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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6114443 No.6114443 [Reply] [Original]

Show us your room, come on now don’t be shy

>favourite retro game
>favourite system and why
>what’s on backlog?
>what’s next for your collection?
>fondest memory

>> No.6114446

Comfy, but get that RE2 poster framed, son.

>> No.6114451
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>favourite retro game
Spyro 2: riptos rage
>favourite system and why
PlayStation 1, because it has most of my favourites on the system, across different genres. All around good system.
>what’s on backlog?
For such a big RE fan I never finished the second half of RE3, I’ll have to crack down on that before the remake.
>what’s next for your collection?
Super Nintendo games, the final few. Super Metroid, FFIII, doom, and front mission 1
>fondest memory
Getting to dragon shores the first time, long after childhood, and looking back at all the years spent playing Spyro and finally achieving the endgame. Bittersweet.

>> No.6114452

It’s a very odd dimension and it’s too late for that as I kinda fucked it up trying to trim it down some, there used to be unsightly white borders on it that I took off rather sloppily

>> No.6114468

The cuckbox and the cuckbox 360 kill it for me.

>> No.6114481

Get some pussy dude

>> No.6114491


>> No.6114496

Tfw you’ll never be one of “The Guys”

>> No.6114502

nice and comfy. would play in it.

what gbc do you have? i see a game there.

>> No.6114507

Gameboy advance sp in red, it’s behind the re gaiden along with the rest of the gb games.

>> No.6114508
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“No, you will not”

>> No.6114639

What the fuck is Resident Evil Gaiden?

>> No.6114703 [DELETED] 

It’s a resident evil game. For the gameboy color. You play as Barry burton in a non-canon story, trying to rescue Leon and sherry from a huge cruise boat that got infected. It’s absolutely underrated by people who were mad they got gaiden instead of the RE1 port. It’s worth playing if you are a fan. Food atmosphere, the music and visuals are top notch but the combat is really simplistic and you are only as good as your reflexes and timing are. 7/10

>> No.6114706

It’s a resident evil game. For the gameboy color. You play as Barry burton in a non-canon story, trying to rescue Leon and sherry from a huge cruise boat that got infected. It’s absolutely underrated by people who were mad that they got gaiden instead of the RE1 gameboy port which was really anticipated. It’s worth playing if you are a fan. Good atmosphere, the music and visuals are top notch but the combat is really simplistic and you are only as good as your reflexes and timing are. 7/10

>> No.6114713
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>> No.6114716

make ur bed

>> No.6114793

wow, I'm watching gameplay right now and it looks really fun for a Gameboy game, the 8bit music has me scared than the lavender town music

>> No.6115006
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>> No.6115010

Your setup sucks, go back to resetera

>> No.6115029

At this point, I am half convinced that people just repost that old ass image knowing it'll make people mad. It pops up so often on here it's like a meme.

>> No.6115035

That's exactly what it is. Pretty sure it's a reddit pic that some fag started posting here to generate butthurt and it stuck.

>> No.6115040


This is so wrong, it hurts.

I've been on /vr/ since the day of it's inception.

>> No.6115043

always the same weak bait

>> No.6115047

Why is that setup triggering to you guys?

>> No.6115073

It doesn't really bother me, though it's way too messy and overstuffed for my taste (I wish I had some of the gear you had though). I'm just saying, I see it posted for every single "battlestation" thread and it drives people up a wall every time. At the end of the day though, what matters if it works for you.

>> No.6115089


It's amazing how in every old-school setup these days everyone has like 12 SNES games, 20 N64 games, 900 PS1/PS2 games, 11 XBox 360 games, and like 4 PS4 games. 6th Gen gaming truly was the golden age.

>> No.6115124 [DELETED] 

>unsightly white borders
the frame covers those, in case you haven't realized

>> No.6115154

You have a good selection of Gen 5 stuff in there, what are the 4 Ps1 unknowns?

>> No.6115160

How does it feel to post that only to get a bunch of hate from it each time? I mean really, it's gotta sting at least a little.

>> No.6115164

It's not mine. I was just wondering what drove people nutso.

As you said, it's a bit too cluttered for me personally. But yeah, if it works, it works. Homes are comfy for the person living in them, not the people looking at pictures of it on the internet.

>> No.6115165

A lot of the new posters here are 20 somethings whos 1st console was a 6th gen console, so it’s what they have nostalgia for mostly.

>> No.6115170

Jurassic Park warpath
Yugioh forbidden memories
Spyro 2 and 3
I also have syphonfilter, Star Wars rebel assault 2, 101 dalmations to the rescue, and mary kate/Ashley mystery mall disc only

>> No.6115712


Nah, not in the slightest. It's just the internet.

>> No.6116404
File: 186 KB, 1280x958, 421E8850-20B6-4541-91F7-1EEB6AD751D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>favourite retro game
Paper Mario 64

>favourite system and why
Tossup between Sega Saturn and Dreamcast for all the underlooked stuff they have in their libraries. SS for hermit mode, DC for hosting a game night.

>what’s on backlog?
More games than I can shake a stick at but the priority games are Sonic CD, Sonic Adventure 2, Bonk trilogy, MOTHER 1, and SMRPG.

>what’s next for your collection?
Getting everything wired and playable since most of it’s been sitting unplugged for months.

>fondest memory
For /vr/ specific stuff, playing MK64 with my dad back in the day.

Also could use some recommendations for a set of decent surround speakers that won’t break the bank or my CRTs’ purity/geometry.

