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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 67 KB, 460x215, 13415a7d2dd6706d5edff3b3ddaeb37125294026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6173291 No.6173291[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6173295

Surprise much? Nintendo have always been thin-skinned as fuck. Shit, back in the day they were quietly infuriated that Rare made better games than them with their own hardware, but they couldn't really say anything because the things were selling and making them money.

>> No.6173297

>steals your IP
>oh noooo why are you sueing me!

>> No.6173314
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>> No.6173315

FACT: Nintendo of America has lost 75% of all lawsuits they've filed since 1980

>> No.6173318

>oh please daddy big business copyright abuse, keep fucking me! oh god! feels so good!

>> No.6173319


>> No.6173321

good goyim good

>> No.6173332

>free to play fan game
>gets sued
Is there a more jewish video game company in the world than nintendo? Why are people letting it happen and still buying their products? Why are nincels always defending what nintendoes?

>> No.6173334

Back in the 90s, Sony lost that decisive lawsuit against Bleem in which a court ruled that emulation was not in of itself illegal. That was over 20 years ago yet Nintendo still has a legal FAQ thing on their website where they argue emulation is illegal and infringes on whatever.

>> No.6173338

It's mostly the fault of NOJ. Unfortunately NOJ is a company run by old men who've never entirely figured the Internet out and think this is still the 70s. They tried and failed to get game rentals banned in the US and Europe.

>> No.6173345

BTW, be very very thankful that Trump nuked the TPP because that would have forced US copyright law onto other countries and even allowed companies to try the citizens of those countries in their own special courts for copyright infringement. That's a nightmare fuel idea, it's as Orwellian as it could get.

>> No.6173354

Look, I hate Nintendo as much as the next guy, but they had a legitimate business reason for shutting it down. It would've taken away sales from the official Metroid II remake, as well as the original release on the eShop. Just be glad they allowed the game to get released at all.

I don't necessarily agree with continuing to shill and profit off of a 30-year-old Game Boy game, and in a better world it would've entered into the public domain by now, but if they were going to keep selling it then they had a reason to shut it down.

>> No.6173364

So basically they're admitting that their official remake is inferior to a fan one and they can't compete with it. That says a lot of things right there, namely "We're out-competed by a fan game so we have to use legal leverage to kill the thing rather than, you know, make something better that people will choose instead."

>> No.6173370

Bethesda didn't try to shut down GZdoom even though they're still selling modern ports of doom.

>> No.6173385

>don't necessarily agree with continuing to shill and profit off of a 30-year-old Game Boy game, and in a better world it would've entered into the public domain by now
Up to 1976 copyright terms in the US were 28 years and I think you could renew it once. That seems quite fair to me, it ought to be kept that way.

>> No.6173389

But then Bethesda probably isn't run by 70 year old Japanese men who have no concept of how the modern world works.

>> No.6173391

It's run by an ex banker blacklisted literally for being too jewish.

>> No.6173394
File: 104 KB, 1920x1188, 1920px-Tom_Bell's_graph_showing_extension_of_U.S._copyright_term_over_time.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think people will pass up a free game for a $60 one because one might be better than the other? If both are remakes of Metroid 2, I'm gonna play the free one, regardless if Nintendo's version can compete with it or not.

They shut down a remake of Doom. And unlike AM2R it needed the original game to run.

It used to be 14 years and you could renew it once. Which is much more fair, as it means people can experiment with it in their lifetimes, as opposed to now where your grandchildren will be dead by the time it enters.

>> No.6173418

>It used to be 14 years and you could renew it once
The original Copyright Act of 1790 was 14 years, then it was 28 years from 1831 until 1976 (in both cases allowing one renewal). Also in 1892, works produced by non-US authors were covered. Anything post-1976 doesn't count and should just be dismissed out of hand. Sure, Disney might object but who gaf about them anyway?

>> No.6173424

Sure, you can't make money from someone else's IP, but if it's not for profit then they can't really do anything because fair use and all that.

>> No.6173436

>And unlike AM2R it needed the original game to run.
Yeah, but only in the later build after Zenimax warned them. The freedoom wad they used had some legal issues. Also I heard it also had something to do with the modder's website being called Doom Remake.

Still a shitty move, but the modder could be more aware of what he was doing and distribute it safely.

>> No.6173437

The only reason copyright was ever extended in the first place was so big businesses could hold onto IPs and novel products for longer, and individual authors could sit on their laurels and continue to profit off their work well into old-age, and their estate could continue to profit off it after their death. It's not fair, it's greedy. Intellectual property is inherently a fraudulent concept anyway. 28 years maximum is plenty of time to effectively market and profit off of your ideas.

Yes, I'm mostly quoting that Emplemon video, but he's 100% right

>> No.6173439

didn't the legal feels still bury bleem in the end? I honestly can't remember but if you're in the right or the wrong it's the cost of going to court that dissuades people, that's why people don't push back against C&Ds

>> No.6173441

They extended it to 75 years in '76? Anything made before that is still only covered for 28 years because you can't do ex posto facto laws. Though that wouldn't be too useful for the sake of this argument since 95% of all video games ever made were created after it was extended to 75 years.

>> No.6173465

The funniest part is that when the guy first put the game out, Samus Returns didn't exist, so when Nintendo finally released theirs it made them look like they did it out of asspain. Like "Oh, you guys have wanted this remake since the dawn of time? We were JUST about to get around to it, we swear!" Meanwhile everyone knows Nintendo has been continually dropping the ball with the series outside of Prime (which they didn't even fucking make) and already considers AM2R to be the true game, so they just look bad and there's no tantrum they can throw that will change that.

And the guy was smart. Unlike with the guy who was making the Chrono game, the AM2R guy just waited until the thing was fucking done before disseminating it, so Nintendo's little DMCA pamphlet does nothing except make them look like when China tried to disappear the Houston Rockets.

>> No.6173471

>the AM2R guy just waited until the thing was fucking done before disseminating it

No he didn't. He had regular updates and demos on his blog dating back to 2006. I actually played the first demo, which had a rock remix of the original M2 theme.

>> No.6173484

Must not have been very loud about it at least. I didn't hear about it until the final release and I feel like that's something I probably searched pretty hard for to see if someone was making one.

>> No.6173490

Why are these people remaking shitty ass old games instead of making their own and getting rich anyway.

>> No.6173502

Fucking this, I understand passion products but it's clear most companies just don't want them, so fuck them and make it your own thing, hell Nintendo has lifted tons of shit so don't feel bad about it either.

>> No.6173505

if this dude just changed all the metroid reference but kept everything the same, would he get away with it?

>> No.6173507

Considering the amount of indie trash that rips off Metroid without trying to hide it, yes.

>> No.6173509
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You would obviously have to change/remove everything that's clearly Metroid related other then the gameplay but yeah.

