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6092096 No.6092096 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.6092106


>> No.6092131

>Did lingerie pics
>No full name given
Fuck this.

>> No.6092159

13 year old me is screaming

>> No.6092172

>Isn’t American, but naturally blonde
32 year old me is screaming

>> No.6092180

Well... who and where is she?

>> No.6092184

fuck off justin

>> No.6092228
File: 46 KB, 400x419, 1572341676788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>18th of March

Not recently... Am i missing something?
I would be more interested about the Jill and Jason actors.

I mean, i'm pretty sure to have read in a post here in /vr/ sometime back in this august where the racconstars blog was mentioned and so, you could have read the rebecca actress interview.

Maybe i am wrong but as i said i dont think this should be like a happening

>> No.6092261

I hate dumb ecelebs are their shilling of shitty mobile games. Fuck off

>> No.6092289


>Parasite whang does no research or anything
>Metely makes a 9 minute video with huge padding recounting and reading other people's hard work and research
>Parasite Whang makes money while original researches didn't

>> No.6092356

>looks legit

>> No.6092369
File: 410 KB, 580x323, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be the 'hard work' all these self-made millionaires speak of. I too wish I could con people into doing labor for me while I profit off them.

>> No.6092378


A bunch of enthusiasts spend hours of their own time, sometimes their own money, researching something they are passionate about. Then Whang comes along and just reads off their conclusions, and he's the one that gets paid.

The smart people game the system to profit themselves. Dumbasses volunteer and get nothing. This is how the world works.

>> No.6092404

>hard work
You’ve never worked a day in your life if you think playing internet detective is hard work.

>spend their own money
Don’t blow things out of proportion, it’s never a large amount. And when it is the item purchased holds more value than the information it provides. His videos help spark interest, which should be more important than some glory hogging (which he doesn’t even do, as he cites all sources so they get exposure).

You need to curb that victim mentality, senpai.

>> No.6092406

You could post what was found instead of shilling for some youtube faggot. We all know the info was taken from other people and you could fit it into a few paragraphs, couple of photos and links at best but it will be fucking padded to reach the optimal advertising time. Fuck youtubers bitching about youtube censorship and muh ad money when they make more than enough money through patreon, merch stores, etc to host their vids on their own site.

>> No.6092414


>t. internet parasite who profits off of others work.

>> No.6092416

You could discuss what was found instead of making a fuss over “muh ebul yewtube celebrities ;(“ desu.

>> No.6092424

>t. professional complainer
Are you leftist btw? You’re pretty good at weaving dilemmas out of thin air.

>> No.6092497

How can you discuss something without watching the video? I'm not watching it and giving that fag any views. Give me the information in text and then I'll give you my thoughts.

>> No.6092520

>i'm a cock sucking turbo shill

>> No.6092927

Why are you posting here shouldn't you be watching some donation begging... oh sorry they like to call it livestreams.

>> No.6092938
File: 22 KB, 476x559, LINDA X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the info.


Interview part 1:

Fred : "Hello Linda, I'm contacting you because I believe that you are one of the uncredited actress who played the character
Rebecca Chambers in the japanese videogame Known as Bio Hazard and Resident Evil overseas, the filming occured in Tokyo, during the year
1995.You can check out the making of and live cutscenes there.You will remain anonymous as long as you wish it, and keep your
privacy.Thanks very much for your time !"

Linda: "Hi Fred! What a surprise,you know, I’ve never seen this so it was so nice to finally get a chance to see it! I was really young when
I did the shoot and never saw half of my work. So thank you!"

Fred : "Could you tell us what you remember about the filming
and how you got the job ?"

Linda: "I will tell you one thing, the job was loads of fun!
Back in the day this kind of stuff was still fairly
advanced and high tech.I remember going to the shoot
and they had these amazing man made machine Dobermans.
They were really lifelike. I also was blonde!!
My hair wasn’t the right color for the job so they dyed it!!
They spray painted it some pinkish brown color:))

I remember the staff being very kind. It was a nice job. Easy.
The Japanese are generally extremely kind. Being a foreigner,
white blonde, skinny with blue eyes in the 90's was dreamy.
I won’t lie, you get a lot of attention and people just love you!

