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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 49 KB, 474x492, Esprade.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6210706 No.6210706 [Reply] [Original]

Esprade came out in '98, it's a flying game made by a hentai company called CAVE, it features a couple androgynous boys and a loli with super-psycho powers (think Akira). The last boss is a woman cult-leader (think Hilary Clinton) and basically impossible to beat; the game is jank as hell but okay for short sessions.
Do I enjoy it? I don't know, but I managed to get to the stage 4 boss today somehow...

I think the setting, aesthetics, story and characters would work great as jrpgs. There's a lot going on here, too bad it's just a flat 2D flying game.

>> No.6210934

only if is an ARPG.
I'm not very fond of turn base combat.

>> No.6210948

>The last boss is a woman cult-leader (think Hilary Clinton)
Was this really necessary? She's a piece of fucking shit but you just sound juvenile talking like this.

>> No.6211012

try the touhou games op, sounds like they'd be more your speed.

>> No.6211020

This is the guy who called cave a hentai company

the bait is a bit too spicy for me

>> No.6211527

i thought cave just made shootymups

>> No.6211598 [DELETED] 
File: 213 KB, 1131x572, dadpill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, figures a JRPGnigger would be turned on by Tranny Ra.De ...

>> No.6211982

>hentain company called CAVE
they did sell fake loli piss as a PR stunt. Pathetic.

>> No.6211986

literally triggered.

>> No.6212037 [DELETED] 

Same can be applied with Trump.

>> No.6212478

>>hentai company called CAVE
>they did sell fake loli piss as a PR stunt
based but also cringe

>> No.6212483

>games that should be non-games

Mmh that'll be a big NO, anon.

>> No.6212495

memorizing a strict and static routine isn't a game, it's more like a dance performance or recital.

>> No.6212498

Its far more of a game than selecting attack from menu and skipping braindead dialogie

>> No.6212507
File: 25 KB, 292x400, ogre-battle-luct.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm half-way through Ogre Battle (LUCT) and I'm sitting here savoring every moment of it.
As I get older and wiser I distance myself from pure action games and delve into something more cerebral; games that tickle my curiosity and test my wits instead of my dexterity and vision, [as if I were a child learning to juggle?].

I look back at myself, not a year over 30 and think: "Is there anything sadder than a grown man vigorously jerking an arcade stick trying to win at fighter games or shooting games?"
From now on, it's only volumes of the mind, deep lore, and strategic thinking yielding the purest and noblest of challenges.

>> No.6212509

Thats the sign of your brain atrophying, next step is gacha shit

>> No.6212515

>As I get older and wiser I distance myself from pure action games and delve into something more cerebral
Really? Either you're "older and wiser" as in 16 years old, or we're diametral opposites. I used to play "cerebral" games exclusively until I was about 25 when I switched to gameplay-centric, high-challenge games, most of which are action titles or extreme puzzlers like Zacktronics's. Thank god I played FFT back then at least, because LUCT I just can't make myself to enjoy anymore.

>> No.6212527
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A 25 year old man might get away with riding a unicycle while juggling some bananas. But as he reaches 30 such displays of "skill" will be embarrassing and even shameful. Like 30 year old women desperately trying to appear hip and trendy, they are clinging to youth out of confusion and vanity. Embrace old age and the wisdom it brings.

>> No.6212536

Shmup have RNG too, and not all scoring system are DDP-strict either

Esprade's one is pretty free form in particular, you cant braindead your way through those milkings

In the other hand menuing and reading text isnt gaming AT ALL

>> No.6212542

No game should ever be a JRPG.

>> No.6212548

Damn, I sure hope that I don't become a soulless female-brained dope who shuns fun activities to appear adult to some imaginary audience as soon as I hit 30. A 30 year old who stays in shape, rides a unicycle and juggles well as a hobby is cool in my book

>> No.6212572

>There's a lot going on here, too bad it's just a flat 2D flying game.

if this was a JRPG it would be a cringe jarpig game with it's charm diluted across 20-40 hours of """gameplay""" and """deep story"""

>> No.6212575

Keep in mind that your view is extremely immature.

>> No.6212619

Pretty ironic how a handful of /vr/ posters keep hating on the most /vr/ genre there is, while being obsessed with RPGs - a genre used as a base for most modern games mechanics.

