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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6079145 No.6079145 [Reply] [Original]

1080p upscaleing a smoothing option and loading times cut in half, is this big boi the best way to play psx?

>> No.6079148

No 240p option, PS2 is superior for playing PSX games.

>> No.6079150

No but it’s not bad. The PS Classic is the best/comfiest way.

>> No.6079151

This, also you can use your old memory cards without an overpriced adapter

>> No.6079159

The ps2 has some of the worst video quality out of a console since post nes

>> No.6079163

PSX games upscaled through a PS3 look worse, even over HDMI.

>> No.6079170

No they dont they look fucking gorgeous its amazing how well they clean up and how much detail is added especially ps2

>> No.6079178

while it doesn't shit the bed, yeah. I'd rather just use a PSIO myself.

>> No.6079186

Enjoy your low framerates. 3D games are almost unplayable.

>> No.6079193

They look like shit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zD7gSeA-75M

>> No.6079205

Depending on the game smoothing can make it look like shit also hes useing component in 720p instead of hdmi 1080p

>> No.6079234

I don't understand why the PS Classic emulation is so bad even when it's hacked.

>> No.6079238

because those mini boards can't do 3d emulation properly, let alone the budget ones Sony settled for.

>> No.6079241

I got a couple dead CECHA boards. honestly it's such a fucking chore fixing them you might as well just stick to a PS1.

>> No.6079248

Yeah that's understandable. I hope one day a raspberry pi equivalent will be good enough for 5th gen games.

>> No.6079256

that's you being a fuck with the filters

>> No.6079291

Better wait 10 years then.

>> No.6079313

PS2 via component to a CRT. It's great, I have a very very hard time imagining that it would look better on a flat panel. Even then, if resolution is your goal you can get it a little higher than 1080p with an ossc.

Are there really that many people who like smoothing for PSX stuff? Like, if I wanted shit to look like an N64 game, I would probably track down some N64 games to play. It's no better than one of those garish 2xSAI type filters being applied to a 2D game

>> No.6079339

I don't know about PS1, but PS2 games look better with Scart rather than Component.

>> No.6079340

The most authentic way to play PS1 games is on a PS1, probably a 7502 with the good dithering.

The best way to play PS1 games is on Mednafen/Beetle.

Everything in between is just some ass compromise.

>> No.6079346

only the first batch of 100xs have the bad dithering. it was fixed by the time the 500x hit the market.
750x uses cheaper encoders, too. they might look better on modern LCDs, though. sharper. but imo it looks more compressed.

>> No.6079350 [DELETED] 

Now that's the kind of discussion we should be having. I was just reading that you can use game shark codes to take out dithering completely

>> No.6079354

you can but it'll inevitably lead to banding. up to your tastes, really.

>> No.6079364


OK man thanks for letting me know, I'll definitely open up my TV to add a SCART port to it and get a SCART cable now so that I can go from "Really nice" to "Also really nice with very minor differences in color"

>> No.6079367

Can't OSSC put filters in-line? Or is it just limited to "scanline" blanking?

>> No.6079403

There's an app to patch your ISO's, too.


>> No.6079417

Is dithering a problem on a crt?

>> No.6079580

No one in here seems to be aware that PS1 games on PS3 display with an incorrect aspect ratio.

>> No.6079585

>1080p upscaleing
the upscaler is dogshit, you're best off leaving it at 480p and letting your TV do the scaling

>> No.6079592

The PS2 stuff looks good because of the smoothing option, not the scaling

>> No.6079612

>720p instead of hdmi 1080p
no shit, 720p is a (near. fucking 786p) 3x integer scale of 240p. why would you use 1080p which it wont cleanly scale to?

>> No.6079616

>a smoothing option

God no. This introduces horrific lag and absolutely must be turned off to save your sanity. It's terrible.

>> No.6079818
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>> No.6079896

You can patch any game shark code into an iso though right

>> No.6079901

Well, if you want to get super anal about it different dithering will look different on different types of CRTs at different TVLs. It's a very slight difference that the vast majority of people don't even notice, the people who DO notice it usually just say "xxxx revision has the highest quality dithering" but >>6079346 took it to a still HIGHER level of making it about our personal tastes.

Remember /vr/ has become about competing to see who's head is the farthest up our own ass when it comes to HOW we play retro games so why not just take it to ridiculous levels?

