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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 15 KB, 256x224, 5353titlescreen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6154536 No.6154536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6154546

prepatched roms here

>> No.6154551
File: 483 KB, 500x450, goemon_chill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. Time to go replay Goemon 3.

>> No.6154552
File: 384 KB, 717x1038, yae bunny.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6154557

Thank you so much!

>> No.6154559


>> No.6154634

>weeabo autists claim that these two games could never truly be translated because of all the cultural references

Guessing someone never watched Otaking's old anime translation videos

>> No.6154750

2 and 3 in one go. Incredible.

>> No.6154772
File: 187 KB, 271x351, 1577133453040.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is beyond awesome. Maybe the hype these are sure to cause will allow us to soon see the great GBC ones translated soon, too!

>> No.6154775

and also an actual WORKING version of the second NES RPG

>> No.6154795

autistic drama cuck BTFO

>> No.6154810
File: 115 KB, 725x553, 1247518995108.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone been playing through the series to get ready? i'm at goemon gaiden 2 nes at the moment

>> No.6154815

Doesn't it work on an older version of FCEUX?

>> No.6154823

Is there any recurring element from the Nes games? I was just playing the first Snes Goemon right now.

>> No.6154836

Ebi's first real appearance is Goemon 2, Yae's first appearance is Gaiden and Koryuta's is Gaiden 2.

Gameplay-wise, the 8-bit games play like nothing else in the franchise. They're like belt-scrolling action-adventure games with platforming, and you have to obtain 3 passes in each town (or find the lord in the castle stages) to progress. And the Gaiden games are your standard grind-heavy turn-based jrpg.

>> No.6154848

Why the hell does 3 use the old revision 1 ROM?

>> No.6154852
File: 230 KB, 2068x952, goemon gaiden 1 secret.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goemon 1 and 2 nes are town exploration games with an arcade element to get to the next stage
goemon gaiden 1 and 2 nes are basically dragon quest clones

>> No.6154874

Sweet I guess I'll finish 3 now that I no longer have to deal with all the kana.

>> No.6154894

Not for me (latest version of FCEUGX). It's all glitchy.

>> No.6154901

I'm using FCEUX 2.1.4a and it's not glitchy on there

>> No.6154915

Just to clarify, I'm talking about Gaiden 2 ("Treasures of the World"). If you're talking about that one, too, would you mind uploading your rom here? Thanks very much.

>> No.6154934

No one ever said that. The difficulty was because of the data compression.
It does work. What are you doing wrong?

>> No.6155014

Based translators

Based anon

>> No.6155221
File: 462 KB, 500x279, 1494030596308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for giving us the heads up and thank you >>6154546 for the prepatched ROMs.
Good thread.

>> No.6155237

Anything of note that's bad about that one in comparison to the others?

>> No.6155389

3 is the only one that actually NEEDED a translation. Regardless, I'm glad it finally got translated. Thanks for posting the heads up or I probably wouldn't have noticed just yet.

>> No.6155410

so how about some first impressions?

>> No.6155448

Buggy, already a glitched game over screen, hardlock pause, menu freeze bug, and a 2player hard lock.


>> No.6155459

You're an idiot, you don't even know the differences for the (Jap), (Rev1), (Rev2), versions, newer is not always better, and sometimes they are the exactly the same.

Pro tip: The original is the way to play this one, idiot.

>> No.6155461

Holy hell I was just thinking about how these games never got translated. Maybe now I can get somewhere in 3.
There's a fourth one too but I don't remember a lot about it besides getting stuck.

>> No.6155474 [DELETED] 

>You're an idiot, you don't even know the differences for the (Jap), (Rev1), (Rev2), versions
Just like most people then, you vile little cunt.
>Pro tip
That's right, you little fucking dweeb. Give everyone one more reason to want to see you get raped to death. Bet you're an Americunt, you loathsome shit. Seek help, you socially retarded piss ant.

>> No.6155475

The 4th one is more action-focused, you don't really need to read except for some of the pass quests in towns.

>> No.6155484

Yeah, I remember getting stuck a few times. One was I think some raccoon dog and multiple choices I had to pick and the other towns I had absolutely no idea what to do. Granted this was years ago.

>> No.6155514
File: 38 KB, 512x448, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even feel ashamed for using save states.
Holy fucking shit,

>> No.6155517

Where are you seeing the last three issues?

>> No.6155692

>It does work. What are you doing wrong?
I used the IPS on a clean rom with Lunar, and it gives a garbage title screen, with every attempt. Am I supposed to expand the rom or something?

>> No.6155721

From the readme:
>The latest versions of several popular NES emulators do not support edited versions of certain Konami games, including Ganbare Goemon Gaiden 2. The title screen will display incorrectly, and the game will most likely crash shortly thereafter, rendering it unplayable. I can't fix that by editing the ROM, as the cause of the issue is within the source code for those emulators.

For reference, I remember it working on real hardware so the issue definitely seems to be in the emulators. Try a different one.

>> No.6155745

Nice. What about Ganbare Goemon 4, 5 and whichever are left from the SFC/SNES?

>> No.6155762 [DELETED] 
File: 35 KB, 512x448, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6155771 [DELETED] 


>> No.6155831

Was wondering how they were going to handle the "newhalf" line.

>> No.6155843
File: 11 KB, 729x115, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, I thought that anon edited the image, but it's actually something in the game's script.

>> No.6155908

thx france

>> No.6155920
File: 2.47 MB, 3264x2448, goehan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the original line for reference.

>> No.6155991 [DELETED] 

wasn't tranny a dispregiative?

>> No.6156049

I've been vaguely aware of the Goemon games but have never played one for more than a few minutes. I was surprised to see some people gushing about these games on Twitter. If they're as good as people say, I guess I should really check them out.

>> No.6156078

Part two is one of the best action platformers on the system.

>> No.6156110

i hope they will translate the last one on snes as well

>> No.6156208


welp, I know what I'm doing this weekend

>> No.6156215

I'm glad to see these two games translated (special mention for the anon who put the prepatched roms in >>6154546) but I'm already stuck in the third game at that teleporter thingy in the first temple. Guess I'll have to come back later or look at gameFAQs if I really can't find it out because it can't be that hard to figure out right?

>> No.6156774 [DELETED] 

Why are you speaking italian?

>> No.6156865
File: 39 KB, 458x323, goemon3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6156868

what a chad

>> No.6156873


Version 2 of Goemon 3 patch with some bug fixes is out!

>> No.6156883

great! keep the good work

>> No.6156893


>> No.6156918

There's also PS1 and N64 Goemon games. Worth playing?

>> No.6156935

>Worth playing?

>> No.6156938

Pre-patched ROM with the updated patch for Goemon 3.


>> No.6156948 [DELETED] 
File: 68 KB, 468x468, Goemon_Dynamite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really


Also pic related is a must-play.

>> No.6156960

>Not really
how? there like 3

>> No.6156968

Only Akogingu is worth playing
Kuru Kara Noi is a janky 3d platformer that gets really tedious to play
Oedo Daikaten is just a worse Goemon 2, it even reuses Great Adventure's OST
Shin Sedai is alright but the redesigns are trash

>> No.6156971 [DELETED] 

because they aren't good. even the best out of them, Uchuu, just plays like a worse version of Goemon 3.

>> No.6156974 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 476x417, ebisu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-team/outsourced shite while the real Goemon team were making good Goemon games for the N64.

>> No.6156986

Nintendo series giving Sony the leftovers...

>> No.6156991

This was the whole reason I’ve been learning Japanese. FML

>> No.6156998

>falling for the lolEOP meme
RIP anon

>> No.6157013

I think I'm missing something.
In Goemon 3, there's this long quest involving trading items with villagers: sandal straps -> beans -> ownership of land in the ninja village -> cold medicine -> dog food -> good luck charm -> lemon -> and so on.
However, the cold medicine is completely unrelated to the land ownership, and I feel like I should have done something with the land before getting it replaced with the medicine.
Or is there just no point in those 3 initial items?

>> No.6157038

There's four of them and they're all considered Kusoge.

>> No.6157040 [DELETED] 

Nah, just the 3D one.

Shin Sedai and Oedo are mediocre at best, and Uchuu is almost as good as the Nintendo Goemon games.

>> No.6157060

These games were only kana anyway.

>> No.6157075

Willo567 violating Rule1+2, not cool.

>> No.6157087


>> No.6157112

>they stuffed a couple giant mech battles on this
>infinite lives so players can fumble about learning the goemon impact controls
its fun as heck

>> No.6157152 [DELETED] 


One of you losers just posted a thread on RHDN complaining about the trany line

"It has recently been brought to my attention..."

AHHAHAHAHHA pathetic loser i know youre here

DDS, smoke him.

>> No.6157153

Apparently REEEsetera is trying to force the translator into rewriting the line. So far he's standing his ground.

>> No.6157159


>> No.6157163

Why y'all getting this heated over a 50 year old chinese basket weaving simulator? cmonBruh

>> No.6157165

Does anyone else have slower downloads through anonfile or am I just unfortunate lately? Anyway, thanks for the link anon.

>> No.6157182

Kana only text is 10 times more difficult to read without kanji to differentiate all the homophones

>> No.6157226

Fuck cat ladies

>> No.6157281 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1068x473, Screenshot_20200125_194036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6157304 [DELETED] 

Not that i'mm ever give a inch to trannies but do these people even want books like to kill a mockingbird updated to remove nigger?

>> No.6157334 [DELETED] 
File: 133 KB, 1280x994, IMG_20191128_082118_678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uses the same screenshot as >>6155762
fuck you for dereailing my thread and to promote your shitty agenda

>> No.6157338 [DELETED] 

Not a resetera fag, but newhalf isn't really derogatory and would be closer to trap than it is to tranny. If you go on Tinder as a guy in Tokyo, you'll have to sift through a weirdly high amount of "women" with feminine penises who write that they're a newhalf in their bio; mostly SEA monkeys.
Trap doesn't really fit in with the rest of the dialogue in the game though, and I can't come up with a more appropriate word to use so I can't really fault the translator for settling with tranny.

>> No.6157353

Can't say I mess around with emulation much but wanted to test out these patches before I take the time to burn em to a repro. I used RA in the past with great results mostly due to run ahead emulation. For whatever reason RA wont "see" the roms that anons posted in this thread, the load fine in SNES9x but RA refuses to see them. How can I fix this?

>> No.6157372

works on my machine

>> No.6157409

Maybe it's just the file extension?
Try changing it to .smc

>> No.6157419 [DELETED] 


>> No.6157445 [DELETED] 

patch updated

>it's their n-word
oh fuck you

>> No.6157449 [DELETED] 

Oh yeah, that's pretty much spot on.
I'm willing to bet they would bitch about that too, but there's no way or reason to please these people.

>> No.6157471 [DELETED] 
File: 109 KB, 637x571, Screenshot_20200125_211256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6157476 [DELETED] 

40% yourselves, tranny subhumans.

>> No.6157479 [DELETED] 



>> No.6157485 [DELETED] 
File: 1021 KB, 360x300, 1532458747649.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>faggots and mentally ill retards are unable to shut up

It's all so tiresome, I wish they were dead.

>> No.6157516 [DELETED] 

lol should change it to 'I'm the t-word' just to fuck with these mental defects

>> No.6157605 [DELETED] 

>transvestite and crossdresser have become slurs for trans people
What? Aren't they just an entirely different thing?

>> No.6157609 [DELETED] 

Yes, but wouldn't a misappropriate use of word towards someone count as an insult or at least as a sign of ignorance?

>> No.6157621 [DELETED] 

can someone explain why you fuckers made the SJW angry again?

>> No.6157641 [DELETED] 

Thought the same too. that thread reads exactly like bait you would find here

>> No.6157661 [DELETED] 

Neck yourself offsite faggot.

>> No.6157679 [DELETED] 
File: 271 KB, 909x493, Screenshot_20200125_230610.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tom deleted his tweets

>> No.6157694

I just happened to replay through Legend of Mystical Ninja last year after replaying through the two on the N64. It is opportune timing for me. Goemon 2 seems to be a step up in gameplay and design from the first one on the SNES. It was nice that all the maps and everything were continuous, but the over world helps in Goemon 2 with a little bit of back tracking and exploring older locations. Just got to the forth world. I bet this would have been great to play with a bro back in the day.

>> No.6157750 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 750x1220, 2162A954-CBCC-44B2-8989-B2C69FC7B702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6157759

The tweets linked in the thread are deleted and his tweets are protected

But even if the translator wants to cave, DDS won't.

This is a stupid debate anyway. To deliberately mis-translate something because somebody is offended. There would be nothing left, especially from satire and comedy.

>> No.6157760 [DELETED] 

Massive cringe.

>> No.6157765

>Apparently REEEsetera is trying to force the translator into rewriting the line. So far he's standing his ground.
not is just some stupid anon that is literally poking the beehive with a stick

>> No.6157767 [DELETED] 


>> No.6157769 [DELETED] 
File: 550 KB, 1440x2672, Capture2020012515594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there it is

The hairsplitting is hilarious, why do they care so much when their substitutes are going to be the target of tomorrows crusade?

>> No.6157773 [DELETED] 

>why do they care so much when their substitutes are going to be the target of tomorrows crusade?
because you care that is way

>> No.6157779 [DELETED] 

I don't care about the difference between tranny and transvestite at all.

Is niggy the equivalent of double nigger or something? Is all of harlem sprinting to my house?

>> No.6157793 [DELETED] 

lol not as much as the tranny that went nuclear

>> No.6157805 [DELETED] 

>lol not as much as the tranny that went nuclear
this post proves me right you all are like kids poking the beehive with a stick

>> No.6157816 [DELETED] 

No one is instigating anything, and no retribution will ever come for saying tranny on 4chan or whatever your case is about. Go back

>> No.6157820 [DELETED] 

I swear these fucking trannies better not have messed Goemon 4's release. They literally don't even care about the series. I wish that percentage was higher.

>> No.6157830 [DELETED] 

go tip over a national monument and tell everyone on fox news how oppressed you are

>> No.6157837

>They literally don't even care about the series
Do you?

>> No.6157850

You realize how easily this question can be flipped back at you, right?

