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6217271 No.6217271 [Reply] [Original]

goemon thread? also can someone give me the link to the latest rom which also retains the Tranny text? I am afraid that romhacking contains the latest bug fixes but also the altered text.

>> No.6217275

>latest rom which also retains the Tranny text
Wait before you go with this version, there is a better version coming with a black character.

>> No.6217276


>> No.6217292

>afraid it contains altered text
Change it back yourself, you fucking zoomer noob.

>> No.6217412


>> No.6217441

So someone did actually patch out the tranny line? Just curious, what did they translate it as?

>> No.6217454

To answer you, the version you want is 3.0
It has all bug fixes as well as the censorship patch as an alternate optional one.
Version 4.0 is purely the alternate patch, adds nothing, and isn't worth your time in general.

It's unknown what text is changed in Goemon 2... but it seems innocuous enough.
It released at the same time as the censored G3 patch because RHDN administration held them back in the approval pipeline to force the censorship. You might want to get Napple Tales too, as it has one such "update" coming soon.
Don't pay much attention to the shitters here, and play what you want.

>> No.6217505
File: 15 KB, 256x224, gg4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there is a better version coming with a black character.
That's Goemon 4.

>> No.6217538

The tranny text translation is the one still up on RHDN. It's the whiny tranny addendum patch that has been taken down. Heh.

>> No.6217560

Yeah, some weasely pandering dope did, as "I used to be a girl" instead of translating "newhalf" to "tranny." Reeeesetera still threw a fit at him and trashed him, because he didn't change the tranny character enough, and I guess he an hero'd or something.

Then one of the original translators offered an optional patch that just transliterated "newhalf", which of course, still wasn't good enough for the trannies that made this an issue in the first place.

>> No.6217581

well that's good. It's such a stupid thing to make a fuzz about. I bet all the people screaming are never going to play the game anyways

>> No.6217691

And im sure the rest of the games will not be translated/released thanks to the SJWs.

And the worst part? Is that they are people defending them, not because their outrage is legit, but because their microscopic brains cant process the concept of 'having better things to do with your life!'

>> No.6217713

Anyone have a link to version 3?

>> No.6217723


>> No.6217796

This is honestly pathetic of translators. I always side with translators but for them to be so weak-willed enough to quit the scene or pressured into changing dialogue.. bending the knee to these retards. It's really pathetic. I don't support censorship but I'd understand a major localization company would do it due to money being involved (btw their censorship decisions are always retarded). Translators though are doing it for free. Nothing is at stake. It's fucking pathetic. Grow a fucking pair of balls. These guys are like little fucking children getting so easily bullied out of their hobby. At least be smart enough to realize the people that complain aren't the ones that actually fucking enjoy your content. Tom and DDS are pathetic.

>> No.6217801

Man, this news ain't ganbare at all

>> No.6217835

I can sort of understand him. The internet has changed. It's no longer a small group of people hiding behind nicknames on a niche snes forum anymore. It's twitter and facebook with stupid assholes from all over the world who can attack you, and do everything in their power to fuck up your life.

>> No.6217861

>goemon thread
>its a thinly veiled excuse to talk about Twitter drama

Erry time

>> No.6217878
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I miss the days when Goemon threads were immune to shitposting. Sigh...

>> No.6217881

What the hell do you even expect. It has been historically known that the Snes goemon games are not only really text-heavy, but also impossible to hack due to how text works, specially with the laugh tracks in later games.

Then this group of guys that managed to do the impossible, just fucked off as quickly as they came just because a group of idiots were bored and wanted to wage JIHAD for a SINGLE STUPID WORD!




seriously, this is now what everyone will remember when listening the name 'Ganbare Goemon', and nothing else.

>> No.6217882

Surely this shit will blow over here on 4chan. I'm confident most of the discussion about the drama is solely on /vr/ at this point.

>> No.6217889

>What the hell do you even expect
For you retards to talk about Goemon and not Twitter.

>> No.6217896

Except THIS concerns goemon.

We just missed not 1 game, not 2, but the entire SNES goemon library! Just because resetera was bored! Please tell me how this has nothing to do with the theme of this thread?

>> No.6217904

I literally talked to FlashPV after DDS quit, and he told me they weren't cancelled

>> No.6217910

>We just missed not 1 game, not 2, but the entire SNES goemon library!
No we didn't. Some translators just got off Twitter.

>> No.6217914

Wrong. It's no longer up.

>Main translation: tranny
Was part of the main patch until 3.0
RHDN pulled it out permanently and forced the alternate by Tom version.
>Alternate by Tom: newhalf
Offered as an OPTIONAL second patch included with the 3.0 zip.
RHDN did their own "4.0 version" that hardsubs it into main, and pretend that's the main patch.
>Alternate by UGC: removed the whole sentence and replaced it with something else "I used to be a boy"
Offered as a separate addendum to the versions prior to 3.0
Unlike other alternates, it thanked Tom for the translation and asserted his work is correct, and the word is Konami's original dialogue.
>Alternate by wednesday: trans
Offered only on twitter.
Tiny Cartridge and Snes Central retweeted that pretending that's the main translation and wednesday did the whole project.

>Alternate by One Angry Gamer: nigger
>Alternate by /vr/ anon: faggot, man
Never released besides screenshots for "fun".

A lesser known fact: ResetEra never planned to stop with the newhalf replacement.
They attacked wednesday for other lines by the same NPC not replaced yet, another "offensive fence" joke, the manjis still in the game... and a concern troll from their ranks who congratulated DDS for "finally releasing the deslur patch" demanded answers why other offensive text still in the game wasn't replaced yet, then went back to the home base to report back.

>> No.6217926


>> No.6217937

Do you have a screenshot of people complaining about the other lines the character has

>> No.6217947

Technically correct, but.

DDS lost Tom, but the translations for 4 and 1 and Soreyuke Ebisumaru were still complete, besides a few graphics they might have to get other translators to help with (this whole shitshow generated enough sympathy from them)

The implications however are about 4, a far more problematic game than 3, a fact discoalucard (HG101 admin) of Resetera fame spares no moment to point out (he really has it for this game since years, i recently found a forum post where he complains about the manji on the cart packaging, and "tone deaf japan")
RHDN made it clear with this incident they're willing to shadowban romhackers from submitting anything until they censor content in the base game, not just a direct translation. It kicked into overdrive and now Napple Tale is getting updated as well. Ganbare Goemon How I Became A Dancer will need to be hosted elsewhere, yet DDS doesn't have his personal hosting solution or a blog.

Those implications extend as well for the remaining Goemon games, which have a recurrent tranny, Kensuke, and Goemon's distaste of okamas that try continuously to seduce him then react angrily when things don't go their way.

Tom also was planning Akokingu, Shin Sedai and Hoshizora Dynamite. Only the first got another translator, and the last one is in indefinite hiatus. Besides this now hostile climate for more Goemon translations, what we did miss however is Zill O Zill, the entire Far East of Eden franchise.

>> No.6217952

You can check the warosu archives, anon. DDS deleted his twitter, so they're not live anymore.
k, all is fine, play the resetera-approved version citizen, it was always that way.

