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6153969 No.6153969 [Reply] [Original]

What do you guys think of the Super Mario Land series? I've finished 1 and 2 and honestly they are pretty good, especially the second one. It's one of the best Mario games I've ever played. Is the third one as good as the first two?

>> No.6153984

Cheap shit made for crap console by random dev. No involvement of Mario creator. Stick to the real Mario series if you want quality

>> No.6153994

>crap console
but why

>> No.6153995

Ignore that godawful bait of a first post, OP, and listen to me: the Super Mario Land series are among the best Mario platformers ever made, especially the second one. However, the third game is essentially the start of a new series, the Wario Land series. Still a great game, but hard to compare to Mario as it's a bit of a slower experience.

>> No.6153997

>Is the third one as good as the first two
It's fairly decent as far as GB platformers go, I guess, though it has barely anything in common with the previous two, or, hell, traditional 2D Mario in general

>> No.6154001

I guess the third game is sort of like Yoshi's Island. They just decided to leave 'Super Mario Land' in the title for some reason

>> No.6154003

>They just decided to leave "Super Mario Land" in the title for no reason

My best guess is that it was for marketing purposes. SML1/2 sold quite well, so of course Nintendo would rather slap the title on an unrelated game, rather than go through the risk of releasing an all-new IP

>> No.6154056

It's good fun.
The Wario games are different and more original, so they deserve at least a play.
I played only 2 and 4 thinking of it.

>> No.6154273
File: 293 KB, 220x171, ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zoomerist of Zoomer posts

>> No.6154340

Haven't played Land 2, however Land 1 is cozy fun despite the rather weird physics; Also the music's very good.

>> No.6154369

SML2 happens to be one of my favorite Mario games - first one didn't age well at all.

>> No.6154375

SML doesn't look, play or sound like Mario game

>> No.6154379

>Gunpei Yokoi,
>a "random dev"
If anything, he considered SML to be a total insult to his talents.

>> No.6154382

Because it's not. Not even its own creator considered it or SML2 as a real Mario game, just shitty imitations. That's why he created Wario.

>> No.6154402

lol saved

>> No.6154540

I like land 1 and 2 a lot but Im not crazy about 3. Much slower gameplay and far more emphasis on looking for secrets than on core platforming. Reminded me of tracking down star coins in NSMB.

>> No.6154613

One of the better Mario games, because it doesn't have wet soap shoe physics.

>> No.6155039

Land 1 is a really good attempt at Mario considering that the Game Boy doesn't seem to be able to handle physics well. Land 2 is pretty bad.

>> No.6155159

Never cared for 1, music and backgrounds aside; enjoyed 2.

>> No.6155587

A bit of a pain with how precise you need to be for some jumps due to the smaller graphics, but a lot of fun for a portable Mario game for its time. Also easier to jump into than the second game thanks to being more bite-sized and speedy with its flow.

>> No.6155825

SML1 is too short and didnt need to be part shooter, but goddamn it has a mighty level of SOUL. the level themes and incredible music will stay with me until i die.

the second game has a lot more bang for the buck, better graphics, more variety with less filler. but its a tad slow, easier than the first game, the visuals take the gameboys dim screen into account less than sml1, with more detailed backgrounds right behind mario, etc. but worst of all is that almost all of the game's music is a remix of the default level theme, which grates on my last nerve, and the theme itself isnt even as good as the music from SML1's first level. a little less soul, more "super mario world for the gameboy"

wario land is pretty cool. id say its about as good as the other 2 games.

kirbys dream land was the better gameboy platformer series

>> No.6155906

>SML2's creator (one person?) created the villain of SML2 because he considered SML2 to be a shitty imitation of a Mario game
I don't hate you because of your shitty bait opinions. I hate you because you come here spouting your shitty bait opinions in the most asinine way imaginable, making retarded shit up wholesale in order to justify your shitty bait opinion.

>> No.6155990

My brother and I had Super Mario Land 2 and I loved it. I borrowed and played my cousin's copy of Super Mario Land 1 and liked it despite it having very different mechanics.

Also, I love Super Mario Land 3D for 3DS.

>> No.6155998

>black and white
>bad contrast
>literally no games besides babby nintendo shit
No, I'm not a zoomer.

>> No.6156031

>babby nintendo shit
That's right, you're not a zoomer. You're a seething millennial who is still stuck in the console war era.

>> No.6156050

Not a zoomer, just a faggot.

>> No.6156094

Kirby's Dream Land and SML1 were my favourite GB games for a long while.

