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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 475 KB, 1280x2124, resellers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6184664 No.6184664 [Reply] [Original]

When will resellers learn?

>> No.6184668


Those aren’t US copies of the game

>> No.6184669

>telling retarded plebs about NTSC-J version
Don't do it anon sooner or later we will hit

>> No.6184671

What's your point? Plenty of Satrun games are way cheaper getting the JP version. Also who in their right mind would buy saturn games anymore when you can buy a $30 pseudo cart and burn all your games. Reseller's won't "learn" as long as people keep falling for the collecting meme.

>> No.6184674

This just pirate everything or emulate. In the end it most games will just sit on some shelf and collect dust.

>> No.6184679

can confirm, had a copy a radiant silvergun sitting around for so long because I would just play my burned copy. Sold it to some poor soul for almost 300 bucks

>> No.6184690

The games are only "rare" because no one fucking bought the Saturn. Realistically, there's probably hundreds if not thousands of shelved units for a lot of its games just sitting around in a warehouse somewhere.

>> No.6184704

Shows Japanese games like a literal fucking retard.

>> No.6184706

You're comparing the US version price to the Japanese version price.
Who's the stupid one now?

>> No.6184709

Thirty Dollars? I spent $18 and made my own pseudo saturn cart. BTW if you do that use the Model One Saturn with the oval buttons. I could not get it done on the latter model.

>> No.6184715

I bought the Japanese Release for $12. And unlike OP I don't go spouting off about US Prices like a fucking faggot retard.

"Duuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrrr... You're hoarding Plastic. DDDDDuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrr " : Some Fagot

>> No.6184726

>buy a gameshark
>now you can play japanese games

Wow, so hard, mouth-breathing, drooling, inbred dumb-fuck-sticks.

>> No.6184728 [DELETED] 

false-flagging reseller getting BTFO

>> No.6184732

>the false-flagging reseller cries out as he strikes you

>> No.6184742

>200-300$ to play an inferior version of a game already on PC
>that you can also download for free


For what purpose?

>> No.6184747
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>> No.6184750

Reseller threads are the easiest, most hilarious source of asshurt on all of /vr/. Reading them is always a blast.

>> No.6184773

What gets me is the people marking up old consumer shit CRT monitors $100+ and labeling them "retro gaming monitors"

>> No.6184775

eh, typing of the dead 2 is the superior version anyway

>> No.6184785 [DELETED] 

You're a faggot for thinking so. Unironically.

>> No.6184790

>think you're meming
>go onto ebay
>there are actual retards trying to market CRT's as "vintage gaming sets"

Zoomers are fucking cancer, holy shit.

>> No.6184794


>> No.6184795

when will you learn the most basic tenets of a market economy and how it functions that most people grasped as a little kid

just don't buy it faggot lol

>> No.6184812

I'm not a retarded 10 year old, anon. I already know how to type properly.

>> No.6184823

The game runs and looks like shit on Saturn.

>> No.6184826

Before too long, you might as well just buy a HotD arcade cab, at least that way you'll have the good version of the game.

>> No.6184828

cope harder two finger typing brainlet
t. superior feet typer

>> No.6184846

That's a bootleg, though. It won't even play in a regular Saturn.

>> No.6184851

good for you I guess.

>> No.6184864

You do need to be cautious about the model of Saturn you're getting (if it is important for whatever one would need it for) even with a model 1 shell. I got my Saturn in the early 2000s and only recently discovered that I apparently have the "rare" version that's a model 1 shell with model 2 style innards. Works fine for my purposes, so whatever.

>> No.6184876

Hoes Mad

>> No.6184879

Are you too retarded to read the word Reproduction?

>> No.6184903 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6184914

ProTip: If you're going to "hell" when you die, you'd never know it. You'd just cease to be.

>> No.6184919


There's your problem right there, nothing good will ever happen in that state and the people that live in it will never do anything good either, flies attracted to shit.

