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6182954 No.6182954 [Reply] [Original]

Rondo is a great game, but this character right here doesn't fully convince me.

For one she doesn't tematically fit with the rest of the game, having a little girl attacking with her birds friends is whack as fuck considering the general tone of the game.
>inb4 b-but Rondo is anime!!! how can you say that anime doesn't fit in the anime Castlevania game!
fuck off with that shit, Rondo might be anime, but at the end of the day it still the same story just with some different aesthetics, it is different to give the characters more vibrant colors and anime faces in the cutscenes to have straight up moeshit in the game.
I can see why pandering to pedos might have been a good bussiness choice, but come on Konami, what the fuck.

Aside from that, the biggest problem is that this bitch trivializes the game way too fucking much. Her damage output is absurd and her mobility is also very clearly superior, the smaller hurtbox helps too. I genuinely can't think of any instance where you would prefer to play as Richter (he has better bursts maybe?). Not only that but you can get her as early as Stage 2, and it isn't like she is some hidden secret that you are very likely going to miss, no, you literally are forced to see her locked door when you go through the level. Sections like the boss rush in Stage 6 or the bridge in Stage 7 become a joke thanks to this little bastard. Not that Rondo is a particularly hard game in the first place
>but you are not forced to use her! you can just pick Richter you know?!
true, but at the end of the day, Maria ends up overshadowing Richter in his own game and the game shouldn't expect the player to choose the "fair" character if they want a real challenge just because they couldn't do proper balancing
i dont think Maria ruins the game, but the implementation could have been done a lot better, maybe make her a bonus after you beat Dracula for the first time idk

>> No.6182959

Rondo ruined the series, period.

>> No.6182963

It was on the PCEDUO of course they had to pander to pedos

>> No.6182971

>Maria ends up overshadowing Richter in his own game
To whom?

>> No.6182973

>For one she doesn't tematically fit with the rest of the game, having a little girl attacking with her birds friends is whack as fuck considering the general tone of the game.
I'm not a great fan of Maria but Konami in the 80s and 90s was a company with a great sense of humor and love for crazy stuff, so those kind of things might look weird today but had some sense back then. You can see lots of weird secrets and stuff in other serious Konami games like Snatcher or Silent Hill.

>> No.6182991

>the game shouldn't expect the player to choose the "fair" character if they want a real challenge just because they couldn't do proper balancing
You have some fair points but this is retarded and the sort of thinking that led to cheat codes and other fun being stripped from games. Exercise some self-control.

>> No.6183007

I knew that someone would come up with "le fun" argument
Thing is Maria doesn't work like a cheat code for the reasons I mentioned in the OP (you get her way too early and way too easy), making her a post-game bonus would have been okay to give some replay value, but having her available from your first run doesnt really work considering how strong she is

For instance, this game does have a "cheat code" that is nicely implented in the form of Maria's secret attack. It is only revealed to you in the form of the last Technic video (and it is the most expensive one) as a neat little secret that you can have fun with. But Maria itself is not a "neat little secret", she is half of the playable characters

>> No.6183010


>> No.6183024
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The downside is that you're playing a little girl in a pink dress. She's an overpowered joke character, get over it. The availability is irrelevant.

>> No.6183031
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Using Maria is like selecting easy on the main menu. Don't select easy on the main menu then complain that it's too easy.

You have no logical rebuttal to this. You are wrong and I am right. Accept it.

>> No.6183034


Fucking entitled ass zoomers

>> No.6183064
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She reminds me of a west side story

>> No.6183074

Maria is a smelly loli

>> No.6183120

4 already did that by casualising the core CV gameplay for SNESkids.

>> No.6183136
File: 44 KB, 1312x1080, Dracula X-200205-191839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just saved her and killed myself so I can play through the whole game starting at stage 2 with her, thanks for the tip OP

>> No.6183158

Idgaf about Alucard's slut.

>> No.6183160

You knew someone would respond with logic. Congratulations.

>> No.6183173
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This is one of the reasons why Dracula X SNES is superior to the CD Engine version: no playable loli.

