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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 108 KB, 500x404, meh.ro10883.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
621102 No.621102 [Reply] [Original]

I guess I will start...

>I have never played a single Metroid game
>I have never played a 3D Zelda game
>I hate the N64 controller
>I really don't care for the N64 in general
>I could never get into Yoshi's Island because of its art style
>I have never played a single final fantasy beyond 6
>I grew up preferring Bubsy over Sonic

I am so sorry /vr/ ;__:

>> No.621106

Ikaruga is too hard for me.

>> No.621115


That's pretty bad, but instead of wallowing in your shame you should fix that.


No shame in that son, although if you log eight hours into it the games gives you an infinite continue mode. Leave it at the pause screen or something.

>> No.621114

I absolutely hated Chrono Trigger.

>> No.621131


The N64's joysticks were pretty cheap. Any N64 controller that isn't a replica will have a loose joystick, I guarantee it.

If it's the three handles thing though, I just don't get it. The middle part is where your left hand goes, because that's where the analog stick is. Right hand on the right part.

>> No.621137

I don't get Earthbound.
I've never played a Dragon Quest game.
Sega always sucked.

>> No.621149

I've really come to appreciate the Genesis recently, but Sonic still sucks compared to Mario. Its not even a contest.

>> No.621148
File: 31 KB, 398x347, WtfIsThisNiggerShit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its not the 3 handles that bug me. I just cannot use that analog stick. It always digs into my thumb, no matter how light i push it.

>> No.621176
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Sega always focused too much on their hardware, and not enough on the games.
The Genesis and Dreamcast are good though.

>> No.621178
File: 139 KB, 640x885, battletoads & double dragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a small handful of NES games that I like, and most of them were ones that I've liked for as long as I can remember. I've played most of /vr/'s recommended NES game list and most of them were okay at best, or ones that I already played to death like Battletoads.

I die a little inside when people say that pic related was just a doublecart when it's really superior to the original in every way possible. This applies to all versions, Genesis is just the one I happen to have in my folder

>> No.621184

Don't know about that. Sega arcades were consistently amazing.

>> No.621187

I really don't like these threads, just because from the couple I've read through they degenerate into fights.

But, if you want a confession, I thought the first Bubsy game was good, if a little floaty.

>> No.621190
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I never really played any of their arcade games, so I wouldnt know.
Oh shit, thats probably another thing I should have added to my list...

>> No.621203
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This. I'm a SNES fan who has a Genesis and Sega CD, and I love a lot of the games on the Gen, but Sonic I just don't care for, even though I have 1, 2, 3, Knuckles, and 3D Blast. They're all just kind of 'meh, they're alright' to me.

This was the game that made me want a Genesis.

>> No.621231

Word to the wise. Lube your N64 stick.

>> No.621236

>I just cannot use that analog stick. It always digs into my thumb, no matter how light i push it.
Wear gloves on your left hand. Or try grinding the hard edges down.

>> No.621247

me too

>> No.621253

shouldve been in response to

>> No.621262

I've never actually finished any Final Fantasy game.
I've never liked (not hated, just not liked) any Zelda game.

>> No.621270 [DELETED] 

I don't like JRPGs.
People tell me "Oh you should play Chrono Trigger! You should play Final Fantasy!" and I just cannot get into them.

>> No.621278

I don't like JRPGs.
People tell me "Oh you should play Chrono Trigger! You should play Final Fantasy!" and I just cannot get into them.

>> No.621275

I have never felt the temptation to play a Dragon Quest game.

Any Final Fantasy in the numbered series past VI is anime weeaboo garbage to cash in on the crowd that bought VII, and I say this with my dakimakura and Neon Genesis Evangelion complete set within arm's reach.

>> No.621309

>I guarantee it
I was just surprise with two n64 controllers with joysticks that are absolutely -excellent-. Very responsive and snap back fast. I got them for two dollars too.

>> No.621353

What dey called, nigga?

>> No.621360

Lube them before the sticks grind down, and they'll work for years.