>> No.6116802
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>favourite retro game
Dude If you can choose only 1 game you need to play more
Area88, G darius, mr driller G,Alien Soldier, TGM,Gunbird2, Panel de pon, Chelnov MD, CvS2. and many more.
>favourite system and why
Megadrive, Minus the Master System and Even if 2 time a week I could spent 3 or 4 hours in the arcade. I am a kid who grow up with Nintendo consoles,
DC was the first console I got with my own money and I enjoy it so much to the point I decided to get an MD to see what I missed on the 16bits era, Oh boy I fallen In love with the system, Arcade games port with their own charms, Amazing original games like Alien soldier Chelnov, X ranga, or even classics like Golden axe, SOR2, Ecco, Shinob2.
3 buttons like Jamma Standards sometimes the 3rd buttons is configure with Autofire of the main weapon.
Neat details like a 3.5 jack exit and volume adjustable (a would love having this as a kid)
>what’s on backlog?
Sengoku Blade Space bomber, lode runner the dig fight, Cleopatra Fotune Deluxe.
>what’s next for your collection?
2020 would be the dragon year Dragon Blaze. Samurai ace. Dragon Spirit Dragon saber..
>fondest memory
-When i had the master system i was called a liar for playin Double Dragon with a real 2players mode same with the 3D glasses and outrun.
When i got the DC i remember my Grandma (who played many games with me) told me "now this os Amazing" looking at Sonic Adventure specially the waves on the beach.

>> No.6116845

>3 crt
Why do people do that?

>> No.6118319
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very jealous of that cabinet CRT, op.

>favourite retro game
Atari 2600
>favourite system and why
SNES probably since it was what I played most as a kid
>what’s on backlog?
a lot of nu-retro PC games atm
>what’s next for your collection?
I'd like to expand my 2600 collection considerably
>fondest memory
tough call. maybe playing Commander Keen 1 for the first time

>> No.6118335

In your own post and observation you contradicted yourself. And if you really think 6th gen gaming is the golden age, then you haven't played enough of 4th and 5th gens. If anything, 6th gen is the bronze age if I'm being generous to exclude the 3rd gen.

>> No.6118343
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>6th gen bronze age
Don't break a hip now

>> No.6118350
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Are you the one that makes all those threads saying big round rumber? Never ever.

>> No.6118362
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>> No.6118365

>those walls
Dorm room? Also, get an OLED or CRT at least.


>> No.6118368

>No Sega consoles
No thanks

>> No.6118370

Looks more like a basement

>> No.6118378

The following setups are audiocucked:

>> No.6118379
File: 3.29 MB, 4032x3024, B585B151-73F4-401B-A0A3-580832F3F51D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my setup. Dumpy modular furniture, but it's just in my basement so it's whatever. Comfy space.

>> No.6118380

You guys got good sump pumps in your basements right?

>> No.6118383

Throw out that PS2 for a better one

>> No.6118387

Yeah, my sump is actually not far from where this picture ends. We got a record setting amount of rain this past Spring, and there was never a drop of water in the basement.

>> No.6118394

>Throw out that PS2 for a better one
What's wrong with slims? When they work they're nice. Hard to work on though. They got worse output or something?

>> No.6118521

They lack the support of installing an HDD so you don't have to worry about the disc reader going. With the fat PS2 you can install custom firmware on the HDD and boot games off of it. You can't put an HDD in the slim

>> No.6118535

To add onto this there's no drawbacks to this because it actually increases load times. The only thing you'd miss out on is potentially not being fast enough to read text on loading screens

>> No.6118702


Travel router + OPL SMB = no bottleneck loading PS2 games from flash on a slim. No reason to switch to a console with more hours on it from a mcboot capable slim really

>> No.6118716

Isn't loading through the USB ports incredibly slow?

>> No.6118764

If I post mine will you guys promise not to be mean?

>> No.6118768

I will be fair to it. I speak only for myself though.

>> No.6118790


For PS2 games yes but this method isn't using the built in USB ports. You can buy travel routers with USB 2+ ports on them to basically act as an adaptor to connect them to the ethernet port. Better yet, you can power them off the system's USB power. Since PS2 only needs to access stuff at 4x DVD speed, even that roundabout way of doing it is enough to have sufficient transfer speeds for lagless play via flash drive.

>> No.6119161
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>newgrounds poster

>> No.6119165

You can't even play GTA on a slim. Seems pretty cucked to me lad.

>> No.6119215

I was just playing GTAIII on my slim a moment ago. Which GTA game can't be played on the slim?

>> No.6119226

Op got 3 gta games and a slim
You talmbout ps1 gta?

>> No.6119258
File: 3.00 MB, 4032x3024, mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a reason I don't post my battlestation very often.
But here you go. Yeah! It does need cleaning. That's right, anon. Good observation.

>> No.6119260

>not /vr/

>> No.6119583

I don't know but your mom's not slim and I played her.

>> No.6119601

You are the same thing as the SEGA System guy.

>> No.6119641

I got excited until I realized they were all tapes.

>> No.6119775
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where do you even sit

>> No.6119780

>games behind tv
>vertical stacks
> trash and ephemera tossed around
>upside down rocket knight adventure on the groun (worst offence)
>itemized list bragginng about gear including modern shit like xbox and ps4
>looks like it's for e-peen not for playing
>no chairs lol
>literally posts the same ugly shots in every thread, no new angles no nothing

>> No.6119785

That is one gentlemanly fedora. Are you good with the m'ladies?

>> No.6119926
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poorfriend here
everything just werks

>> No.6119949

>Not audiocucked

>> No.6119951

for a moment i was like "a rare display of good taste on /vr/", and then i saw the metroid box....

>> No.6119954

You got something against my man Metroid?

>> No.6119960
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>favourite retro game
Samurai Showdown neo geo
>favourite system and why
neo geo because its the hawt dawg of consoles
>what’s on backlog?
i dont know what that is
>what’s next for your collection?
snow bros Toaplan PCB, already in the mail, cant wait
>fondest memory
seeing World Warrior at the arcade for the first time, it looked like some anime/cartoon in motion to me back then, what a game...

>> No.6120030
File: 381 KB, 1810x1152, 81410038_2509454046043608_4650667858865422336_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bit of a jank set-up but eh, works fine for me.

