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6116691 No.6116691 [Reply] [Original]

Why is X4 so heavily praised? I beat it recently and wasn't a fan. Something just felt missing, maybe it was the level design. What's the appeal?

>> No.6116712



>> No.6116723

You need to not be a fag to enjoy it.

>> No.6116739

feels a bit 'bigger' only because of its forced encounters and larger tilesets. its a shorter game by all means but there is something i will admit that feels like it 'all came together' in x4. you also get to play as zero which is awesome if you have any form of tech skill you can dash cancel your first slash which doesn't leave enemies in invincibility frames against bosses. its got great music and the graphics are beautiful. the only thing holding it back is honestly its flow of combat, slower paced gameplay, and lack of good level design. Sigma was A+ in this game, only comparable to the way he was in X1 if not better.

>> No.6116896

wasnt it the first 32bit megaman? those who make the first jump get all the praise.

im not sure if it was the 1st but at least was the first that was well known to introduce a big change in the series. just like sotn.

>> No.6116919


>> No.6116925

What's wrong with it? X translated very well and has a nice clean feel, a big jump from X3's inherited clunkiness and lack of speed from the SNES. Zero plays incredibly well and has a fleshed out and unique combat system with really good implementation of his new moves from bosses that is reminiscent of fighting games but not nearly as complex, making it satisfying to pull off Zero's moves. The platforming is really fun and the bosses are great too, but like all Mega Man games special weapons basically trivialize them all. That said the final series of fights with Sigma are really good, and some of the bosses like the popcorn kernel are fun.

The levels look good and have a great sense of flow to them with a unique designs to all of them, making them all feel very fresh and distinct, big improvement coming down from X3 where almost all levels feel basically interchangeable in their design.

Also the music is fantastic and far better than the generic snes fart rock. I've yet to see anyone really give it some strong criticism, it's a little easy but that's hardly a game breaker.

>> No.6116967

I guess the levels just felt a bit uninvolved. I felt like most of the time I was just running on a flat plain running to the right and killing shit. I noticed more vertical movement in the previous games.

>> No.6116974

There wasn't as many vertical sections, that is true. I just beat X3 for the first time recently and if I had to guess they spent all their enthusiasm for climbing tall wells and riding elevators upward on that game because so much of the levels is just that. The game is either that or cramped hallways with a few too many enemies in them to deal with X's movement, that or you're just running past them while they wait to attack you.

X4 however feels like you're moving through waves of guys coming at you very often which I find to be really satisfying.

>> No.6116980

All I'm seeing here is some anti-SNES fanboy trying to defend X4 from criticism by talking about X3 (conveniently ignoring X1 and X2, which are SNES games too)

>> No.6116991

I like X1 just fine although it's a little underwhelming and the slowdown really makes the game feel unpleasant. Never tried X2 but I usually hear from X1 fans that they all suck, so I'm not sure what to expect. As for X3 it's the previous game, what should I compare it to?

>> No.6116996

>still insisting with the console war slowdown meme
>didn't play X2 because of what "fans" told him
>but has played X3 and X4 for some reason
Nevermind guy, be happy with your X4.

>> No.6117002

>slow down is console wars
if X4 slowed down I'd point it out too. You sound a little insecure. I only didn't play X2 yet because other SNES-X fans told me it's shit, so I'm in no rush to play it. Should I be? Is it the secret best one?

>> No.6117012

X4 has slower-paced gameplay, though, if there was slowdown it wouldn't be that much of an issue. Games back then had slowdown, it wasn't a big deal. Mega Man Wily Wars on Mega Drive has more slowdown than the X games on SNES.
>You sound a little insecure.
>I only didn't play X2 yet because other SNES-X fans told me it's shit, so I'm in no rush to play it. Should I be? Is it the secret best one?
Yeah that's what I was pointing out, that you care about what other people say instead of trying for yourself.
I still like X1 the best, but X2 is the next best one. For the record, I think 3rd place comes X4, and then X3, but I think there's a huge power gap between X2 and X4.
The general consensus has always been that X1 to X4 are all good, and the rest is mediocre to bad. "X3 sucks" is a recent meme.

>> No.6117023

>X4 has slower-paced gameplay, though
Depends on the area, you could control the pace by dashing.
>Games back then had slowdown, it wasn't a big deal.
It is a deal however, and the more it happens and the worse it gets, the less pleasant it is. Nothing quite ruins the catharsis of a section than having the game drop to a crawl the moment the minecart makes a jump and there's like 4 other enemies on screen.
>Mega Man Wily Wars on Mega Drive has more slowdown
probably but that's even farther removed from the X games, Wily Wars having tons of other problems too.
Because suddenly I'm a console warring anti-snesite or something because I prefer the flow of X4 over the earlier games.
>that you care about what other people say instead of trying for yourself.
Yeah, that's why were here? To talk about things with other people. If you think what other people say about things doesn't influence you I have to wonder if you're on something.
>"X3 sucks" is a recent meme.
considering I've played it recently and was very unimpressed, I get the feeling it wasn't an unpopular sentiment back when I saw it being posted 20 years ago on different BBS. I just never played it fully until recently. I'd put X3 in line with X5, similar amount of drag, but X5 edges it out with superior mechanics.

>> No.6117038

>Because suddenly I'm a console warring anti-snesite or something
Well, you started using typical entry-level console war keywords to criticize the SNES game (slowdowns, "fart rock"), instead of actually talking about the game itself, things like design, music composition. You instead went for the typical console warry stuff.

>> No.6117039

Because the games slow down and the music between x1-x3 is basically interchangeable, get over it and talk about X4.

>> No.6117041

But you haven't played X2, I thought you were only talking about X1.
Anyway, X4 fans everyone.

>> No.6117046

You might not know this, but you can listen to the music on youtube. It's pretty cool actually. Sorry your defense of the slowest X games didn't work out, maybe next time.

>> No.6117049

Just because the short minecart section has slowdown doesn't mean the entire games do. X4 is overall more slow-paced in general. Do you want me to also count the loading times?
I wasn't even talking about the music, but thanks for letting us know you judge video game music by listening to compressed Youtube videos!
Seriously, aren't you ashamed of LARPing as a console warrior? You didn't even grow up with these systems.

>> No.6117051

How is X4 slower paced?
>listening to compressed Youtube videos!
indistinguishable from the real SNES, it's great.

>> No.6117054

>How is X4 slower paced?
You'd know if you played the actual games. At this point I think you're just here to console war and not really talk about the X games.
>indistinguishable from the real SNES, it's great.
Nah, most youtube videos have horrible compression, makes everything sound worse. But who cares, right? Console wars!