>> No.621363

They official mayne. If they were 3rd party I'd buy a shit ton

>> No.621428

I hate shmups.
Playing the same stages over and over until you get better at them just isn't for me. Though there are of course games in other genres that have silly trial and error sections, I much prefer the continue systems those games have.

>> No.621465

Never played any FF all the way
Never played any PS1 games other than Resident Evil and Silent Hill
Never played any PS2 games
Sold almost all my original Nintendo collection years ago
I cannot finish any game these days, I get bored and overwhelmed
I don't know anyone that likes games, let alone old ones
I have been playing games longer than you have been alive
I bought Pit Fighter

>> No.621509
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>I have never enjoyed a single Final Fantasy
>I never liked old Pokemon, I don't think it got good until Gen III, and not great until Gen IV. V is best.
>I think the SNES sounds terrible compared to Sega Genesis music and sound effects
>I tried really hard one summer to play a bunch of old Atari games but I couldn't enjoy a single one.
>Mega Man is kinda sexy.

>> No.623120


Here u go anon

>> No.623165

To me the only JRPGS I got into were Pokemon, Fire Emblem and Megaman Battle Network since they were a simpler and faster pace.

I don't blame you JRPGs are hard as hell to get into. And I can the same thing for Zelda

The only Zelda game I can remotely enjoy from time to time is A Link to the Past and I love that game over OoT, MM, Zelda 1 and WW

Also, I liked Mario World over Mario 3, California Speed over Rush and Cruisin' USA and I loved the Super Nintendo more even though I grew up with a Genesis and was a Sega fanboy thanks to Gradius 3 and F-Zero

>> No.623182

I really don't like most of the iconic games.
Mega Man is just bland boring, Zelda and Pokemon even more so, Mario never really entertained me.
And it's not like I dislike the genres, I played the fuck out of Bonk and Sonic, I loved Ys and Phantasy Star. It's just that those particular series never really felt entertaining to me.

>> No.623236


Play Super Metroid OP. It's great.

>> No.623254

I think the original Metal Gear on the MSX is a terrible game and the only reason why people give it a free pass is because of the legacy it left. Metal Gear Solid Snape was fucking great though.

>> No.623258

*Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake.

>> No.623280

I've never played a Metal Gear game and have no intention of doing so.
I think Mario 64 has aged extremely poorly and anyone that still claims its good has their nostalgia goggles on too tight.
Only ever played FF7, no others.
Nintendo wasn't a recognizable name for me till the early 2000's.

>> No.623283

Never played a console game, or held a console controller, other than a few visits to a friend with PS1 during middle school.

Never finished BG2:TOB because CBA, consider BG1 a vastly superior game.

Can not force myself to play Planescape Torment or Icewind Dale although I know i would greatly enjoy them both, but again CBA.

I torrented every CoD game since 4 solely for the campaign, and haven't touched multiplayer since cod5

Whenever I play an RPG, or any game with RPG elements or choices really, i look up all the quests beforehand to solve them in an optimal manner and build my characters in an optimal way to make use of the best quest rewards. I never tackled Mass Effect for this reason, I can not be arsed to read the plot and quests of 3 games before i start, but i know i cant start without it.

I'm so sorry /vr/ ;_;

>> No.623285

it says they're designed to be more like GCN sticks... does that mean they're as tight and snappy as the GCN control sticks? because when playing the Zelda64 games with a gamecube controller, aiming the bow&arrow or slingshot is always nightmarishly annoying to me.

i can snipe bats in the distance like no other with a well functioning 1st party n64 stick. problem is just that they wear out unfortunately. =(

>> No.623294

I think anyone who says that just sucks at Mario 64.

The controls are actually pretty amazing. Even if you compare it to the newer 3D marios - it's almost impossible to do a sideways somersault in the SMGalaxy games. half the time he'll just do a quick U-turn instead of reversing and skidding.

meh, maybe my nostalgia glasses are on too tight -and- i'm just too good at the game. whatever.

