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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 344 KB, 1920x1080, 1519102997850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6203214 No.6203214 [Reply] [Original]

Talk anything about the N64 in general here.
Have you played anything N64-related lately?
I was thinking of replaying WinBack, DKR or Rayman 2, but also had in my mind trying Hybrid Heaven or that Indiana Jones game (though I heard it is expensive and hard to find).

>> No.6203471


I do regular runs of Quake 64. I use a raphnet adapter to use a GameCube controller. Modifying the settings in Quake allow me to use a modern twin stick setup. It’s fantastic.

Otherwise, it’s just an excellent port, and retains the software renderer, the non interpolated animations, and otherwise is just an excellent game.

>> No.6203750

I've been playing Doom 64 doing pistol starts on the highest difficulty. On real hardware too so no savesates. It's fun.

>> No.6203757

worst 5th gen system? worst 5th gen system.

>> No.6203758
File: 2.44 MB, 2100x1533, douk64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love Quake 64, specially the music.
I also like Duke64, no music sucks but the game is still fun as hell and I love the new weapons.

>> No.6203804

wife dug out her N64 and insisted we get it connected to something so we could play OG Smash. It looks awful on our giant-ass TV but it's still fairly playable.

>> No.6203842
File: 3.91 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_1448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repostin' my collection.

>> No.6203851

Oxymoron, 5th gen is worst retro gen

>> No.6203867

Wideboy repro when?

>> No.6203881

Been doing a replay of tactics ogre, still my fav n64 game

>> No.6204180

Quick, sell it while it's still worth something.

>> No.6204203

i always wondered if tonic trouble is any good

>> No.6204224
File: 20 KB, 474x266, 1556587964457.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where all my ED64 homies at?

>> No.6204243

I'll play that Zelda hack Dawn&Dusk soon.
Also looking for lesser known titles if anyone can recommend me something.

>> No.6204330

Right? fucking boomers and their plastic. They should sell it to me! And for cheap! It's not like it's worth anything.

>> No.6204350 [DELETED] 

It is a quintessentially average, middle-of-the-road, grade C game. It's competently made, and everything functions well, but there's absolutely exciting which elevates it. Basically, it was a trial run game for Rayman 2.

>> No.6204362

It is a quintessentially average, middle-of-the-road, grade C game. It's competently made, and everything functions well, but there's absolutely nothing exciting which elevates it. Basically, it was a trial run game for Rayman 2

>> No.6204417
File: 14 KB, 368x271, GloverBallSlap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I forgot how much I fucking hated that game.

I thought it was just me being too retarded as a kid to finish this, welp as it turns out I'm still too retarded for it.
That creepy ass atmosphere, the soulless enemies and the fucking ass controls god I wanna die.

>> No.6204427

>5th gen is worst retro gen
4th > 3rd > 5th > 2nd >1st
As you can plainly see 5th is clearly not the worst.

>> No.6204441

ok zoomer

>> No.6204443

This is a convincing graph.

>> No.6204462

I replayed Star Fox 64 for the first time in years last week. Difference was that I used an UltraHDMI for the video output, then converted it to VGA. Result was a really satisfying output overall. The only downside is that the game appears to use some composite video tricks like dithering. It's a little noticeable on the title screen and incredibly noticeable on Aquas. It's still a great game after all these years and I'd love to try it with a joystick or even a full HOTAS setup sometime. Looks like there's a joystick for the N64 but it's trash for Star Fox.

Also played Donkey Kong 64 for the first time ever, excluding kiosks at Sears when it first released. The surround sound support works surprisingly well. Goldeneye sounds insanely good with a subwoofer as well. Transfer Pak functionality in Pokemon Stadium is also neat but fuck me these things are loose or sensitive or dirty or something because I keep losing connection to the cartridge and the game stops altogether way too often.

>> No.6204463

How's Quake 64? Is it different from regular quake?

