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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 160 KB, 650x410, SuperMarioBros.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6154698 No.6154698 [Reply] [Original]

I am absolutely befuddled at this game's reception. Is it really that good? I've always found the appeal of Mario to be severely overrated.
I haven't played this one so I'd like to know how best to play what is supposedly the quintessential /vr/ experience. How should I play it?

>> No.6154709

I save-scummed at the harder parts because I don't have an entire childhood to beat the shit, but other than that it still holds up as a platformer. The music and world diversity are the main attractions.

>> No.6154717

Find anything else from 1985 that could touch it.

>> No.6154718

The sky is supposed to be blue. Even the box for it is showed it as blue.

>> No.6154720

On a Vs cabinet

>> No.6154730

On console or on arcade as well?

>> No.6154731

Used to play that between bites of a hamburger and french fires on the local corner drive-in burger joint. That and Pac-Land, Spy Hunter, and Whirlwind pinball. I was 13. *sigh*

>> No.6154748

>I am absolutely befuddled at this game's reception. Is it really that good? I've always found the appeal of Mario to be severely overrated

How old are you?

Not trying to be snarky. A lot of people who were kids in the mid 80s to early 90s love Mario. The first one perfected platform games, because there wasn't really anything like it when it was first released. It's still a solid platformer, because it's simple yet sophisticated. I'd recommend playing on an NES. It should run well on most NES emulators

>> No.6154762

with 32 different levels it was gargantuan at the time

>> No.6154767 [DELETED] 

>with 32 different levels
It's got way more than that. I'm sitting on a hidden difficulty select in that game because I was to re-introduce the world to it myself.

>> No.6154769

>>with 32 different levels
It's got way more than that. I'm sitting on a hidden difficulty select in that game because I want to re-introduce the world to it myself.
It's called: "Super Player Mode".

>> No.6154834

Just play the game motherfucker

>> No.6154838

There were better games in '85, but I can't think of any better platformers, and for a home console game it was impressively polished and full of content. Sure, 35 years later you can say that other games do what it does better, but it's a context thing.

>> No.6154841

Maybe older games aren't for you. If you don't see the appeal of one of the most enjoyable platformers on the NES, maybe you should just stick to newer games. Different strokes for different folks.

>> No.6154843

Vidya didn't get good until gen 4. If you don't have nostalgia for gen 3, you probably won't enjoy it. Go play SMAS instead, it's better.

>> No.6154853

>Vidya didn't get good until gen 2.
Imagine being them and missing out on Phoenix, Crystal Castles, Montezuma's Reveneg;etc.

>> No.6154854

>Jarpigs didn't get playable until gen 4.

>> No.6154856

>I am absolutely befuddled at this game's reception.
>I haven't played this one

So you're saying you're insane or retarded?

It's not really confusing. The game is basically good and for very many players it established an entire genre that also happens to be good. What is befuddling about this?

Do you have a mental illness? I'm not joking or insulting you. I'm seriously asking. Do you?

>> No.6154858

>Lmao jarpigs

>> No.6154871
File: 176 KB, 801x561, Screenshot_211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of what makes SMB great was lifted from Williams day-sue. Mario Bros is literally "Hey what if we mixed Donkey Kong with Joust"

>> No.6154878

>what is supposedly the quintessential /vr/ experience.

I loved this game as a kid. I was the right age when it was released and I loved it. It was very special. I still wouldn't call it "the quintessential" old-game experience. It's just one especially important one. There were many other important ones though.

Don't worry about what this game "supposedly" is according to whoever you've been hearing from. Just play it or don't, and read some kind of decent history article about it, or don't. (The best way to play it, by the way, is to use your hands and eyes, along with any kind of comfortable controller that has a d-pad and at least two buttons. Your choice of platform doesn't really matter, since it's a simple game that will come across pretty much the same way on any platform that offers it.)

>> No.6154879

I love Joust, but it's a single-screen game with flappy physics. Not really a jump and bop type of game.

>> No.6154884

>Vidya didn't get good until gen 4
There is a shitton of great NES games. SMB and Zelda are still among the best games of all time

>> No.6154889

The swimming mechanic in SMB was taken from Balloon Fight, which in turn was taken from the NES adaptation of Joust. Maybe not a direct influence necessarily, but it's in there.

>> No.6154897

And SMB is basically Mario Bros and Pitfall mixed together with Balloon Fight's scrolling.

>> No.6154912

There's a difference between "best game evar" and "most influental/revolutionary".

>> No.6154962




Look at those and keep in mind that's what the Famicom had to offer until 1985 when Super Mario Bros. released. It featured insanely smooth scrolling graphics, and really amazing physics.

>> No.6154969

This HAS to be bait

>> No.6154980

It was the first platformer I'm aware of with inertia though I guess you could claim that was taken from Asteroids or Gravitar since Asteroids doesn't have gravity

>> No.6155000

It's a masterpiece, but to really appreciate it you probably have to feel the beauty in digital interpretations of real physical movement

>> No.6155004

Lunar Lander came before Gravitar I think.

>> No.6155015

NES likely has the best library of console action games. It's essential for any gentleman of leisure

>> No.6155025

This. People don't realize that the Famicom had a few years where it was running the same kind of games that 2nd game consoles had been doing for years, just with more power. It wasn't until 1985 when they finally started demonstrating just how much more you could do with the hardware.

>> No.6155036

>It wasn't until 1985 when they finally started demonstrating just how much more you could do with the hardware.
When 9-year-old me back in 1986 first got an NES (like most Americans because the test market in 1985 was incredibly small) and played Super Mario Bros.,which was imported to American arcades as a Vs. Cabinet IN 1985 with its 1986 copyright date*, and it played almost exactly as its arcade counterpart, it blew my mind and it blew all of my extended family's minds as well. "It looks like a cartoon!" --high praise in those days. It was a game changer; it was then the home console market began to cannibalize the arcades of customers. And the SEGA Genesis practically drove the stake into the heart of arcades as the place to go to play the hottest games.

>> No.6155042

*we just figured that it was a mistake and didn't realize that someone jumped the gun; we even thought the game time traveled before we thought better.

>> No.6155051

Hook, line and sinker, OP. Well done.

>> No.6155087

It's not necessarily bait. Young people exist, you know.

>> No.6155094

How old are you? I was born in September of 1980.
I first saw this game on display at a department store and couldn't believe what I was seeing. The controller was amazing.
The game is still solid.

>> No.6155101

Incredible art.

>> No.6155106

Oh shit you're right I completely forgot about Lunar Lander. Based 70s Atari.

>> No.6155109

It's a question of exposure and familiarity. Back then people were mostly familiar with dogshit shovelware titles on PC or Atari, and a lot of games had limp-wristed faggot protags who could only run away from danger, and these were certainly the games you were most likely to see as a kid back then, due to concern trolls.
But then comes Mario who fucking curbstomps people and shoots fireballs and it's rad as fuck and satisfying in the way that a game should be. But because of Nintendos push and its innocuous presentation a lot more kids got to experience it and talk about it, so it ended up being the game that most everyone was familiar with and liked and therefore triggers stronger feelings of nostalgia in people, because it reminds them of their entire childhoods instead of just memories of playing vidya alone.

