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6102485 No.6102485 [Reply] [Original]

What is a nice keyboard layout for playing PS1 games without a gamepad? I know for a fact I want WASD to be for the D-Pad, but I'm torn on the rest. Arrow keys do not work as replacements for the face buttons.

>> No.6102531

PS1 games are not meant to be played on a keyboard. Get yourself a PC controller that's similar to a PS1 dual shock controller.

>> No.6102567

I play on keyboard just fine. sorry not sorry you're an uncordinated buffoon that cant into keyboards after 12yrs on this planet.

>> No.6102571


Think of it more like an arcade stick than a controller

>> No.6102593

Sorry you're such an autist for needing to play keyboard for games that play shit on it or else risk having a meltdown.

>> No.6102608

Fuck this thread

>> No.6102613

gamepads are a diamond dozen these days, should of gotten one already.

>> No.6103027

Just a tip for the future: Your thread is less likely to be derailed if you don't bite on bait and leave yourself open to attacks from everyone.

>> No.6103038

WASD IJKL you pleb

>> No.6103241

IJKL - That takes me back to when I used to play multiplayer N64 games on my PC with my brother

>> No.6103249

Intensive porpoises

>> No.6104151

WASD for the D pad, arrow keys for the buttons with the triangle, circle, etc, and 1234 for the shoulder buttons

>> No.6104157

D-pad = Arrow keys
Face buttons = WAXD
L1/R1/L2/R2 = QE13

>> No.6105169


WASD for Dpad.

J,K,U,I for the front buttons.

L,:,O,P for both LR buttons.

Shift=Select, Enter=Start.

Similar setup for all older consoles. Less strain on the hands and fingers

>> No.6105180
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>> No.6105225

Arrow face buttons
Q, E, Shift, F Shoulders

>> No.6105972

I don't understand this at all. It's all over the place. What buttons go with which key?

>> No.6107267

got a dualshock to usb adaptor and just use the original controller you can get them on ebay for less then 5 dollars

>> No.6107271

>What is a nice keyboard layout for playing PS1 games without a gamepad?
None. That is all.

>> No.6107281

K=L1 N=Square U=Triangle 9=R1
M=L2 E=Cross Y=Circle 0=R2

>> No.6107282

Just get a gamepad, idiot.

>> No.6108350

Since PS1 is primarily d-pad WASD will work, but there's a simple problem with all the above mappings -- none of them emulate the ergomics of a d-pad -- you can't press shoulder buttons at the same time as face buttons.

Do this, OP
W / A / S / D


>X / O / □ / ▵
Numpad2 / Numpad3 / Numpad5 / Numpad6 -- respectively.


And just map the rest of the bullshit around WASD / Numpad, as they don't matter that much. What matters is simultaneous pressing of shoulders with face buttons / d-pad.

>> No.6108845

They're objectively inferior to keyboards with the exception of 3D games.

>> No.6108872

I use wasd + numpad.

I've played a LOT of 2D games (and a bunch of 3D tank control games also) and the most comfortable for me is resting my right hand fingers on numpad,7,8,9 and building majority of the game around that. This allows you to easily press the jump (X) key (8) and have easy access to 7 (Square) and 9 (Circle) with your other 2 fingers for jumping and alternative movement (dashing etc) Triangle goes on numpad 4

L1/L2 go on lshift and spacebar
R1/R2 go on numpad 0 and numpad plus

This lets me easily hold a shoulder key and press any other button also.

Very similar to what this guy is saying: >>6108350 except I find it a bit too cramped and awkward when you use 2x2 for your face buttons.

Play around with these ideas and find something comfortable. The PS dpad is skin-blistering garbage anyway so even though I have the ability to use it on my PC, I just don't even bother unless I must use analogue sticks

>> No.6109762

>I find it a bit too cramped and awkward when you use 2x2 for your face buttons.
Yeah, well, I picked those assuming you'd use only index and middle fingers. I wouldn't recommend using LShift, as that would introduce unnecessary stress on the ulnar nerve. I believe thumb for all Rs/Ls is optimal.

>X / O / □ / ▵
L / P / ; / '

...could be a viable alternative if you don't have the numpad/find it less comfortable/want to use 3 fingers, but you'd have to get AutoHotkey to remap the right Windows key.

>> No.6109841

>playing PS1 games