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6156217 No.6156217 [Reply] [Original]

>Play Final Fantasy I
>It's hard and sometimes frustrating but I enjoy the challenge and push through ultimately culminating in a satisfying victory
>Play Final Fantasy IV
>The linear story keeps the momentum going. The characters are great if one dimensional and the overall quality of life improvements and great music make for a wonderful experience.

And now I'm playing Final Fantasy VI and I'm bored out of my mind. The characters are boring, the music isn't as good, the plot is okay but I'm about halfway through (I'm in Thamassa) and I really couldn't care less what happens. Also Kefka is super lame.

Do things get better in the World of Ruin or is this game just truly overrated?

>> No.6156245


Cool story bro

>> No.6156250

Thanks, now answer the question.

>> No.6156259

CT and SMRPG are the only good jrpgs on the system. 6 is at its best in the beginning, so if you aren't enjoying it now, you probably aren't going to enjoy it later.

>> No.6156275

It is overrated. Though I am surprised that you don't enjoy some of the battle tracks, thought both the regular encounter and boss battle tracks were good.
I disagree.

>> No.6156278

>FFVI is boring
Okay, I think it's sort of overrated myself

>FFIV is better

>> No.6156335

VI is just an awful game because its gameplay is so dull. Backtrack to V or patch it with a mod that makes it fun to play instead.

>> No.6156346

90% of FF6 "fans" who worship the game haven't actually played it. The game itself is as bog standard as you can get for a JRPG. People only talk about Kefka because he's the only character in the game who isn't dull as hell.

>> No.6156514

FF6 is the contrarians choice. Someone memed that it does some of the same superficial things as 7, so 7 being as popular as it is was too popular for a certain breed of hipsters. They instead clung to 6 which they could say was "the same but better because they both do this thing!" It's an unfortunate mishmash of nintendo vs playstation fanboys, insecurity over exclusivity, and hipster contrarianism.

I beat 6 years ago, it never hit a moment where I got sucked in and realized how great it was. It just doesn't get to be very good. The lack of a main character to take the player along on their journey is a weird decision that gives you a massive cast of uninteresting people who have just a few moments of characterization at best, the separate adventures the groups on on feel a little too disconnected and pulled out of nowhere at times, the story fixates on these moments that more than anything I wish were over quicker such as the opera scene, and the combat is just so boring. 7 succeeds in many ways where 6 fails. Still not sure what the fans see in it but this is why I drew my conclusions.

>> No.6156528
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I enjoyed VI a lot once I got Sabin and Edgar, and I like how you can essentially equip any spell to any character. I also like the goofy shit that happened throughout the game, like Shadow going apeshit in a mech in the background or fighting pirahna while falling down a waterfall
Cyan is fun too.

>> No.6156532

Playing something because everyone praises the game is one of the biggest mistakes one can make.

>> No.6156538

Huh, unusual to see so much hate for 6. I thought it was great. Particularly the concept for the second half of the game. It isn't a super challenging experience, but the battle system was still enjoyable IMO.

>> No.6156545

It just a few autists circlejerking.

>> No.6156557

I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about anon. I'm one of those eurofags who didn't play FF VI and most FFs that got released before VII and I liked to play it even back in 2001, long before words like 'contrarian' or 'hipster' even existed. While I wouldn't say it's the best FF or even the best RPG in general like most of my friends or family say it is I can see why a lot of people like it and I'm glad that people love it so much they made so many hacks to change whatever they feel like (except for all those english re-translations cause I feel they're redundant). RPGs rely a lot on their presentation and considering how well both the graphics and the music hold up I can't say it's a solely a matter of insecure fanboys choosing it over FFVII.

I do think that those old fanboy wars between before and after 7 were and still are ridiculous considering how different gaming in general was not only in the 90s itself but also in the decade before and after. I don't know if it has a lot to do between Nintendo and Playstation fans, even nowadays when anyone can emulate or just play all of the games on anything they want people still bitch about the game they don't like but that's aside from how well the games themselves are designed or how much fun they are to play.

>> No.6156570

Woah, a sensible post. What're you doing here? This is a designated "everything I don't like is objectively bad and people who disagree with me are stupid" thread.

>> No.6156590

>Do things get better in the World of Ruin or is this game just truly overrated?

Yeah. FF6 is specifically meant to have a linear story in the first half of the game and then a lot of adventuring in the second half. It's also one of those games where -- while you should beat it once normally -- rom hacks will make the game way more fun.

>> No.6156695

6 was just plain mediocre. 4 was the better game.

