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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6075827 No.6075827 [Reply] [Original]

Buying, selling or producing bootleg reproduction cartridges or labels is wrong, it's illegal, and it is literally killing the hobby.

What say you /vr/? What is your excuse for this type of behavior?

>> No.6075853

Here are my thoughts/opinions. If you just want a cartridge for a game, but don't want to pay what is being asked for it (like a Little Samson or Earthbound), I don't care if you print your own label and slap it on a cartridge with a ROM inside of it. I don't care if you sell it, either, so long as you let the buyer know it isn't real (preferable the cart is also labelled "Repro copy, not original/authentic"). I don't understand why people get so upset about bootlegs when it's made known and not kept a secret that it is in fact a bootleg.

>> No.6075853,1 [INTERNAL] 

what is killing the hobby are collectors that won't play the game and just rant about others using emulators and similar stuff.
why paying hundreds of dollars or excesive ammount for a game that hasn't been sold in years.
Bootlegs aren't a problem problem are collectors (i repeat this again because is important) what is the difference betwen a bootleg and reproduction, bootlegs are cheaper since they just use modern stuff to make the same game which in turn make the game cheaper which in turn make collector items cheaper while reproductions are expensive because most of the time they use old cartridges and rewrote the rom thus more expensive.
Bootlegs from unknown origin 5 to 10 dollars
Reproductions 50 dollars
Any buyer would know that is a repro if is 50 dollars and if is way too cheap is a bootleg if collectors feel scammed because seller didn't tell them that the game they where selling for 50 bucks was a repro is their own fault for trying to get a cheap MD,SMS,snes,or nes game .
For example the pic you are using of pat that guy use emulators for his videos same as the AVGN or other known yet they complain about emulators and similar stuff and incetivating people of buying from X people who is legal (not really known probably the guy pay them to say that) yet they don't say the truth several of their videos prove this because of how the games look.

Retro gaming or 2d gaming will always exist because of a simple reason 2d games don't age so bad when compared to 3d games so it will be a thing even 10 years from now.

Emulation will always keep alive those games but people bitching about "Is piracy,is killing the hobby" is just because they want to get a high money return from something they bought cheap.

>> No.6075972

Don't agree. All the revenue from the original games was made when they were released. Teh secondary market is the only thing that gets hit, and honestly I don't give a fuck. The god damned resellers can choke, THEY are killing the hobby by putting games out of reach of others.

People just want to play. I don't support these games (just download and emulate). But if people want to buy repros, whatever. I don't care.

>> No.6075985

Repros are kind of redundant, no? The reason for acquiring the original is because it actually existed, physically, in the era. It's more than just having a physical copy of the game. For lack of a better term, it's a historical artifact.

For gamers who are priced out of the retro market but want to play on the original hardware, flash carts seem to do the trick.

>> No.6075994

Hoarders like this asshole and his online cult following is what led us to this point. How many multiples of the same game does he own I wonder.

>> No.6076016

That's right. Buy from iam8bit which does it the right way with SF2, MMX, and MM2.

>> No.6076025
File: 89 KB, 948x686, helloretrogamers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, don't mind me. I'm just repairing my property.

>> No.6076038

Eceleb bullshit but I'll bite.

Buying, selling or producing bootleg reproduction cartridges or labels is STUPID.
Why have a fake thing when you can run it on a flash cart? There is no reason other than shelf filler. The acception would be homebrew without rom dumps or stuff with weird mappers like the FF7 NES hack/bootleg.

I don't care either way and am not going to stand on some moral ground as I don't give a fuck and use flashcarts anyway.

>> No.6076047
File: 63 KB, 1245x707, safelyremovingthelabel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets just get that unsightly label off.

>> No.6076050

>THEY are killing the hobby by putting games out of reach of others.

I'm not trying to be argumentative (meant as discussion), but are they really? They only charge what people will pay, so I'd argue it's more hipsters and bandwagoners, as well as price fixers like MetalDouchous. Without resellers I wouldn't find any obscure games here in bumfuck Iowa. I don't mind resellers as long as they aren't trying to rape you over prices.

Also I feel smartphones are a major cause, as anyone and their literal grandma can price check at things like garage sales or flea markets.

>> No.6076054

could Ninteno make money from licenced repros?

>> No.6076056

I really hate repro labels because they look and feel like shit 99.9% of the time and that guy is an absolute retard who literally only damages the cartridges further, but if the label looks like that and it's not a particularly rare game you might as well do it.