>> No.6155118

Actually there are only 28 different levels; several repeat.

>> No.6155154

>I first saw this game on display at a department store and couldn't believe what I was seeing. The controller was amazing.
>The game is still solid.
This so much. Super Mario Bros was THE game for lots of reasons. It was one of the first to be nearly arcade perfect and back then that was insane.

>> No.6155172

>limp-wristed faggot protags who could only run away from danger, and these were certainly the games you were most likely to see as a kid back then, due to concern trolls.
Video games weren't on their radar yet at that point they were way more worried about Dungeons & Dragons

>> No.6155176

All Vs. Games are arcade perfect because the VS system is just a Famicom

>> No.6155197

And the System 16 is just a MegaDrive and Naomi is just a Dreamcast. What a monumentally dumb post.

>> No.6155208

>All Vs. Games are arcade perfect because the VS system is just a Famicom
Not really by far, but I appreciate your enthusiasm.

>> No.6155223

Factually and objectively incorrect.

>> No.6155224


It might be, but it doesn't have to be. Some people are really that inept and impatient.

>> No.6155226

stfu I was there when the game came out, the sky is blue, you are a faggot, and politicians are evil liars.

>> No.6155238

Console, of course. The fact they could pull such a fluid horizontal scroll was a fucking revolution back then.

>> No.6155248

Calibrate your set correctly then try again. It’s purple. Sorry your dad was a boomer retard and jacked the color setting to 90%.

>> No.6155252
File: 175 KB, 800x1144, super mario bros box back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha whatever, zoomy.

>> No.6155256
File: 837 KB, 2912x3883, super mario bros vs cabinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple is wrong, accept it or be incorrect and in denial. Have a good day.

>> No.6155267

you have to remeber that when this game was released stick men running from smiley faces that bounced off of walls in repeated identicle rectangular rooms was the competition

>> No.6155271

If you want to be a pedantic faggot who's just gotta be right about something, sure. Coin registers, more limited mapper support and (MAYBE legitimately) RGB PPU variations make it differ slightly but unlike System 16 and Naomi the Vs system has the same processor running at the same clock speed with the same amount of memory loading games from the same type of media as its console "adaptation". Maybe not quite as "the same" as AES and MVS but damn near.

>> No.6155273

Gauntlet is a far cry from Venture, Anon.

>> No.6155276

STFU an NES is not a Vs PCB, END OF STORY.

>> No.6155281
File: 62 KB, 378x480, 7DCC64D2-7750-412A-99C2-3B81F35913F6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s purple. Sorry.

>> No.6155287

I accept your apology, but in the future try to remember that it's blue.:^)

>> No.6155293

good explanation

>> No.6155295

Super Mario Bros.? Maybe. Zelda? Not a chance.

>> No.6155309
File: 7 KB, 512x480, zelda ii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zelda? Not a chance
Not them, but that's sad, yet believable. Zelda II is still either the best or second best Zelda game and it's definitely one of the best games of all-time.

>> No.6155316

>I am absolutely befuddled at this game's reception. Is it really that good? I've always found the appeal of Mario to be severely overrated.

>I haven't played this one so

Jesus fucking christ. How hasn't this sentiment been mocked several times over already?

>> No.6155319

it's simply this: the jump mechanic feels good. because there's a boost if you hold it longer, it feels like pressing harder makes you jump higher. this and the momentum implementation together work on some kind of mirror neurons or whatever in your brain so you feel some part of your own body is actually whipping about free and strong, while you're sitting leaden in your chair.
other games of this era are shocking to play after this because the 'jump' is a horrible linear slide up and down which feels like you're operating some rigid piece of machinery for your job

>> No.6155323

>How hasn't this sentiment been mocked several times over already?
Thought it was an un-creative troll. No one who even slightly knows the history of video games can honestly typed that out without laughing.

>> No.6155327

nobody reads past first sentence. one knows the rest is some bullshit

>> No.6155330

>it's simply this: the jump mechanic feels good. because there's a boost if you hold it longer, it feels like pressing harder makes you jump higher. this and the momentum implementation together work on some kind of mirror neurons or whatever in your brain so you feel some part of your own body is actually whipping about free and strong, while you're sitting leaden in your chair.
Pretty much.
Going to let you in on something that Nintendo used to tell, but even they have forgotten, the game has an alternate title:"Super Momentum Bros."

>> No.6155336

>provides no proof
Ok. Sorry you can’t accept it’s purple.

>> No.6155341

I showed you two historical proofs and you have some interpretation of some super-anal Famicom palette word-salad. If you don't like it, tough. Know that I regard you a troll and that so does anyone else who grew up with the games.

>> No.6155350

>blue sky said 3 times
>Famicom sucked in 1983
^that's you

>> No.6155351

jfc casual shutters stop posting if you can't 1cc both loops of Super Mario Bros

>> No.6155358

It's not a Famicom PCB either that doesn't stop it from being 1:1 compatible.

>> No.6155385

^Pure. Uncut. Autism.
Then plug an NES game into a Playchoice 10, ohm wait you can't because they carts are different and so is the hardware.

>> No.6155387

Mario games are incredibly well done platformers but the world building and atmosphere are shallow and almost non-existent (except for RPG entries). So nowadays I can't really get into the series and somehow understand OP.

>> No.6155390

*the carts
Man, I can't believe how ugly the gaming experience is for some zoomies who actually believe what they're saying when they think SMB was supposed to have a purple sky.

>> No.6155394

Mario has awful world-building.
Imagine if they did Super Mario Historia.

>> No.6155413
File: 66 KB, 625x626, thisisbait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to be a special kind of contrarian to shit on this one

>> No.6155421

Who cares about the story? Watch a movie, read a book. I want my games to be games.

>> No.6155431

Well, that's just my point of view. In my opinion it's harder to get into the game if events of the said game are too abstract and random. Of course we play GAMES not PLOTS but still...

>> No.6155441

I'm pretty sure that obsessing over little details to be right is directly from the chart for spectrum disorder. Vs games and ESPECIALLY play choice games run identically to the console versions. That was the point. Sega had nearly the opposite philosophy with Naomi and even more so with System 16 and then SNK had a different kind of reverse yet again with the Neo Geo platform.

>> No.6155457

I showed you a quote from the actual creator. That trumps anything you can provide. It’s also easily corroborated by displaying the game on a properly calibrated television. Sorry. You lose.

>> No.6155469

I am technically and mechanically correct.
Shush lil' zoomy. Enjoy your wrong colors and leave everyone else in peace.