>> No.623301
File: 71 KB, 1000x382, SHfamitsuPoster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Owned Silent Hill for 12 years yet haven't made a serious attempt at beating it until now....
Then again, I've always had massive backlog problems. I sometimes put off highly acclaimed games just so I can play something else on a whim. The result are about 15 years of kind of dodging the mainstream without planing to do it. Anyone else have this problem?

>> No.623305


"Solid Snape and the Metallurgist's Gear" sounds like fun

>> No.623314

I haven't used them myself yet, haven't done much N64 gaming, but I assume they function similarly to GCN sticks. All I can say is try them for yourself.

>> No.623458
File: 371 KB, 761x555, Solid snape and the metallurgists gear.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking done.

>> No.623474

>I could never get into sonic, it's bland and repetitive compared to mario
>I can't stand going to the arcades, they're a waste of money
>The Atari 2600 is a joke, you can hardly call those games
>I hate FF and RPGs in general, turn based combat and grinding don't make any sense
>I could enjoy games like Ghouls n' Ghosts or Ninja Gaiden if they weren't so damn hard

And the list goes on...
Man, I'm bitter today...

>> No.623487

I tell everybody that I love Super Metroid and that it's one of my favorite games in an effort to look good, but in reality I've never beaten the game and I can't get anywhere in some parts without using a guide.

>> No.623512

None of those are bad except the first one. You should give either Super Metroid or Metroid Prime a go.

The rest just goes to show you have good taste. Except the last one which is just odd but completely forgivable.

>> No.623523


What the hell, man?
It's not even difficult.

>> No.623528


The only part I got stuck at and looked up was the giant shrimp boss. I just missed something really obvious. It's not really a hard game but you can make it as hard as you want. That's what I like about it. It's like it's designed to be speedrun.

>> No.623529

I'm very dense, I get lost a lot.

>> No.623543

>I didn't know what a N64 was before I joined this website
>I didn't know what Zelda was before I joined this website
>I never played a Nintendo game other than Mario before I started emulation

>> No.623547

>I have never beaten Contra 3 on anything other than easy mode.
>I've only beaten Final Fantasy 6 and 9.
>Never finished the first Resident Evil because it's too scary.

>> No.623604
File: 211 KB, 486x580, Bubsy[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, whatever blows your hair back.

>> No.623613

>never really liked Nintendo games

>> No.623616
File: 43 KB, 669x627, 1360305611899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


please don't give me flashbacks to that Bubsy cartoon

>> No.623624

>>I think Zelda games are over rated and repetitive
>>I tried playing Metroid games and they bored the shit out of me.
>>System Shock 2 is over rated. Deus Ex, and hell Bioshock I found vastly better

>> No.623628



>> No.623632

Dude, that's Amanda Berry.

>> No.623641

You're wrong about everything you ever knew.

Well, Deus Ex is better than SS2, but that's not the point.

>> No.623642

Majoras Mask is the only Zelda I've never finished.

I must have started finished the first temple like a dozen times but always lose interest in it soon afterwards.

>> No.623664
File: 29 KB, 377x377, 45n645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I like CT but it gets seriously way too much praise. In fact I never even finished it because I was getting bored playing the DS remake. The music is often praised as soundtrack of the year when really it's also just above average in my opinion. It's like Earthbound in my mind that it's more about riding that cool train than actually like it, which makes me feel terrible for the actual fans who love it for what it is. Ah well.

I hate every Star Fox starting with Assault. People say it was solid, fuck no it was not. 64 to Assault was straight awful including the voice changes, those horrible foot missions, introduction of a blue fox in place of the ever awesome Peppy, and the Aparoids are straight dumb.

I never liked Metroid games, but I never hated them either. I didn't grow up with any and while I can appreciate them from a technical perspective it just feels like a bland scifi setting. It's not really bad it's just not my thing.