>> No.6217956

I've had the original translation on my HD, autismo.

>> No.6217982
File: 26 KB, 256x224, Ganbare Goemon 3 (J)004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Considering RHDN is now openly hostile to the series (as Goemon 2 and updates of Goemon 1 hacks are caught in the mess as well), is there interest here for Easy Type hacks of Goemon that make the weapons no longer drop levels when you get hurt?

>> No.6217985

That's pussy shit.

>> No.6218058

Learn Japanese if you care about Japanese video games.

>> No.6218082

This. Don't rely on (((gaijins))) for anything with how pozzed the west is these days.

>> No.6218092

Link is down, anyone have an alt link?

>> No.6218145

Try this one

>> No.6218305

Do you have any sort of proof RHDN is actually shadow banning?

>> No.6219250

>Removed Goemon 2/3 news
>No mention of the translations in their news
>Removed the "tranny patch"
You tell me anon

>> No.6219254

Did you happen to get an ETA on their releases, too?

>> No.6219264

I know other translations that have the word tranny in them. I'm afraid to mention them incase this whole thing will blow up even more.

>> No.6219275

>and now Napple Tale is getting updated as well
Just made a pastebin with all the details copy/pasted from the 1.0 Napple Tale translation. One of you fine boys please download from all these links and back up the content for us, will you? https://pastebin.com/8vTzJ34R

>Ganbare Goemon How I Became A Dancer will need to be hosted elsewhere
Maybe on that Romhackers.net site? That guy seems very anti-censorshipmobs.

>> No.6219280 [DELETED] 

Press F for RHDN

>> No.6219287

Is one (You) enough or do you need more?

>> No.6219306

Thanks based anon

>> No.6219312

Can't believe they cucked out and switched the text in v4.0.

When will people learn that you will never be able to please these lunatics on RE?

>> No.6219362

I didn't ask about it. I didn't want to bug him with all this shit going on. He told me DDS was alright, but that too many people were asking him about the project.

>> No.6219367

>DDS deleted his twitter
I hope he never releases a fan translation again

>> No.6219439

are you a tranny?

>> No.6219441

So that's a no.

>> No.6219758

It's the future you chose.

>> No.6219762
File: 9 KB, 825x171, 4.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RHDN did their own "4.0 version"
that's wrong

>> No.6219764
File: 782 KB, 1080x2678, 20200218_222829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OP wants the unfaithful translation

But why? Lmfao

Tranny was a complete fabrication of a translation.

>> No.6219767


>> No.6219768

>alternate version

What the

>> No.6219770


also you will NEVER EVER be a real girl, faggot.

>> No.6219784

"Newhalf" is an offensive word for transexuals, and "tranny" is a word transexuals sometimes refer to themselves as. Just admit you hate Japanese and their jokes, or better yet, grow up.

>> No.6219813


Offensive word =/= slur

Blackie is an offensive word. Nigger is a slur. They're not the same. Likewise, Newhalf and tranny are not the same.

It's a bullshit Nintendo-tier personal flair translation that does not convey the original text whatsoever.

Stop being a retarded subhuman. Use logic instead of emotion.

>> No.6219867

Not your personal army, faggot

>> No.6219872


can't. I'm too retarded to understand the ga particle despite reading a shitton of guides

>> No.6219898

>Napple Tale is getting updated as well
what are they "updating" exactly?

>> No.6219913

Because translations are ballpark by nature and I don't care who was offended. You can voluntarily disregard the content of you're offended.
Therefore, let's not just muddle the work because we feel it needs another layer of non-translation. Leave what it is to what it is. You know?

Of course you do, you're on /vr/ farming for (You)s because you get banned off Reddit and can't farm upvotes.

>> No.6220093

Dumb EOP.

>> No.6220112

Dumb dumb EOP

>> No.6220124

Honestly I have to say that I don't like Goemon 3 as much as the previous two games. It feels too Zelda-esque as opposed to a 2D platformer like the previous two games, even the 2D sections feel more like dungeons. 4 is in the style of 1 and 2, right? When it gets translated, I'll probably enjoy it more than 3 hopefully.

>> No.6220126

You can honestly just play 4 now. Very little knowledge of Japanese is needed.

>> No.6220129

I'd rather just wait for the translation, even if it's fully playable as it is, I'd prefer to be able to understand the text.

>> No.6220137

>muh plausible deniability

>> No.6220147

>Stop being a retarded subhuman. Use logic instead of emotion.
Have some self-awareness. You just spent 30 minutes redditsplaining why nigger a fluent translator doesn't understand Japanese as well as you, a rage-filled tranny, does. Again, take it up with the Japanese if you don't like their style of humor. you motherfucking racist piece of shit :)

>> No.6220148

>is there interest here for Easy Type
No, faggot

>> No.6220152

How about just making a code for that in ZSNES or something, anon?

>> No.6220154

Punk ass b1tch

>> No.6220157

Sounds like a case of "do it yourself then"

>> No.6220162

Tranny is pretty close, you can't argue it's completely wrong. I'd say it's one of the most accurate ways to translate the line.

Way more accurate than >>6217560, which doesn't capture the same tone at all.

>> No.6220192

I'd say it's beyond petty e-drama level if influence networks are getting getting content scrubbed off the internet.

>> No.6220215




>> No.6220221


>> No.6220243

Looks cool. Going to finish 3 and Great Adventure then try either these or the NES games.
Thanks for the link. I really think it was widespread social media and especially twitter's popularity that made purity spirals more common online.

>> No.6220253


I heard the famicom games aren't great.

>> No.6220267

They don't seem as good as the later games, but I'm curious enough to try them, especially the RPGs

>> No.6220276


GG as a formula didn't get perfected until the SFC games. Also the RPG was just to cash in on DQ's popularity.

>> No.6220447

Fuck off.

>> No.6220452
File: 185 KB, 473x473, 1555453070141.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go learn japanese you fucking faggots

>> No.6220543

The "tranny" controversy was ResetEra's foot into the door to ask for more changes.
Anyone with two braincells who actually played the damn game could piece that together.
You don't miss a main character that's a catholic nun tranny who loves humping any underage male she (?) meets,
that appears in the opening cinematic of the game, and only notice side characters halfway through the game.
And yes, they went through the motions for that plan...
"apology not good enough"
"good job on the deslur patch DDS finally, but there's still many more problematic lines to change" on twitter.

You can't reject the game over a mode 7 benis on RHDN.
The patch getting pulled, and a translator licking boot to fix a "word",
is a better opportunity to force that wider censorship patch, because then they would be in a position of power.

From that witchhunt thread they had on the Goemon translators, I gathered the following points:
> anyone suspected of right wing persuasions, even from twitter follows, even without saying it, has to be chased out of the scene, no matter the excuse
> all translations everywhere must include censorship or else they're wrong and the translator should be stopped somehow
> anyone looking at us (the forum) the wrong way may be subjected to the above
> anyone associating with the subjects, even in collaborative team works, may be subjected to the above
> anyone supporting the victims or condemning the methods is just as bad, and may be saved for later

They stopped short of attacking the original developers because they were who the effeminate Ebisumaru was modeled after.
This operation yielded some gains from them, a new RHDN policy which they will use against more and more translations.

faggot, as in the musical instrument.