>> No.6157853

Expert reader who specializes in context clues here

I think he cares, and he particularly cares about Goemon 4. The fact that he said so in his post was a dead give away

>> No.6157854
File: 106 KB, 989x1071, EO069-_WAAAbXdP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the help, anon. Sadly, I'm limited with what I can use at the moment (no PC), having only FCEUGX on the Wii (and, unrelated, also VBAGX, which won't completely run the amazing Super Mario Land 2 DX). I hope someone makes a patch for these emulators, eventually, anyway.

>> No.6157860
File: 981 KB, 2100x1532, 81c08e0d-4342-4eaa-b397-f4424ffc6263.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now to search for box art

>> No.6157861 [DELETED] 

>all these deleted posts
Uh oh, looks like we triggered trannyjanny you guys.

>> No.6157867
File: 34 KB, 384x281, acd88f27-3426-4702-9737-0c1e87b1280b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6157869 [DELETED] 

Nobody's triggered, it's just that /vr/ is a board about video games unlike /v/, which is a general topic board for nerds with a light video game flavor. Go there.

>> No.6157874 [DELETED] 

>Nobody's triggered,
lol, sure thing sweety

>> No.6157878

No, the point is that the original text was not trying to be offensive, yet you're claiming to care about the game while defending an inaccurate translation because you're trying to trigger some tranny.

>> No.6157880
File: 225 KB, 256x224, bath-interior-e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DDS is fucking literally based. I believe he will do the right thing and keep the original comedy without adding cringe. Beyond cringe pic related (thought up by that faggot Avicalendriya) was one my one fear about Goemon 2's translation/localization, and he got rid of it because he is awesome.

>> No.6157885

*was my one fear

>> No.6157953

Whats going on in this pic?

And it’s absolutely outrageous that they’re harassing these guys who are doing FREE work simply for our enjoyment. Fuck all these weirdo perverts and degenerates

>> No.6157956

There is just so much to unpack here

Why do you believe the original text wasn't trying to be offensive?
Do you think japanese transsexuals and their advocates had no objections to the phrase "newhalf"?
Do you think knowing some people will be offended and trying to offend are two different things?
Do you acknowledge that english speakers say "tranny" without trying to be offensive?
And finally do you know japanese?

You have to have answers for all of these before you can go around claiming which translation is more accurate. Also one can be concerned about a translator being pressured by a vocal minority known for retaliating with harassment campaigns, and not know what the translation should actually be.

Also none of the arguments from reset era have been concerned with accuracy, only claimed offense to a certain party. Basically you're a retard.
Why do you believe the original translation was inaccurate?

>> No.6157958

The original pic has "male/female" in kanji, but Avicalendriya (someone who was formerly working on a translation for SNES GG2) changed it to the faces of Goemon and Ebisumaru, simply because he wanted to force a cringe joke that "hurr Ebisu's effeminate and Goemon isn't (but, implicitly, needs someone to tell him he isn't)." It was a forced and bad change.

>> No.6157969

For reference, DDS's translation (ie, the one this thread is referring to: the finished one) just used the universal "male/female" symbols you see on bathroom doors (etc), instead, which actually makes perfect sense and is neither cringe nor strays from the original Japanese game.

>> No.6157984

*the original Japanese game's graphics

>> No.6158045

How do I fight with impact

>> No.6158051

A for punch (focus on using this when the enemy closes in), B for jab (use this in combo with A punch), Y for nose bullets, L and R for left and right block. Try jabbing enemy projectiles for more money and bullets, if you can.

>> No.6158054

>Why do you believe the original text wasn't trying to be offensive?
Name some E rated (or equivalent) games with explicit slurs. Yeah, they don't exist, the game content has to be approved before being published.
>Do you think japanese transsexuals and their advocates had no objections to the phrase "newhalf"?
See above. It's socially acceptable enough to put in a game, and they themselves use that term. On the other hand you won't see any transgender describing themselves as a tranny.
>Do you acknowledge that english speakers say "tranny" without trying to be offensive?
That's a fallacy. Calling a transgender a tranny is no different than calling a homosexual a faggot. Tranny is literally the new faggot.

>> No.6158064

"Trans" is literally the new "this is what a feminist looks like", so what's your point? Neither are politically neutral, and there's no evidence the game's original script is in such a neutral tone.

>> No.6158102

>Name some E rated (or equivalent) games with explicit slurs. Yeah, they don't exist, the game content has to be approved before being published.
This isn't that type of translation. What the ESRB would rate it or what a publisher would change is irrelevant. Also it's not even considered explicit by the general population. I'd even debate that it's always a slur.

>It's socially acceptable enough to put in a game
"Socially acceptable" in japan definitely does not mean that it isn't pejorative to minorities who are often the butt end of jokes

>On the other hand you won't see any transgender describing themselves as a tranny.
This could be a decent argument, but I'd want to rule out if the character was self-deprecating. I just don't know enough about "newhalf" though.

>That's a fallacy. Calling a transgender a tranny is no different than calling a homosexual a faggot. Tranny is literally the new faggot.
News to me, I always thought it was way to get around the "transvestite" or "transsexual" syllable salad. Like how gay is preferred as a shorter word and simultaneously used as both a slur and not a slur.

>> No.6158109


I also found out block is a waste of fuel and you'll lose fights doing it

>> No.6158159

It didn't seem harrasment to me
>Hey word bad
>How should I change word
>Use this word>>6157956

>> No.6158165

You mean that guy was like ''one of those'' translators thta thing making ''Ted Wolsey Localized-style'' tranlsation hacks is a good idea?

>> No.6158178

Holy shit thanks!

>> No.6158179

Holy shit wanks!

>> No.6158190

I thought it was funny, but other than being a mistranslation, you'd also have to know what was on the original curtains to even get the joke so it's pointless.

I wonder what creative differences were so irreconcilable that DDS just dumped him without warning

>> No.6158192

There's a tweet from a few days ago where they said they plan to retranslate the first SNES game. Should I wait for that or just dive in with the existing translations? Are these text heavy games with much continuity?

>> No.6158206

theres a patch that restores most content
just wait for the patch the nude game could not be restored

>> No.6158213

Oh nice, this appears to be a hack by the people that did the new translations.

>> No.6158219


What a hack job. They turned rice into pizza, I wonder why terracotta wasn't changed to asphalt shingles

>> No.6158224

To an extreme degree, yes. I don't always mind "Woolseyisms", as they're usually a lot more subtle than this, but this was just too vomit-inducing in its blatency. I'm just very relieved someone who is not a tool finished this!

>> No.6158226

yeah, Nintendo at the time was a big fun of the jelly donuts and generally censorship

>> No.6158242

I spent many years thinking they were named Kid Ying and Dr. Yang.

>> No.6158249
File: 13 KB, 224x301, Ebi02.JPG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought he was Dr Yang up until relatively recently. You could play as him in single player, which is what I did, but you have to finagle it a tad.

>> No.6158262 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 608x584, bcf0273b1f5b7a7113f97371b5dc9546745d8ca1eeccac621a16386a6c746ce1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6158263 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 595x673, 7222886562375f6d0d3012e1abd99bd86fcfeb9332007c29ac637e2f0883cada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





Oh but wait at the same time lets not censor anything because censorship is bad.

>> No.6158268 [DELETED] 

>HcG101 really went woke
>SnesCentral too

Why is it that Virtue Signaling seems like the knee-jerk reaction to go?

>> No.6158271

Because they care more about feels than uncensored preservation. Yes some shit is awful but it does not mean we should censor it. Censorship is always disguised under moralism and feelings never forget that.

>> No.6158272 [DELETED] 

How do you complain about a slur while also posting a screenshot of it

>> No.6158274 [DELETED] 

Hyperbole anon. I am joking about how silly these types act and hypocritical they are when it comes down to censorship but only when its against their god or their views. Religious right used to hate it when it was about god and religion, now the moralistic left is all about identity and feels shit. Does not make it right either way. Games should be enjoyed the way the author intended.

>> No.6158285
File: 76 KB, 279x295, smug goemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Games should be enjoyed the way the author intended.
You mean, in Japanese?

>> No.6158289
File: 544 KB, 720x540, newhalfalert.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Should have just translated it as, "chick with a dick."

>> No.6158296 [DELETED] 

Yeah i can agree on that. If Western retards are going to start being moralistic and praising censorship in terms of preventing hurt feelings. Then basically we can enjoy it in the original language lol. At some point these types piss me off only because they take everyone back to the stone ages instead of treating things as they are and do not operate under pragmatism.

>> No.6158303

The more I think about it, the translation was pretty tame

>From Japanese ニューハーフ (nyūhāfu, “new half”), from ハーフ (hāfu, “half; person of mixed Japanese and other ancestry”), suggesting that trans women are a new kind of "half" (namely half-male and half-female). ニューハーフ is wasei eigo, from English.

It basically means a new type of binary mixed person, that's also informal slang. The closer analogues in english would be shemale or ladyboy. I guess the only nuances left is how were those words used in the 90s.

>> No.6158316 [DELETED] 

As always, subhuman EOPs argue about retarded subhuman shit like wording about trannies.

Normal people learn Japanese and ignore those mentally ill Westerners and their bullshit.

>> No.6158318

Agreed I am going to enjoy it in Japanese. While everyone else can enjoy their "family friendly" version including the mods :).

>> No.6158328

Yeah, the whole debate is ultimately meaningless. Any translation removes the author's intent.

>> No.6158334

I can agree with that. I mean its a good reason to learn Japanese because of how shit the West can be when it handles anything. Not until that money dries up will we see anything good again.

>> No.6158373

Doing all that was NOT worth the final reward, god DAMN
I just wrote the orders down, fuck memorizing all that

>> No.6158443

>It's been bought to my attention that there's an edgy word in a translation of a twenty year old Japanese game that, I'm not interested in and that only small amount of people are ever going to play...

>> No.6158496 [DELETED] 

Tranny jannies must be flipping their shit. Wish they would kill themselves

>> No.6158502 [DELETED] 


>> No.6158505 [DELETED] 

God damn trannies ruin everything

>> No.6158516 [DELETED] 

First the mentally ill community, and one day later Kotaku too?
I hope the translation team is OK, they dont deserve this.

>> No.6158517 [DELETED] 

Clean it up for free, tranny janny, while I hop to a different IP. As long as nipmoot wants mobile users you're nothing but Sysphus pushing a rock up the hill

>> No.6158526

Stay strong, DDS, and rememeber not to talk to """""""gaming journalists""""""" ever

>> No.6158541

You could offer a "Family Friendly" patch along side the original like this: https://www.romhacking.net/translations/914/

But, for this particular game that would require a lot more work for the three people that are going to use that patch. You're not going to please everyone, of course and people will still complain.

To please most of these people, that part of the game would probably need to be removed, again resulting in a lot of work.

>> No.6158545

Why even bother translating it at that point. I'm sure they could make their own patch where they rewrite the dialogue if they really cared. But they only care about what they can ruin.

>> No.6158547

Shut up bitch

>> No.6158554

>please most of these people
Here's the problem. If you're translating a game you don't do that to please someone specifically but so that it becomes easier for non-japanese speakers to play them.
All this off-topic shitposting reeks of people who don't want fans to enjoy anything and look for any reason to distract them from actual discussions. Fuck you /v/ refugees, I stand by my point that I'm glad the translators done this for Goemon 2 and 3 for the SFC and you can't convince me otherwise.

>> No.6158558 [DELETED] 

Well it doesn't help that a janny will delete every post that has the word which caused all this. You aren't even allowed to say the joke on /vr/, to put this into perspective.

>> No.6158562

Well that's my point , it's a whole lot of work for no gain.

>> No.6158581
File: 33 KB, 1234x1080, Goemon 2 English-200126-060947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This boss is really pissing me off, I just can't get the body slam punch timing right during this section.

>> No.6158650

I just spam coin shots at him, about the only boss where that's effective.

>> No.6158678

Thanks anon, I just beat it, that actually really helped.

>> No.6158792 [DELETED] 

Fuck ResetEra once again.

>> No.6158807 [DELETED] 


I love how this BTFOs all the edgy asspies in the thread, so every single one just ignored it.

>> No.6158808 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 346x186, 1470179722344.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can thank whoever it was in this thread who posted that screenshotl for getting their attention... didn't even need to boot the game up, y'all just served it up on a platter.

Bravo, indeed.

>> No.6158815 [DELETED] 


>> No.6158836 [DELETED] 

It would have happened soon rather than later, I've seen a few "retro gaming" Twitter accounts kicking off about it. Not even giving anyone the benefit of the doubt, just straight in with the "Right wing translator slurs" rhetoric..

>> No.6158840 [DELETED] 

I noticed the translator even set his account to private after (admirably) trying to dealing with the mentally ill and find a solution.

Rule numero uno: you do NOT negotiate with terrorists

>> No.6158853 [DELETED] 

fuck trannies (only cute asian and brazilian bimbo ones)
fuck Hardgay 101
fuck Kurt Kalata and his unwarranted self importance

>> No.6158854 [DELETED] 

I noticed that, someone has made a sloppy edit to the original patch, replacing Tranny with Trans. It still probably won't be the end of it though..

>> No.6158859 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6158862 [DELETED] 


>> No.6158864 [DELETED] 

>It still probably won't be the end of it though..
Well, that was the crux of the whole argument.
tranny = slur
trans = not a slur

>> No.6158865 [DELETED] 
File: 210 KB, 589x503, goemon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6158871 [DELETED] 

>Probably doesn't even know a thing about the translators.
>Immediately label him as a right wing.

>> No.6158873 [DELETED] 

Especially not when they're the type of terrorist who will shoot the hostage anyway. These are the types who will dig through years, maybe even decades of old posts you've made to find something to get offended about. You can be Mother fucking Teresa, but if you made a bad joke long ago that hurts their feelings? You're now literally Hitler, and absolutely no amount of self-flagellation can change that.

>> No.6158875 [DELETED] 

Come on, you know that won't be the end of it until the culprits are either doxxed or banned for life off every platform.

>> No.6158880 [DELETED] 

It sounds like the translator quit because of the fucking resetera mob. He un-privated his account and posted a statement on twitter. @RetroTranslator

>> No.6158881 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 512x896, trans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Either of these would have been better. "Trans" would be appropiate. "Shemale" would still maintain the negative connotation but in a more appropiate way (as "tranny" is very much a modern abbreviation).