>> No.6155472

anything that has a purple sky

>> No.6155476

Game emulates with blue sky so stop that stupid foced meme already

>> No.6155483

>using a palette with inaccurate colors
>wonders why the colors are wrong

>> No.6155492

Yeah we all know that you do that zoomie

>> No.6155493
File: 9 KB, 1172x896, Super Mario Bros. (World)-200124-231053.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Works fine on my machine. :^)

>> No.6155495


>> No.6155496 [SPOILER] 
File: 441 KB, 873x720, 1579918503349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>claims the game emulates with blue sky
>game emulates with purple sky

>> No.6155502
File: 170 KB, 770x768, NaAg3QPchF_wbGKyhHa23IUFud-n9CUFbaNy-oqOIQY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not purple enough actually. Number 4 is the closest to accurate.

>> No.6155507

>I am absolutely befuddled at this game's reception. Is it really that good? I've always found the appeal of Mario to be severely overrated.

Whenever you look at a retro game, you need to look at the historical context. The best platform game up until the release of SMB was Pitfall on the Atari 2600. And SMB was packed in with the console to boot.

>> No.6155551

Found the problem

>> No.6155637

There were still a couple of games even back then that got shit on by those types for the violence.
Namely Texas Chainsaw Massacre on Atari (because you played as Leatherface) and Chiller (a light gun game where half the levels involved shooting people in torture chambers)

>> No.6155674

Post the un-translated Japanese please

>> No.6155767

What's wrong with befuddled
Also that was so close to a GET, sad

>> No.6155772

What about the FDS version compared to the NES one?

>> No.6155785 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't know about the 1up in 8-2 right before the hard jump, giving you infinite retries
>he doesn't know about the mushroom and fire flower blocks in 8-3 that guarantee you a fire mario to kill all the hammer bros

>> No.6155797 [DELETED] 

Not everybody is a manbaby who has all day to play Mario games. Some of us talk to girls.

>> No.6155805 [DELETED] 

That's RGB, genius

>> No.6155808
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6155823

Death of the Author.

>> No.6155853 [DELETED] 

>I-I have a g-gf.
At least come up with better excuse.

>> No.6155861 [DELETED] 

I don't have a "girlfriend" that's cuck shit.
>y-you wish you could get married

>> No.6155872

As a 37 year old that fell in love with games based heavily on my early experiences with SMB I can say definitively that you probably shouldn't bother. It's been surpassed by such a huge margin that I really don't think it has much to offer if you've played plenty of other games. I say that with love. It's an all time favorite but it's just not as good as 500 games made since. Is it better than Bubsy? Fucking of course. But even B tier platformers later are better. It's a relic of the time and should be appreciated the way you would an early Van Gogh. But it's not the best game ever or even in the genre. Hell it's not even the best Mario on NES.

>> No.6155887

>And the SEGA Genesis practically drove the stake into the heart of arcades as the place to go to play the hottest games.
I wouldn't go that far, but it certainly made the possibility of serviceable ports viable. Maybe I was lucky but my local arcades only started suffering a permanent decline in the very late 90s/early 00s.

>> No.6155893

I grew up with both the NES and SNES. I don't agree with the OP, but something about SMB1 and SMW being the default game that's bundled with the console, made the game seem... less.. cool somehow?

>> No.6155897

>Maybe I was lucky
You were lucky. As soon as 1993 came, it turned off like a switch in WA.

>> No.6155903
File: 834 KB, 800x1144, original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badly photoshopped. Nice try.

>> No.6155904

>but I can't think of any better platformers,

>> No.6155905



>> No.6155909

The sky isn't purple? Next thing you'll tell me that it's not called the Sega System...

>> No.6155948

Yeah, it took Gen6 getting into full swing to start killing ours big ones. Smaller mall arcades in the area mostly died in the early 90s save one that actually opened in 92 and made it somewhere until 95-97.

>> No.6155951

I don't think I could ever see a copy of SMB runming and not take a few minutes to blast through a couple levels. It will always be great

>> No.6156003

It's the kind of thing a zoomer says when they're trying to sound clever. But then out them as a fool because they can't manage to load up a game in an emulator and try it.

>> No.6156332

yep, rewind all the way.

>> No.6156350

I had a mall arcade survive all the way up to the fucking early 2010s, that place was like a god damn fossil. It was across from a mall theater and I think most of their business was just teenagers buying movies tickets and then going to play some games while they wait for their movie to come on. Sadly the theater in that mall moved to a new location and the arcade vanished immediately. It's all just a big clothes store now and it makes me sad whenever I go by there.

>> No.6156356


>> No.6156464

If you want to see what the original SMB sky looks like then just boot up NES online on the Switch then go to options, screen settings and choose pixel perfect or whatever it's called. Nintendo obviously couldn't fuck this up themselves

>> No.6156512

>I have bad taste and always have, but it wasn't apparent until I had more choices

>> No.6156523

>randomly glitching around when jumping
>random knockback

>> No.6156524

actually, they are not same but harder versions of levels with the same layout, so they are still diferent.

they do become identical by the 2nd quest though

>> No.6156776

this game is like the citizen kane of retro vidya

>> No.6156824

You have to understand, this shit was the coolest thing ever when it came out. It was massive and complex, and people were thrilled. The rest is history.

>> No.6157245

Hello zoomer

>> No.6157507

for being the first video game ever made its pretty damn groundbreaking

>> No.6157512

>emulators have color settings

>> No.6157519


>> No.6157524

There's no way a stupid cancer nigger like you can read Japanese.

>> No.6157529

>8 to adult
Beat it in Kindergarten, fuck you, NoA.

>> No.6157580

This is a powerful post a very powerful thread !:some would say too powerful...

>> No.6158127

I always thought this was a huge reason for super marios bros approachability and success

Games with a blue sky were rare. And the black sky levels are ominous

>> No.6158154

Now that's some bait with originality, 10/10 for effort

>> No.6158162
File: 4 KB, 271x250, 1555254257311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is joust in any way shape or form similar to SMB

>> No.6158194

Zelda II is good and doesn't deserve its hate but this is a little much.

>> No.6158628

Because until then there was no other game which was this good. The sequels are much better, but Super Mario Bros. was completely unprecedented.
That said, without having played it, how could you have a definite opinion?

>How should I play it?
However you want, kinda, just make sure it involves a gamepad.

Incorrect opinion.

I could MAYBE see you compare the original single screen arcade game to Joust, but you're out of your fucking mind if you think the game OP is talking about is comparable.

>> No.6158646

I mean I GUESS.

This, SMB absolutely nails inertia, Mario really feels like a chubby Italian plumber trying to retain his footing.

They have enough story for what they're supposed to be.

>> No.6158648

Texas Chainsaw Massacre was stupidly tame, Chiller was actually incredibly graphically violent for the time, and still even.

>> No.6158656

You guys are all luckier than me, in Sweden, arcade machines and pinball tables were declared to be gambling in 1982, and were seldom seen, due to requiring a gambling license to house in an establishment.