>favourite retro game
R-Type (PC-Engine) or Symphony of the Night
>favourite system and why
PC-Engine, everything about it is just my ideal system, the games all have a really charming aesthetic, the library is incredibly consistent and its just /comfy/. Plus the multitude of shooters.
>what’s on backlog?
Currently playing through FE4 and having a blast so I'd like to play Thracia next and then maybe SMT1 or get into Phantasy Star.
>what’s next for your collection?
Id like to get some more MSX and Lynx games if I can find them for an affordable price.
>fondest memory
Playing through Earthbound for the first time probably

>> No.6120070

lol I have like 700+ tapes

>> No.6120196

Nice , playing on the floor can be comfy if you do it right. I see you also got the brand new gamecube controllers that were released with smash last year, which is great!

>> No.6120208

Metroid is a girl.

>> No.6120209

Your head

>> No.6120216

I normally hate it when people make their living room the game room, but this one looks nice. No oversaturation of gaming shit, HDTV mounted over crt is a good idea, bookshelves are filled with books instead of plastic, and the Atari is on top of the PS4 like god intended. My only question is where do you keep the games and controllers?

>> No.6120219

that my gaming room and Smetroid and UN SQUADRON/Area88 are the only game I still enjoy on that pleb system.

That why they are the only Snes Games I have boxed.

>> No.6120309

>Super Cassette Vision
>Mark III

A man of class.

>> No.6120312

Are you both retarded? Samus=/=metroid

>> No.6120336

I can't show anyone my room. I won't. It's too dirty. Just looking at it might give someone a disease. Who would want a disease? Nobody, right? That's unambiguous. lol I will sit here and look at other peoples' rooms. There will be a lot of looking. Looking will go on for a while. I don't have to be anywhere for 2 hours. So I'll just sit and scroll. Self-actualize, basically. Why not go in that direction? lol You don't criticize me and I won't criticize you.

>> No.6120534

>tables in the middle of the room
reorganize you shit homie, this looks horrible.

>> No.6120569

It can't be as bad as >>6115006

>> No.6120581

I can get behind this, I do a lot of mod work and repair work too, and it really can get unorganized quick. Nice oscillator by the way.

>> No.6121086
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>implying that's dirty

>> No.6121137
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>> No.6121776

That's the most exciting part

>> No.6121781

See, even the poor can manage to not be audiocucked. All of you are just making excuses.

>> No.6121786

Or we just don't care and we think you're a melvin

>> No.6121846

OR you fell for a meme and can’t cope.

>> No.6122896
File: 1.32 MB, 3264x1836, 20200109_121311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

audio is pretty important to me for the immersion desu
thanks! I added the table and seat cushion for more comfyness

>> No.6122898
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>> No.6122910

>same ass-backwards logic being used as the last 5 threads.
I know you like to say there are plenty of audio-critical anons on here but I know for a fact now you're the same guy, are are THE audio cuck. You need a better pass time btw than camping these threads on a slow ass board for your chance to yell audi cuck.

>> No.6122916
File: 733 KB, 3024x4032, cExCzqF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cleaned the inside of my stand and got my system inside there, copped a muji beanbag for something comfy to sit on. I want to redo the whole corner of my room and probably put the TV in on an angle since the stand tapers at the back but for the time being I'm enjoying this station

>> No.6122928

Is this babbages gramp’s final form?

>> No.6122935
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>> No.6122953
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>yfw you’re called an audiocuck

>> No.6122958

aw yeah you got me! I'm seething hard, I really wish SOMEONE would compliment my set up please GOD WHY

>> No.6122969


>> No.6123135

How's it backwards exactly? Nearly eveyone here has a CRT, the only reason anyone cares about gaming on a CRT is because they saw some youtuber talking about them and jumped on the bandwagon. Next to no one cares about audio quality, clearly, given the lack of audio equipment in these threads. Why overlook audio but care enough to get a PVM or whatever, unless you're just a gullible idiot and like to do what other people tell you to?

>> No.6123174


Do you think everyone here is underage to the point they don't remember playing games on a CRT and at some point realized that SD content looks awful on HD sets or..??

>> No.6123210

Get a custom cut mat at hobby lobby slightly smaller than the poster, then tape it to the mat and frame it.

>> No.6123212

>thinks I'm going to take his bait the 100th time.
kek, fuck off, your posts speak for themselves I don't have to explain anything.

>> No.6123225

he's either that retarded yes, or just baiting. Probably the latter

>> No.6123232

You seem to be confused between people caring about CRTs and people caring about muh RGB and component. Anyone who isn't blind or dumb can realize retro games look better on a crt. RGB on the other hand, I'll agree people only started caring mostly because of youtubers and reddit.

>> No.6123249

>all the clutter everywhere

My “battle station” is just my crt integrated into my living room. All my consoles and games are stored in boxes in my closet or in cabinets with doors, and I take them out one at a time to play. What is this need to have everything visible at all times?

>> No.6123251

>this fucking guy again

Go away Marie

>> No.6123336

he has a point though, although I do like seeing some cleaner set ups like>>6114713
that do include some games. It also depends on how much room you have. I live in a small apartment so displaying my collection would mean having it in my sight at all times, something I def. don't want. If I had a room just for it though, I would gladly display my toys and games all over the place.

