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6175754 No.6175754 [Reply] [Original]

What's your opinion on the Double Dragon series? Favorite games?

Just 1cc'd the first game. Abused the elbow, so it was easy besides a couple parts like the traps in the final mission. I've also played the NES game and Battletoads and Double Dragon, but that's it. I guess I'll play 2 and 3 next.

>> No.6175760

I like NES 1&2 best, plus the GBA game, plus that mobile phone game that is probably nearly impossible to play now. Neon is good for what it is but not something to return to.

>> No.6175768

Leaning on Double Dragon II arcade even though that game pulls some absolute dickish moves to prevent you from getting a 1CC.

Return of Double Dragon is probably the most competently built of the retro games, so I've got a soft spot for it.

Both games coincidentally have the best final stage music in the series.



>> No.6175771
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Love the theme

>> No.6175778

>theme plays when the Dragon Twins show up in River City Ransom

That was beyond cool.

>> No.6175805


I played the first two on NES. I never got into the first one though.

As an adult I seriously tried to finish the second one (on all difficulties). It was fun and I ended up liking the game a lot. It's not perfect but it's good.

>> No.6175806

I loved double dragon 2 on the nes too be honestly don’t really care for the rest of the series.

>> No.6175807


Oh and then I played the third one right afterward. I didn't like it very much. I got close to the end and lost interest I think. But it's okay I guess?

>> No.6175812

The NES port of the first game is pretty bad, haven't played the original arcade game but DD Advance is very solid would recommend

>> No.6175826


>> No.6175971

When we got our Sega Master System in 1988 it came with a mail-in form for a copy of Double Dragon. Sent that off and the game showed up about two months later. At the time it was cool having a co-op version to play with my brothers and I was glad we had an SMS and not just a NES. (We had NES too but we never ended up playing any Drouble Dragons on it.)

>> No.6176010

DD1 - Classic, must play.
DD2 - Classic, Must play.
DD3 - Hard as balls and you gotta play the Famicom version
Super DD - Not bad but kinda stiff.
BT&DD - Really fun also hard.
DD Neogeo - Fun fighting game.
RoD - Fun but unofficial fighting game.
DD Advance - Remake of 1 and the best game in the series.
Neo - Silly but excellent, great soundtrack.

>> No.6176040

The only acceptable home conversions of DD1 are the SMS and Gameboy ones. All others are Atari 2600 Pac-Man tier.

>> No.6176049
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It's fucking crazy how good they made it look on the 7800

They really squeezed the resources of that console to the limit with this port

>> No.6176056

Yeah, that's pretty cool

>> No.6176057
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7800 poster here again, I disagree. They didn't just go for a cheap cash in- they went to the absolute limits given the console they were working with.


>> No.6176069

I think the NES version of 1 is still enjoyable. I prefer it over the arcade original in some ways.

>> No.6176071

And then...


>> No.6176078

These Amiga ports are so weird. I wonder how many people actually played these versions back in the day.

>> No.6176086

DOS version of TMNT had an impossible jump to get across normally

>> No.6176090

The Amiga version is just sad. The programmer (Richard Aplin) was a capable guy (as his later Amiga work demonstrates) who was told to finish it in six weeks or something so there was not even the slightest chance of anything but a very vague facsimile of the arcade game.

>> No.6176094


And the C64 had the very worst port of all.

>> No.6176103

I haven't played Double Dragons much, but I disliked them. I always feel like I'm only barely controlling what happens on the screen.
DD fans, you are clearly getting something out of this that I'm not and I want in on it. What's a good Double Dragon game? Preferably on, but not restricted to, a home console

>> No.6176105

DD3 has the best theme though

>> No.6176246



>> No.6176457

Damn that sounds awesome.
Atari 2600 Double Dragon

>> No.6176462

Thats because you are, the nes games at least have fucking terrible inconsistent enemy hitstun so if you dont cheese enemies with the elbow or the special jump attacks the combats just luck. Play Double Dragon Advance that games got a ton of moves and none of the issues.