>> No.6158885 [DELETED] 

Jesus fking Christ

I read a comment on twitter that but refused to believe it

You stupid fking cunts, you did it. Stupid fking cunts

>> No.6158887 [DELETED] 

>The abbreviation is not okay
>The full word somehow is
I don't understand these people

>> No.6158891 [DELETED] 

honestly we did our part too
we put Tom in a political discourse just to move agendas on how much sjw are cancer or how much trannies are oppressed
Maybe it's just something he saied out of spite for this situation

>> No.6158895

Accurate to the original script Fan Translation > Bullshit please everyone overly PC fan translation

>> No.6158897 [DELETED] 

That's because "tranny" is not an "abbreviation", it's a slur. "Trans" is the abbreviation of "transgender". "Tranny" is a derogatory term.

>> No.6158898 [DELETED] 

INternet is fucking invivible in this times
everyone jst says how much the opposite party sucks and who goes into this mess? the one that does stuff

>> No.6158904 [DELETED] 

What does it say in the script? You want a bowdlerized fan translation?

>> No.6158908 [DELETED] 

Wait are the mods actually censoring the image of him saying he's a tranny? Fucking lmao

>> No.6158910 [DELETED] 

Better grab the original patches before they get taken down and replaced with resetera ammended versions.

>> No.6158912 [DELETED] 

They probably would have lost their shit even more if he used shemale since that's specifically associated with porn/prostitutes these days. There's no pleasing those people.

>> No.6158914 [DELETED] 

they have families to feed so they're working overtime. Poor jannies

>> No.6158916

They're trying to keep people talking about the game.
Which you clearly are not interested in doing.

>> No.6158917 [DELETED] 

"Newhalf". Which is why "shemale" is IMO a more appropiate word, as "newhalf" means "half woman half man".

"Tranny" is the latest fad when it comes to insults as seen in 4chan (alongside "dilate"). To pretend "tranny" is the equivalent of "newhalf" is stupid.

>> No.6158920 [DELETED] 

It's possible. I have gotten shit in the past for saying "I'm okay with transexuals, I watch shemale porn". But ask yourself: is it more common to say "die fucking shemale" or "die fucking tranny"? "Tranny" simply has an overwhelmingly negative connotation these days.

>> No.6158923 [DELETED] 

I didn't realize so many trannies came on here.

>> No.6158925 [DELETED] 

Never go full retard.

Just go with whichever would work.

>> No.6158926 [DELETED] 

I never realized /vr/ had so many /v/ tourists.

>> No.6158932 [DELETED] 

It's a diminutive of the word trans and only became a bad word because you let people you don't like that are using that word live rent free in your head.
It's also an adequate translation in the context of that dialog, which is a joke at the expense of transpeople. Don't get mad at the translator, get mad at the cool retro gaming gem you want to use to flaunt your quirky personality on social media.

>"Tranny" is the latest fad when it comes to insults as seen in 4chan (alongside "dilate"). To pretend "tranny" is the equivalent of "newhalf" is stupid.
That's only the case if you're a self absorbed late teens/early twenties spastic that thinks human interaction has not existed before you started idling on social media. The word has been used since before you were shat out of your mom's vagina.

>> No.6158936 [DELETED] 

>"Tranny" is the latest fad when it comes to insults as seen in 4chan (alongside "dilate")
You must be very young to think "tranny" is some new terminology.

>> No.6158940 [DELETED] 

>Never go full retard.
Should have followed your own advice.
>Just go with whichever would work.
"Shemale" is precisely the one that works best.
>It's also an adequate translation in the context of that dialog, which is a joke at the expense of transpeople.
It isn't. "Shemale" is also offensive, and is a better translation of "newhalf".
I never said "tranny" was a new word, only that it is the latest fad. Before the word existed, yes, but only recently has it become so commonplace in discussions and as a slur.

Source: I have been in 4chan longer than you two, and "tranny" was never used to the same extent it is used today.

>> No.6158947 [DELETED] 

Dude again? Stop speaking italian

>> No.6158948

already did it https://anonfile.com/p8OcAaQ4nc/Goemon_3_English_sfc
2.0 is just a bugfix
fuck everyone in this mess, expecially me that I posted this fucking thread in this shithole

>> No.6158950 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck would people care if it's offensive or not? People have been waiting for these games to receive fan translations for a very long time. Not to have some random sjw idiots be offended.

>> No.6158956 [DELETED] 

You don't care because it doesn't offend you, that's fine. But don't pretend you are the only human being in this planet.

Ironically the whole "who cares if it offends someone" argument goes into the trash if it is right-wingers who get offended and decide to boycott and pirate a game (such as TemTem because it has "They/Them" as a pronoun option).

>> No.6158961

To be fair, I don't think this is such a big deal. It's just a word in a 90s obscure game which also had no anti-transgender agenda in its creation. It could be more debatable if it was in a modern game with the current sensitivity issues, but why being so mad for just a little dumb joke? Wa have had plenty of fatso, midget and gay jokes in a lot of past games. It's nice to be aware of certain things, but it's impossible to try to control everything. As long as we're on this planet we are all going to be insulted in one way or another sometimes: for being fat, having a big nose, being bald, shy, ugly, etc.

>> No.6158964 [DELETED] 

Great, can we get a five-day forecast, so we know what words are acceptable next week? Because that's part of the problem. Every other day, a word that was totally okay suddenly becomes taboo, and words that WERE taboo are now being 'reclaimed' and are now suddenly good. Except those aren't the same person, so every word is simultaneously okay AND taboo. Like, all the whiners on twitter are going "ugh gross icky yikes go talk to a trans gamer", but then you scroll down, and you'll see trans gamers who are actually fine with it. There is no fucking consistency.

>> No.6158965

Again, I wouldn't fucking care at all about that. The game was released in the 1990s and this series is known for its bizarre humor. Stop placing modern offended by everything sensiblilities into a fucking old game.

Again, who gives a shit? Accuracy > Bowdlerization.

>> No.6158968 [DELETED] 

>It's just a word in a 90s obscure game which also had no anti-transgender agenda in its creation
This is the crux of the matter. The game had no anti-transgender agenda, but the word "tranny" nowadays is almost exclusively used by people who are completely agaisnt transgenders. Hence why "shemale" is a much more appropiate word: still derogatory, but considerably less offensive (and closer to what "newhalf" actually means).

The translator was careless, but his reaction to the whole deal was that of a crybaby whom instead of saying "I made a mistake, sorry" went into full "omg i'm such a victim" mode.

>> No.6158974 [DELETED] 

Well, he jumped into a political debate just for a mistake, Everyone would have been discouraged in making new stuff

>> No.6158980

>90s obscure game
Goemon was a flagship franchise with castlevania

>> No.6158981 [DELETED] 

Always likely to happen, Romhacking.net will be next, sadly.

>> No.6158983

*alongside Castlevania

>> No.6158984

Translator didn't make a mistake and doesn't need to apologize. What's with the quotes?
Dude shoulda just typed whatever, it was in the script and we're only working on bugfixes. Eventually the next games in the series instead of this unneeded backlash.

>> No.6158987

That's not true, he was actually pretty reasonable and asked what a more suitable term would be, so that he could fix it. But as we all know that was never going to be good enough.

>> No.6158990

Stick to the script. Make it subtitles instead of dubtitles.

>> No.6158991 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6158992 [DELETED] 

go with your agenda elsewhere
new half= Tranny deal with it!

>> No.6158994

>keikaku means plan

>> No.6158995 [DELETED] 
File: 366 KB, 1319x625, 1565567676055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6158998 [DELETED] 

>"If it works I hope that's the version that ends up circulating."

>> No.6159000 [DELETED] 

Tom just announced retiring from translating. I fucking hate the internet

>> No.6159002 [DELETED] 

No amount of apology will ever be enough for leeches like you. You've totally crushed his passion, and killed any motivation he had for translating, all because of a single fucking word. He got dogpiled, got called a far-right extremist, and I'm sure it's only a matter of time before he's doxxed by a bunch of perpetually offended whiners, because of a single fucking word. Maybe, just maybe, he feels like a victim, because HE FUCKING IS.

>> No.6159004 [DELETED] 

You don't need a five-day forecast to know "tranny" is offensive, don't you fucking browse 4chan? I bet you think telling a random stranger to "dilate" is common courtesy as well.
>Stop placing modern offended by everything sensiblilities into a fucking old game.
Which is exactly why "shemale" is the most appropiate word, since back in the 90s that's what it would have been translated as, as opposed to the much more commonplace (in the 2010s and now 2020s) "tranny".
Translator posted a long text which was TL;DR "stop harassing me for translating a game!". It was meant to be an apology as you can tell from the content, but it comes across as anything but an apology.
>"tranny" as a derogatory insult

>> No.6159006

It was bound to happen with or without Goemon.

Tom got shit for every single translation he did

>> No.6159010 [DELETED] 

Sad. He was just translating a game.
What a douche.
People are offended for the sake of being offended.
This is sad.

>> No.6159012

Well, there will no more translations at all to change now. Everyone else suffers, amazing logic!

>> No.6159014

>goemon shit
>the shittiest Megami Tensei games
And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.6159017

Ironic coming from the same people who started pirating Ion Fury because the devs removed a bar of soap from the game.
>You've totally crushed his passion
If he was truly passionate he wouldn't behave like an absolute idiot. Cry me a river.

>> No.6159020

But Megami Tensei and Persona are shit so no big loss!

>> No.6159021 [DELETED] 

and this is a good thing. why are they doing stuff for pleasure of maybe several manchildrens who will want to try the game?

between this and dropping grand bucks on unreleased games, for what purpose? nobody cares about your le epic hidden gem japanese game, either we have zoomers only emulate the bing bing wahoo mario game and le epic zelda elf game and never explore the games beyond that, and we have those with too much time on their hands being obsessed about japanese games who don't even know the language - the same trannies yelling at him, and they're the ones who should translate games for us, not we or anyone for whom time is important.

>> No.6159026

this, honestly. Look at the bright side, at least now Tom is free from dunking hundreds of hours into that Jap shlock.
He should get into creative writing, that's a good use of his time.

>> No.6159027


>TMZ got shit on by beta testers and I think had some content that pissed some people off (I'm not 100% sure)
>Majin Tensei 1 and 2 got shit on by beta testers and told him the games sucked
>Same for last bible
>Same for that one odd game he did

He's thought about quitting more then once. Goemon just give him a way out.

>> No.6159039

I've played Majin Tensei and the game was awful. It was way too fucking slow, way too easy, way too boring. Not even the music was good.

>> No.6159040 [DELETED] 

You are literally getting offended on behalf of people who AREN'T offended. Oh, but that's okay, those poor trans folk are too dumb and stupid to understand why it's wrong. Not like you. Thank communism that you are there to be offended for them.

>> No.6159042

A lot of people are offended, however. Literally go into Twitter and take a look for yourself.
>Thank communism
Keep your spaghetti on your pants, /pol/.

>> No.6159045 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6159049

it was just a matter of time for Goemon to get shitposted to death.

>> No.6159059

This thread has gone shit creek because of immature offensively offended bullshit. All I wanted next was >>6155745 and tons of bugfixes.

I fucking hate censorship.

>> No.6159060

>But don't pretend you are the only human being in this planet.
But it's a fan translation, you can just make another as people already did instead of harassing to translator because he made an accurate translation.
>Ironically the whole "who cares if it offends someone" argument goes into the trash if it is right-wingers who get offended and decide to boycott and pirate a game
Boycotting a game is not the same thing as trying to cancel someone. What a lame equivocation.

>> No.6159060,1 [INTERNAL] 

This guy doesn't even understand that DDS is the romhacker who owns the release and he gets his translations from retrotranslator

>> No.6159062

Okay, and how many of those people are actually trans, and how many of them are just perpetually offended idiots looking for their next hit of outrage?

>> No.6159068

He has nothing to apologize for since it was an accident. That said, you people never accept apologies when they are given anyway, so at least he isn't wasting his breath.

>> No.6159073

>All I wanted next was
Well, it is never to late to learn Japanese.
>and tons of bugfixes.
DDS is still working on the patch, is just the translator that quitted.

>> No.6159076

Meant for

>> No.6159080

abhorrent post

>> No.6159081

>But it's a fan translation, you can just make another as people already did instead of harassing to translator because he made an accurate translation.
I think that what happened was that people mistook the author's translation for a madeup translation, and thus jumped on him. It didn't help that he sided with someone who is very anti-SJW (where "SJW" means basically "people I don't care about offending").

You are right that people could have made their own fan translation, but depending on how much work it took, I don't see the problem in asking nicely to change a term or offering an optional patch.

>> No.6159084 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6159085

I don't know, I don't go searching for pronouns. Do you want me to link the outrage at ResetEra, where there are many trans users, or "it doesn't count" because it is ResetEra?
An apology is an apology. "Sorry you were offended" isn't an apology.

>> No.6159094 [DELETED] 

Been playing these as ROMs on ZSNES, no filters, for more than 15 years. Have preferred if all the SFC Ganbare Goemon had accurate, non-censored fan translations.
The latter would be censorship.
Fuck off for wanting censorship.

>> No.6159098 [DELETED] 

You don't even know what censorship is. If someone translates "dog" as "cat" and I ask them to change it back, would you be saying it is censorship? Being a retard, you probably would, but the truth is "shemale" is much closer in meaning to "newhalf" than "tranny" will ever be. Especially because the people who use the word "tranny" hardly believe trannies are women.

>> No.6159101 [DELETED] 

another groundbreaking opinion from cucklata
wonder if he played sonic 2 yet

>> No.6159102

>"Sorry you were offended"
Except that isn't what he said at all you cold hearted bitch, he said that he didn't think though the word was offensive and translating it doesn't make him a bad person.

>> No.6159107

>I don't see the problem in asking nicely to change a term or offering an optional patch.
That's not what happened though. They not only berated the translator and demanded a new patch, they want the other one removed so people can't play it. It's not enough for them to enjoy the game their way, they have to control how other people play the game.

>> No.6159108 [DELETED] 

Oh don't worry, there are also plenty of trannies that know they'll never be actual women.

>> No.6159110 [DELETED] 


Nah, that's would be an inaccurate translation and you fucking know it.
They're greedy, manipulative, shite-arses.