>> No.6117056
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>gets called out for talking about games he hasn't played
>pulls the youtube card

>> No.6117059

Now now, don't accuse me of what you're trying to do. Do you get this upset over every Nintendo console getting criticized?
>Nah, most youtube videos have horrible compression
sounds pretty good to me man. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsqw2AFHrHE
>But who cares, right? Console wars!
Criticism is console wars folks, X1-3 fans everybody.

Should I watch a play through on youtube next? I bet that it plays even better when it slows down for someone else.

>> No.6117060

Where's your argument besides "just play the games"?

>> No.6117062

Well X4 is the slowest because if you just play it, it loads between the second and first half of the stage, so there. It's so slow when it loads for 7 seconds. But slowing down when there's 6 sprites on the screen? It only happens once in a while, stop nit picking, console wars and what about the other game on the other console that has nothing to do with this series?

>> No.6117102

>Do you get this upset over every Nintendo console getting criticized?
I actually said I prefer X4 over X3. You seem obsessed with Nintendo, anon.
>X1-3 fans everybody.
Cute that you copied my line, but yeah as I said, not really an X3 fan.
Anyway, why don't you just accept that you're a console warrior? It's not like you're even trying to hide it.
Because console war kid admitted he doesn't play the games he discusses.

>> No.6117108

I'm not discussing X2, I never played it fully. Why are you starting console wars because someone pointed out problems the first 3 X games have?

>> No.6117112

>I'm not discussing X2
You actually did, but whatever, at this point this is just some lame troll attempt.
If some slowdown really prevents you from enjoying video games, then touch luck I'm afraid you will be prevented from enjoying many video games, SNES or not.
Your initial post just came off as obviously fueled by console wars instead of genuine interest in the X series.

>> No.6117114

>If some slowdown really prevents you from enjoying video games
Yeah, it hurts my enjoyment, I think it hurts most peoples enjoyment to see the pace chug in the middle of the action. I don't like it when it happens in Sonic, I don't like it when it happens in Mega Man X. It doesn't happen in X4 which is really nice.
>Your initial post just came off as obviously fueled by console wars instead of genuine interest in the X series.
You seem to know more about my intentions than I do, you read into this stuff really deeply because you're highly insecure about flaws in these games for some reason. Since you deflected to a competing console I'm only going to assume it's something about Nintendo. You need to calm down, maybe take a break. I love the SNES and just because some games have issues, doesn't mean I don't enjoy tons of games on the system you faggot.

>> No.6117126

Your the only bitch bitching about console war stuff here.
I never got the hate for X2. X is fine, but I feel like X2 is just an all around solid improvement. Download the rom and try it out.

>> No.6117130

Sure, I'll give X2 a good try in a bit.

>> No.6117134

This. X2 had the best tracks. Where's my Flame Stag bros at?

>> No.6117140

>Yeah, it hurts my enjoyment, I think it hurts most peoples enjoyment to see the pace chug in the middle of the action
I think Mega Man X doesn't get into "unplayable" territory, in fact, X1 is probably one of the most playable games ever made, so no, it doesn't ruin the experience for me if there's some slowdown, just as X4 doesn't get ruined just because there's some loading screens. I think most people agree, which is why X1 is well liked, often above X4.
>You seem to know more about my intentions than I do
Well, you claim to love the SNES and not be a console warrior, but your initial post gives a different vibe. You explicitly saying "inherited clunkiness and lack of speed from the SNES" makes it kind of hard to not think you're trying to console war on a Mega Man X thread.

>> No.6117143

>but your initial post gives a different vibe.
Oh no, your vibes. Kill yourself you fucking faggot console warrior.

>> No.6117147
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>> No.6117148

I meant "vibe" as in literally, not the zoomer-version of the word that you know.

>> No.6117156

Is everyone in this thread just an old boomer yelling at clouds or did any of you actually play the games. Prove you did and post your favorite X boss and why.

>> No.6117161
File: 22 KB, 480x360, drex_mmx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the variety of attacks it has, how it divides into 2 parts, and the telegraphed attacks are all fair.
Also you can't cheese it.

>> No.6117254

It's alright, pretty easy so far. The music isn't doing much for me and it still has that trademark snes slowdown in certain areas. Music is OK but nothing mindblowing, the levels are pretty decent although they can feel very short sometimes. Not a fan of some stage gimmicks.

>> No.6117258
File: 575 KB, 1071x1186, X-HuntersMMX2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where do you guys rank X2 compared to 4?

>> No.6117259

All of the PS1 games were filled with faulty design and weird dumb ideas. But it's also the least offensive of the group, and most people I know played X1 and X4, so it's nostalgia at play. I can enjoy the game just fine, even with a Zero run, but I can see all the faults at the same time. Time hasn't done this game pretty in terms of people noticing how lazy or flawed some of the design was.

>> No.6117267

X4 was my least favorite. I liked X1 and X5.

>> No.6117272

so far definitely below x4, but better than x3.

>> No.6117281
File: 280 KB, 639x986, 6a00d83452033569e2017d4090a596970c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>definitely below x4,
How?? I'm genuinely curious

>> No.6117286

decent, well made game, some of the enemies stop the sense of flow too much like the gay wall maker guys that are also in x3, the levels feel very snes-x with typical flat areas, then tall climbs followed by flat areas again. Level gimmicks are a bit over done. Zero also adds so much to the game in X4.

>> No.6117302
File: 480 KB, 1021x623, DAE5F43F-AC4A-4066-80E4-7AC491DE3B05.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it an improvement over X1 at least? Do the newer graphics like the 3D wireframe sword or Sigma virus boss help make it more interesting? Is the level design and enemies better in X1?

>> No.6117307

Haven't beaten X2 so far, impressions are based on killing 4 bosses + 2 of the side bosses. the wireframe is kind of funny at times, slowed down the SNES once which made me question the inclusion. X1 has better enemies and level design, especially the level theming with how the gimmicks influence the gameplay.

>> No.6117315

It's more X, but with more focus on boss weapons affecting how to progress and no 'defeat a boss and another stage is affected' stuff. The wireframe encounters are kind of eh gimmicks, and hard to tell exactly what the hitboxes are on them. It's not necessarily worse than X1, but will feel a lot like a mission pack sequel besides the Air Dash legs part and the wall dash jumps not requiring a simultaneous press anymore. And there's romhacks to add both to X1 anyway. Approach it as just more X to play but don't expect anything mindblowing besides more cool visuals.

X3's the game to really be weary about of the SNES titles.

>> No.6117347

It made the transition. In a world where the masses were crying for more 3d games it tried to stick to the formula that made the franchise and it pulled it off. That and they did a decent job of adding in the animated cutscenes even if the english voice actors were pulled out of some community theater. There were some weak points and some points lacked creative focus and originality they did a decent job trying to make the world seem much karger(while makingnsome levels feel empty). And being able to play as that long hair badass with the double ds and lightsaber was actually done right, a lot of us wanted that since the original X. I thing having his moves based off button combos was a great idea with how he had been portrayed up til that point.