>> No.6176668

Return had some nice kickers

But DD2 pce has a really great ost

>> No.6178151
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Even though I played Renegade first, it was the original Double Dragon in the arcades which got me into the brawler genre. My cousin told me about this arcade game with great graphics and co-op play. I'd goto the bus station and was amazed t its visuals. Was also amused that we could attack one another. I had to get it for the NES I had at home but was disappointed. The sequel was the opposite, I was disappointed that the arcade was just a reskin of the original, and not a new game, but the NES version was amazing. I dropped the arcade 3 immediately as it had microtransactions and pay-to-win mechanics, but I actually liked the NES 3 as well. I really liked the SNES 4 graphics, and loved being able to guard/grab limbs of enemies for repeated attacks, but it was a bit too slow paced. However, my favorite is Double Dragon Advance, as it is the arcade 1 but with lots of extra moves/combos and a variety of enemies/pickups. The arcade original was one of my first 1ccs as I did abuse the hell out of the elbow attack.

>> No.6178153

thanks, I'll give it a go

>> No.6178170

>Just 1cc'd the first game. Abused the elbow

You pretty much have to if you want to have any chance of 1ccing it.

>> No.6178175

>What's your opinion on the Double Dragon series?

Arguably the overall best beat 'em up series ever.

>> No.6178192

>Favorite games?

1. Double Dragon II: The Revenge (NES)
2. Double Dragon (Arcade)
3. [tie] Return of Double Dragon (Super Famicom)
3. [tie] Double Dragon Advance
4. Double Dragon II: The Revenge (Arcade)
5. Double Dragon Neon
6. Double Dragon IV (this doesn't deserve as much hate as it gets)
7. Super Double Dragon
8. Double Dragon (NES)
9. Battletoads & Double Dragon: The Ultimate Team
10. Double Dragon (Neo Geo)
11. Double Dragon III: The Sacred Stones
12. Double Dragon III: The Rosetta Stone
13. Double Dragon V

Yes, I think 5 was even worse than 3 Arcade. And I'm not totally 100% unsure about the ranking of the lower half, but at least everything up to Neon is easy for me to personally rank.

>> No.6178195

And the reason why I didn't rank the Gameboy version of 2 is because that's technically a Kunio game with the graphics changed to Double Dragon characters for the English release.

>> No.6178204

>DD Advance - Remake of 1 and the best game in the series.


>> No.6178260

I completed this back in the eighties.

>> No.6178298

It's not exactly hard when you just tap the joystick button to kill enemies and the final boss's gun doesn't even fire. Another sad port knocked out in a couple of weeks by people who had no clue what they were doing.

>> No.6178312

DD1 isn't a particularly good arcade game to begin with. DD2 is much better in every way and all of its home conversions are also much superior to DD1's.

>> No.6178328

>does not have an original cassette copy of the ZX Spectrum port of DD

>> No.6179262

>that barf music

>> No.6179345

advance and neon are great games in the series
better run than battletoads

>> No.6179357

Finally beat DDII on the NES for the first time recently. Felt great finally getting that off my chest.

>> No.6179767

DD2 is more like Kunio-kun than Double dragon 1.
Double dragon 3 arcade is shit, less shit in the japanese version because some companies broke their game in the west to make more "difficult".

>> No.6179931

Double Dragon II: The Revenge for the NES was likely the best co-op game on the system.

>> No.6179934

That's completely subjective. For me, it's River City Ransom.

>> No.6179940

Or up there at the very least.

>> No.6180140

yes, and it's one of my personal favorites of all time. dd1 is fun, but doesn't have the same polish.
dd3 had good ideas, like the weapons and different builds, but its execution is very flawed, so it ends up being kinda repetitive and broken.

>> No.6180480
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I think we can all at least agree that this was the superior of the 8bit iterations

>> No.6181405

Why the Famicom version of DD3? What's the difference?

>> No.6181432


Nothing was more satisfying than straight up deleting mooks left and right with flying knees and spin kicks, it was overpowered and made you feel like a force of nature, like a double dragon if you will.

>> No.6181465

I beat dd2 only using the knee with 3, lives on master difficulty. Can I get a based please?

>> No.6181519

Multiple endings in the famicom version depending on how well you play and it's slightly easier not even gonna bother talking about the disgrace that is the arcade version.

>> No.6181538


>> No.6181565

that is based. btw, the Japanese version of dd2 is an even greater challenge. the first 2 difficulties are the same, but the highest gives enemies a bunch more HP and speeds up the mooks. they really toned it down for our version.

>> No.6182337



>> No.6182362