So I felt very happy in japan. Life was easy. I went to 10-15 casting
everyday. So I have no idea when I saw them or if they went directly
with our agency and only choose model with our agency.There was a
casting sheet in the model van We would drive around from morning till
dawn every single day.. usually from 10 until 8 pm.. going on castings
auditions.The sheet would be very basic. 10:00 lingerie. 12:00 magazine:
13:00 commercial for morinaga and so on.. There were regular clients
and huge cattle calls. Hair jobs. Catalog jobs."

>> No.6092940


Interview part 2:

Fred : "Very interesting insight.The director of the game said that during the
filming by night near the Tama river,Inezh
the other actress was supposed to have been stung by mosquitos,
do you remember this ?"

Linda :"I don’t remember the mosquitos. Generally mosquitos aren’t such a problem
in Japan but in parks I guess so."

Fred : "Do you remember the season ? Fall ? Charlie told me that it could've been
filmed during fall but it's hard to remember for sure."

Linda : "It was a nice day. Sunny. Not too cold. So it was either the beginning of
siding or the end of spring. Maybe beginning of fall.I was outside and it
was warm."

Fred : "You have a good memory ! Do you remember anything about Jason and Inezh ?
Maybe you remember their accent,I guess everyone was talking in english on set,
I mean the actors talking with each other."

Linda "I think it was American.They were nice.I was a lot younger so I remember
them looking like adults compared to me. I had smaller bones. I was thin.
I remember she looked like a woman. Not like a model. More healthy and average.
Pretty but not model type. She had a body and usually girls like that didn’t
work well.She was taller.I was still very young.I felt they were older and our
roles were different so much in the shoot we weren’t together."

Fred : "Did you know that this videogame became a huge and popular franchise, one of the
best selling worldwide ?(This question is dedicated to the people who still call
us stalkers and creeps)."

Linda : " I had no idea. I didn’t even remember that I was in it until you showed up I went in to do other jobs.So many jobs.Sony.Toshiba.Car commercials.
But i loved my time in Japan.Best years of my life."

(Maybe more later...Will ask your questions if I get the chance to talk to her again, this interview was really a lightning in a bottle.)

>> No.6092990

I wanna use her throat?

>> No.6093031

Too many people here talking about youtubers and not enough about her doing lingerie modeling.
Truly a Zoomer Vs Boomer thread, tranny Zoomers hating on everything and the few boomers that remain here wondering about her perky little titties.

>> No.6093036

>The Japanese are generally extremely kind. Being a foreigner,
>white blonde, skinny with blue eyes
Yeah, I wonder why those Japanese video game guys were so kind to her when they normally aren't kind to anyone ever.

>> No.6093039

No you don't?

>> No.6093052

She is so simple. Reminisces about being blonde and petite in Japan. Calls the language "American". Goddamn. Models and athletes are adorable people. They're like lovable little furry animals.

>> No.6093058

>Calls the language "American"

Saw that too, but I think she's talking about the accents.

>> No.6093062

I see he's asked about the accent specifically, so yeah. It's just a very common thing among the less educated third-worlders to call the language spoken in the US the "American langauge". They understand it's English but they jsut forget that it is. Apparently not this girl, though. He really did ask about the accents.

>> No.6093154

>Fred : "Did you know that this videogame became a huge and popular franchise, one of the
best selling worldwide ?(This question is dedicated to the people who still call
us stalkers and creeps)."

Jesus fucking christ, the cringe in this sentence.

>> No.6093284

>we finally found a random thot

this thread is amazing

>> No.6093306

what's her real name? I dont see it mentioned anywhere or anything about her past some cringe questions and some anons bitching in the thread. I remember she was really cute in that vid years ago. still cute now. neato she was found finally

>> No.6093325

I want to see the undie pics she did

>> No.6093341

>I remember she looked like a woman. Not like a model. More healthy and average.
>Pretty but not model type. She had a body and usually girls like that didn’t work well.She was taller.