It was a really solid game with some cool ideas, set the stage for a great sequel but instead they tanked the franchise. Phone in the sequel, base the game after on half assed gimmicks, then move the game to 3d without actually putting any effort into making it play well.

It's crazy that Capcom could have one franchise, branch it into 4, start off strong then completely fuck up every single one and still try to branch off.

>> No.6117397

X4 > X2 > X > X3. Haven't played X5 or X6. X3 may be my lowest ranked game here, but I thought they were all pretty fun.

>> No.6117401

At this point honestly I think Inafune may not be the heart and soul of Mega Man but he probably saw the writing on the wall for X and that's why he tried to branch off into the Zero series, which was a lot more consistent across the board compared to the misery of the X series.

>> No.6117429

If only because of the sigma levels, otherwise they're pretty even. X2 has a lot of neat ideas and slightly better controls.
I don't think X4 is better than X2.

>> No.6117442
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>> No.6117449

My main issue with X4 is that it barely has platforming. Jet Stingray is a shitty speeder stage. Slash Beast and Magma Dragoon are “ACTION” stages. Cyber Peacock is a gauntlet that’s like platforming mixed with playing Operation. So like half the stages are gimmicky or too much to one side of the balance of shooting vs. jumping.

The stages feel vaguely bigger and more involved, but X and Zero are also ballooned in size and have less weight and speed to their jumps and general moment, so I just feel like I’m controlling an overinflated balloon. There’s no satisfying “kick” to anything, but it doesn’t matter anyway because those moments where you’d be knocking around to vault up to a platform are largely gone anyway. Whenever you need to get to a powerup you instead seem to just need to use some kind of lazy maneuver or just need a powerup.

The story and characters are just abysmal. I mean they are in the other games too, but at least it’s easy to blast through in the previous games and not marred by crappy voices. In X4 I’m forced to endure the tragic tale of “GENERAL” and “COLONEL.” What’s next, “Man” or “Guy?”

Sigma stages are annoying in other games but X4 went way too far the other way, it’s just like walking through a hallway.

>> No.6117450
File: 542 KB, 1338x1555, MorphMothMMX2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I haven't played X2 in a while, this thread is making me want to play it again.
Pic related best boss.

>> No.6117451

>it’s just like walking through a hallway.
This describes most of my experience with X4 as well.
Didn't even bother to play the series afterwards.

>> No.6117452

Voices and swordfighting. That's literally it. X3 was objectively objectively the pinnacle of the series, and it went downhill from there though X6 would have been a step in the right direction if it had been finished

>> No.6117456

At least even those action stages have platforming even if it's super straightforward. X8's like the perfect example of how much worse a very gimmicky Mega Man game could be.

>> No.6117465

>X5 edges it out with superior mechanics
Superior mechanics as in..."non-permanent" upgrades, shitty music, bad story, and a time limit? Oh right, the ducking BTFOs X3, true.

>> No.6117470

x4 style zero > x1-3
sorry, it's the truth. Zero is just that much of a game changer.

>> No.6117473

don't bother, it's just a guy who insists on glorifying X4 while underrating the SNES titles.

>> No.6117475

I forgot about X5's horrible level and enemy designs as well.

>> No.6117476

x4 style zero elevates any mega man game, especially with x3's shit buster upgrade

>> No.6117478

Xtreme 2 did it better.

>> No.6117483

>X3's shit buster upgrade
No one is forcing you to combine the charged shots. You can shoot one then shoot the next one after the first one hits. Also the X3 Z-Sabre is beyond based.

>> No.6117484

Maybe with the broken Parts system, but that range? Hell no.

>> No.6117487

>X3 Z-Sabre is beyond based.
Just terribly unfun to use. Layering charges like that is such a mess of design, none of the game meshes well with it.

>> No.6117496

X4 and onward have music that sounds good but I’d hardly call them better than the SNES songs. This isn’t really based on anything clinically specific that I can articulate, but I couldn’t hum a single melody from X4 if you put a gun to my head, except the boss theme which you hear 8 times as often as any other songs. The melodies are buried beneath synth and often don’t have true hooks, they’re just longer melodies that meander for 30 seconds. Plus the production itself just feels plasticky, no real instruments — again not that the SNES does but even that system tried to emulate different effects, whereas with the later games they had an exponentially greater number of sounds available and just made everything sound like the backing track to a bad Rush song.

>> No.6117498

It isn't a secret that hardware limitations often take the most out of the creativity of developers.
When you have more technical options, you don't feel the need to be creative or squeeze the most out of it.
It's why we have the current video games industry we got today.

>> No.6117502

I've only played the first 6 NES Megaman games, what other series Megaman game should I start with?

>> No.6117503

Mega Man X on SNES.

>> No.6117516

excellent music, several several minutes worth of high quality animated scenes, a coherent story which could have been fleshed out more if they had been more ambitious, and being able to play the whole game as zero made this entry stand out. The level design was mechanically simple but not bad in the slightest.

>> No.6117523

x4 on the ps1

>> No.6117526

Why would you recommend it on PS1 instead of Saturn?
I'd actually recommend you play Mega Man VII and VIII before you jump into the X series. You will be disappointed otherwise.

>> No.6117531

>Why would you recommend it on PS1 instead of Saturn?
I like the saturn version a ton and it has cool details in it but I have struggled to switch from the diamond layout to the 6 button for mega man games and it has made playing the saturn versions of the games much harder than it should be as the games closely embrace the diamond layout, making dash jumping while holding a charge very easy with just the thumb. I have not gotten to the point where I'm comfortable with using the shoulder button for dashes.

>> No.6117543
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>> No.6117647

I think a lot of it has to do with around when it came out. The animated cutscenes, voice acting, music, and the artstyle made it feel like you were playing an early-to-mid-90s anime, which probably left a big impression on people who were of the appropriate age when it released. I was 9 when it came out (can't remember when I actually first played it), and while I certainly loved it, I am much more likely to go back to the original SNES trilogy.

>> No.6118276

I read so much nigger talk here. X5 has the best music. It's not even close. X4 and X5 are superior to all SNES mega man. The controls are just more responsive and dynamic. X5 levels are not beyond redemption, if not for the water level, it involves the player a lot more than X4 does. X5 has the shittiest boss fights tho and it's the sole reason X4 comes on top as a whole. X6 has a lot of bullshit stuff that detract the experience. X1 is good all around. X2 starts really bad and gets a bit better but it never picks up enough. X3 is just a slog. But yeah X4 is where everything comes together.

