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6199267 No.6199267 [Reply] [Original]

Pre-final Klonoa debug prototype disc

>> No.6199283

Not a Klonoa fan but this is cool

>> No.6199401

Big Klonoa fan but this isn't cool

>> No.6199417

LMAO some tub's "investment" just went down the shitter.

>> No.6199419

But it hasn't been posted, though.

>> No.6199423


>> No.6199750

I want to get cocky with Klonoa

>> No.6199752

This confirms it. Klonoa for Smash!

>> No.6199791

not a link to the rom who cares

>> No.6200030
File: 280 KB, 714x463, 1581587459748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reddit user
That prototype disc is history.

>> No.6200032

Literally no one cares about this dead furry mascot platformer.

>> No.6200098

I care... :(

>> No.6200118

Matthew Perry cares

>> No.6200119

Gramps, you forgot the name field.

>> No.6200123
File: 26 KB, 325x433, 1403249.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet he'll return it like the dude who returned the starcraft prototype for a bunch of shitty blizzard merchandise

>> No.6200145

Place your bets on how this turns out.

1.He just disappears and we never see the game again
2.He cuts a deal with some 600 pound monstrosity and we never see the game again
3.He sends it back to Namco, they throw it in the trash and we never see the game again
4.He accidentally wipes the data on the disc
5.He deliberately wipes the data on the disc

>> No.6200229

Well, it's a CD-R, not RW, so it can't really be wiped short of intentionally destroying the disc.

>> No.6200238

>Hey Reddit, check out this retro drink coaster I made out of an old CD

>> No.6200243


that was sarcasm by the way nobody gives a fuck

>> No.6200259

You're on your third bag of cheetos for the night, aren't you?

>> No.6200320

oof that one was just pure agony. Imagine being that much of a cuck. The original thread is mostly people praising him for it too, scared shitless that some mod will ban them for "negative rhetoric".

>> No.6200565

>I modded it with backlight and a pikachu-sticker!

>> No.6200604


>> No.6200608

OK, so what?

>> No.6200612
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Klonoa thread?

>> No.6200816


>> No.6200873

Now that? THAT was epic.

>> No.6200896
File: 43 KB, 512x448, guile-arnold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone else not really care about this stuff?
Ooh, wow we can see the game except ____ is only 70% done, and x area is omitted. Damn it's almost like production comes in phases and we got the best version at release.

>> No.6200921

It's pointless

>> No.6200930

I kinda agree with you. Some prototypes are boring as fuck and offer nearly nothing that the final game doesn't. Still, there are cases where the prototype offers some really neat info about the course of the game development, like areas that were planned but never finished, enemies and bosses that make no sense whatsoever and even radical character and world changes or even unused and dummied out art and/or music.

>> No.6201035

It depends. Honestly, if somebody really loves a particular game, it is hard to believe that they wouldn't be excited to see some new version of it that reveals part of its history, kind of like a way of playing a beloved game again for the first time, with the excitement of not knowing exactly how things will be. Stuff like debug functions can allow people to experience the game in new ways. There is also something cool about seeing what was ultimately a well polished game at a point when it was still varying degrees of a janky mess.

The fact that this stuff rarely surfaces helps with the mystique. Has another instance of a PlayStation Klonoa prototype ever publicly shown up before? Probably not. Will another instance show up in the future? Quite possibly not.

>> No.6201043

Wouldn't he have gotten in legal trouble if he dumped it?

>> No.6201047

Possibly yes. As far as I've seen, most companies don't seem to care about leaked prototypes of old games (if they did, I think TCRF and HiddenPalace would've been DMCA'd into oblivion years ago), but something like source code could very well be a different story.

>> No.6201049

TCRF doesn't provide roms, they're fully covered under fair use as it's educational.

>> No.6201051

Only if they find out. Plenty of ways to publish anonymously.