>> No.6080010
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>smoothing option

>> No.6080037
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>upscaleing a smoothing

>> No.6080197

I tried Final Fantasy IV via Final Fantasy Chronicles on the PS3, it was a total glitchfest, had to switch to the PS2 for it.

>> No.6080229

>honestly it's such a fucking chore fixing them you might as well just stick to a PS1.
Steps to fix:
1. open console
2. replace nec/tokin-caps
3. close console

>> No.6080232
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>> No.6080279

also reball the rsx and cell. I wouldn't trust a fat with just the caps replaced. but even then,
>open PS1
>solder less than 10 wires
>close PS1

>> No.6080285

If you disable the PS3’s upscaling you get perfect 2x nearest neighbor of the original screen image at 480p

>> No.6080325

But SCART actually looks better than RGB. Why would you be against it?

>> No.6080326

better. than rgb.

cool. god, i fucking hate this place.

>> No.6080330

SCART is a type of connector, like RCA (red, yellow, white cables). RGB is a signal

>> No.6080331

I meant to say better than component, not RGB.
SCART > component so I don't understand the SCART hate.

>> No.6080372

Isn't the difference in quality between RGB and YPbPr pretty much microscopic? There's no point to switch to SCART if you have access to component and vice versa.

>> No.6080409

Noooo you need serious moding to keep one of these ps3s from over heating stuff like water cooling it

>> No.6080429

not if you reball/"recap" it.

>> No.6080436

No because of the heat something else will break you'd have to reball every single thing in the system water cooling or if i remember right theres some finnish guy who figured it out you need to cut part of the heatsink or something

>> No.6080464

he's german. and no, it's not necessary. unless you live in the sun the heat won't be able to crack the solder in the smaller components.
you can ask NSC himself.

>> No.6080525
File: 501 KB, 2722x672, dual-ff7-1-ps1scart-ps2component.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, there's a big difference. Especially in color

>> No.6080530

>Comparing ps1 scart to PS2 component
Apples to oranges

>> No.6080531

Fucking lol - no confirmation bias going on in that comparison nosiree

>> No.6080532

Both look like dogshit. You should not be able to see the dithering mask like that.

>> No.6080543

Triggered people who just found out the setup they spent all their money on is objectively worse than a SCART setup they should have gone with.
I'd be seething too if I was that stupid.
If any of you idiots have proof to post that Component is close to identical to SCART go ahead. The burden of proof is on you now.

>> No.6080545

>high failure rate
>blurry washed out picture
>input lag
>emulation errors
I used to have the PS1&2 backwards compatible 60gb model, speaking from personal experience.
>cut loading times
it hasn’t there is no noticeable difference

>> No.6080548

Lol I play ps1 games on composite and PS2 on component on a crt. As it was meant to be played.

>> No.6080552

>that post-purchase rationalization

>> No.6080559

>emulation errors
Good on you, anon. Most people have no idea that it's inaccurate, shit-tier emulation. Mednafen/Beetle passes 84% of PS1 accuracy tests. The PS3 passes 55%.

>> No.6080573
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>> No.6080578

What I want to know is, how does this motherfucker look playing PS1 and PS2 on a PVM/BVM using SCART

Its compatible, but nobody tries it.

>> No.6080586

Oh yeah, I spent all my money on a PS2 with component cables because I only had thirty-five bucks. Guess I'll kill myself now.

>> No.6080591

i play psx games in my ps3 via vga to a pc crt and looks incredible

>> No.6080595

With SCART It looks better than the PS2 but worse than the PS1 with SCART.
LOL!!! So funny!

>> No.6080723

I doubt it's worth doing because no 240p

>> No.6080772

In an ideal world you need to use a different rgb scart cable for ps1 and ps2 as the design is slightly different. The ps1 cables are supposed to contain a capacitor whilst the ps2 does not. Otherwise the colour/brightness levels will be off. Almost all the cables listed on ebay state compatible with ps1/ps2/ps3 but don't mention the capacitor. Makes you wonder what most of them are spec'd for.

>> No.6080801

isnt it still emulation, just on a weakass pc

>> No.6080843


How can only one person have said this? Mednafen is the best way to play ps1 nowadays. There really is nothing that comes close. The "authentic" way is a totally different thing from the best way.

>> No.6080972

Why not just get a PS2? PS2 even plays PS1 games at 240p.

>> No.6080979

Euros, please fuck off.