are the expert here. And my unwanted opinions are on topic reactions to what's posted ITT. It's what this board and the whole site, really, is about. If you don't want me reacting to your posts, stop posting.

>> No.6231926

>talks shit
>get's told off
>starts crying like a bitch

Talk about can't handle the bants. Yeah eat shit.

>> No.6231970


>> No.6232383

The top 1% of D2 players hold 59% of all high end runes. When Bernie gets elected your multiple high end armors will be redistributed fairly, capitalist scum.

>> No.6232417
File: 449 KB, 800x600, Screenshot091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any faggot that comes my way can get zapped.

>> No.6232427
File: 474 KB, 800x600, Screenshot092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does it always have to be curses?

>> No.6232428

It's what I call modern retro. Old enough that most people have surely stopped playing it by now but new enough to still... well you know.

If we were in 2000 would you call Pac Man or Space Invaders not retro? Same distance of time.

>> No.6232480

If you're looking for items, you could do hell pit runs. It's TC85, meaning any item can drop there.

>> No.6232629

Bro, I'm wearing Comrade Sanders' Red Armor set, for full resists upped to 95 and 95 DR. I'm dual weilding The People's Hammer and the Sickle of Socialism for 15k damage a hit at 180% IAS.

I'll debuff you with Wealth Tax while my aura of Medicare for all heals me.

>> No.6232651

>while my aura of Medicare for all heals me.
Sorry bro 8 week waiting list for you, priority treatment is only for the demons.

>> No.6232714

i haven't finished making my pitzerker, but my ama can farm cows/CS with ease.

Though i'm currently running NM duriel, trying to get Guilliame's face for my trap kicksin. Apart from that, I'm missing a griffon's eye, and another light facet for my zon, and stormlash for the sin.

>> No.6232743

This is true. Canadian here. When we play D2 we have to chug all our potions in town because the effects don't kick in until halfway through the act.

>> No.6232752

Brit here, it always makes me laugh when Socialists act like universal healthcare is some sort of wonderful thing that could work for any country in any circumstance and has zero drawbacks or downsides.

>> No.6232757

Don't die of a potion overdose, let your potions win.

>> No.6232759

Yeah random seeded quests would have been cool. Diablo I had a lot of cool quests that seemed tangential to the main plot, like Zhar that Mad, Garbad the Weak, the Stolen Sign, Lachardanan, etc.

D2 had some good ones like that, but they didn't have the same kind of goofy humor, and most quests are advancing the main plot line and assembling items.

My first D2 playthrough I used the throwing potions and thaw/antidote a lot. Unfortunately they end up kind of useless. I guess that was the problem, everything was going to be more and bigger but it got a little too big.

>> No.6233370
File: 2.93 MB, 640x480, holy skeletons.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>messing around with auras
>decided to allow some defensive auras to steal half the damage/attack rating of offensive auras
>this works perfectly fine for Prayer, the LCS correctly displays the bonus
>this works perfectly fine for Defiance, the LCS correctly displays the bonus
>this "works" for Cleansing and adds the damage and attack rating, but the LCS does not display the bonus
>swap Cleansing's skill description with Defiance, LCS still broken
>swap states with Defiance, LCS still broken
>add +1% defense stat to Cleansing
>now Cleansing correctly displays the bonus
Modding this game is like magic, nothing makes any god damn sense.

>> No.6233564
File: 474 KB, 800x600, Screenshot094.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6233754

Skeletons can't be holy, they're de facto evil.

>> No.6233818
File: 1.19 MB, 800x600, skeletons versus paladins.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They even hardcoded it so that paladins take as much damage as they spend in mana raising skeletons and lose 1/8th of their life when reviving a monster.

>> No.6233870 [SPOILER] 
File: 195 KB, 1424x842, 1582986334418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who decided that? Skeletons are just misunderstood, the clergy just want to keep a good skeleton down they didndu nuffin.

>> No.6234302

All hell cows can drop any base item from TC87 and lower. They just won't drop sets and uniques that have a higher QLVL than their MLVL.

>> No.6234661

Considering the amount of dead bodies I would expect much more colossus blades and sacred armors drops. I don't think I've ever seen those drop from cows.

>> No.6234835
File: 546 KB, 800x600, Screenshot392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you actually running LoD in 640x480?

>> No.6234936
File: 392 KB, 800x600, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now this hurts.

>> No.6235696

It sucks, but it hurts more if it's an item you'd actually want to use for a build.

>> No.6235810
File: 471 KB, 800x600, Screenshot096.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6235815


>> No.6235826


>> No.6235829

t. +1 to BO CTA headassboi

>> No.6235853

What does this mean?

>> No.6235861

I don't know, it's ebonics.

>> No.6236810

>no you CAN'T just put dclone/ubers in single player, you have to keep autistically "grailing" for the next 10000 hours according to these very specific rules!