Fucking hate this country.

>> No.6158657

Filthy casual.

>> No.6158658

let's be honest Castlevania completely dumpstered it just a year later

>> No.6158675

>How should I play it?
Be 5, have nothing else to play. That's how was that reception formed.

>> No.6158730

The smooth scrolling and works size are certainly important but what makes Mario is the inertia

and Castlevania has no inertia - not to mention a completely opposite tone and setting but Castlevania doesn't even "dumpster" Makaimura

its like the majority of /vr/ hasn't even played the games they try to act like authorities on

>> No.6158878

Its popularity is largely because it came free with the console.

>> No.6158931

Keyboard isn't comforfable for platformers, I'd know, I've done Super Metroid with it before.

It's not as fast, Simon Belmont doesn't feel like he has any weight to him. I still like it.

>but what makes Mario is the inertia
Right, but only the swimming segments properly mirror Joust at all.

>> No.6158937

So did Combat, I think, but SMB kicks its ass.

>> No.6159036

At the time it changed how games were made.
Sith tight, responsive controls with a level of gravity to the movement that immediately felt right to any new player, and a smooth scrolling of the screen through the level, it had never been done before and set a standard which, sadly, some bad devs still cant match today.

>> No.6159052

>how should I play it
With a controller

>> No.6160809

>how should I play it
Turn it on, press start, and play.

>> No.6160825
File: 551 KB, 1280x720, maker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even Nintendo knows there was purple skies.

>> No.6160834
File: 262 KB, 1280x720, marrio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6160997
File: 151 KB, 600x404, 15694600240322.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a vintage photo straight from my mom's album

>> No.6161014

imagine judging other people's worth according to their ability to beat a video game.

>> No.6161102

Imagine being so upset at being a failure in all things that you strawman

>> No.6161163

I think Mario is a pretty cool guy. Eh kills turtles and doesn't afraid of anything.

>> No.6161303

I will if those people insist on having opinions on games.

>> No.6161542

Imagine refusing to accept your strawman because you looked like a retard.

Using save states doesn't mean you are inept nor impatient.

>> No.6161590

Nah it's not very good. Try the 2D remake, it's OK but still suffers from shitty handling, in Mario every level is a goddamn ice level.

>> No.6161605

Casual. I've been keebing pretty much every game since I discovered emulation in 1996.

>> No.6161624

I keeb'd your mom.

>> No.6161819
File: 193 KB, 624x468, mario.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Purple skies are canon.

>> No.6161854

It came out the year before I was born, so by the time I was old enough to appreciate it, I already had SMB2/3 which are easier, more interesting, and look better. I tried to beat it plenty of times including in Super Mario All-Stars, but I found it pretty hard and never did beat it.

>> No.6161934

Mesen core with a frame of run ahead on a VRR display, hylian filter, and a Wii U pro controller or native hardware with a CRT.

>> No.6161947

You will never understand because you're a retarded zoomer. There was nothing like Super Mario Bros. when it came out. Everyone was playing it, everyone was talking about it. It may not be much to look at today, and it would later be surpassed both in hype and by just doing the same thing even better by Super Mario Bros. 3, but it was truly something special in 85/86

>> No.6161953

I had a similar experience. I had 3 at home, and the only time I got to play 1 was at my aunt's house.
It was ugly, the physics felt weird, only one powerup, and you couldn't go backwards.

I appreciate it more now, but mainly in a historical sense.

>> No.6161957

You mean this?

>> No.6162112

I used to keyboard it way back in the day, I've beat a bunch of SNES games that way, but eventually a got a USB gamepad, and it's just way more comfortable. Still use that same cheap piece of crap.

I had 1 and 3, but not 2, only got to play that many years later on emulator. I was both mystified and amazed at how weird and different it was.

>> No.6162471


I said "inept" and "impatient", not "inferior" or "evil" or anything like that. Of course it's okay to be inept at something, stupid insecure anon. And of course it's okay to be impatient with a game that you aren't enjoying or don't care about.

>> No.6162512

In Europe this was the game that convinced gamers to leave their C64's, Spectrum's etc behind and get an NES. There was NOTHING on them that remotely compared to Super Mario Brothers.

>> No.6162517

This OP is like four baits in one post. Impressive.

>> No.6162523


>> No.6162545

I don't recall a lot of people caring a whole lot about Mario or Nintendo in Europe until the SNES or the Gameboy to GBA. There wasn't a big Nintendo presence where I lived and the mere handful I came across that knew of him were usually extremely wealthy or affluent (and also obnoxious assholes).

Almost nobody in my country knew a whole lot about Mario and when I first came across it, I literally thought it was shovelware. I thought it was gimmicky, looked kind of shit and annoying and found tabletop games and the outdoors and my friends lot more entertaining.
By the time Nintendo started getting a presence, everyone was more into SEGA or Playstation and had a Gameboy to go along with them, and we only had one for Pokemon. Even then, nobody cared a lot about Mario or talked about him.

>> No.6162560

What are you a boomer or a zoomer?

>> No.6162826

Your inability to reading comprehension or form a sensible argument means you're inept

>> No.6162918
File: 17 KB, 507x485, 1572439621819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting good and running through classic Super Mario Bros. is one of the most satisfying things in video games. Then Miyamoto, in his infinite wisdom, gave us Super Mario Bros. 2 on FDS so that we can continue to get good and obtain more satisfaction. Once your good at Lost Levels other run-and-jump platformers are boring except maybe N++

Play an older game like Ice Climber and you'll see why Mario 1 was such a big deal when it came out. The amount of control you have over Mario while contending with his momentum is liberating yet challenging and satisfying to master, when you can duck jump and slide and fidget around just right to cut through the obstacle courses like butter.

>> No.6162928

>wearing shoes at home in the living room
I only ever saw cartoon characters and weirdos doing that

>> No.6163025

Not just that but the way it weaves at least four baits organically into one OP is subtle and masterful.

>> No.6163027

That's shag carpet in the 80's. When vacuum cleaners used high tech "blow air into bag with fan" technology and steam cleaning was rare and expensive. Running around the living room in anything short of hazmat boots was risky.

>> No.6163028

Let me get the straight, Is it blue or purple?

>> No.6163084

Being barefoot in the shag felt good tho, if you kept it clean. Maybe it was so dirty because you walked on it in shoes.

>> No.6163121

Not everyone's mom was a clean freak

>> No.6163245

>you have to be a clean freak to not wear fucking shoes inside
The sweaty feet, the soles that stepped in shit outside, just fucking ew

>> No.6163254

The sky is purple-ish blue
go fuck urself contrarians

>> No.6163314

Shag gets dirty because it's made of long pieces of yarn that's difficult to clean. A little dirt from your shoes is nothing compared to the shit that can get into it from the inside of the house. Literally ever crumb of shit dropped on the floor gets in there and can't be removed with a home vacuum cleaner from that period. Every spill requires major cleanup and leaves behind shit that's impossible to get out without steam cleaning. Not sure whether you never had shag or never had the 80s but you clearly never experienced the "joy" of both.