>> No.6118295

8 and X4

>> No.6118301

I agree with you 100%. And while X5 may be flawed, the saving grace will always be that soundtrack.

>> No.6118529

>"I read so much nigger talk here"
>proceeds to be a contrarian nigger saying X5 is better than X1 or X2
okay then.

>> No.6118534

>X2 starts really bad
How so? You're talking about the short intro level or what?

>> No.6118591

Why would you randomly recommend 8 but not 7 first?
Anyway, I agree, play 7 and 8 before jumping into X.
Play 8 on Saturn.
Of course, don't jump into X4 right away, play them in order too.

>> No.6118767

Honestly, I didn't care for Mega Man 7 and 8. I didn't like the new mechanics and I just wish they stuck to the original formula which worked so well.

>> No.6118801

>X2 starts really bad
What are you talking about? The intros is one of the best parts.

>> No.6118850

I like Zero series more anywhay.

>> No.6120623

>You need to be a fag to enjoy it.

>> No.6120628

>wasnt it the first 32bit megaman?
Mega Man 8.
Mega Man X3 PSX/Saturn version also came out before Mega Man X4

>> No.6120640

>point out flaw in Nintendo game
Why are Nintenfats so defensive?

>> No.6120647

You'd have a point if the "flaw" being pointed out was an actual game flaw, not "lol fart sounds", that's obviously console warring shit.

>> No.6120672

It used Mega Man 8's floaty ass engine. Also the graphical style was ass and hasn't aged well. The story was just a pathetic attempt to rip off cash in on FF7's Aeris death scene(ffs even the names are similar with Iris being the robot's nmae)

What about it?
It's the last good X game.

>> No.6120673

>I just beat X3 for the first time recently and if I had to guess they spent all their enthusiasm for climbing tall wells and riding elevators upward on that game
I don't remember much of that in X3 except for Tunnel Rhino's stage.

>> No.6120678

>the music between x1-x3 is basically interchangeable
Lol get a load of this retard.
All 3 SNES X games(which are the only ones worth playing) have very distinct music style from each-other.

>> No.6120686

Next you're going to tell me Mega Man 8 is faster than Mega Man 4 or some shit.
Dumb retard, X4 used MM8's slow floaty ass engine which felt like shit to control.

>> No.6120692

This is like the easiest boss in the game...well ok I'm lying that's Storm Eagle of course.

Armored Armadillo is a very challenging and interestingly designed boss fight, especially if you're fighting him buster only.
Sting Chameleon is also interesting buster only.

>> No.6120695

X2 shits on X4, not even a comparison.
X2 is arguably as good as X1 if not better.

>> No.6120702

I prefer the X-Hunter stages to the Sigma stages in X1 because I fucking hate that bottomless pit in Sigma Stage 1 in X1. So annoying.

Also I like that the final boss in X2 is not as brutal as X1's. I hate climbing back up if I die to Sigma in X1 so much.

>> No.6120709

No way X3 was the peak. X1 and X2 were way better.
X3 simply shat the bed in quite a few ways...one of the biggest offenders being that if you pick any of the chips you can't get the gold armor later on...just fuck off with that shit...what a waste of a double air dash.

>> No.6120712

Zero is for faggots.

>> No.6120718

Zero. I think I've spent almost no time playing as X in X4.

as someone who makes music, I can explain this
when you have a limited set of sounds and channels, you have to impress the listener more with the actual melody
the more channels and sounds and effects you get means you can still try to impress the listener with sound design instead, with simpler or less interesting melodies

also, X4's music doesn't cut through your sound effects like say, X1's does
X1 has piercing, high leads that you hear over everything else, while X4's music fades into the background with its softer sounding instruments

so tl;dr:
>X1: stronger melodies, cuts through to the listener
>X4: weaker melodies, fades into the background

>> No.6120756

For people that played it back when it was released :
>Fully playable Zero for the 1st time, with his own unique play style and not just X with a larger sprite and stronger buster like in X3
>Very nice graphical upgrade from the 16-bit days
>Anime FMVs with cool edgy flair

For everybody that played it after :
>Least offensive of the PSX games and the last one that mostly stuck to the original formula without weird experimental bullshit
>Easier too
>Good replayability because of each character having his own separate playthrough, every other game after let's you switch characters more freely which takes away a bit from the novelty of having multiple characters.

>> No.6120761

I get what you mean, OP. That thing that’s missing is the “tightness” that came from the smaller sprites in the SNES games. Larger sprites that take up more real estate on the screen = slower, clunkier feeling.

>> No.6120764

>a big jump from X3's inherited clunkiness and lack of speed from the SNES.
Mate, X3 was made for the SNES and used the same engine as the first two. If you’re saying THEY feel clunky, then we might have a problem.

>> No.6121005

I believe he's talking about how the level design flows, not the engine itself.

If I remember right, speed runners often complain that the game has too much verticality in it's design, the section with the spikes and snail platforms in Doppler Stage 2 is the worst offender, but you can see it in some of the other levels to a lesser extent.

>> No.6121787

>What about it?
>It's the last good X game.

You mean the first bad X game. I cannot recall one redeeming quality that game has. You've got like a grand total of the same 2 enemies for the entire game. Little bipedal shits that shoot missiles and fat red armored things that launch balls on chains at you. Wow.

>> No.6121795

They corrected that in X5. Still has the best music in the whole series.

>> No.6121847
File: 84 KB, 478x350, 1534836609180.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>X3 suuuuucks

>> No.6121850

did we find which e-celeb started the fad yet?

>> No.6122359


>> No.6122362

X4 still has great music and there has been no real criticism of it in this thread.

>> No.6122468

It's not the sprite size that caused that. The game feels slower and clunkier because it IS slower and clunkier. Dashes have startup frames and airdashing resets your midair speed instead of keeping momentum. Doing anything but dash-jumping feels awful in the PSX games.

>> No.6122496

this, and I think it was the sandpletionist a few years ago

>> No.6122498

>t. double-digit IQ

>> No.6122507

Yeah! Ha! Ha! Yeah! Ha! Hoo ha HO! Yeah! Ha!
It's not over yet...

>> No.6122570

seething SNESfag who can't play as Zero

>> No.6122575

It did the difference between playing as X and Zero very well. Playing through the game as either character feels great, but different from the other character. X3's Zero inclusion was pretty underwhelming, and they nailed it this go-round.

The level design and music are not that good though.

>> No.6122592

>never played X3
It's on PSX, dude. Much shittier, though (JP PSX version is surprisingly actually fucking based, however).

>> No.6122604

I think I bitch about this in every X4 thread, but I hate X's special weapons. They're all weaker than his buster and every goddamn enemy in the game is immune to half of them for no good reason. It feels like they just wanted to give all the cool shit to Zero.

