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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 39 KB, 342x342, breathoffire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6125969 No.6125969 [Reply] [Original]

I played 1&2 when I was a kid and was mesmerized by them

Now I am about to play 3&4 on playstation.

Which is the best in the Breath of fire series?

>> No.6125969,1 [INTERNAL] 

well breath of fire 4 is good i never played 3 but IV was better then 1 and 2 the only problem was the limited ammount of items.
if you are going to play IV the best version is the PC version the psone was lower quality

>> No.6126016

You posted it as your image.

>> No.6126030
File: 190 KB, 635x800, bof4-misc01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This, IV is the best game in the series honestly.

>> No.6126047

most ppl say 3 is the best

why is 4 better?

>> No.6126063
File: 421 KB, 500x435, Hail, Travelers!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me I feel IV is overall better. IV has a much more interesting combat system where you can swap party members in and out of combat constantly and combo attacks and spells together, better pacing and structure which helps make its plot more effective, and a more interesting world and conflict that makes the overall atmosphere better.

This isn't to say III is bad though, III is a good game but it's pacing is slow as fuck and honestly it can be a pain. I also feel it's combat system isn't anywhere near as interesting as IV's, though both games sadly suffer from being too easy. For me personally I just think IV trumps III in every possible way, though there are people that feel otherwise.

>> No.6126071
File: 139 KB, 906x845, 1-Symbolism!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like IV more because
-the music
-it just looks nicer, in general
-best party
-best Ryu design
-it has a shitton of symbolism and thematic shit that the other games don't have

>> No.6126529

3 is an extremely simple children's game.

>> No.6126530

whats a good rpg on ps1 then?

>> No.6126536

IV is a shitty game where you constantly are fighting the camera to even see your character on the map. Also, god help you when you get to the squid riding part.

>> No.6126551
File: 86 KB, 728x1120, deis f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IV's the tops.

>> No.6126806

Most people will say whatever mediocre shit they played as a kid is the best. No adult with life long experience of JRPGs under their belt are gonna find anything praiseworthy in BOF1-3.

4-5 are works of art, but since they don't follow the blandest possible formula brainlets are always gonna be shitting on them.

>> No.6126853

What's the best Playstation emulator?

>> No.6126853,1 [INTERNAL] 

well the best ones would be pcsx-reloaded and psx (yes it's the name of the emulator) because has blarg ntsc shader so it look closer to the original hardware and has low requirements.

those are the emulators i found are the best i only use epsxe for a few games that have a problem loading on pcsx-r and psx which are just a few specially the ones with some crude drm.

>> No.6127031

Only people that played 4 first will enjoy it. If you played the whole anthology, you'll like 2 or 3 best. As a reminder, BoF 1-3 are part of the same continuity and storyline. 4, 5 and 6 are just random games with the BoF logo slapped on them.

>> No.6127061

Play 3 and 4, then realize how shitty fishing in 4 is compared to 3.

>> No.6127145

3 is best. Best dragon gene system, best characters, best adventure and best finishing. Also has actually some fucking COLOR unlike washed out 4.

>> No.6127234

You're about to play it. IV

>> No.6127507

That's not true. I played one and two first, then played four and three.

>> No.6127543

>Best dragon gene system

The dragon gene system is only impressive if you're brain dead. Once you think about it for more than two seconds you realize it's just an extra step to picking the forms from a list.

>> No.6127731

>yfw you realize Deis is the storyteller to everything but V and VI.

>> No.6127736

Breath of Fire? Stop playing videogames and go brush your TEETH!

>> No.6128760

Why do I always keep forgetting what NinaIII and NinaIV's role in combat is, or are both of them seem to be just that forgettable. I mean, simply mentioning the other ones, I could easily recognize what shit they usually do (I = Light Magic/Healing role, II and V = Offense Magic role), but not III and IV.

>> No.6128774

You sound like an idiot.