>> No.6163334

How old are you? This is one of those “had to be there titles” to really understand and appreciate. It would be like trying to watch silent film and expect to be as engrossed as some marvel shit.

>> No.6163341

>Wanting peoples sweaty socks on your floor

>> No.6163351

OP literally made this to get so many (You)s
It's clearly bait

>> No.6164215

Spectrum maybe, but the C64 has enough good games most probably held on to it at the time (sometimes your parents wanted to use the TV). The leap between C64 and NES isn't as dramatic as the leap between 2600 and NES.

It varied depending on country as I understand, NES got popular pretty fast here in Sweden, but I hear people were reluctant to pick it up in the UK.

Apparently it's somewhat common in America, it's the only thing which disgusts me about the American people as a collective. If anything it's perplexing from the perspective of comfort; if I've been at school, work, or out doing errands all day, I need to take those fucking things off and let my feet breathe.

>> No.6164230

That's why I never liked the idea of full carpeting, if I can't roll it up and wash it or in the worst case throw it away, I don't fucking want it.
I hear old houses in the UK sometimes have honest to god fucking carpeting in the bathroom, which just makes me squirm thinking about it.

>> No.6164245

>The leap between C64 and NES isn't as dramatic as the leap between 2600 and NES
The basic NES hardware is pretty limited and not much more advanced than a C64, in fact it's more limiting and difficult to use in some ways. A lot of games especially later ones were made possible with MMC3 and other mappers that allowed tricks like spooling graphics from the cartridge ROM in real time.

>> No.6164250

Didn't this have a Famicom Disk System release? Thought I had the ROM but I don't. Because better sound quality.

>> No.6164253

Nope. No one I've even given the directions to do it even believes me. Fuck them and fuck you too if you doubt me. No, you have to go through the entire game without shortcuts or warps without getting hit or dying, then you have to jump backwards through a specific pipe, and there's more. If I feel like it, I'll make a video.

There's a hidden difficulty setting between the copyright and the second player option. Again, if you doubt me, fuck you.

>> No.6164260

It did but it's the same game and it doesn't use the FDS's sound chip.

>> No.6164262

Honestly, I'm not even that privy to the technical specs, I'm just going by the games I played. I know that's actually not that accurate.

>> No.6164264

Well dammit.

>> No.6164289

The basic NES can't even generate a raster IRQ without a hax trick that costs you a sprite. It's also incredibly timing sensitive. You have only a limited amount of clock cycles to do everything and the PPU registers have to be refreshed every frame and hit in the right order or you won't even get anything to display on screen.

The C64 is very forgiving by comparison, you can hit the VIC-II registers pretty much any time you feel like it. It's also much cleaner and you seldom have flicker, slowdown, and scrolling artifacts all of which are a routine occurrence on NES games.

>> No.6164301
File: 11 KB, 480x360, smbfds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not completely true. The sound is the same but the Famicom Disk System version has a different minus world.


>> No.6164409

Treat it like a true platformer and you'll realise its quality.

Each level is like an obstacle course and as you progress through the game it requires increasing mastery of Mario's movement physics, speed control and jumping mechanics.

>> No.6164423

I find silent movies fascinating.

>> No.6164862

>marvel assemblyline capeshit

>> No.6165092

its purple

>> No.6165146

>purpleISH 'one'

>> No.6165303

We had wall to wall shag carpeting everywhere, including the bathroom, when I was a kid. Everyone I know did. It was fucking retarded. But I learned from my parents mistakes. All my floors are wood, tile, or stone. If I want fabric I can throw down a rug. One that won't fuck up the roomba.

You don't need a raster IQ so much when you don't have to change the palette every line for your two color sprites. You also don't need to do a lot of "everything" when you have hardware that does most of it for you. The NES is actually much easier to code for. The reason C64 stuff is "cleaner" is because we had to do all that shit ourselves in software instead of just copy a few lines of example code. It's very easy to have horrible visual glitches on the C64 if you're a lazy slob who doesn't take pride in your work.

>> No.6165339

Nonetheless some NES games do do midline color changes. It's not easy because there's only a few cycles where it can be pulled off without trashing your graphics display. There is also the occasional game that changes CHR banks in mid-frame, Pirates! is one that does this.

>> No.6165343

MMC3 makes NES coding a fuckton easier because it provides a real IRQ timer.

>> No.6165359

Then again...


Or Commando. The NES port has bleepy music against that god-level Ron Hubbard soundtrack and it's a glitchy, flickery mess.


>> No.6165369 [DELETED] 

BTW, Ron Hubbard was amazed that they could pull off Maniac Mansion on the NES given all the difficulty they had fitting it into the C64's memory space.

>> No.6165373

But he died in 1986 before Maniac Mansion was even released.
Did he predict it in one of his books?

>> No.6165379

It's not that difficult if you understand how NES games work. MM is an MMC1 game and has separate 16k banks for the engine, level data, sound, etc. Basically you just swap in the data from the ROM as you need it and then swap it back out again. On the C64 you can't do that, you have to load all the level/graphics/sound data from disk and store it in memory as one big piece which is really space-hogging. Also MM on the NES didn't need additional infrastructure for the sprite multiplexer, disk fastloader, or anti-hacking checksums.

And finally, the NES can flip sprites in hardware so you don't need separate frames for each direction your characters are facing.

>> No.6165385

Surely you mean Ron Gilbert?

>> No.6165545

>You don't need a raster IQ so much when you don't have to change the palette every line for your two color sprite
Split screen scrolling? Derp.

>> No.6165560

>but the world building and atmosphere are shallow and almost non-existent
Who cares?

>> No.6165669

Nothing wrong with using a tool at your disposal if you have a use for it.

Reading comprehension? Derp.

>> No.6165701

Midline changes on the NES are done during the HBLANK and you have only a tiny window to do it. Also note that unlike the C64, the NES does not have scanline interrupts, only counters so your code loop has to poll them. The C64 actually doesn't have a VBLANK interrupt like a lot of systems, but it's not really necessary since you can just set up a scanline IRQ to activate when it goes to the top of the screen. I think the reason why you have to refresh the PPU registers every frame is because there's no RAM underneath them like how the C64's I/O area at $D000-$DFFF has RAM under it. No RAM to hold the register contents means they fade immediately and you have to hit them every frame.

>> No.6165727

Imagine being american

>> No.6165738


>> No.6165831
File: 663 KB, 1800x1200, 1573981261606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We had wall to wall shag carpeting everywhere, including the bathroom

>> No.6165832

I wish. The only problem I would need to solve would be to make sure people take off their shoes when they come in, which I could do at gunpoint.