>> No.6212629

>a genre used as a base for most modern aggresive monetization schemes


>> No.6212643

It's interesting that a lot of people compare arcades to cancerous modern forms of monetization when, in reality, they are the byproduct of developing RPG mechanics and home console and growing PC markets. Almost all of the mechanics used to keep people hooked are taken from early RPG's - randomized loot, avatar-building (or profile for that matter), levels, experience, a shift away from skill-based progress to pure time investment, and so on. At the same time the games borrow a lot of the social elements of MUD, which themselves are a spinoff of RPG's. It's only fitting that the iconic example of micro-transactions is a piece of horse armor made for an RPG, because it's a completely natural evolution of the genre.

>> No.6212717

It's your generic japanese weirdness about psychic powers and odd young characters again. I don't know why it would make a particularly interesting RPG. At least, for and arcade game it makes you use your imagination to fill the gaps and so make it the lore feel bigger and more stimulating.

>> No.6212723
File: 59 KB, 600x855, 1323210621001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally I blame fortnite and gacha mobile-shmups on retro shmups

>> No.6213842

Blame Pokemon and Rare Collect-a-thon games.

>> No.6213852
File: 626 KB, 1692x1194, 1371016795458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just give me a full fledged arpg with these graphics and I'd be in fucking heaven.

>> No.6213891

I know OP is trying to shitpost but I actually do think it's great when a shmup or other arcadey game series branches out into other genres. I played a lot of R-Type when I was younger but as my tastes evolved I started enjoying shmups less and less. Then R-Type Tactics came out and gave me basically everything I ever wanted from the series.

>> No.6213906

The charm of arcade games is that they have incredible art assets and world design but it's all just running in the background instead of getting run into the ground over 40-60 hours of gameplay. It retains a mystique that a JRPG can't hope to have.

>> No.6213969

some of their artwork made me wonder if he's basically correct

>> No.6213997

What's charming about arcade games is actually very little.

>> No.6214015

That cant be right, dont you love playing an rpg and hearing 30 seconds of the same battle theme for dozens of hours while you press A repeatedly to deal with endless braindead encounters and feel your brain slowly shuts down from a lack of engagement?

>> No.6214179
File: 63 KB, 314x418, 600x800.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dont you love playing an rpg and hearing 30 seconds of the same battle theme for dozens of hours
Yes. JRPG music is best music.

>> No.6214190

Not a fare comparison my dude, jrpgs have huge budgets and hire actual composers and musicians. Most shmups are low budget, the music is made in house by the staff or just stolen techno beats from Europe.

>> No.6214192


When you demand to explore every inch and understand every tidbit of a world, the mystery dies. This is how games and franchises get completely evaporated of meaning: with wikis and 300-hour play times, with senseless fetch-quests, YouTube video essays, and "theorycrafting". With companion novels and endless sequels. One day you'll understand.

>> No.6214216

Can you say that again, but in coherent English?

>> No.6214223
File: 12 KB, 320x240, 1581314819330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M2 ports and the FF7 remake make me want to buy a PS4!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.6214231
File: 56 KB, 680x394, anti-anime-association.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting anime, weebnigger.

>> No.6214250
File: 22 KB, 540x404, 1582127471384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6214463


>> No.6214478

>30 this year
Fuck lads anybody wanna buy my unicycle and bananas off me

>> No.6214665
File: 149 KB, 1126x665, p2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

take the turn-based pill.

>> No.6214767

Insanely overrated ost from a shit game

>> No.6214798

And despite the small budget they still blew jrpgs the fuck out, not that budget matters very much when you are working with standardized sound chips or shitty samples. Hell shmups even do jrpg soundtracks better, see Hitoshi Sakimoto's work with Raizing and Treasure

>> No.6214860

>And despite the small budget they still blew jrpgs the fuck out
>Hell shmups even do jrpg soundtracks better
shmups have mediocre to bad soundtracks. Only a couple stand out as above mediocre.
What's worse is listening to the same 20minute OST for dozens of hours, yuck

>> No.6214867

Not enough gay flutes and shitty samples for you? Terrible tastes.
>What's worse is listening to the same 20minute OST for dozens of hours
You play RPG's, endless repetition of music should be right up your alley, and in shmups you even get to hear whole tracks in a sequence instead of the first 30 seconds

>> No.6214875

>What's worse is listening to the same 20minute OST for dozens of hours, yuck
Most players turn shmup music off

>> No.6214881

They literally don't, even when playing the games for over a thousand hrs

>> No.6214893

>What's worse is listening to the same 20minute OST for dozens of hours
who plays the same shmup for dozens of hour"? 5 people in the west? They're meant to be played in short sessions for the spectacle and instant gratification.