>> No.6122612

>X4 was basically "Zero: The Game"
And the gimmicks just kept getting worse and worse in the series (X5 was the peak of this shit, if we're only talking the retro entries)

>> No.6122626

X is still really fucking strong, to be fair. He's just lacking in depth compared to Zero, since his only relevant weapon choice comes down to choosing between his two buster upgrades.

>> No.6122630

alot of x3 talk in this thread. Thoughts on the zero project?

>> No.6122643

It's good, I'd never play X3 again without it. Same goes for the X5 patch that removes Alia and that X6 tweaker that fixes a million things.

>> No.6122663
File: 31 KB, 427x484, iris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I played it back in the days of the ps1, and it was the first ps1 game I played.
No memory card either, basically requiring every time I played to be a full playthrough.

I'm sure that made me like it more than it deserved.
Still, I could play as zero and he was one bad ass mofo.
Back then it was amazing.

>> No.6122707

babby's first mmx game + better than most of the shovelware on the psx

x series peaked with x2 and should've ended with x3. x4 should've been a new series

>> No.6122741

this tbqh.

>> No.6123065

I feel it's not as heavily praised as X1 or X2, and for a good reason.
But yeah, out of the 5th gen X games, X4 is the only good one, so

>> No.6123083

It's the most overrated Mega Man. Not bad, but not that good.

>> No.6123198

X2 has shit fortress levels though

>> No.6123219

Sigma levels? Yeah. But still overall X2 has the best level design in the series alongside X1.

>> No.6123236

What's wrong with them? They have some unique platforming and make good use of the weapons.
The final stage is basically nothing, but they always are outside of X8.

>> No.6123243

I feel like the straightforward level design worked to its credit, imo. 2 and 3 always put me off in how they couldn't seem to decide whether or not they wanted to be games with open platforming or ones with pit deaths.

>> No.6123556

>Why is X4 so heavily praised?
Coz it's the first in the X series for that generation.

>> No.6123615
File: 8 KB, 256x512, MMX2Hunter304E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we were deprived of a spike hell fortress stage

>> No.6123712

Pretty damn good, and I love the vanilla version. There's a mod for an older version of it that lets you use Zero's beam sabre without charging your buster, which is another fun experience https://www.romhacking.net/hacks/3564/

>> No.6123716

Is that a prototype version of the second/third X-Hunter stage? Wow.

>> No.6123738
File: 612 KB, 2592x1944, How_was_I_supposed_to_know_others_liked_Megaman_X4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was fun. Admittedly, I preferred the sword swinging power of Zero more than the Rockman campaign. It is probably nostalgia for the Megaman games I've been playing since the original NES title which clouds my judgement, but it still plays very well to me. A shame it is not your thing, but I did trade away my second Saturn Limited pack for the Square Millennium release of Tactics because I had no money (and I also loved FFT). So, at one time I guess I valued a 2nd copy of X4 equal to a 2nd copy of FFT.

>> No.6124375

Because Zero's beam saber was the bee's knees.

>> No.6125435

X3 isnt bad, but it was designed by a different team. The level design and pacing are off compared to 1 and 2. in 1 and 2 you can eventually plow through everything in your path without slowing down, in 3 you often have to come to a dead stop to fight something you can't get by quickly even at full power. The delay on the fully charged shot is also a pain, it throws off the timing of shots and its hitbox is so large it will often bounce off any invulnerable points enemies have. The enemies also have awkward quick respawns if you so much as move one pixel out of where they were, and at times are placed in ways that make it nearly impossible to dodge an incoming attack.

It's better than 5 and 6, imo, but x3 has a lot of noticeable flaws when put side by side with 1 and 2. It's awesome that you can use Zero though, even though he's not all that good.

>> No.6125707

>in 1 and 2 you can eventually plow through everything in your path without slowing down, in 3 you often have to come to a dead stop to fight something you can't get by quickly even at full power.
Git gud.
X3 is only painful at the beginning until you get some heart tanks.
The game is a cheesefest after that(except for the last boss which is brutal with that tiny ass hitbox)...especially with the Gold Armor.

Quick respawns aren't so bad when you're farming for energy like at the beginning of Tunne Rhino's stage(though a charged Silk Shot kind of trick in various places like in X2 would have been much preferred)

Problem really is that the level design feels somewhat uninspired and it lacks in polish in many areas...from graphics to music and shit.
It has an underwhelming feel to it overall compared to X1 and X2.
That and the fact that if you get any of the chip upgrades you can't get the Gold Armor is a bunch of a bullshit.
Such a waste of a double air dash that you pretty much have to sacrifice. It's such a fun move.

>> No.6125712

Yeah fuck this fat fucker.

>> No.6125717

How wrong you are.
The bosses in those stages alone >>>>>>> X1's sigma stages.
And the music was God-tier.

>> No.6125719

Mega Man X6

>> No.6125746

>skipping X2 instead of X3
At least it's not a backtrack em up

>> No.6126029

X1(with dash patch)>X2>X1(vanilla)>X3(with patches)>X4>X3(vanilla)

>> No.6126194

>X2 is not a backtrack-em-up
Wanna know how I know you've never played it?

>> No.6126206
File: 217 KB, 753x997, X3armor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why the virgin hate for X3? You can become the most powerful more than in any other Mega Man game period, has the darkest and most dysmal atmosphere of any X game, you get changeable mech armor, the environmental system of X1 is expanded upon (whereas it was completely absent in X2), the "X-Hunter" mechanic is expanded upon (you even get different outcomes by destroying them with their weaknesses or not), an enormous amount of secrets, playable/switchable alt character that immediately makes you feel op, and some of the best music in the entire series (SNES and JPPSX only). It might be the best game in the series, even compared to X1 and X2.

>> No.6126298

I don't know why X8 gets all the praise it does. Even with X7 being as bad as it was, it doesn't excuse X8. There's only like 4 fucking stages that aren't auto scrollers, and only 2 of them aren't Maverick stages.

>> No.6126396

The controls are back to being as responsive as the SNES games, it has the most gameplay options between all the characters and upgrades, and the voice acting is actually good for the first time in any Mega Man game.
Wouldn't be my top pick due to shit like the two ride chaser stages or the metal grinding, but I can still enjoy a playthrough of it every once in a while.

>> No.6126493

X2 is so much better than 3

>> No.6126503

Here is why x3 is shitty trash garbage.

You finally get to play as Zero! Holy shit this is what I have been waiting for my whole life! Then the sequence ends and you are back to playing as X. Okay fine, whatever. It is after this point that you find out you can play as Zero any time you want, but you can't fight the boss with him. Oh and if you die, you can't play as Zero ever again. But hey! If you do the right things in the right way then you can obtain the z-saber that kills things in one hit.