>> No.6220561

Before the usual gaslighting attacks, I'd like to mention in passing that ResetEra tried, after DDS left, to track down FlashPV, the last remaining member. They kept going even after the controversy and never stopped until there was nobody left, literally.

The rationale was that this poster loved the hack so much he wants to make a repro out of it to sell. Translation: profiteering off the hard work of the team without them seeing a penny, also in full illegality.
But he thinks their work is "not professional enough" for his tastes, so he wants to drag the team back to have them change some things for him. "Restoring Japanese graphics and some text adjustments", he says.
That's then when they tell each other where to "contact the team through FlashPV, who's still somewhat active on RHDN" (the kicker? This "activity" is begging for someone to translate a graphic in Goemon 1 that Tom is no longer around to change)

That guy only does graphics, of course, just like Tom only translates text files. He has no way to oblige to their insulting demands, even if he wanted for some reason to lick the boots of a Resetera + bootlegger+ demanding the VIP treatment from his servants + after all what happened.

Had this entitled asshole demanded the other censorship patches he wanted in a less roundabout way, it would have been almost less offensive.

>> No.6220601

Learning jap won't stop these leftist sensitive sjwfags that complain about everything and cancel people who don't conform to their will from ruining the west.

>> No.6220613

Am I in somebody's strawman cartoon?

>> No.6220652


This isnt a left or right issue, retard.

It was an incorrect fucking translation.

>> No.6220667

>This isnt a left or right issue, retard.
imagine being this naive.

>> No.6220683

stop making excuses faggot

>> No.6220743

I'm literally looking at the thread you're talking about. At no point does this dude mention wanting to sell repros of the game. Here's what he says:

"I would use this patch on to an official cartridge, but I really don't like the new English main logo - and I'm guess some other Japanese graphics have been changed to English, too.

I love translation patches, but I only want the text itself - and other incredibly vital pieces of info - translated, not necessarily every single logo.

The original Japanese logo is stylized quite wonderfully."

>> No.6220746

I'm not saying that he doesn't sound like an entitled douche, but let's not make shit up.

>> No.6220761

as opposed to you exaggerating things to rile people up so they can your personal army?

>> No.6220775

>showed up to get mad

>> No.6220783

>have always loved the goemon franchise
>pumped as fuck that they're finally getting more western exposure via translation patches
>go to check /vr/ about it
>threads are literally nothing but people screaming their fucking heads off about inane shit
i want every single one of you pathetic faggots fucking dead

>> No.6220789


>> No.6220867

We should all just make fill the submission queue with this file with the comment "don't pander to SJWs.

>> No.6221151

Well it all started with some tit posting a screen shot on here, gloating about it being there. Then RE getting a whiff of it and going nuclear because they want to shut down all translations that doesn't meet their criteria of what's socially acceptable (which changes daily BTW).

To cut a long story short, the internet is basically full of immature people who seem to have the intellectual capacity of a boiled potato.

>> No.6221164

Tfw SJWfags have infested retro gaming as well now

I had tought we would be a safe heaven from this kind of cancer

can't wait till we have a president that illegalizes the sjw movement

>> No.6221183

Just had a look on RHDN Goemon 3 has almost 7000 downloads. Was it really worth RE kicking up a stink for? lol

>> No.6221589

>faggot, as in the musical instrument.

It's a typo, get over it already.

>> No.6221612

>This isnt a left or right issue
>so just accept as fact anything I say after this
Ah yes, the classic BTFO'd leftist faggot appeal to "neutrality".

>> No.6221613

Is there a version without forced gender pollitics?

>> No.6221615

It started with HG101's Kurt Kalata ("discoalucard") posting that screenshot and making it political, you retard. His screenshot just got reposted here. You honestly believe reeeseterans have enough self-control to lurk here (without having a seizure)?

>> No.6221617

Would you kindly show some effort and read the first couple of replies, hon?

>> No.6221618

Yes, the original patch >>6218145

>> No.6221621

sorry, my english is not so good, i thought op asked for a version with gender politics
>which also retains the Tranny text
Translation keeps telling me that "retains" means"bringing back in"

>> No.6221626

i get a bad gateway error.

>> No.6221642


The original patch uses anti-tank gender politics.

The japanese text did not have anti-trans undertones. Newhalf is not an inherently hateful slur.

>> No.6221645


You read correctly. The person who replied to you is an idiot obsessed with gender identity.

>> No.6221651

ok, so i am still wondering if there is a version without the gender politics

>> No.6221652

Neither is tranny, which some trannies still refer to themselves as. It all depends on context, which resetera and apparently you hate, too, since every attempt at changing from "tranny" to something else has ended in resetrannies still getting upset and threatening.

>> No.6221657

Video game discussion: 404 not found

>> No.6221659

but it's not their game?

>> No.6221663

Again, the original patch. This should be the latest version of it https://files.catbox.moe/l436te.zip

>> No.6221668

They think it is. The unbiased and fluent translator used the best equivalent he knew of and that made them want ownership, because unless the Japanese game is radically hacked, Japan will offend them.

>> No.6221670

And you are sure this is without the gender madness from resetera?

>> No.6221675

You mean "without resetera pandering" or "without something that made resetera mad"? It should be the former, but try it out. Your save file should carry over without a problem if you need to repatch the game for any reason.

>> No.6221694


If success in your life depends on keeping a good reputation on Twitter and Facebook then you're already failing, and you're doing it optionally and knowingly. This is on them.

>> No.6221697


That's the version with the slur.

>> No.6221734

What a fucking fucktrain of translation. Feel somewhat sorry for the guy who worked on it. Well i guess this translation is only good for the bin now.

>> No.6221810

Anyone else went the canon party run? I did for the most part and certainly finished it with one. Main guy (cheated here from the books where he is supposed to be a fighter. Played tutu version so I made him a Kensai), Khalid, Jaheira, Minsc, Dyanaheir and Imoen. Worked well enough.

>> No.6221960

>translation is only good for the bin now
what, why?

>> No.6221965

It's not a slur. The translator wasn't being political or biased.

>> No.6221967

it's been sjw'd

>> No.6222026

>which also retains the tranny text
What's the matter, "newhalf" not accurate enough for you?

>> No.6222028

Because now it is more accurate than before (original "newhalf" slang as opposed to the "accurate" tranny translation).

>> No.6222095

just download version 3.0

>> No.6222098

fuck that. fuck them for caving into the leftytrannies' demands. i refuse to touch any of their shit now.

>> No.6222123

Tomato of Mother 3 fame made a "stealth" article about this whole deal, include some Goemon examples, it's worth reading.

>> No.6222150

Stop being obsessed with gender politics and get a fucking personality, retard.

>> No.6222160

Seems like the last part of my post is more relevent than ever..

>> No.6222167

take your meds

>> No.6222292 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6222327


>> No.6222337
File: 332 KB, 960x720, 1480162136224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6222387

I wish anti-SJWs would make their own website.

It's been a fucking decade. Fuck OFF. Get a fucking life.