>> No.6156758

You're not wrong for thinking FFVI is overrated, but
>the music isn't as good
the music is the best in the series.

FFV was the last great old school FF.
>in b4 FFIX
It's trash Jim

>> No.6156765

I loved it from the start personally. You might like the non-linear World of Ruin more though.

>> No.6157058

I suppose the music is technically better, but I loved IV's music much more. I guess I just expected more.

>> No.6157201

>People only talk about Kefka because he's the only character in the game who isn't dull as hell.
now who hasn't played the game? Kefka is literally the personification of "do it for the lulz" and that's as deep as he gets. the only main bad guy worse is the tree from 5.

>> No.6157247

>I enjoy the challenge
to be desu you're playing the wrong series for that.

>> No.6157249

>"do it for the lulz"
People like that actually exist you know? People like Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot etc... didn't really have problems slaughtering millions..

>> No.6157465

FOH storyfag.

>> No.6157472

SMRPG is junk

>> No.6158138

And has absolutely no true 100% play-through anywhere.

>> No.6158191 [DELETED] 

I start the series for the challenge, but the challenge is what made me like Final Fantasy I. I like both hard and easy games.

>> No.6158196

I didn't start the series for the challenge, but the challenge is what made me like Final Fantasy I. I like both hard and easy games.

Yeah, that's why I liked Final Fantasy I. Such a captivating story. Dumbass.

>> No.6158208

Nice bait

>> No.6158281

Not bait. I'm disappointed that I'm not enjoying FFVI. It makes me wonder if it's just me. Maybe I'm just getting sick of jrpgs.

>> No.6158324

IV is sort of easy but one of the better ones to jump into. VI the main appeal for me was the number of playable characters but it was better on paper than when I played it.
Still enjoyed both, something to be had from either story.

It was not until VIII that I had problems keeping up with the plot.

>> No.6158560

FFI is unironically and objectively the best game in the series.

>> No.6158569

Well, maybe it's because after V, with the exception of the story of IX, none of the games is made by Hironobu Sakaguchi.

>> No.6158585

>is made by
You are one dumb fucking tranny. Also, V sucked.

>> No.6158594

>The lack of a main character to take the player along on their journey is a weird decision that gives you a massive cast of uninteresting people who have just a few moments of characterization at best

nailed it, it's such a visually and musically beautiful bit of 16-bit art, but I never feel like I'm owning and developing a team and exploring a world when I play, it's almost like a series of RPG mini-games

>> No.6158608

>>is made by
>You are one dumb fucking tranny
That was just a misspelling, also i didn't play V and was just stating that it was the last Final Fantasy he directed.

>> No.6158612

>like a series of RPG mini-games
I like the way you put that.

>> No.6158785

What makes Kefka great is that he achieved power, played around for a bit and then realized what's really the only sensible thing he could do.

>> No.6159187

i didn't really like VI but then I didn't really like Chrono Trigger either so it's possible I just have bad taste in SNES jrpgs. I liked IV but I grew up with it so there's some bias there. gimme PS1 or game boy rpgs instead.

>> No.6159343

Except for the space station and WarMech.

>> No.6159764

Just fast forward grinding to victory, nothing hard about this shit.

>> No.6160107

You are the biggest faggot in this thread, and that's saying something.

>> No.6161816

character development is for the player to find in the second half of the game (you're close, but not quite there yet)
If you don't go out of your way to find the totally missable and pretty much never mentioned script triggers (bring the right dude to the right place and do the right thing to trigger the scene sort of thing) you'll probably be like most and continue to say the characters are shit.
Furthermore, I'm going to say you've just passed my least favorite part, and are in the middle of probably the most boring part.
Soldier on just a bit further and understand that once you hit the WoR it's totally up to you to find the good aspects of the game.
Just know, they are there.
Especially if you're a completionist nutter who has to find every tiny detail/secret. As this game has more than a few.

>> No.6162804

nice b8

>> No.6162820

I've only played 4 and 6 and preferred 4 by a huge margin. 6 has a lot going for it but it seems like too much. I don't want to constantly swap characters and take forever to summon my ship and walk around chatting to people on the ship. I prefer the classic RPG style where you add some people to your party and one is a mage, one is an archer, one is warrior etc.... and I feel like FF4 has a higher difficulty ceiling that makes random battles interesting where you can die if you aren't paying attention.

FF6 does get way better in the world of ruin though. People who like the first half of the game don't like the second half because it's so different. If you don't like it after getting 2 party members then turn it off and don't look back.