>> No.6214896

Not at a time you dope, is the only kind of playing jarpigs can fathom binge playing all day?

>> No.6214910

I meant total.

>> No.6214915

Nah bollocks. There's a shitton of 1cc collectors out there, it's a very fun playstyle if you have any amount of experience, skill and know how to practice moderation. If you approach the genre like you approach JRPG's and just play for hours daily then it'll be frustrating

>> No.6214925

>If you approach the genre like you approach JRPG's and just play for hours daily then it'll be frustrating
So you have to trick yourself and set limits? I don't get it. If the shmup is good why isn't it good for a couple hours at a time?

>> No.6214940

Practicing moderation isn't "tricking yourself", any game with challenge inevitably involves frustration in addition to fun and satisfaction, most of the time that frustration isn't a problem at all and infact enhances the fun. But if you're binging on video games, you can enter a feedback loop where frustration degrades your performance and causes more frustration, at which point it's better to take a break and come back later. This is also very effective for improving, and not just at games. It's a nice approach because it's just you and the game with no bullshit in between, the real tricks are things like progression systems which are deliberately designed to keep the player hooked. In shmups the way you play is completely in your hands and there's a huge range of playstyles.

>> No.6214949

don't listen to him, he's not selling the genre well

>> No.6214962

Begone touhoutard

>> No.6215036

/vr/ hates shmups? what happened?

>> No.6215079

Some rpgfags got really upset at shmup players making offhand comments shit talking rpgs in shmup threads so they're dedicating their time to shitposting about how shmups are bad, they are even extending it to competitive/challenge based games as a whole now. The insecurity runs deep

>> No.6215093

I like jrpgs AND shmups. Whatcha gonna do now?

>> No.6215098

Play what you want, you'll find a lot of company since lots of shmups players also play RPGs. The endless shitposting is the problem not the tastes.

>> No.6215108
File: 1.88 MB, 200x145, 1582161077455.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I like jrpgs AND shmups.
>I like menuing games, getting the +5 magic swords of elf slaying and reading dialogue

>> No.6215120

It's kinda sad honestly. I like some JRPGS but this shit posting is just pathetic.

>> No.6215123

wow shmup players are MAD!

>> No.6215124

Personally I love when games that aren't JRPGs have atmosphere, music and character design on the level of JRPGs. It shows dedication to their game world as well as to the creation of a fantastic action game. It's rare that a game has both, which is why they're so universally loved when they do.

>> No.6215134


they burn out after 20minutes of shmupping, so they come here to vent at us

>> No.6215137

You think these threads are sad? Keep in mind that one of the guys has been doing this for literally a year, possibly more. He came into shmupg specifically to shit on shmups, imagine that life.

>> No.6215171
File: 69 KB, 686x590, rent_free.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6215176

As I said its not jrpgs or their players, just some obsessed shitposter and a couple of butt buddies

>> No.6215539

Shmupfags decided the reason arcade genres in general died is because of the rise in popularity of RPGs and progression-based games, so they bully RPG players and plan shitpost raids on RPG threads.

>> No.6215583

Seems like the exact opposite from what I see

>> No.6216324

Yes I've seen that argument from the deranged shmup autist.

