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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6154490 No.6154490[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

My PSX just died, but I have a PS3 fat lying around. How good is the PSX emulation on PS3? Can it fully replace my PSX, or should I try getting it fixed instead?

>> No.6154504

It can emulate it, just not as well.

>> No.6154507

What does it mean exactly? Shitty framerate, graphical glitches, crashes?

>> No.6154510

there is a bit of input lag, and the colors are a bit washed out, the games I’ve tried emulate accrue enough

>> No.6154528

The emulation is bad. Like >>6154510 said there are problems and even sometimes graphical glitches.
If you're going to emulate just get a Pi, the newest one runs all PS1 at full speed and sometimes even 2x or 4x resolution.
Otherwise play on a real PSX but you'll be stuck with original resolution.

>> No.6154539

If it's a CHECHA it's fine.

>> No.6154565

Keep in mind you can play in 240p via component on the PS3. My modded PS1 isn't working ATM and I have no way to play pirated PSX stuff on my PS2 so a modded PS3 is next best in my case.

>> No.6154606

Make sure you feed it plenty of ventilation. Back and sides, no cubby hole shelves

>> No.6154648

Why buy a used PS1 when you can get a Raspberry Pi and never shut the fuck up about it?

>> No.6154674

>PS3 fat

If it is the backwards compatible one with the emotion engine on its motherboard it should do the job. But then it isn't really emulating shit.

I'd get another PSX anyway, they aren't expensive, they're quiet and draw 10 watts of power, the PS3 draws like 85 watts when idle.

>> No.6154686

PSX emulators are garbage.

>> No.6154719

Beetle is even better than the real thing

>> No.6154726

Get a $20 PS Classic and mid it with all the games you’d like to play.

>> No.6154729

PS3 passes 55% of PS1 hardware tests. Mednafen/Beetle pass 84%, so it's an objectively worse option for emulation.

>> No.6154736

Based PS3 loophole poster.

>> No.6154746

Regular ps1s are like $10 just buy another

>> No.6154824

doesn't the PS3 have the PS1 chip in it?

>> No.6154828

No, PS1 is software emulation while 20GB and 60GB PS3s have the PS2 emotion engine chip. 80GB (with 4 USB ports) removed it in favor of software emulation, and no other PS3s can play PS2.

>> No.6154837

The PS2 has the PS1 chip, the PS3 has the PS2 chip only.

>> No.6154876


Too expensive for zoomers, all their money goes to streaming thots and gamer girl bathwater.

>> No.6154893

You mean PS1, or do you actually have a PSX?

They're two separate devices.

>> No.6154906

Just pick up another at goodwill for like $15.

That's hardware level PS2 support, PS1 support is emulation.

>> No.6154924

Is there a site that compares these things? I'd like to know more

>> No.6154954

Can this board go one post without scapegoating zoomers?

>> No.6154964

t. zoomer

>> No.6154972

Fucking retard.

>> No.6154984

>or should I try getting it fixed instead?
Either repair it yourself or buy a new one (or a PS2 slim), no point in paying someone to repair a 10$ console.
Or if your PS3 plays the games you care about, then honestly just use that. PS1 games look like shit anyway, so why care if they're a little glitchy.

>> No.6155023

For some reason people have started to call the PS1 PSX you can safely assume that those retards are not talking about the PSX

>> No.6155028

I'm a boomer, it's just annoying.

>> No.6155052

The emugen wiki has the test data, and links to the specific tests and shows you how to run them. I've personally done them for standalone mednafen and beetle so I can vouch for the accuracy of those.

>> No.6155057


what kinda faggit cant spare 10 bucks for another psx? either a crackhead boomer or a poor 22 year old zoomer.

>> No.6155058

Ok enough

>> No.6155062

What the heck is a checha

>> No.6155063

Works fine. Never had a problem.

>> No.6155103

>PS2 slim
Why would he want a slim? They're the worst PS2. Only one specific model range of slim is even worth owning. Contrast to fats which are all decent especially if your going freemcboot and harddrive/network loading.

>> No.6155105

Ps3 doesn’t support 240p

>> No.6155107

Model code, although its cech and not chech
CECHA and B are the launch types when they still had build-in PS2s.

>> No.6155110


>> No.6155119

480i with scanlines.

>> No.6155207


Been rocking my mid-era slim with the travel router SMB method, takes up like half the space, never have to worry about the tray fucking up, and you get full speed ps2 game streaming from cheap, tiny, and easy flash storage. Its based.

OP should just get a ps2 or a ps1, playing 240p stuff in linedoubled 480i is weak af (assuming its hooked to a crt)

>> No.6155342

Out of morbid curiosity, how do the PS1s SNES-ports like Final Fantasy or Chrono Trigger play on PS3? You should at least be able to avoid some load times, right?

>> No.6155571

PS1 games are always software emulated on all PS3 models.

>> No.6155581

Only the first models of PS3 have PS2 chips. Most of that is emulation as well.

>> No.6155608

why come up with your own thoughts when you can just repeat shit you read online?

