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File: 128 KB, 326x306, 473041A8-E444-43B7-9B8A-92F1DCB4D289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6128785 No.6128785 [Reply] [Original]

About to start pic related. Anything I need to know before I dive in?

>> No.6128797

>Anything I need to know before I dive in?
Yes, you should know that you are nothing but a surface-dwelling -Lamb-.

>> No.6128809


You use the buttons on the controller to control the game. Look out for enemies! Your weapons or whatever will make short work of them. If a philosophy attacks, gaze raptly until it leaves!

>> No.6128884

It's an unnoficial spin off of the pokémon franchise. Gotta catch all the philosophal references and write in your personal blog of choice

>> No.6128896

Disc 2 isn't canon.

>> No.6128925

You kill God with a giant robot

>> No.6128929

Disc 2 is a visual novel due to running out of time in development. It very much heavily focuses on the story but don't worry, the story is also very much kino as well.

>> No.6129008

Game doesn’t have many hard missables that I can think of, despite having a few points of no return. It’s pretty good in that regard compared to most other JRPGs.

There’s the 3 badges, but the rewards are actually fairly weak for quest items that are easy to overlook.

The 3 rocks in Shevat are worth getting. Pretty sure you can’t get them or collect the reward in disc 2.

The big one is the Trader Card. Don’t look it up, it’s a huge spoiler. Basically a disc 2 boss initiates a self-destruct sequence. You can simply escape from the battle but if you keep pounding and deplete all its HP, you get the card.

>> No.6129106
File: 197 KB, 850x1202, Elly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

engine upgrades for your gears is #1 priority. in addition, the game only bases it's engine recommendations on fuel capacity, not power, so it tries to trick you a few times.

always look at the engine power when deciding on an engine, and always get the most powerful one.

I don't want to see you come back here saying you can't beat Calamity.

>> No.6129202

Text speed hack:

>> No.6129213

EtherDoubler is the most OP upgrade and it's missable. Holy Pendants are also missable. You can buy them in Nisan before the Babel Tower sequence.

>> No.6129271

Has awful pacing.
Starts very slow.
And I feel like the second disk has a better story but your mileage will vary on the "gameplay".

>> No.6129830

Well, missable in terms of buying them. Billy comes equipped with a Holy Pendant and Ether Doublers can be found in a couple places. But yeah if you want to outfit an entire party with them, you have to do some saving.

>> No.6129889

Make sure to start playing in a morning you have off because you'll probably not be able to stop for atleast a dozen hours.

>> No.6130339

Yes. Crush the game up, light it on fire. More entertaining and you save yourself from something worse than Disney Star Wars.

>> No.6130853

I...what? You can run from that fight?! I’ve played it through like four or five times and never realized I could run. None of the other bosses let you so I never tried.

>> No.6131024

bad pixeled 2d graphics

>> No.6131204

Captain Bart...he is a CHAR

>> No.6131240

Yeah, the outcomes don't really matter that much, but there's a few different things you can do. Running after they start glowing and say "I've got a bad feeling," beating them, or just letting them explode on you (you can survive it). None of them affect the cutscenes or anything, just the reward.

>> No.6131260

download a nice tv series or long movies, so you can do something interesting while you play (and don't fall asleep)

>> No.6131275

A really interesting story that they completely ran out of budget to turn into a fully-realized game on disc 2. The game was supposed to be about twice as long as it was, but disc 2 basically gives you a text-based rundown on the gist of the entire second half of the story with just a few key events actually turned into boss fights or game play. Its a real shame because the story really starts to pick up at the end of disc 1, and what you know about it from disc 2 seems really interesting, but its drained of any effectiveness because what you basically get is the same experience as reading a story summary. I still really hope that one day they'll make some kind of complete version, would love to see it finally completed.

>> No.6131280

that's what I love about jrpgs, they let me multi-task and do other things as I play them because they don't suck up all my attention or effort

>> No.6131324

If you get confused use the guide

>> No.6131908

Or burn it.

>> No.6132306

are you retarded? your other characters even tell you to run during that battle.

>> No.6132375

Run away from the game? Good idea.

>> No.6132441

A nice website for these kinds of questions:

>> No.6132456

>needing a guide for jrpgs
Might as well hand in your gamer license and loli pillow. Sad!

>> No.6132515

There's a thing you can miss and another thing you can miss.

>> No.6132523


That is nice in principle but I looked at several articles there and saw mainly strategy guide information, not anything that a person should really know before playing.

You don't need to know how to play a new game especially well. You just need to know how to get around major non-obvious obstacles that probably shouldn't have been there to begin with. Like in certain RPGs where picking the wrong stat to emphasize at the start might give you a super-crappy experience for whatever reason, or games with multiple ports/versions/DLC combos where it isn't obvious which version is the "good" one.

Nerds just can't shut up about their special knowledge though, and if they have a chance to share needless, harmful spoilers while congratulating themselves on holding back the even larger spoilers that they COULD be sharing, then they will generally take it.