>> No.6184931

>Who's the stupid one now?
the retards paying hundreds of dollars for terrible games

>> No.6184974

Megasoreass is just jelly. I have may US retail release Saturn Games. The most expensive one I own is Guardian Heros. It's an ex-rental I picked up years and years ago. I have no desire to pay for games like Magic Knight Rayearth. So I found a way I can still play the game and ordered one from Japan for cheap. Yet you don't see me complaining like a faggot. Grow up.

>> No.6185000
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I'll sell my shit at whatever prices I want. If you don't like it, don't buy it. :)

>> No.6185047

How the fuck is a 30 year old television not vintage?

>> No.6185052

Based trips gouger dabbing on poorfags

>> No.6185057

If there was a hell the essence of what would leave your body would know it dumbass.

>> No.6185060

its not that old, its like saying the ps2 is vintage.

>> No.6185062

I used to work at a pawn shop, and yes, most people put there really are as retarded as OP.

>> No.6185097

The ps2 isn't 30 fucking years old.

>> No.6185127

ah ok, you are 13 years old, cellphones without touchscreen arent 30 years old either.

>> No.6185167

so I guess my retard comment didnt apply to you yet you still responded as if it did, because in fact, you are a retard

>> No.6185183

He mentioned in that video that the Japanese version is cheaper than the U.S. version, retard.

That's a reproduction copy, not legit.

>> No.6185243

And those aren't vintage either you moron.

>> No.6185250

Sega lord x videos are hopeless

>> No.6185272


>> No.6186452

Umm... Why? You either collected to be saved or discarded into the void. Where is this great source of energy that is expended to conjure a dimension whose sole purpose is torture. If anything. This is hell.

>> No.6186454

You're the one that's too fucking ignorant to understand Japanese Games prices more often than not do not equal USA's.

You're the fucking retard that sees a Japanese copy selling for 30 dollars and thinks the US Release should be worth the same. You subhuman trash.

>> No.6187601

Except in the video he mentioned the JP version goes for significantly less. And yes, the NTSC/US version is rare and overpriced as fuck.

>> No.6187670

Not him but I quite like my state except for Chicago.

>> No.6187789

Obviously, retards want to argue over "vintage" & "retro" semantics, but that's not even why it's cancer. A retro TV is a retro TV, it's not a "retro gaming TV" or a "retro movie TV".
I'm pretty sure the built-in VCR must only be meant for taking a shit in it since almost everything is listed as a "gaming television".

>> No.6187796
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>tfw too much of a coward to flash my saturn even though I bought the AR already

I dont want to break anything or brick the console

>> No.6187802

>"can you read japanese"

>> No.6187804

I just splurged and got one of those pre made red ones.

>> No.6187912

He is not the smartest guy but he was honest and said pretty clearly which version is $200.
You should watch the video and find a hobby what wont increase your blood pressure.

>> No.6188081

Why are you lot so mad about people spending a lot of money on games? If you really only care about playing it you have a wealth of options. An ODE, a Pseudo Saturn cart, mednafen, etc.
I've spent probably $2000 on Saturn games but still use mednafen regularly, it has its advantages. No shame in any of these activities, right?

>> No.6188083

Youre flashing the cart, not the console. You can't break the console doing that

>> No.6188119

What's peoples obsession with the pseudo Saturn? The modchip is cheap and braindead easy install.

>> No.6188139

A mod-free solution. I understand that desire, but yeah, after running into compatability issues with the pseudo, I decided to just go the modchip route.

>> No.6188174
File: 406 KB, 882x600, 1562288513976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tick tock, collectors. Tick tock.

>> No.6188229

If after 20+ years your discs haven't started to show signs of disc rot, they should be fine provided you continue taking good care of them.

And that doesn't really look like disc rot. That looks like a disc that's been beaten to hell and back and hasn't been properly stored or taken care of.

>> No.6188250

why do I get the feeling everyone here is very insecure about their retro hobby?

>> No.6188312

just burn the fucking games, idiots

>> No.6188390

Name another collecting hobby that has so many people angry that you collect the things instead of having only digital copies or bootlegs.

>> No.6188395


yeah wtf is going on. I really dont remember so much angst here

>> No.6188402

How so?