>> No.6222406

This is pretty depressing, in all honesty.
He was just doing a translation and did his best to translate a term that doesn't translate that well into english.

Yes, some people will be offended. But that's not his fault, that's the fault of the people who wrote the game in 1994. Why pin it on him? It's like people forgot that not everyhing was roses and sunshine, even in the 80s/90s. It wasn't even that long go in that era that people thought that having AIDS made you some sort of diseased zombie that could curse others with a touch. Times have changed, but they didn't change so quickly in 1994.

It's depressing that a passion project that he didn't have to do, and didn't get paid for ending up bringing this guy harm just because people got mad about something said in the game that he didn't even write.

>> No.6222408

>I wish anti-SJWs would make their own website.
It's called /pol/. And we're never leaving, sweety. ;)

>> No.6222410 [DELETED] 
File: 320 KB, 752x490, 1581689535986.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish SJWs would make their own website.
Wait, what am I saying? You have the whole internet already. Your time is coming though, in one way or another.

>> No.6222415


I'm not an SJW. I dont get offended by every fucking thing like SJWs and anti-SJWs.

Both of you people have been fucking ruining all conversation since 2009/2010 and it needs to end.

You people make me miss the days when "hipsters" were the boogeyman and Scott Pilgrim vs The World was the worst thing since hitler.

>> No.6222416

People who are anti war should stop being obsessed with war and get a personality

>> No.6222420

>that's the fault of the people who wrote the game in 1994. Why pin it on him?
The fault? You're acting like there's something wrong with making fun of trannies. How are you such a faggot?

>> No.6222439

Anti-SJWs are the only ones fighting for the kind of world worth missing, and it's pre-2009 and Scott Pilgrim. Maybe you weren't alive, but our way down the politically correct garbage chute started long before that. George Carlin was intensely anti-SJW in the 80s, if not earlier

>> No.6222479

Sir, this is a Goemon thread.

>> No.6222532

What are you? One of those anti-thread-derailers? Sick of you faggots shitting up the internet. Get out

>> No.6222727

Isn't that basically what he's asking for?
>I would use this patch on to an official cartridge
Konami isn't involved. This is a repr.. ahem, bootleg, no two ways about it.
He shits on their work and asks them to redo some of it.
Their idea of "official", "professional" "localizations" is... well known at this point.
If you think it's innocuous, given the entire context, I have a bridge to sell you.

>> No.6222736

If you liked Goemon 2, check Hoshizora Dynamite on the Game Boy Color.
Still very unpalatable to censor mob standards given its content, but well worth the play.
The OST choice basically confirms that proper Impact Battles were cut from Goemon 4.
Calling it a rehash of Goemon 2 is almost doing it a disservice, as it's far better than the likes of Oedo Daikaiten.

I didn't find all of the hidden fortune cat dolls for some reason.

>> No.6222875

Thats called /pol/ and theyre just as obnoxious as sjws

Sjws are cancer and anti sjws are also cancer
Just dont be a fucking extremist lol

>> No.6222876

>i'm totally not a sjw guys, but fuck those anti sjw am i right?
Off yourself.

>> No.6222880

Nah i just hate extremists politically

Fuck extremist leftists
Fuck extremist righters
And fuck religiois extremists

>> No.6222891

Being a centrist doesn't make you better than any of the people that you claim to hate, in fact it makes you literally worse than any of them.

>> No.6222898

How is being a centrist worse?

Also im right, just not extremist
You can be right without being a nazi

>> No.6222902

Hey homo, what do you think happens when SJWs spread their propaganda unchecked? If you don't like our new politically correct direction at least make yourself useful and suck some anti-SJW cock because just ignoring it isn't worth anything

>> No.6222905

>How is being a centrist worse?
Almost everyone (with only hypothetical expections) that identifies as this is a dishonest, self-absorbed attention whore that does and talks about these things in order to feel like he's not a failure. At least open leftists are honest about their views and intentions and can flesh out and explain their (batshit retarded) ideas instead of JUST constantly boasting about themselves.

>> No.6222907


>> No.6223003

>It was an incorrect fucking translation.
No it wasn't. You can argue for alternative translations that might capture the tone better, but it's not inaccurate.

>> No.6223235

Offtopic cancer begone

Talk about the fucking game you doofusses

>> No.6223246

so, it is ok when resetera compromize an ongoing translation
but it is not ok to call this fucked up bahvior out?

>> No.6223259 [DELETED] 

>You honestly believe reeeseterans have enough self-control to lurk here (without having a seizure)?
Yes, some of them post even on /v/, which is far more hostile to them.

>> No.6223426

>but also impossible to hack due to how text works
More like the retards claiming it as theirs just wanted an excuse to sit on their ass. All it took to figure out how to hack it was a English to French translation for Mystical Ninja to understand how the script was placed throughout the games. That's all it took. Nothing more. No one thought of comparing how GG1 managed the script vs how GG2+ did so sooner? Press X for doubt.

>> No.6223508 [DELETED] 
File: 166 KB, 1843x934, editor_comparison.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mystical Ninja hack only replaces text within the original space allocated.
Goemon 2's script is more complex than 1, and Goemon 3's is magnitudes more complex than the other games. Those games needed custom editors to expand the text space available.

>> No.6223517

ok tranny

>> No.6223535
File: 34 KB, 581x427, 1459734625554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the game, anon

>> No.6223548

The Mystical Ninja hack is mostly graphics replacement with some text replacement to change names (Kid Ying -> Goemon, Dr Yang -> Ebisumaru).
Goemon 2 and 3 have increasingly complex scripts with commands and text jumps built into them, and required expanding the ROM to handle the additional text and graphics.

>> No.6223594

What was it?

>> No.6223613


>> No.6223780

>anti-tank gender politics.
based typo.

>> No.6223847
File: 936 KB, 514x418, Cute Yae.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>also can someone give me the link to the latest rom which also retains the Tranny text?


>> No.6223853

Use this ones, both have the last patch before "Reverts a word back to Japanese.":
So they actually update bugs and shit without censor anything.
Also webm is from a beta tester for the 4 translation.

>> No.6223857
File: 1.31 MB, 256x224, Go for it! Goemon - The Twinkling Journey.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the spoiler kek.

>> No.6223941 [DELETED] 
File: 509 KB, 256x224, g4.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goemon 2 v3.0 is good to use, it just merges the dialogue changes of the Area 2 boss.

>beta tester
Not quite.

>> No.6223960

Where'd you get this footage?

>> No.6223972

why do you think i would tell you?

>> No.6224016

What the fuck do you think I'm gonna do, spread it on Resetera?

>> No.6224019

Nah, you're prolly gonna try to triangulate who did and revoke the beta tester status from the person.

>> No.6224041


that's a triple yikes from me, dawg

and it's not a beta tester

>> No.6224061

You're fucking paranoid.

And for the record, I fucking love Goemon. I'd never do shit that'd risk the translation getting canceled.

>> No.6224073

Unironically, yes.

>> No.6224078

You're trying to sound smart, but you just sound stupid and uninformed. The Mystical Ninja restoration hack was the result of an English to French translation project by FlashPV and DDS. All of the progress on Goemon is based off what they learned translating Mystical Ninja to French. Learn to read, zoomer fuckwad.