>> No.6201058

They do host some ROMs. Not on every page and maybe not even that many, but there are certainly ROMs hosted on there (off the top of my head a Rockman X2 prototype and the Pokemon Gold/Silver Spaceworld demos)

>> No.6201125

I'm a Klonoa fan and prototype collector. This great news!
I have a PAL PS1 review disc of Klonoa, but I'd love to own that!
I find pre-release items very fascinating!

>> No.6201137

Apparently this guy had already been contacted by Blizzard legal reps and could face serious consequences if he didn't return it.
The source code for Starcraft could actually do a lot of harm if it leaked since Starcraft is still a very active scene.
Besides, Blizzard has been looking for the disc since it got stolen in 1998.

>> No.6201138

What does that review disc look like?

>> No.6201146

Red and gold. Yellow on the back.

>> No.6201148

That being said, could they really do anything against the guy if he refused? He wasn't the one who stole it in the first place. Then again, with the way the legal system works, simply filing a lawsuit against the guy would be enough of a threat, since there's no way a even an innocent individual could afford to go to court against a huge corporation.

>> No.6201149

>Who cares about behind-the-scenes featurettes? Oh wow we get to see actors in mocap and unfinished props without the polished camera work and without the bluescreen being taken out. It's almost like we got the best film at the end. Pointless.

>> No.6201203

Yes. I'm lawyer, but how the disc went missing it's safe to say it was stolen by someone who knew about it, right before it was supposed to be sent to printing, then it was immediately reported missing.
They didn't suddenly 20 years later report the disc missing when it popped up.

>> No.6201209

I'm NO* lawyer

>> No.6201308

Did you notice anything different about the contents?

>> No.6201323

>Who cares about behind-the-scenes featurettes?
I never pay attention to these either. Watching that kind of thing taints the film itself. DVD/BD extras are worse than useless

>> No.6201337

No. I didn't see anything while I played it, but I didn't play it much.

>> No.6201348

>uploading files from your IP range is blocked
not based...

>> No.6201510

Imagine the disc rot

>> No.6201567

Imagine the disc NOT

>> No.6201571
File: 226 KB, 500x375, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You as well? Are you in Australia? Had to reset my router 4 times to fix it.

>> No.6201574

>Blizzard has been looking for the disc since it got stolen in 1998

>> No.6201576
File: 6 KB, 682x44, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile 3 PS1 betas got added to Redump with no fanfare. Preservation is happening quietly every day.

>> No.6201587

I am burger, I believe it's because I'm on a public network.

>> No.6201616

And that's (unironically) a good thing. I guess what it really comes down to is the game in question. Klonoa is a fairly popular, expensive (the US version) game, so people are probably going to be more interested in prototypes of it than those of some of the other PlayStation games. The sad truth is that the average prototype release gets mostly ignored unless it is a game from a big developer (and even then it probably needs to be a popular game from them) or gets enough media hype telling people to be interested in it.

I'd personally be for more community efforts to fully document some of these prototypes that would otherwise be ignored.

>> No.6201692


>> No.6201795

What do you MEEEEAN I can't post my full name and street address on everything I dump?!?! I NEEEED Twitter followers to thank me for my every action, dammit!

>> No.6201826

>That being said, could they really do anything against the guy if he refused?
Yes, knowingly possessing stolen property is a crime in itself, thus if it comes to light you own stolen property it's in your best interest to hand it over.

>> No.6201851

I'd dump it anyway, then hand it over.

>> No.6201853

I'd just dump it and if they want it they can download it online like everyone else.

>> No.6201859

They'd drag your ass to court, so better to just dump it anonymously and then hand over the disc.

>> No.6201867

Make a dump of it, sell the disc to some autistic collector for a windfall and then release the dump online.

>> No.6201898

What about Blizzard?
They knew he owned the disc and wanted it back, print a fake?