>> No.6204468

>Transfer Pak functionality in Pokemon Stadium is also neat but fuck me these things are loose or sensitive or dirty or something because I keep losing connection to the cartridge and the game stops altogether way too often.
Pro tip: use the transfer pak on a 2nd controller and leave it unmoved, while you play with another controller.

>> No.6204480

You have interesting point. I would like to subscribe to your newsletter.

>> No.6204586

Right here.
>Smash remix
>Mario 64 coop
>controller calibration test
>that one OOT romhack I can't recall the name of

good shit

>> No.6204868

Is the everdrive 2.5 worth it? There's only a few games I want to play (paper mario, mario 64, zelda, F-Zero), and they already seem to have good emulation on the virtual console or through gamecube ports. I don't have any nostalgia for the n64 (i had a ps1 when i was a kid).

>> No.6205246

Sega saturn

>> No.6205254
File: 44 KB, 640x480, 123424.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Modded my n64 with a 3d printed region free n64 cartridge slot and have been importing dirt cheap japanese n64 games, one is pic related called battle Phoenix its like a minigame comp with these balls you earn that give you special power ups, theres like railgun games pool and a bunch of other weird shit

>> No.6205257

New music different level design

>> No.6205260

Buy a retrotink does a decent job scaleing it

>> No.6205265


As someone who grew up with an N64, but I did get a ps2 next gen so I got a bunch of PSX games, why do people claim PSX is better than the N64?

The most common argument I hear is N64 had a way smaller library, and maybe it did, but I feel like if you did the like top 25 games that gen, the N64 may have a minority of games but I feel like the top 10 would be like a 7-3 N64/PSX split.

>> No.6205269

Fuck off console war shill

>> No.6205371

I agree with you.

Thing is I’m pretty sure PSX sold more over all so naturally most people who don’t really explore both libraries will say that one is better, cause it’s what they grew up with. I try to give people the benefit of the doubt most of the time but if someone just shitposts without backing up their claim you can and probably should usually dismiss them.

Also both systems have great libraries in retrospect. I like 64 more but PSX was really really solid.

>> No.6205386



>> No.6205410

It's conceptually similar to Jaguar Doom -- mostly the same, but with a few limitations based around the restrictions of the N64. It's not nearly as limited as Jaguar Doom, but it is missing a few levels. The reduced level geometry is totally decorative -- there are no level sections missing.

This turns a lot of people on /vr/ off since PC quake is technically superior. But, there's something really fun about playing it on a controller on N64.

It also lets you disable part of the N64's anti-aliasing, which is always a welcome feature.

>> No.6205458

Tally up all the games you want to play, add their prices together. If it’s cheaper than everdrive it’s worth it. I think a few hundred for the whole n64 library is a steal, but if you have zero interest in other games then you wont. Never know when you might be interested in something like Sin & Punishment or Mischief Makers though.

People say zelda emulates fine but trying both myself there’s occasional texture errors I wouldn’t recognize if I hadnt played the game myself before. There’s some weird little errors. Ironically it’d probably emulate more accurately if you download a gamecube port and dolphin. Or if you have a wii then that works too.

>> No.6205463

Started messing with Smash Remix on my everdrive if that counts. Besides that I played a bit of sin and punishment months ago and kind of forgot about it. I should give that one another shot, it was a lot of fun.

>> No.6205641
File: 374 KB, 447x418, Screenshot_20191104_150041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what's the best video plugin for mupen64plus-qt besides angrylion plus?
Does using GLideN64 4.0 on m64+ has any advantages over using the same plugin on pj64 2.4?

>> No.6205919 [DELETED] 

It's shit.
It's shit.
Rayman 2
Inferior port.
>Hybrid Heaven
It's shit.
>that Indiana Jones game
Inferior port.

>> No.6205921

>>6203214 (OP)
It's shit.
It's shit.
>Rayman 2
Inferior port.
>Hybrid Heaven
It's shit.
>that Indiana Jones game
Inferior port.