>> No.6128787

>*tips fedora*

>> No.6128791

LOL look at the mental gymnastics this nigga pulling to try and pretend 5 isn't shit.
Everyone's so insecure and desperate to tear everything down and label everything as being for casuals and kids just to try and hold their contrarian favorites up on a pedestal.

>> No.6128974

>and pretend 5 isn't shit
It's not though?

>> No.6128979

>A game designed with the intent of you getting a game over and restarting from the beginning, multiple times.

>> No.6128991

>A game designed with the intent of you getting a game over and restarting from the beginning, multiple times.
Roguelikes exist and I see no problem with them doing much worse with progress. Also
>restarting from the beginning
you have the option to not do this. A complete restart is only necessary if you are trying to increase your d-ratio.

>> No.6130321

I love both, but 3 is almost 20 hours about finding a boat. I'm not even fucking kidding.

>> No.6133104

I'd say BoF3, but that's only because stuff like the intro or timeskip were never seen in a videogame, at least I didn't.
also presentation, soundtrack and the really cute start with your bros teepo and rei is worth a play and stopping after McNeil.
my problem with 4 is that the start is not good. A desert scenario is just ugly brown, Ryu knows Jackshit but NotRei and Wyndian Fangirl know much more than you about what is going on in the world and Ryu starts doing stuff that Doesnt fit him, guess what it's fou lu and shit English no one ESL can apprehend.
In BoF3 you grow with Ryu, he's a sissy who goes from manlet to chadlet for his friends, and even challenging God for his friends.

the 3D mixed in clashes with the wonderful sprites.

>> No.6133264

3 IS the best. I played both for the first time this year (was a poorfag kid).

3 has better character focus, better music (arguably), a more loyal formula to older jrpgs, better dragon related stuff, cooler enemies, it's funnier, feels more interesting, has more soul, has a more traditional JRPG story.

4 is way more polished with better graphical parity, world design, buttery smooth UI and better fairy village stuff but forgettable characters and it shows the damage of the post EVA writing age in JRPGs where the story is all over the place and barely makes sense, similar to chrono cross.

Both are amazing games!

>> No.6135201


>> No.6135296

BoF1 is generic JRPG.
BoF2 is flawed as all hell particularly if you play the original release without romhacked translation.
BoF3 is a drearily paced bildungsroman with good graphics and not much else going for it.
BoF4 is perfection in JRPG form.
BoF5 is an experimental arcade-y dungeon crawl mix.

>> No.6135492

i remember when vr rightfully thought 2 was the best, but now we're flooded by ps1 babbies. sad

>> No.6135637

babbies? dude I played bof2 rented on my snes back in 1994, was a blast, but despite Barrier language gameplay had flaws even back then.
Bof3 has a bad development and the game still looks and plays wonderfully, without tweaks.

>> No.6136386

Whats with the Cloud City thing in 3?

>> No.6136628
File: 24 KB, 845x174, 2020-01-16 08_21_25-Breath of Fire IV (Video Game) - TV Tropes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a way to play these right? enlighten me /vr/

>> No.6136635

DoCoMo games are sadly dead as fuck. No interest for emulation, and I doubt they were even dumped.
Another game of interest is a remake of Athena (Arcade/NES) with modern graphics and a new playable character.

>> No.6136669

I have only booted this game up once or twice and im always in awe of its sprite work , its some of the best i have ever seen

>> No.6136672

One thing that always struck me as awesome were their KO animations. They sorta remind me of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure (the CAPCOM arcade game). The best were Ryu's (falls backwards, sword is thrown to the air and sticks to the ground), Ursula (does a weird jumping twist and falls) and Scias (falls backwards bracing his sword).

>> No.6137658
File: 17 KB, 250x250, h-607_73430_y2.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nipperinos do not care about preservation, these games are lost forever, like friends of mana.

>> No.6137774
File: 63 KB, 695x380, PWS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been interested in this series for a long time. Should I start with 4?