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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 134 KB, 1017x1214, bsnes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6069765 No.6069765 [Reply] [Original]

Damn, our autistic gay weeaboo furry Byuu is on the roll. New bsnes is out and once again every single reported bug got fixed.

>bsnes v113 is the seventh in the new line of bsnes releases. At the time of release, all known issues are once again resolved. As always, please report any issues to the bsnes GitHub issue tracker, or feel free to drop me a line on the contact page. Thank you!

Can he be stopped? Will our (presumably normal) guy Sour finally do it with his Mesen-S?

>> No.6069775

Zsnesdos 4 life

>> No.6069829

He more or less got over himself, and once he did that he is now banging out these releases like a rock star.
Emulation/hobiest programing doesn't have to be a minefield of drama. When he killed his source of drama (the forums he hosted) now its all smooth sailing.
>Will our (presumably normal) guy Sour finally do it with his Mesen-S?
The more the merrier. Most emu devs takes note and help one another. If one emulator figures something out, it usually helps the wider community as a whole.

>> No.6069892

your hateboner is showing again, seethefag.

>> No.6069898

What caused this turnaround? Wasn't he a massive faggot with a hate boner against headered or zipped roms?

>> No.6069924

moving to zipangu, maybe.

>> No.6069945

who cares we already have retroarch

>> No.6069985

Bsnes has a libretrro variant. You can see it referenced in op's screenshot.

>> No.6069986

I don't know what your talking about but retroarch is the best emulator so go shill somewhere else

>> No.6069989

You're a mentally ill clueless idiot. Bsnes is a part of Retroarch. You know, as a core.

>> No.6069991

their different apps retard

>> No.6069993

Quick rundown on this guy?

>> No.6069995

A transsexual furry who copy/pasted code from a bunch of YouTube tutorials to make a really bad SNES emulator.

>> No.6069997

You have no idea about anything, you console-owning shitstain. In fact, the fixes tagged libretro are specific to the Retroarch version of bsnes.

But since you're a console-owning clueless shitstain, you have no idea about anything.

>> No.6069998

>has no idea what he's talking about
>goes into a hysterical rage

guess the reason you use "mentally ill" as your go-to insult is because you get called that a lot irl, huh?

>> No.6070002

In fact, your beloved RetroArch includes so called cores, which are the emulators it uses to play the actual games. For SNES it offers bsnes in multiple variants.

This fact must burn you pretty hard.

>> No.6070005

anon, just put on your mum's panties, take your hormones, and chill out

>> No.6070006

You will never get rid of Byuu's contributions to RetroArch, tranny.

>> No.6070268
File: 58 KB, 640x400, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>x100 times slower than snes9x
No thanks.

>> No.6070280


>> No.6070292

I think it was Twitter. He signed up June 2015 which is when he started getting annoying. He kept getting worse until he went to Japan and left Twitter for a few months. He'll always be all the things OP says about him but at least he's been chill the past year or so.
Speaking of, has anyone confirmed if Larper64 is secretly Byuu or not yet? The timing to drop a new accurate LLE N64 emu is suspicious.

>> No.6070315

He also fell for the tranny meme but later realised he was just a gay autistic furry. The trans community hated it and I think that was a bit of a wake up call for him

>> No.6070338

>He also fell for the tranny meme but later realised he was just a gay autistic furry.
We've all been there.

>> No.6070339

will the bsnes be ported to the wii at all? thats my system of choice when emulating on tv.

>> No.6070387

seething cause your cucksberry pi can't handle accurate emulation? sucks to be you

>> No.6070469

Based. Yeah furries do oddly useful specific shit sometimes when not yaffing. The hhug.me guy is another neat one for emulating weird and interesting Gameboy Color/Advance bootlegs.

>> No.6070575

There's also endrift with mGBA and furrtek with Neo Geo. Then half of all emudevs are openly trans. It's not a good scene to be in if you're an incel easily triggered by degenerates.

>> No.6070627

Who gives a shit? All the SNES games worth playing either got more recent ports with more content, or run fine on ZSNES. No, your Censor demo does not count.

>> No.6070630

snes9x is more functional than any byuu product

>> No.6070708
File: 39 KB, 720x537, 1567033171029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets adress the elephant in the room

there are a LOT of trans people and furries in codeing. Why?

>> No.6070746
File: 2.00 MB, 500x375, vegeta_smirking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can hide behind monitors.

>> No.6070756

100% perfect super gameboy support when?
i'm kinda tired that no emulator supports every possible gameboy game in super gameboy yet.
its gotten to the point where i'd rather slap in specific sgb border overlays when using normal gameboy emulators.

>> No.6070825

You're pretty limited in your career options when you're unemployable

>> No.6070848

Most of them are employed and make quite a lot of money as software engineers. They don't let you move to Japan to be a NEET.

>> No.6070850

I don't know why you think that tranny opensource "devs" live in Japan

>> No.6070852

Autism Spectrum Disorder. Hyperfocus on an old video game system from your childhood isn't necessary to succeed in writing emulators, but it sure helps a lot.

>> No.6070863

I was talking about Byuu, but he's just a furry degenerate. Most trans emudevs live in California or Oregon to work as software engineers. Some of them are an unemployable like StapleButter.

>> No.6070869

It's as close to perfect as it's ever going to get. Bsnes and SameBoy are the most accurate emulators for their respective systems. Open an issue if something still doesn't work.

>> No.6071115

>The timing to drop a new accurate LLE N64 emu is suspicious.


>> No.6071151

About MtF trannies specifically, it's a fetish. They're sexually stimulated by the thoughts of themselves as women.

