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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 254 KB, 811x570, HD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6181514 No.6181514 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6181593

Good job retard, make it look even more like a cheesy soap opera.

>> No.6181661


>> No.6181680

I forgot how qt the females in the video were

>> No.6181707

Dunno what you cunts are on about, looks p.good.

>> No.6181718

Ibanez is best Jill.

>> No.6181734

Stay mad bitcboi

>> No.6181810

You're the angry one

>> No.6181828

Nope, stay mad

>> No.6181835
File: 9 KB, 306x306, filename.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>60 fps? ur a retardo!!! (You)
>What are you talking about? It looks pretty god.
>STAY MAD!!! (You)
>Wdym, you're the one who's mad.
>N-NO IM NOT!!! STAY. MAD.!!!!! (You, again)

>> No.6181850

>Im totally not mad
>let me tell u

>> No.6181858



>> No.6181863

>being mad
>tells others to stay mad
>despite him being the one who's clearly mad
Reading is too hard amirite?

>> No.6181880

Cool video, too bad there's retards in this thread.

>> No.6181901

Mad bitcbois

>> No.6182101

Upscaling is for retards.

>> No.6182169

Stay mad, lmao.

>> No.6182190

Normally I would agree, but the soap look works okay because it is cheesy.

>> No.6182196
File: 614 KB, 1440x900, chris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these replies

>> No.6182201

Do people discuss things on this site anymore or we jyst insult each other constantly?

>> No.6182207

>high framerate bad
>choppy framerate good
Yikes. There's a lot wrong with that video, like the interpolation artifacts, or the telltale wiggling from the NN drawing detail that shouldn't be there, but 60fps is universally better than 24-30.

>> No.6182215

Movies are not in 60fps unless you are talking about soap operas

>> No.6182237

Movies aren't (usually) 60fps because editing 60 frames takes 150% longer than editing 24 for frame by frame post processing. It started purely as a cost cutting measure back when film was still used before everything went digital. Eventually, audiences became habituated to choppy movement, and shekel grubbing producers were more than happy to oblige.

Soaps look like soaps not because they shoot at 60fps, but because of the cheap sets, minimal post-production, no color grading, and low quality lighting. You're regurgitating 60IQ boomer arguments without even understanding why.

>> No.6182325
File: 52 KB, 678x381, Gemini-Man-678x381.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either way it is shit don't fix what isn't broken

>> No.6182326

The future is hella fucking neato.
Imagine all the vintage porn that can be updated!

>> No.6182338

It is rare to see discussion on vr now. There is a 50% chance that a thread will devolve into zoomer slinging shitposts. This thread is a good example.

>> No.6182339

ah yes look at all the weird fake detail..

>> No.6182343

You are a grade A retard.
>60fps is universally better than 24-30
For videogames, sure. For films? Not at all.
>Movies aren't (usually) 60fps because editing 60 frames takes 150% longer than editing 24 for frame by frame post processing.
>It started purely as a cost cutting measure back when film was still used before everything went digital.
Wrong again.

There's nothing choppy about 24 frames per second unless all you do is play first person shooters. You don't need 60 frames per second when filming a closeup, and you certainly don't need it when filming with no camera movement, which is how films used to be filmed in 1895-1940.

Audience became used to the standarized framerate, while soap operas used 60fps which looked off compared to the standard film framerate, which is why seeing a 60fps film makes it look like a cheap soap opera.

Is 60fps a higher framerate than 24fps? Yes. Is it BETTER? No.

>> No.6182348

See >>6182207 and then see yourself out, boomer.

>> No.6182351

"HD" lol. It looks blurry as fuck.

>> No.6182384

Very cool, reminds me of this.

Imagine if we had HD back in the 80's and 90's as standard.

>> No.6182386

You didn't say anything other than "high framerate good low framerate bad", completely oblivious to the fact that a movie (in this case, a live action cinematic) is not the same as your cowadoodie, zoomie.

>> No.6182397

Wow, that black cop in RE2 looks pretty good after machine learning upscaling.

>> No.6182406


>> No.6182409

60fps looks fucking awful for movies, I don't know why anyone would fucking want that, I can't imagine even zoomers would want it.

>> No.6182414

Even 48fps looks like shit watch The Hobbit(or better not really)

>> No.6182417
File: 108 KB, 239x343, 1569845783730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6182427

Don't do it James!

>> No.6182436

The Hobbit looks great, you're just too used to guzzling stuttery hollywood cock. You're like an autistic child who can't eat anything without ketchup because new flavors terrify and upset you.