>> No.6224083

>Just identify people on this anonymous board bro it's totally safe. Both the people here and the weirdos from Resetera lurking Goemon threads are all perfectly reasonable and sane people.

>> No.6224086


I'm so fucking glad DDS decided to continue working with no online presence. It was the obvious thing to do, but not all people have the discipline to stay away from this kind of attenttion, even if it's mostly dumb shit.

>> No.6224091


What's the "reverted" word on Goemon 2 you're talking about? Wasn't the edited text about a missed Terminator reference a boss makes?

>> No.6224093

No idea, hope it wasn't some kind of censorship or anything.

>> No.6224097

Not him, but actually the methods used for the LoMN "restoration" hack are different from DDS' projects, and only share Tom helping with SOME lines.

There's a romhack that tries to revert "localization" in the LoMN burger version (incomplete, because the cuts ran too deep) and add SRAM saving by FlashPV, which he then used as a base for a French translation. Tom helped with some lines. That one is released just fine but is an evolutionary dead end.

And then there's a complete retranslation based on the Japanese original. That's the best choice, except for a second variant for one of the games that replaced the stripper (nothing a romhack couldn't add, though). That was among DDS' projects and was to be released alongside 4 and Soreyuke, until ResetEra happened.

>> No.6224110
File: 59 KB, 608x416, g64-e-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I chuckle to this day with all the "you WEIRDO!!" dialogues in Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon. I don't think it hypothetically being translated to something more literal like "you faggot" would've make it better.

>> No.6224116

Way to prove his point, faggot

>> No.6224132 [DELETED] 

But it would have been better. Because that's the original intended meaning.
The Wise Man's porn magazines are better than "Car magazines".

In other news, some romhackers on twitter are calling out the RHDN administration for being ResetEra enforcers in this Goemon situation, and reminding everyone supporting their patreon of this.

Everything would be solved simply if DDS set up his own website to host his translations, like the dynamic-designs group does, or every third world foreign translation team. He wouldn't then have to put up with the whims of the admins of a has-been romhacking site that goes to these lengths to cover up for their own massive skeletons (and they know very well what I mean)

>> No.6224138

But it would have been better. Because that's the original intended meaning.
The Wise Man's porn magazines are better than "Car magazines".

In other news, some romhackers on twitter are calling out the RHDN administration for being ResetEra enforcers in this Goemon situation, and reminding everyone supporting their patreon of this.

Everything would be solved simply if DDS set up his own website to host his translations, like the dynamic-designs group does, or every third world foreign translation team. He wouldn't then have to put up with the whims of the admins of a has-been romhacking site

>> No.6224141

This could be the end of Romhacking.net.

>> No.6224223

Fine. I won't ask again.

>> No.6224275

would like to know which hackers to read it for myself,I just hope to play all Goemon games in english someday

>> No.6224380


>> No.6224403

Is there anywhere where people are actually discussing the progress of the Goemon 4 translation instead of all this SJW garbage about 3?

>> No.6224456

>Is there anywhere where people are actually discussing the progress of the Goemon 4 translation
Thank god no.

>> No.6224528 [DELETED] 
File: 1.36 MB, 256x224, g4_2.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beta tester
Not quite.

>progress of the Goemon 4 translation
How about this?

Sorry, I'll leave then.

>> No.6224574

Romhackers keep your fking guard up, they're still here.

>> No.6224609

Thanks "beta tester"-kun, i'm liking those clandestine webums.

>> No.6224629 [DELETED] 
File: 3.04 MB, 2176x2620, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, and there is a good reason for it.

>> No.6224712

>Goemon 4 translation discussion without SKW garbage
The direct reason is that "garbage" preventing its immediate release and any future releases for other Goemon games by the same team, and establishing a hostile environment for that single final release.

Namely, a romhack hosting site that's controlled by a censorious, evil den of villany that doesn't believe in separation of artist and work, basic translation ethics respected since medieval times, and as a result translations are now removed unless they cut content in the original Japanese release that even an official localization that made it past Nintendo censors more or less kept it intact.

From the pov of a romhacker all about romhacking business, that's quite the logistical hurdle to overcome first, not to charge head first into to make for enjoyable firework for your personal amusement. If it's going to get worse (and it is extending to other games) then it's foolish to preserve this status quo or tip-toe around it.

"Shut up sheeple and only wait for the translation to drop on RHDN, never look at what's happening to the translator" only gets you so far. It was supposed to be the entire SNES series by this month and then the PS1 games later this year. By your rules for discussing the "Goemon 4 translation", there's no discussion to be had. All of it is taboo. And that drop ain't coming any time soon.

>Just Goemon 4 discussion
In the off chance you're not just a resetera tranny who demands anons here provide polite intel about the whereabouts of the problematic translators of the even more problematic game, and demands no triggering content is posted.... but just someone who wants to play the game.

Congrats, it's a good game.
You should better backup the few English walkthroughs and information online for the series as well, considering it's now a game with a "tainted history" that's bound to get memory holed because it's associated with an inconvenient truth.

>> No.6224729

>In the off chance you're not just a resetera tranny who demands anons here provide polite intel about the whereabouts of the problematic translators of the even more problematic game
take your meds,schizo

>> No.6224735

Don't worry.

>> No.6224748

I just noticed Hardcore Gaming 101 removed Ganbare Goemon 3 from existence completely... at least on his site.
The Goemon series is now only the official localizations... plus Goemon 2 on SNES weirdly enough.
He forgot a stray Goemon 4 article still surviving out of the articles covering the entire series.


>> No.6224753

resetera tranny it is.

>> No.6224765

I hope more and more of the community will speak out against RHDN and the other "progressive" people
oh man, what an idiot. In his series article he called Yui, Yae's futuristic counterpart, a harlot based on her looks, he is a fucking hypocrite

>> No.6224767

Retard it is.

Look at who made up the majority of nom vista posts in this thread (including deleted shitposting)

>> No.6224769

>Yui, Yae's futuristic counterpart, a harlot based on her looks, he is a fucking hypocrite
How is that even remotely related lmao

>> No.6224780

cause now he seems to be pissed at everything that could hurt someone's feelings, white knight for every minority

>> No.6224789
File: 1.18 MB, 3696x2280, goemon artciles situation on h101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For 2 they transferred the old article to the new site without any update (no mention of a fan translation or anything) then skipped 3 and get directly to 4 but of course didn't update either so no mention of the "problematic" stuff on 4, quite weird since on 4 you don't even need a translation to see then.
Also on the old site Kurt wrote the articles by himself and then on 2014 Sam Derboo made additions to the articles, funny, no mention of "problematic" shit there too.

>> No.6224793

tfw you are mad that other people are mad

>> No.6224815

Still on the old site.
I don't think they were ever on the new site, were they?

>> No.6224819
File: 2.51 MB, 1280x772, letting h101 invade you to get real page formatting.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They hide 3 on the new site: http://www.hardcoregaming101.net/ganbare-goemon-kirakira-douchuu-boku-ga-dancer-ni-natta-wake/
It's not on the Goemon series list, only those four on that picture are on the series "folder"
Also they don't want you to know that but you still can use the old site normally if you let then load the "unsecure" shit.