>> No.6205923

thanks for the insightful post

>> No.6205927

Rayman 2 on N64 is literally the original version of the game.

>> No.6205936

>why do people claim PSX is better than the N64

Because more people had a PSX and thus had fond memories attached to it. I was one of those; I never owned an N64 in its heyday, but I did pick one up from Gamestop in 2006, for the princely sum of $19.99. This was around when the Wii came out and they were trying to get rid of all their N64 stuff.

Years later, I actually play the N64 way more. The PSX has a couple of great titles, you can't argue with shit like Crash Bandicoot, Gran Turismo, Ridge Racer, Spyro, Tomb Raider, and Final Fantasy VII (which on its own makes it worth owning the console). The top PSX games were nothing to scoff at. But while the library was huge, the average game quality was lower. I assume that this is because people could put whatever trash they wanted on CD, but with cartridges your margins were slimmer, so you were probably more inclined to make something good. The multiplayer experience was unquestionably better on the N64. I find that the multiplayer experience on the N64 is unquestionably better. But that's all just personal preference. In reality, neither is overall "better" than the other. Just different.

>> No.6205937

I never played banjo is it good? Planing playing the Xbox one version

>> No.6205948

Still the worst way to play the game, Dreamcast is miles better.

>> No.6205949


It's like Mario 64 but with a more western cartoonish sense of humor, the ability to collect everything in a level in one go rather than getting booted, and less mobility in exchange for more abilities that you learn as you go.

If that sounds like your jam then yeah, it's pretty good. I prefer the sequel myself.

>> No.6205952

Banjo is great. It doesn't have as good control as Mario 64 but it does have a ton of variety and is fun to play.

>> No.6205954

I never understood the complaint about the size of the library, do people really play more than like 20 games per console, if even that? No console ever gets more than a few dozen games that are actually worth a damn, it's almost completely padded out with shovelware and licensed trash.

>> No.6205959

PS1/NDS/IOS/3DS are the worst ways to play Ray2.
N64 is fine if you wanna play it on the n64, yeah DC is the best, but the N64 version is perfectly playable.

>> No.6205965
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>>that Indiana Jones game
>Inferior port.

Nah. Not only did the Factor 5 enhance the lighting engine for the N64, they added analog movement and replaced the tank controls, changed the camera system, added a lock-on and movement feature for combat, and assigning three items to the C-buttons instead of having to manually select a new item every time. They even added new music. It is the definitive edition and it's a great game.

>> No.6205968
File: 640 KB, 768x574, 1567890021476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do people really play more than like 20 games per console, if even that?
I mean, maybe not MOST people, but I certainly do. Most of my systems I have between 50-100 games, and I complete 95% of what I buy and only play what interests me. The N64 library is small compared to the PS1, but I can name at least 50 N64 games that I love while I struggle to find games that interest me on PS1. Saturn is also a badass system, too. Great library.

>> No.6205969

>Rayman 2 on N64 is literally the original version of the game.
Just because a game was release on a platform first, doesn't mean it's the original version of a game little zoomer
History lesson time so you can learn something today instead of shitposting about things you don't understand.
Rayman 2 was developed for the PS1, Saturn, and PC concurrently and ported to the N64 where it had an official and inferior first release.
I'm not even going to spoonfeed you. Keep playing babby port thinking it's better.

>> No.6205971

>I'm not even going to spoonfeed you. Keep playing babby port thinking it's better.
Do you even know what you're saying? Spoonfeed what? I pointed out why the game is objectively better as the devs intended to later port to be. They overhauled the game due to the complaints of the PC release and fixed many of the issues. It's better, and it's funny that you're so offended by that.

>> No.6205972

>Just because a game was release on a platform first, doesn't mean it's the original version of a game little zoomer
Yes it does.
>Rayman 2 was developed for the PS1, Saturn, and PC concurrently and ported to the N64 where it had an official and inferior first release.
You are severely delusional if you think this. It's pointless to ask but, do you have any proof?