Sometimes you just run in to an empty room. All this pomp and circumstance, and it's just empty. Not even a single miniboss inside. Bit/Byte haven't decided to ruin my day by showing up. Nothing or no one. Why? There is even a closed door on the way out, with all it's included slowdown. Why?

All the bosses explode for entirely too long. even the minibosses. This is incredibly close to nit-picking, but i'd like to point out that in X1 and X2 it was significantly shorter.

Sometimes Bit/Byte will show up and that's annoying. Bit's pretty bad but manageable. Byte is just brutal. Maybe i'm just a brainlet and there is a really easy strategy that I can't see, but he just pushes my shit in. These two just show up and block the progress you were trying to make.

Vile is whatever, who gives a shit. But you do if you want that good shit at the end of the game.

The default helmet upgrade is a waste of an upgrade slot. It is a shitty map that I forget after two seconds.

Technically there are a lot of upgrades for X to find and obtain. But you can only upgrade one part further because it blocks you out of the rest. and IF you happen to find and use one of these upgrade upgrades it locks you out the the golden armor which is all of them.

That's all I got.

>> No.6126516


Great music, great upgrades, both chars play differently and have their "own" story. Gameplay is great. The final stages are meh. I agree. Also the final boss takes a while to figure out IMO and still he gives me trouble.

Much better than X5 and X6 who botched the whole game design.

>> No.6126595

It's not, but I've only come to that conclusion after years of beating both dozens of times. X2 is an amazing game, and I love its emphasis on speed, but X3 is still better and bigger, taking the best things about both X1 and X2 and expanding upon them. No other game has done the up-air dash, which is sad, as it's a blast.

>You finally get to play as Zero! Holy shit this is what I have been waiting for my whole life! Then the sequence ends and you are back to playing as X. Okay fine, whatever. It is after this point that you find out you can play as Zero any time you want, but you can't fight the boss with him. Oh and if you die, you can't play as Zero ever again.
So don't die. Faggot.
>But hey! If you do the right things in the right way then you can obtain the z-saber that kills things in one hit.
Yeah, and that took some skill, as you just pointed out. Retard.
>Sometimes you just run in to an empty room. All this pomp and circumstance, and it's just empty. Not even a single miniboss inside. Bit/Byte haven't decided to ruin my day by showing up. Nothing or no one. Why? There is even a closed door on the way out, with all it's included slowdown. Why?
Because it builds suspense. X2 did the same thing, but was optional and easier. I love fighting the X-Hunters, but many probably don't, so that might explain why they hate fighting Bit and Byte (who, by themselves, are harder than any of easily-dodgeable X-Hunters).
>All the bosses explode for entirely too long. even the minibosses. This is incredibly close to nit-picking, but i'd like to point out that in X1 and X2 it was significantly shorter.
Never noticed this, so I'll look into it. The point of the exploding bosses is to emphasize your accomplishment, so the results of this comparison are null, either way.
>Vile is whatever, who gives a shit.
Nice evasion. Also, he's equivalent to the X-Hunters, which are also unnecessary to beat except for having more life to fight Sigma.

>> No.6126598

>But you [kill Vile at his lair] do if you want that good shit at the end of the game.
Not at all. You can still get the Beam Sabre without fighting him, and he's more fun to fight than that sea thing, anyway.
>The default helmet upgrade is a waste of an upgrade slot. It is a shitty map that I forget after two seconds.
Exact same thing in X1-2, especially X2.
>Technically there are a lot of upgrades for X to find and obtain.
And that's a bad thing!TM
>But you can only upgrade one part further because it blocks you out of the rest. and IF you happen to find and use one of these upgrade upgrades it locks you out the the golden armor which is all of them.
So don't get any of the chips and get the gold armor near the end. What's the issue?

If that's really you've got, it's time for you to return to plebbit.

>> No.6126639

>No other game has done the up-air dash, which is sad, as it's a blast.
Model H in ZX/ZXA has it, and it's just as fun in those games.

>> No.6126978

I need to get back to those games. The first one was really fun, from what I played.

>> No.6127675

It doesn't have that much actually.
You can sequence break for the Wheel Gator stage upgrades for example by using Wire Sponge's weapon to get the Buster Upgrade and you can use invincibility frames to get the heart tank.

There's only some few big annoyances such as the heart tank in Crystal Snail's stage being a bitch to get.

>> No.6127679

>The controls are back to being as responsive as the SNES games
I wouldn't go that far.

>> No.6127704

That's about the same amount as X3 has, though. Either way, unless you're speedrunning tranny, I don't know why anyone has an issue with re-exploring a level. It's the same gay argument against collectathons.

>> No.6127707

>Muh Zero
Grow up faggot.
It's called Mega Man X not Mega Man Zero.

>Byte/Bit troubles
Byte is literally harder than Bit and also figure out your routing. Once you do it it's not that bad.

One thing you forgot to mention in X3 is that Mini boss in Tunnel Rhino's stage that rams in the wall and takes forever to beat.

You're right about the chip upgrades being a bitch with you having to choose. It's retarded that with Game Genie codes you can use up to 3 of them but not playing the game regularly.
It sucks that they lock you out of the Gold Armor.

Somebody should make a patch for Mega Man X3 which allows you to get all those chip upgrades during regular play and still be able to get the Gold Armor at the end.

>> No.6127720

>So don't get any of the chips and get the gold armor near the end. What's the issue?
Not him but...
That's a huge issue fuck off.
Being only able to choose one of the chips sucks. And not being able to get the Gold Armor at the end because you got one of the chips earlier double sucks.

Somebody should patch X3 and correct those hideous mistakes.

>> No.6127745

>That's about the same amount as X3 has
God no. I don't hate X3 like some of these casual autists here but X3's backtracking is considerably worse and more complicated.
I don't care now that I figured it out but the figuring out part was the worst.

Collectathons suck because that's what their entire gameplay revolves around.

>> No.6127787

It's a trade-off that you're warned about before getting one. There aren't such upgrades in any of the other games, except maybe the Ultimate Armor in X4, so I still am not seeing the issue, unless it's just your autism. The game is easy enough to beat with just the regular upgrades or no upgrades at all.

>> No.6127817

its not bigger just more empty. x3 is objectively terrible on the snes. saturn or ps1

>> No.6127861

Most of these are valid, they're just not *that* big of a deal in the grand scheme of things. The empty room and exploding things are just like... I dunno, I just kind of look away from the screen for a second and daydream, it's not a deal breaker. The reason for the empty rooms is that they can't just make the rooms not be there when Bit/Byte aren't spawning. Like those rooms are part of the entire structure, you can't just have a void.