>> No.6076060

Yeah but it's probably not worth the retooling effort and paying license fees. They can print money with virtual console so why make physical things at all? Makes no sense to have overhead when people buy roms anyway.

>> No.6076062
File: 38 KB, 561x630, gamebath.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope /vr/ gives their carts baths.

>> No.6076070

How is it killing the hobby?

I never buy anything used. If there's a re-release I'll play that, otherwise I'll just emulate. I'm not giving my money to some third party hoarder who has no good reason to be trying to profit off it.

>> No.6076072
File: 79 KB, 1154x732, gamebath2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be sure to clean your PCBs often.

>> No.6076076

>Also I feel smartphones are a major cause, as anyone and their literal grandma can price check at things like garage sales or flea markets.

At least you admit what you're butthurt about is having to pay fair market value for something instead of scamming someone who didn't know the worth.

>> No.6076079

>literally killing the hobby.
Explain or your entire thread is shit and pointless.

inb4 no explanation

>> No.6076080
File: 62 KB, 845x731, newlabelforlittlesamson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost done, just to get this new label on and...

>> No.6076081
File: 46 KB, 720x960, 33059910_1687686111316855_7282119790557134848_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not, remember I said I play on flashcart, unless it's a game I've had since I was a kid or picked up dirt cheap in the early 2000s. Reading comprehension isn't your strong point is it anon?

>> No.6076083

No problem with relabeling a trashed label (unless you prefer the "patina" of that sort of thing). Just don't pass if off as real if you try to sell it.

>> No.6076084
File: 76 KB, 1280x733, noonewilleverknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WA LA good as new!

>> No.6076090

That wasn't in the post I replied to and I don't assume everyone is one person.

>> No.6076096 [DELETED] 

It had (You) on it and what I said, so maybe you quoted the wrong post, no big deal.

>> No.6076102

Ah, sorry man I messed up, I had a couple posts and thought they were in the same.

>> No.6076470

People have been making bootlegs longer than your parents have been making babies. If it was "killing the hobby" it would have been dead long ago.

>> No.6076524

I hate professional piracy, but don't have an issue with you or anyone else making their own carts or printing their own labels.

That said, if you're an elitist faggot smerging out because you think someone buying/making/selling repros is killing 'your hobby', go suck a cock. You're as cancerous as the faggots hoarding toys.


>> No.6076531

>What say you /vr/? What is your excuse for this type of behavior?
Lol whatever fag I don't care

>> No.6076635

It's actually:

>> No.6076651 [DELETED] 
File: 16 KB, 313x391, pat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where did OP's photo of Pat the NES Punk go? Why do the mods delete anything pertaining to e-celebs? People who review retro games completely relates to the subject of retro games. This will probably get deleted, too.

>> No.6076657

Meh I could have read the reply chain instead of commenting on the first thing I noticed.

>> No.6076894

Pat raged so hard when he made this video showing step by step how to make repro labels he singled him out by name on his podcast and he ended up getting harassed by Pats fans

>> No.6076898

How is it killing anything lmao is nintendo going to stop producing snes games cause of fucking reproes? The only people it hurts are you resller faggots. I own all original games but I really dont give a fuck how people play games and you'd have to be an autistic cunt to actually care.

>> No.6076964

Pat is a retarded faggot so anything that upsets him is good

>> No.6076997

god I hate that guy

>> No.6077008

The devs and studio who actually made the game aren’t making money on these ancient games anymore. So who cares. The only people who care are reseller scum, and screw those guys.

It’s only a problem if you try to sell them later and pass them off as authentic. But if you let the person know it’s a repro and they’re fine with it then cool whatever.

What I think are cool are English patched games formerly Japan exclusive that have custom labels made to look like an official US release, and in a US cart.

>> No.6077040

The real joke is paying obscene prices for stickers and plastic when functionally and visually identical alternatives exist, in often way better condition

A "bootleg" was something clearly inferior to an original copy. If there's no difference, it isn't a bootleg

>> No.6077465

Sega and Nintendo should make 2nd print labels - send them pic of pcb and send new labels for like $3 each maybe :D Sega, Nintendo and other companies lurk /vr for suggestions :D

>> No.6077517

Is this what the kids call seething?

>buying a 30 year old 385kb rom encased in plastic that you can download and run on a toaster for free

>> No.6077637

>A "bootleg" was something clearly inferior to an original copy. If there's no difference, it isn't a bootleg

I really wish /vr/ would learn to recognize the actual definitions of words instead of just making up what they think the word ought to mean and trying to insist it's real.

