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6111949 No.6111949 [Reply] [Original]

Time for that age old question: Mario 3 or Mario World?

>> No.6111958


>> No.6111959

Just play whatever you enjoy the most. This is a low quality thread that’s been done dozens of times.

>> No.6111965

World is my favorite. but you can make a good case for either game "better", they are both 10/10 games.

>> No.6111990

This, I like you.

>> No.6111998

SMW has almost perfect controls.
SMB3 world and levels feel more coherent and full of interesting ideas.

Combine the two and you get the perfect Mario game.
But Nintendo prefers shit like NSMB.

>> No.6112075

Just looking at the starting screen is enough to tell you World is one million times better. Its literally an improvement of 3 in every single way.

>> No.6112089

I personally prefer SMW, I like the secrets, the controls, the music and the graphics.
But I think SMB3 is more polished, it has more power ups, the worlds look more unique (the ones in SMW look very samey, and some worlds only have like 3 stages), the enemy design is better in SMB3, it's a lot more difficult
It really depends, but I'd say they are on par with each other

>> No.6112104

NSMB is mechanically superior to both.

>> No.6112162

World is probably the better game but it’s just so bland compared to 3

>> No.6112185

Yeah, they're both solid platform games and still incredibly good compared to games in the same genre that were made 30 years later. I think the pre-Mario 3 games are good as well but I can't deny how influential the games in the OP are.

As much as I prefer PC games over console games, I'd pick classic mario over anything like Jazz Jackrabbit or Commander Keen.

>> No.6112275

Super Mario World. It was much more epic.

>> No.6112349

I like both.

>> No.6112356

No. Fuck that floaty-ass bullshit.

>> No.6112392

>lets you wall jump

its not even mario anymore

>> No.6112476

mario bros 3 was better as a stand alone game, but hacks have propelled smw forward

>> No.6112514

Mario Maker 2

>> No.6112515

Both :)

>> No.6112532

Mario 3 all day every day.

>> No.6112538
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Both shit.

Pic related is best Super Mario game.

>> No.6112568

>can't throw objects in vertical axis
It's not better than World in that regard.

>> No.6112608

3, but world is good too. 3 is just my personal preference.

>> No.6112649

SMB3 > SMB2 > SMB > SMW > SMW2

>> No.6112653

>preferring SMB1 over World, but preferring SMB3 above all
Weird list.
Also 2 USA or Lost Levels?

>> No.6112726
File: 1.17 MB, 1770x2108, mario3_vs_world2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

world has ugly art and boring level themes.

3 has soulful levels and tons of variety and fun

>> No.6112815
File: 6 KB, 704x216, SMW-CBA-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a load of shit. Mario World has ice and sky levels.

>> No.6112821

SMAS > 64 > World > RPG > Everything else

This is objective fact.

>> No.6112827
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To be honest, I never really liked the 2D mario games all that much.
They're fine games, but none of them have really resonated with me, I would just play them and then move on. While it was other platformers like Yoshi's Island, Donkey Kong and Wario Land that I would replay again and again.
But of the two, I think smb3 is the better one.

>> No.6112841

Mario Madness

>> No.6112853

World has better pacing.
Vs. SMB is the best Mario game.

>> No.6112879

You mean 1 ice level, and it's out of the way.

>> No.6112973

Does Mario 3 have a chocolate land? No.

>> No.6112980

3 the levels just feel more jam packed, the levels in world rarely have secrets hidden in the sky like mario 3, they do have some but a lot of the levels feel so empty

>> No.6113081
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>> No.6113096

That's obviously wood, it even includes the pith.

>> No.6113150
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I like 3 but fucking world exists man

>> No.6113184

I prefer 3, but just barely. 3 is more refined and polished, while World seems more experimental, but sloppier.

>> No.6113190

i can't stand World's camera

>> No.6113201

Both are amazing games and it's hard to pick... that being said Yoshi's Island is trash

>> No.6113217

World for physics
and romhacks in general

>> No.6113263

Mario 3 had the insanely more fun powerrups and some very specific worlds were pretty great

World was overall more replayable because it did not force you to replay through the first couple areas each time you played it.

>> No.6113303

To those saying Mario 3, what’s your opinion on the Mario All-Stars version?

>> No.6113336

I'm biased but the GBA version is my favorite.

>> No.6113347

Mario 3 without a doubt. NOT all stars

>> No.6113353
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>> No.6113357
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>> No.6113360 [DELETED] 

I poop on the potty and wipe my bum

>> No.6113365

It sure as shit aint walnut. Looks like cherry.