>> No.6155609

From someone shilling the pi that’s pretty rich

>> No.6155652

Oh yea, I forgot about the different PS3 versions, I stand corrected.

>> No.6155959

Nope, they're exactly the same.

>> No.6155975

From someone who mistakenly thinks that's the same poster that's pretty rich

>> No.6155981

Time to get a good working Checha

>> No.6156007

>playing through HDMI without CRT shaders

>> No.6156323

Good luck, most of them have died or are dieing. And reballing is a meme created by scammers.

>> No.6156412

Well, that's what I figured. Still, I kinda thought maybe Sony had enabled it to just load the whole game to RAM when possible.

>> No.6156549 [DELETED] 

Not him, but I actually am a zoomer who turns 22 next week. Funny how specific your post is.

>> No.6156567

>started to
don't. just don't.

>> No.6156569

If you need to replace it, a PS2 with a decent modchip is a better investment. Mostly because you'll have a more accessible component cables output.

I suggest a fat PS2 with the LAN adapter, so you can use the native HDD port and add games to the HDD through network. It has better compatibility than USB drives (these ports are handled differently).

Unfortunately PS1 games can't be directly loaded through HDD/USB, unless you count POPstarter (which is fine for simpler 2D games, but using emulation on a console with physical compatibility is absolutely silly)

>> No.6156574

Lag city. Just get a Core series laptop/Optiplex.

>> No.6156578

Anyone ever run those hardware compatibility tests on popstarter? Not recommending that solution, but curious, and what few games I've tried in Popstarter worked fine for me.

>> No.6156582

>Implying op is willing to go through the pain in the ass of a physical mod, buying everything for it, and using a CRT for it to look half decent
Orrr you can emulate it.

>> No.6156583

Some games are broken, like Alien Resurrection, but for the most part it's fine. I turn off smoothing on my PS3 for PS1 games because it blurs everything but hides dithering. Smoothing works well for PS2 games though.

>> No.6156595

Well he's talking about moving from the real console, so I assume that's the territory we're in.

Of course if you just want to play as quickly and simply as possible, by all means emulate.

Mednafen PSX for accuracy, or Beetle PSX/RetroArch for enhancements.

>> No.6157657

Softmod your PS3 with HEN and then MultiMAN mod. To my surprise, the PS1 emulation via MultiMAN has 0 input lag.

>> No.6157664

Where can you buy a nonshit PS1 cd drive that wont die after a week?
Exactly, you can't

>> No.6158340


>> No.6158343

PS1 on PS3/PSone classics are a bizarre thing.

I load Spyro the Dragon (PAL Disc) and listen to the PS1 intro, then do the same with the US PSone classic. I notice the disc version audio sounds noticeably richer and better, like a stereo vs mono difference.

>> No.6158347

Wouldn't say fully replace in my experience there was an issue of lag. not worthwhile. If you're patient enough, the next gen PS might have full support for backwards compatibility. Otherwise, emulators should tide you over, or you can search out another PS1.

People saying you can't find a functional PS1 are way off. Mine works perfectly, and I know 2 people that purchased from shops, who let them test first... Though it wasn't "$10 dollars"

>> No.6158353

I should also confirm and add to what others have said, that in addition to the general input lag, Spyro suffers from big frame drops in the later worlds (tested with the US PSone classic version).

I've read some people even getting the anti-piracy effect in Spyro 3 (which would actually be funny to see).

>> No.6158354

Ignore this fag >>6154510
Input lag depends on your TV, not on the console.

>> No.6158374

>Issue of lag
lmao, jesus you are retarded.

>> No.6158797

Yeah I noticef this too. The Us Ps Claddic spyro games have msaa(or something similar) applied i think because the models look smoother than playing from the disc. They have slowdown as a result. Spyro 2s cloud temples and spyro 3s charmed ridge are most notable, the music can slow down quite a bit too. Discs play normally but dont get the msaa-like effect.

>> No.6159165

Does anyone know where to find a good romset for psx that trims a lot of the fat. I could have sworn that a few years ago there was a mega with all sorts of different romsets for different systems that even included romhacks but now I can't seem to find it.

>> No.6159179


>> No.6161159
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>tfw PS3 has better and more useful threads on /vr/ than PS1/N64

>> No.6161161

All PS3s can play some PS2 games through PS2 classics emulation. There’s also PS3s with partial hardware BC that still have pretty good compatibility. A lot of games do work through the PS2 classics emu but it isn’t ideal by any means. I’m just saying it’s an option.

It’s kind of really bad anon. Lots of games like PSX Doom, Tomba, Gran Turismo 2, Spyro 3 and others don’t work right or have game breaking bugs. I don’t even bother with it because of that. A Pi is an excellent cheap option if you don’t have a solid PC for Beetle PSX or PCSX-R. An Android box with an S905x2 chipset should be under $40 and works really well too. I use my PC or my android box for it and would suggest the same obviously. PSP emulation is the standout on PS3 and works extremely well. But PSX or PS2 on a non hardware BC PS3 is just frustrating.

