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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 884 KB, 2448x3264, IosYM4e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6117938 No.6117938 [Reply] [Original]

How does /vr/ display their games collection?

pic is not mine.

Thought about Ikea billy shelves.

Room is dark, so no sun effect. What do you do against dust?

>> No.6117940

Why would you need three super gameboys?

>> No.6117943
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>> No.6117949


Based. Collecting is gay af

>> No.6117952


>> No.6117953

I've just got all my shit in large plastic containers. It's not glamorous, but it makes stuff easy to clean.

>> No.6117954

Because mass marketed cheap pieces of plastic with data on it is not going to fill the empty void in your life.

>> No.6117958

Actually it does.

>> No.6117965
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>> No.6117976

I swear that these are ALWAYS the same replies in every thread about collecting. Get some new material trolls, I've seen the exact same posts here for over 4 years.

>> No.6117984
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It's sadder that you or they have been here for over four years?

>> No.6117987

I'm not a consoomer, so I don't. I do things by the book, so my legitimate are original copies are kept in a storage closet across the hall. My emulator frontends show me boxes/covers/labels.

>> No.6118031

I don't display my games, I just store them. Now yes, much of that storage happens to be on shelves, but I still don't count that as displaying.

>> No.6118034
File: 18 KB, 400x225, ENRGyooU4AM003_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

players don't have time to be collectors.

>> No.6119623
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The way I'd go about it, and which is what I did, I built a shelf specifically designed for the standard measurement for game carts. This meaning, SNES, NES, N64, PS1, etc. I've even taken the Odyssey2 into account. No vertical stacking, no double stacking, or layering. Just as easy as "pick and play"
>pic related.


>> No.6119635

Craigslist shelves. The room where I have my games is woodgrain pattern matches what I have. Paying for new shelves is lame because they are either trash or super overpriced or both.

>> No.6119845

looks awesome, but what do you do about dust?

eurofag here. There is no craiglist in my country nor good shelves that fit the ones I have.

>> No.6119853
File: 50 KB, 600x600, shelvecombi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought about that one.

>> No.6120313

Air purifiers help a little bit.

>> No.6120381
File: 284 KB, 1387x889, 2020-01-08_190900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

simple Ikea shelves do the trick..

with door covers if you're afraid of sunfade etc.

>> No.6120397
File: 242 KB, 900x1200, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pick and play

you do not even play video games because you just hoard them and talk about hoarding them

>> No.6120398

This is the home of a pedophile.

>> No.6120409



>> No.6120424


I don't see the correlation between that guy and a collectard desu...

picture looks like random "I went to Shinjuku once! hipster.

most hoarders and collectards I know are in their 30s to 50s and don't care much about hipster fads...

>> No.6120638

wtf is that pedo hentai you have on your wall? should be embarrassed

>> No.6120690


but I'm not...

>> No.6120713

I keep my various /vr/ stuff stored in boxes I pile up on the corners of a few rooms. I wish I was joking actually.

>> No.6120719

because that guy's a poor fag and jealous. That's all his kind does on this board. Just gripes about what others enjoy.

>> No.6120727

I keep them in a drawer because I don't feel like showing off my games but just pull them out when I wanna plug one of them in a console.

>> No.6120848
File: 819 KB, 1668x2046, DE14BD94-AA28-44A8-BD94-53BA93E3A4C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shelves do just fine

>> No.6120872

Yeah, I guess I wouldn't know what I do with my games. All of these consoles hooked up to my main set are just for show.

Actually, maybe it's hint of jealousy from your side, no?

>> No.6120879

My apologies for not quoting you properly. Gotta make sure you get your (you).

>> No.6120887


>> No.6120895

You’re so cool dude you linked your own comment across different threads that’ll show em

>> No.6120915

>same replies
Almost as if there's a concise counter argument to collecting dust.

>> No.6120967

this. it reduces so much clutter and looks way better.

>> No.6121097

>How does /vr/ display their games collection?
In a drawer hidden from view. Pawn shop chiq is not a look I want to go for.

Anytime I see these "displays" it always reminds me of how that family made blockbuster style shelves at home for their legitimately autistic son when blockbuster closed. It's honestly sad and not really that impressive.

>> No.6121098


I've been on /vr/ since the day it was conceived, and on this site since gaiafags were out boogeyman, back in 2006.

You're just a kid. You'll understand just how fast time flies when you get older.

>> No.6121201

The backdrop to every retro gaming you tube channel.

>> No.6121636
File: 144 KB, 795x594, The_Future_of_Gaeming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6121646

>The future
That's now, soon we'll all be living in storage units jacked in all the time like Snow Crash.

>> No.6121647

They literally do though.

>> No.6121701

Absolutely based

>> No.6121757

In 20 years you will not think the same...

>> No.6121763

I show off my gaming collection by highlighting my video game folder, and selecting properties to brag about my whopping 65,000+ file count and then tell them, "That's only half of it, wait until you've seen my mame folder."

>> No.6121878

It really does.