>> No.6159118 [DELETED] 

Kurt disgusts me.

>> No.6159120 [DELETED] 

>Tom quit
No... now the people that learned Japanese and have been calling me an EOP are validated again...

>> No.6159121 [DELETED] 

No, professionally you would translate it with exactly "Newhalf", because it's an own word. You NEVER translate own words and names.
If you would do this in a professional business translation you would get fired pretty soon.

>> No.6159124

>Except that isn't what he said at all you cold hearted bitch
You are right, let's look at his comment again.

What he says is that his translations don't reflect who he is; that he thought "tranny" was "just a silly abbreviation", and then you have four paragraphs of him saying that he is crushed.

So you have him playing victim instead of saying "sorry guys, I didn't know this would be offensive" or the alternative "sorry guys, but this is what the game said" (even then, the game clearly says "newhalf" and not "tranny" so that term is on him, not the Goemon developers).

This is literally quite fucking easy to do, but people seem to have the hardest of times apologizing on the Internet.

>> No.6159125 [DELETED] 
File: 492 KB, 767x813, time2die.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kirk can get fucked, I will NEVER visit his site ever again. It's already gone so downhill over the years but this is the straw that broke the camel's back, him and his site are now truly dead to me...

>> No.6159128

Precisely, which is why I just posted this >>6159124
>the game clearly says "newhalf" and not "tranny" so that term is on him, not the Goemon developers

>> No.6159130 [DELETED] 

Man, I've been using HG101 since I was a kid and I had no idea this Kurt guy was this kind of person. Shit sucks.

>> No.6159131 [DELETED] 

This is the final nail on the coffin, I'm pirating Hardcore Gaming 101's games.

>> No.6159132

But translating it with "shemale" or anything than "Newhalf" is wrong too.
Newhalf => Newhalf.

>> No.6159135

>people seem to have the hardest of times apologizing on the Internet.
You know what's even harder? Getting people like you to ACCEPT an apology, because nothing is EVER good enough.

>> No.6159136

He has no reason to apologize. There was no ill-intent, and despite the fact that there may have been better words to translate newhalf, that doesn't make his translation entirely inaccurate. It was a joke that wouldn't have been taken lightly by trans people regardless of how he translated it.

>> No.6159137 [DELETED] 

Well, you actually can do it to some degree, it's just not games but books. Yes, books.
Even shitty nonsensical books which are just existing for hipsters to be "i'm such a retro gamer nerd lol".

>> No.6159138

The translator doesn't need to give a fuck at first point.

>> No.6159139
File: 82 KB, 1280x720, keikaku.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newhalf isn't even an english word in english dictonary, he might as well have put keikaku in game.

>> No.6159142

This. Also there's no need for him to apologize over this anyway.

>> No.6159143

At one point "Sushi", "Anime" ect. also wasn't an english word in the english dictionary, you retard.
Except the word "Newhalf" is to some degree a quite modern word.

>> No.6159146

All those people asked him so nicely and respectfully, dispite him being a right wing translator. He deserves everything he gets.

>> No.6159148

The original thread is a fucking ride.


Always thought it was funny how Nightwolve ALWAYS appears in these "progressive" discussions out of nowhere.
Dude is very right-wing and always clashes with everyone.

>> No.6159149

I honestly wouldn’t have noticed if it was updated to say trans or newhalf or whatever.

Yes, these fucking people modifying the patch without even playing the damn game are annoying. But you guys are just as bad. Why do you care so fucking much. In fact, I don't think anyone would've even noticed if you didn't go around celebrating it saying tranny in the first place.

These two great games can finally be played in english, and all you people care is this crap. Americans are fucking ridiculous.

>> No.6159152

That's a weird take, shemale is a way more offensive term than tranny I'd say.

>> No.6159153

>Americans are fucking ridiculous.

t. Burger

I just wanna play the fourth Goemon Snes game in english but now that'll never happen.

Thanks a fucking lot "Retro gamers"

>> No.6159157

Neither is tsundere, guess we should just use bitch instead.

>> No.6159160

Same and the fifth one.

>> No.6159161

To be honest I couldn't tell you. It's possible that being this 4chan many people associate "shemale" with attractive transexuals, whereas "tranny" is associated with your standard crossdressing speedrunner.

>> No.6159162

>In fact, I don't think anyone would've even noticed if you didn't go around celebrating it saying tranny in the first place.
Someone literally just put a screenshot in the thread, there was a minor discussing and them everyone moved on, YESTERDAY. Trannies literally came here looking for shit to get upset about.

>> No.6159164

It was 2 days ago.

>> No.6159168

"Umami" also wasn't an english word in the beginning, now it's an official worldwide word.

Maybe you selfproclaimed professionals should get out under your rocks and get a sense of the real world, ffs.

>> No.6159169

>But you guys are just as bad
But nobody here went harassing translators who removed "tranny" and trying to have their new patches deleted. Only one group did anything like that.

>> No.6159170

No one gave much of a shit about this.

>> No.6159171

Years of Twitter taught me that the romhacking community is composed of like 80% LGBT people (and, well... furries), I can see why this blew up so much.

>> No.6159172

I'm waiting for that day until they find out about some, for them "sooo precious" games which don't have an english translation yet. Shit will be worth to watch.
There are some much edgier big games..

>> No.6159175

True. Examples please?

>> No.6159180

It's not really romhacking, it's just HG101 (aka "wannabe pros of everything") and, yet again, resetfags.

>> No.6159184 [DELETED] 
File: 81 KB, 718x674, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute and redpilled.

>> No.6159189
File: 110 KB, 372x351, 19843673634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people seriously thinking there wouldn't be drama if he simply used "shemale"
>coming from the part of the internet that have admitted to outright remove stuff from translations for being too "icky"

>> No.6159191

Except the translator isn't rightwing.

>> No.6159192


I know I played a Goemon with RPG mechanics years ago, which one is it?

>> No.6159193 [DELETED] 

Its the classic "vocal minority"

80% my shiny white azz

>> No.6159194

To a reasonable person, no he isn't.

>> No.6159195 [DELETED] 

if it makes resetera upset its a good translation.
trying to please crazy people is never a good choice.

>> No.6159196

He literally isn't, or at least I can't tell yet. The issue is he partnered with DDS Translations and I'm thinking lots of people are mistaking him for the DDS Translations hacker, who IS rightwing.

>> No.6159198 [DELETED] 

you forgot that 4chan help this to happen

>> No.6159201 [DELETED] 

Fuck off resetera tranny.

>> No.6159204

>mecha leg hold
I thought 3's subtitle "manjigatame" meant octopus hold (a wrestling move)

also, why Bismal instead of Bismaru

>> No.6159206 [DELETED] 

Good thing DDS already has the script of GG4 translated and the work left is on the hacking and images editing side. I trust they won't give in to the big REE.

>> No.6159207

Also there is a fanpatch, guess why Nintendo hasn't done an english version of Mother 3. It even contains pedophilia. An official censored version wouldn't make ANY sense.
Others are Golgo 13, quite many in Japan popular adventure games for Famicom (like the Tentai games, Tekeshi, ...), Cho Aniki, and so on.. Those are just the tip.

>> No.6159210 [DELETED] 

>Fuck off resetera tranny.
why is always calling names are we just kids

>> No.6159213 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159214 [DELETED] 

Too bad, the court of tranvestites have deemed him problematic, so now he is a far-right extremist nazi.

>> No.6159215


>> No.6159218 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159219 [DELETED] 

I wonder what happens if they find out that homophobe, rightwing, leftwing, and so on people are working in literally ANY company. Even Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft.
Someonw should wake them from their prepuberty utopia illusion. Seriously.

>> No.6159225 [DELETED] 

Shemale is generally a porn term, and highly offensive otherwise. I've never seen a transwoman refer to themselves as shemale outside of that context. I think "tranny" is a pretty reasonable translation. Maybe transsexual would have worked too, but tranny fits fine.

>> No.6159231

Again, see >>6159121


>> No.6159234 [DELETED] 

nothing wrong with being either left or right
just dont be an extremist on either side

fuck nazis
fuck commies
and fuck sjws

>> No.6159239

anyone have a prepatched goemon 3 v2.0? im lazy af

not the censored version plz

>> No.6159240

With all the Japanese stuff in Goemon, I wouldn't care if they left it as newhalf. But if you do decide to translate it, tranny works.

>> No.6159247



>> No.6159248 [DELETED] 

To be honest I always thought "tranny" was a cute way for "trans", but english is not my first language, so...

>> No.6159252 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159257 [DELETED] 


This aggression will not stand, man!

>> No.6159259 [DELETED] 

>This aggression will not stand, man!

>> No.6159261

BASED holy shit

If anyone else has prepatched ROMs of the other relevant Goemon hacks (NES 1-2, Gaiden 1-2 translations, SFC 1 relocalization + SRAM hack), please share also.

>> No.6159263 [DELETED] 

Did you just assume my gender

>> No.6159264

>If anyone else has prepatched ROMs of the other relevant Goemon hacks (NES 1-2, Gaiden 1-2 translations, SFC 1 relocalization + SRAM hack), please share also.
How about no you lazy fuck.

>> No.6159267 [DELETED] 

Newhalf still would have been problematic, as well as any other possible replacement terms. Even if that didn't exist, something else would have been a problem, like the title screen...

There's never any middle ground in this type of scenario.

>> No.6159270 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159271 [DELETED] 

You'd better get on Romhacking.net quick! Before it gets pulled down.

>> No.6159272 [DELETED] 

No, because you have to know more about Japanese culture, the discussions and the background behind it.
"Newhalf" very simply and basic level means it's a a complete new common gender which is half male and half female. So by definition it's a way higher weight and actually even MORE respectful.
So IF at all you REALLY forcefully want to translate it, you could use "hermaphrodite" to some light degree.

>> No.6159273 [DELETED] 




>> No.6159274 [DELETED] 

Yep. No matter what word he uses, people would be offended, and if he changed it entirely to avoid the issue? UGH YIKES GROSS TRANS ERASURE. You literally can't win with these people.

>> No.6159281 [DELETED] 

>even MORE respectful
People that think this is the exact same kind that think Japanese dub is better despite not understanding the language.

>> No.6159286 [DELETED] 

And you are likely one of those internet professionals (who actually don't and never had a real job) and think they know and are the best at everything.

>> No.6159287
File: 50 KB, 700x467, warning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The best option would be to add some bullshit like pic related and be done with it.

>> No.6159291

thanks, playing now, its great

>> No.6159292 [DELETED] 

>>6159201 (You)

>> No.6159293 [DELETED] 

no, take your life

>> No.6159294 [DELETED] 

The fact that someone thought that Shemale would have been an acceptable replacement is hilarious. Might as well go with crossdresser or transvestite . lol

>> No.6159295 [DELETED] 

One would think adults would already know thay going in, but I guess that's too far-fetched for today's society...

>> No.6159296 [DELETED] 
File: 120 KB, 1474x218, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He still being harassed on PMs by Resetera,HG101 people.

>> No.6159297 [DELETED] 

It's funny that all these outraged people would rather whitewash gaming history.

>> No.6159301 [DELETED] 


It's time to make a stand! We either stand together or fall alone one by one!

>> No.6159302 [DELETED] 

Especially since it came from a selfproclaimed "trans".
By this you easielly can see that this whole thing is such a new fashion trend and are basically the next hipsters. "I'm a tranny now, because all my friends are too and it's cool right now"

>> No.6159305 [DELETED] 

>there's not much that can be done about it
There are already patches that remove the word tranny, what more do they want? What is their problem?

>> No.6159307 [DELETED] 

>urging him to show empathy
always the same shit with these people
>listen to my demands or youre a horrible vile person

>> No.6159310

lol, "Just fix the patch and people will forget that it ever happened." Yeah right, sure...

>> No.6159312

He doesn't have PMs

>> No.6159316 [DELETED] 

It's all part of the "cancel culture" they almost got what they want, they probably feeling that he actually gonna come back without a twitter "presence", you know, just translate and send the translation to people like DDS to make the hack and full stop listen to "feedback" from those "people".
And that can't be hon.

>> No.6159317 [DELETED] 

Dear Mariek, and similar (resetera..) in your bubble world,
Consider this:
Not everyone in the world is living in your utopia filter bubble and heard about your shithole problems, or even cares or giving up their worldview because you wannabe elitists and pseudo professionals think everything YOU say and YOU think is the only true thing.

Just look at yourself first, you are LITERAL FASCISTS. YOU are praising censorship, YOU are banning and controlling people by YOUR sociopathic methods.


>> No.6159318 [DELETED] 

>what more do they want?
His body swinging from a noose. That is the only form of apology these parasites will accept.

>> No.6159319 [DELETED] 

The only way around it would be to replace "Tranny" with "Insert your own personal preferred pronoun".

>> No.6159320 [DELETED] 

"anti facists will become the new facists"

>> No.6159321 [DELETED] 

No, by just using the original word. Which then the reader can lookup and educate himself and make an own opinion about it.
Easy and professional.

>> No.6159323 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 236x177, 90d845b67b544499f8a79fdfd9d223ce--norman-finkelstein-crocodile-tears.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6159324 [DELETED] 

I, the writer, is an actual leftist (not like you fascists which are no different from right wing), for real, and not a meme.

>> No.6159326 [DELETED] 

Acceptable and polite
As offensive as saying nigger, usage regardless of context makes you "right wing"

Language is a funny thing

>> No.6159330 [DELETED] 

LOL!!! Good one.

>> No.6159332 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159334 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159335 [DELETED] 

I'm curious who you're talking to. The guy probably won't come to a site that regularly has people posting child porn.

>> No.6159347 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159349 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159353 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159358 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159362 [DELETED] 
File: 178 KB, 1200x667, Screenshot_20200126-205226~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6159367 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159370 [DELETED] 

I know they are lurking and monitoring us.
You can watch them doing it in their wannabe elitists discords.

>> No.6159372 [DELETED] 

Two equally autist anons colide

>> No.6159375 [DELETED] 

>I know they are lurking and monitoring us.
is amazing how similar we all are

>> No.6159380 [DELETED] 


But really, this little, littlest thing will probably fuck the guy for the following years.
I know kids (one of them my nephew) who are having trouble being hired because of bullcrap they said years ago on social media.
Woke culture, man.