This woman knows what's up.

>> No.6093471

This. If the original "workers" wanted to be paid for their efforts they should've found a way to do this. This guy is making money by making it digestible to an audience.
There are scummy people out there who make obscene amounts of money off the work of others, but this isn't really the case here.
You can bitch about the padding all you want, but that's youtubes fault for making it impossible to catch a buck without making the video ~10 minutes.

>> No.6093480
File: 10 KB, 300x300, 1577067850907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Resident Evil fan community gets whanged again. I legitimately hate this dude.

>> No.6093513

These anons know what actually matters

>> No.6093516

seriously what's her name? I wanna see her pantied butt

>> No.6093525

>making it digestible to an audience
Almost 10min video that could be easily reduced to 3min, he's just wasting the viewer time to get ad money.

>that's youtubes fault for making it impossible to catch a buck without making the video ~10 minutes.

Fucker has a patreon, most of youtube bitches begged people to donate so they wouldn't have to play by big bad youtube rules.Trying to have it both ways at the cost of the already paying viewer is just a shitty thing to do. Sorry but around 400$ a month for such low effort shit is more than enough.

>> No.6093721

Fuck off Justin

>> No.6093741


>> No.6093758

>that off-putting, dubious ethnicity

gonna take a pass on this one

>> No.6093830
File: 57 KB, 1024x703, fc7945f10cdc3ad3913f592d16045d44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This bitch looks like Ducky from Land Before Time.

>> No.6093849


>> No.6094195

Who the fuck does an interview and doesn't get a name? I wouldn't be surprised if this was fake.

>> No.6094543

i'm stealing this thread

>> No.6094574

>no name

Yeah fuck off OP.

>> No.6094579

It is more appropriate to call it American because ebonics-lite sure as fuck isn't English any more

>> No.6094583


Linda Rodriguez. They got that from Deep Freeze.

>> No.6094903

His eyes make me uncomfortable. Like they can't decide what emotion they're trying to convey.

>> No.6094916


he's gonna go after the Silent Hill community next.

>You just got #Whanged

>> No.6094918

>based Whang! making money off the backs of fans and enthusiasts who labored freely and gave the results of their labor away for free
>the ones who did the work are the actual idiot shitheads, fuck them
>*donates to Whang!'s Patreon*
Also 4chan:
>nooo stop hoarding prototypes and source code and your original interviews! you should give them all away for free while I give you nothing! I-it's your duty!
>Yeah no I'm not giving you anything in return, you should just do it for free, so the idiots I follow on YouTube can make videos about it and fatten THEIR wallets
Why do retards seem to insist on shafting people who can actually generate new, meaningful, original content, but defend the right of people who produce nothing new to make money off the backs of others?

>> No.6094924

who are you quoting?

>> No.6095007

>I remember the staff being very kind. It was a nice job. Easy.
>The Japanese are generally extremely kind. Being a foreigner,
>white blonde, skinny with blue eyes in the 90's was dreamy.
>I won’t lie, you get a lot of attention and people just love you!
Imagine being one of the most desired women in the world and being around some of the least desired men in the world.

>> No.6095012

>Almost 10min video that could be easily reduced to 3min, he's just wasting the viewer time to get ad money.
yeah i didn't like scrubbing past this ugly dude's face to get to the interesting bits

>> No.6095051

>have her name
>google searching brings up none of her pics as a panty butt model.
>instead various searches are ugly mexican females that are fat
dammit thats all I wanna see is a bunch of pics of her in panties and her buttcheeks

>> No.6095075


Damn, think she got some Japanese cock?

>> No.6095091

Just another souless insectiod jewtuber pretending to be a badass metalhead like metal jesus who puts out nothing but clickbait.