>> No.6173515

>Fucking this, I understand passion products but it's clear most companies just don't want them
To be honest I could understand why Nintendo wasn't that cool on your X-rated Mario flash game.

>> No.6173524

>"remake" that changes everything about the original game
Unironically get AIDS.

>> No.6173525

Tough branding is the logic, there's a lot of great stuff that get passed over because its not associated with a known name or because it had weak marketing. The vast majority of people simply don't go out of their way to look for shit, which is why something as gay as branding/marketing still exists in this world, despite all the new tools at our disposal today.

I'm sure this niggo could probably make it now solely because of the 'controversy' and attention brought to the game NOW though, obviously

>> No.6173530
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>> No.6173537

>id Software shows off their smooth scrolling SMB3 demo on the PC
>Nintendo turns it down because they have no apparent interest in PC games
That I could never get. I would have said hey that Mario demo is cool shit, dawg. We should sell this. Sega had no problem with PC ports.

>> No.6173541

Fanart and fanfiction aren't illegal though due to fair use, so long as they're not being sold for profit.

>> No.6173543
File: 74 KB, 1280x720, m2ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Metroid 2 does not and has never needed a remake. But the existence of the AM2R project enabled zoomers to have a reason to bitch about muh outdated game design, so when it finally released and was promptly shut down by Nintendo's lawyers, I rejoiced the whole damn day. Fuck all you contrarian pieces of shit whose first Metroid game was Prime and who think the first two Metroid games are unplayable and objectively """imrpoved""" by their shitty remakes. You don't belong on /vr/, and I actually think the world might be a better place without you in it because I could at least then make threads here about my favorite Metroid game without you literal babies shitting it up with talk about your soulless attempt at remaking one of the best-selling Game Boy games and a goddamn classic among Gunpei Yokoi's classics.

>> No.6173547

If you think Sega is or was so benevolent, reminder that they originally planned to license home computer ports of the first Sonic game but then it was a runaway hit so they decided to just keep it a console exclusive and then didn't bother with PC games again for the next five years.

>> No.6173552

>it's contrarian to think a laggy, janky black & white game boy game doesn't need a remake
ok boomer

>> No.6173553

holy based

>> No.6173558

Romhacks are protected under the law. You payed for the code. You can do whatever the fuck you want with it.

>> No.6173560

>Tough branding is the logic
Still better than doing it for literally no monetary compensation, like our yanny friends.

>> No.6173561

They had a policy of keeping nintendo games ONLY on nintendo systems for a long time. It's still weird to me that they caved and put out smartphone games. Don't think that would have happened if Iwata was still in charge, honestly.

They rarely would still put out arcade games post-NES but those aren't things the average person will take home. If anything their motivation for arcade games post-NES is probably more for advertising than profiting directly.

>> No.6173568

I heard about that. It would have been done by US Gold and ported to the Amiga and other home computers, and Sega did humanity a great service by deciding against it. Because "US Gold" and "Amiga" are two things you never want to hear in the same sentence.

>> No.6173571

Go play in traffic, you literal waste of sperm.

>> No.6173572

basado y rojo pastillado

>> No.6173573
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>> No.6173575


>> No.6173589

>Fucking this, I understand passion products but it's clear most companies just don't want them

It's ok to do it for the purpose of poking Nintendo in the eye. There are some companies that have a Gestapo-tier mentality towards IP protection and the more you troll them, the better since they'll eventually realize the futility of it.

>> No.6173598

>>>6173314 >>6173318 >>6173319 >>6173321
t. dangen staff

>> No.6173601

Funny but Mario porn games are pretty safe do to parody laws, also they just didn't understand the art in remaking Behind the Green Door with Mario characters in Flash.
It's not worth it.

>> No.6173610

>It's not worth it
If you think corrupted IP laws bought by Disney are ok and should be left as they are...hope you like the taste of boot polish then.

>> No.6173630

I sometimes fantasize about a violent revolution forcing copyright to change, among other things.

>> No.6173635

That should be done, the most important thing is to make sure you're fighting the true enemy.

>> No.6173638

I don't think it's right anon but you can't fight them this way, all it it does is strengthen their brands.

>> No.6173651

The "remake" they shut down was just a mod compilation that included the original game files and could be run stand alone.

>> No.6173657

Shoehorning Ridley into Samus Returns ruined it for me. He literally had no reason to be involved in this.

>> No.6173681

Yeah, apart from court money I dont see why nintendo fucking exiled the game.
Maybe they tried to make an example out of the guy?

>> No.6173692

>gamemaker turd

>> No.6173725

>Year 2039
>Say McDonalds without paying my daily copyrigth speech fees
>Get arrested at my 300k 1 room flat for copyrigth infringement and sentenced a public execution in a CNN broadcast
>As I am about to die a fat riddled with acne 40-something man approches to my disney sponsor electric chair with a toy wagon full of books with 500000+ pages
>He is a Lawyer, I have never hear of those before.
>People say they used to study old texts that where capable of dictate what people did before Israel Inc. bougth all of the Universities.
>He says alot of words I have never heard like Court and Cases, and numbers of a book I never read
>"As dictated by The first budligth archives, copyrigth infringement crimes are to be punish
by the death sentence due to the extreme nature of the crime, the copyrigth holder may decide to punish by Gater boarding the individual or Using the trademark Tesla electric chair..."
>God Emperor Ronald orders execution by Gatored boarding. I smile as the executioner drowns and turtures me with the dirt flavor Gatorade, my favorite type
God bless america and Israel

>> No.6173729

>Boomers seething because the nostalgia pill fading away
I hope you get your medication soon and see that just because something is old doesnt mean its good

>> No.6173774

>It would've taken away sales from the official Metroid II remake

Oh, like making you buy plastic shit to play on hard mode? Nintendo should DMCA themselves

>> No.6173828

And why was the VC emulation so inferior to fanmade emulation? It's your own fucking consoles that you have the technical docs for.

>> No.6173845

You want to make an omelette, you gotta break a few eggs.

>> No.6173868

Don't take Nintendo's automated robot DMCA emails too seriously.

>> No.6173908

What a way to spend your 30th birthday

>> No.6173957


>> No.6173962
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Why did they remake a shitty game? It's like putting lipstick on a pig.

>> No.6173963

Were the versions released after the official shutdown made by the original creator? The versions that added stuff like a save before the final boss.

>> No.6173974

It is weird that the dude was openly working on this since 2006 and Nintendo never said a thing until it was about to be released.

>> No.6173985

na. bunch of fans did because he released the source code i think.

>> No.6173989

>why did they remake a game that needed a remake

>> No.6173992 [DELETED] 


Nintendo has always had a huge problem with trying to sue everything that moves, so anything that annoys their legal department as much as humanly possible should be encouraged.