>> No.6201915

>know someone has the disc
>suddenly it gets leaked
>"here's the disc back :-)"
it would never work

>> No.6201994

I feel like they'd have no proof

>> No.6203028


>> No.6203029


>> No.6203040

They wanted the disc, undumped.
If the Starcraft source code were ever to leak they'd go str8 to Khemist49.

>> No.6203107

man I'm glad If I find any dumb shit I'll instinctively post it on 4chan.

>> No.6203151

I would have made a heap of copies and donated them in random places.

>> No.6203926

Does anyone else think the original Klonoa looks kinda bad? I appreciate what they were going for, but I just don't think the PlayStation could really pull off the blend of prerendered sprites and polygonal backgrounds.

>> No.6204867

Damn he shouldn't have posted about it online and just leaked it.

>> No.6204870

I played it for the first time last year and yeah kind of.

>> No.6205027

Ah cool. I remember playing that Stuart Little game as a kid.

>> No.6206898

At a certain point though, I think most people in his situation to release something like that would ask "why?" Why risk facing legal trouble by distributing it while standing to gain nothing in return? Just a serious question, why would he personally want to do that?

>> No.6206958

I'm a family man and my bark is much worse than my bite.

>> No.6209078

most protos, including these three, are just western shovelware with single bytes of differences
something people actually like and get autistic over like klonoa can make some waves and lets redditors be redditors

>> No.6209376

Fair points, bros
>behind-the-scenes featurettes?
Not really the same. What if you found a version of a movie where the post production editing was only 70% done.

>> No.6209414

yeah probably but it most likely would've been mitigated if he didn't post about it on fucking reddit.

>> No.6209470

A lot of prototypes can be had for reasonable amounts since, as you noted, they're of not very popular games, are final or are very close to final, or are some combination of the two. When you get into prototypes of popular games, even the near final or even final ones, prices can jump exponentially or reach the point where money isn't really the issue, but rather having to trade some equally rare and desirable item (probably another popular game's prototype builds) that the owner wants more than the prototype he has.

>> No.6209481

It looks fucking incredible. Do you even CRT? The Wii remake does look bland and lifeless though

>> No.6209484

On a CRT is the only way I've ever played it.

>> No.6210554

Any update on this? I fully expect the OP of the reddit thread to go MIA and we never get that disc dumped.

>> No.6210651
File: 51 KB, 905x416, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. I wonder what the little sped was thinking. Did he just want to rub it in peoples faces that he had something cool that no one else had? Or did he genuinely think people would just be happy that HE had it and not expect him to dump it. Maybe he wasn't expecting the reaction he got.

>> No.6210862

Someone shows off by posting a photo of their super expensive collection and they get showered in praise and asspats, someone shows off a photo of their prototypes, and everyone goes into full-on seethe mode. Why?

>> No.6210894

I know you're being retarded on purpose but I'll play along. A prototype is a one of a kind, irreplaceable item. If something happens to it it's gone forever which is why it's vital that it be dumped. Do you really trust some dimwit kid on Reddit not to spill soda on it or erase it or something?

>> No.6210897

Why should he dump it? He may not want to lower its value.

>> No.6210902

The real power play is to dump rare games but keep them to yourself until you then release it whenever after you decide to sell the source cartridge / disc.

>> No.6210903

Because the preservation of video games is more important than short term monetary gain? Maybe it's because I'm not American but I care more about doing the right thing than making money.

>> No.6210968

Then maybe pay people for data dumps.

>> No.6210971

People do. That's why it's "hoarders" specifically who get shit, since they don't sell.

>> No.6210990

Or if they do sell it's only to other hoarders in their insular little tism circle. Remember when Akka Arrh got dumped and the gravy goblins hoarding the other few cabinets had a meltdown because they were all in some weird fucking pact to never dump the game ever?

>> No.6211001

why are you so mad you don't get to hoard digital copies of prototypes from games you never even played?