>> No.6095104


>> No.6095107
File: 29 KB, 200x240, thumb_here-we-see-cozy-pepe-repost-with-stay-cozy-pepe-2751943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey it me, 4chan
Don't fucking quote me

>> No.6095129

Don't you just love getting spammed by youtube with videos like:

Hidden Gems: Final Fantasy 7
324,23434,43534543,953456, things you missed in trailer of X.
My reaction to reaction compilation reaction.
DONATE - livestream.

>> No.6095139

lol GAY5K

>> No.6096206


Fuck off whang

>> No.6097506
File: 30 KB, 502x600, 696ea1b47b66e5bfd240249c63558cc39d16b54e.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6097617

>I know you said the director was later quoted saying the acting skills were not very good. I would agree with that, but I would also say that his talent as a director, and the overall production value was also very poor
Jesus christ Chris.

>> No.6098280
File: 116 KB, 600x400, Untitled-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>99% of the video is some greasy fuckwad in a homosexual pink bedroom instead of Rebecca footage

>> No.6098751

I am so mad, does anyone have her actual magazine pictures?

>> No.6098754

thanks, I almost watched it

>> No.6098758

Shit meant to reply to

>> No.6098776

>>google searching brings up none of her pics as a panty butt model.

These aren't going to be just laying around some website. If they were on the web the sites are long dead. And it would be in Japanese. Much more likely they would be in print magazines and that would be needle in a haystack without names and dates.

>> No.6098814

Well we know her name is Linda Rodriquez and we also know that she modeled in Lingere before RE1's production (1996)

>> No.6098831


>> No.6098997
File: 508 KB, 600x858, itsuckstobeweegie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be mad just because you didn't think of how to get easy money first anon.

>> No.6099187

>I hate dumb ecelebs are their shilling of shitty mobile games
Could you repeat that in English?

>> No.6100132


wow, even his new videos are really interesting too.


>> No.6100136

Summarize it, will you? That first one was a waste of time.

>> No.6100146


useless parasitical millennial realizes a film is in the public domain so he summarizes it in 12 minutes for optimal Youtube ad revenue.

>> No.6101927
File: 29 KB, 360x379, 9FBB5CB6-BB48-4DB7-BF6C-1BB19BB0D57D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How many young Japanese guys do you think creampied her gaijin walls while she was out there? I bet they were super into it.

>> No.6101956


A lot. And that's a good thing. Hafu pride world wide.

>> No.6101958

stupid coomers

>> No.6101960

I want to see her tight little Euro ass.

>> No.6101961


Ask Japanese gaming forums. That is a better bet. Because her photo-shoots are in some magazine or fashion catalog somewhere. They have to be found. The Japanese can start searching.

>> No.6102467

This is the next big quest for RE fans.

>> No.6102476


>> No.6102674


For the longest time I thought Rebecca had red highlights. The original game is low resolution and she appears so quickly I never picked up on it.

Also I'm pretty sure that live action Rebecca is only used for the intro Cast scene, and the ending scene.

>> No.6104860


>> No.6106669

>those jumpcuts
Is it 2011?

>> No.6106671


Whang's fanbase are like 12.

>> No.6106693

She went from "retarded chick I want to punch in the face" to "qt blondie I wanna fuck and cum inside" real quick with that watermarked pic. God was RE1 Rebecca annoying

>> No.6106773

Time to summon the oldfag porn sauce finders. To /r/!

>> No.6106774
File: 1.58 MB, 544x960, white man love.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6106778

Go away retarded Asians, no one cares about your racial struggle LARP.

>> No.6106780


You'll have to start digging and scanning fashion catalogs, softcore magazines, of the era. It likely is not considered "porn" and is very tame.

>> No.6106797

So many fuckwits the past few years have plagued /vr/ as well.
Angry little men ready to cocksuck and defend other fuckwits, such as NintendoNerd, his boyfriend Mike and AlphaOmegaSin, and also angsty towards alright people such as Whang.