>> No.6174008

People have remade old games on quite a few occasions, most of the time nothing happened and they didn't get a C&D email.

>> No.6174010

YOU would not STEAL an I.P

>> No.6174018

^This. We need to spank their lawyers and discipline them. C&D them, don't let them C&D you.

>> No.6174019

I thought they just filed a dcma claim against the fangame like Sega did to the SORv5 fangame.

>> No.6174024

It was probably an automated email or something.

>> No.6174026 [DELETED] 

>didn't the legal feels still bury bleem in the end?
tfw you're a lawyer Sony in the 1990s

>> No.6174027
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>didn't the legal feels still bury bleem in the end?
tfw you're a lawyer for Sony in the 1990s

>> No.6174039


How did you get to that conclusion? Any competition reduces potential sales. If even one person downloads AM2R instead of Nintendo's remake that's a loss in sales. From a business point of view it's a perfectly logical decision. Companies aren't charities, they invest in lawyers and maintaining their copyrighted material to prevent losing money. Any other company would do the same in their shoes (and does, the only reason you know about this specific case is because it's about a video game you like).

Not saying this is an ideal world but the fact that IPs are a thing that can be defended in court stimulates people to actually produce original content.

>> No.6174049

>teeny tiny GBA sprites for being displayed in fullscreen
>~it knows what made the old games good~

>> No.6174078

>Companies aren't charities, they invest in lawyers and maintaining their copyrighted material to prevent losing money.
The time, expense, and negative PR of doing so generally outweighs any potential monetary gain. It doesn't improve Nintendo's image, it just makes them look like the schoolyard bully who believes he can beat up anyone he doesn't like. Would you be friends with that kid? No you would not.

>> No.6174079

>How did you get to that conclusion?
I could ask you the same question because you're assuming that people either bought Samus Returns or played AM2R instead while it's possible that a lot of fans did both, even if it's just to see how both games ended up.

>... the fact that IPs are a thing that can be defended in court stimulates people to actually produce original content

Yeah that's why games like in >>6173509 or eight bit boy can get away with original content do not steal obvious rip-offs just because they made it a little less obvious that they ripped off Metroid and Super Mario Bros. respectively. You can bet your ass Nintendo's lawyers would've C&D'd the hell out of them if they could.

>> No.6174086

>Any competition reduces potential sales. If even one person downloads AM2R instead of Nintendo's remake that's a loss in sales.

Not that anon, but are you talking about a real type of customer or a hypothetical one?

Who didn't buy samus returns a year later because they played AM2R? That makes no fucking sense. It's more metroid, there are still vast differences between the games despite sharing the same source material. By this logic any copies of previous metroid games, emulation of previous metroid games, or even games in the same genre are "lost sales" because they satisfy a similar demand. Now that can be right, but I think you fail to understand saturation. Someone has to be tired of metroid to not buy it, for this to happen there has to be too many competitors, metroid has never been there. The genre is so small it's called metroidvania. In between dripping nintendo releases every few years we always wonder if it's dead as fuck.

>> No.6174095

>How did you get to that conclusion? Any competition reduces potential sales. If even one person downloads AM2R instead of Nintendo's remake that's a loss in sales

If you can't understand how the free market works, I'll spell it out for you.

>you make a product
>if your product is better quality than the competitor's product (or at least people think it is), people will buy your product over the competitor's product

But AM2R was free anyway, it wasn't being sold for profit and they weren't making money off Nintendo's IPs so it could not be a lost sale for Nintendo.

>> No.6174108

Litigation is not free market competition anyway, it's just an admission you can't compete and you need to try and suppress people who make a better product than you.

>> No.6174110

Companies aren't your friends though, no matter how much they want you to think they are. Nintendo does what it does so as not to appear as if its IPs can be infringed upon easily. If you were gonna shoplift from store A or store B, and it's equally easy to do so from both, would you do so from a store that's known for letting offenders off with a warning, or from a store that's known to prosecute offenders into bankruptcy? Nintendo wants to make it clear that their IPs are protected. It's a PR move not towards customers but towards stakeholders that Nintendo is strong.

>it's possible

Point is more that, even if only one fan chose the competitor's product over Nintendo, it's a lost sale. Whether that's fully correct is up for debate I guess, but companies also argue that every pirated mp3 is a lost album sale. This is the kind of rhetoric companies employ.

I'm not saying the logic is necessarily right in hindsight, just that this is how they reason.

>if your product is better quality than the competitor's product (or at least people think it is), people will buy your product over the competitor's product

And if there is no competitor, fans have no choice but to choose your paid product. That's what they're going for.

>> No.6174114

I'm sure Kim Jong Un makes the same reasoning when he does a missile test. "Don't fuck with us or else." But that doesn't mean you want to go to North Korea for your summer vacation. Strong arm tactics are a sign of insecurity, they are never a sign of strength.

>> No.6174118

I've heard that Japanese companies allow people to make fangames and shit? Isn't comiket full of stuff like this from huge IP's?

>> No.6174123

in Brazil, you're required to actually send a legal representative here if you think you have grounds for a copyright suit. however no companies want to bother with that so they just ignore us and pirated shit is everywhere.

>> No.6174128

Most people here have no clue what the original purpose and point of IP was, and apparently Nintendo does not either. Basically, all it meant was that for a certain number of years, you'd retain exclusive publishing rights to your work ie. you the IP owner alone could sell copies it for profit.

Using this original definition, the only instance in which Nintendo has a case would be if an unmodified IP of theirs were resold for profit by a third party. You could not for example sell pirated Wind Waker discs at the mall like you'd find in Romania or something.

>> No.6174135

They can be both though. Companies have to appear strong to attract investors, and clearly it's working for Nintendo because they're one of the biggest video game companies in the world. People don't invest in companies that just leave their doors open to get burgled on, and they don't invest in companies that don't protect their IPs. It's basically why copyright is even a thing. See also China, where international copyright law is a joke and where fucking everything is bootlegged.

Kim Jong Un is also a bad example because he doesn't want people to visit North Korea, he just wants people to think they're dangerous and strong.

>> No.6174139

>Companies have to appear strong to attract investors, and clearly it's working for Nintendo because they're one of the biggest video game companies in the world
Is this 1993? Nintendo is living off past glories at this point. And actually, their decline started as early as the SNES era when they no longer had 90% of the market to themselves. The only thing keeping them alive is first party IPs but most of those are well past their sell date by now.

>> No.6174149

The fact that he still invoked the stale "copyright infringe are the same as physical theft" meme proves that he's probably a Nintendo employee. And why not? Lord knows we have shillbots of all kinds infesting this website, just ask /mu/ and the Billie Eilish marketers on there.