>> No.6224820

Interesting, thanks

>> No.6225107

<and then the PS1 games later this year.
The PS1 game announcements were all made from different people, and only Uchuu Kaizoku Akogingu had significant progress. Where in the fuck was it stated you would get them "later this year".

>> No.6225198

Because he also tried to cancel the fan translation team of Live A Live, over "misogynist" comments about Alicia, the damsel in distress that convinced through NTR, emotional blackmail and suicide, the hero to become a genocidal demon lord

It was the "three she-devils of squaresoft" article from 2017, he had the conclusion ready, that Japanese fanbases are "women haters" and "incels" for disliking those characters in particular, then cited a 20 year old blog of one of the translators as an "example of that misogynist attitude in Western fanbases". The link is G-rated and calls Alicia "an unreasonable girl". Fortunately that never got any traction.

In other words, it wasn't his first attempt to cancel a fan translator, like it wasn't ResetEra's first attempt to force censored translations in fan projects and official projects, like that NPC wasn't the single most transphobic or problematic thing in Goemon 3.

Uchuu was worked on by two separate groups, but Tom was done with the SNES Goemon games (except minor graphics) and was actively, excitedly, eagerly looking for PS1 romhackers to extract text for him to translate. Three confirmed games.
He works fast as well, considering he cobbled together that high-quality Goemon 2 translation you played in a bit under two months after Avi did the drama queen act like everyone else working on Goemon SNES games prior to DDS.

>> No.6225207
File: 345 KB, 560x560, 1559589133275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. They guy needs to work and they can fuck that up for you now. He was doxxed and, even more than that, he didn't mean to hurt anyone and if you read his response, it's very clear that it bothered him that people were claiming to be harmed by his word choice. Tom's a good guy, and the work he's done for the community is priceless. A small, vocal group of mentally ill perpetually angry people have ruined this for him and for us and I will never forgive them.

>> No.6225217

Why do people give into their demands? Why they let themselves be doxxed? Why such a cancerous community Resetera is even relevant?

This is sick.

>> No.6225223
File: 43 KB, 304x411, 52F63B8E-E0D8-470E-811B-7E6AC96AF693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we’re all so passionate about Goemon here, and so critical about the armchair critics and harassers who ruined them... who here is gonna take on hacking and translating the good Goemon games no one is working on yet, Goemon DS and Dynamite on GBC?

You’re not gonna let them win, are you?

>> No.6225225

>quite weird since on 4 you don't even need a translation to see then.
In case you didn't realize, he rarely ever actually plays the games.

>> No.6225226

I would, but Hoshizora Dynamites has compressed text from what I saw, and my nihongese isn't adequate enough to be a translator.

Goemon PS2 is possible. (lol)
Goemon DS... I can see the font but not the text. It definitively has a half width mode. a resetera plant here will say "not retro" and that would be it

Goemon Sugoroku N64 is a ... sugoroku game, but would be the ideal game to piss off ResetEra if that's the goal. It's all about trannies assaulting Goemon. But N64 games are compressed heavily, at least Goemon is, so the text isn't accessible.

>> No.6225238

Good attitude.
I love the idea of several people inspired by this taking the place of the ones who were forced to disappear.
Romhacking takes time, but it’s something anyone dedicated enough can get into. If anyone here felt curious about it before, now it’s a good time to start.

>> No.6225248

It’s your duty to leak it if we reach 2021 and DDS is nowhere to be found

>> No.6225378

An update with various bugfixes was released for the relocalization patch of Legend of the Mystical Ninja

>> No.6225415


>> No.6225441

Mirror, just in case.

>> No.6225504

Bringing up trannies and dilating out of nowhere is not keeping your "enemies" in check, it just hampers legitimate discussion, and I think that's the sentiment the guy you're replying to is tired of. Take the Goemon fan translation, for example; on /v/, threads were posted about it just to argue about trannies and other off-topic shit instead of the translation itself. I have to stop going to /v/ just because of the rent-free tranny discussions happening non-stop there. And now I'm doing the same thing, fuck me. I do have an actual on-topic question: is it possible to play the Goemon N64 games on the Wii U via injection or some other means? I don't think the Wii U version of Retroarch has N64 cores so I don't think that's an option for me.

>> No.6225508
File: 804 KB, 480x420, Ganbare Goemon Kirakira Dochuu Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Riyuu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anons, going to update the list:


>> No.6225880

You guys are the real MVPs.

>> No.6226441

Sheeeeit nigga dat game b racist yo

>> No.6227074

More fallout from the situation. RHDN administration got mad.

After MrRichard spoke about the situation on twitter, he got "deplatformed" too.
He got banned now over his disapproval on twitter of what they did to Tom and DDS.
Now his translations are no longer allowed on the site, and anyone who submits them instead is banned for "helping him circumvent the ban" (but they had no problem reposting popular translations before) and retroactive purges of translations that are already there are under consideration.

They are starting to go after translators who publicly supported Tom as well, directly or not.
Get ready for retaliations and translation erasure for Gemini, Mugi, Pennywise, Tomato, Kajitani, everyone else working on Goemon translations now (the thread title mocked them directly), no matter their public political opinions, as long as they supported Tom or DDS.

Interesting chatlogs there:
>Pennywise: I see a storm at the doors of RHDN
>moderators be ready
>And I do believe the site should fully support Tom and DDS's translation of Goemon 3
>[RHDN admin #1] look. when people are murdered, face discrimination, etc. for being LGBTQIA+, terms like "tranny" normalize that behavior.

later on, as

however, soon after that they shadowbanned dds and his work there until they forced an optional patch as the default. now, this.

Between forcing censorship in present translations, starting to look at older translations for wrong think, and banning people and their work for how they think about those great new policies, it's high time to start a massive backup, just in case. There's one from 2015 on archive as a whole website backup (not very usable), so up until that point should be fine.

>> No.6227107


I made this image in like 2012. I actually edited the subtitle file and then took a screenshot so it would look authentic.

>> No.6227130

I never tought the sjw cancer would sprear to the retro community like this
Truly terrifying

>> No.6227131

Fuck man, when is gaming and other shit going back to normal. This wrong think stuff has spread everywhere.

>> No.6227134

Once the millenial tranny generation is gone.

>> No.6227172

We need to start finding ways to increase that 41% statistic.

>> No.6227196

When you really try to create the environment fit to discuss the games, and nothing else.
I don't mean NOW like that HG101 wants to do, that just means "keep your head down peasant, don't challenge the status quo lest you want to be eliminated as an obstacle to progress"

What needs to be done is to think outside vooter cattle mentality, as a complex nuanced human being who cares about fundamental values such as intellectual honesty, the value of artistic works and expression (and if you bring muh /pol/ into a discussion about child friendly games, something is seriously off with your rockers) , not as a goon enforcing the agendas of his political party one cultural purge at a time.