>> No.6165929


>> No.6166214
File: 89 KB, 700x982, SMB3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mario 1 was good but THIS bad boy really nailed it. I was blown away as a kid over how good it was.

>> No.6166220

Uh, mario was suppose to be a popeye game based on pacland.

And while I'm here, sonic was inspired by ghouls and ghost, and Mickey's castle of illusion.

>> No.6166221


>> No.6166238

I'm still stuck on it. It's a really good retro platformer.

>> No.6166239

Mario is kind of like doom in that it is fast and easy to pick up and can be played it short bursts.

>> No.6166814

It's blue.

>> No.6166867

NES has, what, 2k of writable memory?

>> No.6166882

>How should I play it?

In 1989 on Christmas day as a 9 year old on your family's big old wood console tv with slate top via RF to spade adapter that took your dad an hour to hook up because he was nervous and swore that if he hooked it up wrong it would fry your color tv which was still very expensive at the time as they were made to last. I also highly suggest hearing the playground rumor a few months from then on the "100 lives" trick on level 3-1. This will give your 9 year old self plenty lives to beat it for the first time, and also let you practice it enough to get good and no longer need the "100 lives" trick. You better enjoy this game because other than an occasional rental, it will be 11 months until your birthday when you get Double Dragon 2 which you will absolutely love and have a great time playing with your childhood friends.

If you're asking what's the best way to play it now, I'd say on a real NES hooked to a consumer grade crt.

>> No.6166892

Mario games are fun and comfy.

>> No.6166893

Sounds pretty neat, I'm old hat at mario and would love to see a video on this as it's the first time I've heard about it. Not doubting you either, I would genuinely love to see it.

>> No.6166898
File: 116 KB, 606x418, Joust-Concept-Art-001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the dude who posted it, but here's a concept sketch. Joust is legit my favorite game ever.

>> No.6166903

>You better enjoy this game because other than an occasional rental, it will be 11 months until your birthday when you get Double Dragon 2 which you will absolutely love and have a great time playing with your childhood friends.

Meanwhile in other countries you could get hundreds of computer games at the grocery store where there was a huge pile of cassettes for £7 a piece and every week you'd pick up another one. And you could copy and trade them with your mates at school. Wouldn't that be so much better than getting a £40 Nintendo cartridge once every six months?

Better even than that, you could make your own computer game if you wanted while you can't do that on a NES, only professional game studios got to make games for it.

>> No.6166909

Yeah it would have been cool but burgers in rural iowa didn't do computers other than apple II in school until 93-95. It would have been a fun thing to experience. I usually got to rent a game about twice a month and friends usually had a handful of games so we did get a little variety, but not what would have been on computers.

>> No.6166910

Yeh but at a price, namely you could get dozens of £7 games that were barely even playable.

>> No.6166916

Is it me or do I have a distinct memory of seeing this same exact copypasted post before with the anon rambling about his hick school in Iowa that had Apple IIs?

>> No.6166921

Oh no, don't make me post the Zniggy comic again. You know what I'm talking about.

>> No.6166927

Trash taste. Only got into playing the NES in 2011 and there's an absolute heap of games worth playing. You're missing out on great games like Bionic Commando.

>> No.6166930

nobody had a computer at home back then unless their dad worked in IT

>> No.6166936

zoomerified physics
still a great game

>> No.6166957
File: 555 KB, 935x697, donkey kong 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I noticed something when I saw Donkey Kong 3.

>> No.6166980

It really is a kickass game, it's probably the one entry on the NES which holds up better than any other. Like there's a bunch of really great NES titles, but is there any other which is as consistently good from start to finish?

>> No.6166983

What would zoomerified mean? The game predates gen Z by decades.

>> No.6167007
File: 152 KB, 698x462, creatures 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The giant-ass bird thing on this section of Creatures 2 would be damn near impossible on the NES because its sprites are too small.

>> No.6167015

I agree Creatures 2 looks kinda cool and the NES would not have been able to pull a lot of that stuff off. Too bad it's unbelievably cheap and almost impossibly difficult.

>> No.6167018

On /vr/, 'zoomer' is a buzzword for 'refined'.

>> No.6167039
File: 93 KB, 600x507, 1573888468421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6167063

Westone/Sega's Wonderboy. Namco's 1984 (arguably better graphics) Pac-Land.

>> No.6167064


>> No.6167265

You aren't sure?

>> No.6167325
File: 6 KB, 239x219, NES_01.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES games always look so monochromatic despite the bigger colour palette.

>> No.6167437

Not at all. The only thing that would have been difficult is the background.

>> No.6167453
File: 44 KB, 480x360, Dcofu14U8AAn5Rp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Closest thing I could find on the NES was the Thunderbird in Zelda II but he's not that big. Trouble is, the NES's sprites are only 8x8 so you can cover a maximum width of 64 pixels with them while the C64's sprites can cover 192 pixels.

>> No.6167495

The two main things the NES does better than the C64 is the faster CPU speed and the hardware sprite flipping.

>> No.6167710

Unrelated to the topic but am I the only one who finds the wii u gamepad's d-pad to suck ass? Always reminds me of the DS Lite d-pad which was much worse than the original DS and every subsequent iteration. In fact, I can't think of a single worse pad on a nintendo console barring the useless gamecube version.

>> No.6167737

>remove the background
>make the boss using tiles
done. plenty of nes games use this technique.

>> No.6167771



The trick you're referring to is used heavily in MM1. Though the enemies still don't move that much--the Yellow Devil is stationary and Wily's robot only moves left and right, it doesn't bounce up and down and side to side like the bird guy in Creatures 2.

>> No.6167781

Salamander has some that are animated.

>> No.6168581


>> No.6168743

You get what you pay for, almost all of those £7 games were fucking bland, dull, and terrible. Shit levels, shit gameplay, shit controls.
What the fuck is it with Brits and Spaniards being content with ultra cheap garbage games which some teenager hammered out in his bedroom in a few months? Why weren't your standards higher? Why did so many of you settle for the ZX Autism Spectrum?

>> No.6168751
File: 41 KB, 421x421, 1571784210308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wouldn't that be so much better than getting a £40 Nintendo cartridge once every six months?
What kind of obscene poorfag cope is this? This must be bait.

>> No.6168756

>what are rentals?
and then you'd buy the game if you REALLY liked it

>> No.6168760

Never forget that Nintendo of Japan were obsessed with eradicating rentals and tried unsuccessfully to get them banned in the US and Europe.

>> No.6168765

Exactly! You could try out a game for a fraction of the cost of buying it, maybe rent it multiple times, and if you found something you really liked you bought it.
That's far better than buying bunch of games for $60 which invariably will be buffalo diarrhea and devoid of content or replayability.

>> No.6168769

The speed issue is the biggest one by far. Games like Mega Man would be damn near impossible to do well on a C64 simply because they have a lot of stuff moving around and the NES is 75% faster.