>> No.6174152 [DELETED] 
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Get sued by Nintendo for this...

>> No.6174159


>> No.6174163 [DELETED] 
File: 447 KB, 1226x892, 1580636349514.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this

>> No.6174164

Copyright term of 30 years and you get to renew it once, for an additional ten years. End of story.

>> No.6174171
File: 5 KB, 504x512, unnamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like

>waits for game to be released
>does the minimum necessary to protect their IP
>fans can still download and play the game

>> No.6174173

People like to blame NOA for suing everyone but don't think they act on their own and that it's not really NOJ who's behind this. They literally tried to get game rentals banned in the US and Europe but didn't succeed.

>> No.6174181

>inb4 oh but Sega are so benevolent that one guy who made a Sonic fan game was hired to make Sonic Adventure blah blah blah
Sega is a poor, irrelevant, has-been company who are just happy that anyone still cares about their IPs at this point and is bringing some attention to them. Trust me, the Sega of circa 1991 was not this kind or charitable. Though the story of how EA cucked them is a classic.

>> No.6174183

>Though the story of how EA cucked them is a classic.

>> No.6174185

>Romhacks are protected under the law. You payed for the code. You can do whatever the fuck you want with it.
except it's no romhack

>> No.6174190

>EA never bothers with NES games because of Nintendo's Nazi-tier licensing policies and they didn't think the NES offered enough of a performance leap over the C64 and other 8-bit systems to be worth it
>when the Mega Drive comes out, they figure yeah now this is more like it we can do some cool stuff on this thing
>at the time, Sega's licensing policies were not a whole lot friendlier than Nintendo's, and they refused EA's request to manufacture their own cartridges
>some Sega suit half-jokingly told EA "Fuck you, pricks. If you don't like it, you can just reverse engineer the MD."
>EA took them up on that bet and did just that and start putting out unlicensed MD games
>Sega, thus thoroughly cucked, gave in and allowed EA to be a licensed dev who made their own carts (the only other dev awarded this privilege was Accolade)
>the MD didn't have any lockout originally, but it was added to the Model 2 by checking for a copyright string in the cartridge ROM
So that was that. EA cucked them, they got to make their own carts, and Sega made vast amounts of green from sales of EA sports titles--those in of themselves moved a lot of MDs off the shelf.

>> No.6174193

>But AM2R was free anyway, it wasn't being sold for profit and they weren't making money off Nintendo's IPs so it could not be a lost sale for Nintendo.

People can't be this stupid, surely?

>> No.6174206

>It would've taken away sales from the official Metroid II remake, as well as the original release on the eShop.
There's absolutely zero proof to support that claim. A free fan made game using 16-bit Metroid assets would not have hurt the sales of a new 2.5D game officially licensed by Nintendo. Either way, the official game is awful. There hasn't been a good Metroid game since Zero Mission.

>> No.6174213

If Nintendo were smart, they'd use the pity card like "We employ a lot of people who will lose their jobs and starve to death if you steal our shit. Stu in marketing has six kids to feed. Please don't download ROMs." instead of making themselves look like Lex Luthor.

>> No.6174219

What proof is there to suggest the opposite? Nintendo probably saw the fangame as what's essentially a bootleg. That's what matters, not what some autistic retards on a Japanese comic board say.

>> No.6174223

>Nintendo probably saw the fangame as what's essentially a bootleg
Right, because as we've gone over before, Nintendo is still living in 1985 and cannot into Internet.

>> No.6174256

Imagine being this much of a drone

>> No.6174268


Yeah I'd like to ask this anon what boot leather tastes like. Genuinely curious.

>> No.6174269
File: 177 KB, 2118x1440, everywhere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>underage butthurt, underage butthurt everywhere

>> No.6174275

>everything should be free and no one should lock their doors and people should just get along and money shouldn't exist reeeeeeeee

How does it feel to be completely out of tune with even the most basic aspects of capitalism?

>> No.6174290

Can you still download AM2R? I'd like to play it

>> No.6174313

AM2R was just a little better than SR. And Metroid 2 was better than 1. You will shitpost, but you know it's the truth.

>> No.6174353
File: 2.44 MB, 444x250, HighlevelLeafyLeafcutterant-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SR looks like brainless god of war garbage

>> No.6174359

I don't expect things to be free but I do expect them to be good, especially if they aren't free.

>> No.6174365

It's actually an optional counter (but lordie the game REALLY wants you to do it).

The bigger problem with the game is that they made a 2D sidescroller but you control with the circle pad instead of the D-pad. Strider on PS4 made this exact same mistake.

>> No.6174372

>How did you get to that conclusion?
by playing it.

>> No.6174376

Meh, I don't mind those sequences because, with the exception of the Queen, you don't have to use the counter against bosses. The issue is the normal enemies: sometimes you enter a screen and the first thing you see is one of those flying faggots going straight towards you, so you're forced to counter them or lose health.

>> No.6174384

>back in the day they were quietly infuriated that Rare made better games than them
You got some source material on that?

>> No.6174420

2 is my favorite one, good taste

>> No.6174502

Fees like I'm an old jew who will once again ruin any chance of of lefties fucking up the country.
this message brought to you by sane people for bernie

>> No.6174538


>> No.6174551

>posting nudes in a sfw board
enjoy your ban

>> No.6174563

Shut the fuck up commie. You're fooling nobody by larping as a capitalist.

>> No.6174569

Nope. Nintendo successfully tracked down every file on the internetz relating to AM2R and completely erased them from history. It's only a memory now.

>> No.6174575

>SEGA waits a week to C&D SoRR
>Nintendo C&Ds AM2R within a day

>> No.6174589

axiom verge I think

>> No.6174628

I wanna disbelieve you, but I can't seem to find it anywhere

>> No.6174636

Other way around, actually. But the original Metroid 2 is still the best.

>> No.6174738

>capitalism is when daddy state gets rid of my competition for me

>> No.6174945

>ITT: people with 0.00 knowledge on trademark and copyright law discussing trademark and copyright law on behalf of Big Corporations

Where do you think we are?

>> No.6174974

You don't know how copyright laws work. If a fan project is high quality and equal to or better than the official product, then the owner of the IP can possibly lose the rights to their own IP if they don't send a cease and desist.

>> No.6174982

Stealing removes the original.

>> No.6174986

Would you be able to cite a single case where that actually happened?

>> No.6175009

Remember when Nintendo tried to c&d melee tournaments? I remember. The company only exists because of nostalgia and their braindead mobile obsessed casual home islands.
The Miyamoto quote about DKC's appeal simply being its graphics.

>> No.6175010

>Remember when Nintendo tried to c&d melee tournaments?
I thought they had recently been forcing the tournaments to stop running Melee or they won't get sponsorship money or something.