>> No.6113368
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>> No.6113402

I really don't separate them, it's pretty much the same game. The GBA port added things I like, like a world map that lets me backtrack and redo older levels.

>> No.6114183
File: 1.91 MB, 3300x2300, remake_SMB3_all.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6114556

Excellent image that summarizes the problems with SMW and how inferior it is to SMB3. I saved it for use in the future threads. It fascinates me how many delusional SMWfags there are (it's not a bad game, but it's nowhere near as good as 3), but then again, nostalgia is one hell of a drug.

>> No.6114563

w o r l d

>> No.6114567

world, especially the rom hacks

>> No.6114571
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>> No.6114579
File: 87 KB, 523x599, smw_pinball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super Mario Bros. 3 is the greatest game on the NES and a legitimate contender for best game of all time.

Super Mario World is a great game but doesn't even come close to the best on the SNES.

3 is better. Pic related is the superior Mario pinball experience, however.

>> No.6114624

are you mentally stunted

>> No.6114642

You may not like it anon, but Super Marioki Panic is the superior Mario 2.

>> No.6115095

Kys spammer.

>> No.6115509

>all that cherrypicking
You're not including the cloud as a power up in SMW, not including ice levels (there's more than 1, stop bullshitting) or sky levels, and you're not making the diffeence between a fortress and a castle.
Also, on the tileset, you're including the cutscene sprites on SMB3, but not in SMW.
You're an autistic retard.

>> No.6115528

I honestly prefer both SMB1 and SMB3 to World

>> No.6115538

They’re both just decent platformers on consoles with far superior platformers. 3 and World are bland. It’s like vanilla being your favorite ice cream.

>> No.6115663

i really don't know what they were thinking with those SMW goombas, they look horrible
the same can arguaby said for the beetles, because their shell has a straight bottom contour

>> No.6115713

>ice level
if i include 1 off themes, then ill have to add all mario 3's. like tower, pyramid, black void, etc do you really want me to do that?

>> No.6115985

You are a fucking lowly retarded subhuman and nothing more.

>> No.6116028

name better platformers beside sonic adventure

>> No.6116032


>> No.6116054
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>preferring the bland series that single-handedly killed off the 2D Mario games over the two polished, timeless games that defined what a good 2D platformer should always be like

>> No.6116057

World feels like a modified Mario 3 that's missing a certain substance

>> No.6116062

mario 3 has better challenge, a better artstyle and much better powerup variety
mario world has better controls, much more level gimmicks and secrets up the ass

honestly it just kinda depends on my mood

>> No.6116070

all-stars version didn't have this problem since you could choose which world to start in from file select

>> No.6116074

smw goombas are different enemies all-together. it makes sense that they'd have a derivative look

>> No.6116080
File: 1.06 MB, 3000x2064, 1449035119486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

World; I think it's more fun to play and I like the art style/music better. Also Yossy.

>> No.6116921

I lean toward 3, but you could make the argument for either one. World has a ton of secrets and they tend to be more substantial (an entire optional world, super hard bonus stages, Star Road...), which is a major plus in a 2D platformer. However, I find SMB3's secrets to be much more rewarding and interesting, and the levels in-general have much clearer themes that make them stick out in your head. What really clinches it are the power-ups, though. They're a lot more varied, and allowing the player to store items they've collected adds a small dimension of resource management. It also means that the game can reward you in a more meaningful way than throwing some 1-Ups at you.

Of course, that's all nitpicking at the end of the day. When it comes to the big stuff, namely level design, physics, and controls, they're both near the peak of the genre.

>> No.6116951

I said there are superior platformers on the same consoles, not different ones. Learn to read.

>> No.6116986

I like both games, the point is you're obviously cherrypicking and a shameless autist at that.

>> No.6117057

yet you cant name any

>> No.6117072

nintendo is a BUSINESS, quit acting like they're your buddies

>> No.6117716
File: 90 KB, 1200x654, 1549659588948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>besides sonic adventure

>> No.6117771

Nobody is acting like that

>> No.6117805

All-Stars is a soulless abomination.

>> No.6117812

Embarrassing taste.

>> No.6117908

eat shit you dumb ape.

>> No.6119335

The NES version has a charm the All-Stars version lacks, but All-Stars abandoned the play/theater motif in favor of a fully fleshed out world which they did quite well. I really enjoy both NES and SNES versions of all these games.

>> No.6119336

whoever named that file dun goofed

>> No.6119346

I grew up playing the NES version, but I always play the SNES or GBA version now.
More colors are nice.