>> No.6159382 [DELETED] 
File: 413 KB, 418x538, serval.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, I just assumed Mariek's gender

>> No.6159383 [DELETED] 

I feel bad for this guy, but I really wish he would have just ignored them. The correct move to this is to treat these retards like irrelevant nuisance they are. Release the next patch without touching the original line. Maybe release a simple PR statement like "My goal in translation is to respect the original work as closely as possible and is not politically motivated.". Responding to their melodrama with more melodrama just feeds into the circus.

>> No.6159384 [DELETED] 


where is my f*cking compilation?

>> No.6159386 [DELETED] 

Do trannies really not know how to block ads? Wtf

>> No.6159421 [DELETED] 

R.I.P. based Tom (1998~2020)

Here's some of his contributions to the romhacking scene.


>> No.6159425 [DELETED] 

We now have someone to avenge.

>> No.6159427

>worried this would be about the fucking tranny controversy
>thread is just celebrating this phenomenal game

I love this board and all of you people.

>> No.6159428 [DELETED] 

Shut up bitch

>> No.6159430

All translators named Tom are based and cursed at the sametime.

>> No.6159432

Who was celebrating? Somebody posted the translated screenshot and I posted the original shot from when I played through the game last year. I had honestly been wondering how they were going to handle the newhalf line.

>> No.6159451 [DELETED] 

the perpetually offended outrage mob wins again

>> No.6159457 [DELETED] 

There will be consequences.

This shit just got real.

>> No.6159459

can you go back to horohoro temple in 3? im missing one lucky cat

>> No.6159462 [DELETED] 

Im tired of this resetera tranny marik(a) crap!
also, Im going to vote for trump!
This thread need to be know in /b/ Yeah!

>> No.6159467
File: 98 KB, 1436x905, The chad Goemer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure about manjigatame, but perhaps someday we'll see an edit for Bismaru, and also for "Wise Man" instead of "Old Man", like in the official localizations of the 64 games. It's definitely not a big deal for me, though, as the games being translated accurately and COMPLETELY is just incredible and anything peripheral like this can surely be easily adjusted (to tastes) down the line, now! The fact that the graphics weren't wildly/overtly (ie, "liberally") changed is the most significant part, for me, and so, the textual parts can be much more easily modified and replaced than these. Very good work, regardless of the current issue of desperate filth harassing the translators for their current life identities. I can barely be happier. This might somehow be better than when the Wii U Mario Advance 4 VC rom was dumped and released three years ago, which was beyond amazing, itself. Take care, my frens, and let's look forward to more awesome advancements in this new era!!

>> No.6159469
File: 1.95 MB, 500x466, yae goemon.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've wanted to play 3 in English for a long time now, really happy to see this.

>> No.6159471


SheMale or ladyboy would have been more accurate, retard

>> No.6159472

>In fact, I don't think anyone would've even noticed if you didn't go around celebrating it saying tranny in the first place.
Hey, genius, this was posted on twitter by Kurt Kalata from hardcore gaming 101 so he could sick his 14k followers on Tom, and them after that he also postes on Resetera and SNESCentral twitter did the same shit, it was a coordinate harassment campaign like those people ALWAYS do.

>> No.6159481

Literally maybe, but those don't have the same connotations as newhalf. "I'm actually a shemale/ladyboy" sounds really bizarre in English.

>> No.6159483 [DELETED] 

This thread is proof that you fagasses dont care about faithful translations.

Newhalf =/= Tranny

The translator literally injected his own politics into the translation

A more accurate translation would have been ladyboy or shemale.

You idiots are just hateful idiots.

>> No.6159487

he also helped with the project naga translation of Fire Emblem 4

>> No.6159489

Thanks anon, I unironically didn't know this. It's bad enough that they're trying to destroy the celebration hype of this game, but now to try to change the existing ones, and possibly ensure that SNES GG4 and possibly also the GBC and PS ones (and also Mononoke Sugoroku) never get translated is almost unforgivable... Why can't they have just overlooked this and enjoyed something outside of their echo chamber?

Last time I visit HG101 for sure, at least.

>> No.6159494 [DELETED] 

Shemale and ladyboy are porn terms and even more problematic.

>> No.6159495 [DELETED] 
File: 327 KB, 650x456, bait moe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hateful idiots
>calls people fagasses

>> No.6159497 [DELETED] 

You're promoting a conspiracy theory about the translator's personal views and swerving this thread off-topic, you asshole.

>> No.6159506 [DELETED] 

now you're just a hypocrite

>> No.6159509 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 228x239, 194863463433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why trannies always dies alone. No one likes humorless faggots.

>> No.6159514 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 604x254, resetera is cancer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well DDs was right about resetera!

>> No.6159516 [DELETED] 


>> No.6159517
File: 24 KB, 300x390, Omitsu_-_Tengu-t%3F_no_Gyakush%3F%21_-_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously though, keep the hate talk in /v/
some people would legit try to censor old books if it didn't fit their views and even attack the translators
let us enjoy the snes goemons in english finally

>> No.6159521


oops, this was an offensive remark too, somehow. sorry

>> No.6159525 [DELETED] 


When a trans person is being murdered, nobody screams "Fuckin ladyboy/shemale!" They say "Tranny" because it conveys the hatred they feel.

Also, newhalf isnt a slur in japan. So dont turn it into a slur when translating.

>> No.6159526

He didnt "just turn it into a slur" you moron.

>> No.6159527 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 1769x224, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When you keep leftists, trannys and degenerates in general as company and friendship without have any idea of what they are really capable since you're "providing" them with things of interest (in this case translations)
>that reality check when you step out of line
Poor Tom, discovering first hand how these people really are after all those years of they acting friendly and caring towards him, he's prolly reconsidering some things right now.

>> No.6159528 [DELETED] 


It was translated to "tranny" which is a slur. So, yes, they did.

>> No.6159530

You're attributing motive without any evidence except your own bias. You're full of hate, and it's blinding you. Please stop getting off the topic of these amazing games.

>> No.6159534 [DELETED] 

Include me in the left-wing hate screencap

>> No.6159538 [DELETED] 

>When a trans person is being murdered, nobody screams "Fuckin ladyboy/shemale!" They say "Tranny" because it conveys the hatred they feel.
*citation needed*
Also, isn't most of the trannies murdered black? I don't think a dozen of nerds, 20 years old snes games and mean words on the internet is the reason for these murders which, by the way, have a much lower rate in comparisson to the general population.

>> No.6159540 [DELETED] 

Words of encouragement from these people is demanding that he change the translation and apologize, then continue to be called an evil right winger anyway.

>> No.6159542 [DELETED] 

Theres more to translating than just looking up a word in a dictionary and using that meaning. And this is even more true when Japanese is the source language, which is very context-based.


>> No.6159543 [DELETED] 

It's as much of a slur as "right-wing" or "queer", or "white male", which are also neutral terms, just as "tranny" always has been. Please stop, anon.

>> No.6159545

it's funny because in the context of the speech the character is outright calling themselves a transvestite in one language or another, so it's really just reseterittes losing their shit over the word itself rather than any context. go figure.

if you were a transvestite and not polluted by social media's stupid garbage, what would you call yourself to quickly get the word across in a comedic situation

>> No.6159548 [DELETED] 

Someone contact RuPaul.

>> No.6159549 [DELETED] 

how soon till that guy gets banned

>> No.6159554 [DELETED] 

>if you were a transvestite and not polluted by social media's stupid garbage, what would you call yourself to quickly get the word across in a comedic situation
This af

>> No.6159561 [DELETED] 

Friendly reminder Tom saved the Shin Megami Tensei games on SNES from development hell, and was planning more Goemon translations and, GET A LOAD OF THIS, more Far East of the Eden translations.

That will never happen now that HG101 and ResetEra cancelled him.
Are HG101 really happy today now that they finally managed to cancel a fan translator?
They were trying sinces ages ago to get Tomato for problematic sexist comments about Alicia in Live-A -Live.
Compare HG101's topics and user names 2014-2017 and NeoGAF (ResetEra's predecessor), you'd be surprised.

Did you know the HG101 asshat who launched this crusade over this "SLUR" (in fucking holy problematic Goemon 3 and its tranny villain) was temp-banned from Resetera a few days before over "OFFENSIVE SLURS" used against living humans, and not in the context of a translation?
Really makes you think

>> No.6159564
File: 10 KB, 227x222, yot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more Far East of the Eden translations
>That will never happen now that HG101 and ResetEra cancelled him
Words cannot express my anger right now

>> No.6159568 [DELETED] 

>That will never happen now that HG101 and ResetEra cancelled him
Holy shit, did they chop off his arms?

>> No.6159572 [DELETED] 

No. Some hopefully he realizes the best course is to just ignore the wackjobs.

>> No.6159578 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 280x320, 1556902088278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When a trans person is being murdered, nobody screams "Fuckin ladyboy/shemale!" They say "Tranny" because it conveys the hatred they feel.
Do you witness a lot of tranny murders or something?

>> No.6159579 [DELETED] 

Speaking with known neo-nazi far-right gamergate incel racist sexist misogynist transphobic biphobic homophobic transphobic alt-right extremist straight white cis males? Treating them like they're actually human? His excommunication from the cult of woke is probably underway as we speak.

That hurt to type.

>> No.6159580 [DELETED] 

No. So hopefully he realizes the best course is to just ignore the wackjobs.

>> No.6159582 [DELETED] 

tom is a weak cry baby, instead of ignoring block the resetera people, (theres a twitter list for autoblock this pieces of shit) he keep talking to them, go figure!

>> No.6159587

When people you've known and respected for years turn away from you at the tip of a hat and tons of others whom you thought would enjoy your work borderline want you dead and harass you in DMs, all over ONE word, it's not a surprising outcome if you lose your will to continue working for free. You can only block people, put up with continued harassment and defamation and pretend nothing happened for so long

>> No.6159592 [DELETED] 


I've dated to hooked up with half a dozen or so trans folk, either MtF or FtM. I'm rather invested in the problems they face.

Also, I live near NYC. Take that at face value.

>> No.6159593 [DELETED] 

We're gonna get to the bottom of this.

>> No.6159594 [DELETED] 

Your retarded "plausible deniability" comments attempting satire are turning people to the right, idiot. Good job.

>> No.6159595
File: 58 KB, 960x720, haman is incredulous.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh boy a thread for a game getting translated
>It's all bitching about stupid shit

>> No.6159597


>> No.6159601


Wow, if that's all it takes, they should grow some thicker skin.

>> No.6159604

bitching about stupid shit over one word and the creator quitting translating because of it, even

>> No.6159606 [DELETED] 

So, no? You perpetual liar.

>> No.6159609

I agree, can't entirely fault him though. When you're just some guy who does translations and works on restoring old video games as a hobby you may not necessarily be tuned in to retarded internet shit. Having your labor be rewarded with a whole bunch of screeching assholes claiming you're a transphobic neonazi can be a jarring experience if you're not prepared for it.

>> No.6159610 [DELETED] 

Yeah, true. Keep it up, running damage control and all lol

>> No.6159614 [DELETED] 
File: 239 KB, 1773x539, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's okay Tom, just censor what we don't like, and keep censoring from here on out.

>> No.6159619

There's not much else to speak about, now that:

Tom retired, so no more Goemon translations (besides SNES, there's a bunch on PS1 and GBC he worked on)
Resetera wants to get the existing GG3 patch pulled, and who knows, once they actually play GG2 that too
No other translator will touch Goemon games again, and discussions about it will be poisoned by ResetEra refugees

>> No.6159637 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 500x376, 1555136471922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resetera pushes and harasses somebody to the point of despair and then refuses to admit they did anything wrong? Take a drink.

>> No.6159645

honest question for the community
would you rather have an accurate translation or a safe one?

>> No.6159647

Accurate for me.

>> No.6159650


>> No.6159659 [DELETED] 

Do you really think that's going to be much of a debate here?

>> No.6159661

Either is fine, though I would preffer an accurate one. Fags on both sides need to learn to stop being angry at this kind of thing and learn Japanese if they don't like what is beign put out there.

>> No.6159662 [DELETED] 

Only Resetera cultists want a sanitized version of anything. The rest of the world doesn't like censorship.

>> No.6159664 [DELETED] 

what the fuck does a safe translation even mean?

>> No.6159673 [DELETED] 


Fuck mentally ill trannies.

>> No.6159678 [DELETED] 

How much work does it take to learn Japanese well enough to play untranslated games well enough? Particularly if you're a dumb burger who isn't accustomed to learning new languages?

>> No.6159680

Accurate. If a single word is enough to upset someone, then they don't need to be playing games, watching TV, browsing the internet, or even interacting with the public at large.

>> No.6159684

1~2 years, the japanese used in games is usually entry level stuff for middle schoolers.

>> No.6159692


>> No.6159697 [DELETED] 
File: 144 KB, 1766x340, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Piece of subhuman shit, hope this fucker die a painful death.

>> No.6159708

Was actually hoping for some game discussion but good to see that /vr/ is just as trash as the rest of the internet these days

>> No.6159710

The crux of the matter is a bunch of whiners who have zero interest in this game showed up because thier Twitter feed told them thier glopol agenda was under attack by some dude who had a hobby for translating retro vg. Which is funny, because that's essentially the same kind of thing Nazis would do, so I guess the future Nazis are angry mobs of trans folk? For once how about play his pronouns or goto jail?

>> No.6159713


I'd rather have an accurate translation that doesnt use a slur, much like how the japanese text didnt.

>> No.6159718

Besides keeping "newhalf," how would you have translated that line personally?

>> No.6159721

I'm a simple man so as long as it's translated enough for me to finish the game I don't really care about anything else

>> No.6159723 [DELETED] 

If it was someone else calling the character a slur you might have a point, but christ fuck man.

>> No.6159727 [DELETED] 

>trigger warning
as a third worlder this never fails to amuse me

>> No.6159730 [DELETED] 

It's hilarious too because the "triggering" word is in plain site. I can't see how that warning would be useful at all, unless someone sees the TW and immediately averts their eyes. It's clear it's there just to make a show of it, rather than to be an actually serious warning.

>> No.6159731 [DELETED] 


Literally zero self awareness.
Those comments, tho.