Recognize there is a serious problem right now with this nerd circle.
Identify the individuals directly responsible for this, and their plants who enforce their authority.
Remove them from positions of power and deny them the opportunity to ever do it again.
This should be an active effort. As the goal is the activity, not letting it get co-opted by one side or another is paramount.
Then enforce a strict meritocratic environment where your only worth is what you contribute.

I personally know some of those mods. Lots of trannies and SJWs. Never did romhacking once but love the power trip. Hate normie romhackers and want to do a great replacement with tumblr refugees who hate the site. It was always gonna happen sooner or later.

>> No.6227237

These types seem to naturally gravitate towards becoming jannies, while normal people consider it an unpleasant job. That makes it harder to get rid of them. But it would be great to have fewer sites with them in positions of power.

>> No.6227460

>They are starting to go after translators who publicly supported Tom as well, directly or not. Get ready for retaliations and translation erasure for Gemini, Mugi, Pennywise, Tomato, Kajitani, everyone else working on Goemon translations now (the thread title mocked them directly), no matter their public political opinions, as long as they supported Tom or DDS.

Are they really?

And even if they did, what power do they have besides deleting stuff from within their site? Despite its self proclaimed go-to place status for all hacks, a single Youtube video shared on any number of Reddit communities gets more traction than anything on RHDN

What are we so alarmed about again?

>> No.6227492
File: 15 KB, 480x480, daffy pissed 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6227504

Pennywise and Gideon Zhi are both sjw cuckolds if you actually go on their twitter

>> No.6227527
File: 6 KB, 480x288, 1582725657681.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, but now Pennywise supported the wrong think, so he's alright and needs to be cancelled.

>> No.6227536

I'm tempted to just learn jap on my own so i can ignore the translation scene entirely.

>> No.6227581

Isnt clyde mandlin a professional translator who worked also on the mother 3 translation, Tomato will probably be fine

>> No.6227749

>What are we so alarmed about again?
Some translations are only hosted on RHDN, many translators don't have their own solutions yet, this is happening unannounced and has retroactive effect on already published translations by people who merely DISAGREE (and that's a lot of people), no version history

With the Goemon 3 translation ran off twitter and public activity, they ran out of targets so now they're retaliating against their support network, memoryholing translations and pressuring teams to disband to not be banned for having the contribution of the wrongthinker member in their work. You know that proverb about sticks and faggots? They're still hellbent on taking out their targets one by one.

They don't care about collateral damage either, but that much was clear from filtering out Goemon 2 too from submission history.

>> No.6227916

That is a statistic for failed attempts/ideation of suicide so it would not do anything.

>> No.6228042

Reminder to patch and then upload the patched ROM to the Rom Depot. The Rom Depot does not censor or let politics infect shit.

Because they have an agenda and see the position as a source of power to push the agenda, whereas normal people just see it like a babysitting job where you don't get paid.

You really going to pretend that RHDN isn't the largest and most complete source of romhacks and rom translations on the internet?

>> No.6228084

>You really going to pretend that RHDN isn't the largest and most complete source of romhacks and rom translations on the internet?

Not at all. I love it and respect it from what it is, in fact I’m an active member. I just don’t think keeping projects out of it affects current hacks as much as you’re all implying. Lots of hacks stay away from there for various reasons (like unavoidable inclusion of copyrighted data in patches, hacks of current-ish gen games, or simply by enjoying a more dedicated fanbase elsewhere).

It’s the wide appeal of the site exactly the reason why they will always tend to avoid hosting things that bring them the wrong kind of attention. Sadly, they’ll side with the safer side of the discussion all the time, even if the drama is unjustified. Doesn’t mean the same hacks can’t thrive while being hosted elsewhere.

However, I recognize now that if they’re RETROACTIVELY deleting shit without notice, that’s very bad. Some overlooked work would surely be lost forever. But I guess considering the “central hub” direction of the side, it was a matter of time.

Thank god for entire site backups, even if the existing ones are outdated by several years.

>> No.6228179

>Now his translations are no longer allowed on the site,
which are?

>> No.6228202


>> No.6228940

>Preserving the tranny version of GG3 v3.0 as if it was some sort of lost gem.
>Preserving GG2 v2.0 out of paranoia, without even realizing the version update was only to include a movie reference they missed.


You guys are gonna skip GG4 too in case they dare to change a single word to something you don't like?

>> No.6228946
File: 69 KB, 1416x515, 4chan resetera_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You guys
You have to go back.

>> No.6228953

Nice screenshot pal, got more stuff to share from your Resetera obsession folder?

>> No.6228958

not to go full weeb but goemon translations are always going to be inaccurate rewrites. most of the jokes and role speak are edo era references which are impossible to translate, like how the fan translation localized karakuri ningyou as "clockwork ninja" and while an excellent choice it still completely misses the historical meaning of the reference

>> No.6229274

>salty at reuploads
>salty others not as salty about word
>salty at concept of faithful translations
>salty about resetera's bad rep here
>salty about goemon
Tell us more, "anon".

>> No.6229318

>weeb as a bad word
>you can't grasp the true form of the JUH-PAN-WHEEZE language
Seriously? Why are you attacking his competence as a translator (over things that realistically need translator notes) to justify why the translation should be even more incomplete via localization?

That old spiel about why we need "localization", massive rewrites so that it seems written in hollywood or california, and memes to replace original memes for the same FEELING? Nah, Tom manages just fine. His work is a testament you can have a very accurate translation that's still well written, keeps equivalent puns whenever possible, as funny as the original is, and respectful of the original INTENT.
Not respectful of headcanons about that intent, like "Bible Black is a welcoming coming of age story about a few lesbians, let's tone down any sexist content that might make it fail the Beschdel test and go contrary to that intent"

>> No.6229329

>regularly lurk resetera to take screenshots every time you get called out on being a /pol/tard
take your fucking pills you retard

>> No.6229871
File: 529 KB, 676x598, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6230297
File: 2.91 MB, 480x366, Ganbare Goemon 2 - Kiteretsu Shougun Magginesu.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6230313
File: 2.69 MB, 480x366, Ganbare Goemon 3 - Shishi Juurokubee no Karakuri Manjigatame.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6230318
File: 2.83 MB, 480x366, Ganbare Goemon - Kirakira Douchuu Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Wake.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6230401

Blessed webms

>> No.6230413
File: 2.94 MB, 480x366, RetroArch 2020.02.02 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6230423
File: 2.97 MB, 768x592, RetroArch 2020.02.01 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6230448

hate this game.

>> No.6230458
File: 2.94 MB, 480x392, RetroArch 2020.02.02 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't had the courage to actually serious start playing because of all the negativity around.

>> No.6230463
File: 2.94 MB, 480x392, RetroArch 2020.02.02 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean that i didn't had the courage to start Ganbare Goemon Kurofune Tou no Nazo.

>> No.6231464
File: 2.90 MB, 480x392, RetroArch 2020.02.02 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6231523

Just play it if you want. Ignore gatekeeping retards on here. 99% of the time, they're parroting some sóyjourno's or e-celeb's faggoty opinion that is also often parroted from their fellows. By the way, I'm sure you're not underage and don't need to hear me say this before getting upset and accusing me of bullshit but to those that are, I'm not endorsing this game by taking this position.