>> No.6182438
File: 2.10 MB, 1200x500, eye cancer snowmen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no commercially available 48fps version of the hobbit. that was only shown in limited theatres.

and there are drawbacks of 24fps even in filmmaking, though directors who are scrupulous won't have shots like this in their movies.

>> No.6182461

Watching this in fullscreen on repeat is really weird

>> No.6182475

Retarded faggot.

>> No.6182479

>who can't eat anything without ketchup because new flavors terrify and upset you.
Nobody asked for your autobiography.

>> No.6182512

But where's the soul?

>> No.6182526

Green snow, wow looks so realistic.

>> No.6182534

60FPS interpolation looks like fucking garbage compared to actual 60FPS content. Sad to think there’s a whole generation of zoomer retards that think interpolation is good because their dumb fuck gen x parents couldn’t turn off motion smoothing.

>> No.6182538

Why does it look so plasticky?

>> No.6182562

Well that's not what the developers intended. yucky and it should stay how it was.

>> No.6182565
File: 54 KB, 800x448, have_sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get fucked framelets https://youtu.be/IK-Q3EcTnTA

>> No.6182569

t. retard

>> No.6182585

>no u
I wonder what the average age of this board is.

>> No.6182586

The original remains unchanged.

>> No.6182629

>256×224 video upscaled to 1920x1440
>lol it's kind of blurry!

>> No.6182650

>left soul
>right soulless
same for HD

>> No.6182673

never noticed that he winces at 1:24

>> No.6182706

Hence why upscaling is for retards You're not going to get more detail by upscaling something then adding vaseline filters. Now it looks like some sort of shitty poorly animated half cartoon instead of live action.

>> No.6182713

Wesker's hair is too bright. Liked the rest.

>> No.6182727
File: 46 KB, 413x427, 1561937630221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't tell a difference

>> No.6182764
File: 45 KB, 500x363, 1576700143696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can barely tell the difference. This is the best you can do?

>> No.6182793

Neural Networking isn't so much a filter as it's an algorithm which scales an image up and then actually creates new detail where there was none. You actually train it up by giving it lots of material, which can eventually produce better results.
The problem however is that a machine can never exhibit human judgment, so on top of a frame possibly coming out terrible no matter what you do, even when the frame is reasonably well interpreted, it can still make mistakes, which you must fix manually.

Lots of people ignore this, and think NNs are magic which automatically creates a complete HD pack for them, and then do zero work on correcting it, and the end result looks like shit because the NN thought this piece of wood was stone, or it thought it saw a face and then built one where there was none. It has similarities to throwing smear filters on something and thinking that's good graphics, but in reality, NN can actually be useful in doing SOME of the work for you, assuming you're still willing to do actual manuql work on the resulting graphic or frame so it actually comes out good.

As for animation interpolation, I can't defend it even conceptually, either it's barely noticeable and there's no point, or it's so smooth it's unsettling to look at.

>> No.6182805 [DELETED] 

Resident evil was released on the ds. No 7 gen. Take it to /v/.

>> No.6182807

It's such a miniscule difference that I can barely identify to the point where I'm just questioning myself. Holy fuck what is wrong with fps fags

>> No.6182829

Butthurt Animal Crossing tranny

>> No.6182831

You have to enable 720p minimum to see 60fps on YouTube

>> No.6182859

Animal crossing was on the gamecube. No 6 gen. Take it to /v/.

>> No.6182861

i'd conjecture noticeable artifacts are mostly a result of people training their NNs on pictures rather than video data. i bet any single frame looks good, but discrepancies between frames can be caught by the human visual system. change the training data to videos and you could probably get rid of most artifacts

>> No.6182862

SuperEagle of out time. In ten years you will all be ashamed of having bothered with this travesty.

>> No.6182947

No shit, what's the point of the video if the video is "Full HD" in resolution only with none of the detail that can be achieved at Full HD resolutions?

The reason the video looks like crap is because it never looked sharp to begin with, but blurry from the onset. So the algorithm believes that the blurry bits are already sharp and thus makes no effort to correct it.

>> No.6182949

you do realize that digital zoom is mostly CNNs these days, right?

>> No.6182976

I remember when /vr/ wasnt infested with retarded shit flinging zoom zooms that cant do anything but shit post and throw around insults and act scared and terrified of actual discussion of things

>> No.6183018

How does that make this one less shitty? Right, it doesn't

>> No.6183071

You're the same dumb nigger who cries about remakes and remasters aren't you

>> No.6183076

I get that you're upset, and I agree with you that the N64 AC game genuinely belongs on /vr/, but this isn't a good way to protest it.

