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6082491 No.6082491 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best weapons-based fighting game, /vr/

>> No.6082504


>> No.6082510
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SoulCal 1

>> No.6082520
File: 20 KB, 256x224, 92767-weaponlord-genesis-screenshot-another-impressive-scenery-with.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish. With more frames of animation and some tweaks it could have been incredible, but as is it's middling at best.

SamSho is more popular but I've always liked Last Blade more.

For a 3D fighter, Soul Edge and Calibur are solid.

>> No.6082547

Last Blade 2

>> No.6082689

Bushido Blade

>> No.6082692

Samurai Shodown 2 and the real first soul calibur game, im not explaining all that copyright mumbo jumbo but >>6082510 gets the idea

>> No.6082756

Soul Blade and SoulCalibur are terribly balanced, and they're tons of fun! I'm a long time fan

>> No.6082762

Bushido Blade 1/2 are the only ones that feel like real weapon fighting games, rather than fighting games like soul calibur where the weapons are functionally cosmetic.

>> No.6082772
File: 538 KB, 320x200, budokan 2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is probably the best answer.

I give a special nod to Budokan which is close to great, but not.

>> No.6082924
File: 13 KB, 316x231, tamtam-ss5sp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mechanically-speaking I'd say SamSho V Special, at least for 2D fighters. SamSho II would be amazing if it had wakeup rolls or invincible reversals (features which the series gradually implemented as time went on), which would not only reduce its focus on chip kills but allow for a way out of frame traps like Gen-an's slide spam or Ukyo's (low C xx shadow swipe)*n outside of lucky throws - outside of that, it surprisingly holds up pretty well. V Special isn't the best-looking game on the Neo-Geo or the most polished (lmao hoption selects), but for a 28-man roster it's extremely well-balanced and the characters' movesets are fine-tuned. It's underappreciated for sure - it was sad to see people try to use it as 'training' for SamSho 2019 then immediately abandon it afterwards.
Last Blades 1 and 2 are visually impressive, especially with some of the neat touches within the stages (LB1 Yuki's stage where snow falls from the tree, for instance - to think it evolved from those crates and signs in SF2!) and the control scheme's heavy use on command motions is surprisingly ergonomic. The characters don't stand too well on their own, but they all contribute amazingly to the game's atmosphere. It's a lot more artful than other fighting games, imo. However, I don't really enjoy the game's heavy emphasis on super cancels nor how each character's ability to land these contributes greatly to their effectiveness thanks to supers doing so much damage. Okina, for instance, can only super cancel from 63214B, which you can only really land after a deflect thanks to its long startup - meanwhile Lee and Washizuka can practically guarantee a super from a light hit confirm. It feels like supers are too rewarding for their own good, and this centralisation downplays more interesting elements of the game (spacing, mixups etc.) once someone gets a full bar.

>> No.6082926

tournament esports balance shit killed fighting games

>> No.6082967

Yeah, sure, it can be frustrating to getting bitchslapped by Cervantes or Seong Mi-na, but the player can also do it,it's ao ludicrous

>> No.6083613

It's the opposite you fool.

>> No.6083630

>being born past 2000

>> No.6083649

I was born long before 2000. Fighting games are a competitive multiplayer genre at their core, balance is always better and that the genre is thriving as much as it is now is proof of that.

>> No.6083857 [DELETED] 

ones that aren't overpopulated by smelly 56% bean niggers like snk's games

>> No.6084047

Poor whitey gets triggered that he always loses to brown people. Better stick to single player.

>> No.6084059

>good at fighters
When's the last time one won a tournament? It's always whites, asians, and sometimes africans.

>> No.6084067

Yeah that's my experience too which is why it's funny he's crying about them. He must truly suck.

>> No.6084097
File: 174 KB, 800x336, lastblade2-large-fire-at-wadamoya-stage.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Last Blade series is the best looking, but my favorite ones to play are probably Soul Calibur II and Bushido Blade.

