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File: 282 KB, 212x1045, Aerith_Gainsborough_from_FFVII_Remake_render.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6119370 No.6119370 [Reply] [Original]

Are you looking forward to watching Pinkus here die all over again?

>> No.6119415


>> No.6119710

I'm 33 now, so probably by the time I'm 40.

>> No.6119742

I'm looking forward to the fresh infusion of porn.

>> No.6119917

I'm not holding out for much in the way of Yuffie and Earth porn.

>> No.6120403

This will be the 6th time I have watched the Earth Angel die and I have become exceedingly efficient at it.

>> No.6120415

Yuffie's terrible anyway. A sub-par fap from the get-go.

>> No.6120447

You low corrosive lump of fecal horror, you maniac bastardy turd. I would rather drink stale urine from Tetsuya Nomura's ass pit than remain one second longer in your defiling company. You're filth, You're cack. You're the ooze of a burst boil. I abominate you, you towering mound of corrupted slime. Your every utterance is the slithering hiss of a fat maggot in the putrid guts of a decomposing rat. Your face is fouler than the unwiped inner ring of Motomu Toriyama's rectum.

>> No.6120660

Will it come with a trigger-warning?

>> No.6122125

New pasta acquired, thanks anon.

>> No.6122142

You're welcome, I just changed some names in a Stephen Fry rant, though. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0cJBEMiN1c

>> No.6124004

Squeenix will get one episode out, shit the bed and that will be the end of it.

>> No.6124028

Was there anyone who took her forced, random and pointless death seriously? All I rememebr is memes.

>> No.6124078

Implying Nomura wouldn’t/won’t retcon her death just to be shocking and le subversive

>> No.6125643

Her death allowed her to command the literal will of the planet to stop Meteor.

>> No.6125748

You're talking to a Nintoddler, anything deeper than bing bing wahoo or Quest64 is lost on him.

>> No.6126042

Yuffie's got a nice belly and small cute tits.

>> No.6126048


>> No.6126781

As in you live rent-free in your mother's basement?

>> No.6127969

Yeah, I hope they add some blood to it.

>> No.6128082

>bing bing wahoo

Fucking lmao

>> No.6128093
File: 293 KB, 220x171, ZOOM! ZOOM! ZOOM!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All I rememebr is memes

>> No.6130572
File: 190 KB, 1376x1891, aerith gainsborough (final fantasy and 1 more) drawn by anbe_yoshirou - b1e71d585c9200f2f0fb03562a78ecbc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you like to buy a flower?

>> No.6130585
File: 198 KB, 655x1061, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6130701

her death will be retconned, screencap this, sauce: my dad works at sega

>> No.6130720

I'm looking forward to Cloud blocking Sephiroth's sword with his own, thereby saving Aeris. She finishes her prayer and they embrace. All is well. She dies at Northern Crater instead.

>> No.6130896


>> No.6131378

It's a nice, 1gil gift for Tifa, so why not?

>> No.6131393

It's more likely her death will have secondary legbeard femcels screeching even though her death was instrumental to saving the world.

>> No.6131404

Save Aerith side quest DLC playable after the main game ends would sell like hotcakes.

>> No.6131410

Because we're trying to date Yuffie and have to snub both those city broads, that's why not.

>> No.6131792

They should have made her tits a bit bigger:
Tifa for big, Aeri?? for medium and Yuffie for small

>> No.6131810

People datamined the game and discovered the game added time travel now. The grim reapers harassing Aerith are from the future and are trying to preserve fate, so this remake may go off the rails.

>> No.6133450


Square knew that killing Aerith again would drive some of the zoomers to suicide, so they changed it so you can actually save/resurrect her this time around.
fucking snowflake generation.

>> No.6135765

I'm more worried about the sort of treatment Cloud is going to get. They're gonna exaggerate his "emo" qualities up the wazoo.

that image set was shitty.

>> No.6135769

I laugh at anyone who says they cried when she died.

>> No.6135775

I cried in 6 when I fucked up saving Cid and Celes tried to an hero herself. Granted, I was 10 at the time, but still.

>> No.6135809

what kind of retarded nick name is that?

>> No.6137575

I was like 17, in 1997. I didn't cry, I felt more cheated than sad. Aerith's death was really a shock, so much time invested in her levels and GAINS, BRO. She was a well established character, and actually mattered, unlike the Final Fantasy 2 disposable characters that died left and right.

>> No.6137702
File: 773 KB, 1200x900, aerith gainsborough (final fantasy and 1 more) drawn by liang_xing - 643bb96aa0ec7be3220b0da2a968b6e4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hotter than tifa.

>> No.6137726
File: 169 KB, 562x464, crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6137831

What do you think about bullshit that is FFIV characters?

>> No.6137837

>The grim reapers harassing Aerith are from the future and are trying to preserve fate
So they basically stole plot from a shitty Doctor Who (2005) episode?

>> No.6138159
File: 16 KB, 467x397, aerith.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6138712


>Call her Aeris
>Call her Aerith
>Call her Pinkus

oh /vr/

>> No.6138716

I am not gonna bother playing it. Them making story changes as well as the single-player action battle system do nothing to convince me to touch this shit.

>> No.6138882
File: 279 KB, 1349x778, Aeris.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While I have no objection to Pinkus, Aeris is indeed correct.

>> No.6138884

Yeah, no. Half of people say Aeris is fine, half of people say Aerith is fine. Nobody but (You), faggot OP, calls her Pinkus.