>> No.6183343 [SPOILER] 
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>the biggest problem is that this bitch trivializes the game way too fucking much

Don't you see how intentional this all is though? The game has a sense of humor. Maria is obviously far more powerful, fast and versatile than Richter. She is a flat-out easy mode for the game the developers put in for fun. The game literally teases you in both music and visuals if you take the easy way out by beating the game with her by having a forcefully cheerful and colorful ending, completely juxtaposed with the badass ending of Richter. Just compare the final "castle-shot" and credit sequences between the two.

Richter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IoLehipbN4Q

Maria: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T-9WvGPzWN8

>> No.6183351

CV1 is easier than 4, though, as is Bloodlines.

>> No.6183360

>CV1 is easier than 4
How long did it take you to 1cc CV1 vs. 1cc 4? Because I beat 4 a hell of a lot faster than mastering 1.

>> No.6183370
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Maria throws cats, therefore she cannot be bad.

>> No.6183456

shes hot

>> No.6183461

There is no need for selectable characters in a single-player game to be balanced. Having one act as an "easy mode" is perfectly fine.

>> No.6183463

I personally haven't 1CC'd 4 but 1 took me maybe a week or two after I was able to beat it.

>> No.6183484

What's throwing you off in 4? The disappearing platforms in the dungeon? The sawblade section in the clock tower? Or maybe one of the final 4 bosses?

>> No.6183508

>west side story
sauce on the game here.

>> No.6183543

Platforming mostly. I think 4 has some trickier jumps than 1.

And I always lose lives on the sawblade section even though it's a lot of holding up.

>> No.6183795

She is the joke character what is not to get. She breaks the game. Her entire character is about being so polarizing from everything else.

>> No.6183828

Straight out of the mouth of the Japs translate it weebs


>> No.6183834

>completely optional character that isn't the default or the main character that you have to unlock is overshadowing Richter
come on anon, this is reaching. she is definitely the easy mode though.

>> No.6183841

>not IGA

>> No.6184004

>reseteratard hates anime
>so much he considers Maria is a loli
>anyone who doesn't care as much is a pedo

>> No.6184128

Your opinion is wrong but I would still fuck Maria in the butt

>> No.6184242
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This, but also the one thing that people seem to forget about Maria is that she's an unlockable secret, not something you begin the game with. She's an easy button but also a reward for exploring alternate paths. I think the only real issue is how early she becomes available. If she didn't show up until stage 6 autists would feel better about it.

There's one in every thread. Look, CVI and IV aren't that far apart difficulty-wise, II's only difficulty comes from trying to parcel out the shitty translation and III had an an artificially inflated difficulty level for the US release to cater to the rental market.

The difficulty you're so nostalgic about is exclusive to one game in the series, and even then only to one regional release of that game. IV isn't the aberration, III is.

>> No.6184253
File: 72 KB, 687x582, castlevania_dracula_x_chronicles_conceptart_dZl8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There were four playable characters at one point.
Is that why Tera and Iris exist?

>> No.6184256

>having a little girl attacking with her birds friends is whack as fuck considering the general tone of the game

The general tone of the game is fucking nuts. I have no idea how you can possibly consider her out of place.

>> No.6184261

The 16-bit games were all good. Symphony of the Night is what changed everything. If Nintendo had kept making fucking Metroid then there would have been no need for Castlevania to effectively become its replacement.

>> No.6184271

SCIV is the only good 16-bit Castlevania.

>> No.6184272

hi australia.

>> No.6184464

castlevania has always been hit and miss.

>> No.6184496

>use in game currency to buy walkthrough videos at menu screem
>final video shows you how to unleash Maria's stand and pulverize everything

>> No.6184505

I love how IVfags came up with an imaginary boogeyman to use as a scapegoat when someone criticizes their sacred cow.

>> No.6184539

ftfy lad

>> No.6184558
File: 283 KB, 748x398, x68k_vs_scb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6184703

Super IV isn't a remake, it's a re-imagining.

>> No.6184708

>falling for australia-kun bait in 2020

>> No.6184710

Nah, IGA and SotN just continued what Rondo started by turning the series into anime weeb shit.

>> No.6184754 [DELETED] 

take your meds, aus.

>> No.6184756

take your meds,australia.

>> No.6185668

Is there a reason why maria has fucking fighting game inputs? Not that they're hard or anything, I just always found that amusing

>> No.6185674

wat, in Rondo?

>> No.6185678

Yeah, her 28236A.