>> No.6123358

How do you guys stack/align your games? For carts I make sure the bottom is always down, despite not being able to see the labels. I stack my jewel cases vertically cause I’m paranoid about discs scratching by being sideways

>> No.6123367

Has to be symmetrical or close to it
Labels sorted by color (white labels don’t go next to rainbow labels, creates unnecessary visual noise) systems don’t intermix, games I play often get seated towards the left hand side so when I scan my games I see my favourites first. Cartridges stack and get pushed against the wall so dust doesn’t get into the contact area, aesthetics over functionality within reason

>> No.6123463

>my setup sucks ass and i can’t handle when someone points it out

>> No.6123585
File: 280 KB, 1130x720, battlestationv2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished redoing my setup, the room feels much more open, some might recognize the tv and consoles from a post a couple threads ago, where the lot was all crammed together on a flimsy-looking shelf
couch and surround speakers are along the wall opposite to the CRT
disregard the not retro shit on the right

>> No.6123617

Now that’s a battlestation
How come this is the first time I’ve seen it? This is legit

>> No.6123629
File: 479 KB, 608x1080, retro_bs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's the first time you've seen it because until about a week ago, it looked like this

I acquired the cabinet from my grandparents, who had it sitting in the garage since they got their new tv. it's really fucking heavy but it has wheels, so that's neat. I got the audio system from my dad, it had been sitting in storage ever since they bought a new one about 7 years ago, i figured i'd give it a new home. I'm pretty satisfied with how it turned out.

>> No.6123650

A vast improvement

You’ve gone from excellent trolling potential to AESTHETIC in a week’s time. If only a certain anon, who’s been here since the beginning of this board, could take note.

>> No.6123679

>>6123585 here
>favourite retro game
Majora's Mask
>favourite system and why
N64, getting it for christmas in 2000 and playing SM64 well into the wee hours of the morning, couldn't play MM until the next day since my folks neglected to get an expansion pak.
>what’s on backlog?
mostly doom wads, i also want to go back and play through Diablo I and II
>what’s next for your collection?
now that i'm done improving my setup for a while, i'm gonna go back to working towards owning every N64 game ever released, complete with box and manual. I've got a long way to go, but i'm looking forward to it
>fondest memory
Playing Diablo II in LAN with my mom, grandpa, uncle, and cousin. We played through the entire game and it was loads of fun. Shame none of my friends are interested in playing with me nowadays.

>> No.6124779
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>> No.6124787

I didn’t know the Wii had an rf cable

>> No.6124793

lol, it's composite. The artifacts you see are from the garbage camera I used.

>> No.6125127
File: 866 KB, 1008x756, mB653YJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate and hate

>> No.6125162

It all depends what cables and scalers are you useing to hook all this up?

>> No.6125180

Obviously got the framemeister
Only have scart for the ps1 and snes for now. Gonna have to invest in more scart cables

>> No.6125229


wow, man!

>> No.6125263

Alot of these systems you really dont need a framemeister. og xbox has such great video quality that you can hook it straight up to an hdtv and not lose any fidelity. same goes for dreamcast but your going to want a beharbros vga box for that. Ps2 has such horrendous video quality the best way to play ps2 and ps1 on a lcd is with that 60gb fat ps3 model

>> No.6125278

Why the fuck do you have two ps2s and one psx?

>> No.6125356

Oh well gosh how could anyone fail to notice your framememester box sitting atop your set up you must feel pretty accomplished saving up all your McDonald's paychecks to be a part of such a prestigious group.

>> No.6125775

god those blue leds suck

>> No.6125778

fuck that actually looks pretty comfy

>> No.6125780

nice trinitron, heard thats one of the best models

>> No.6126207


Thanks. I actually got pretty lucky and found it for free a few months ago, especially with a stand I feel like in today's youtubed CRT market that's close to a miracle.

I'm kind of spergy about the typical wega geometry problems but I'm slowly learning to embrace it. DVD's and 3D games look really fuckin good on 32" of higher-TVL aperture grille via component.

>> No.6126460

LCD shitty arcade cabinet
Nintendo faggotry everywhere

Just burn this shit

>> No.6126572


Reddit: The Setup

>> No.6126648

Thank you! The games are organized on the left bookshelf, some on the second-from-bottom shelf, some on the top, and the controllers are in the end table on the left side of the chesterfield.

>> No.6126657
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>> No.6127038


>> No.6127601

What speakers are these

>> No.6127819

If you can afford video games, you can also afford a fucking furniture to place them at.

>> No.6127858

Priorities man

>> No.6127872

Does anyone have that one battlestation pic with all the creepy cute pink girly stuff with resident evil playing?

>> No.6127934

Edifier R1280T
I actually don't >>6127858 this
my priorities are first an original SNES, sd2snes, original NES, NES everdrive, original Genesis, mega everdrive, and then maybe furniture

>> No.6127936

But the rest of his systems WOULD benefit from a Framemeister, and at that point he can just run them all through the whatever switcher he has and everything is a million times easier than unnecessarily hooking up two systems in a different way just to satisfy your autism. And most LCD TVs can't even take a VGA cable anymore.

>> No.6127937
File: 215 KB, 1080x1078, pink resident evil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go.

>> No.6128362

These threads are always so cozy. Thanks, anons.

>> No.6128365

With the lights off, that would be unnerving.

>> No.6128369

Based, comfy, and wholesomepilled.

>> No.6129250

Hello anon who posted the image and no not really the nintendo 64 also is this system where you can do alot to improve the image... But only slightly, the difference between n64 s video and the rgb mod is really small maybe with de blur but the only really big difference is with the hdmi mod witch is fucking impossible to get a hold of right now. The gamecube as well if you want to max it out you need those 300 dollar component cables, i know someone is working on component cables for gc but who knows how much longer that's going to be, a wii with a hyperkin hdmi cable produces actually just as good of an image as the gchd cable. So that leaves really only the snes and nes that are really going to take full advantage of the framemeister which with out the proper cable for snes or the rgb mod for nes will actually look worse then if there hooked up to composite through a retrotink. Also all of the the options I've talked about here use hdmi so all you need is an hdmi splitter. This is a perfect example of someone doing no research at all buying the most expensive upscaler there is for consoles that dont really need it, and or not having the mods and cables to utilize it. Maybe try doing some research before blowing 400 dollars on a scaler

>> No.6129759

GC has the gchd if you want component or HDMI.