>> No.6188452

Zoomers can't change the batteries in a remote let alone install a solderless mod chip.

>> No.6188539

No. Why the fuck do you care? Fuck off

>> No.6189141


>put translation patch on SD card
>put SD card in Super UFO Pro
>pop authentic Famicom cart ontop of Super UFO Pro
>Suddenly, game plays in English


but yeah, japanese games are cheaper for a reason. They're not the same, at all. Different items with different market values. The Japanese House of the Dead even has english Voice Acting, I think. It's just way more common

>> No.6189145


A new wave of people came to the site during the past election cycle. They think being insufferable cunts is part of the culture.

In other words, newfags. Always newfags.

>> No.6189481
File: 31 KB, 320x286, Down-Child-Hands.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pop authentic Famicom cart ontop of Super UFO Pro

>> No.6189523

Vintage = at least 20 years old, zoomer retard.

>> No.6189538

>Name another collecting hobby that has so many people angry that you collect the things instead of having only digital copies or bootlegs.

Other-way around

Retards are angry that people aren't collecting and just playing emulators and buying digital copies instead because they aren't gullible dipshits willing to spend 300$ on a copy of some game that has millions of units.

More frustration than anything.

>> No.6189641

>just playing emulators
lol, that's a stretch given most of the threads on here.

>> No.6189748

>claims words mean whatever he says they do
>calls others zoomer
After you look up the definition of vintage maybe look up the definition of irony?

>> No.6189776

Honestly, its a dead topic, we get it, the S.O_Yboy.s and poser fakers won, they co-opted our hobby and fucked up everything, specially that jackass MetalJebusCock.

Its no use anymore.

>> No.6189789

>apparently have the "rare" version that's a model 1 shell with model 2 style innards.

model 1 vs 2 for the Saturn only tells you what shape the buttons are and whether it has an access led. The actual hardware inside kept getting revisions ignoring all of that.

>> No.6189794

kys Gabe, disc rot is propaganda spread by the video game and digital distribution industry
That isn't even disc rot by the way.
That isn't disc rot, that is as you already said, the result of a clumsy subhuman.
Digital distribution has had 10+ years of brainwashing esque marketing. Valve in particular started an anti physical copy, pro digital distribution brainwashing campaign in 2003.
There has been nothing of the sort for physical copies. If Gamestop, EB Games, Walmart, Target, and other retailers teamed up they could have nipped digital distribution in the bud within months. I want games to be sold physical only and complete, no DLC, no MTX, no patches, no updates, no console wannabe platforms on PC, so I wish they would have used their leverage to nip it in the bud
Disc is still the king of data storage in terms of longevity despite what the digital distribution and video game industries want you to think. The fact that that fact gets people so upset proves that the industry brainwashed people.
If you don't like physical copies then you don't like retro games. The reasons digital was pushed is so games could be intentionally released unfinished, DLC, mtx, console platforms on PC, multiplayer requiring you to go through a centralized server, no physical manuals, less effort, excessively easy access means more non-gamers play games, data gathering, etc
Either buy a physical copy or pirate. The only thing that should make people angry is that companies charge for digital distribution and there are dumb fucks that give them money for it.

>> No.6189802

>buying digital
That isn't possible. Paying for digital is nothing more than giving a donation to a company. By paying for digital you are rewarding games being intentionally released unfinished, DLC, mtx, console platforms on PC, multiplayer requiring you to go through a centralized server, no physical manuals, less effort, excessively easy access means more non-gamers play games, data gathering, etc . If you pay for digital then you don't like retro games so why are you on this board?
>gullible dipshit
yet you pay for digital distribution which is infinte and non-scarce therefore it is worth $0. Even 1 cent for a download is an infinitely worse deal than $300 for a physical copy.

>> No.6189808

I like my physical games because who says distribution services will be around forever. People kind of take shit like steam for granted. Enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.6189858

I bought a Saturn from a jap and he threw in a bunch of gundam games and a nice note saying "thanks for helping him make rent baka gaijin this shit is worthless" or somesuch. Was still about a third of the cost anyone based in the US would want.