>> No.6175015

GZdoom is an engine, you might as well sue someone who makes a program that opens your in-house texture format.

>> No.6175020

Actually no, by distributing a romhack you're distributing proprietary code in the process. A patch that changes the game and contains 100% your own assets however is kosher.

>> No.6175021

this ^^

Most corporations don't actually care if they "win" lawsuits, they just want to make a show of force and bury the proletariat under a mountain of litigation and fees. It's "heads you lose, tails I win" and this is why I'm an ancom.

>> No.6175027

It depends on the company. Some are much more protective of their image than others, while others set down some rules for fan works that say "Stay within these boundaries and we're good". ZUN for example (creator of Touhou) is completely fine with fan works, Konami approved of the Lecarde Chronicles games, Square not so much.

>> No.6175035

Stop fucking lying.

>> No.6175085

Derivative works also inherently violate copyright. Doesn't matter if all the bits and bytes in your patch are new and not from the original game - if they don't mean anything without the original copyrighted code, you're in violation.

That's why fan translations and fansubs are also illegal. Yes, that's fucking stupid, but that's the way it is.

>> No.6175093

>Derivative works also inherently violate copyright
That's not categorically true.

>Doesn't matter if all the bits and bytes in your patch are new and not from the original game - if they don't mean anything without the original copyrighted code, you're in violation.
That's completely false.

>That's why fan translations and fansubs are also illegal.
No, they aren't.

>> No.6175105

>The Miyamoto quote about DKC's appeal simply being its graphics.
In other words, bollocks that some random guy made up and idiots decided to parrot that around on the internet. How many times does it have to be said that Kent made that up?

>> No.6175181

Everytime someone name drops capitalism out of context, I know they're a communist.

>> No.6175225

how about, you post a link to download this masterpiece?
and quit complaining, afterall is nintendo IP you know!

>> No.6175226

>That's why fan translations and fansubs are also illegal. Yes, that's fucking stupid, but that's the way it is.
They aren't so long as you credit the original owner of the property.

>> No.6175231

of course they are, however the patch and subs are not!

>> No.6175235

It's not capitalism, it's people. For so long as someone will try to take advantage of another for personal gain, we will have situations as are being discussed in this thread. Communism will never work as long as human nature is what it is.

>> No.6175241

I don't have a very strong understanding of IP laws, so maybe there's something here that I'm not getting, but what really irks me about cases like this is the fact that fan-made content never seems to be a net detriment to a series. Doom still has a very active and enthusiastic fanbase even now that we're approaching three decades since its original release, largely because iD was so cool about letting fans make their own levels and gameplay mods. If the IP weren't kept in the public consciousness in this way, it's entirely possible that a new title released over a decade after Doom 3 wouldn't have gained any real traction.

Even looking at a Nintendo property, Mario Romhacking hasn't seemed to impact sales in the slightest, and poorly made products just seem to get swept under the rug rather than tarnish the reputation of the franchise. And let's not forget about all the people who play games like Skyrim purely because of mod support because they feel the vanilla game is shit. Maybe there's some crucial difference when it comes to fan-games versus hacks of existing games, but I'm not seeing it. After all, plenty of people think that Sonic Mania is the only worthwhile thing to come out of the Sonic IP in years.

So even from a business perspective, it looks like a poor decision to be so anal about fan content. AM2R is probably the most understandable example I can think of given that you can argue that it was in direct competition with a similar Nintendo product releasing around the same time, but the way Nintendo handled it just made them look like assholes and probably brought more attention to the project anyway.

>> No.6175247

>Actually no, by distributing a romhack you're distributing proprietary code in the process
SMB has been disassembled and fully studied a long time ago. There's not exactly many secrets in there in this day and age.

>> No.6175258

Fan content is legal as long as it isn't sold for profit and you credit the owner of the property. That's not the issue. The issue is more that Nintendo is one of those outfits who dislike any kind of fan content because it may do things with their characters and franchises they don't like or agree with. They want to be in total control of everything going on with them.

>> No.6175274

But if it's all legal, then why does Nintendo's word hold any sway over the creators? Is it just because they would be able to shoulder the costs of a long, protracted legal battle while these fans couldn't?

>> No.6175286

or why they C&D that C64 SMB?

>> No.6175313

>he thinks Nintendo actually cares about legality and that's what they're trying to do here
Please read the second part of the post, apparently you didn't.

>> No.6175319

>s it just because they would be able to shoulder the costs of a long, protracted legal battle while these fans couldn't?
Legal battles would still cost Nintendo a lot of time, money, and bad PR and they wouldn't recoup the expense of doing so.

>> No.6175325

Actually no, a translation still needs to be authorized, and a fansub is still piracy.

>> No.6175332

You're thinking of trademark, not copyright. For example, if Pokemon stopped being anal about the western Pokemon logo font, they could lose it under the logic "it clearly isn't that heavily associated with your brand if other brands are using it".

>> No.6175334

>a translation still needs to be authorized, and a fansub is still piracy
If you are selling it for profit, then obviously it would be.

>> No.6175341

Trademarks are permanent so long as they're actively used. If you do not use them for 13 years, they expire. Copyrights have a fixed duration but do not lapse from non-enforcement.

>> No.6175359

>this ^^

>> No.6175360

>while others set down some rules for fan works that say "Stay within these boundaries and we're good".
which is like you can't make an X-rated Final Fantasy flash game

>> No.6175380

Kyuukyoku Gensou Mahjongg exists.

>> No.6175387

Trademarks can also be invalided by means of dilution. It mostly applies to things like brand names becoming generic nouns, but it also applies to more abstract things like the Pokemon font example or especially color trademarks (they have to fucking fight to hold onto the later, since they're in constant risk of being overturned).

>> No.6175623

Courts ruled otherwise though. As stated above. You payed for that code. It's yours. if you wanna fiddle with it that's up to you. if you want to share your fiddlings. that's up to you. You want to get money for it? Now that's where we start getting into legalities. Probably.

>> No.6175665

don't worry. I do my best to pirate everything out there. Heck if I could 3d print a Switch I would do so, too.

>> No.6175692

It's interesting how Nintendo's website's legal FAQ pretends like this has never happened and you should be tortured in Guantanamo Bay if you make ROM hacks.

>> No.6175726

Doom Remake is literally a troll mod. It's a collection of old jDoom and Vavoom models and textures, repackaged with GZDoom
It was made on russian 2ch.hk to troll people. I know since I was there. The modders nick is literally Vasyan777 ("vasyan" being a colloquial "default name" for a shitty programmer).
Also Zenimax didn't shut him down. He faked the mail, deleted his mod then cried about it to journos to get attention. You can actually dig up some 2ch archives to see the whole thing unfold.