>> No.6122019

Bruh, the greatest vidya collection on earth won’t mean a damn if it’s flanked by a drawing of a sexualized 5-year-old girl.

>> No.6123218

I keep all my shit in a dresser.
Controllers get one drawer.
Accessories get another.
Modern games get the third.
And Retro games get the fourth.
Lets me keep them out of sight, and free of dust.
All the cords and controllers are also sealed in Ziplocs and compressed to save space.

Shit works wonders for me. Don't know why I didn't think of it sooner.

>> No.6123326
File: 44 KB, 400x400, tumblr_opxz0iBour1v0g1wio1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont display games.

I play them.

>> No.6123374

Shelves.I put plastic sleeves on every single one because of dust. And also because I'm constantly thinking if I should just sell my collection, considering it's been years since I last bought a retro game and many things have a retarded high price nowadays.

>> No.6123381

>Lets me keep them out of sight, and free of dust.

>> No.6123405

A rom library for ants

>> No.6123428
File: 1.95 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nearly 500 video games for 25 platforms on my shelf. How to compete with my shelf?
>Pro tip YOU CANT.

>> No.6123475

I just stack them all on top of each other. I dunno if I count as a collector though, because I play all of the games I have and only buy games I think I'll like. But physical copies have sentimental value to me.

>> No.6123559

That stacking... get some more shelves anon

>> No.6124148

>actually paying for all that
>didn't just get it all for free on the internet

I feel bad for that faggot

>> No.6124156

this is a virgin posting

>> No.6124178

>having no money
I feel bad for you, faggot. Actually, I don't.

>> No.6124257

Even if I did, I wouldn't spend it on that garbage. What an idiot.

>> No.6124260

Nice loli poster.

>> No.6124264

Billy is good I use 6 Billy cases for mine and they are wonderful and sturdy also dust you just have to dust often is all

>> No.6124384

Fuck that shit, I sold off all my retro games, kept the consoles, bought a bunch of flash carts and still had money left over.

>> No.6124542

>How does /vr/ display their games collection?
I'll never understand the logic behind displaying games. Like, yeah, obviously it's something you collect and enjoy, and some people are proud of their collections, and there's a natural urge to show that kind of stuff off, but... game cartriges just don't look very good. Most of them are ugly, gray slabs with weird shapes and tiny labels. If the artwork were actually big enough to look good, then maybe I could see a reason, but usually you only see the end labes, and if you like the artwork, just get a damn print of it and put it on a wall.

This is acceptable because it's such a small, varied collection, and having it out is just more convenient. Plus it makes it seem like you have a sense of taste apart from "MUST OWN GRAY PLASTIC ACCESSORIES"

People make the argument that having everything displayed on a shelf makes it easier to "pick n' play", but when you've got entire walls of gray plastic, it defeats the purpose, because at that point you're a hoarder, and you have to admit that at least 70% of those games are shovelware rubbish that isn't even worth playing in the first place.

>> No.6124570

>implying I'm going to even be alive in 20 years

This. I actually only have a few drawers, but I keep most of my games in boxes on shelves. The boxes make more efficient use of the shelf space, and when I'm looking for stuff to play, I'll just yoink a whole box off the shelf and keep it on the floor nearby so I can easily swap games if I want. I never have to worry about sun damage, dust, or looking like an autistic hoarder.

>> No.6124809

You do know that those things now have a 1TB+ capacity, right, anon?

>> No.6124812

Holy shit, it IS. I just noticed the poster to the right.

>> No.6125747
File: 377 KB, 1597x2047, 756HFJG3546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I actually play roms instead of just archiving them

>> No.6126467

On my eBay shop page

>> No.6126926


>> No.6127246

I can't imagine how you sleep at night

>> No.6127249

Nice n64 end labels

>> No.6127632

So now we now who's always defending Michael Jackson on this board.
This makes me wonder if all the hoarders with childrens toys who post battlestation pics are also pedos.

>> No.6128061

But with how cheap storage space is these days, there's really no reason not to just download all of them.

>> No.6128543

this is a joke right?
>almost exclusively ps2

>> No.6128565

I don't play games.

I come onto /vr/ to bitch about it.

(And call people fags).

>> No.6128704


on a mattress with a topper.

>> No.6128705


sorry to disappoint but I never wrote about him on this board and don't even really like his music..

>> No.6128784

Is your mom okay with you having that poster?

>> No.6128812

I only really keep physical games I like or games I find ok in formats I find interesting (like UMD, Hucard, etc.)

Just one shelf in the living room and a smaller one in the back. I'm not going for retro tuber stardom.

>> No.6128849

What empty void? My life is already happy and fulfilled, I collect retro vidya as a hobby.

>> No.6128915

>I only really keep physical games I like
Same here.

>> No.6129236


since I live with my gf I don't think my mom knows much about this.

and yes - where I live there are a lot of women who are also into this.

that is anime porn and anime lolis.

>> No.6129690

Autists don't need a reason to be autistic