Byte seems like a terror until it clicks for you. Literally all you have to do is dash-kick the wall rapidly while his "pods" are attaching to it, then jump over him when he rushes you. When you finally figure it out he becomes the most painfully easy boss in the game. But yeah, if he messes up your rhythm and starts juggling you, it sucks.

>> No.6127870

>It's a trade-off
And it's shit.
To get the gold armor you're pretty much locked out of the badass double air dash. It sucks.

I disagree with the game being easy to beat. The final boss is so annoying with that small as hit box and you have to fight Sigma in his humanoid form before that too. And then after that it pulls that bullshit trick on you with the fire rising and you having to escape it by awkwardly wall jumping.
God help you if you only have a little bit of HP left and you die in that section and you have to restart the whole stage again from the beginning and fight both bosses again.

X2 is the only one who got the Endgame bosses right.

>> No.6127875

>x3 is objectively terrible
No, but x4 is.

>> No.6127901

The Zero Project patch allows you to trade in upgrade chips, though you can still only have one. It also adds an alternate method of obtaining the gold armor by installing each upgrade chip at least once.

Though I don't think the gold armor is that big of a deal. Getting 100% in X3 is a chore and most of the shit you need to collect is garbage anyway (the buster especially). When I play X3 I just take the leg chip and forget about trying to get the gold armor.

>> No.6127920

>The Zero Project patch allows you to trade in upgrade chips, though you can still only have one. It also adds an alternate method of obtaining the gold armor by installing each upgrade chip at least once.
Can you do this as X?
Because I don't care about playing as Zero.

The collecting in X3 doesn't bother me. It's only annoying the first time when you don't know where everything is.

>> No.6128058

You can. I don't think Zero even uses the regular upgrade chips, he just gets a gold armor equivalent.

>> No.6128581

You're not locked out of it. You can still get it, but it's a sacrifice. If you really want it that badly, you can get it. Almost any upgrade in that game is unnecessary, they just add to the fun, potentially.
>God help you if you only have a little bit of HP left and you die in that section and you have to restart the whole stage again from the beginning and fight both bosses again.
The "whole stage" is easier than any previous Sigma stage. It's a straight horizontal run with basic enemies, as opposed to vertical climb or Magna Cent's annoying security system, in addition to the pre-bosses (which includes (MEGA BADASS) Zero in X2 if you didn't collect the parts. Again, what's the problem?
>X2 is the only one who got the Endgame bosses right.
Subjective. Though X2 first form Sigma is one of the most fun bosses in all of gaming, the battle is HARDER than any of Sigma's forms in X3. X3's (second form) let's you use the wall to jump over him when he uses his tractor beam, while X2's second form's attacks can't be easily avoided (iirc), especially since he throws the whole kitchen sink at you while moving into you. The only thing that makes X2 second form Sigma potentially easier is that he throws those life-dispensing screwdriver guys at you occasionally, and this is only useful if you want to use the Dragon Punch on him.

>> No.6128595

The only redeeming aspect of the PS/SAT ports are the basee Japanese opening and ending themes, and the EU versions stripped them of that. The entire soundtrack, otherwise, is completely butchered and changes the whole dark mood of the game into something cheesy and boring. The choppy anime cutscenes aren't worth it, either, and they add to the cheesiness of this shitter.

>> No.6128597

>it's not bigger just more empty
Literally every single "open space" (all of which are completely optional) in this game leads to either a collectible or different pathway/ending, but nice try.

>> No.6128831

You can 100% X2 without any backtracking if you know where to go first

>> No.6128960

Took your bait and just blew through it again. You're misremembering. You can't possibly get the Sub-Tank from Bubble Crab's level without his power. Same thing with Kuwanger in X1 (among other things in that game, of course). Again, doesn't matter to me, as it's fun and relaxing.

>> No.6128964

You can, but you need dash boots to do it

>> No.6128975

Damn, I got BTFO'd there. Is it possible to Strike Chain for the Life-Up in Wheel Gator's stage, too (I figure it is, but I gave up on it, for now)? And not moving the goalposts, but can you also get the Life-Up in Boomer Kuwanger's stage without his power?

>> No.6128990

>Is it possible to Strike Chain for the Life-Up in Wheel Gator's stage, too
IIRC that's how they do it in the speedruns, I prefer getting hit by an enemy nearby and abusing i-frames to get it. The timing is a bit tight but it's easier than to use the chain.
>but can you also get the Life-Up in Boomer Kuwanger's stage without his power?
Yeah, you can use charged Shotgun Ice, or do this
The jump is quite hard and I've never managed to get it though

>> No.6129037
File: 2.05 MB, 408x358, tank.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just for speedruns, you don't need anything to get it normally

>> No.6129045

I assumed jumping out like this only worked with dash boots. Thanks for clarifying

>> No.6129608

X2 > X4 > X1 > X3 imo.

>> No.6129616

>complaining about backtracking
Unironically what is wrong with backtracking? Did nobody else ever find something in a game, try to get it, fail, only to later get some new powerup, excitedly think "ooooh, I bet I can use THIS to get that item!," and get a sense of joy when it works and you got your new item and/or opened up a new path?

>> No.6131374

While this is all very interesting and potentially fun to try, it doesn't really refute my point that X2 as well as X1 are also full of backtracking. 99% of players even longtime ones, will still backtrack everytime they play, since that's how the developers intended the game to be played and its structure. Glitches and physics exploits aren't part of the design of the game, so that's why this is irrelevant argument, regardless that it's interesting and makes me (a big fan) want to try them out.

Notwithstanding the informative and neutral posts I just replied to above, the tards complaining about backtracking are only doing so because they are grasping at straws to actually justify the hate they have for X3 that YouTube told them to have. Backtracking in action games is a lot of fun, I agree.

>> No.6131449

I don't think the water jump is an exploit. I believe it's required for a heart tank in X3, isn't it?

Getting hit for the heart tank in Wheel Gator's stage probably counts as an exploit, but frankly that's easier than any other method of obtaining it.

>> No.6131857

>I don't think the water jump is an exploit. I believe it's required for a heart tank in X3, isn't it?
Canon way is charged Bubble Crab's weapon. It lets you jump really high in water, and then you just jump with the splashes.
>Getting hit for the heart tank in Wheel Gator's stage probably counts as an exploit, but frankly that's easier than any other method of obtaining it.
Canon way is charged Flame Stage weapon + air dash, I think, though it has driven me mad several times and so I will probably try that getting hit thing you mentioned, next time.

>> No.6131859

Oh shit, you said X3, not X2. You mean in Toxic Seahorse for the Kangaroo? Canon way is charged Blizzard Buffalo's weapon near the platform, which creates an ice platform that you need to jump on and float to the top.

