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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 336 KB, 1588x1024, Donald In Maui Mallard [EUR].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
617987 No.617987 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk about the best Donald Duck game and how only 10 people have actually played it.

>> No.618028
File: 47 KB, 463x442, 1292010295993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dat boss theme

>> No.618032
File: 46 KB, 256x350, Quackshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably one of the best soundtracks on the genesis.

>best Donald Duck game
Have you ever played Quackshot?

>> No.618036


Also,that one zambie level towards the end was legitimately unsettling.

>> No.618038

I in fact have not.
I shall have to fix this so that I can give a more accurate opinion.

>> No.618039

I've played it but I thought the platforming was a bit dodgy. You change direction too fast, and that rotating thing in the first level is annoying as shit

The animation is nice though

>> No.618054

>get all the way through to Sacrifice of Maui without dying
>kick the boss' ass, time to climb
>fuck up a single grapple jump
>insta-kill lava

All dat zombie powder...

>> No.618064

It's easily one of the best game for the Genesis, pretty long too, with the possibility to visit different levels at the same time.
The last temple is so good I still have chills remembering it

>> No.618215

It is pretty fun so far, I like the idea of going back and forth between levels to collect items like Zelda...

But why does Donald eat chicken?

>> No.618217

>I've played it but I thought the platforming was a bit dodgy.

This. You move too quickly, the screen scrolls too fast, and you're kind of slippery to stop. You have to like, edge around making sure you're not going to run into enemies.

It's still fun, and I still played through the whole thing, but it's not really a great game.

>> No.618221
File: 27 KB, 350x239, Donald-Duck-roast-bird_4284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But why does Donald eat chicken?
It's not cannibalism if it's a different species.

>> No.618231

It's still a bird!
And aren't there sentient chickens in Disney?

>> No.618263

Look at those faces. The nephews are shocked. Horrified.

Donald is pissed. No fucks given. They are sitting down, and they are eating that bird. And anybody who argues will be tomorrow's dinner.

You don't fuck with the Duck.

>> No.618301

I'm sure it's mostly my nostalgia blinding me, but I never had issues with the game's speed.

My only real complaint about it is grapple points having really touchy hitboxes.

>> No.618324

I know your dirty secret you read cracked

>> No.618331

We eat mammals you know.

>> No.618336

I'm one of the three people who got to enjoy the superior looking and sounding PC version as a kid.

>> No.618340

The animals we eat cannot communicate with us in our language, write, or use civilized tools.

If it ain't our equal, it's our food.

>> No.618342

Damn straight buddy.
Still have my disc too. Pity it doesn't work on newer Windows OS...

>> No.618345

>that's a donald
this makes me wonder if a series of games with donald as different personas was originally planned

>> No.618346


I'm pretty sure chickens and ducks don't talk to each other.

>> No.618360

>I'm pretty sure chickens and ducks don't talk to each other.

Not after the "Barnyard Incident".

>> No.618362

Ducks and mice don't talk to each other either.

And yet there's Disney.

>> No.618358


This is how it works:

Sapient duck (Donald) = Human
Normal duck = Ape
Random bird = Random mammal

>> No.618354

A Maui Mallard franchise WAS planned, including a comic series.

Unfortunately it didn't sell well enough.

>> No.618380
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>> No.618398
File: 46 KB, 400x300, 20081127205920837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right there with you bros. First game I got when I was six. Donald has never been that awesome again.

>> No.618410
File: 157 KB, 250x363, poster.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's still a bird!

>> No.618426
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>> No.618443

Donald is a hardcore motherfucker.

>> No.618459

what the...

>> No.618484


Why is he clamping a chicken
How is the chicken not being crushed by the clamp
Why is there a clamp bolted to the table
Why does he have an axe

So many questions

>> No.618485

a PC port that is actually better than the console version?
in 1995?
I am shocked

>Pity it doesn't work on newer Windows OS...
I'm sure there is a way to get it to work, there always is

>> No.618492

The only way I've found to get it to work is to download a Windows 98 virtual console.

>> No.618510

I watched my big brother play this aa few times, but never played it myself.

>> No.618512
File: 132 KB, 1024x693, Z0031176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maui Mallard In Cold Shadow (what it was released as here in the states) wasn't anything really all that special and this is coming from a kid who DESPERATELY wanted to play it growing up

I think it would have been much better if it had just been about Donald becoming a ninja instead of him going on some kind of tropical vacation. Because I really did enjoy the Cold Shadow segments

>> No.618513

It's better because America didn't get the Genesis version of Maui Mallard.

>> No.618514

Fantasia 2000 had Donald look confused when a family of normal ducks walked by

>> No.618518

It was Donald solving a case in a tropical location. He had already learned how to become a ninja.

That is the point.

>> No.618519

Why do you think it's a chicken and not a goose?

>> No.618525

Are those not the same game? I always assumed the SNES was the one everyone talked about because it was so much better than a Genesis one out there (as usual)

>> No.618532

The SNES and Genesis versions were different.

and I found the SNES version to be easier, mostly because they made your basic shot a long-ranged projectile.