>> No.6159732 [DELETED] 

lol @ "trigger warnings"

>> No.6159734 [DELETED] 

It's hilarious too because the "triggering" word is in plain sight. I can't see how that warning would be useful at all, unless someone sees the TW and immediately averts their eyes. It's clear it's there just to make a show of it, rather than to be an actually serious warning.

>> No.6159738 [DELETED] 

Everytime I see someone go "muh both sides" on this issue, they're doing damage control. Only one side is trying to censor everything.

>> No.6159740 [DELETED] 

These fucks don't even know the context of this game series.

>> No.6159743 [DELETED] 

I don't get it, Tom was approached (quite rudely) on twitter, he asked this supposed knowledgeable person to suggest a better term and basically agreed to change it. He still gets dogpilled on Twitter and in the meantime someone makes an ammended patch of their own?

>> No.6159745 [DELETED] 

So are the trannys winning? Seems Tom quit the game... /sigh

Can't 4chan do something useful and dox these mutherfuckers. post this on reddit games, probably get upvoted reddit hates reseta

>> No.6159748 [DELETED] 

Resetera tranny falseflag.

>> No.6159749 [DELETED] 

>reddit hates resetera
is that so?

>> No.6159753 [DELETED] 

No one is falling for it.

>> No.6159758 [DELETED] 

No, it's a falseflagger trying to incite an attack that will make resetera look like the good guys.

>> No.6159767

They are attacking him because they know DDS doesn't give a shit, they need an escape goat, someone to put their frustrations on.

>> No.6159768

"Newhalf" in Japanese is an outdated term that is roughly equivalent to "shemale". Not great, but also closer to the original term than "tranny"

All that said, tranny was a bad choice to use here

>> No.6159770

What would you have used? Crossdresser? I don't think that's as accurate, but I could see it being translated that way back in the 90s to sanitize it a bit.

>> No.6159774 [DELETED] 


Newhalf can refer to a number of things, including CIS people.

If we wanted to go for incredibly PC, "Trans."
Informal, Shemale/Ladyboy. Reeera would still be booty bothered, but they're harmless words without bloody history.

If not referring to trans folk, Femboy or Trap.

>> No.6159778 [DELETED] 

Fuck that Wokeroach!

>> No.6159786

He should've known better than to write tranny, it's obvious resetera and their crew would make a huge deal of something so inane. But then again there are so many words that would be offensive to them.

Leaving fantranslation behind may end up being a great thing for him. Dealing with people is just the worst. Hope this doesn't affect his daily life or self-esteem.

I will play these though, always wanted to try the Goemon series but I'm pretty stupid and always must start in chronologic order.

>> No.6159790


A good rule of thumb is that anyone in the romhacking community

>is either gay or transgender
>has deep-seated mental health issues such as horrible anxiety
>is probably a furry

I've found that abusive childhoods and/or major daddy issues are fairly common among them as well, though I haven't seen enough to confirm this.

Basally, they're all nutcases that hang onto their sexualities (or transgender shit for the straight ones) because they're genuinely incapable of living with the rest of humanity due to their mental issues.

>> No.6159795 [DELETED] 

I'd say tranny works better than all of those.

>> No.6159796
File: 401 KB, 744x720, 1511421278557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "tranny" line is maybe a bit unfortunate but you can always count on PedoEra and Kurt to take things way too far. Like, just ask nicely about it and try not to accuse Tom of being alt-right when he clearly isn't.
Unfortunately now actual unironic alt-right fags are crawling out of the woodwork to make this their next conquest against SJWs which is just going to cause Tom more trouble because that's how internet arguments are held nowadays. You can tell ResetEra to fuck off without writing a manifesto on why trans people are mentally diseased and need to be purged or whatever.
Literally nobody likes ResetEra, it's just a bunch of straight dudes virtue signaling so nobody finds out they're all pedos.

>> No.6159801 [DELETED] 

Look at this nazi, totally deserved what he got. Thank god he is never translating again :^)

>> No.6159803 [DELETED] 
File: 347 KB, 791x861, 1958746754373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot the picture.

>> No.6159807 [DELETED] 

>You can tell ResetEra to fuck off without writing a manifesto on why trans people are mentally diseased and need to be purged or whatever.
Yeah true. ResetEra is full of shit, but those types don't help things.

>> No.6159820 [DELETED] 

yikes. Ya that's gotta go.

>> No.6159826 [DELETED] 

good time to learn japanese then I guess

>> No.6159836 [DELETED] 

that was quick

>> No.6159845 [DELETED] 

There is a difference between the inherent difficulties of translation and removing something that is easily translatable and present within the work because you don't like it.

>> No.6159849

it wasn't an accident, it was a perfectly valid and normal translation.

>> No.6159850

There was an attempt to keep it down but these guys want to sperg over it.

>> No.6159854 [DELETED] 

I already commented on his attempt but damn, he really did put his best foot forward. And it still wasn't enough...

>> No.6159863 [DELETED] 

>it's just a bunch of straight dudes virtue signaling so nobody finds out they're all pedos.
That's too accurate

>> No.6159865 [DELETED] 

No, we're not bad. We're not the ones attacking and making someone's life hell because they used a word we thought was bad.

>> No.6159868 [DELETED] 

since when did anyone here ever care about someone getting bullied on the internet?

>> No.6159872 [DELETED] 

>Completely new common gender

No it doesn't, it means shady pervert who gave himself tits and plastic surgery. Have you even been to Japan?

>> No.6159874 [DELETED] 

You mean resetera?

>> No.6159878 [DELETED] 

I have only ever seen newhalf refer to transexual prostitutes and used in porn.

>> No.6159880 [DELETED] 

So, no, you're a delusional liar.

>> No.6159883

Accurate, always. I'm not a child who gets offended by nasty words or concepts I don't like.

>> No.6159890 [DELETED] 

Your opinion is nonsensical and you are a menace to humanity.

>> No.6159891 [DELETED] 

Tranny works perfeclty. The people saying that newhalf is some wholesome Japanese thing are idiots.

>> No.6159894 [DELETED] 

It was an accident by Tom's own admission, he thought "tranny" was just a shortening of transexual and didn't realize how loaded it was. He was willing to change it to something lighter before getting dogpiled by Kurt and his cronies.

>> No.6159895 [DELETED] 

That's because it is a shortening of transexual. It's perfectly fine to use.

>> No.6159902 [DELETED] 

>"tranny" was just a shortening of transexual
>was just a shortening of
>was just a
Great reading comprehension moron

>> No.6159913
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>> No.6159929

Why did you delete my question? It was earnest had nothing to do with the drama. Dumb fucking janny.

>> No.6159932


>> No.6159938
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>> No.6159941


>> No.6159950

The modern internet is a fucking cesspool.
I just want to go back to before social media, at least the drama was quarintined to forums or blogs.

>> No.6159963

I heard that all the text for Goemon 4 was already inserted, and that they only needed to insert graphics and mod some of the mini games.

Are they really just gonna throw away all that work for nothing?

>> No.6160004
File: 2.81 MB, 640x480, Ganbare Goemon Uchuu Kaizoku Akogingu_01.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool, that's really cool.
When i finally think we have a translator and hacker that can go steady with translations on the Goemon that happens.
Man i'm already 36 years old, i don't know if i have on me to try and learn Japanese this late on my life.
Kek and after these 2 releases and DDS saying that later this year we will have 4 and the Ebisumaru snes game i was even start to dreaming that they would someday get to Uchuu Kaizoku Akokingu.
That'll teach me to trust CURRENT YEAR internet to not fuck everything up at least one time on their miserable lives.

>> No.6160037

It means you must apply a virtual condom for virtual gameplay otherwise you can catch dangerous real life resetera aids. In the year 2020, retro vg became a serious crime.

>> No.6160057

didn't they reuse this part in goemons great adventure?

>> No.6160082 [DELETED] 

>kurt kalata being a basedcuck faggotsoy

what else is new

>> No.6160083

Another hacker was already working on one of the PS1 games to work on it with Tom. I hope that doesn’t get cancelled because of this.

>> No.6160089

Would love to see either a voice clip and FMV restoration of GGA, or a port of the english script to the japanese version

>> No.6160090

>an virus

>> No.6160096 [DELETED] 
File: 60 KB, 1535x728, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6160098


You're too kind. Thanks mate!

>> No.6160125

Seems like a troll

>> No.6160142

The thread got locked and the OP was criticized for it. I bet you Resetera is bitching.

>> No.6160145 [DELETED] 

"Newhalf" also isn't a slur, while "tr***y" is.

It's just a bad translation.

>> No.6160148 [DELETED] 

> "tr***y"
Oh jesus fuck

>> No.6160150 [DELETED] 

its an acceptable translation, though it would be best to just leave it as newhalf.

>> No.6160151 [DELETED] 

oh fuck off

>> No.6160163 [DELETED] 

It's a reasonable translation. Newhalf and tranny are both slangy terms.

>> No.6160206

Romhacking.net will be removing the tranny version. It's been permanently archived here.


>> No.6160208

this just in, trannies are seething about something, I'm surprised no one has tweeted that this is kormalizong violence. Did you guys know you can simply disregard opinions you don't like? You don't have to entertain, or even respond to them at all! Sure, these people are annoying, but if you ignore them they lose power! If they pull the game, and you care so much, you can simply patch it!

it's 2020, time to stop legitimizing people who are fucking idiots

>> No.6160210

Where did you hear they’re removing it?

>> No.6160213

The problem is, super fucking big sites are sicking retards on the poor guy via twitter.

>> No.6160215

Romhacking told the person asking them to, to piss off, and locked the thread

>> No.6160218

I've been involved with the community for a well over a decade. I know Nightcrawler very well. The moment heat is placed on them via resetera/twitter to remove the hack he will give the order to have it removed.

>> No.6160219 [DELETED] 


Fuck off you NameTripfaggot.

>> No.6160223

turn off twitter for a while, dont read your email, etc. If you never respond, you don't have to deal with itz and whatever they do they do. These people don't have nearly the power they think they do, and the sooner you disregard them, the sooner you can live your life in peace. Obviously these people are vindictive losers, what better way to beat them than to simply keep kicking ass at whatever you do?

>> No.6160226

If it was that simple, but Tom's had several of his own close associates cut ties with him, either over the word itself (less likely) or to avoid being associated with the controversy and getting hell on their necks too.

>> No.6160229 [DELETED] 

Fuck off Tripfag.

>> No.6160237 [DELETED] 

That's a bummer man! Sucks that it is going down like that but I don't think these people can ever be satisfied or reasoned with, everything is a lethal offense to them. Best to just move on, and if you lose friends over it then fuck them, they are not really your friends anyway.

I know it sounds cutthroat but I don't think the internet is a very nice or cool place anymore, all you can do is offer your products for the people who want them and keep going.

Nickelback got shit on everywhere in public for a decade straight and they still sell out arenas and shows worldwide. Take the L and move on

>> No.6160239


>> No.6160241

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.6160246 [DELETED] 
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>> No.6160248

The resetera thread has a screencap where tom mentions it.

>> No.6160252 [DELETED] 

So some random nobody faggot from RetardEra. Go fucking kill yourselves.

>> No.6160253

Well i was half right.

>> No.6160257

If only people could be this passionate about things that actually matter.

>> No.6160259
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>> No.6160260 [DELETED] 

>boo people are mad at me because I used an offensive slur, guess I'll never translate anything again

God, what a fucking drama queen.

>> No.6160271

Heres your (you)

>> No.6160279
File: 102 KB, 640x878, adf6f01b724dd126642e9a480432dcc1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck sjws
fuck hg101
fuck social media
fuck resetera
fuck /pol/
and fuck babbage gramps & sevenleaf

>> No.6160280
File: 1.48 MB, 854x1000, 82bac151950f6bd409e4fa6a95d1802a75335079493578787f52700dbdd63677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely based

>> No.6160284

Nothing else left to say

>> No.6160303 [DELETED] 

just say the word you faggot. it wont kill you for fucking crying out loud.

>> No.6160307 [DELETED] 
File: 1.54 MB, 1848x2847, Tom-Resetera-HG101 Kurt-Admitting Harassment_00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6160310

Nigga you can say tranny here

>> No.6160314

Oh my god...............all his great work just to be harrassed by sjw commies

>> No.6160317

Does anyone know kurts last name?

>> No.6160319 [DELETED] 
File: 1.59 MB, 768x1024, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kalata, Kurt Kalata.

>> No.6160323

What is this picture trying to demonstrate?

Just google "Hardcore Gaming 101 Kurt" for fucks sake

>> No.6160324

god can we dogpile that kurt faggot. holy shit hes a sack of scum. wtf

>> No.6160327

You don't have a brain?

>> No.6160332

Tom is the translator and Tom quit, Kurt claimed he isn't dogpiling anybody and Kurt is a faggot on Twitter. All of these things are known already.

>> No.6160343

I'm choosing to believe it's true, because it makes no sense for them to lie. I mean the spiteful petty fucks that Tom thought were his friends are the same breed of spiteful petty fucks on resetera, so what does this person gain from lying? Especially when they're posting this ON resetera?

>> No.6160387 [DELETED] 
File: 127 KB, 588x410, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hur dur look at them seetheeee
What a fucking douchebag.

>> No.6160390

Oh boy, he does look like an sjw enabler

>> No.6160415

based totally normal email guy

>> No.6160445 [DELETED] 

I hate trannies so goddamn much.

>> No.6160476

Imagine being so woke and spineless you kiss up to people who already hated you

Oh wait.

>> No.6160490

Remember, it’s never too late to take up arms and a kill a twitter tranny near you.

>> No.6160498

What the fuck is going on?

>> No.6160503

accurate. fuck censorship

>> No.6160504

The word tranny was used in the game and some faggot posted a screenshot of it on twitter.
You can kind of imagine what happened next.

>> No.6160508

>it's a straight white guy virtue signaling episode
I'm about as "SJW" as it gets on this site but fuck Kurt and ResetEra
They went too far this time, especially when Tom was completely on board with changing it because he didn't realize how offensive it was

>> No.6160512
File: 405 KB, 1080x1268, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Translator used the word tranny as a translation to a newhalf used on a slang way since it was a game from 1994.
Then the guy that run Hardcore Gaming 101 discover it and:
>posted on twitter by Kurt Kalata from hardcore gaming 101 so he could sick his 14k followers on Tom, and them after that he also postes on Resetera and SNESCentral twitter did the same shit, it was a coordinate harassment campaign like those people ALWAYS do.
Now the translator quit, same guy that translated all the shit on pic related.