Tales of Phantasia might be a better game for you to try after this one.

>> No.6163236

I was going to start FFVII after VI, but I'm not sure if I should keep going forward or maybe go backwards instead and try III and V.

Tales of Phantasia is on my list too though. I played Symphonia when I was younger and loved it.

>> No.6163253

I sort of found FFVI to be alright for the first half before the second one shat the bed (it might completely change your opinion of the game for the better though)
I prefer IV (especially the ds version) by a lot, it's not especially deep but it has way better pacing and challenge

>> No.6163271

He's literally just the Joker

he's a guy with brain damage who dresses like a clown and murders people

>> No.6163289

VI is about as good as a 16-bit cinematic RPG can get in terms of story and presentation.
That standard is rather different from modern expectations though.
It’s a great game and a classic.
Unfortunately a lot of its popularity is obvious contrarianism. It’s annoying seeing a discussion about FFVII with someone inevitably saying “VI is better” completely unprompted or for reddit upvotes.

>> No.6163724

>comparing real life political figures to one dimensional video game characters

>> No.6163734

Most people are retards and their brains can only deal in dichotomies; they can only prove to themselves that they like something by comparing it to something they hate, instead of objectively evaluating both on their own terms. Why do you think sports are so popular with normies? It's literally just "my dad could beat up your dad" except with overpaid niggers wearing their favorite color.

>> No.6163745
File: 38 KB, 362x346, F0E951DD-54AC-4883-A88D-65BF29A94ED8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anyone got a good recommendation for a patched version of vi on snes? looking to play it for my first time and want the best version i can get.

>> No.6163764
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>6 has a lot going for it but it seems like too much. I don't want to constantly swap characters
I felt like this the first time I tried playing the game many years ago, but now I'm older and more patient and I have to say I fucking love every single one of FFVI's fourteen characters. They don't all get a lot of development compared to games with smaller casts, but I feel like every character still gets a lot of defining moments, and almost all of them are likable and even sympathetic from the very first moment you meet them.

My current playthrough, I have had no issue using every character. The game isn't so hard that you need to focus on power-leveling a single party, and the game itself even gives you plenty of excuses to change up your posse with all the forking paths during the World of Balance. Almost everyone's unique abilities are fun/useful enough to justify them being around. Sometimes I basically just pick four random characters when I'm going into the next area/dungeon and see how it plays out, and I'm pleasantly surprised when a party I didn't think was viable actually ends up having a ton of fun equipment/ability combos.

I mean, apart from Mog, Umaro and Gogo (pretty much gag/gimmick characters anyway) I'd say every party member gets enough moments to justify their presence on the team and in the story, and the variety between all of them means I never get bored with their plot threads. And I actually really like the fact that there is no "main" character, I'm not sure why people get hung up on that. I like the feeling having a mini-army of equally-driven characters and being to mix and match all of them at any time.

>> No.6163765

I think sports are popular with normies because its a low-investment, risk-free social activity that's extremely easy to bond with others over while gorging themselves on beer and food.

But sure, its the niggers, kikes, and their goyim slaves I guess.

>> No.6163772

>extremely easy to bond with others
Yes, but WHY is it easy? Because chances are you're watching with people who are rooting for the same team you are. Humans are extremely tribalistic and are always looking to be around people who justify their arguments for them, and to draw lines in the sand to separate themselves from those they disagree with. It's why the American dual-party system keeps becoming more and more polarized.

Not sure why you brought up kikes and goyims or whatever. Maybe you should get off 4chan for a while.

>> No.6163797

>apart from Mog
And honestly, even he gets a moment, when you think about it. When you find him in World of Ruin, he is literally the last surviving Moogle, standing in the corner of his cave, staring at the wall and holding a charm that was a gift from his lover. I really don't need to be hit over the head with the somberness of this moment; it's plenty obvious if you stop to think.

Maybe that's why I like the story and character development in FFVI so much; it's very old school in its sensibilites. There aren't long cutscenes or miles of dialogue where characters obnoxiously state how they feel over and over like it's a fucking anime until even a 4-year-old could get it. The moments are subtle, and require you to put yourself in the character's shoes and think about what they must be experiencing, instead of the dialogue just saying, "OH NO I FEEL BAD BECAUSE OF (X)!!! IT CAN'T BE HELPED!!! I SUPPOSE THIS IS THE TRUE POWER OF SADNESS!", which is basically the kind of heavy-handed shit that FFVII and VIII were loaded with.

>> No.6164192

He even aims to poison water supply.