>> No.6156453

Who cares if you are a zoomer or not you are just a retard. Even some zoomers are able to appreciate the Game Boy. Also Link's Awakening is better than your favorite game of all time so there's that

>> No.6156458


Who's making shit up? It's already been well-stated that Wario came about because Yokoi and his team had nothing but contempt for making Super Mario Land.

>> No.6156473

Is this the only thing that prevents you from enjoying those games? They are fun. And they are more 'Mario' than SMB2 (not the FDS version) at least

>> No.6156475

Zeldafags really are egotistical and self-righteous over their bland ass series, aren't they?
Link to the Past and Wind Waker (not retro) are the only good ones anyways, and Mystical Ninja & Megaman Legends are 10 times better than Ocarina of Trash.

>> No.6156480

>he still at it.

>> No.6156486

>Link to the Past
I get it that you got filter'd by Zelda 1 like Aonuma and now hate the whole series because of this. There are no bad Zelda games, stay mad

>> No.6156494

>He thinks Zelda 1 is good
Have fun with the Nintendo Power guides, fanboy.

>> No.6156510

I'm actually curious what the fuck do you even play then? Are you a Sega fanatic or what? If anything I like Sega. I just like playing vidya. Why do you have to hate something? Literally what's wrong with Zelda? Jesus fuck

>> No.6156550

I'm just sick of hearing OoT being praised 24/7 as if it's the second coming of christ when upon playing it for the first time it had nothing good, interesting, or unique to offer, specially compared to other games like it that were bashed for "not being as good as OoT".

>> No.6156556

I like OoT personally but it isn't in my top 5 Zelda games. If you don't like it that's ok

>> No.6156795

I love SML but it does suffer from the irrelevant submarine/plane levels, especially making the final level and boss a shmup section. Otherwise its great, the powerball was a fun change, the music is pretty much the best in the series, and the environments are great despite being simple. The length is a valid complaint, but its portable game that was meant to be completed in car rides and replayed a lot so I don't mind it.

I'm not a huge fan of 2, I found most of the levels kind of boring. It did get pretty good towards the end and has some cool ideas and creative zones and bosses.

I don't reall like Wario Land 1, but the rest of the series is very worth a play through. I think WL2 might be the best game ever made.

>> No.6156805

Wario Land is peak gameboy.

>> No.6157819
File: 64 KB, 640x480, 20200125-2231-local7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How so does Land 2 suck?

>> No.6157847

>In retrospect, one has to wonder if perhaps it was R&D1;'s distaste of being "forced into developing Mario Land games" that lead to the creation of a character whose very concept owes to being everything Nintendo's mascot was not. One might even speculate that if such resentment were to exist, that Wario might be akin to how the developers had come to view Mario. And if that were indeed the case, then there's little doubt that his creators would have allowed themselves a small chuckle as Wario's popularity took off, allowing him to effectively become to R&D1; what Mario was to Nintendo EAD.
Notice how many times the writer uses the word “speculate”. Notice the incredible lack of sources cited. Well-stated indeed.
I wish people would just accept that SMB2 is a Mario game already. Doki Doki Panic began as a Mario prototype and got turned back into a Mario game with supervision by Miyamoto (who didn’t even direct the Japanese SMB2) and some help from the SMB3 team (see Mario and Princess’ sprites). Then it got a Japanese release, two SNES remakes (All-Stars and the Satellaview version), was renamed Super Mario Advance on the GBA, and saw its characters (Shy Guy, Ninji, Pidgit, Birdo etc.) featured in numerous games. It couldn’t be MORE of a Mario game at this point; and is certainly not less one than the GB games.

>> No.6157849

t. Eiji Aonuma

>> No.6158186

The ending music of Mario Land 1 is the greatest exit tune of all time. Prove me wrong.

>> No.6158240

It’s hard to argue with you there. I didn’t beat Super Mario Land till I was in my 20s, long, long after I beat SML2 for the first time. And yet, it’s so nostalgic that it makes me want to cry. That’s just the power of Hip Tanaka, I guess. Magical.

>> No.6158574

As much as I respect Koji Kondo, I think that the soundtrack of SML is better than the ones of the NES Mario games

>> No.6158743

SML3 is great, first off, it was genius to introduce a new series starring the main villain of SML2, the title "SML3" makes sense because of that imo, but yeah it's no longer a Mario game, even though it has Mario elements such as gathering coins and pumping on blocks, and the hat powerups remind of SML2, but otherwise Wario is its own thing. It's one of the best GB games imo, can't miss playing it especially if you liked 1 and 2.