>> No.6189862

Phantoms are solderless? What? Is there a different modchip now? Might have to get another Saturn to try it out.

>> No.6189908

No. You have to desolder the PSU to hook up the power.

>> No.6189921

Ah yes, metaljesus, the most famous man on the internet. He is influencing everyone! His gay fucking videos that no one watches are ESPECIALLY responsible for retro game prices!

Please don’t mention no name e-celebs ever again

>> No.6189931

Who says you'll be around forever? You're just ensuring somebody has to go through all your crap that means nothing to them that will probably end up in a landfill.

I'm not against collecting. But I say keep it limited.

>> No.6189932

Based. Digital is a scam. Of course every digicuck don’t want to admit how shitty it is, because they probably spent thousands of dollars on crap. All they have is unusable, non-archivable data from multiplayer games with no online servers, on obsolete unplayable consoles that collect dust.

Meanwhile, physical CD games can be experienced 25 years after release with no problems at all.

>> No.6189935

>I want garbage and more garbage because my fee fees about games when I was little

Who really gives a shit? With emulation you can play whatever the fuck you want. Most of you collectors never even play your games that much if ever.

>> No.6189939

Fuck off you absolute faggot. Show me one emulator thread where someone chimes in with
>“durrr buy the game on ebay you loser!!!”
It doesn’t fucking happen. You people, on the other hand, cannot help yourself but spam a 100 posts in any thread about physical collections. You just HAVE to make it known that you own a flash cart or a computer.

>> No.6189947

Hurrrrr durrrr funni

>> No.6189951

First of all, fuck living a certain way to please people even after your death. Secondly, who says the collectors itt aren’t limiting themselves?

>> No.6190008

Dont give a shit what happens after I die. I get to enjoy them until then without having to worry if a server is going to be online still

>> No.6190031

>me and everyone in my family is retarded so if i ever had offspring which i never will they'd be retarded as well
Sucks to be you faggot. Everyone in my family knows my shit's worth a small fortune

>> No.6190426

>Desolder the psu
You literally tack the wire either onto the power pin on the psu or there is a pad on the CD board.

>> No.6190498

Good luck killing yourself. If you don't solder the power wire it will blow up and make mustard gas. That's why the PSU is double welded with unobtainium solder on all Sega consoles. Just ask anyone here who's not old enough to be here if you need to get some education.

>> No.6190929
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Are you saying you dont know how to fit the square peg into the square hole?

I'm not sure when you're implying here

>> No.6190961

but you have to open it up and hold something down with tape to do the disc swap trick

>> No.6191180

Japanese HotD only has green blood though.

>> No.6191849

Are you saying you don't know how to tell the difference between a Famicom cart and a SFC cart?

>pop authentic Famicom cart ontop of Super UFO Pro
You are. That's literally what you're saying.

Also, does DSP pass through work with that game? I've seen plenty of kiddos here claiming games work when they don't so curious if that one actually does.

>> No.6192581

Sega Lord X is among the rare few honest, decent and well informed youtubers when it comes to videogames presentation and research.
Castrate yourself and go suck AVGN/MJ cocks you faggot.

>> No.6192593

>stanning this hard

>> No.6192607

just shut up and let the resellers do their thing so the prices can get driven up by another 0 then I can sell my collection and retire

>> No.6192846


Do you throw a bitchfit when people refer to SNES as "nintendo" games too?

Dont @ me, retard

>> No.6192890

Any particular reason why NTSC House of the Dead on the Saturn is more expensive than the PAL version? Usually when I'm shopping for old games, it's the PAL versions of games that are generally more expensive.

>> No.6192906

well... yeah, actually
several games I was looking for a deal on suddenly skyrocketed in price overnight when MJR made a video on them

>> No.6193012

There are "several" games that you just happened to be looking for a deal on, just as metalfaggot made a video about them, causing the prices to skyricket overnight? My bullshit sense is tingling.
Looking at his channel, there are very few videos about retro hidden gem/obscure games, unless you scroll down several years. His view count is mediocre. There is absolutely no fucking way this old cunt is a major market influencer. He is just another ape who knows how to use google.