>> No.6129783

Yes and that costs 150 dollars a hyperkin wii cable looks about just as good for 20 bucks

>> No.6129814

Poorfags gonna poor. It's still cheaper than legit cables. Also I use a wii component cable from the gchd to go to my trinitron.

>> No.6129839
File: 1.87 MB, 4032x3024, room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to get a bigger PVM but I can't find any locally

>> No.6129862

How much are you selling that PvM for?

>> No.6129871

I'm not?

>> No.6129875

damn you traps are really committed

>> No.6130072
File: 529 KB, 1077x1078, 1576821397562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

best setup in the thread so far

>> No.6130107

You mean the best way to play sixth and seventh gen ports?

>> No.6130423

watch out not electrocuting yourself. Tidy those dem fucking cables

>> No.6130472

PVMs are kind of a meme, but your setup has soul, although that extension cord on your bed is a horrible idea. Static electricity is a thing and you could short out your N64;etc. Be more careful.

>> No.6131164
File: 3.47 MB, 1764x7051, IMG_20200113_154323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not just keeping the main room comfy and for all-round purposes.

as you can see, the games are in my bedroom

and the consoles and hardware go into the closet.

>> No.6131196

I used to have a setup almost exactly like this but with a PS2 until my cunt mom threw out my little TV when I was a teenager.

>> No.6131317

Not gonna show my room. I've posted it plenty in the past.

>favourite retro game
Don't really have one. I have a hard time even picking my favorite game in any genre. I'll just say Mario 3 and move on with my life.
>favourite system and why
It's weird, even though it probably has the smallest pool of games that I love, the N64 has the most fond memories attached to it. I asked for one in 96 and 97, but my mom was pretty deadset against me having more video game systems, so I didn't even bother asking in 98 and had just decided to save up my own money for one, but goddamn, that was the year she suprised me with one. Did not expect it.
>what’s on backlog?
Mostly JRPGs. I wasn't a big fan of them when I was younger, but now I really like them. Never had a PS1, so I'm working my way through the classics on that. Playing FF VI right now, but I've got FFIX and Xenogears ready.
>what’s next for your collection?
Not much. Most of my favorites I still have from my childhood, so most purchases I make nowadays are novelties. My C64 was one of the few pieces of hardware that didn't survive my childhood, so I was thinking of maybe replacing that and building up a small collection just for shits.
>fondest memory
Too many, but here's a weird one I don't get to share often:
I got Earthworm Jim 2 for Christmas of '95. A couple of days later, I got dragged to a "post-Christmas" party at a cousin's house. For no real reason other than the fact that I was obsessed with the game, I took my EWJ 2 cart with me in my coat pocket. When I got there, it turned out one of the kids actually had a Sega Genesis, hooked up to a small black and white TV (in their parents' bedroom, for some reason). I was stoked and whipped out my cart and everyone had a blast. One of the other kids was just randomly mashing buttons at once point, and that's how I discovered the hidden "Manta Shield".

Also, there was some sausage pâté at that party that was so damn good I can still taste it.

>> No.6131321

Just get a consumer set with s-video, or get one with component and invest in some of those transcoding cables that are a thing now. This is coming from a guy who owns a PVM; they're nice, but not worth the price people are asking. Don't go for it unless you get it for free, or at least under a hundred.

>> No.6131327

I never thought I'd actually see someone who fell for the "keep all your systems in storage and only hook up one at a time" meme, but goddamn.

>> No.6131869

I got a big sony trinitron in my living room with S-Video but it has some flicker. Been meaning to open it up and clean and recap it and adjust everything as a project
nah I highly doubt it would ever cause the n64 a problem. The CRT maybe but it's a portable field monitor so ehhh

>> No.6131878

>a wild virgin appears
>switcher autism

>> No.6131879

>nah I highly doubt it would ever cause the n64 a problem. The CRT maybe but it's a portable field monitor so ehhh
I like how you didn't acknowledge that the static electricity inherent on your bed is still bad for everything there and could start a fire, it means you really are a girl. A rarity around here. Watch out, you'll get asked out now by extremely lonely virgins. Good luck.

>> No.6131932
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it aint much

>> No.6131937

I see the GC. Your setup has soul and it's tree-pilled too.

>> No.6131956

Yeah same, I feel like I don't need to post anything, mine hasn't changed from the last post.

>Favorite Game
Probably still Sega/Gremlin's Pulsar.

>Favorite System
Sega Master System. It's just so good.

Playing Revelations Persona and my now fixed copy of Mario RPG. (The board has the capacitor completely missing, how's that for bullshit?)

>What's next?
I got a Vanguard arcade cabinet coming soon.

>Fondest Memory
2004-2005 playing Zombies Ate my Neighbors on SNES with cousin during Thanksgiving day. He fucking beat the game in one go.

>> No.6132001

Nice set up, Goron.

>> No.6132043

thank u gamecube has good games

>favourite retro game
earthbound just because no other game has made me feel the same way it did
>favourite system and why
gamecube, it's not retro but it's what i grew up with and all the first party games are bangers
>what’s on backlog?
finishing majora's mask, the save system makes me feel like i'm doing something wrong
>what’s next for your collection?
chrono trigger or pokemon crystal, i've got nothing to do for winter break and i think i'm interesting enough to make a let's play
>fondest memory
playing wind waker as a little boy with my uncle and brother, we all loved that game

how in the hell did you know it was me

>> No.6132057

>thank u gamecube has good games
You're welcome. It's an underrated arcade/console emulation station too. I still want to find the Intellivision disc.