>> No.6175728

wait, based? that's not what I meant! fuck you word filter

>> No.6175737

The issue is that the guy making AM2R was sent a C&D order by Nintendo. My question is, why did he need to give a fuck?

>> No.6175743

...You're confused about why he didn't want to get sued by a multi-billion-dollar corporation?

>> No.6175746

Should have bought it and extended a job offer.

>> No.6175750

Meanwhile based Capcom doesn't give a shit about Mugen recreations of their old fighting game characters. They consider it fanart and nothing more.

>> No.6175763

I haven't bought anything from Nintendo since 1994. They've been a train wreck ever since the N64. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6175853

I mean, really. Sega hired the guy who made that Sonic fan game to produce SA2, so...

>> No.6175907

Stay mad that super metroid will always be lightyears better than your poorly aged nostalgiafu

>> No.6175921

Do you feel guilty?

>> No.6175935

Only because you were saying that everything the guy was doing was perfectly legal. No attempt was being made to profit from AM2R.

>> No.6175942

I don't know who you think I am, but are you under the impression that it's illegal to file a civil suit against someone?

>> No.6175949

Think about how much it would cost to get a lawyer to represent you and deal with the court costs associated with defending yourself. A big flaw in the American legal system is that, unlike some other countries, you're not automatically required to cover court costs when you lose a suit you brought.

>> No.6175985

Nintendo isn't dumb enough to actually sue the guy. It costs them a lot of money too and how much wealth does one neckbeard in his mom's basement have that they can get out of him?

>> No.6175993

i remember them shutting down doom RL because the devs were trying to crowdfund a sequel.

>Is there a more jewish video game company in the world than nintendo?
EA is probably the biggest one but nintendo is probably not that far behind.

>> No.6176060

i.e. has no living expenses or dependents and has proven game development ability?

Go ahead and try making your own fangame, though. Be sure to post the C&D you get and announce how you're ignoring it.

>> No.6176121

Those C&D emails are made by a robot anyway. They have one that trawls websites looking for phrases like "super mario", "ROM", and "download".

>> No.6176145

Uh-huh, sure. And if you delete a ROM in under 24 hours, it's okay too, right?

Here's the reality: translations are by nature derivative works.

17 USC §103(a): derivative works are within the scope of copyright law.
17 USC §106: the copyright holder has EXCLUSIVE rights to authorize derivative works and distribute copies.
17 USC §107: fair use MAY apply if the work is nonprofit. That doesn't mean nonprofit works are always legal. Fair use applies if you're quoting parts for a book review or a documentary, not if you're reproducing the entire work in full.

If it's not authorized, the copyright holder has every legal right to take you down. Yes, it's immoral bullshit for them to do so. Don't like it, call your senator.

Don't believe me, ask an IP lawyer, or a law professor, or something. But you've clearly gotten your legal opinions from the fair use "disclaimer" on YouTube rips.

>> No.6176153

>If it's not authorized, the copyright holder has every legal right to take you down. Yes, it's immoral bullshit for them to do so

>Europe, 1941
>Sorry you have to help the SS round up people and send them to the camps
>yes it's immoral bullshit but the law says you have to. gotta problem with it, go write Heinrich Himmler a letter and complain.

>> No.6176158

I'm totally on board with calling copyright nazis what they are. But you're lying to people if you're telling them they don't have to worry about legal consequences for breaking dumb laws. What you should be doing is providing opsec tips so people can do it without getting sued to oblivion by litigious asshats like Nintendo, not saying "it's all good man I credited the author on my blog lol"

>> No.6176168

>create fangame in secret
>release it to the world
>get c&d
>who gives a shit, it's already out

>> No.6176172

Laddy, once something's leaked onto the Internet, it will be there forever and Nintendo can do fuck all about it.

>> No.6176180

That's the point I was trying to make. You need to be weasly about it. And I'm still convinced that those Nintendo C&D emails are most likely a bot and not made by an actual person.

>> No.6176193

I tell you what. When Nintendo acknowledges that they illegally broke their contract with Sony over the SNES CD drive and that a court ruling found that they violated antitrust laws by forbidding devs to release games for non-Nintendo systems, then I'll say ok. I'll take your claims about your IPs being infringed on seriously.

It works both ways...

>> No.6176208

>not if you're reproducing the entire work in full
By that logic, a fan translation cannot be a derivative work because it's your own interpretation of the Japanese dialog in so and so SNES RPG no normal person has ever heard of. Only were you to reproduce the original dialog or an official translation does that apply.

>> No.6176223

>>copyright laws are bullshit and things like fan translations that should be legal are illegal
>no no it actually is legal according to my crackpot interpretation of IP law
Do you realize you're actually trying to defend current copyright laws as being reasonable? You're a fucking moron.

>> No.6176228

i wonder how that guy can type with a boot in his mouth.

>> No.6176234


Was dealt with here.

>> No.6176237


>> No.6176240

>no no it actually is legal according to my crackpot interpretation of IP law
I don't think his interpretation is necessarily more crackpot than the one on Nintendo's website.

>> No.6176241

This thread has a bunch of Nintendo shils and """"""""Lawyers"""""""".
Fan content from the original is legal, UNLESS giving credit/permision to the author.
But here's the thing, some author dosen't give a fuck about someone forgot to give credit or asking permision, if they don't make profit of it.
Take example: ZUN, the creator of Touhou Project, he's ok with fan content, he declared this as a open source because project in the name, its cool and all if you don't make profit of it.
Sega encouraged it.
Then here's comes to Nintendo, why they do this?
Because they are obnoxious about their stuff ever since 90s.

>> No.6176243

Low ki kino

>> No.6176245

Go ahead, name a court case in the last two decades. For every pre-DMCA Galoob v Nintendo there's a post-DMCA Blizzard v bnetd.

Quit defending current copyright law. Come to the realization that revolution and noncompliance is the correct solution.

>> No.6176252

You can't distribute an unmodified IP without permission. Fair enough. If you make mods to it, say a ROM hack, then it's not necessarily the original IP as it was created, part of it is your OC donut steal content. So who owns it then? It's also why for instance Donkey Kong is in legal limbo. Nintendo owns the characters but they didn't program the arcade game, Ikegami did. So who owns it? No one knows.

>> No.6176258

>Fan content from the original is legal, UNLESS giving credit/permision to the author.
Another lying apologist for the shitty copyright status quo. It is not fucking legal, it should be, that's the fucking problem with this legal system built by a corrupt government in bed with corporations.

>> No.6176259

Actually, now that you brought that up, there are certain Nintendo games for instance Popeye and Doki Doki Panic where you can pretty much distribute the ROMs all you want and Nintendo won't do anything because those are licensed games and they don't really own them.

>> No.6176261

this. i remember a cool looking fan game that started out as a sonic game

>> No.6176263

Yeah Sonic Adventure 2 or something (I don't remember the specific game) started as a fan project and Sega hired the guy to make it as an official release.