>> No.6158941

Super Mario Land is alright, but Wario Land was way better, and one of the best handheld games of all time.

I'm gonna corncob your asshole with a lathe and a tube of toothpaste.

>> No.6158969

>and pumping on blocks

>> No.6158970
File: 302 KB, 500x500, tumblr_mew4dbYu3E1r0ralmo1_r1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like WL a lot, and I do consider WL2 one of the best games ever made.
Shame we don't have those kinds of Wario games anymore. Ashley is too adorable though.

This nigger knows.

>> No.6158975

SML's great, SML2 isn't

>> No.6158997

It's kind of an odd transition between the Mario Land games and the Wario Land games. Wario Land 2-4 are much, much more puzzle-oriented than the three Mario Land games, but you can see elements of that starting to emerge in Mario Land 3.

>> No.6159953

Super Mario Land > Super Mario Bros.

>> No.6160030

They're alright but they're generally pretty flawed. Wario Land is my favorite of the three.
1 is jank and it can be beaten under half an hour. 2 is longer and more detailed but it's also generally easy with the exception of the last level. 3 is a different kind of game but longer and more fleshed out than 2.

>> No.6160040

When this came out it was magic. It felt like Mario in a weird alien world it was amazing.

>> No.6160042

SML1 is like an /x/-themed Mario game when you think about it.

>> No.6160062

I have a lot of nostalgia for the first game as a kid. I remember playing through it again right before NSMB, and honestly outside of the genuinely fun multiplayer I think Land was far more enjoyable to me

>> No.6160073

>Wind Waker (not retro) are the only good ones anyways
No, wind waker is shit

>> No.6160824

SML was better than SMB, and SML3 is one of the best games ever made.

>> No.6161792

First one was an acquired taste. Was never a huge fan of it until the day I decided to beat it for the sake of beating it. But after that I can say it's pretty decent and has some really really good tunes.
>Seriously amazing what they could do with so little.

Mario Land 2 was way cooler, way more far reaching, and all round a better game. Think theme park Mario World but on the GB.

Land 3 spawned the wario games, and is probably the best of the lot overall in my opinion.

>> No.6161826
File: 128 KB, 500x516, 1546051485974.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SML was better than SMB

>> No.6163151

I love SML but no Mario game is better than SMB

>> No.6163480

I mean... Hip Tanaka’s the Nintendo Composer of All Time, but that’s just crazy talk.

>> No.6163481

It’s so weird how the opposite is true!

>> No.6163492


>> No.6163812

that brings back memories

>> No.6163997

They got the physics all wrong, it's no longer Mario

>> No.6164136

It's very different from the main line Mario games, but the SML series are some of the best platformers on the gameboy.

>> No.6164521

fun games, but at the end of the day kirby beat mario at his own game when it comes to the gameboy

early kirby is a treat

>> No.6165575

SML2>Kirby>SML1. Both SML2 and Kirby look like games that the Game Boy wouldn't even be able to handle though, they are amazing

>> No.6165695

At first I was inclined to disagree, but dreamland’s hard mode makes this true.

>> No.6165703

you guys aint forgetting dream land 2 are ya? maybe the best platformer on the GB. i always thought DL1>SML and DL2>SML2

>> No.6165728

I actually really love how janky 1 feels. It reminds me of the golden era of Klik'n'Play fangames and shit like that. And it's sorta challenging.

I dislike 2, though. The giant sprites look relatively nice, but really limit how much level can be on the screen, which is probably why everything's so straightforward and easy.

>> No.6167252

SML3 is extremely overrated. It was my favorite when I was a wee lad but it's slow boring garbage. Soo many better gb games to play. Kirby comes to mind.

>> No.6167326
File: 203 KB, 1600x1105, Sticker_SML.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anybody remember the SML stickers?

>> No.6167785

>slow boring garbage
Eh, no? You just shouldn't view it as a Mario game. SML3 in the title means nothing, it's a Wario game

>> No.6168147
File: 487 KB, 467x347, 1576865089984.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's slow boring garbage
I'm coming to your house.

>> No.6168154

in person "slow boring garbage" is better known as foreplay

>> No.6168156

I don't, but that looks comfy as fuck

>> No.6168182

>kirbys dream land was the better gameboy platformer series
That's not how you spell "MegaMan", my friend. For what's worth, Kirby GB was a really nice game, but it's too easy and too short.

>> No.6168239

>H-he's fast!!?

>> No.6168248

Based. Strategy guide bait is objectively trash game design. LA, OoS, OoA, and ALttP are better in every way.

>> No.6168367

No mention of WL4? It owns