>> No.6183125

Not going to lie, it doesn't look good, at all, but given what could be achieved with machine learning 5 years ago, it has come a long way.

10 - 15 more years and it might actually be advanced enough to make it viable for homemade video remasters. The future will be glorious.

>> No.6183167

Retards ITT from beginning to end except this post

>> No.6183248

You're objectively mentally handicapped, shut your stupid fucking mouth retard.

>> No.6183292

You're an idiot. 24 FPS for film looks more realistic because the shutter-speed has a natural film-blur effect that accurately mimics the human eye.

Cope more.

>> No.6183305

The higher frame-rate completely and utterly destroys the characteristic B-movie schlock approach they were attempting for the original.

Makes me want to gag. It also makes all of the effects look even worse than they originally were.

>> No.6183315

Remember to do your part everyone and insta-dislike this travesty.

>> No.6183323


>> No.6183389

I can't even imagine what it's like to be this retarded.

>> No.6183435

>60fps is universally better than 24-30.
If the source footage is 60fps, most certainly. Converting low framerate footage into 60fps is stupid and does not look good.

>> No.6183497

>Interpolation and frame blending
>TRUE 60fps!!!!

You know what would have been really sweet, having the original footage master for the intro in good quality at 24fps!

>> No.6183502

>Soaps look like soaps not because they shoot at 60fps, but because of the cheap sets, minimal post-production, no color grading, and low quality lighting. You're regurgitating 60IQ boomer arguments without even understanding why.

Also the fact that up until the mid 2000s, soap operas were shot on video with the exception of drama tokusatsu in japan like Sukeban Deka which were still shot on 16mm?

>> No.6183520

My computer is so op that it's not an issue. This "YouTube" video (phone poster) is crap.

>> No.6183523

Soaps were literally shot at a higher fps. You're such a zoomer I find it sad that you didn't even know that.

>> No.6183526

>Soaps look like soaps not because they shoot at 60fps

Except that's quite literally why they look like soaps.

>> No.6183530

What the fuck is cowadoodie? Did you actually try to saturize call of duty? A game so memed that press F to respect is literally a standard now?

Show yourself out.

>> No.6183537

>the characteristic B-movie schlock approach they were attempting for the original
I need a source that this was the case, now.

>> No.6183549

you misspelled satirize and cowadoodie has been used in vidya and vidya-adjacent boards on 4chan since around the time of modern warfare, or at least MW2. I'm hoping I've made a fool of myself by taking the bait and you weren't being serious.

>> No.6183606

>it's not the extremely low quality sets
>it's not the complete lack of cinematic color correction
>it's not the extremely low quality lighting
>it's the framerate
Based retard.

>> No.6183608

The sets are quite high quality on soaps. Because they use them many hundreds of times on many many shows. Same with the lighting. The video isn’t really produced and is basically only cut because of the fast turnaround. What gives soaps their look is the lack of post production, the extremely high quality video, audio clarity and the high quality set. It looks out of place compared to most other shows that are heavily produced, cut and use lesser quality cameras and inconsistent lighting

>> No.6183613

Tell me these sets are good. Tell me this lighting is good.


>> No.6183621

You're saying it didn't look like one before?

>> No.6183730

Yes, digital zoom looks insufferable. Your point?

>> No.6183754
File: 60 KB, 290x1208, 9785ED82-3C83-4486-AE8B-C3CD2E88DE92.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can only talk for so long about the same ol' dozens of retro games that actually manage to hold up today until your threads devolve into echo chambers, or this. I mean, who really gives a fuck about this? You all have seen that shitty intro like 100 times now.

In order to save this board, or at least give it a small boost of energy you have to allow the discussion of the 6th gen. It's been 20 years now. 20 fucking years and counting.

>> No.6184010

t. A New Retard Appears

>> No.6184019


>> No.6184067

All I know is this: a higher framerate than 24fps looks like shit in movies. I no longer feel like I'm watching a film, I feel like I'm watching a rehearsal from a behind the scenes dvd.

>> No.6184108

The framerate makes a huge difference, retard. You can have the best sets, the best color correction, the best lighting, and high framerates will fuck everything up.

>> No.6184112

And you wankers really believe this shit, don't you.

>> No.6184147

This is similar to the recent 60 frps upscaled video of the arrival of the train by the Lumière brothers.