>> No.6216638

>practice moderation
>1cc collectors
that's how you become mediocre and regress, not progress and get good.
a game with fixed enemy attacks and fixed enemy positions is infinitely easier to approach in a fixed manner and there is no muscle memory involved just doing random shit in moderation

it only shows how the biggest obstacle to becoming good is having fun in the process because people would rather pretend that you can get by on reactions and just blindly playing 30 minutes a day, and how it's not important at all to have a strict plan to grind over and over, because they find the idea of playing the game in the exact same way every single time (or god forbid playing 1 game exclusively instead of dadhopping across a dozen) utterly repulsive

why is the shmup genre dead you ask? Because it's inherently unfun to get good at, and casuals who flail for 20minutes aren't doing the genre any favors

>> No.6216707


He's not wrong. RPG elements have been injected into almost every genre over the time because they're an easy way to pad out length and let people brute force their way through challenges

>> No.6216753

> let people brute force their way through challenges
credit feeding is an arcade element

>> No.6216762

>tfw people don't believe this
ive seen screenshots of the shmuptard discord and they literally do this

>> No.6216967

Getting good at any game will always have work like unfun elements, is this a new concept to you? Thing is that again, the games let you control your own engagement and expect that from you. Want to do some brainless runs to see nice visuals while drooling over the stick? Credit feed. Want a fun satisfying but very doable challenge? Go for easy to mid tier 1cc's. Want to push yourself more than that? Go for 2-ALLs or decent scoring milestones. Want to go nuts and literally dedicate yoir life to a game? Go for GOOD scores. Vastly different playstyles which allow for vastly different amounts of dedication. The second of which is extremely common and allows you to become better just by doing quick runs. Also your general skill grows over time and you become less sensitive to frustration, so the more difficult styles of play can come naturally.

>> No.6216970

Can you link these raids on RPG threads by shmupfags? The opposite is easy since this whole thread is an example. Are you going to dodge again?

>> No.6216973


The shmuptard is easy to spot

>> No.6216976

One post? Surely you can do better than that, this is an entire thread thats dedicated to shitting on shmups, and the shmups thread itself has random unprompted whinge posts by jarpigs, which is an actual indication of a sustained raid. Wouldnt be surprised if discord was involved

>> No.6217034

> Want a fun satisfying but very doable challenge? Go for easy to mid tier 1cc's.
Those are boring and unsatisfying.
>Want to push yourself more than that? Go for 2-ALLs or decent scoring milestones. Want to go nuts and literally dedicate yoir life to a game?
That is a waste of a life and effort.

>> No.6217040

>shumpfags playing the victim

cringe. you are the niggers of this board. deal with it and go back to discord where you belong.

>> No.6217043

>Those are boring and unsatisfying.
They're the most popular challenge among shmup players, with 2-ALLs, extremely hard modes (think Ultra) and serious score play being more niche because they require more long term commitment. The challenge itself is both engaging and satisfying especially when you are still learning, but even top-tier players like Iconoclast still enjoy their quick clears. Scoring is also insanely dynamic in most games, you can set any milestone for yourself and stop after reaching it. It's all about knowing your own limits and preferences, and the genre expects this from you which is a breath of fresh air and very respectful.

>> No.6217045

Only nigger behavior I'm seeing is from some jarpigs desu, shmupbros don't raid threads all day. Actually I'm not even sure if they play jrpg's, seems like they're more interested in shitting up shmup threads than video games in general.

>> No.6217049

all the top players are quitting the genre because it's trash lmao

>> No.6217050

Not really true, there's a lot of players that have been in the scene since the early 2000's and are still around. But high level play is more common among younger players with more free time & energy, yes.

>> No.6217051
File: 60 KB, 750x750, 1581841751467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rent free.

>> No.6217058

Nice selfie, though the "rent free" comment is a bit retarded given the thread we're in. But if you posted this in the other shmup thread it would be equally stupid since we just had a guy move his shitpost from the RPG thread into the shmups thread lol

>> No.6217061

that image is you, go play a shmup for more than 20seconds instead of making us look like retards

>> No.6217069

Lmao what is this feminine nonsense, besides I thought you hated "shmupfags" and called them the niggers of the board

>> No.6217073

>Not liking both
Also, winning at fighting game requires more thinking than any of the turn-based game.

>> No.6217079

There is nothing wrong with his English.

>> No.6217081

shmup players are trying to advertise shmups and promote the genre because the genre is dying and their top players are quitting, their best companies are bankrupt, all the new shmups are mobile trash. It's not a secret. Their youtube content is weak, they have no presence on twitch. Their forums are a joke. The discords are just as bad.
Any time someone critiques a shmup or shmups in general a couple of them freak out and overcompensate and start shitposting on /vr/ like turbo retards.Which makes the player base look even WORSE.
Just tone it down. You're acting like little bitches.