>> No.6231585


>> No.6231704

Playing the MSX Goemon is like playing the weird MSX versions of Castlevania, you get to see a weird alternate universe evolutionary path for the series. Arcade bombed in Japan for a reason.

Famicom has two sidescroller Goemon games, and they're kino. If you want more of the same, there's Cowboy Kid.
Super Famicom introduced a play style that alternates standard platformer fare and the old town gameplay. That was continued with Akokingu (PS1, B-team but still good) and Goemon's Great Adventure (2nd N64 Goemon) and finally the DS game.

Additionally, they did some spinoffs, most are decent (Famicom RPGs, Ebisumaru's puzzler, Sugoroku game all about trannies sexually harassing Goemon, Pokemon-like on GBC, and a Zelda-wannabe as the PS2 game), an attempt at 3D platforming with the N64 first Goemon, and another which was disastrous, which is the isometric 3D platformer on PS1 that while a neat tech demo, isn't a good game.

Avoid Gameboy ones except Hoshizora Dynamites. The rest of the PS1 games was outsourced and the quality dip is noticeable, but the GBA port of Shin Sedai is especially disastrous, there's no one online who could stomach it enough to do a full playthrough.

The golden age was on SNES and N64/PS1 until 1998. That sheer creativity coincides with the most "offensive" period.

>> No.6231782

cutting off your penis and taking female hormones doesnt make you and never will make you a woman.

>> No.6232926
File: 2.90 MB, 480x432, RetroArch 2020.02.02 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6233191


Sprites look famicom,but it has more animation and colors. But not quite super famicom. what gives?

>> No.6233195

The power of the Gameboi Colour.

>> No.6235452
File: 2.95 MB, 480x360, RetroArch 2020.03.01 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6235482

>Famicom has two sidescroller Goemon games, and they're kino.
What are they called?

>> No.6235518
File: 2.32 MB, 1480x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What are they called?

Ganbare Goemon! Karakuri Douchū (がんばれゴエモン!からくり道中)
Ganbare Goemon 2 (がんばれゴエモン2)

>> No.6235695

Disgusting. No wonder it bombed.
The cartoony redesign was the best thing that happened to the franchise. DS nailed the sumi e artstyle far better.

>> No.6235807

Goemongate. It's about ethics in videogame translation.

>> No.6235870

Thanks mate

>> No.6235872

faggot in napple tale is an actual typo.

>> No.6235890

>Do I please thee, good sirrah? Am I fair in thine eyes? Then mayhap thou wouldst accept from me a heartfelt puff-puff?
>Hmph! And what, pray, doth so fail to please thee in my fair self that thou would fain refuse such an offer, hm!?
SE's localization editors for dragon quest games need to be shot into the fucking sun, a human wouldn't write this.

>> No.6235901
File: 376 KB, 800x1425, Ganbare Goemon_ Kirakira Douchuu - Boku ga Dancer ni Natta Riyuu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man the whole romhacking.net shenanigans went too far imo. did they really take the uploader's optional censor patch and force it as the new upload? If I was the translator i'd take the high ground and request a full take down.
makes me wonder if they'll sneak in a slur in ganbare goemon 4 and bail as payback.

>> No.6236121

Aha, I see, anything to make the enemies of the resetera state seem like alt-righters, just like the inquisitor general gatekeeper of all things retro Kunt Cut-A-Lot willed it.

Doesn't matter if you're a non-burger, a /pol/ tard, a bonafide nazi, a weeb, a honest-to-god sjw, a gamer, an apolitician, a translator, a nice guy, or even a tranny. If you're not cheering hard enough for this stalinian trial, or merely associating with culprits of undue sympathy, you, too, must be plowed by the wheel of reseterian progress.

Of course you'd name it after a harassment campaign. Won't someone please stop the supplice of the poor harassers' fee-fees as they see so much untruths tarnishing their sacred deeds to help deflect attention from their own pedo, racist, homophobic past?

>of course DDS is a right winger
>DDS wrote "resetera is cancer" on his bio, which is an alt-right meme
- Kunt Cut-A-Lot, Direct quote
Words of Wisdom To Go By

They don't need to, the base game has more than enough content for resetera to actually swat the translation team, then demand that Nintendo fires Ebisu-san from Good-Feel then give Yoshi to the LiS studio as atonement.

>> No.6236132

Yes, 15th century musical instruments, puff-puff scenes in dragon quest, and slurs in goemon, all need to be replaced to protect the grammar of the language of the queen, not just children.

>> No.6236243

I don't get it.
Why are the translators being attacked? They're not the ones who put the content into the game, it was the people who made the game. They're just doing a translation.

It was the 90s. They weren't that tolerant back then. It's not the translators fault.
It doesn't make sense!

I mean, say Earthbound was never translated, and left as Mother 2. Would translators be responsible for adding a puff onto the hoods of the Happy Happyists to dull their obvious reference to the KKK?

>> No.6236274

The translation was fine, though tou can nitpick and argue about other possible translations. You can do that for many lines in this and other games. But the reason this case got singled out over others is because a couple people didn't like that DDS's twitter account, because he blocked resetera people and wrote "resetera is cancer" in his bio. Otherwise they wouldn't have given it any attention.

>> No.6236285

the post-purchase rationalization is that translators should censor the game on the creator's behalf and it's okay to shoot the messenger. the real reason is that hardcore shaming 101 assumed "tranny" was the translator putting their own rude jokes into the game like wildbill before he checked the japanese version, and then he doubled down blaming the translator instead of admitting fault because the translator was an acceptable harassment target.

>> No.6236294


Imagine fighting a culture war over a fan translation of a decades-old game about cartoon ninjas, and thinking this is the Thermopylae moment of modern Western civilization or something

>> No.6237493

>Imagine fighting a culture war over a fan translation of a decades-old game about cartoon ninjas, and thinking this is the Thermopylae moment of modern Western civilization or something

It's called Catastrophism in psychology. Their ideology literally tells them everything is a catastrophy, and the only way to fix it in their minds is to elimate the catastrophy.


>> No.6237913

>let's tone down any sexist content that might make it fail the Beschdel test and go contrary to that intent
Technically you couldn't make something pass the Bechdel pass by cutting content, you would need to add content.

>> No.6238087

Wow. I only made that post cus I thought it'd be funny given the extent this has blown up and the blue checkmark brigade have honestly turned it into this, and I get edgy 'redpilled' spiel as a result. Are you actually OneAngryGamer? Did the few times /v/ actually gave you coverage make you feel welcomed, Billy?

>> No.6238115

If you cut any references or appearances by a male in an encounter between two girls, then their motivations and actions in at least one scene are pure of any Y chromosome influence, thus it passes.

Funny you'd mention nazi Billy, because he too attacked Tom because "what a pussy" he was, for trying to compromise with some civil complaints, and not using his accurate translation of a Konami platformer as a teachable moment to attack trannies in general.

>> No.6238845

Requesting a mirror of everything so far.

Maybe on Mega or something, anonfile isn't working for me.

>> No.6238919
File: 2.91 MB, 512x382, RetroArch 2020.02.25 - [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6238937

Super based, thank you, saved me a lot of pain searching for them later.