I've always been a Nintendo kid but I appreciated Sega even back in the day and their death (though self inflicted) I find a shame. Sega Genesis is one of my favorite consoles ever and I've never owned one I only played it at my friend's house. The graphics and the sound are fantastic in it's uniqueness.

>> No.623693

I'm European, and the Nintendo focus of 4chan surprised me for a while.
Nobody gave a shit about Nintendo here because their consoles sucked. NES games ran at much slower speeds and I personally have yet to meet a single person who had a N64. It just wasn't a thing here. People moved from the Genesis to PS1.

>> No.623705
File: 136 KB, 161x137, 1366211651243.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I consider my self a Deus Ex fan Despite only playing deus ex human revolution. And i cant get in to the first Deus Ex because the control's feel super odd.

>> No.623712


The bad voice acting roped me in immediately. I could not put it down.

>> No.623741

>I hate Earthbound's combat so much that I actually gave up on the game 1h in, despite trying it multiple times
>I don't like HoM&M3 that much, it's only good when you're playing hotseat with friends
>I've never played any of the Warcraft, Starcraft and Diablo games
>I can't play FF7 because the graphics are just atrocious and hard to look at, I've tried the game at least 3 times
>OOT and ALttP are mediocre games
>I like Metroid Fusion more than Super Metroid, despite it's flaws
>Cannot get into games like Baldur's Gate, Icewind Dale, Morrowind no matter how much I try, these games seem so boring at the beginning that I just give up

>> No.623743

>I haven't been able to play vidya for a few months
There is no reason for it that I can think of, I think I'm just growing up. I only come here occasionally because I like the nostalgia.

>> No.623757

Why shouldn't we?

What could possibly go wrong?

>> No.623776
File: 415 KB, 550x418, s7rbQUr[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did I mention I don't like heights?

>> No.624098


You are my hero of the day

>> No.624135

I hate the controls the controls in the 2D Mario games (especially World). I just find them so maniacally floaty and loose to the extent where I don't have enough time to see an enemy coming and slow down. 2D Sonic, on the other hand, I found to have pitch-precise controls that allowed for absolute freedom of control.

>> No.624253

>mario controls loose
>sonic controls tight

Dude, pass the bong this way next

>> No.624273

just kill yourself already

>> No.624360

Here I Go
>Ripper Roo was the only part of the ps1 crash bandicoot games that I couldn't beat.

Now i'll just list all the other games I can't beat

Mega Drive
>Micromachines 96
>Batman forever
>streets of rage
>Predator 2

>worms world party
>Soulblade edgemaster mode
>Jersey Devil
>Deathtrap dungeon

and i've never completed any final fantasy mario or resi evil game

How shit am I

>> No.624474


>Ripper Roo

Now that I think about it he probably was the hardest boss in Crash 1 and 2 even though he was still piss easy.

>> No.624497

I was too stupid as a kid to even figure out the timing. He's on the list because i'm too ashamed to go back and beat him.

>> No.625629

>Always been intuitively a PC-gamer since 7, playing dos-games
>Had a Sega Genesis instead of SNES
>My favorite game on the sega was Mcdonald's Treasure Land Adventure
>Shunned the N64 for still using cartridges
>Never actually got introduced to the FF series or Zelda as a kid
>Loved pokemon and even had a TCG gym

But I really can't complain. I got to experience most of the worthwhile games on all major platforms.
My neighborhood was a video game mecca and everyone seemed to have one console or the other.
This board is now my religion.

>> No.625669

I never liked the Zelda series that much.

There were a few I liked and all of them were 2D. The only 3D one I liked was Twilight Princess(not retro but yeah).

>> No.625780

Why sorry? Why is that a confession? You are a bro! N64 sucks and true zelda is 2d zelda.

>> No.625820

i dont like megaman or mario i find them both extremely boring

>> No.625946
File: 253 KB, 718x669, 1364569476652.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never played a single game of the following franchises (and I don't have any intention at the moment):

Tomb Raider
The Legend of Zelda
Call of Duty
Medal of Honor
Doom (basically, any popular fps you can think. I don't like the genre except for a couple of games)
Metal Gear
Smash Bros.
Any of the popular ips of SNK (KoF, Metal Slug, etc.)
Basically any JRPG franchise you can think of except for Final Fantasy and some Squaresoft games.