Castlevania was ported on the C64 and came out ok (better if they had had more time to fine tune it) because it's a slower game without a lot of sprites moving at once.

>> No.6168774

>You get what you pay for, almost all of those £7 games were fucking bland, dull, and terrible. Shit levels, shit gameplay, shit controls.
>what is Turrican, Giana Sisters, James Pond, Sensible Soccer, Dizzy, Creatures, and Jack the Nipper

>> No.6168781 [DELETED] 


Yeah this would be awfully hard to do on a C64 due to the speed of the game and the later Mega Mans wouldn't even possible at all because they're MMC3 and rely on being able to spool graphics data out of the cartridge in real time.

>> No.6168787

Yeah the enemy respawns. That happens a lot in NES games and is due to there only being 2k of RAM so it can't keep track of enemies you killed. A lot of later games have added cartridge RAM to solve this problem.

>> No.6168898

A) Dizzy was NOT good, and B), that's a tiny selection out of a pool of games almost entirely shit.

>> No.6168916

>A) Dizzy was NOT good
Not really, no. Though it didn't stop the Oliver brothers from bragging how much better they were than Nintendo.

>> No.6168919

The programmer who worked on MC Kids said adding cartridge RAM was more expensive, but well worth it since the game would have had had considerably simplified physics otherwise.

>> No.6168926

The NES has only 44k memory space (40k ROM+2k WRAM+2k VRAM). That's less even than the ZX Spectrum.

>> No.6168947

Ha ha, good luck doing Mega Man on the Spectrum when it has just frame buffer graphics and the CPU has to do all the work.

>> No.6168974

That's the funniest fucking thing I've read all day.

>> No.6168978

Yet the ZX has only shit games, while the NES has a hundred classics.

>> No.6168986
File: 57 KB, 485x443, Maise Williams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me speccy
luv me cassettes

save the quid you'd spend on nintender cartridges an' pick up an extra pint innit

>> No.6168987

even them must have been exposed to mario. tho, that doesn't mean they care.

>> No.6169014


>> No.6169131

The trouble is you can't into making games. You could read every wikipedia article on the number of sprites x has and that wouldn't help. That thunderbird could be as big as you wanted. Twice the size. The whole screen. Even bigger. I basically spoon fed you the answer in my last post. The fact that you still don't get it says it all.

>> No.6169139

Not him but IIRC the NES has pretty small sprites. A lot of games did a cheat trick by using background tiles to simulate large enemies but it's hard to make large animated objects on the NES due to the # of sprites required and the scanline limit.

>> No.6169165

what are the sprite capabilities of the NES anyway? i never looked into it.

>> No.6169191

Castlevania was way more important and cooler than this piece of shit

>> No.6169216

NES has 64 8x8 sprites with a limit of 8 per line. They can also be flipped up, down, left, or right. Sprites are three colors and there are three separate sprite palettes that can be set. If you go over the scanline limit, the additional ones aren't rendered and the PPU throws up an overflow flag. Game engines usually test for this and rotate through the sprites which causes flicker. There are no collision detection registers.

>> No.6169249


But yeah, NES games are inherently prone to graphics glitches due to the system architecture and it's something even the best games/programmers couldn't overcome.

>> No.6169325
File: 33 KB, 680x325, Poofs get out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NES doesn't have Horace. Checkmate

>> No.6169387

Not hard to make large animated objects at all. The background works just peachy. Of course anything is hard if you don't know how to do it.

>> No.6169528
File: 25 KB, 600x400, trash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is that underage assembly language LARPer guy.

>> No.6169534

What the fuck are you talking about, schizo?

>> No.6169605

Dude who always rants about how he's an assembly language god and he programmed this and that and he can never actually prove he's done what he claims he's done.

>> No.6169607

>being this obsessed with anonymous strangers

>> No.6169962

Every so often this guy shows up and starts calling people "the assembly LARPer". I don't know when he started but he's been doing it for quite a while. He obviously got seriously BTFO some time back and has been seething ever since. Truly pathetic.

>> No.6170240

Yeah, the NES doesn't have Horace, hence it's better.

>> No.6170260

Excuse me, gen 3 JRPGs are amazing

>> No.6170292



>> No.6170314

Yes, your country is indeed full of them.

>> No.6170319

I know, it’s like WHAT WERE THEY THINKING??

>> No.6170326
File: 102 KB, 900x900, Norf FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luv me speccy
luv me horace
luv me Amiger
luv me Horace
luv me cassettes

'ate nintender
'ate zoomers
'ate you
'ate jannies

Simple as

>> No.6170338

Mario is a bit of an overrated character. The fact that he was/is a Nintendo product is the reason he is still relevant. I respect his legacy and I understand that breeds a lot of loyalty, but I've never wanted to play any of his games a second time.

>> No.6170546

>I respect his legacy and I understand that breeds a lot of loyalty, but I've never wanted to play any of his games a second time.
You know he's not a real person... right?

>> No.6171054

Kirby and most late term NES games look that way because developers were making games for Gameboy at the same time.

>> No.6171096

Original hardware; the GB version zooms in too tightly instead of properly scaling the screen to match the GB screen. The Nintendo Virtual Consoles might do in a pinch.

>> No.6171119

It's a shitload of fuck.

>> No.6171180


>> No.6171250
File: 107 KB, 1280x782, 8746D1AA-7B50-49AC-AFE7-4319C62208AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am absolutely befuddled at this vehicles reception. Is it really that good? I've always found the appeal of the Model T to be severely overrated.
I haven't driven this one so I'd like to know how best to drive what is supposedly the quintessential automotive experience. How should I drive it?

>> No.6171490

>I'm that underage assembly language LARPer LARPer guy
Top kek kid. Still seething I see. So that was you strutting your console comparison cart knowledge again? You know, if you'd spend half as much time learning assembly as you do looking at infographics and shitposting you'd know assembly like the rest of us and could stop embarrassing yourself.

>> No.6171541


>> No.6171614

Also why does he call people LARPers? Blanking out the background is a really well-known trick on the NES. Look at Blaster Master, for example.

>> No.6171962


Projecting, I guess. I think he honestly believes that no one could possibly learn assembly because he can't. All these games grew on trees or something. Zniggy was a government conspiracy grown at that place they faked the moon landing. He's obviously got issues.

>> No.6172142

norf f.c
more like NONCE f.c

>> No.6172218
File: 51 KB, 256x256, Baz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't get shirty with me lad I'll bash your 'ead I swear on me speccy

>> No.6172714

It's embarrassing that this thread hit bump limit lol

>> No.6173095


>> No.6173097

It hasn't, we have almost 200 more posts to go, unless the jannies made it autosage, which would probably be the smart thing.

>> No.6173128
File: 205 KB, 1594x1240, Soft southern fairy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6173131

Threads autosage when they're two weeks old.

>> No.6173136

The NES needed external cartridge hardware to do things that a C64 could do out of the box especially an IRQ timer.