>> No.6160514

So what is the official status of Goemon 4??

>> No.6160518

The script is done and fully translated. The problem is just doing the image hacking. We'll probably see 4 eventually.

>> No.6160519

Screams pederast.

>> No.6160521

Its dead jim

>> No.6160524
File: 700 KB, 1767x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They harassed him so much, even after he sent the message about quitting, that he simply got fed up with, prolly told the little faggot that he won't change anything anymore.
Not like this would be a simple change, he still need DDS help and he doesn't care, the most of it that could've happen is a addendum patch to the original.

>> No.6160527 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 741x705, 2020-01-27 06_20_33-Jonathan Randall on Twitter_ _The Gamers™️are trying to defend a slur being used.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi from /vr/, HarassEra and Cunt Kutala

You simply can't get enough of... doing absolutely nothing to the translator so bad he wants to go off the internet permanently, do you?
How horrible it must be for minorities for him to listen to something other than harassment messages once in a while, right?

I can't wait to go back to talking about all the awesome Goemon games that will never be translated now that any translator who thought about trying knows it's like wearing a kick me sign, given Goemon's content

>> No.6160529

>Just...don't put slurs in your fan translation?
Even the way these people type is condescending and mean. No sir, I don't like them.

>> No.6160531

>i dindu nothin

>> No.6160532

Fuck this faggot and fuck Resetera. I'm actually fucking mad.

>> No.6160534
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Pic related.
But remember that this was BEFORE Tom quit, he can and prolly will since Resetea, Kurt and SNESCentral keep harassing him take his ball and go home, because DDS can't use his translation without permission, romhacking won't accept the patch and if he simply use it without permission he would jeopardize his relationship with other translators and we all would lose even more translations.

>> No.6160535

But, you evil, evil person. Because who in their right mind would hate ResetEra other than bigots and people who voted for orange man?

>> No.6160537

>they're also lying about my role in this
You literally called him right-wing and all but invited your followers to dogpile on him
I know you're reading this you chickenshit, fuck you Kurt
HG101 has been trash for years now btw

>> No.6160548

None of their trash articles are accurate at all anyway, they even misinform you about simple stuff like the japanese names because they’re *surprise* ignorant amerifucka. HG101 is equally as worthless as RetardEra. A place for saboteurs who can’t stand people who actually create and add to humanity.

>> No.6160549

Legitimately fuck these people, holy shit.

>> No.6160551

Reminder Tom was planning on helping with:

Zill 'O Zill
Far East of Eden 1
Far East of Eden 2
Ganbare Goemon 4
Ganbare Goemon Yukihime no Emaki (1 SNES)
Ganbare Goemon Shin Sedai
Ganbare Goemon Uchuukaizoku Akokingu
Ganbare Goemon Hoshizora Dynamite
Yuusha Shisu (Vita, FEoE director)
Undisclosed SMT title

But apparently, Tom should have hired a 4Kids consultant to see how a game about an evil catholic tranny humping underage teens and full of manjis (because the developers hated how the first game was localized, and made it as unpalatable for localizers as possible) before thinking about releasing it.

>> No.6160558

Jesus H. , fuck these pieces of shit to fucking death

>> No.6160567

>read rhdn mod reaction
>”Either way, I'm sure they will update it. No use discussing it again. I think they're aware of the hurt the word has caused some people.”
S u b h u m a n s

>> No.6160571

The only hateful cunts are those two. They need to look themselves in the mirror.

>> No.6160572


>> No.6160575
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>> No.6160576

im sure a single word used in one line of dialogue by a random npc sure did cause a lot of hurt.
lol, of course not. this is just a tactic used by abusers to get their way.

>> No.6160582

Yeah, nobody was hurt by this. That's absurd.

>> No.6160585

When you guys say that the HG101 guy is "coordinating" harassment campaigns against the translator, can you provide an example? From what I can see, he's sounding off on twitter, expressing his opinions on the word choice on that line, which you may disagree with, but then, that's you having an opinion of your own on the matter. I am seeing alot of opinions being expressed on this thread. That's a thing you're allowed to do on the internet? Organizing harrassment campaigns on the other hand, that's not fine, but where is that happening? Is this because he has a large following on twitter? Are you not allowed to express criticism online if you have a large following?

>> No.6160589

More Ganbare Goemon accurate fan translations would have been keen.
But did HG101 play the rest of the fan translation?

>> No.6160591

>No one will ever do more Far East of Eden
>The one guy willing quit
It hurts

>> No.6160596 [DELETED] 
File: 65 KB, 737x551, 2020-01-27 06_44_46-Hardcore Gaming 101 on Twitter_ _@thrash_jeffrey there is some conflation betwee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So apparently Tom is a Shroedinger Cunt, depending on who asks.
A mere minutes ago, Cunt Kutala was agreeing that yes, he too is a cunt, and support his way is bad.

ResetEra just permabanned someone who said "he was stupid but can we not mob people online"

>> No.6160597

I don't know about coordinating campaigns, but in his initial callout post Kurt personally attacked Tom's character and has been pouring gas on the fire on ResetEra and twitter.

>> No.6160603

Repeatedly attacked the translator on both twitter dubbing him a ”rightwing fan translator” (he’s not, the project hacker he works with just hates ResetEra scumbags), egging his followers on him, as well as attacking his responses and apology as not actually apologizing, demanding him to apologize and then saying it’s not enough all the while co-ordinating with ResetEra people on their forums and likely discord as well.

Of course just him associating with a noted pedophile nest like ResetEra makes it clear enough he’ not an honest actor if his words and aactions hadn’t already made that clear.

>> No.6160606

>who I was calling out in my original tweet.
Lies, he explicitly named the translator.
DDS is just the programmer.

>> No.6160608

I have looked at some of the tweets, but that's it. I saw Voultar recently losing his shit and directing alot of rage at hg101.

I am totally unfamiliar with this ResetEra site.

>> No.6160609

>blame /vr/ for spreading hate
>it's not our faults at all
>also we're banning anyone that dares go against our narrative
Like clockwork. Call /vr/ cancer if they want, 4chan isn't going to change in that regard, but pot calling the kettle black is totally lost on these sociopaths.

>> No.6160610

He called him a right-wing without any basis for who Tom is. And you know for a fact that word triggers every other dumbasses to hop on that bandwagon. Not only that, but he's been sharing this "tranny" translation everywhere this translation was posted to give awareness.
He's a straight up cunt, plain and simple. He might regret it now but the milks already spilled at this point.

>> No.6160613

Yep, just reading his responses makes it clear.
He even made a dumbass ”translation” example that would have ruined the original joke.

>> No.6160619

I can do a quick timeline for you anon, check it against the facts online

>resetera hears of the translation
>it commends respect, so some positive comments about it
>romhacker (DDS) has "resetera is cancer" on twitter bio
>also uses a blocklist for resetera member twitter accounts
>spoiler: he's not wrong. i wont go into why here, it's long enough already as is
>resetera is pissed
>starts theorizing the romhacker is an alt right or whatever, but don't have proof
>send people on twitter to tell him he's bigoted for banning people he never interacted with
>hg101 guy on resetera, discoalucard, is equally pissed
>gets two big twitter accounts he controls (hg101, snes central) to signal boost one line
>(some said it was /vr/ who gave them ammo, but it was repost from HIS tweets)
>accuse translator (Tom, only associated with DDS) of being alt right
>Tom gets some real life harassment from "friends" contacted by resetera/hg101 followers
>they sent someone to RHDN to take down the patches
>Tom is open to discussion with the crazies
>resetera users flock to his DMs to "urge him" to replace widespread patch, reword apology to not attack them
>Tom protects twitter, and posts his farewell note
>resetera users STILL harass him in his DMs
>hg101 guy is called out, doesn't like it, accuses Tom of causing HIS harassment
>hg101 guy and resetera upset that comments for Tom's tweet + RHDN topic support Tom instead of helping their crusade

The best thing? The cherry picked line in Goemon 3 is TAME compared to what else is in the game that appears far before it.
They planned a multi-day milkshake festival for him over this most probably.

>> No.6160625

I always find it funny (and by funny I mean incredibly depressing) that these types will go on and on about abuser tactics and gaslighting and so on, talking about how horrible it all is, and then proceed to do those same things, making up excuses for why it's okay when THEY do it as they go.

>> No.6160626

Maybe I'm misunderstanding you, but SNESCentral and HG101 twitter accounts aren't run by the same person.

>> No.6160636

You're correct. They are merely friends. To their (small) credit, SNESCentral backtracked and removed their commented retweet of hg101's initial war call.
Even though it was because some responses that were basically "i hate trump too but what the hell? he's a translator doing his job fine"

>> No.6160637 [DELETED] 

anybody knows this faggots address?

>> No.6160640

Wow, thanks for typing that up. Fills in alot of blanks. The whole situation is very frustrating.

>> No.6160643


>> No.6160649

Good summary. Eternally, fuck SJWs and fuck these faggots. Absolute pieces of shit.

>> No.6160654



>> No.6160658 [DELETED] 

All this virtue signaling/white knighting online and the dude still has never had a girlfriend.

>> No.6160662
File: 69 KB, 496x628, foodons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pour one out for the ones never translated.

>> No.6160663

One cunt in the house is enough

>> No.6160671

Time to learn Japanese.

>> No.6160679

Should do that anyway, americans ruin everything they touch.
>mfw play Jake Hunter games and then realize it’s heavily intertwined with Shinjuku landmarks & issues
>dumbass localizer cunts make up a new name and place it in the US

>> No.6160680 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 1594x493, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6160682

>SNESCentral backtracked and removed their commented retweet of hg101's initial war call.
No they haven't. It got ratio'd though and that warms my heart.

>> No.6160687 [DELETED] 

I've seen the photo of this guy. This is exactly what I' expect from someone who looks like that. A powerless, lonely person with nothing to show for his wasted life. I can't be mad at him. He's too pathetic.

>> No.6160701 [DELETED] 

Any time is a good time to learn Japanese.
But running from this problem won't really solve it.
The next logical step after localization censors and fantranslation censors will be hardcoding emulators to never allow problematic games. The seeds are already there.

For MAME that already only boots approved romdumps ("clean ones") it only takes changing a list.
And they did remove some "leaked games" off that list to please collectors or companies.
Then you have the PC Gamer reporter who harassed a preservationist who planned to dump an 1994 FMV porn game (legal in case you ask) because that game was given the lowest review score possible by... PC Gamer and that means it must be actually scrubbed off this plane of existence.
You know who is into gatekeeping SNES preservation? SNES Central, who did a few interesting tweets today...

But you do you, now is the right time to call out EOPs

>> No.6160704

>Tom quit
>My job is done so peace out fellas
What a chickenshit.

>> No.6160705

How the fuck have these people actually got all this influence?

>> No.6160708

Its an accurate translation

>> No.6160709

Kalata destroys translations because anyone who actually played any of the games they write articles on would realize they’re 100% made up shit.
They can’t even google the proper kana for english games without messing it up.

>> No.6160717

They don't have influence unless people like tom give it to them.

>> No.6160719

Doubt Tom would have given a shit if it weren’t for ”friends” cutting contact with him.

>> No.6160724


So you get Cunt Kutala of all people "preserving history"
SNES Central "preserving games and emulation"
Convenient scarecrows whoring themselves to the biggest political bidder like GG "speaking out about game censorship" but not really, or Angry Gamer Guy

Sane people against this insanity no longer exist.
They might as well not exist because they have no rights once they shut up about the situation as far as it got now.

>> No.6160726


A massive international concerted effort by a tiny number of well connected activists.

>> No.6160727

You know you can call out HG101 and ResetEra on their bullshit without going full conspiracy theory right

>> No.6160728

They weren't his friends if that was the case. I hope tom doesnt take this too seriously. He seems like a great guy.

>> No.6160731

see >>6160727

>> No.6160732

But emulators are open source. If they add a whitelist, anybody could fork the code and remove it.

>> No.6160734

You're retarded.

>> No.6160740 [DELETED] 

t. Seething trancel

>> No.6160741 [DELETED] 

>I'm retarded for reading a left wing writer in a respectable magazine who has spent the last few years focusing on transgendrism and brexist but the transgender stuff is his better work). who writes well sourced articles on the insanity that is political trangenderism.

No, I disagree with you. There is a difference.

>> No.6160743

Is there anyone out there willing to get together to actively attempt to stop this from happening continuously.

I dont mean stupid bullshit like KiA or whatever. I mean, a large group that could find this shit as it's happening and can send support to victims of this insanity.

>> No.6160746

>The Spectator
>respectable magazine

>> No.6160749

The problem with that sort of thing is that it inevitably invites unironic alt right assholes who think they're in good company.

>> No.6160754

Do you not realize what time period we live in? No, it's not possible to stop shit like this from happening.
Zoomers wonder why boomers hate this fucking generation? This is why.

>> No.6160756

Its obvious that the vast majority is against the harrassment. So then where thr fuck were they when it was happening? ResetERA is heavily monitored. It should be pretty easy to predict what those faggots are going to do.

>> No.6160757

Nothing is impossible. We just havent figured out what to do yet.

>> No.6160758

>vast majority is against harassment
Only rightwingers really. Normal people don’t care until it hits them and liberals and leftists are the harassers.

>> No.6160760 [DELETED] 

Just to clear up one thing, I'm not this poster >>6160726

That >>6160701 can very well be the logical conclusion for all of this.
Some emulator developers refuse to support Pokemon on purpose, even at the expense of glitches in other games. The RPCS3 team erased Persona 3 from their database because Atlus threatened their Patreon account. What I'm telling here isn't a conspiracy theory, but pointing out the framework for this already exists and was already used.

You might want to look at the demographics of the emulator development scene. It used to be something to be happy for those to find a place in life where they enjoy doing what they love, but they're way too outspoken about not enjoying what others play, that it's definitively possible.

