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6117381 No.6117381 [Reply] [Original]

EDuke32 or BuildGDX?

>> No.6117416

What's the difference?

>> No.6119127


>> No.6119136

If you're going to play custom maps and mods, go for EDuke32.
If you're a purist, I'm fairly sure that BuildGDX is more accurate to the original DOS exe, supporting demos and bugs.
If you're a ultra purist, download the GOG Atomic Edition from somewhere. (Thanks Randy).

>> No.6119160
File: 141 KB, 901x1200, CuHtNgEVMAEUyyp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What is it, 3DRealms, you want to release your curated DNF collection of builds, including the 90%-complete DNF 2001 build, for FREE, without us suing you again? Sure! Just email my secretary about our standard licensing fees. I'm sure you still have lots of funds after our last settlement.

>> No.6120284

literally worse than hitler and stalin combined

>> No.6120778
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>literally smacked 3DRealms guys with a live CEASE OR DESIST as they mentioned the original build of DNF was 90% finished and they could release it just by polishing up some of the code

>> No.6121254


This man needs to be pooped on.

>> No.6121261

MS dos version

>> No.6121268

Wait, what, this is true?
Who is this man that gets called the devil?

You want to say that our future was just 10% away from completion?

Where is the source on this.
I want to know more!

>> No.6121270

Based and badasspilled

>> No.6121426

when is Gearbox making another stupid presentation so people can throw rotten tomatoes to that fucker?

anyway, does anyone know if that anon from the doom threads who planned to scan the Duke3d level design handbook delivered?

the anon apparently was planning to do that around the time Ion Fury was out.

>> No.6121540

Here's a twitter conversation from early last year. A few tweets were deleted though


The whole deal came back to people's mind now because someone who saw a private stream of someone at 3DRealms playing DNF 2001 leaked a few clips recently.

There's plenty of Randy drama to lurk for in the 3DRealms' Discord.

>> No.6121610
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getting real close to taking a plane to see randy and ask him some questions

>> No.6122141


Reminder that this cunt also cut the Doctor Proton story from the final game and sold it as DLC.

>> No.6122183

What if it wasn't released, but rather leaked by someone outside of the company.. Wouldn't that be unfortunate Randy?

>> No.6122228


>> No.6122814

that's bin-laden-tier, tbqh.

>> No.6122881

EDuke32 for mods and GDX for traditional play.

>> No.6122940


The angry Randy Twitter post alone would be worth it.