>> No.6237224
File: 2.93 MB, 800x600, medianified armageddon.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it apparently does physical damage, but the game doesn't tell you this (although it only does ~500 at level 50 so it is mostly irrelevant)
>the fire damage synergy applies at half effectiveness for the fire damage per second because Blizzard apparently had it set to 7% for the main skill at one point then later changed it to 14% but only corrected it for the armageddon missiles and not the fire patch submissiles
>fire skill damage doesn't apply to the fire damage per second despite the skill saying that it does, and all they had to do to fix it was set a binary from 0 to 1
>the fire damage per second pretends that it is 3x greater than it actually is
>they didn't even set the drop delay to 1 frame even though it would look really cool and be a huge eyesore and be completely overpowered
Why does Blizzard hate the Druid so much? All of his skills are broken messes, my god. At least it isn't Hunger, which is the single most retarded skill ever made.

>> No.6237267
File: 167 KB, 114x138, BLIZZARD QUALITY.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I now realize that Armageddon also has fucked up graphics, the fire patches disappear instantaneously instead of fizzling out like literally every single other fire damage per second skill. It took me 3 minutes to fix.

>> No.6237309

I don't even remember what Hunger is. What did Blizzard do to it?

>> No.6237395

It says it deals -75% damage, but it really deals -75% physical damage, which means that you can't just cancel it out with +75% enhanced damage and thus does piss poor damage. That is more of retarded balancing than it is broken. But the real issue is that the animation is completely fucked and doesn't work (sometimes). Werebears miss every other hit, werewolves sometimes miss every other hit. There were a few retarded meme builds that specialized in Hunger back in the day but they were laughably bad, using normal attack was a far superior option.

>> No.6237554

What's the appeal of Diablo?

To me it seems like an infinite clickfest. Might as well play fucking cookie clicker. I simply don't get it.

>> No.6237895


For the original diablo, it was the atmosphere, and the original battle.net. For the first time in history, finding other players online, and setting up games, or just talking, and sharinbg stories was so easy.

With D2 there'se more to it than just mindless clicking. There's a surprising number of builds you can play, and while it's easy to make a good characterr, making a really good one takes time.

>> No.6237979

You could say the same thing about God of War or any hack n slash. It's just fun to kill demons and zombies.

>> No.6238241

Could be an artifact from early on in development when skills were going to be learned from books like D2. You'd need ways to encourage players not to all use the same spells and thus make them interchangeable.

>> No.6238391

I wish the skill was as cool in the real game as you made it look. It's barely even usable.

>> No.6238461

Now THIS is what I call Armageddon. Wish Diablo could do this. Would have made him more entertaining to fight.

>> No.6239679
File: 1.80 MB, 800x600, stat updater.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally figured out how to add in soft-coded, self-updating passives, something that has been said to be impossible for ~15 years. Usually, passives only update if you upgrade them (whether through direct investment or +skills), if you die or you restart the game. This means that if you make a passive scale with stats or other skills, it won't actually update and thus gives you almost no control over what it does. But now I can do crazy stuff like having passives that scale with energy or passives that scale from other passives or even complex logic chains of passives that allow entirely new functions (like making it so charge-ups gain passive bonus stats per charge while still maintaining their normal functions).

>> No.6239683

you're all wrong, catacombs has the best music

>> No.6239952

Yooo that's crazy. What are you going to do now?

>> No.6239960


my vote goes to Tristram, but the soundtrack as a whole is incredible, and that goes for D2 as well. And it shows just how important that is for building atmosphere, when D3 had barely any music at all, and the sountrack sucked.

>> No.6240072
File: 474 KB, 800x600, Screenshot097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

>> No.6240089
File: 473 KB, 800x600, Screenshot100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, hello? Based department? Either this is amazing, or I'm calculating the damage increase from different skills wrong.

>> No.6240134

Please, share your secrets, code wizard, this may end up heavily helping out with Diablo 2 modding. Also, what's next? Online bottomless stash which is another thing that was said to be impossible to accomplish? Can't wait unitl your next developments in making impossible possible.

>> No.6240138

The bonus to lightning and fire skill damage from Ormus robes only adds to the bonus you already get from your respective masteries. Same goes for other similar equipment like Eschuta's temper. The effective damage increase is much less than what's stated in the item description and definitely not based. The only worthwhile version of Ormus robes is +15% cold skill damage with +3 skills to a good cold skill, mainly Blizzard.

>> No.6240158
File: 257 KB, 800x600, Screenshot101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True, but it's ok, because LET'S FUCKING GOOOOOO

>> No.6240163
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>> No.6240361

The idea was actually discovered by someone else years ago and was technically already shared on the D2mods forums, but amusingly he only used it in the most boring way possible and completely missed the greater implications (as did everyone else including me until I remembered his thread 2 years later). I'll post it when I have it mostly figured out, but there is still a lot of finetuning that can be added to this system to really expand what it can do.