>> No.6132128

<picture of 14" CRT with japanese SS and DC and PAL NES (with FC cart adapter, my CRT doesn't support NTSC composite to use actual famicom) and GC with GBP

>favourite retro game
I dont know I dont like replaying games that much and I dont have anyone to play multiplayer games with. I'd like to play SSFIIX, VF1, 2 ,3 and Virtual On against someone.
>favourite system and why
Sega Saturn and Dreamcast. They aren't mundane or boring like PS or Nintendo consoles but still have lots of games and all kinds of weird peripherals and i like the aesthetics
>what’s on backlog?
FFVII, Ys (FC), Valkyrie no Boken (FC), Rent a Hero (DC),
>what’s next for your collection?
more sega games (Panzer Dragoon Zwei, Sega Rally Plus..) and mouse compatible games for Sega Saturn and SNES ports for GBA since I have GBP and no SNES)
>fondest memory
I guess playing arcade games at amusement park since I rarely get to play those.

>> No.6132235
File: 188 KB, 640x480, 1514493835399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pokemon crystal
tfw have had the same pokemon crystal cartridge since i was 9 but the battery stopped working so i cant save. im no good with soldering so i dont trust myself trying to change it.

>> No.6132250

you might as well try, the games no good if you can't save

>> No.6132262

For $5USD plus shipping I’ll do it for you.

>> No.6132330

If you don’t lost your game room, it doesn’t exist. Period. People here don’t know who you are, don’t care who you are, and don’t remember your picture from a week ago. Don’t bother replying because I’m never coming back to this thread, just like 99% of people reading this.

>> No.6132557

My yellow cart managed to make it till a couple years ago when I bought a cart dumper and backuped the save so I could change the battery. My crystal however did not.

>> No.6132884

>Don’t bother replying because I’m never coming back to this thread, just like 99% of people reading this.
I don't care, I'm replying. Your logic is broken because every fucking thread we see the same fucking battlestations posted, so plenty of the people posting here ARE returning to the thread.

>switchers are now autism
Hanging around on /vr/ is seriously damaging your brain.

>> No.6132889

Nice collection you got going on there. Jealous of that PC Engine duo.

>> No.6133504

>collectorcuck thread
>179 replies
The absolute state of this board

>> No.6133541

This one is slower and less hostile. Past 3 bst threads all got to 400+ replies in the same amount of time. I think the little questionnaire distracts people enough to not get into a shitfest immediately.

>> No.6133553

The tears of poorniggers only makes me harder.

>> No.6133564

>being this insecure
Lmao you cucks can’t even cope with the fact that no one cares about your ‘status’ and ‘prestige’. Buying shit doesn’t make you cool, it makes you a retard.

>> No.6133570

Seething + projection combo, yummy. I like to own things I care about, no one said anything about status or prestige, nigger. Strawmanning might work on /v/, but this board is for adults.

>> No.6133579

>Seething + projection
Lmao what a fucking cope. But okay, go through life thinking anyone cares about the worthless shit you hoard. The rest of us actually knows how to handle money, you don’t. Doesn’t sound very ‘adult’ to me lmao

>> No.6133613

Dude you are on 4chan we know what obvious bait looks like, if this is the type of (you)s you like getting then you must simply want interaction. Go outside.

>> No.6133723

>hurrrr I’m butthurt so everything is bait
Good. Buyfags are cancer.

>> No.6133724

What you're doing is called projection.

>> No.6133728

That was insanely weak
Where do you get your material? Reddit?

>> No.6133815

>no arguments, only seething
lmao, this is too easy

>> No.6133841


>> No.6133847


>> No.6134040
File: 380 KB, 1161x2064, 20191010_162842_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Found a different pic of my setup to post, can't see the speakers, though. Damn, this thread went downhill quick.

>> No.6134049

Fucking retard

>> No.6134075

As soon as I mentioned this thread was more tame than the last ones there’s 15 consecutive shitposts. Someone is deliberately fucking these threads up. I think it’s out of spite because we were mean to his setup 4 years ago or something autistic.

>> No.6134080

>Crt cleaner
Wait I'm not just supposed to use glass cleaner?

>> No.6134083
File: 10 KB, 252x180, 6D843857-F727-44E5-AD91-1D362CA492CA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spray this whole board, please

>> No.6134102

No, it's an emulationbabby zoomer that has been shitposting in many threads.

>> No.6134176

How can we encourage normies to stop emulating and spend money on retro battlestations with physical hardware and merchandise instead?

>> No.6134214

you can, as long as there are no solvents or ammonia. This can is old as fuck. I think it's also for uncoated CRTs, so I don't really use it. I like a wet microfiber cloth.

S-sorry senpai~!

>> No.6134336

If you've actually done this successfully I'd appreciate a more thorough guide of the steps you took.

>> No.6134342

I have a CRT because I bought it in the 90s, idiot.

>> No.6134509

Cringe speaker placement:


>> No.6134596
File: 2.15 MB, 4032x3024, ECF84071-0EB7-481E-8DC4-9D5EBAE8F9E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not much, but considering that tetris is almost the only game I play its pretty good

>> No.6134831

I was wondering when you'd show up

>> No.6135117

But I have audio. There's a huge amp and equalizer in my pic. I even mentioned the speakers just weren't in the shot. I mean, if they were, they'd have to be very improperly positioned.

I'm beginning to think that audiocuck is just... an ignorant shitposter!

>> No.6135218

>I'm beginning to think that audiocuck is just... an ignorant shitposter!
more along the lines of if you don't have his exact audio setup, which I'm pretty sure he has refused to disclose so far, then you're setup is audiocucked
either that or it's bait

>> No.6135234

>>I'm beginning to think that audiocuck is just... an ignorant shitposter!

No shit. Guaranteed replies for him each time. He calls my setup audio cucked and each time I explain that I have speakers that are off-screen and everytime he comes back and says the same thing.

>> No.6135256

By manufacturing brand new hardware and selling it at affordable price. I'm not touching greasy controllers that were used by God knows who. You can bet your ass some greasy neckbeard was pausing the game to scratch his sweaty balls and ass that weren't washed for ages and proceeded to play with his ass and ball sweat on his fingers. By buying used consoles you are exposing yourself to a biological hazard.