>> No.6205980

He's talking shit from his ass, that was back when Ray2 was still a 2d platformer like the first one, There's no indication that Rayman 2 TGE was gonna be on the saturn and the ps1 port came a year later and was ported by a different team (Ubi Shanghai).

>> No.6205989

>It also lets you disable part of the N64's anti-aliasing
No, it lets you disable the dither filter, not the anti-aliasing.

>> No.6205993

The final Rayman 2 and the 2D prototype are so far removed in my mind I didn't even think of that. That is so disingenuous.

>> No.6205996

>He's talking shit from his ass, that was back when Ray2 was still a 2d platformer like the first one
Rayman 2 was initially going to be a 2D platformer but it included 3D models. They switched to a 3D game that included some of these models. Eventually they started working on the N64 version and downgraded the graphics and changed the GUI.

>> No.6206005
File: 37 KB, 320x224, R2_2D_6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rayman 2 looked like this, they canceled it after seeing Crash Bandicoot and started development on what would become the final game for N64. Take your pills you crazy bastard.

>> No.6206006

I know. I was there. You weren't even born.
The first build of the 3D version was Dreamcast/PC in 1998.
N64 and PS1 were kind of tied.
Let the adults talk now.

>> No.6206014

The fact of the matter here is that the N64 version came out first, it's not a port. I don't know why you're getting so emotional about this, you might have some problems.

>> No.6206018

It's literally a port. It was literally ported from the Dreamcast build.
>b-but i checked google and this other version got released first
Zoom zoom!
>b-but I bought the N64 version and have always thought it was the true version
Sorry, technical facts are facts. No amount of nintoddler tears can change them.

>> No.6206025

Whichever version gets released first is the original version.
Ahh the consolewarrior shows his true colors. You actually came into a thread about a 20+ year old console just to stir shit, what a loser.

>> No.6206030

>Whichever version gets released first is the original version.
You don't actually believe this, right? No one is this retarded, even on this board.

>> No.6206032

I see no argument against it.

>> No.6206037

The version which was developed first is the original version.
Release dates are up to the publisher, separate from the development of the game.
You'll learn more as you grow older and your brain develops. Actually you'll probably always be stupid.

>> No.6206039

>The version which was developed first is the original version.
So the N64 and PC versions.

>> No.6206040

This argument is dumb as hell but I'm looking at info on Rayman 2's development and some IGN articles from that time and apparently PC and N64 were being developed at the same time with the N64 version getting more dev focus so it could launch first (and during that time the PC version will get graphic tweaks to look better), then the PS1 version began development after the N64 version was finished.
I can't find anything about a dreamcast version being developed at the same time as the N64/PC version, though I dunno if that's possible considering the game has many enhancements in terms of graphics and other stuff.

>> No.6206053

Wrong, there were no builds of the N64 port in 1998.
There was a build of the Dreamcast version though, the first version to be developed.

>> No.6206059

>Wrong, there were no builds of the N64 port in 1998.
Considering it wasn't a port and the N64 version was the lead platform along with PC, I find that hard to believe. I can't even find anything about this fabled 1998 Dreamcast build.

>> No.6206063

post proof of it, i'm looking and the only thing i can find of early rayman 2 stuff is the PC version, then the n64 version.
There's this: https://raymanpc.com/wiki/script-en/images/c/c0/Rayman_2_Press_Kit_Info.pdf
and no sign of the dreamcast there.

>> No.6206068
File: 292 KB, 604x303, 1998pc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The press kit was 1999.
The Dreamcast (PC) build was 1998.
Here is a developer working on the PC (Dreamcast) version in 1998.

>> No.6206072

>Dreamcast (PC)
More blatant dishonesty.

>> No.6206074
File: 27 KB, 320x239, Rayman_2_prerelease_IGN_(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1998 Dreamcast prerelease build.
This triggers the nincels.