>> No.6138886

but who would play it? the gameplay shown is complete and irredeemable "the game plays itself" garbage, much like every FF post 10
not to mention major story changes, not to mention, a game that's been in a troubled development for almost a decade now literally has no chance of being good

>> No.6138897

Why can't they just go back to the original gameplay style? Are they afraid people won't buy/play such product and that market for it is "dead" or are they aiming for the broadest, dumbest audience possible? I'd say there's a good chance for game to garner popularity just because they made it visually similar to SNES FF games.

>> No.6138923

>they aiming for the broadest, dumbest audience possible
Their goal is to make money, so yes. I have no doubt that the game is going to sell like hotcakes, much like how FFXV did, but that won't make it a good game

>Why can't they just go back to the original gameplay style?
only autists want that, desu FF never recovered from Grandia perfecting ATB

>> No.6138930

For it, it's waiting 12 years for all three parts to release and then buying the collected Definitive Edition.

>> No.6140301
File: 99 KB, 960x960, 57079820_951901395201166_5109045859824173056_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last post in that pic is flawed as fuck. Besides, there's the Scottish name "Aerth" which is derived from a Gaelic name meaning "hill" which can loosely be tied to "earth" and even " air".
Sephiroth was transliterated correctly because at the time you can find it in any English dictionary. Not so much Aerth. As well, in Japanese, there's only one consonant that is read without a vowel immediately after it (ん which transliterates to N or M), so the r would look like it's supposed to have a vowel after it; this concludes that the i in Aeris is just the localization team attempting to transliterate a name they're unfamiliar with. The original writers' intention was the transliteration of Aerth (probably best transliterated as エアース) to Japanese, however he didn't want the name to be mistaken for Earth (アース) or Ace (エース), nor did he want to name her アエース for some reason (aesthetics of the pronunciation? confusion with both earth and ace?), and if he did think of エアース, he decided in favor of including an r in the name for people to figure out what the name is from.

tl:dr, her name is Aerth (pronounced air-th, th as in "thing"), and the Japanese spelling shoulda been エアース.

>> No.6140304

As always, only subhuman EOPs care about retarded shit like romaji transliteration. I urge you all to dilate away.

>> No.6140305

Yeah worst girl

>> No.6140308

True turn based is obviously the best option.

>> No.6140350
File: 6 KB, 240x240, 1571254942266.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6140667



>> No.6142590

That's Yuffie, anon.

>> No.6143183
File: 54 KB, 387x792, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may not admit it but deep down you know I'm right. What's great is that I get to shoot down both sides of the argument. Have at you!

>> No.6143228

Yet more glaring evidence that the Japanese just don't understand one of their own fucking syllabaries for some reason

>> No.6143282

>Square be like : and then SHE FUCKING DIES!! OH SO MANY TEARS!
>Kids : boooooooohooooooooo whats the cheat code to bring her back? where's the hidden side quest to save her? my feelings!
>Square : ha haaaa, take a that you scummy kids!

>What.. what do you mean they are calling it violence against women?
>W-what is misoganistyc?
>F-fire me? nono I fix I fix!
>H-ha ha no you eh misunderstood beloved Western fans, this a time you can save a the pinkus girl! ha ha yeah, she will live now!

>> No.6143354

Crazy how they conveyed such an emotional scene in sprite format


>> No.6143421
File: 1.41 MB, 5184x3880, IMG_20200112_104837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They understand their own syllabaries (thanks for the new vocab) just fine, it's transliteration that isn't well-established. The same issue happens when transliterating, say, Arabic names to English letters and vice versa.

>> No.6144728


If this is true zoomers finally achieved something with their whining culture.

>> No.6144745

As someone who had her death revealed on literally the same day I learned the game existed back in 1997, and didn't play the game myself until a year ago, her death never resonated with me very much.

Although now, I'm a little irked that she dies because it makes it hard to justify spending time using her in your party, and given how few characters the game has, it'd be nice to have a dedicated caster/healer for the duration of the game instead of losing her after disc 1. Not that the game is really so hard as to warrant it, I'm just talking in terms of having some variety. I also like her pink dress. She's got a bit more visual pizazz going on than the rest of the roster.

>> No.6144752
File: 2.25 MB, 4128x2322, 1578203278763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been playing FF6 lately and just got to this part. When I played the game originally, I used a guide and knew how to save Cid, so I saved and kept resetting until I did because I was autistic like that. But now I realize that Celes' suicide scene adds so much more to the game than saving Cid (which gets you literally nothing, it's clearly just the kind of thing they added in for people who were playing the game for the umpteenth time).

I was reading about how Nintendo of America basically forbid any serious, death/dying-related talk in their video game dialogue, hence Ted Woolsey changing it to "taking a leap of faith", but in the end it's so fucking obvious she's trying to off herself that Woolsey's dialogue ends up coming across as extra distrubing; like Cid's just morbidly joking about how Celes might consider to end her life, just in case they can never get off the island. It's a pretty heavy moment.

>> No.6144763

>FF never recovered from Grandia perfecting ATB
Played Grandia for the first time last year, can confirm, battle system was amazing, apart from the fact that the game was too easy to ever really make use of it. Same can be said for most Final Fantasies, too, I guess.

>> No.6144779

>Nobody but (You), faggot OP, calls her Pinkus.
Different anon here, I'm considering doing it from now on, desu.

>that pic
Look, I support the "Aeris" translation, mostly because it was what I learned her name as 23 years ago and I'm stubborn, but trying to argue that the original translation was some kind of incredibly precise and well-structured effort is a joke, especially when you consider all the other shit they got wrong. Even back when I was 12 and every forum on the FF7 webring was arguing over the translation, I didn't see the point in arguing and always just assumed the translator went with "Aeris" because it sounded more feminine than "Aerith", regardless of what was right.