Here's the trannies themselves admitting this.
Here's a link that documents this

About the anime link, this is just my guess, but I think they're attracted to the featurelessness of anime character's faces, especially skin. Trannies themselves look like men because of their faces, everyone can tell, so they like to imagine themselves as relatively featureless anime characters.

>> No.6071226

It's on /emugen/ on /vg/

>> No.6071425

The forum was great entertainment. I remember some tard on there who went on some 5+ page spat as he thought could write a better emulator, but couldn't because everyone was apparently holding him back because they wouldn't give him a tutorial on how to program it.

>> No.6071435

Severely socially isolated people are more likely to be furries and trannies, and people who code are more likely to be severely socially isolated. It makes sense.

>> No.6071494

How did that mind virus spread so fast?

>> No.6071506


>> No.6071527

i knew this a long as time ago I didnt even need them to confirm it, you will always see their male tendencies come out when put under pressure which just proves the whole thing is a fucking act. I got into a huge argument with my friends about it years ago, it was a pretty big fight but we moved on and kinda forgot about it until a few years ago when they realized I was right about everything I was ranting about back then. Im kind of disgusted how anglo culture is so polite and most of the time people dont get called out for bullshitting, i cant think of another reason why people would put up with fetishists telling us bullshit to pity them and accept their fetish.

>> No.6071540

Hasn't Mesen-S made the Byuu emulators redundant?

>> No.6071685

>STILL vastly inferior to SNES9X
Yikes. Can't make this shit up.

>> No.6071692

Maybe in your sick mind and on your ancient PC.

>> No.6071695

Are you the same idiot that spams about Retroarch on every thread? And the guy I verbally annihilated in the other thread? Good times, incel.

>> No.6071718

>verbally annihilated

>> No.6071732


Is emulation just a way for these autists to relive the console wars while being fans of the same console ?

>> No.6071735

Not him but I read about Larper64 in that general and honestly, I'm not seeing anything that other emulators already do yet.Also, looking in the catalogue hurts my eyes with all those general OPs. No wonder they made their own board for that shit.

>> No.6072058

>jannies not deleting this dumpster-fire-tier thread

>> No.6072076

Why are you so autistically obsessed with this?

>> No.6072395

It's not like these /vr/ hateboner threads are any better than /emugen/

>> No.6072419

You mean trans people are actually horrible people you shouldn't hang out with????

>> No.6072464

The ones who consider themselves LGBT are the ones you watch out for. The ones who don't are the civil ones. I speak from first-hand experience after working at a gay bar for years.

>> No.6072526

Whether it's furries, trans people, the alt-right, neo-nazis, they use love bombing to lure you in. It's always a hugfest supportive environment for social outcasts. Then once you're fully immersed and can't disassociate from it, you start to see all the callouts for anyone that steps out of line. Their version of a warning is losing followers over something you say. Keep it up and you risk getting canceled.

>> No.6073267

Have you coded in assembly or C? You have to be quite mentally ill to enjoy those things. Normal humans were never meant for those tasks.

>> No.6073410

>gay autistic furry
Just say 'furry', rest is implied.
I'm not a hater, actually a furry myself but that's like 60% of the community desu

>> No.6073419

Retroarch needs emulation cores though. I use Bsnes/Snes9x cores. Bsnes HD mode 7 sick

>> No.6073438

They wanted my poor byuu to chop his genitals for a smooth ride to their suicide cult? Wasn't Staplebutter and Bryks enough for them? No wonder why that mednafen gal is so deathly afraid of the "scene" she won't even maintain a proper github.

He is a misled soul in the wrong environment (byuu doesn't fit in the shitshow of degeneracy that is the furry fandom) and still a genuinely good guy with enough empathy and common sense he got himself out of the sjw programming and correctly claimed that the US political system is a freak show of extremism and dangerous authoritarianism from all sides. That Clinton diss earned him some quite horrible pushback from the emulation community.

He looked at all of the CLI and software license drama and correctly took measures to protect himself from his "friends" who would use any readme.md and makefile they wrote him to get back at him should hunting season for his scalp start. You can spot people who lament how easily some collaborators on the sound end of things ceded ownership to byuu.

He realized how toxic the woke school of software development is ("actively demean and insult your userbase whenever given feedback on appropriate channels, maintain shitty status quo until someone else one-ups you then work your ass out to surpass him barely out of spite") and went back to fix those glaring issues, so bsnes doesn't need a nasa supercomputer for input lag reduction anymore.

>> No.6073447 [DELETED] 

Nigger have you coded in assembly? Because thats what it ends up as. Humans werent meant to read that shit

>> No.6073460

>15 years of development
>still not accurate

Yes, but this time we gear up to fanboy over weird internet furries with diaper fetishes

>> No.6073472

>there are a LOT of trans people and furries in codeing. Why?
IQ and fertility are inversely correlated.

>> No.6073609

>He is a misled soul in the wrong environment (byuu doesn't fit in the shitshow of degeneracy that is the furry fandom)
It's so out of left field and transparently fake. He's just an autistic savant that lacks a personality of his own, so he tries to fit in with whoever's nice to him. He ended up making a fool of himself on Twitter, and now he can't walk it back because the internet's never gonna let him live it down. He deserved what he got for it, but I do feel kind of bad for him. He'd have turned out okay if he just had some normal friends.

>> No.6073878

I think you're thinking of actual machine language. People can and do code in assembly. It was made to be used by people. Pretty sure Rollercoaster Tycoon was coded almost entirely in assembly.