>> No.6206078
File: 309 KB, 633x304, 1998pc2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nope. Here's another pic of the developer working on the PC/Dreamcast version in 1998, before the N64 and PS1 ports.
The PC and Dreamcast versions were developed at the exact same time, but if you want to get very technical you could say the Dreamcast version is a port of the PC version.
Either way, the N64 version is a port.
How upset are you?

>> No.6206080

>picture of developer working on the PC version painted as proof of them working on the Dreamcast version
The Dreamcast version was released later and has changes from the other versions, it by all definitions is the port.

>> No.6206082
File: 30 KB, 320x238, Rayman_2_prerelease_IGN_(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1998 Dreamcast (PC) prerelease build, before the N64 port.
Refer to my next post for a fun fact about the N64 port.

>> No.6206090

You seem confused, PC and Dreamcast are not the same platform.

>> No.6206091
File: 9 KB, 320x240, Rayman_2_prerelease_IGN_(3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>released later
This refers to publication, not development. But it did feature different content from the PC release so you could consider it a port that was developed before the N64 port if you want.
Fun fact about the N64 port: it has extremely shit audio quality.
Pic related is 1998 Dreamcast build (basically the PC version) before the N64 port.

>> No.6206094
File: 12 KB, 320x240, Rayman_2_prerelease_IGN_(4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>low resolution and framerate nintenbabby is entering tantrum mode
See pic attached, PC/Dreamcast version as of 1998.

>> No.6206097

Do you have any proof at all that it was being developed for the Dreamcast in 1998? These are just pictures of the PC build.

>> No.6206102
File: 25 KB, 320x238, Rayman_2_prerelease_IGN_(6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1998: PC version (exported to a Dreamcast build) before the creation of the N64, PS1, and PS2 ports.
Friendly reminder that the N64 soundtrack sounds like absolute shit. Do not pay attention to Nintentrolls. The audio had to be heavily compressed for that shit port.

>> No.6206103

>PC version (exported to a Dreamcast build)
This dude is living in his own reality at this point.

>> No.6206107

>shifting the goalposts
So you admit the PC version was developed before the N64 version, but you still want to be spoonfed after being proven wrong?
Sorry kiddo, I'm glad you admit you were wrong though. Are you going to sell your N64 version now or still play the inferior port?
No more spoonfeeding for babby.
You've now admitted the N64 version isn't the "original" as you so claimed.
PC first, consoles second.
Developed on PC, for PC, downgraded for nincels.
N64 shills are out in full force this week trying to push their inferior ports and getting BTFO. Bad Valentine's day?

>> No.6206113

I asked for proof of the Dreamcast port being in development in 1998, not for you to have an autistic episode but I guess that works too.

>> No.6206121

i don't know how the N64 makes so many aspies that dislike the console so assblasted, it's amazing.

>> No.6206251

>b-but mommy told me N64 came first
Can you cringelords stop sperging out? N64 version was a port, deal with it.

>> No.6206253

>comes back hours later with no arguments or proof
Just leave, you autistic loser.

>> No.6206290

Best console nintendo ever released but it does have a lot of terrible games. War Gods, Hexen, Doom 64, Superman, Clayfighter 63 1/2, Killer Instinct Gold, Power Puff Girls, Rugrats, Chameleon twist.

>> No.6206713

I use gliden64 4 on pj64 and it works fine

>> No.6206906
File: 893 KB, 1494x2153, illust_63436591_20190807_033426.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, that's why I was asking if there was advantages on using M64+ over PJ64 right if we're using the same plugin (for example dk64 not having polygonal tearing or banjo-tooie not crashing at random on m64+).
I got Indy64 to run on m64 (pj64 freezes on a black screen) but it crashed after a few mins of play.

>> No.6206919
File: 69 KB, 640x480, 6093-title-Airboarder-64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm currently trying to find the motivation to play through this clunky pile for my youtube channel but I'm total garbage without using cheats. I just want one playthrough and that's it. Any tips? Or should I just say fuck it and gameshark it?