Make it work better and come up with more applications for it. If I am able to get it to function just right, I should be able to do almost anything via skills entirely soft-coded, much more than just a passive stat updater. Wacky stuff like:

>a duration skill that teleports you every 2 seconds over 20 seconds
>self-updating duration skills that look at your current skill levels/stats instead of the skill level/stats when cast (this lets me give all duration skills infinite duration, since you can't cheat it anymore)
>automatically, passively re-applying bone/cyclone armor every 30 seconds
>turn Raven into an active and passive skill; it actively lets you summon ravens, but also passively summons a raven every 10 seconds (and stops passively summoning when you hit the summon limit so that it doesn't constantly replace your summons)
>skills that summon multiple, different summons (without using the hydra function which is a hardcoded mess)
>unlimited different stats assigned to skills/minions
>chance to cast skills
>make it so dragon talon/dragon claw have charges applied not just for the first hit in a sequence, but for all hits
>make it so hirelings can "gift" the player new skills as long as they are alive
>make it so skills can have derivative forms that are both gained upon upgrading a single skill

This is essentially the Holy Grail of soft-coded modding. All thanks to one lad that didn't even know he had found it.

>> No.6240374

>>self-updating duration skills that look at your current skill levels/stats instead of the skill level/stats when cast (this lets me give all duration skills infinite duration, since you can't cheat it anymore)
>>automatically, passively re-applying bone/cyclone armor every 30 seconds
>>turn Raven into an active and passive skill; it actively lets you summon ravens, but also passively summons a raven every 10 seconds (and stops passively summoning when you hit the summon limit so that it doesn't constantly replace your summons)

Big if true.

>> No.6240608

Is it possible to make Paladin's aura's toggleable with it?

>> No.6240617
File: 2.86 MB, 800x600, re-applying bone armor.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the mostly-functioning automatic Bone Armor. I set it to update every 12 seconds. The first apply appeared early since it works on a global timer.

>> No.6240638

Do you have a job? Seems like all you do is farm d2 24/7.

>> No.6240716

I do and I barely play. Only on the weekends and on my days off.

>> No.6240721

+15 fire/enchant ormus are also good

>> No.6240723

That's crazy. Does it fuck with your regular casts? Can it interrupt them?

>> No.6240747

You seem to have a lot of HRs and Diadems lol. Maybe rng smiles upon you more than me.

>> No.6241419

this is amazing

>> No.6241772

>You seem to have a lot of HRs and Diadems lol
Because he's using drop mods

>> No.6241790

I know how to play efficiently, and I've been doing this grail for almost 2 years. I also have only one griffon's, which took me around an year and a half to find. All my high runes are from autistic LK running beaides the Cham. Keep in mind that there are people that complete their grails in 1-2 months. I still have around 50 items left.

t. mad and bad

>> No.6241817

What mod will keep me occupied in single or multiplayer for a long time? Median Xl? Eastern sun? That weird diablo 1 mod called hell 2 or something?

>> No.6241832


>> No.6241858

*walk into open area for one second*
*dogs start vomiting everywhere*

>> No.6241967

The Hell 2 is probably pretty good but I only tried a little bit. I played TH1 a lot and it was cool. Don't really like the Perks in TH2 though.

>> No.6241970

You might like MedianXL but it's the wrong flavour of autism for me.

>> No.6242146

Nezeramontias is a good one. You can collect a different soul from every single monster and they each give special benefits. The mod also adds in tons of new uniques and sets and a few uberlevels (and arguably the most obnoxious uberlevel ever created). It is also absurdly difficult to start out, so it feels pretty satisfying when you finally get somewhere.

>> No.6242210

Are the monsters near the Hellforge bugged so that you can't revive them and use them outside of that area? I revived a bunch of Urdars to help kill Baal and when I Ieft some seemingly invisible perimeter my revives disappeared.

>> No.6242595

With being able to have all your summons at once is a summon druid viable in Path of Diablo?

I want to play D2 again, and I feel like making a summoner, but druids seem like their elementals would be more fun. Necro you just spam amp and then screen wipe with CE.

>> No.6242604

>Path of Diablo

Go ask on their reddit page.

>> No.6243725

Please tell me there is a way to have my skills displayed in a hot bar or something for Diablo 2 instead of having to press the F keys to cycle through them

>> No.6244000

there isn't.

You can rebind the F keys to something like QWER, so it's right under the 1234 for potions, and most characters don't need more than 4 skills anyway.

On my javazon i have Q for lightning fury, W for plague javelin, and that's it. I also have E and R for cycling charget strike, and jab on my left skill, and A, and S for shouts after switching weapons with X.

My assassin is more skill intensive, with Q, and W for sentries, E for mind blast, R for Cloak, then A, S, and D for teleport, shadow master, and fade, and X for weapon switch (currently using Ali Baba on switch for MF).

It's really not that hard - you just press the hotkey, and then RMB.

>> No.6244183

Yep, summoner druid is viable in PoD. Druid became much more viable in general, I believe.

>> No.6245153

Since when did dual weilding actually work in D1?

Hellfire just had you hold one sword.

>> No.6245192

Bard could dual wield in Hellfire.

>> No.6246191

I cannot for the fucking life of me get eastern sun rises to work. The supposed auto installer does nothing, errors out even tho i have d2se installed. When i try to downgrade to 1.10 it wants me to insert the cd which i obviously dont have. Why cant this shit be like path of diablo and just work.

>> No.6246368

>eastern sun rises
forget it

if they can't be bothered to make a working installer without downloading separate shit don't support them.

>> No.6246579

Yeah but it just looked like one sword on screen. This guy clearly has two swords.

>> No.6246730

Honestly, you're right