>> No.6193032

>a hobby built of nostalgia for one's youth
>populated by people that never grew up
>people wonder why everyone involved is in an insufferable cunt
a real noggin jogger, for sure

>> No.6194348

The problem with collecting is that there are the haves and the have-nots.

If you're an SNES collector, and you don't have Chrono Trigger, or Earthbound, can you really call yourself a collector? It creates a very toxic environment because you either have the good rare shit, or you're some schmuck poser.

>> No.6194357

Supply and demand. The value of these items are only as much as those are willing to pay for them.

>> No.6194439

YOU are one of them.

>> No.6194462


If you play retro for nostalgia, you're doing it wrong.

It's about enjoying video games.

>> No.6194489

Hes not just one youtuber hes that entire network, all those guests on his show are part of his network. He himself isnt that much of an influence but when you got the faggot John hand cock , and pink gorilla my parents bought me a game store bitch and every other faggot on his channel it's a lot more than just him but hes still responsible because its his little network.

>> No.6194612

Do you always sperg out when someone points out you made a mistake? Of course you do. All spergbabies do.

>> No.6195368
File: 25 KB, 500x281, 1432558842498.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Decided to buy the long box version Virtua Fighter Remix at my favorite used game store for $15 because I wanted a version besides the 32x one
>Watched this video later on

>> No.6195513

Sorry for insulting your favorite e-celeb, faggot.

>> No.6195604
File: 468 KB, 512x512, original_result (14).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the video in OP's pic this weekend. Is OP serisously that retarded that he thinks Sega Lord X is a reseller trying to unload his collection like Pat the NES Punk?

Wow, OP. You are fucking DUMB.

>> No.6195605

Unless it's Burned Media. Bit Rot is ALWAYS Label damage. Even the Manufacture defects like Snake Eater for Game Cube. It's still Label Damage and nothing more.

>> No.6195608

You can if you're clumsy. I wasn't a huge fan of opening up my oval button Saturn and tying a rubber band to the sensor, but I did it and it worked on my second try.

>> No.6195613

Cheap? I couldn't even find one to order. Where do you get them?

>> No.6195615

No one on this board actually knows anything about anything, don't listen to anything they say.

>> No.6195619

No, people are mad because these EmulatorFags come on here and call people plastic hoarders.

>> No.6195621

what the fuck are you even try to say here you retard

>> No.6195627

>using the term "stan"

>saying don't @ me on 4chan

I fucking hate this place so much

>> No.6195628

You don't have any say on what people do with their time and money. So why don't you just shut your fucking mouth.

>> No.6195635

Nobody wants stinky PAL games, faggot.

>> No.6195640
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>I was just thinking about buying a game after I watched a Metal Jesus episode and haven't checked the prices in fifteen years and YIKES. Curse You METAL JESUS!

>> No.6195641

You can still get the one from console goods. He just doesn't have it listed on his website. Or you can find a phantom.

>> No.6195642

Okay, Pat.

>> No.6195648
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This. All of it.

>> No.6195651
File: 71 KB, 216x228, StupidAssHole.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes.. hello fellow MJR Crew members

>> No.6195654

No I seriously can't stand the guy. He might as well be KimJust41%Already

>> No.6195668


>> No.6195756
File: 406 KB, 882x1373, DayEee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also I got to thank Sega Lord X for letting me know this Manual I found in a pile of discarded video games stuff I found in a plastic tub is probably worth something.

>> No.6195764

Oh... Never mind. I thought there were only two different Daytona USA releases for Saturn. Not three. SHiiiiiiieett

>> No.6196972
File: 87 KB, 900x696, terrorist_bomberman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You reminded me of the time I found my manual for Bomberman 64 The Second attack and sold it for $100 or so. It was shit condition also.

>> No.6196983

Even japanese copies of some games are going for retard prices now its too silly. I had a Street Fighter Zero 3 I got for like 70 dollars at one point now people want retard prices. Same for other common ones like marvel vs street fighter which i paid 20 us for that inflation i guess

>> No.6197235

Nobody cares or knows about the rest of Illinois.