>> No.6077641

>seller asks a certain price for an item they're selling
>a buyer pays it
>"Y-you scammed that seller, stupid poorfag! You should've paid more than w-what they asked for! I'm s-sure they would've sent you a refund if they later found out you overpaid!"
Reseller begone.

>> No.6077647

You have pretty shitty reading comprehension lol

>> No.6077652

Fuck sakes some people are dumb.

>> No.6077749

>thread not about retro videogames
>just arguing over personal beliefs about a third party product
You cunts can delete the thread about EWJ, but you leave this shit up? Mod team is actually deleting threads about retro games and leaving shitposting up now?

>> No.6077753


>> No.6077773

gun-concealing cuck

>> No.6077798
File: 217 KB, 458x856, 1567229212913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These people deserve to be fried!

>> No.6077978

"In every time, in every place, the faggotry of jannies remain the same."

>> No.6077986

Like anyone here cares about copyright faggotry and what this market needs is a flood of bootlegs to make collectorcunts seethe.

>> No.6078025
File: 2.04 MB, 1530x2100, super mario bros ii.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Technically most usa and pal games are fake, bootleg, hacked up, censored inferior products from their original japanese masters. So what you're all talking about are repros of faked bootlegs?

>> No.6078038

Is there something wrong with doing this?

If there's no charge to the board and you dry it before powering it, there's literally nothing that can happen.
Tech companies literally use commercial dishwashers to wash boards.

>> No.6078049

or bootlegs of faked repros?

>> No.6078052

I want a cart of Little Samson on my shelf, but I don't want to pay $400 for it. Simple as that.

>> No.6078054

Even a genuine Little Samson is a fake Lickle.

>> No.6078056

>.t chinese bootlegger

>> No.6078061

That was an official "hack" of Donkey Donkey Picnic done by Nintendo

>> No.6078091

I thought wanting the original cart was mostly because it was the original thing. What draws you to the repro over playing it by some other means, do you find the displayed cart itself particularly appealing, even if it is a repro?

>> No.6078093

Why are people so triggered by this?
As long as he keeps those cartridges to himself and doesn't introduce them to the market, what's the big deal?

Or is it the fact that he's spreading information that can be misused by bootleggers? Because I really doubt he's the first one to do that.

>> No.6078095

That was a stealth thread about OMG Jews are such BASED enemies dur hur. Take the hint when your shit keeps getting deleted that your kiddie pol humor isn't welcome here.

>> No.6078113

>As long as he keeps those cartridges to himself
One argument about that is it is hard to say what will happen down the road. He himself forgets that he forged the label and sells it or trades it, he passes away and it winds up with somebody who doesn't know, etc. Personally I don't care, but it is always best practice to have something on a reproduction identifying it as such, because while today it might be in the hands of somebody who isn't trying to sell it, nobody knows where it will be some years down the road.

>> No.6078120

Why would I want to make my label uglier and less like the original just so in case I die without remembering to tell someone they might mistakenly think it's real?

>> No.6078140

The argument was:
>As long as he keeps those cartridges to himself
so I provided a counter argument about how the intention of keeping a game to oneself isn't inherently permanent.

>> No.6078314

You people seem to have a fundamental misunderstanding of what people want out of a repro cart

More often than not, people buy repros of games that are fan-translated into their native language.

Sweet Home on NES, for example.

This applies to finished, but unreleased games, like Starfox 2.

>> No.6078318

Hoarder fags like that guy never let go of their games, so I would say the 1st point is a non-issue.

The 2nd is more likely, but you have to be an idiot to expect someone to be that much of an altruistic bitch to actually care about that. I don't have the skills or tools to re-label myself, but if I had, I would certainly not stop because "Oh no, in about 40-50 years when I'm death and have no control over my possessions, I may damage the market, assuming anybody even cares about this shit anymore!", lol.

>> No.6078329

>This applies to finished, but unreleased games, like Starfox 2.
This is now officially released, yet nobody has destroyed their illegal copies. Why?

>> No.6078398


Its digital-only

>> No.6078716

do you flaunt yours in the open or you too much of a bitch to pack heat?

>> No.6078909

Obviously he keeps it in his truck's rear window where it belongs.

>> No.6079009

Pretty much. Some people have book collections, some people have movie collections, some people have car collections. I happen to have an autistic gaming collection. I like the way that it looks, repros or not.

>> No.6079048
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Pursuing small operators costs more than shutting them down. Also many of these operators are in countries that dgaf about IP and copyright laws. Like another anon said, the devs have made their money and have moved on to new projects. There's no way to stop piracy. I do it and so do you