>> No.6135287

Have you never heard of cleaning? I disassemble and clean everything I buy with a toothbrush, alcohol, and disinfectants for that very reason. It's a nice little ritual that makes it feel like whatever I bought is truly "mine" now.

>> No.6135291

I would clean my used controllers but I'm the greasy guy scratching his balls while playing. The previous owner has got nothing on me.

>> No.6135294

Good thinking. As long as your bacteria is strong enough to beat up the previous owner's bacteria, you're golden.

>> No.6135625
File: 84 KB, 251x195, 1508214100352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6135639
File: 1.90 MB, 1708x3840, setup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6135782

...I bet it can’t look THAT much better than just a standard crt and regular components

That just looks overly complicated to play a 30 year old sprite game

>> No.6135783

Welcome to /vr/, you must be new here.

>> No.6135874

its not fully wired up yet. just a temp setup to play retro until i get all the wires i need.

>> No.6135881

looks like shit.

>> No.6135894

>creased maps/posters in different sized frames
why do people do this

>> No.6135907

The frames are the same size and there’s no morrowind map out there that’s not creased because it came in a fucking Xbox case and sat like that for over a decade. What’s with you, man?

>> No.6135916
File: 1.08 MB, 176x244, 1456541080189.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Xbox Morrowind

>> No.6135940


>> No.6135943

https://discord.gg/kWaRUv5 feelfreetojoin owo

>> No.6135946

who is this sex goddess?

>> No.6135956

>The frames are the same size
OP's sure aren't, and removing creases from paper is a pretty easy process

>> No.6135963

i see the disk system, but not the Famicom, what gives, Anon?

>> No.6135969

That's a dude.

>> No.6135971

I am op. They are the same size, what makes you think otherwise? Angle?

>> No.6135976
File: 63 KB, 640x960, Suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only thing cringe in this thread is you.

>> No.6135980

Then flatten out the wrinkles, stupid faggot.

>> No.6135986

it goes with my NES. I dont have an FDS, and i modded the nes for exp audio lol

>> No.6135987

It’s in the frame already and I’m not bothered by it enough to do so.

>> No.6135989

i dont have a famicom i meant to say*

>> No.6135991

Always been here!
No visible speakers = audiocucked until proven otherwise!

>> No.6136065

Show us your setup, Anon. We'd like to rate it too.

>> No.6136082
File: 2.13 MB, 1063x796, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6136087

Pretty comfy, but needs carpet. And other softening features. Gotta cover that brick with some wood paneling too. I like your cleanliness and organization as well as selection; it looks like you're ready to rock just about any video game in existence.

>> No.6136107

What's the point of having a Wii if you have a Wii U? Can't the Wii U play literally everything the Wii can?

>> No.6136112

The wood really adds to that comfy aesthetic

>> No.6136117

>Can't the Wii U play literally everything the Wii can?
not that anon, but the Wii U can't do native 240p.

>> No.6136119
File: 69 KB, 598x1009, bTPuSQX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ty anon!! =D , I do actually have a carpet I think in this very day my maid took to wash it
My room is half bricks and half wood, is actually hard to explain, they are actually cover but we painted over the cover lol

I also have a spot for dreamcast and some portable games but the only retro one is the GBC

>> No.6136124

I hook the WIi to both CRTs and the Wii U to the LED tv, I really dont swap cables ,everything is just ready to play with auto switches or at least a hit of a button away

>> No.6136130

What makes a setup “comfy”?

>> No.6136138

If it looks like you could fall asleep near it and is easy on the eyes and not cluttered. For me anyway.

>> No.6136154

A place where you feel nostalgic like you could almost smell the glorious days of your childhood ,like in a rainny day playing video games and feel comfort about it, every one will have a different aproach of course

>> No.6136315

I have flashcarts for everything, I love these threads not so much for what people own so much as to look at how they set up their collections. That is actually pretty much always has been implied (regardless of hobby) when people show their setups and configurations.

>> No.6136387

Dust your shelves off anon.

>> No.6137024

>anything more than what I personally use is "overly complicated"!

I like that shelving unit. Looks sturdy, and adjustable. Where'd you get it?

>No visible speakers = audiocucked until proven otherwise!
But why would I have an amp without speakers?

>easy on the eyes and not cluttered
Sort of agree. I think a setup can be both cluttered AND comfy, but it's gotta be a certain kind of clutter.

>> No.6137295

Nice monitor. What's the box on top of it?
I've seen one of those monitors in action. Sony 20L5 I believe. They look significantly better than a standard CRT and they support up to 1080i resolution.

>> No.6137364

Cursed image

>> No.6137378

Excuse me?

>> No.6137393

Sarina Valentina, one of the most famous trannies.

>> No.6137413

Nice setup, OP. I'm jelly of everyone's rigs.
>tfw emulation peasant.

Anyone know any sources I'm missing out on? I've been browsing facebook marketplace, local thrift stores and craiglist for small tubes.

>> No.6137447

I've had luck going door to door in my neighborhood. Some people wanted money for their CRTs, but I was able to score several free sets by simply offering to take it off their hands.

>> No.6137491

If a stranger comes to my door looking for video game equipment they might get injured

>> No.6137521

whats the middle pvm?

>> No.6137538

I live in a very nice, friendly, white neighborhood so there was no need for me to worry.

>> No.6137542

Why don't PVM owners ever center the screen?

>> No.6137551

>tfw your once nice friendly white neighborhood demographically shifted for the worse and no one has yard sales anymore.

>> No.6137749

Yeah, cause it’s not unnerving now or anything

>> No.6137854


I followed this tutorial exactly and, works like a charm. The router used in the guide is on amazon for ~30USD i think and comes with a little ethernet patch cable. It's pretty great because once it's configured, it just works, totally independent of another computer - bring the setup anywhere and it'll just go, it's much more compact and simplified than a fat PS2 with a HDD, and the performance difference is 0. Powered by the system is the bow on top.