>> No.6131904


That is definetely a big positive for X3, the sense of power and badass feeling when you're fully equipped is beyond X1 and 2 for sure. And despite a few bad songs the music and graphics are great.

The level design and half the boss fights are not good though, they just feel lazy and tedious too often. The game can feel like a slog on replays compared to X1 and 2, due to stages like Tunnel Rhino, and how many things you need to find to become fully powered up, and how much backtracking goes into that.

I want to love it as much or more than X1 and 2 because of the double air dash and Z-Saber, but it's just not as good a game, not as polished, and you can tell on repeat playings.

>> No.6131917

I replayed X3 more than any of the others despite X1 being the first one I played, so, to each his own. Tunnel Rhino's only annoying part is the drill enemy that desperations you once you kill it.

>> No.6134262

I just went back and am playing through X2 right now, to remember why exactly did I dislike the sigma stages in it.
The first sigma level is fine, although fuck I hate Violen's boss fight with that chainsaw, I can't predict its movement at all.
Then the 2nd level is what I remember hating the most. That vertical part full of insta-death spikes, and 2 flame throwers on the sides, and you have to wall-jump on that moving thing, first on one side, then to the other, to avoid the fire. It's very hard to do it right, I always end up either knocked back by the flames, falling down all the way back and having to wait for the thing to come down again, or I die by touching the spikes. I die a LOT there, and restarting that level over again is not really that fun.
Then Serges' boss fight on that stage is also very annoying. Still dying there, so I don't remember about the other 2 stages.
I love X2 anyway, still a masterpiece, but the sigma levels on X1 were better.

>> No.6134937

See, that's how I feel about X2's music: its more complex writing wasn't made for the SNES' limited set. It'd would've benefitted more from a bigger one. Also, stop lying: X4's music is as hummable and catchy as X1's.

>> No.6134984

>X4's music is as hummable and catchy as X1's.

>> No.6135714


The 2nd Serges fight will make a man out of you if you dont abuse E-tanks. I needed at least 2 of them to beat him as a toddler.

>> No.6137832

>You're not locked out of it.
Yes you are.
If you get any of the chips you're locked out of getting the Gold Armor.
The sacrifice system is dumb.

No that section at the end with the fire rising after you beat the Final Boss in X3 is pure bullshit.
You better hope you either have enough HP to survive it.
Either that or have godly Wall-jumping skills which not everyone does.

X2's second form constantly puts enemies in front of you to farm energy or weapon energy from them(even if it's only a little bit)
I disagree with X2's first Sigma form being harder than the X3 ones. X3's second form has such an annoyingly small hitbox which makes him very hard to hit.

>> No.6137838

>that's how the developers intended the game to be played
[citation needed]

>> No.6137919

>The sacrifice system is dumb.
Go back to playing Kirby, faggot.
>No that section at the end with the fire rising after you beat the Final Boss in X3 is pure bullshit.
You better hope you either have enough HP to survive it.
Either that or have godly Wall-jumping skills which not everyone does.
>I disagree with X2's first Sigma form being harder than the X3 ones. X3's second form has such an annoyingly small hitbox which makes him very hard to hit.
Just hug the wall. There's not much else to say. X2 requires more coordination and acrobatics.

aka, playing the game without using glitches or exploiting the physics, as I already said in the same post, retard.

>> No.6139115

this post reminds me of everything I liked and found fresh about the game. Between Megaman 2 (NES) and this, my 2 favorite megaman games out of the entire series by far

>> No.6139704

It's good and it tests your hand-eye coordination, but I liked his first fight more.
I just finished the game again and now I can comment on the other things I didn't like about the counter hunter stages:
Stage 3 has that part with the floating pads you have to jump various times in order to make it go where you go. It feels very cramped and a lot of times the platform gets stuck in some platform, forcing you to go back down and start over.
I feel like there's not many good level design or enemies in either stages 2 or 3 of the counter hunter level.
The final one, where you fight Sigma, is just the computer central stage again, the first part of it. That's fine, it's kind of cool from a narrative stand point, but having to play that segment every time you lose to Sigma is boring, since you already played that level before.
Sigma's 1st form is a pretty cool fight and better than Sigma's 1st form in X1, though, or at least, just as good.
His 2nd form I feel wasn't as spectacular as X1's iconic final sigma, but I appreciated that it plays like a regular boss fight, where you can wall jump and what not. Final Sigma in X1 is amazing but it's totally different from most boss fights.
So, anyway, I stand in the same opinion I had before. X2 is amazing and probably as good as X1 or better in most things except for the final Sigma levels, X1 did those better.

>> No.6139939

I was never a Nintendo kid but Megaman always looked decent to me, always felt unfair even then magazines would give PS1 Megaman games low scores for 'seeming like a SNES game'. X4 was my first, recieving significantly better reviews as the reviewers came around to the fact 'seeming like a SNES game' was no bad thing. It's the SOTN of the series, the one that did enough stuff right on a different format to warrant a new fanbase. I wanted to see what the older games were like and got X3 also (PAL PS1 port) which I liked just as much. The FMV and music weren't X4 level, but the gameplay and all the secrets kept me going a while. Finding X1 and X2 shared the same sprites and were similar surprised me further. I almost played the series in reverse order were it not for X5 and X6, and emulators in the early 2000s not liking Megaman X/X2 for a while - SNES9x hated armor upgrades and the C4 chip as a whole until 2003/4ish.

>> No.6140025

/v/ and /m/ has better Megaman threads than /vr/.

>> No.6140036

Not surprising. Castlevania threads are also better on /v/.
It's mostly because on /vr/, renowed series like these get used for retro console war ammo.
Nowadays kids wouldn't care because they don't have personal attachment to older systems, and anyway they play the (laggy) compilations released on modern platforms, they don't care.
For /vr/troopers though, the dispute of the X series is a life or death matter.
Sonyfags claim X4 is a masterpiece, but clearly the SNES trilogy can't be topped, and nintendrones are smug about that. But, Segafags have something coming, and it's the X1 fan port to Mega Drive.
Once it drops, it's gonna give a lot of console warring on here. It's probably (hopefully) gonna have less slowdown, but less color and graphic detail. People will endlessly shitpost about which soundtrack sounds the best, and how both of them sound like farts.
Good old /vr/.

>> No.6140223

The other problem is that people here like to discuss games based on their nostalgia rather than how the games actually play.
Just look at how many posts in this thread can be summed up as "X4 is good because it's the first time I got to play as Zero and watch anime cutscenes!" which I'm sure were great reasons back in 1997, but those features aren't going to amaze anyone looking to play X4 in 2020.

>> No.6140729

Mega Man threads are the only reason I bother visiting /v/ these days