>> No.6132612

You don’t kill god. You don’t even fight god in Xenogears. I don’t know why people meme this shit out so much. Deus is man made. The wave existence, who is also debatably not god, is trapped and keeps reincarnating fei and elly to free it from zohar/deus.

>> No.6132769

>Anything I need to know before I dive in?
You are about to play the most overrated JRPG in the world.

>> No.6132772

>check SMRPG
>doesn't tell you about missable Frog Coin
It failed such an easy and obvious check, I see no reason to test it's info further.

>> No.6132782

>that's what I love about jrpgs, they let me multi-task and do other things as I play them because they don't suck up all my attention or effort

>> No.6132784

When you're grinding, keep attacking with square button only. Fastest way to learn all the stuff you need in combat.
Also be prepared for infinite text. No really, it's more than all the books in GoT combined.

>> No.6133448

Utter garbage that makes you miss cool stuff.

>> No.6133513

I dunno about fastest? Square is the most neglected button in deathblows so I guess this approach helps you get those out of the way, but you still need the four triangle presses and X

>> No.6134709

>Also be prepared for infinite text. No really, it's more than all the books in GoT combined.

And infinitely more pretentious.

>> No.6134781
File: 46 KB, 780x514, shutterstock_8999492e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.

>> No.6134785

Pulitzer Prize writing compared to Xenogears.

>> No.6134813
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more like poolicker

>> No.6134993

Aka goyim

>> No.6135323
File: 259 KB, 520x800, __fei_fong_wong_and_weltall_xenogears_drawn_by_jake_murray__25b2569a7a6e1e2cc3d4e081759c2f5c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP, did you start playing yet? how far are you? liking it so far?

>> No.6135841

Its as if my toilet came alive and started to tell a story.

>> No.6138254
File: 232 KB, 850x1234, __elhaym_van_houten_xenogears_drawn_by_guchico__sample-97383205058102708c9d24acad2174ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this topic needs more Elly.

>> No.6138281

Deus is the "god" of the "people" in Xenogears, in the sense that he is their Creator.

The whole story is just edgy teenage angst rebellion bullshit.

>> No.6138336

Technically, this Asuka ripoff >>6138254 is. But you are right. Shit game is shit.

>> No.6139853

Don't bother, honestly. The game is literally unfinished. Square diverted the teams funds into another project and they couldn't finish the game.
The second disc is just a script dump (rough draft and unfinished btw), there's no gameplay but a single slapped together dungeon, the rest is like the ending 2 episodes of evangelion where they just dump concept art and storyboard/animatics on screen.
It's absolute nonsensical garbage.

>> No.6140210

This...but for the sake of saying something good about this abortion. Read Perfect Works to give you an idea on the scope they had.

>> No.6140698
File: 75 KB, 1024x768, Rei, Asuka and Shinji.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Asuka ripoff

>> No.6142187

this dude again with his orange hair autism.

>> No.6142203

Clever girl.

>> No.6144183

Elly a slut.

>> No.6144764
File: 93 KB, 600x600, __emerada_xenogears_drawn_by_gus_clarkii__0787335bff8638507752c88e3c133844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'll either love it or you'll hate it, there's no middle ground.
The OST is one of the best in vidya. I don't think anyone can refute that

>> No.6145492

The PSN version is glitched and will freeze during a Memory Flash back thing. If you're lucky it might continue if you're willing to watch a 10 minute cutscene 100 times.

>> No.6145514

He's playing Xenogears, not Final Fantasy 8.

>> No.6145518

Play it on an actual PS1. If you're playing on any other Playstation, or emulating it, one late-game boss becomes almost unwinnable due to a game-breaking bug.

>> No.6145606
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>becomes almost unwinnable due to a game-breaking bug.

ehh, you're exaggerating a bit. the game locks when 1 particular boss uses 1 particular move. it's entirely possible to finish the battle and never have the boss use that move. also, the battle is a gimmick fight and poses no challenge, so you can just start over if it hangs. you'll get through it with a max of 3 attempts.

also, if emulating, you can just save state, and then it becomes a non-issue. just reload state before each round and breeze through in 30 seconds.

>> No.6145628
File: 32 KB, 400x267, 1579268726140.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learn how to use and get new Deathblows. As a kid I didn't (had no manual cause it wasn't released in EU so I had only a pirated copy, wasn't that good with English, internet wasn't what it is today when it comes to getting info, I was still a dumb 13 year old). Only used lvl 1 Deathblows till the end of Disc 2. Some boss fights were ridiculously hard thanks to that and I spent hours coming up with strategies to beat them.

>> No.6145781

To be honest, I don’t think there’s much of a difference in using the different levels of deathblows. I mean, yeah, a 3 does more damage than a 1, but I think you do as much or more with two normal attacks and two Level 1 deathblows as you do with three normal attacks and a Level 3. Even if it’s not, there’s a benefit in late game of hanging around at Attack Level 3 and just using one level of it every other turn, because you can hit infinity when you get hit (or do anything) at Level 3. In regular combat, of course, you are always better off with higher level deathblows.