I see a lot of young and not so young people praising those kind of things because they think that everything which looks the most like reality=the best! But they turned that ancient and almost magical film into a banal scene of a train which looks now like a street camera recording. Sometimes clarity is fine, but sometimes limitations and mystery is prefered so to make your imagination work, if that human feature is still being used nowadays.

>> No.6184153

Why you mad tho XD

>> No.6184221

Your brain does not magically correct stuttering video. That is the absolute worst meme. There is no such thing as "too real", you retards are just used to fake 60fps via frame interpolation, which always looks like shit.

>> No.6184270

>Framerate interpolated and memescaled
Holy artifacting batman!

>> No.6184274


>> No.6184282

He said "make your imagination work," not "magically correct stuttering video."

>> No.6184292


>> No.6184308

>use your imagination and pretend the video isn't an eye searing choppy mess

>> No.6184360


>> No.6184580
File: 14 KB, 579x402, murrilards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why realistic video games are played at 24 fps...

>> No.6184584

For a cinematic game? Sure. It will feel like shit to control for anything with a heavy amount of action, though.

>> No.6184653

It always looked cheesy, this is a cool alternate take on it. Get over it, you big baby.

>> No.6184656

The amount of low IQ posters ITT is astonishing. How are we less intelligent than /v/?

>> No.6184996
File: 577 KB, 693x596, 15786214071181.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6185078

Things like that add up, but the 60fps really looks awful on top of it. Shoot in the same circumstances and 24fps, and it already looks better, the difference is huge.

>> No.6185102

>adds additional inbetween frames to smooth out her animation
>doesn't create new frames to fill out visible gaps/jumps in the original animation, thus making those more obvious than ever

You can tell this is done by someone with limited experience animating. This isn't even getting into all the ones where the difference is so subtle it's barely noticeable and there is no point.

>> No.6185320

>Wesker was Duke Nukem the whole time

>> No.6185379
File: 81 KB, 398x116, 1578494804624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A computer generated game is the same as film.

>> No.6185492
File: 4 KB, 225x225, dgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god girl

>> No.6185750

>Imagine all the vintage porn that can be updated!

>> No.6185751

why are there obvious stutters in panning shots if it's true 60fps?

>> No.6185772
File: 242 KB, 445x305, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>itt: deformed glasses-wearing chinlets who failed sports tryouts suddenly became super saiyans with impeccable reflexes and can discern high framerates

>> No.6185778

this thread would be alot funner if it werent for that butthurt samefag

>> No.6187125

Because it's the equivalent of an emulator filter.

He's funny, but not for the reasons he thinks he is.

>> No.6189058

Soaps aren't filmed in 60 fps. They just use cheaper cameras than Hollywood and shoot at 30.

>> No.6191347

it makes people look like cgi

>> No.6191352
File: 19 KB, 350x448, vrefd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He's funny, but not for the reasons he thinks he is

>> No.6191357

Because you were never more intelligent to begin with. Just because you're old doesn't make you automatically intelligent. It increases the chances statistically that you are. But that's a moot point.

You're all retards with the draconian rules here. And I say that as someone who really likes this board.

>> No.6191378
File: 1.02 MB, 1438x1066, woah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6191389

The up-scaling is pretty good, but the artificial 60 fps is a bit wonky, i will say that the soap opera effect is present, but for Resident evil it does work, its cheesy. It just feels like there are some timing issues with the artificial frames. Pretty impressive though.

>> No.6191435

What difference does it make when the actors were already heavily make-uped and the acting was wooden to begin with

>> No.6191472

Case closed

>> No.6191883

That look is fucking sexy

>> No.6192053

everyone can eat my ass, this looks amazing

>> No.6193260

When will someone break into Capcom's vault and steal the original film for this along with 1.5 and 3.5 I know they were thrown out years ago ;_;

>> No.6193268

lol at believing this was shot on film
she's still hot after all these years, too bad the fag who found her is afraid of sharing her name and anything other than a tiny pic

>> No.6194370

>make it look even more like a cheesy soap opera.
And that's a good thing.

>> No.6194692

I mean, I don't have a specific quote on that, but would you prefer if I didn't give them the benefit of the doubt and just pointed out how awful, stupid, and cheesy it all looks?

>> No.6194775

>that mess of an upscaled text

>> No.6194931

It already looking like a cheesy soap opera doesn't help.

>> No.6194976

Christ. This is almost as bad as not being able to internalize your thoughts to me. I can't imagine being this unobservant and slowbrained. Maybe it's fun. Maybe it's great to go through life so undiscerning.

... maybe your browser/machine is so shitty it can't render at 60fps? Either way. You or your shit is broken.