>> No.6176265

Of course that means they'll never reissue them either. Note for example that Popeye was absent from VC even though it was a big hit at the time, particularly in Japan.

>> No.6176269

>It would've taken away sales from the official Metroid II remake

Which they had no intention of remaking until this fan remake became widely known FYI.

>> No.6176270

Popeye is kind of notable because it had a super-hi res arcade display that was like 512x448 resolution. This mean of course it was going to look like shit on most home systems which had 200 line displays and in fact it wouldn't have been until the 6th gen that the arcade graphics could be properly reproduced on a home console because as late as the 5th gen, 200 lines was still the standard.

>> No.6176281

I'll just have to take your word on that. Not surprising, though. Some alarming lawsuits like the one against that ROM site owner are probably primarily intended to scare other people who lack the funds and legal power to appropriately defend themselves into preemptively not doing anything to cross Big Bad Nintendo than they're meant to obtain meaningful monetary and legal restitution. Even if facing a totally bullshit lawsuit that is destined to fall through, how many regular people or even companies can afford to engage in prolonged legal battles?

>> No.6176286

>Yanks still enjoy being cucked by Nintendo after 30 years
Fuck, you can download just about every ZX Spectrum or whatever game ever made and in 99% of cases the original programmer doesn't gaf or has granted his permission to distribute it. It's only your beloved Japcrap companies who still try to hunt down anyone who distributes ancient games for 8-bit hardware.

>> No.6176296

They do reissue third-party games, though. The Ghosts'n Goblins series is on Switch Online, and in the NES and SNES Classic Editions. What am I missing?

>> No.6176307

>games back to 1983 still charged for

>> No.6176309

Not to defend Nintendo here, but I would imagine ALTTP is considered a more valuable property than Snibbly's Quest on the ZX Spectrum (written by The Lads, (c) 1985 Blimey M8 Software Ltd.) where the programmer is just happy anyone still remembers the game he wrote over summer vacation when he was 17.

>> No.6176317

Those are all American games not European ones but that aside I'm guessing that the vast majority of these are probably owned by EA now through mergers and acquisitions which would explain a lot.

>> No.6176324

Also betting $5 these were just gotten from abandonware sites and are the same hacked up versions that have been on the web for 20+ years and wouldn't work on a real 80s PC if you tried to use them on one. I'm very sure that copy of Wasteland is the 1998 reissue that doesn't have the CGA graphics drivers in it.

>> No.6176325

I can name a company much much more embarrassing than Nintendo, and that was the sad losers in First Star Software (the people who owned Boulder Dash, since sold to a German software company).

>> No.6176327
File: 2.41 MB, 200x160, 1562716322186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cinematic attack cutscenes

>> No.6176349

So you're calling EA "Japcrap"?


>> No.6176364

>devs were trying to crowdfund a sequel
They used images with clearly recogniseable versions of Doom enemies in their kickstarter, and a recogniseable Doom font and logo, and tried to release i as a product that could easily be mistaken for official.

>> No.6176370

If you're going to charge money for the things, may we at least have a clean unmodified copy?

>> No.6176569

not defending the remakes here but Metroid 1 & 2 are clunky as fuck and the controls feel so stiff. Super Metroid and the GBA games were better

>> No.6176586

Remember how Nintendo left Color Dreams completely alone because even they wouldn't dare go after Christian bookstores for carrying Wisdom Tree games.

>> No.6176639

Using the same name could lead to reputation change.

>better game

>> No.6176640 [DELETED] 

As if. Nintendo never went after Christian bookstores simply because Nintendo had no pull over them. They could keep Color Dreams out of Toys R Us by threatening to take Nintendo products off the shelves. What did they have to threaten Christian bookstores with? They didn't sell any Nintendo products.

>> No.6176646

"Wouldn't dare"? As if. Nintendo never went after Christian bookstores simply because Nintendo had no pull over them. They could keep Color Dreams out of Toys R Us by threatening to take Nintendo products off the shelves. What would Nintendo threaten Christian bookstores with? Those places never sold any Nintendo products in the first place. Brilliant move by Color Dreams.

>> No.6176695

When it comes to GOG you're paying for it to work on your modern system out of the box, not the game itself.

>> No.6176704

Those games don't actually "work" on a modern system, they'd be run in DOSbox. Derp.

>> No.6176754

On that note, Nintendo was accused at some point of using ROMs gotten from the Internet on VC or something, although this was likely not true since they generally preserve their stuff really well and have lots of Famicom-era source code and ROM images in their archives. Now some developers like Square likely have nothing preserved from that time since they only had a small office with limited storage space. The source code for the Famicom Final Fantasies (paper printouts, floppy disks, etc) likely ended up in a dumpster not long after the game's release.

>> No.6176767
File: 32 KB, 400x289, comrade jeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6176775

>On that note, Nintendo was accused at some point of using ROMs gotten from the Internet on VC or something
That was because they were using iNES headers in their emulator. iNES was invented for an emulator back in the day. Might just mean they implemented the same format but it's hard to say.

>> No.6176784

I'd be more annoyed at how mediocre VC emulation is compared to fan-made emulators.

>> No.6176904

Based and trademarked®

>> No.6176931

I think what they did was hire the guy who came up with the ines format.

>> No.6176946

Metroid 2 is the ultimate pleb filter.

>> No.6177003

>i'm turbocringe

>> No.6177340

Because it's a bit easier to reuse deisgns/assets from other games than having to create your own, in some fangames anyway.
Otherwise, 9 times out of 10 it's a passion project

>> No.6177342

I'm not sure you understand what that means

>> No.6177683

>Orwell didn't write about the threat of an international world order gaining absolute power and micromanaging every aspect of its subjects' lives

>> No.6177736

Fangames are so fucking cringe, couldn't they have just made a Metroid clone with it's own characters and name and shit?

>> No.6177746

He's describing the way things are, not the way things should be. IP law is ass-backwards. Nintendo can bend you over and fuck you in the ass for so much as humming the SMB theme to yourself

>> No.6177752

Then people would complain that it's too much like Metroid.
The guy wanted a remake of Metroid 2 so he made it himself. Taking initiative isn't cringe.

>> No.6177757

>Then people would complain that it's too much like Metroid.
Does that really matter if people enjoy the game? Look at Freedom Planet, that started as a Sonic fangame but became it's own thing.

>> No.6177759

People regularly bitch about indie games being unoriginal. When you look at it this way, fangames are at least being honest about it.

>> No.6177760

>People regularly bitch about indie games being unoriginal
Who gives a shit what a couple dozen retards say.

>> No.6177763

More people than give a shit what one retard says?