>> No.6173137

No it’s bad. The wii u controller in general feels shitty to hold.

>> No.6173139

Damn I thought 300 was bump limit. Maybe it’s just that way on /tv/.

>> No.6173145

man, the NES was $200 against a computer that was $600 at launch?

>> No.6173148

The NES is somewhat of a purpose-built machine for games that scroll and have a lot of moving stuff. So while it will always have the advantage for those kinds of games, its strengths don't translate as well to other game genres especially sit-down strategy titles.

>> No.6173152

didn't that dude who did the SMB port on the C64 say it was a huge bitch to pull off?

>> No.6173158

Well yeah, SMB was designed around the NES's hardware and plays to its strengths. Something like Defender of the Crown...the NES version was shit, it's not good at that kind of a game.

>> No.6173159

The Norf meme somehow makes me think of that SCP story about the Hapsburgs. Probably because of the implied inbreeding.

I forgot about that genius little feature by our benefactors.

Varies between boards. Typically only big generals on /vr/ manage to rack up 500 posts before two weeks. Used to be that you could actually have long and drawn out threads which lasted for over a month, where you could just calmly discus some game over a long period of time with lots of people. That was bad somehow, so we can't have that.
This is why the Rollercoaster Tycoon and Sim City generals had to merge into a general builder/simulation thread, yet they still weren't active enough to be able to outrun the arbitrary two week limit, real shame, those were chill while they lasted.

>> No.6173161

King's Quest V on the NES is total garbage, never play it.

>> No.6173170

Though that's a port of a PC game not a C64 one.

>> No.6173190

You think the NES didn't have a better Maniac Mansion even with being censored?

>> No.6173278

was there any side scroller games that existed somewhere before Mario did?
im curious to see if any other games tried it before Nintendo

>> No.6173745


>> No.6174412

There were some on arcades, obviously with hardware built for exactly that.
I imagine there must have been others, before John Carmack devised a way to have smooth scrolling on 1990 era home computers (him and his pals doing a reasonably close demo imitation of SMB3, impressive considering how the NES was purpose built for these kinds of games, and the computers they were using very much weren't), there were some games which did various ways of pseudo scrolling, like shifting a full screen in one go (so not really scrolling), or half a screen, probably one where it shifted a row of graphic tiles at a time.

>> No.6175664

Mario 1 is a little clunky, but as >>6154717 said, it was pretty game changing for the era.
Mario 3 is where the series gets good, and it's a rollercoaster of quality from there.

>> No.6175784


>> No.6175796


>> No.6175804

plebbest of opinions

>> No.6175864
File: 363 KB, 600x404, 1580120222421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture of me as a kid playing NES and proof of purple skies. Ya'll must be living in some Mandela effect alternate universe or something.

>> No.6176301

shops like these will be the end of us.

>> No.6176773

Five more days until autosage.

>> No.6176776

Your thick ass glasses dont make me trust you nerd

>> No.6177076


>> No.6177724

I am absolutely befuddled at this thread’s longevity. Is it really that good?

>> No.6177731

Zoomer bait thread is disappointingly successful.

>> No.6177742
File: 128 KB, 552x461, vr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6177810
File: 126 KB, 1280x720, Zoomer headlock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Das rite zoomy

>> No.6177815
File: 68 KB, 800x579, Prime teen pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No go back to /v/ while we play Mario and cuck your women

>> No.6177990

If that were the case, then every game that comes shoved with a console would be as significant as this one. It's really just a matter of the game being a solid game and that's it.

>> No.6178008

Now this is right on the money!! The only thing that compares to it would have come later with Super Mario World for the SNES.

>> No.6178381


>> No.6179027
File: 21 KB, 687x500, slash vee ar slash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread

>> No.6179106

for a 1984 video game it's amazing in terms of gameplay

>> No.6179208


>> No.6179213

The english language is weird, man

>> No.6179237
File: 157 KB, 1001x563, World War Sip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6180040

This is the one thread keeping me alive.

>> No.6181256

damn shawty ok

>> No.6181262

I'm just gonna say, this guy i'm replying to is a fucking retard

>> No.6182903
File: 15 KB, 222x235, hitler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a devilish OP, OP.

>> No.6182939

That TV just invoked some nostalgic memories of my great grandmother's house.

>> No.6182953

Quintessential is difficult because ideally you'd be playing it on an original nes. I have. It's not the same but it's not really that different if you play it on an emulator with a controller. You won't get the optimal experience but you'll get a very good experience.

>> No.6182960

The original sky is purple? What the fuck

>> No.6182965

If it's too much for you to believe, just go plug in your NES and find out yourself.

>> No.6182998

Can confirm, it's purple on my AV modded Famicom

>> No.6183684

Pac-Land looks and feels like a prototype. what are you talking about

>> No.6183781

on my consumer magnavox tv it's purple with a deep blue glow
on my pvm it's light blue with a purplish tint
there's a big difference

>> No.6183804
File: 239 KB, 500x448, bait.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>screenshot of game with deliberately "purple" sky
>"i just don't get it" zoomer-tier posturing
>something something overrated
Yep, this was destined to get (You)s for days.

>> No.6184483
File: 2.05 MB, 1296x972, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice shop nig nog bing bong

>> No.6184517

Your's is the shop. I can tell by some of the pixels.

>> No.6185246

SMB3 was better. But the first one was awe-inspiring at the time. It’s impossible to convey how much of a paradigm shift that game was for the mainstream video game audience. Prior to this, the most in-depth game most people knew was Pitfall.

>> No.6185257

>The Norf meme somehow makes me think of that SCP story about the Hapsburgs. Probably because of the implied inbreeding.

Thank NHS we left the EU innit?

Great Giana sisters was better

>> No.6185363

>Great Giana sisters was better
You're being too obvious.

>> No.6185378

OK poofter

>> No.6185381

>'zoomer' is a buzzword for 'refined'.
No, it describes concessions made to inept retards

>> No.6186224

If it hurts the EU, I'm all for it.

>> No.6186228
File: 392 KB, 3107x1083, C64, Speccy, & Amstrad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


EU? More like PU!

-Baz with the bantz

>> No.6186309

Commodore 64 is good though.

>> No.6186316

It's codeword for "people who like what i don't like", and you know it.

>> No.6186318


C64 is good, like a nice warm Carling.

>> No.6186378

Then why does it always swing one way? It always describes the more broadly-appealing, inept-friendly, casual, sanded down thing. If zoomer/zoomafied really meant "people who like what I don't like" or "thing people like that I don't like" it would sometimes be applied to the inept-unfriendly thing, but it never is.

>> No.6186380

back to sucking on mama merkel's tit

>> No.6186672

Is this a fucking Maximiliano Thomsen reference?

>> No.6188682

Bump so people can still see all the retardedness on display here, esp by OP.

>> No.6188895

bumping, hell yeah man