>> No.625965


Don't be sorry and try to repare your mistakes.

Metroid games are great but it's not a big loss if you haven't play them.

N64 controller is not so great, it's big, the joystick is shitty, the dpad is useless.

Not caring for the n64 is almost normal, it had really a few games, and fewer really good games. Try playing mario 64 and goldeneye, they are really good.

The yoshi's island style is something I don't understand, it was so beautiful and unique by the time and for the snes. The gameplay was great and original, everything was really good in this game...

>> No.626018

I can only play like 3 games at a time, and ive been playing games since i was 4. Meanwhile, all of my friends play like 12 games at once and most of them started gaming in highschool.

>> No.626024

> I love metroidvania games a lot more than the originals castlevania
> I hate sonic, for me it's just a bad and tasteless copy of mario, don't understand the fun in it
> I don't like sega consoles in general
> I have never played any half life
> I have never played any resident evil
> I buy litteraly hundreds of games and don't play them (even if I have planned to but I never find the time) it's like a illness, I love to make a collection but I don't play very much [anymore nonetheless]

>> No.626067

I think that Metroid is mediocre for the repetitive scenario and no real soundtrack.

15 stages and only one boss makes Super Mario 64 the worst in the serie to me.

I think that Final Fantasy is a bad RPG serie, and most games looks ugly for their time, and when not (VIII, XII), are unpolished.

>> No.626080


Stop saying shit, I'm european and I've got every nintendo console, and I don't know anybody who haven't got at least one nintendo console/handheld.

It wasn't a thing for you doesn't mean it wasn't a thing for all the europe...

>> No.626091


I love Dx:Hr really much, but I can't understand how you become fan just with this episode, the first one is way more better

>> No.626104


I hate people who consider playing videogames is for youngs... Growing up isn't a reason to stop, you just don't like it enough...

>> No.626225

I prefer Majora's Mask over Ocarina of Time

I've never played a Contra game

I've never played Earthbound

I've never played the original Zelda (but I just ordered a copy, so that's about to change).

>> No.626506
File: 7 KB, 225x225, rollin'.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bubsy over sonic?
Get you facts straight, son

>> No.626572

>Majora's Mask is the best Zelda, and probably the crowning achievement in video game storytelling.
>Wind Waker is only worth playing once.
>The GameCube has the best controller. Ever. In every respect.
>I have never played a Final Fantasy
>I have never played any serious RPG for that matter, with the exception being the Paper Mario series.
>Sega did absolutely suck. Only had Sanic, and I always prefered the Mario platforming formula.
>I used to use a DS for all of my classic vidya needs but I got yogurt in the card slot.
>I use save states
>If a game does not get to the fucking point within 30 minutes, I usually put it down.

>> No.626591
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>I got yogurt in the card slot
How'd that happen?

>> No.626604
File: 448 KB, 500x275, 1346820727089.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dropped my copy of Mario 64 into a cup of it.
I thought licking it off would help.
It didn't

>> No.626617

I feel your pain, anon.

>> No.626917

I can only get through long games if I'm marathoning them with friends. I tend to play retro action/platform games in my spare time. I did just order Sweet Home for the NES, hopefully I won't get sidetracked.

>> No.626929

Last summer my friend and I played Silent Hill for nine hours straight, then beat it the next day. Playing with friends helps me.

>> No.626993

>>If a game does not get to the fucking point within 30 minutes, I usually put it down.
Christ, try getting started in Persona 4. ALL THAT TEXT TO READ.

>> No.627002

>I never liked any Final Fantasy.
>I never really liked any rpg other then Pokemon.
I'm sorry....

>> No.627017
File: 8 KB, 210x253, Ripper_Roo_en_CTR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yfw you realize Ripper Roo is foreverially tied up