>> No.6177980


>> No.6177987

>high seethe loser

>> No.6178693


>> No.6178707

when are people gonna learn not to touch or distribute Nintendo ips? how many more people need to get sued for absurd amounts of money before people get it? not siding with or shilling for Nintendo or anything, I really don’t care, but this is like poking a wasp nest with a stick and then wondering why you are getting stung.

>> No.6178725

"When are people gonna learn to not have civil rights marches in Mississippi? How many more people need to be beaten up or rubber-hosed by police before people get it? Not siding or shilling for Dixiecrats or anything, I really don't care but this is like poking a wasp's nest and wondering why you got stung."

-- Anon, 1961

>> No.6178735
File: 108 KB, 1920x1080, 6ytvRfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is how much sympathy I have for Nintendo.

>> No.6178738

those 2 things are in no way comparable, what a stupid analogy, on par with food analogies

>> No.6178753

Yeah it is. It's saying you should accept a boot on your head because it could kick you in the process of trying to get your head out from under it.

>> No.6178768

I saw a practically identical cuckpost to this on some comment section somewhere. My heart bleeds for those poor Nintendo lawyers. How terribly they've suffered because one guy downloaded a Balloon Fight ROM. Now their children won't get any Christmas presents because of you pigs. Boo hoo. Boo hoo hoo.

>> No.6178785 [DELETED] 

Not everyone is a lawyered-up IP protection racket like Nintendo and frankly, they need to lay off it. If you give into them, they'll never learn their lesson and they'll keep doing stuff like this. Do you think if a child likes to smear feces on the wall, he's going to stop if nobody ever scolds him for it?

tl;dr it's not you that's the problem, it's them

>> No.6178802

Most people are probably aware they'd get an automated C&D email for something like that Metroid remake. But you know once it gets leaked on the Internet, it'll be there forever. So you don't worry about it. Just keep doing what you want to do and just accept those automated emails as a minor inconvenience to deal with. I don't think Nintendo's stuff deserves any special immunity or do-not-touch status from fan remakes, even if they would like to believe otherwise. It happens with a lot of games and doesn't always result in an instant C&D email from the owner of the game. In any case, being that butthurt about 30+ year old IPs is not a good sign to give because it's saying "We have to rely on remakes of past games because we can't make anything good in the present." And everyone's well aware that Nintendo has been living off nostalgia for some time now.

>> No.6178816

Even Metroid 1 is better than 2, and it was released before 2, because it's the first part of the franchise, you know.

>> No.6178843

You could somewhat claim this was justified (but only somewhat) if Nintendo planned an official remake of M2. That C64 SMB though...you guys planning on making an official C64 SMB port or something?

>> No.6178849 [DELETED] 

"When are people gonna learn to not join resistance movements against the Nazis? How many more people need to be lined in front of a wall and shot or have their village burned down by the SS before people get it? Not siding or shilling for Hitler or anything, I really don't care but this is like poking a wasp's nest and wondering why you got stung."

-- Anon, 1941

>> No.6178854

"When are people gonna learn to not join resistance movements against the Nazis? How many more people need to be lined up in front of a wall and shot or have their village burned down by the SS before people get it? Not siding or shilling for Hitler or anything, I really don't care but this is like poking a wasp's nest and wondering why you got stung."

-- Anon, 1941

>> No.6178896

These make sense

>> No.6178898

fucking hell, not Godwin's Law

>> No.6178960

Godwin's Law?

>> No.6178964

"The longer an online discussion goes, the greater the chance that someone will bring up WWII, Hitler, or Nazism."

>> No.6178972

If Nintendo continues to fib and make legal claims that were debunked by assorted court rulings, then sorry. They have absolutely no moral high ground here.

>> No.6179045

2 was great. It introduced all kinds of great items, had atmospheric audio, and cool bosses.

>> No.6179093

>How to fix copyright
>Fuck you Disney
>20 year public domain

>Fan work shop
>Actually support your fans
>Hire interns to tend/moderate these workshops for free work exp
>Everyone wins

>Current plan
>Reeeeeee MUH OC
>make no money
>Wasted investment
>Fade away and be completely irrelevant

It's like you hate money and free advertisment

>> No.6179097

If you have to keep reissuing 30 year old games to stay profitable, you've already lost the plot.

>> No.6179102

Everything irrelevant within four months of green lighting.
Look at Halo.
Look at any green light game.
Almost all dead on release.
Fucking 100 years + life.
FUCKING delusional
You have MONTHS not a century after release.

>> No.6179109

based and redpilled

>> No.6179113

Dude, you can stop samefag upboating your own post already.

>> No.6179118

what are you going on about?
It's been updated by fans and there's a release on fucking reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/AM2R/comments/9nonkk/am2r_release_143/

they are on 1.4.3 now and there's even a psvita port, I think there's a mobile port too

>> No.6179165

>They tried and failed to get game rentals banned in the US and Europe
Goddamn that's douchey.

>> No.6179193

Get help

>> No.6179252

Don't you feel a slight bit of guilt being a paid Nintendo shillbot?

>> No.6179265

>I don't necessarily agree with continuing to shill and profit off of a 30-year-old Game Boy game
This is true.
>and in a better world it would've entered into the public domain by now
This is also true. However, the "It shouldn't be but it is, deal with it" argument is straight-up bootlicking and we would still have slavery if everyone thought this way.

>> No.6179273

I remember when I was a kid the Microsoft manuals with menacing legal notices about "Do not disassemble or reverse engineer this software or else. It contains proprietary code and trade secrets you have been warned."

tl;dr never trust legal info companies put out, it's very often distorted and falsified. As was explained elsewhere in here, there have been court rulings which stated that one may do whatever with an IP for their personal, non-profit use.

>> No.6179275

i don't think anyone wants to reverse engineer the crap that Microshaft pulls from their butts anyway.

>> No.6179392

thanks anon

>> No.6179394

AM2R is easily the second worst Metroid game, just barely beating out NEStroid.

>> No.6179395

Nintendo fanboys are a disgrace to humanity

>> No.6179446

Original > Other Metroid 2 fanremakes > 3DS > AM2R

>> No.6179739

>Get bait by fucking jewtendo.
They knew that people like you would chimp out with that move and talk about their bland remake that otherwise people wouldn't give a shit.
Also, it the first 2D metroid that sells decent in japan since super metroid.

>> No.6179925


>> No.6180618

Then what was the point of >>6175286?

>> No.6180757

literally the difference between soul and soulless. a derivative copy vs a fangame

>> No.6180969

1 36 217
1 39 234

>> No.6181058

This is not retro

>> No.6181060

>borrows your wifes pussy
>wow bro why are u mad i fucked ur wife shes still there for u to enjoy

>> No.6181084

If my wife fucked around on me, she's gone. You can have her.