>> No.6211014

Different guy. Again you seem to be struggling to grasp the concept that some people aren't completely self centered. Maybe you're on the autism spectrum and don't understand human emotion. I care about video game history and preservation and If I came across something undumped I would dump it and share it online without a second though. I couldn't care less about being able to personally play shit. I just want other people to be able to and for it to not be lost forever because some barely sentient slob dropped $800 of his mother's money to hoard it and then sat on it by mistake or spilled nacho cheese on it.

>> No.6211035

Different guy. You didn't answer the question anon.

>> No.6211050

Who the fuck hasn't played Klonoa?

>> No.6211051

you would be very surprised

>> No.6211056

Most people? It is a cult classic and ((le hidden gem)), but there's a reason why Klonoa series is all but dead now.

>> No.6211218

It's always funny how the people who have nothing are so eager to share it

>> No.6211221

>erase it
Getting xbox dev computer flashbacks anon?

>> No.6211556

Yeah, it's easy to talk about releasing stuff for free when you don't have anything to release. Even the most generous of donors will likely eventually ask for some money to offset their costs, because let's face it, 99% of people involved in game preservation aren't made of money and dropping a couple hundred (or in extreme cases, thousand(s)) on a game isn't an insignificant expenditure. Plus, there's also risk to factor in, since most prototypes are borderline blind buys to begin with. As someone with some experience with releasing stuff, it is funny just how few people are actually willing to donate once they have the thing they want.

>> No.6211728

Blizzard being what they are, they would probably go after him and everyone in his family and do their best to ruin their lives, eventually pushing him to suicide. Welcome to life at Blizzard!

>> No.6211923

You could always offer something to people in exchange for the data, or track down things to dump and share yourself.

>> No.6212095 [DELETED] 

I've contributed several expensive games to Redump. What have you ever done besides make disappoint your parents?

>> No.6212097

I've contributed several expensive games to Redump. What have you ever done besides disappoint your parents?

>> No.6212425

Youngins are entitled little shits who are addicted to free stuff. Fortunately for them there are usually enough thirsty aspies to feed their addition. It's thoroughly sick and twisted codependent relationship.

>i've LARPed several times to 4chan
>What have you ever done besides disappoint your parents?
Well I did fulfill the dreams of your parents, by raping their ani all night last Friday. I also released dumps of several previously missing games that were complete shit while keeping all the good dumps exclusively for myself. My parents were indeed disappointed that I did this. They would have preferred I release nothing because they despise zoomers more than I do.

>> No.6212632

Someone explain what is so special about 20+ years old source code.

>> No.6212765

I remember when I made one fairly high profile release that, despite a lot of people being hyped for it and even some people publicly saying they wanted to donate, only one person actually went through with donating and, surprise surprise, it wasn't some grandstanding ROM kiddie.

>> No.6212778
File: 56 KB, 600x686, super_nerd_40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

from my experience, collectors that won't release rare shit because of "muh value" look like this 99% of the time.
lmaoing at you poor fags that think a thousand bucks is a lot of money and that slowing down preservation is worth it for those pennies.
I hope that when you fuckers die alone in your shitty apartment that you don't own, the landlord will just sell your collection on ebay for 10 bucks a game, then throw your cd collection of unreleased shit in the fucking garbage along with your rotting corpse.

>> No.6212783

>lmaoing at you poor fags that think a thousand bucks is a lot of money and that slowing down preservation is worth it for those pennies.
And yet you spend nothing to help preservation. Pick some hoarded prototype and offer to send $1,000 for the ROM and see what happens.

>> No.6212973

SICK! Another shitty pre-release version of an okay-at-best game! Truly we are reliving history!

>> No.6212996

Obviously you don't make or mod games.

>> No.6213172

>hundreds of rare games are worth hundreds of dollars despite roms being easily downloaded for them
>Noooo! My rare one of kind game's going to go down in price if other people can download it!!!