>> No.6161192

>A Pi is an excellent cheap option if you don’t have a solid PC for Beetle PSX or PCSX-R.

a Pi is the worst option with the worst CPU. any second hand laptop off craiglist or whereever would have better specs than a rapeberry pee, and run PC emus better.

>> No.6161240

>goodwill is selling consoles for 15 bucks
Really now

>> No.6161287

I remember trying to play GTA 2 on my slim, it was really bad

>> No.6161395

>All PS3s can play some PS2 games through PS2 classics emulation
Those are downloads on the store you have to buy separately though, not the ability to pop in a PS2 disc you already had and play it.

>> No.6162443

PSX emulation for PS3 is fucking great - but if you really want something that won't shit its pants and break, get a PSTV and hack it

>> No.6162645

15% isn't "excellent" in any sense of the word. Stop spreading blatant misinformation.

>> No.6163938

Name one ps1 game the pee can’t run

>> No.6163960

You can mod any PS3 easily now anon and use injected classics. You can even use your discs if you don’t want it on your hard drive

>> No.6165540
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I thought PS1 discs worked in all PS3s, the only issue was specific to PS2 games. Which I think PS2 discs are natively supported on CECHA systems, emulation assisted on CECHB, and dropped on all slim models (but can play digital releases in its emulation wrapper). PS1 discs work in all from the fat to the slims.

>> No.6166938

Dino Crisis 2

>> No.6166947

Plays full speed on my Pi 3b and I don't even have a Pi 4. What emulator and version are you using?

>> No.6167037

PS3 used an emulator which is inherently a bit laggy, but it's laggy by that standard too. Not sure if it's the PS3 scaler or vsync it uses it or what, but you're a stupid faggot.

>> No.6167262
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pS3 hAs iNpUt LaG

>> No.6167284

One thing Sony did most properly was let everything under the sun run PSX titles. PS1,2,3, Vita, PSP, PSTV. Wasn't included in PS4, but whatever.

>> No.6168107

That's interesting if true. I would have thought the performance was just due to the emulator whether you're using the download or a disc version. The PS1 audio intro sounding better on disc is still bizarre though.

>> No.6168270

I dunno about this specific instance, but they do tweak the emulator for the download versions. In my experience it's about 50/50 whether they improve or make it worse. In PAL territories sometimes they specifically give you the NTSC version (usually because virgin interactive copy protected the PAL releases) but then they go and force 50Hz for no reason leading to Sonic 1 PAL levels of slow.

>> No.6168614

PS3 has lag.
Stupid faggot.

>> No.6168857


>> No.6168859

> Ancient LED TV with shitty refresh rate
> PS3 has Lag.

OK zoomer.

>> No.6168963

You don't get that natty 240p, but you get a console that will NEVER scratch your disks and virtual memory cards.

>> No.6168996

It does have lag, the PS3 adds extra lag IN ADDITION to the LCD TV.
Sorry that your setup sucks and you're just finding out now.

>> No.6171323

Show me the so called "input lag" with a PS3 hooked to an SD CRT TV

>> No.6171671 [DELETED] 

>this guy aggressively defending the PS3 like a living manifestation of the sonybro wojak
are you shitposting? even if you were correct I can't see any self aware person doing this.

>> No.6171672

>this guy aggressively defending the PS3 like a living manifestation of the sonybro wojak
are you shitposting? even if you were correct I can't see any self aware person doing this

>> No.6171989

Only the FAT PS2 has the PS1 CPU on the mobo, where it's used as an I/O processor for anything that isn't PS1 BC (and it also runs a tiny bit slower than in an actual PS1)
On the slim it's integrated in the EE+GS ASIC, that's also why the first slim rev has a lot more issue with PS1 compatibility (and a few perks such as faster loading because the CD access timings are broken) and even following ones still are not as good as the FAT (although the compatibility is still extremely good)

>> No.6172041

Tell me more about using PS2 disks on a modded PS3, how does that work?

>> No.6172715

There's a turboautist on the board who gets extremely butthurt if you correct him for posting wrong information.
>hooked to an SD CRT TV
So you figured out you're wrong and are trying to move the goalposts.
The PS3 adds lag when it outputs through its HDMI port, unrelated to the model of TV.

>> No.6172717

I think has been documented that it adds lag even when using analog output. Ive seen threads about it on shmups.system11

>> No.6172721

Psx are cheap, I'd just get another one.

>> No.6172742


>> No.6173270
File: 37 KB, 434x327, f5f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> pS3 aDdS lAg tO tHe hDmI pOrT
> yOuR wRoNg.

>> No.6173294

Here you go, these threads should help you learn more and get up to speed on why the PS3 has lag and how bad it is.
Instead of posting wojacks maybe you should spend more time educating yourself so you don't end up looking stupid with everyone laughing at you. Too late now.

>> No.6173782
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>> No.6174719


based retard "Ps1 is not psx" autist

>> No.6174752 [SPOILER] 
File: 130 KB, 350x677, 1580664794694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based retard "Ps1 is psx" autist

>> No.6174862
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