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File: 165 KB, 360x450, CaitSith-FFVIIArt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6137351 No.6137351 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone actually like this little piece of shit?

>> No.6137376

I did...

I like Setzer too. I just like gamblers in FF.

>> No.6137380

Yeah's cute and unique. Way better than Aeris was. Cait/Yuffie is dream team.

>> No.6137448

No, and I never use him except for the mandatory parts where you have no choice.

>> No.6137457

I do.

>> No.6137468

>cait dies sacrificing himself to get the black materia
>comes back not 5 minutes later

what was the point

>> No.6137473


Redemption without really paying a price.

>> No.6137493

>3 minute redemption arc

>> No.6137495

I've beat FF7 from start to finish about 6-times since the late 90s and I've never used him anymore than I had too. It's mostly because his limit break is bullshit.

>> No.6137526

My wife did, and I had to explain why it's such a piece of shit. YES I KNOW IT'S CUTE BUT IT'S JUST A FUCKING ROBOT. THAT MEANS IT'S ALWAYS BEING CONTROLLED BY THAT ASSHOLE.

>> No.6137980

The existence of Cait Sith breaks so many rules of good storytelling. Frankly I just never even know where to fucking begin when I talk about it.

I'm fine with Moogles existing. Magical creatures don't bother me... they're either magical or indigenous, that makes sense. But it's a fucking robot. This opens up the door for so many questions the game just isn't equipped to answer

>> No.6138004

His death scene was so fucking bizarre.

>> No.6138018

I want him to get some kind of death gimmick in the remake.
Like if he dies you can't actually revive him with a phoenix down, you have to wait a shortish period of time before a replacement bot shows up with full health instead.
Kinda reminds me of lost odyssey in a way.

>> No.6138024

Reeve is cool as hell in the original game.

>> No.6138037

Second worst Final Fantasy character of all time after Quina.

>> No.6138045

What questions?
He's not a real Moogle, he's an animatronic puppeted by a double agent in Shinra.

>> No.6138056

>But it's a fucking robot
lol literally the first boss in the game is a fucking robot did you even play the game?

>> No.6138057

Moogles don't actually exist in FFVII as a living creature, they're all either dead or never existed to begin with.

>> No.6138076
File: 223 KB, 1024x576, Matthias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Iscar Matthias

>> No.6138086


>> No.6138116

How does he control it? How sophisticated are the mechanisms? What happens when Reeve has to do literally anything in his actual life? Does it have an auto-pilot? How is it able to retain all functionality even when Reeve is in a meeting, on the shitter, or just around his coworkers? Is Reeve seriously always available for dialogue at any given moment? What if Heidegger barges into his office when the party is battling with him in it? Why is he still available after he gets found out? Why does the party never question how weird this is? Why do they continue to allow him in there even after he betrays them?

>> No.6138349

Did he ever finish it?

>> No.6138358

I'm gonna put my chips on "no"

>> No.6138373

The original post has "mysteriously" disappeared from the Internet after everyone pointed out how autistic it was so

>> No.6138394
File: 547 KB, 518x960, IMG_6326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're literally a fucking man, did you even experience reality before being brainwashed by porn and anime?

>> No.6138445
File: 3.60 MB, 4032x3024, 20191216_113719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do he reminded me of my cat

>> No.6138450


I thought the moogle robot was supposed to be a mascot for the gold saucer

Theres robot houses in this game what the fuck

>> No.6138456

I like him because he's a perfect example of what a silly goofy game FF7 was compared to what over belted Hot Topic shopping, emo faggots think

>> No.6138847

This was never true. Some guy just made a drawing of all the minigames and whatnot and used this as evidence that the game is light-hearted. You all just latched onto it and never let go. Let alone that things like snowboarding aren’t inherently silly, most of the other things occur outside the narrative. Like just because a game has a theme park doesn’t mean the game is loose and fun, it’s just a place that exists in the world and is arguably meant to demonstrate the opposite — that the Gold Saucer was built basically over the ruins of Corel and that’s depressing.

It’s a game about terrorism, a ruthless corporatocracy, sacrifice, loss, ego death... it’s a dark game.

>> No.6138858

even the creators of the game didn't care, they didn't bother to give him ore than 2 limit break. They knew nobody would use this sack of garbage

>> No.6138921

there's plenty of other stuff though
are you forgetting when Cloud goes undercover and teaches a bunch of Shinra soldiers the victory pose, and then he has to dance for Rufus?

>> No.6138950

"Dancing" is... not correct. As someone who's attended more than one "colors" ceremony, I can confirm that militaries actually do this kind of shit. Now in fairness I'm not saying FF7 doesn't poke fun at it a little bit, but I'd hesitate to call the whole thing 100% wacktackular

>> No.6139092

I'd hesitate to call the entire thing some wonderful romp either, but it's certainly playful and not at the same level of concentrated edge as say, AC.