>> No.6213284

Prototype market does not equal retail market. Many people buy prototypes specifically for obtaining undumped data. Maybe high end prototypes of very popular games won't take a hit, but good luck selling your hand labeled generic CD-R prototype for much at all if the data is already out there.

>> No.6213306

This is the kind of thing I would have made a copy of. Hand the disc back to Blizzard, sit quiet for 10 years, and then dump the source code that you secretly stashed away. Good luck proving that on balance of probabilities, Blizzard.

>the landlord will just sell your collection on ebay for 10 bucks a game
No joke, this is sort of how I came across my copy of EarthBound. Someone in my apartment building at the time was being evicted, and I was just talking with the super while he was cleaning the place out. There were a bunch of Nintendo posters on the wall, and Nintendo merch all over the place, but the thing that really caught my eye was the map from EarthBound. I asked the super if the tenant had a video game system and a bunch of game cartridges, and he replied with "yeah, several, I brought all of that to Goodwill and donated it". The next fucking morning I skipped class and went to the Goodwill right when it opened. I found the tenant's copy of EarthBound, along with a ton of other really good SNES games, all being sold for $5 each. Unironically one of the top 10 days in my life.

Unfortunately, as karma would have it, that same cart disappeared several years later (along with a few other things) while my ex and I were going through a breakup. In the intervening period, the average price of a legit copy with a few extras increased from $100-$150 to probably $400-$500. I'm almost positive she got her brother to sell it on eBay. Lesson learned, never tell ANYONE how valuable shit is, just let them think it's a bunch of worthless retro crap.

>> No.6213357

The only surprise there is that even one person donated. The "community" is cancer. Nearly everything I've contributed in the last 10 years has been anonymous because I don't even want to be part of it.

>dramatic reenactment of making a losing bid on ebay

>> No.6213418

>The "community" is cancer
I think at least a meaningful portion of them are quite literally children. Not manchildren like myself, but bonafide 14 year olds who talk big shit about how they'd do this or that if they had something, or about how so-and-so amount of money is insignificant despite not contributing or even having the means and ability to contribute. I'm all for preservation, but people demanding others do things for them without ever giving back gets old.

>> No.6214637

It's a fucking 2D engine.
You can write your own in 2 weeks.

>> No.6214869

The problem is they all act like 6 year olds regardless of whether they're 14 or 44 or anywhere in between. They care nothing about preservation, only about free games. And not even stuff they're going to play. They rabidly demand that unplayable prototypes of shitty games be released so they can complete their "collection" of ROMs. They have all the pathology of a collector, hoarder and poorfag crammed into their sick little heads.

>> No.6214961

Why isn't the IP count going up? Are you having an angry conversation with yourself?

>> No.6215040

The only thing worse than the cringe of you actually checking that is your fail in understanding what it means

>> No.6215102

It's true, when we look at free ways of contributing to any preservation project, such as rounding up hacks, demoscene, homebrew & other bootleg ROMs that have already been dumped, it's not hard to join TOSEC to start renaming them and adding them to the .DAT files. Except, no one does shit to contribute to anything, and the NES .DAT hasn't been updated since 2015. GoodSet's been dead since the author has been chronically cancelled for being """racist""". BlueMaxima's Flashpoint has 6000+ leeches in the Discord with a mere 5-10 people actually contributing including myself.

>> No.6215462

Most prefer to just sit around and demand other people do the work while insisting how important it is that it be done, but never important enough for them to do it themselves.

>> No.6217117

OMG. I'm literally shaking right now at how racist this person who's gender I'm not going to assume is. Stating literal facts like having a greencard not being proof of citizenship but in fact being proof you're not a citizen. How dare ze! He probably even spews hate speech like saying religion isn't a race and other such unwoke violent crimes against humanity. We should harass him, threaten his family, get him fired, and violently protest at his house until he learns to be a peaceful, tolerant, and inclusive person like us.

>> No.6217185

What a moron holy crap

>> No.6218465

>They care nothing about preservation, only about free games
Holy based.