>> No.6160764

Going from "covering our asses so we don't get fucked in court" to "SJWs are going to code emulators to lock out problematic games" is a hell of a stretch

>> No.6160765 [DELETED] 

This is the wrong attitude. I am leftist. I am also extremely against this because it undermines everything i stand for. I am not the only one that feels this way.

>> No.6160771

>Some emulator developers refuse to support Pokemon on purpose
Just desume devs, melonds exists

>> No.6160773

Call me when your advocacy groups, political parties, NGOs, forums and twitter accounts don’t either condone or outright participate in this.
I used to be sympathetic to my countries commie groupings but even they are fully on-board with this shit now.

>> No.6160774

This isn't a left vs right issue, it's an asshole vs not asshole issue. That sort of attitude is what keeps this cycle going.

>> No.6160779 [DELETED] 
File: 123 KB, 718x574, Capture+_2020-01-26-23-09-47.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This loser has zero self awareness.

>> No.6160784

They unironically asked nicely and Tom was going to change it
Then journalists wanted some clicks on "the alt-right fantranslator"

>> No.6160790

>asked nicely
No, Kalata was going at him from the first tweet and stoking fires after every response.

>> No.6160792

Not Kurt, but someone else. Someone posted a cap but the janny deleted it for some reason.

>> No.6160795

Calling someone right-wing isn't exactly the nicest way to ask for changes.

>> No.6160796

Everyday is GoodSet Day.

>> No.6160801 [DELETED] 

Kurt is an insane liberal who is eternally butthurt about Trump and managed to get banned from retardera before, the TL taking him seriously is an amateur mistake. Honestly DDS should've warned Tom about the backlash, it looks like this completely blindsided him. DDS was surely expecting the mob to form since he lives and breathes hatred for reset. DDS could've taken it a step further and acted as the shield for all the blame since it's impossible to make him give a shit.

This is also why you don't maintain a social media account lul. In the end, Kurt will always be a sad little beta male who doesn't even play the videogames he writes about (or does so poorly).

>> No.6160802
File: 109 KB, 637x571, 1580061713131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Resetera was surprisingly chill about it under his tweet
Then the Hardcore Gaming dude wanted to share controversies

>> No.6160803

No it’s Kurt. He’s the only pedo obsessive who goes by discoalucard.

>> No.6160805

>then called alt right
the other way around, mate.
the "nice requests" happened after his twitter account lock.
More "niceties" when his apology for translating stuff for free caused them to look like assholes, so they PM'd him in groups to tell him to change his apology and drag his wrecked psyche ass back to produce a new patch, so that the hg101 Cunt can use his other screenshots of problematic content in Goemon 3.
They can't get Konami Kobe now that Konami got them already, so Tom can die for their sins in their stead, and resetera friends will forget Cunt Kutala got banned for slurs from resetera days earlier, postponing his inevitable execution

>> No.6160807

Journos don't like truth
They just like tweets
What makes more clicks? "The big menie guy does thing" or "one guy fucked up and actually asked to suggestions and is fixing it"?

>> No.6160808

That fag discord group demanded the romhack be removed from RHDN and Kurt went at him around the same time.

>> No.6160810

I'm talking about this cap >>6160802

>> No.6160812

I was there before the lock

>> No.6160815 [DELETED] 

Jesus just seeing this makes it too depressing.
Hope Cunt Kutala gets what he deserves. Haven't seen a bigger cunt in a long time.

>> No.6160819

How many hours before ResetEra/KKutala goes after Ganbare Goemon 2 too?

>> No.6160826

They wont. They're getting too much pushback now. Kurt is already backing off because he knows he's basically fucked.

>> No.6160832

He’s not backing off he just keeps it to replies right now, defending his harassment.

>> No.6160836

Kurt has doubled down multiple times. These people never admit their mistakes.

>> No.6160840

Sometimes I'm told this thread has 400 replies. Does anyone else get this glitch?

>> No.6160846 [DELETED] 
File: 15 KB, 256x224, Ganbare Goemon 4 - KiraKira Dotyu (J)000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for protecting us from such FILTH, KKKuntala.
Now the fourth Konami Krime on SNES will never taint English language.
Alphabet humans of pigments everywhere will be safe one more day from the horrors of retrogaming.

>> No.6160851 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 256x224, Ganbare Goemon 3 (J)005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, Holy Genderbent Milkshake Christ.
So many manji in the game with manji in the title.
Why do you support Hitler, Tom?
Wasn't your friend using a blocklist for upstanding ResetEra citizens enough of a crime?
This won't stand. Death.

>> No.6160852 [DELETED] 

Lets be real here, this piece of filth is a 38 year old man living in what appears to be either a shitty apartment in New Jersey, or a suburban house with a red door.

From what I've seen, he has no wife, or children, or really any reason to exist at all beyond video games. Now, I love video games, but I've made something of my life.

I can understand why he's doing this. He's stupid, but also incredibly frustrated at his failures in life.

I'd be willing to guess that the nicer looking house belongs to his mom or someone of value

He is an unimaginably loathsome person, and the best possible thing to do to this fucking piece of trash is to ignore him. He's feeding off this very thread. Probably thinks of himself as some kind of internet supervillian or something equally retarded

If you ignore this faggot, he will disappear. Let him play in his little echo chamber until he realizes (if he hasn't already) that he's a loser and an heros himself.

No I'm not doxing him. this info is easily found on google and it's cowardly.

>> No.6160860 [DELETED] 

Yeah because turning the other cheek has worked real fucking well up to this point right?

>> No.6160861
File: 99 KB, 640x525, we don't have to agree on anything to be kind to one another.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6160862 [DELETED] 

If you dox him now, he will just play the victim card and justify everything he's done so far as righteous.
Still wouldn't stop me from enjoying it though. The fucking fag deserves it.

>> No.6160863 [DELETED] 

you're doxing him wrong because


>He lives in New Jersey, USA, with his wife, daughter, and two cats.

you can do homework and try to find his wife and daughter if she is old enough to use internet

>> No.6160869 [DELETED] 
File: 704 KB, 450x242, myman.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6160870 [DELETED] 

Stop giving them ammo to silence our infodump about HIS acts, not HIS personal shit. FFS
Going after HG101's advertisers (mirroring it to a permanent location too) is more useful.

>> No.6160873


>> No.6160874

He was working on the devil children games

>> No.6160878 [DELETED] 


if we're going after advertisers, we should organize here.

>> No.6160879

>Tom protects twitter, and posts his farewell note
>resetera users STILL harass him in his DMs
Except Tom never had pms open on twitter

>> No.6160880 [DELETED] 

what advertisers? he's a neckbeard living off other neckbeards money on patreon. short of personally showing up at his home and beating his daughter with a metal bat in front of him until she becomes blind and can't play his precious retro gaymes anymore, nothing you can do can hurt him long term

>> No.6160885

HG101 relies on advertiser revenue

>> No.6160886 [DELETED] 
File: 51 KB, 785x214, 2020-01-27 09_05_09-Translations for Goemon 2 & 3 (sequels to Legend of the Mystical Ninja) have fin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ResetEra chuds stan for discoalucard bro
but they're secretly jealous they're losing to him, so they still carry on
this is the one sending angry PMs to Tom "urging" him to "do the right thing" despite Tom's retirement. Tom is a naughty, belligerent personal bitch. Where's my demands, Tom? A panic attack isn't an excuse.

Reminder this is the forum that kept spamming hate onsite and offsite on Etika and Alec Honokawa (Nights In The Wood) prior to their suicide, but notably during and AFTER it.
You know the worst pits of the internet usually have some WIN STATE for harassment campaigns. Not so much resetera.

>> No.6160889 [DELETED] 

Mass-report his patreon for abusing their guidelines and organizing hatemobs through his project’s official twitter.

>> No.6160890 [DELETED] 

He did. It was on his bio.

>> No.6160892 [DELETED] 

this is not gamergate anymore, your pleads will probably be ignored by his similarily indoctrinated colleagues

what always worked best is bringing it somehow to mass media. the worst case will be journalists making a fool of themselves trying to justify the angry mobs and subsequently normies getting redpilled a bit more

>> No.6160895 [DELETED] 

These faggots went to far over shit that isn't thier business. Hope they die in a car wreck. Tomorrow.

>> No.6160903 [DELETED] 
File: 139 KB, 1176x552, even back then.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm about as "SJW" as it gets on this site but fuck Kurt and ResetEra
These fucks are a bigger obstacle to the actual left that the right wingers, and it has been ever since the first internationale.
Mark Fisher was right.

>> No.6160912
File: 15 KB, 256x224, filth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can still hit dick-ladies in the English version.
The translator should be ashamed for letting this happen.
It could have been so easily avoided if he consulted with a ResetEra member prior.
We live in 2020. Any fan translation with professional standards should do the same kind of studies Konami did in 1994. And conclude correctly, that yes, this should never be localized.

Thank you ResetEra for introducing some standards and correcting the wrong that is the mere existence of these translation projects. Hopefully your efforts to purge the last traces of those projects that did make it to RHDN will be successful, I'm sure they will with your unwavering dedication.
With the magic of the internet and the edit button, you'll then say this never happened, no one ever called for these to be removed, then that those didn't exist to begin with, the games didn't exist...

>> No.6160915 [DELETED] 

the right phrase to have used is "shemale"
all the weebs in this thread saying "USE NEWHALF" probably think keeping honorifics is a good idea

"tranny" is inaccurate. plain and simple. it's not WRONG but it doesn't convey the same meaning as "newhalf" in English. Setting aside that both "newhalf" and "shemale" are outdated, "newhalf" wasn't and isn't generally considered a slur as "tranny" was historically, and certainly is now

>> No.6160919 [DELETED] 

>newhalf wasn’t considered a slur

>> No.6160921 [DELETED] 

Still needs to get punched in the face.

>> No.6160923 [DELETED] 

They should have translated it as okama. Newhalf isn't fitting the historical context.

>> No.6160924 [DELETED] 

you're about 41% right

>> No.6160925

An actual Japanese native who does JP>EN translations frequently for Fire Emblem Fates, Funanimation practices, as well as Tom Wyrdward of ex-Xseed fame, actually think that yes, "tranny" is an acceptable substitute in tone to "newhalf".
The argument is that "newhalf" isn't used in natural speech but in contexts like "tranny porn" making it an appropriate substitute. The NPC using it speaking about oneself is clearly self-deprecating, making the politeness argument rude.

"Shemale" wouldn't have gained him any new friends at ResetEra, and is more offensive than "tranny" (which is used among some LGBT Ts casually, like "queer" -which literally means "weirdo"- is used now)

It doesn't even matter if the word is offensive or not either. HG101 and friends used in the callout tweet for this the term "transgenderED" as the "more correct" option, which is considered an offensive term as well. Their proposed "translation fix" is a rewrite of the entire sentence, the tranny fooling their boyfriend, to do away with that message entirely.

>> No.6160929 [DELETED] 

Can you show anything actually advertised as "tranny porn"?
Searching for "tranny porn" mainly yields stuff with Shemale in the name.

>> No.6160935

I browse /vr/ at work because it's a work-safe board, anon
What makes you think I can get you your example, let alone post it here?
Yes, the label exists

>> No.6160937

The blocks don't have swastikas on them just because "lol this will trigger those white piggus", but because it's a pun/reference to Goemon 3's title, a grapple-based wrestling move, and you "grapple" onto the blocks with Goemon's chain pipe to swing off of.

>> No.6160940 [DELETED] 

Go back to your HellHole

>> No.6160941 [DELETED] 

Shut up Randall.

>> No.6160942 [DELETED] 

Resetera was out for blood for DDS, they just needed an excuse.
They could have pulled the most innofensive term, and they would find some other minor detail, or some forum post or tweet from 2011 and still send the hounds.
That's how cancel culture works.

>> No.6160943 [DELETED] 
File: 67 KB, 1295x316, Screenshot_20200127-030051_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Over 13 million results for an in-quotes/exact match of the phrase.

>> No.6160945

They are not swastikas

>> No.6160947 [DELETED] 

Hi Kurt. Sure. See you in Hell.

>> No.6160948

>They could have pulled the most innofensive term, and they would find some other minor detail,
Ganbare Goemon is like easy mode for that

>> No.6160949 [DELETED] 

But that's an offensive label attached to it like "nigger porn", not something the actual producers pick like in case of newhalf AVs.

>> No.6160951

Kurt just became persona non grata to every translator, romhacker, modder, preservationist, etc on the internet. He's been wearing people thin for a while, but this might as well have been a 'comply or be destroyed' message to everyone who actually produces fan-works.
Looking at his twitter mentions, the only people on his side are the pink-hairs; you have creators from all stripes openly calling him out.

>> No.6160952

So out of the ~600+ posts that have been in this thread, how many have been about the game and not this dumb drama?

>> No.6160957 [DELETED] 

This articles paints a different picture. Namely, that SOME porn sites started in 2017 to censor "tranny porn" and "shemale porn" too, you bigot, as well as how popular those lables are used by major porn companies to label their productions.

Two websites in 2017-2020 swapping "tranny porn" with something else doesn't mean it never existed, exists and continues to be used. Guess which recognizeable word is used whenever some (R) / priest is caught with porn in media.

>> No.6160958

Depends on the safeguards. Big buziness has been messing open source shit up for a while now, check out Intel's onboard gfx chips vs nvidia, which has caused a lot of needless bull in regards to CEMU emulation not working on any Intel gfx chip. Yeah sure if its non emulation due to a Rom header check thats an easy fix, but who says they won't stiffle specific emulator code to fail on certain conditions in a way that requires half the emulator to be rewritten. Not an easy task unless you've been intimate with the subject matter for a while. Can't tell you how frustrating it was to have several different versions of mame only working with specific Rom dumps, and newer versions having features you wanted but refusing to load with originally downloaded romsets.

>> No.6160959 [DELETED] 

That seems to be entirely about shemale with tranny just thrown in to make it more controversial.

>> No.6160963

"dumb drama" is very relevant as this just confirmed that there won't be new translations for any goemon games ever

>> No.6160964

you can check warosu.org and count the trashcans
also lol at the custodian, just delete the whole thread

>> No.6160964,1 [INTERNAL] 

So I told the jan to delete the thread... he actually did it the absolute madman

>> No.6160964,2 [INTERNAL] 


>> No.6160964,3 [INTERNAL] 

The day /vr/ died for good.