Honorable mention to Kengo on ps2 (i know, "not retro" but the graphics are bad enough to count)


>> No.6084134

>good at fighters
white trannies maybe

>> No.6084182
File: 36 KB, 400x400, hispanic boi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damdai,full schedule,viscant,imstillthedaddy,Hayatei,wawa,alex myers,flux,juicebox,RyanLv,BillyKane,ppmd,Kage,lunchbox

all the top hispanic players are castizo Kaneblueriver,Taekua,Ricky ortiz

spics are the most dramatic,insecure manlets no wonder latinas fuck and marry white men

>> No.6084190

Them bitches be straight crazy tho

>> No.6084192

Li joe,nerdjosh,NKI,mikekaos,Chunksta,jiggabry

>> No.6084252

Nah, latinas are more conservative and redpilled than your average wh*te american woman with dyed pink hair and has sat on at least one black cock.

>> No.6084329

Video games are meant for entertainment at their core, not to suck off some youtube asshole and jack off to streamers who play at levels nobody cares about

>> No.6084413
File: 271 KB, 864x1200, 29_mine02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Figthing games require commitment and dedication ,
improving your skill and winning are the appeal so it triggers safepsace numales who cannot handle loosing

>> No.6084427

They're required, but that commitment and dedication comes from having enough there for you to love the game before you consciously take those strides. Not from making it a job out of the gate. That's the difference, and now the "FGC" (a term that's only about as old as SFV) might as well be one big MMO guild or CS clan. Making recreation into social obligation without banking off it yourself is the biggest manchild trap there is.

>> No.6084430

Yeah and the entertainment is in the competition.

>> No.6084441

NO! It's in the story, atmosphere, and leveling up my waifu.

>> No.6084572

The problem is it's become a matter of competition with who? It's a really different experience to compete with your friends and compete with faceless assholes online. Fighting people you know or can see is fun, and I certainly do understand the appeal of actually having people to play online, but it feels like that's become the ONLY way these days and frankly a lot of fans just don't care enough to face some random asshole in Vermont or wherever the fuck who's never gonna see them, talk to them, and will likely forget they ever even played.

>> No.6084717

While I do love playing with my friends, the practicality of getting together seems to get harder with each year. But that's not something limited to fighting games, that's just life in general. And I gotta say, I love the endless stream of people you get online.

>> No.6084908
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Last Blade is cool I just feel like it's such a "proper" answer to say when asked about neogeo fighters

This right here though I always had a lot of fun with

>> No.6084927

I've never jumped into "discord fighters" like UNIST or any of the legacy games like SF3 but potentially there would be something more like the arcade vibe or just fucking around with friends by finding matches that way. The problem is to really become pals with people like that I'd have to spend a considerable amount of time socializing in discord which seems deeply unfulfilling to put it mildly.

>> No.6084956
File: 137 KB, 1217x743, serveimage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>arcade vibe
Fightcade is the closest there is online to that kind of community

>> No.6085005

>commitment and dedication comes from having enough there for you to love the game before you consciously take those strides
So fucking true. A game can have perfect character balance, it won't mean shit if I don't like the game in the first place.

>> No.6085058

Hi Jer.

>> No.6085087

Samsho PS4

>> No.6085089

At the end of the day, there shouldn't be any shame in counter-picking. Having hard counters is OK. They're all just game pieces, after all's said and done. Character loyalism is gay, it results in a bunch of people roleplaying like they're really beating the other person up, and in this day and age amounts to people clamoring to social media to tell the devs what their character needs to be on top, even if it's only subconsciously. That's exactly what top players said for years before the internet age fully took hold, that it'd be awful for developers to actually listen to fan input because nobody in their right mind would tell them to do anything but buff their characters to the top, even if it was subconscious, and they should have a better idea of how to make these games in the first place. Now those people are hired-on and aggregating feedback on their Twitter for the next balance patch.