>> No.618560

as a kid I loved playing this game at my uncles. good game.

>> No.618571


Because I've never eaten a goose and I don't know what one looks like.

>> No.618767




>> No.618821

I don't understand how anyone can argue for Quackshot being better than Maui Mallard with a straight face without being a total Sega nut.

When judged as a platformer, Quackshot can't compete with its slow pace and poor level design, and if seen as an adventure game it can't compete with proper genre entries. I dare say even Donald no mahou no boushi is more fun to play than Quackshot, despite its many shortcomings.

Maui Mallard is a high-speed action platformer with tight controls and beautiful graphics that almost manages to reach the level of the Disney game gods at Capcom.

>> No.618852

The real question that young me never got the answer to: how do you do these cool things the end ninja bosses did (like moving on the ground, attacking while running,...)?

>> No.618867

>I don't understand how anyone can argue for Quackshot being better than Maui Mallard with a straight face without being a total Sega nut.

I don't understand how anyone can argue Donald Duck games with a straight face

>> No.618885

You can't, only the computer enemies can do that.

Cold Shadow's only abilities are Wall Cling, Grapple, Staff attack, and Teleport/Sprint

>> No.618940

At last here in Scandinavia discussing Donald is appropriate regardless of age.

>> No.618941

You callin Donald Duck shit son?

>> No.618970


With the deal with you guys and Donald anyway? He seems way more popular there than anywhere else.

>> No.618984
File: 36 KB, 256x223, Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi snes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> ITT: casuals who never played Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi (Super famicom only)

>> No.618986

Looks like that SNES Pacman game.
Which sucked.

>> No.618990
File: 14 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr4 7_28_09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can see you never played this game.

>> No.618994

>The Sacrifice Of Maui
that one was the pits. That music made up for it, though

>> No.618998

The Phantom too. Shit we got sick of 50 years ago they eat up

>> No.619000
File: 14 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr4 7_34_35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stage was hysterical.

>> No.619003

Is there any translation for it? Or can you figure out what you're doing by just running around?

>> No.619006
File: 11 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr4 7_35_26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gooby pls

>> No.619007

Whats that screen shot trying to convey. It DOES look like Pacman 2

>> No.619018

Moon runes aren't helping your arument

>> No.619020
File: 29 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr2 8_12_36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's untranslated but the story is easy to follow.

Also, stage used Mode 7 to rotate it 360º so Donald could walk, climb, jump and etc.

>> No.619039

I might give it a shot at some point.
Does the rom come with translated controls? Or is there not much to figure out past jump/move?

>> No.619045
File: 13 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr2 7_42_08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a week before Daisy's birthday, so Donald took her around to see if he can guess what would she like.
Daisy finds a fancy hat on a store, Donald correctly guesses she would like that and wheh he notices the price tag, he almost gets a heart attack because the fucking thing costs an arm and a leg.

>> No.619060
File: 16 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr4 7_35_13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Donald decides to take some part time jobs (Windows cleaner, newspaper delivery, recsuing Grandma's kidnaped pet or trying his luck on Goofy's hysterical TV show.)

Every stage gives you a quick review of what you have to do, and how you must do it. No problem there.

>> No.619065
File: 15 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr4 7_37_57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, Goofy is an asshole.

>> No.619069

Payback for the fishing incident, I'm sure.

>> No.619083
File: 17 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr2 7_54_52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After completing 3 levels (you don't need to play all four) Donald is ready to buy the hat, only to find someone already bought it.


Oh wait. A weird guy ask Donald to restore the lights on his manor (It was overrun by ghosts) and as payment, he can give him another hat like the one he wanted.

Donald agrees because why fucking not.

>> No.619108
File: 27 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr2 7_57_25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After finishing this ordeal, Donald realizes that the guy was... a sentient hat.

Actually, the guy is a king. Pegleg Pete (who else?) seized his kingdom, cursed him (so that's why he's a hat) and banished him to Donald's world (the ghosts kept the portal closed)
So the guy begs Donald to go with him to his kingdom to save everyone, at this point Donald decides to follow him because he just wants to punch someone in the face for the hat fiasco.

>> No.619125
File: 27 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr2 8_08_50.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You must defeat all of Pete's henchmen before attacking his blimp squad to hijack one, then traveling to his lair and show him what happens when you piss off Donald Duck.

>> No.619132
File: 32 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr2 8_45_54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enjoy the beautiful scenarios before punching that guy down the cliff to his death..

>> No.619143
File: 20 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr2 8_33_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Sonic-looking stage where you must beat the hare in a race so you could block his exit before he escapes.

The bad news: the hare is an asshole and will play dirty to win.
The good news: you can do the same.

>> No.619167
File: 39 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr2 8_04_58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This stage is full of gremlins trolling Donald all the time and setting up dumb traps that can be seen from a mile away and dodges by simply jumping over them.
Then you fall on the REAL traps they laid on the area where you are expected to land.

>> No.619180
File: 19 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr4 7_11_58.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's Pete time.