No Whang isn't an idol or anything but he does make several good videos, well informed and well presented.
Unlike the above said homos, he's not going to let any of you manlets suck his cock, however this isn't an excuse to bash him whenever possible. Just try to get a life or throw yourselves from a cliff.

>> No.6106831


Hi Whang.

>> No.6107826

Fuck off back to /x/ you triggered little tart muffin.

>> No.6107832

stuff like this is the absolute bottom of the barrel of like, game/development lore, especially for such a throwaway sequence in a game

>> No.6108690

>But i loved my time in Japan.Best years of my life
living the weeb dream

>> No.6108707

Fuck you Whang, you cancerous newfag.

>> No.6108772


but he's been here since 2018. He's an oldfag!

>> No.6108779

>especially for such a throwaway sequence in a game

I am pretty sure she is on screen for 30 seconds tops.

>> No.6109020

Hello AVGN semen consumer.

>> No.6109065

Based Whang makes a lot of /vr/ content.


>> No.6109198

that "audience" must be the illiterate morons of 4channel, like you

>> No.6111075

Bump for best girl in Zero.

>> No.6111103
File: 510 KB, 700x700, reaction slav girl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bumping low tier e-celeb trash because muh waifu.

>> No.6111150

I hope you get raped to death, fucking parasite chink.

>> No.6111165


>every post I don't like is whang!

>> No.6111651

I'm not sure?

>> No.6111673

Pull-ups are the only exercise this man has ever done

>> No.6112818

Is that actually confirmed? Seemed like a theory.

Really curious about her. Was a big crush of mine.

>> No.6112856

>dog avatar
>wolf? plushie
>dog pillow
nigga's a furry

>> No.6112863


They figured her name via Deep Freeze having the same cast as Resident Evil. And the confirmed lady's name is "Linda". So yes, fill in the gaps. It's Linda Rodriguez.

She most likely did the interview on the grounds of not releasing her full name since she doesn't want weirdo "I want to lick Rebecca's feet" fans bothering her.

>> No.6112886

Really ask myself what she thinks about it now and if she continues the interview.

Would love to know if she did the secret sportswear pic in re2 or from which country she actually is.

>> No.6113281

How do we know this isn't fake? It does seem kinda made up.

>> No.6113649

is he wearing some kind of upper muscle suit? what's up with those shitty body proportions

>> No.6113659

This is what perfection looks like

>> No.6113662

Looks like that guy tried to do leg day but failed, because not enough testosterone and protein.

>> No.6114932


>what are muscles.

>> No.6115317

Stay cozy Pepe

>> No.6115598

Just stopping by to say Whang is a massive faggot.

>> No.6115938

>Just stopping by to say Whang is a massive faggot.

A massive faggot who creates the most low effort jump cut content ever.

>> No.6116417

Shoulda monetized it first, you little goblin.

If they wanted to make money off of it, they should have done what he's doing before he did, it's not exactly like they couldn't beat him to the punch, the video is what, 10 months after the discovery?

>> No.6117142


Chinese parasite fingers typed these posts.

>> No.6117519

Won't someone think of the poor people who didn't even attempt to make money off their effort at any point?
Yeah, the content isn't particularly creative on his part, but you act like he's robbing people, when he's just taking an opportunity these people weren't considering for a second.

If they want to make money of it, why don't they make their own video content?

>> No.6117620


Imagine defending a bottom feeder on media discussion and analysis who just steals content and reads other people's posts for a "living".

>> No.6117636

Sounds like any journalist or blogger to me, only I don't have to be on the receiving end of a political agenda.
I don't pay him any money btw, and I recommend anyone to block ads on YouTube.

>> No.6117769

Post lingerie of her or fuck off with this bullshit.

>> No.6117819

Anyone found out something new about her?

Need those fucking lingerine pics.

>> No.6118231

for real. Did anyone ever jerked off to her?

>> No.6118332


Whang's dick is 4 inches tops.

>> No.6118465

Hopefully they don't lose her again, ay buddy?

>> No.6118572

>She was found
>Eaten alive

>> No.6118619