>> No.6206950

Any proof the N64 port was developed before the PC version?

>> No.6207024

N64 has an unironically smaller library with way too many western games, But it is still the best system ever for local multiplayer

>> No.6207028

>N64 has an unironically smaller library with way too many western games, But it is still the best system ever

Fixed it for you.

>> No.6207059

nice lineup anon

>> No.6207067

Isnt it funny how the best and the worst gaming system of all time were 64-bit systems?

>> No.6207068

what is your youtube channel, anon?

>> No.6207274


Since you asked. It's nothing major. My goal for it is to have a complete archived playthrough of every N64 game. Then I'll move on to another console and some one off's here and there. I try to play them legit and only cheat if the game is garbage and I list what cheats I've used. So far I've only cheated Blues Brothers 2000.

>> No.6207530

This is cool, I wish you luck. I always support things like that. It's a neat way to keep you motivated in your hobby. Gonna' watch your Blues Brothers one now, never played it, only heard bad things.

I also recommend N64 Glenn Plant if you guys haven't seen his channel already. I'm pretty sure he's reviewed almost every N64 game, even lots of imports and non-localized games. Whenever I get N64 nostalgia I pop a video of his on, if not my N64 itself.

>> No.6207535

Anyone here restore their joystick bowls and gears with epoxy? Is it legit?

Also: should I replace the thermal pad(s) in my expansion pak? A long time ago, I remember the console resetting unexpectedly during long plays of games like Majora's Mask. I thought it might be the PSU, but I can't replicate the problem by playing with it.

>> No.6207536

Thanks, brother.

>> No.6207562
File: 28 KB, 378x264, Robotech-crystal-dreams-game-box.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DYKG has a new video about every single cancelled N64 title.

RIP Robotech Crystal Dreams. I'm a big Robotech fan and religiously checked Nintendo Power every month for new news on the game. Was crushed to read about Gametek going under.

>> No.6207597

>Glenn Plant
Did he actually review them all?
His channel hasn't uploaded anything in months, and iirc he said he wanted to open a review channel for gamecube games with the same style of his n64 vids.

>> No.6207847

He hasn't done EVERY game, but he 268 N64 game reviews and 21 Japanese import reviews, so he's effectively covered most of the library. It's a shame his videos release so slowly now, but I would certainly watch a GameCube channel from him- his reviews are really good.

>> No.6207876
File: 999 KB, 2098x1530, 1467348437264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, his reviews are pretty solid, though I didn't like his Top Gear Rally one, that game is great and the controls and physics are fun even if a bit wonky.

>> No.6207883

So I've never bought a physical N64 game in over a decade.

Why in the goddamn fucking shit is Kirby 64 50 dollars and Banjo Kazooie 70 dollars? What the fuck happened?

>> No.6207989

Damn, that's the first time I've seen BB2000 in a while. I rented that game right around the same time that the Gamecube was coming out. Wasn't really impressed, didn't feel the need to buy.

>> No.6208091

Stop shopping on ebay. You could buy Banjo from gamestop right now for 45 bucks, and even then that's on the high end.

>> No.6208121

Thanks. I'll check out Glenn Plant. Sounds legit.

It's trash my friend. Total trash.

>> No.6208153

>Um, it's like bad because it wasn't published by a company I know and there's no mascot in it, so yeah.

>> No.6208536


Glenn Plant clearly has a passion for N64 titles, but his reviews primarily cover the most superficial aspects of each game in question. He struggles to discuss any of the mechanics on a deeper level, or analyze things the reception of the game at the time, vs how it's held up, etc.

>> No.6209059

I want to buy a replacement N64 controller, original style. Not a PC USB one. What is my best option?

>> No.6209095


>> No.6210238

the og ones
buy the japanese ones, i think there's a bunch of jp sealed n64 controllers