>> No.6217083

>rent free.
No kidding, like I said they think some jrpg cabal is out to get them.

>> No.6217091

I'm simply writing normal responses to that criticism, which always makes the "critics" back away and retreat into pure shitposting instead of addressing any points. See : >>6217049
Furthermore, some of these "critics" will just rehash the same post if they don't get any (You)'s.

>> No.6217096

It's not really much of a cabal, a couple of dedicated shitposters is all it takes.

>> No.6217132
File: 121 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

looks like the shmuptroll actually made that thread he was shitposting in, the whole thing got deleted and his shmup bait? Hopefully he doesn't ban evade for a while. Now we can go back to the TOPIC.

>Games that should be JRPGs
How about Giga Wing? or Streets of Rage 2? a fleshed out story would be great

>> No.6217136

yes, it's pretty sad. why can't they just accept that their primitive genre isn't fit to survive in the modern age? it's unhealthy to keep being this obsessed about it. there's little room for change or innovation due to how simplistic and cookie-cutter they are. the biggest 'innovation' that happened in shumps almost 30+ years ago was just adding more bullets to them until it became something exclusively for autistic savants. RPGs or other modern videogame genres didn't kill shmups, they killed themselves.

>> No.6217141

Bans delete posts by IP, shmup threads went untouched.
It's not really primitive, the gameplay depth is all there especially with scoring combined with unlocked free movement giving it limitless potential. They just didn't embrace progression and story shit, and the console structure which is what the industry is moving towards, outside of gacha shmups which are their own thing. In that sense yes they killed themselves but that's fine, the genre will always exist even if it's niche, for people who are fed up with the usual manipulative homogenized bs in modern games.

>> No.6217148

>It's not really primitive

it absolutely is. they are the exact same as they were in the 90s. JRPGs in the style of DQ died out too. the difference is that they could evolve beyond just that unlike shmups.

>> No.6217156

For starters, that's not true, they have seen a lot of development and experimentation in mechanics. Games like Guwange, Ikaruga, Revolver 360, Zero Gunner 2, Psyvariar, Espgayluda, and more are very unique games with interesting mechanics not found elsewhere baked into both scoring and survival. How many other genres made really tight, deep games and fun around real time control of 2 player objects? Most of them are gimmicky puzzle games, and when The World Ends With You did something similar a decade later it got showered with praise despite the mechanics not being nearly as cohesive or polished.

Secondly, RPG's in the style of Dragon Quest have not stopped getting made, most of them owe most of their mechanics to old school FF or DQ, and the newest Dragon Quest is one of the most popular games in the series. Mainline SMT has also had more or less the same gameplay since the 90's with slight tweaks. The bulk of development in most genres happened in the 90's, since then it was relatively minor spins on the formula, and addition of various extrinsic elements.

>> No.6217164

> They just didn't embrace progression and story shit, and the console structure which is what the industry is moving towards
That's a silly argument, story and progression don't benefit all genres like they benefit rpgs. Fighting games didn't go all out on story/progression and they are doing just fine. If shmups wanted to stay relevant they would have to be more innovative with their own mechanics and have better marketing, but Cave could not carry the whole industry by itself.

>the genre will always exist even if it's niche, for people who are fed up with the usual manipulative homogenized bs in modern games.
Shmups are very homogenized and have manipulative mechanics as well, you think it's just a coincidence that some players get addicted to collecting medals/chips and getting those big juicy cancels? Binge playing is a big thing in the shmup community when you talk to good players, not scrubs. Shmups are made by guys very familiar with pachinko slot machines and understand addictive mechanics, even when they are objectively unfun and unenjoyable. Yes there is skill involved but there's also rng and reward-mechanisms to keep you hooked.

>> No.6217171


>> No.6217173

Fighting games added heavier story elements and progression, but it's apples and oranges because multiplayer games will always have appeal due to the social aspects, it's more of a matter of cultivating communities and platforms than it is about game design.
>Shmups are very homogenized and have manipulative mechanics as well
They aren't homogenized in the same sense, they're similar games because it's a niche genre, however the genre itself offers a very specific experience and doesn't go for the "a little bit of everything" approach that modern gaming loves. There are some manipulative mechanics (since game design as a whole is manipulation) but they are minimal and mostly inherent to games as a concept.
>Binge playing is a big thing in the shmup community when you talk to good players, not scrubs
Which big players? Bananamatic got really good with reasonable amounts of hours. But regardless, this isn't really relevant because high level play is very niche. The genre allows for binge playing, it does not however encourage it in any way. Arcade games are one of the most hostile styles of games for binge players.