>> No.6137857


Im retarded, forgot to link video


>> No.6137871

>Dust your shelves off anon.
not gonna argue with that

>I like that shelving unit. Looks sturdy, and adjustable. Where'd you get it?

its an extron crosspoint 3000. its my rgb csync switcher and i fuggin luv it

>> No.6137890

these threads always remind me that a minimalist lifestyle is truly the way forward

>> No.6137940

these threads always make me laugh and feel better about the way things are going in my life because at least I'm not some fucking loser who is a grown man and collects old shitty video games and is proud of using a 35 year old television

>> No.6137942

ok zoomer

>> No.6137961

>not being an og gamer

>> No.6137972

Nice cope.

>> No.6137978

>switcher autism
This board never fails to amuse.

>> No.6138059

True though isn’t it, hoarding is unhealthy

>> No.6138106

have fun unplugging and plugging in your shit faggot

>> No.6138114

I bet you don’t take showers either because it’s a waste of time right?

>> No.6138125

imagine the smell

>> No.6138134

But yeah, so when you're on /vr/ in 20 years, talking about your PS4 Pro and Xbox One, telling others that they were REAL consoles, seeking quality 4k, low latency monitors, it'll be a blast.

>> No.6138138

>console over bed

>> No.6138146

>splitting the signal to three tv's for literally no reason

>> No.6138157

my collection isn't very impressive, it is currently only my childhood CRT in my bedroom on the floor and some select PS2 games + slim console (not retro, but it was my first console). looking to expand when I can afford more (no pic, sorry)
>Spyro 1
>PS1, I love Nintendo but PS1 has the comfy startup noise, and a really strong library. it was always between PS1 and N64 because I love low poly graphics, Dreamcast is also a contender. DS not retro, but scratches my low poly itch
>excited for Ogre Battle 64
>an N64, and copies of OoT and MM so I can replay
>playing Smash TV with my dad

>> No.6138164

Atari 2600 chad, Cosmic Ark and HERO are my favourite games on there. yours?

>> No.6138178

Dude the downloads will be down and it will be impossible to play those games

>> No.6138217

Ok I promise :^)

>> No.6138231

Everyone here collects and plays PS2 I wish that they would add them seeing how Dreamcast is included

>> No.6138232

There will still be discs.
>inb4 disc rot claim.

>> No.6138370


A tranny paying for an 8" PVM over getting a normal sized consumer set for free, shocking. What an embarrassing setup/room.

>> No.6138387


>> No.6138536

So why are you on this very specific board?

>> No.6138890
File: 1.35 MB, 1826x1368, meatwad atari.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asteroids and Berzerk my brother

>> No.6139095

>Why do people do that?
Because life gets very crowded cramming 4 people around 25” of screen and a much larger set would start running up against my shelf’s weight capacity. Thus multiple CRTs.

It’s a PVM-2530. I got it as part of a lot from a local traveling exhibition.

Because trying to center for one specific /vr/ console is a fool’s errand since different games and consoles of that vintage overscan differently. You aim for a middle ground and just deal with the artifacting.

>splitting the signal to three tv's for literally no reason
It’s a demonstration for how my setup works for multiplayer. I use one set at a time when I’m playing on my own to reduce tube wear and power consumption.

>> No.6139134
File: 662 KB, 2048x1152, 20200110_161114.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6139246

>I want to get a bigger PVM but I can't find any locally
Put your mini PVM closer to eye level. I used to use a laptop riser with one before I progressively fell further down the PVMeme rabbit hole, and if worked decently

>> No.6139274

PVMs are a meme. Any good CRT from the era is as good if not better.

>> No.6139374

They are more practical for cucksheds where you are limited by space.

>> No.6139913
File: 331 KB, 1280x880, 955B3E6E-29B4-4926-888D-D4105C5ED10D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

battlestations? these arent battlestations. this is a battlestation.

>> No.6139937

That is a truism. Good point.

>> No.6140026

The hat implies that you are overweight

>> No.6140051

You can't be blind, gay and retarded

>> No.6140252

Playing multiplats on ps2. Not even once

>> No.6142301

I will say that one thing that will help immensely is not playing 2D games with the gamecube controller. The d-pad is too small. The pro controllers for the Wii aren't bad and I bet you could find ten of them for a nickle at a thrift store.

>> No.6142305

Fuck off Nick.

>> No.6142562
File: 2.72 MB, 4032x3024, 40D538A5-B0AD-47E5-BE6D-6E490106CB27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just added the PVM on the left to my battlestation.

>> No.6142587

Are all those bottles filled with what I think they are filled with?

>> No.6142591

>Just pee
Call me when it's cum bottles.

>> No.6142621

What a mess.

>> No.6142627

Pretty much expect this from apple users.

>> No.6142676

You'd have to have a legit mental condition to think living like this is acceptable.

>> No.6142691

>little girl's panties
>piss bottles
>2wii and VR

How degenerate can one person get? Is that a diaper?

>> No.6142692

Did you miss the cum stained pillow in bottom left of the shot?

>> No.6142703

There's a weed grinder and separator and bottles of pills. Legalizing marijuana is a mistake.

>> No.6143731

Please tell me you set all this up theres no way this is real. ahahhaa lololollol top kek anon you really had me going there must have taken you alot of time getting setting all this up and filling all those bottles with apple juice

>> No.6144367

Is there anything you could add to this room to make it worse? I mean realistically

>> No.6144735

I don't see any cigarettes. An overflowing ash tray and nicotine stains on everything is a particularly revolting finishing touch to any computer desk.

And if he really wanted to bring it to the next level, he could have a trash can doubling as a toilet like in that one cursed battlestation pic I haven't seen in a while.

How new are you?