>> No.6185684

How else would you summon her STANDO DA?

>> No.6185685

>For one she doesn't tematically fit with the rest of the game, having a little girl attacking with her birds friends is whack as fuck considering the general tone of the game.

Hidden bonus character that is literally "easy mode" and meant for literal children if they have difficulty with the game. She's there for fun. Richter is the real mode of the game.

>> No.6185724

>i need to up my meds

>> No.6186269

I believe I read somewhere that there was supposed to be a female 'Grant' kind of character. Her would've been Yoko

>> No.6186307

>The difficulty you're so nostalgic about is exclusive to one game in the series, and even then only to one regional release of that game. IV isn't the aberration, III is.
True statement.

III is my favorite classicvania but it's uniquely difficult. The other games in the series are bog standard in terms of difficulty.

>> No.6186319

Enjoy your joke ending.

>> No.6186467
File: 1.12 MB, 824x1871, Symary.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How to fix Maria in one easy step: use the underused Symphony of the Night design.

>> No.6186475


mature maria >>>>> moeshit maria

>> No.6186479

How to ruin her again: make her play like her kiddy Rondo self instead of aging up her power accordingly. Saturn version had the right idea but went overboard on making her OP.

>> No.6186514
File: 190 KB, 1068x1005, Bitch_Maria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Saturn version had the right idea but went overboard on making her OP.
That's because the Saturn assets were based on leftover sprites of the unused "Black Maria" boss fight from the PlayStation version. The Saturn interpretation of Maria was never meant to be the normal/playable one.

>> No.6186528

Whatever, Bitch Maria has more fun gameplay than Rondo Maria.

>> No.6186559

>not Waria

>> No.6186747

She's the Arale to Castlevania's Dragon Ball.
Just a gag/joke character. You're not supposed to take her seriously.

>> No.6186765

>Saturn Maria has a kickass boss battle and actually fits her Symphony spritework
>But feels like a TOTALLY different character
>PSP/PS4 Maria feels more like Maria Renard
>But feels TOO much like Rondo Maria, like she hadn't grown up, has a horrible boss fight, and uses brand new "magical girl" sprites that don't fit with the rest of the game.
>Konami never tried to do Symphony Maria right ever again, it's always just been Rondo Maria or some variation of it.
Kinda sucks that Saturn went too far but PSP didn't go far enough, there needed to be a nice middle ground that did Maria justice. She should feel like the ninja lady that snuck around Dracula's Castle and kept Alucard on his toes while still being recongizable.

>> No.6186840
File: 834 KB, 1024x576, judgement maria.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they completely redesigned her for judgement.
but as much as I like her loli maria, her personality is a fucking joke and is graphically overdesigned there.
symphony maria somehow feels like an evolution of her rondo design (even though they have almost nothing in common), but judgement is a completely different character.

>> No.6187203

What do you think her feet smell like ha ha

>> No.6187340

why does this little girl have such a large chest

>> No.6187345

>completely optional character added as a joke mode

You people are morons

>> No.6187524

>i dont think Maria ruins the game
I am not even OP but come on

>> No.6188064
File: 117 KB, 900x654, castlevania__judgmental_by_wildfantasy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better question: why did her boobs shrink as she got older and then she envied other women's breasts in Judgment?

>> No.6188226

It's a puffy dress, you idiots.

>> No.6188227

No optional thing ever ruins a single player game because you have the ability to curate your own experience.

Any person trying to seriously argue that Maria is a problem is amongst the stupidest that this board has ever seen.

>> No.6188240

It's turtles

>> No.6188358

well nigger, if you could read you would understand that OP straight up said that she didnt ruin the game, aside from that dont drag me into your tranny antics

>> No.6188364

Arale isn't a Dragon Ball character.

>> No.6188370
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Japs are perverts.

>> No.6188382

What the hell are you babbling on about, schizo?

>> No.6190174

I want to fuck her huge 12 year old tits.

>> No.6190178

found the gay

>> No.6190180

Shit taste.
Symphony Maria is a disgrace. RoB Maria is 12 and yet has much bigger tiddies than her.

>> No.6190185

>reading comprehension

>> No.6190189

God bless them.

>> No.6190396

Not that anon, but I like both the elegant gothic design and the cartoony animu design. But they might as well be different characters.