>> No.6217174

>translation: zoomers who can't read consider RPGs non games

>> No.6217176

>lists a bunch of bullet hells that i mentioned in my first post
>even includes oldass ones from the 90s

lmao. adding more bullets is not real innovation. it's still almost the same shit, except these are for even more severely autistic people.

>and the newest Dragon Quest is one of the most popular games in the series

exception, not the rule. it's also not the exact same as the older DQs. it doesn't have random encounters for example.

>Mainline SMT has also had more or less the same gameplay since the 90's with slight tweaks

niche series that's almost dead now.

>> No.6217178
File: 389 KB, 1920x1080, the-top-25-rpgs-of-all-time-8-dragon-quest-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all this pointless analysis
You know a genre is doing poorly when it can't even retain its fans and top players, let alone create new fans.
Just ask all the top players who loved the genre and gave up on it why they quit. The genre itself is intrinsically unpleasant, it presents a cost-benefit situation to the player that comes out negative every time. Either you become a flailing dadshitter who plays 20minutes a day to hide the fact that the genre is really dull and unpleasant, or you go full shmup and ruin your life to see higher scores appear on your screen. There's no fine middle ground for normal competitive players to enjoy. Kusoclears are not satisfying or worth 30hours or even 20hours, no matter what that one guy says.
Quit while you still can.
I'd rather be playing Final Fantasy, DQ and MH. And I am.

>> No.6217179

What the fuck is this chink blasphemy? Fuck your chink anime/manga shit.

>> No.6217180

people are waking up.....only arcade games I can stand are fighters and some beat em ups

>> No.6217183

>adding more bullets is not real innovation
Shifting the focus away from a small amount of fast bullets was an innovation but that's the tip of the iceberg. Why aren't you addressing the games I brought up and their innovations?
>exception, not the rule
Pretty huge exception there. Removing random encounters isn't a big change at all, by the same token I can say that DDP games are very different because each one changes core mechanics and tweaks scoring.
>niche series that's almost dead now.
So SMT is bad and primitive by JRPG standards, then?

>> No.6217186

The fuck is gacha? Kill everyone who uses Japanese words instead of their American English translations.

>> No.6217190

>D&D + Jap shit art
>give me
No, Jesus fuck, no.

>> No.6217191


>> No.6217192

>There's no fine middle ground for normal competitive players to enjoy
There's plenty of lower scores on the board, 1cc's are a thing also. You can easily find a shit ton of players who play an hour a day and have a blast while getting 1cc's and even decent scores. Kusoclears are satisfying to most players, and even a lot of top players because they alternate between scoring and kusoclears, don't project.

>> No.6217195

Also, your binge playing mindset shines through in this post. It seems like you can either get addicted to games, or avoid them entirely. Well, that's not really a problem to people with self-control. It's like shitting on fighting games because being the best is an endless grind. You choose your level of commitment based on what you enjoy.

>> No.6217196

I don't know why the shmup autist thinks posting on 4chan in any capacity is going to bring back shmups.

>> No.6217198

Do they? As far as I can tell they just want to discuss the games instead of having their threads shit up by non-players.

>> No.6217201

Whatever you say, I have NEVER felt any gratification from playing these shitty death fests. All they do is piss me off, they are ugly and not fun at all.

>> No.6217203

because i already did in my original post. they are barely different at all and they have been around since the 90s. you even posted one from the 90s in your post.

>> No.6217204

>caring about women instead of caring about pussy
Fuck that, you and them.

>> No.6217206

somehow i misquoted so hard that i quoted myself: >>6217183

>> No.6217215

>completely different games with unique mechanics not found anywhere else
>barely different at all
Lol. Is it literally the fact that they're based around their core gameplay and are structured like arcade games still that's tripping you up? Besides, you'll be hard pressed to name RPG's that don't have some 90's equivalents. And you're avoiding the question, is SMT bad and primitive because it barely changed? Obviously not.