>> No.6139114

I do, but I’m a hipster like that and have to use him every time, even when I specifically tell myself not to. He’s my favourite of the cast, but I don’t LOVE FF7 (prefer V and Tactics) and Cloud is really the only character in the game, everyone else is just backdrop for him. Slots are fun, he is just goofy and his sprite especially is a garbled monstrosity. And in the dumb shit about being Reeve and you have just biggest WTF character. Can’t wait for the remake.

>> No.6139123

yup, him setzer and gogo are my favorite square characters of all time. i always bring him to safer sephy since reno technically has one of the closest connections to sephiroth. not barret, not cid, not redxiii, not vincent (okay well sorta vincent) and not whoever else the fuck im forgetting. caitsith is literally one of the people only relevant to the actual ff7 story which is cloud's ptsd and disassociation

>> No.6139159

The idea of Cait Sith is cool, but the problem is he is operated by a scumbag who takes little kids hostage so he can hang out with you.

>> No.6139370

Nigga you cross dress and threaten to mash a fat pimps dick

>> No.6139421

No, he was the worst part of it. How obviously ridiculous this was>>6137468 only made him worse after all the shit had he been doing until then. They wanted to show that individuals in Shinra could turn good, and did it with a dumb character.
Setzer had the loaded the dice, at least. Plus Setzer as a character had an airship.

Also I kind of felt the same about Quinoa from FFIX until I replayed it recently and ate a boss alive.

>> No.6139451
File: 67 KB, 274x358, Z1M3T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cait/yuffie was my party for my very first playthrough as a kid. Didn't know until later that they were literally the two most disliked party members

>> No.6140037

Nearly all games have comic relief, no matter how serious they are. In video games it's only fairly recently that you get games that are All Serious, All the Time like The Last of Us or something.

The key here is proportion. If we look at this broadly, I'd say the light-hearted or comedic segments in this game are:

Wall Market
Costa del Sol
Gold Saucer

And this is being generous, because both Gold Saucer visits are marred by things like mass murder, Barret's angst, blackmail, threats of kidnapping, the looming threat of Sephiroth. Even if I just roll Cait Sith and Yuffie, the game's joke characters, into all of this to be nice, these are second- and third-tier characters, the latter of which doesn't even have any mandatory scenes, being technically optional.

>> No.6140254
File: 693 KB, 554x1509, Yuffie ccf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yuff is the stuff.

>> No.6140260

The tone of FF7 is exactly like a 90s anime, where it can shift wildly from edgelord to comic relief between scenes.

>> No.6140262

>Blue Mage is = gambler
Hey hey hey, high investment/high reward is not the same as RNG and fuck you for saying so, even if Blues usually come with RNG shit packed in.
I'm not an FF7 player, but I've never seen Cait Sith get use.

Kate Sith or Kett Shee?

>> No.6140265
File: 1.27 MB, 2044x2044, Yuffie AP4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6140267

>Does anyone actually like this little piece of shit?
Sexually? Sure.

>> No.6140274

Blue Mage is a completely different archetype, which is always good if you are dedicated to collecting the spells.

Quina is awful because its design is heinous, not because it is a comic relief character. It is very powerful, though.

>> No.6140278

>Quina is awful because its design is heinous
Aww I love Quina.

>> No.6140604

To make you think death isn’t an issue in FFVII before killing off a player character for real.

>> No.6140606

It’s a dark story with a goofy sense of humor and isn’t afraid to poke fun at itself.

>> No.6140626

I played through the whole game and never noticed there was a cat on top, I thought it was just this bulky ogre

>> No.6140637

Post your design bitch we'll see how heinous you are

>> No.6140638

Yeah, even the weird sex shit in the beginning is straight up 90s anime

>> No.6140641

I don't even know who or what you're talking about. The game is full of goofy shit.

>> No.6140664 [DELETED] 

Sauce sauce SAUCE

>> No.6140769

Not what I meant whatsoever. I more meant silly looking character who really isn't all that useful to the plot. Granted the guy controlling Cait Sith isn't really silly.

>> No.6141351

they exist as deities, see chocomog invocation

>> No.6141369

>ctrl+f "cat"
2 results including one guy who never noticed the cat

>ctrl+f "moogle"
4 results

u guise are dumb as fuck

>> No.6141392

He was 100 times worse in the re-translated version because they made him talk like groundskeeper willy.

>> No.6141482

The point is, the game isn't all grim dark all the time. There's many goofy, light hearted segments which is something that most FF7 media after the original game seems to forget.

Also there's even more light hearted segments peppered throughout:

Cid banging on the table and asking for more tea when you first meet him and then Palmer trying to run away and getting smacked by a Shin-Ra 18 wheeler in Rocket Town

Walking up on the Turks talking about which female party members they wanna fug

Tifa slapping the shit out of Elena on the cannon in Junon

Chocobo ranch


I just hope the remake dosent forget about all the light hearted segments.