>> No.6145803

It was all fine and dandy for me until certain bosses were the main strategy was to dish out as much damage in one turn as possible. Healing, fuel reducing and bosses with time windows for damage dealing wrecked my shit hard.

>> No.6145852
File: 88 KB, 550x533, xeno elly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Original Nazi Waifu

>> No.6145853

If you use lower tier deathblows compared to your action points you accumulate the remaining action points and can spend them on Deathblow Combos.

>> No.6145863

>comparing shit to shit.
No points gained.

>> No.6145880

>most overrated JRPG in the world.
Nigger that's Final Fantasy 7. Nothing that happens outside of Midgar matters.

>> No.6145890 [DELETED] 
File: 475 KB, 960x720, Final Fantasy VII-0005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. didn't play FF5 past the five hour mark

>> No.6145894
File: 1.29 MB, 960x720, Final Fantasy VII-0012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. didn't play FF7 past the five hour mark

You missed out on all the good shit. Corel, Rocket Town, the Nibelheim flashback, etc.

>> No.6145896

>Anything I need to know before I dive in?
Yeah, it’s the best game ever made, even despite the fact that disc 2 was rushed.

>> No.6145902

Hey remember that big quest you went on to gather the huge materia that didn't do anything and ultimately amounted to nothing?

>> No.6145923

Hey remember most of disc 1 in Xenogears amounting to nothing after 90% of the world gets destroyed by a mutant apocalypse? At least the Huge Materia quest led into a bunch of optional upgrades you could get through Materia grinding.

>> No.6145926

>Hey remember most of disc 1 in Xenogears amounting to nothing after 90% of the world gets destroyed by a mutant apocalypse?
I remember how it was the main cast's fault.

>> No.6146110
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she sleeps with a Chinese guy

>> No.6146115

Comparing Shevat to China is a pretty big stretch.

>> No.6146127
File: 771 KB, 827x1198, elements.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are these the faces they make while they're bouncing on Ramsus' dick

>> No.6146165

crater nipples

>> No.6146270


It's interesting how not a single fan artist seems able to capture the astonishingly high punchability of the faces that the original artist designed.

>> No.6146279

or their giant masculine shoulders, at least in dominia's case

>> No.6146359
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>had no manual cause it wasn't released in EU so I had only a pirated copy, wasn't that good with English, internet wasn't what it is today when it comes to getting info, I was still a dumb 13 year old
My nigga

>> No.6146560

This is true, and if the game was balanced, it’d be a cool consideration. But I find AP combos are usually contrived, except when the enemy regularly heals or something, like Ramsus vs. Bart, or I think maybe it’s more effective against Id in Zeboim, but it’s not absolutely necessary.

>> No.6147107
File: 94 KB, 396x542, happyelement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you nut inside and she gives you this look

>> No.6147115

I love when girls smile nice and big during sex so that’d be pretty nice

>> No.6147402

Yes: you're a faggot for asking that, and your reddit buddies are waiting for you to come back (because they miss theit favorite bottom)

>> No.6147975
File: 1.76 MB, 2000x822, __dominia_yizkor_kelvena_seraphita_and_tolone_xenogears_drawn_by_guchico__0d6cb6220666ea8d6032a1d0f9c365a6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6148304

Technically, the literal father of all humanity on that world. Shit game is shit.

>> No.6148341

Yeah don't waste your time with it, if you must spend hours on a square mecha rpg on ps1 then at least play something somewhat worthwhile like Front Mission 3

>> No.6148350

>I didn’t understand the game starter pack

>> No.6148373

Duel Orb is better than this.

>> No.6148387 [DELETED] 

>the Xenogears hater is the Dual Orb 2 memer/spammer
It all makes sense now.

>> No.6148421

No, both are shit, but Duel Orb is the lesser of two evils. Like comparing laxative shits to say...dysentery.

>> No.6149225

>the literal father of all humanity on that world
You misunderstood something along the line. Deus created man. The Contact pre-dated Deus' Creation. That's why he's not subject to the same restrictions as other human beings and why he can break those restrictions for people that are around him. The Contact's spirit was kind of grandfathered into Deus' mankind through The First Woman's creation. His spirit predates human beings on that world but lives in human beings born there. This is why Grahf was capable of possessing peoples' bodies: It is an intrinsic ability of The Contact.

>> No.6149358

Great story BUT the graphics are fucking awful beyond awful in comparison to what Square was doing with Final Fantasy.

>> No.6150775

So...the father of all mankind on that world. Still, shit.

Tactics did it better

>> No.6150843

can someone PLEASE post the picture of Citan, Sigurd, Jessie, and Ramsus in the girl Elements’ clothes

>> No.6150851
File: 860 KB, 650x1008, theoldgang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, but I can post them in their actual Element clothes.

>> No.6152072


>> No.6153072


Best boy