>> No.619213
File: 21 KB, 256x224, SNES--Donald Duck Mahou no Boushi_Apr4 7_21_22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A mountain of corpses later, Donald break the curse on the king, saves the world, etc.
He's sent back to his own world with the only reward he accepted: the hat.

The ending includes a whole song (And the game is fully voiced, at least by donald himself. He even says "Gawd Dammit" when he loses a life and his angry animation is played.

>> No.619221

but what about goofy and pluto

>> No.619228

Hot Dog --> Pluto --> Goofy.

>> No.619243

I'm playing this right now and, I've gotta be honest...
It's a bit easy.

>> No.619249

Looks like a good game to play thru. thanks for dumping all this op

>> No.619256

The game is easy.

Not so easy as Magical Quest, but nowhere as insanely difficult as Maui Mallard.

You will finish it on a couple of hours.

>> No.619270

I'm not OP, I just noticed the lack of this Donald game and dumped all the info to fix that.

The game was programmed by Epoch, so if you have played those SFC Doraemon games you already know what you will find.

>> No.619276

Maui doesn't really get insanely difficult until Flying Duckman.

>> No.619279

The mojo mansions theme just played in my mnd so ooudly it felt like the soundtrack of the thread


Why noones mentions lucky dime
Capers on sms

>> No.619282

That sprite animation on the genesis... That's fucking amazing. Was the SNES like that? Watching the beginning of the SNES one I can't really tell since they obviously have two different stories.

>> No.619301

The SNES version is a hell of a lot brighter and you move faster, it seems.

I think the Genesis does the game better justice, it's alot smoother.

>> No.619315

The Snes had the same animations, but also had an improved soundtrack, improved backgrounds (The Genesis ones were already great) AND added that fucking difficult bonus stage where you must fight for the right of getting the password.
The Genesis just had Donald riding an unicycle and completing a fairly easy stage instead.

>> No.619326

>Babalau Baby

>> No.619348

It also turned your basic shot into a projectile, removed Bombbugs and ammo combining, caused you to lose all your ammo and Zombie Powder when going to a new stage, and allowed you to stay as Cold Shadow indefinitely.

>> No.619356

>and allowed you to stay as Cold Shadow indefinitely.
The Snes version still slowly depleted your mojo meter when you turned into Cold Shadow.

>> No.619375

No, the Genesis version did.
The SNES version depleted your meter only when you did the useless spin attack.

>> No.619391

My bad.

>> No.619396

Also the SNES version casualized the Flying Duckman level by allowing you to float about in any direction.

>> No.619401

It's been ages since I did any ROM hacking, but I speak Japanese and am currently NEET, so I have enough time at the moment. Is there enough interest to begin a project on mahou no boushi? I may need help with editing graphics for the non-text parts.

Could end up with some fun threads here on /vr/ if we started doing translations.

>> No.619405

Could be useful. There are alot of japanese-only games.

>> No.619414

The soundtrack for the Flying Duckman was also completely different in the Genesis and the SNES version.

Hell,from what I seem to remember,the jungle level with the vine bungees was also very different between the two. It's been a while since I replayed Cold Shadow,but I remember there were a lot of differences between the two,to the point where they're basically different games.

>> No.619419

Yeah, Test of Duckhood in SNES was changed from a bungee jump platforming challenge to navigating a maze while carrying Muddrakes across.

>> No.619435

Are there any good ones on the SNES you can think of that have yet to be translated? I guess Marvelous, maybe, but that's a bit too ambitious to start out with.

>> No.619465

Mojo Mansion
Dark Cellar replaced by Dark Hallway, Organ Climb level extended. Metal Spider can no longer be attacked during its spawn animation and has two phases.

Ninja Training Grounds
Main level mostly unaltered, Shadow Clones attack the instant you get close to them. Shadow Clone Boss added Green lightning-shooting clones and extended fight to include the golden Yin-Yang symbol.

My memory fails me on Muddrake Mayhem. The boss fight was changed to only one totem-toting Muddrake horde I think, but its health was increased and the last Muddrake hid in the roof.

Sacrifice of Maui
More enemy types added, level made much more Maui-oriented. Escape The Volcano changed to Maui riding a rock up instead of Cold Shadow grappling up the volcano.

Trial of Duckhood
Changed into a single level where you guide Muddrakes through a maze of thorns and spikes. Frog God boss changed to feeding him all the Muddrakes on screen instead of killing it directly.

Flying Duckman and Realm of the Dead I can't remember properly, outside of Flying Duckman giving you 8-way shooting in SNES version.

>> No.619953

Perhaps make a thread about it?

>> No.622949


Most people learned to read with Disney comics. We also get good new material on a regular basis - Disney stuff from Disney Italia, Phantom stuff from Team Fantomen. It also doesn't hurt that you can get comics in grocery stores, so kids can just randomly find them when shopping with parents.

>> No.622992

are you trying to tell me that ducks can speak chicken language ??

I suggest your suggestion is wrong sir

>> No.623028
File: 166 KB, 577x577, 1362291872251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Could end up with some fun threads here on /vr/ if we started doing translations.

Dis gun be good.