>> No.6217219

> Well, that's not really a problem to people with self-control.
I have self-control and I know when I'm wasting time playing a genre that's inherently low quality and uninteresting. Memorizing routes got boring fast.

>Do they?
>we dindu nuffin! we da good bois!!!
You aren't tricking anyone. The shmuptard who made this thread: >>/vr/thread/6216810 was banned for baiting and samefagging, purely to stir up jrpg genre wars and prop up shmups. This isn't new, stop lying, they've been doing this for years and it's really stale.

>> No.6217224

If a "shmuptard" made the thread and got banned, how come all posts are intact here and in the other shmup threads? In fact, the only posts in that thread that were deleted were made by JRPG fans. Hmmm.

>> No.6217226

DQXI is absolutely the worst game in the series, probably specifically because it is the most accessible. Those characters look like shit and voiceovers are for retarded dicksucking zoomers who can't read. The Brits also pretty much ruined the series with their "Frizz" and renaming bullshit, but that's old news.

>> No.6217227

I stopped playing shmups after I cleared Giga Wang and Dodonpachi. I looked at other shmups and they all felt very samey. Do I really want to grind another route for dozens of hours? Do I really want to 'learn' another shmup? No not really.
How about a 2-all? fuck no.

I'm playing Langrisser 2 and SMT: Devil Survivor Overclocked and the challenge is similar to DDP or Giga Wing clear, except none of it involves grinding the same routes over and over, it's all novel stuff, different encounters, different battles, and I'm half way in. I like challenges where I have to think tactically instead of reacting and grinding muscle memory. I also like the story and progression, not going to lie, it's chill fun.

Enjoy your 20minute flail or 2000hour masochist grind.

>> No.6217229

Who knows how many proxies he's using or how many posts he's making? I know I reported some of his posts IN that thread, and then the whole thing got deleted. Also the very first OP was obvious bait "hurrrrr me hate RPG!" followed by some guy recommending he not play RPGs and pick up shmups instead...what a coincidence. Give me a break

>How about Giga Wing? or Streets of Rage 2? a fleshed out story would be great
kek Giga Wing jrpg would be nice

>> No.6217231

I've played DeSu series and the challenge level isn't even remotely comparable to shmups lmao you fucking curb stomp everything when you get the dances and multi-strike, not to mention it's completely different in its nature. It's more like a very simple puzzle than an execution challenge. If you don't enjoy improving your execution and routing then yeah shmups aren't for you, I don't know why this is a big deal. I grew out of JRPG's and don't feel the need to shit up the threads.

>> No.6217234

There are entirely too many of them in that game, White (cis) males only please.

>> No.6217237

So you're using a single post that wasn't even deleted vs my evidence, of two JRPG player posts being deleted in addition to the thread. Pretty weak, if I have to be honest with you.

>> No.6217240

Wait, are you the same faggot who was complaining about bullet hells and bomb spamming a while back? Christ.

>> No.6217246

Huh? No. I don't complain about bullet hell mechanics since I enjoyed them at one point. I just grew out of the shmup genre as a whole, the route grind lost its charm and what I used to think was "impressive" about shmups became very mundane and dull.

>> No.6217249 [DELETED] 

So you're not going to play anymore JRPGs in the future? Why you lyin' nigga? I know who you are lmao

>> No.6217263

I might play Elden Ring and the new Ys some day, and I did enjoy Into The Breach a lot if that can even be called an RPG, but besides that not really. 0 interest in the genre for over 5 years. The constant shallow novelty gameplay wore off, and the stories haven't done much for me since I was a kid which is why in the last years of playing RPG's I played dungeon crawlers almost exclusively. I don't think they're inherently shit, but I feel nothing when playing them.

>> No.6217338

What the fuck even is this thread. This entire made-up "rivalry" is retarded.

>> No.6217756
File: 89 KB, 992x744, laughing-trumps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Those are boring and unsatisfying.
And playing a JRPG isn't?

>waste of a life
Ironic coming from the basement-dwelling friendless jarpig incel.

>> No.6217763

I mean, i burn out after an hour or so and I like the things. They just require a lot of concentration.

>> No.6217768

That actually sounds hilarious. "Everyone post Vic Viper in the Final Fantasy thread!"