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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6070149 No.6070149[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

So I just finished this game. How does it stack up to Earthbound in your opinion?

>> No.6070153

It doesn't exist

>> No.6070163 [SPOILER] 
File: 250 KB, 708x408, 1576270221255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it does. You play primarily as Lucas and Flint. Took me around 30 hours. Pic related, very emotional moment.

>> No.6070172

Wrong timeline, OP.

>> No.6070182

How do I join your timeline, OP? Or at least go back in time and change this one? Serious question. I waited 4 years for this game when I was a kid, and I'm still waiting. I haven't even played the MOTHER 3 fan translation because I want a real release by Nintendo in America. Please, I want to go back...

>> No.6070194

What's Mother 3? This is an Earthbound 64 thread.

>> No.6070207

>Dude I'm larping lmao

>> No.6070208

The reality of the situation is that the Mother 3 we got is likely a lot better than the Mother 64 we almost got. I feel like Mother 64 would be one of those games that that was really good for the time, but kind of wonky to go back to.

>> No.6070212

>dude nobody could POSSIBLY have played this obscure classic but me!
yeah fuck off kiddo. why not discuss the actual game instead? i thought the combat was a lot better than in Earthbound on SNES.

>> No.6070226

This larper is sad

>> No.6070235
File: 12 KB, 320x240, dragokid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i thought the combat was a lot better than in Earthbound on SNES
I don't know if I'd say it was a *lot* better, but I do like that can skip through the battle messages faster. Shame about the backgrounds, though. They were still sort of impressive back in 2000, but the game had been delayed so much that they should have just ported it to the Dolphin at that point a la Eternal Darkness and Dinosaur Planet. And at any rate, the blurry morphing textures haven't aged nearly as well as EarthBound's abstract battle backgrounds.

>> No.6070240

What was your favorite area in the game music-wise? I'm fond of Tatsumari Village myself. Ah, I'd spend hours walking around just talking to villagers and dogs and getting into random battles on the outskirts of town, just to listen to this song:


>> No.6070246

>dude Earthbound 64 totally exists lmao

>> No.6070254
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 250px-Autism_Speaks_Logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude a game that exists totally exists le mow

>> No.6070258

How is making fun of LARPing faggots autistic

>> No.6070261

I bet you haven't even played the game LOL

The meta is a lot better. The combo system is cool, the HP ticking meter is more forgiving, and you actually are given more leeway and versatility with your abilities in general. The music is dope. It's basically Earthbound but it looks better, it has a more genuine narrative and adventure, it has tons of QoL improvements and just much tighter gameplay.


Probably this but I feel like the combat OST is a lot more memorable due to the combo system. They even have a Beethoven remix lol. Just found out this game is called Mother 3 in Japan, wtf? It's appropriate tho, I guess

>> No.6070264

I think you're too stupid for this thread, friend.

>> No.6070265

It's kind of hard to play some that never made it past beta LOL

>> No.6070267

This thread is too stupid for vr.

>> No.6070274
File: 33 KB, 400x382, 1567054471539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>getting worked this hard
Honestly friend, just get a ROM and play it

>> No.6070279

>I-im not angry because you aren't feeding my joke, u r
Where is this ROM?

>> No.6070283
File: 621 KB, 593x580, 1556517338288.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't use google then you shouldn't be on 4chan either

>> No.6070293

Imagine not being able to find a ROM of one of the most popular N64 titles. You could at least get it on the Wii or Wii U Virtual Console if you're that inept.

>> No.6070302

The thread could have been used to talk about unreleased games in a fun way, but of course retarded, shrieking, fun-hating /v/ autists ruin everything now.

>> No.6070313

It takes everything the original Earthbound did right and makes it even better. My only complaint is that the 3D graphics didn't age all that well, but other than that, it's a great game, definitely one of the best in the N64 library.

>> No.6070316

i just wanted to talk about Mother 3 and how I think it's better

>> No.6070319

Earthbound 64 looks better with its dark surrealistic uncanny valley early 3D graphics.
More suited to the story

>> No.6070327

>This thread

>> No.6070334

Go back to twitter or /v/ mobilefag.

>> No.6070336
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Was it a jojo reference?

>> No.6070340
File: 67 KB, 620x473, kkti1onpkh341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nintoddlers have such a lack of genres on their system (especially rpg's) they have to larp playing vaporware

>> No.6070341
File: 290 KB, 388x400, real-life-mario-characters_221280.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is some advanced anti-mod trickery to get away with talking about a non-retro game on /vr/. Just allow GBA on this board already.

>> No.6070358

Sorry you're booty blasted no one thinks this is a cute thread. No need to lash out

>> No.6070369

Sorry you can't afford a computer.

>> No.6070382

Sorry you're trying to pass this shitheap of a thread off as great

>> No.6070384

cursed image

>> No.6070386

cancerous newfag

>> No.6070389

Cancerous tranny

>> No.6070390

>dude, console wars!

>> No.6070395

I said it's shit though. Thanks to you faggots.

>> No.6070405

All down to you, little buddy.

>> No.6070412

sounds like shit

>> No.6070414

How did a thread from /v/ end up over here? This is an embarrassment, jannies.

>> No.6070415

Did you give yourself a pat on the back for figuring this out, and feeling the need to tell everyone you know its not real?

>> No.6070431

Wow, it's almost like you don't really care about playing it at all when 2 decades later you still don't know Japanese.

>> No.6070434

How do I learn Japanese, anon?

>> No.6070440

Rich anon here
I've heavily debated posting a 100,000 dollar reward for anyone who can find a copy of the unfinished Earthbound 64.

>> No.6070462

Wow u showed us. Fuck off to v

>> No.6070474

You're not royalty, you're just some faggot that can't stop shitposting.

>> No.6070478
File: 27 KB, 150x183, 150px-Senorbackwardscap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, this thread's premise was so great to begin with.

>> No.6070480

Cripple fight!

>> No.6070484

I'm not a cripple, this thread is totes ossim

>> No.6070493



>> No.6070503

I did, on the gba

>> No.6070505
File: 3 KB, 240x160, mother-3-credits.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brendan: Well, the president of Brownie Brown said that if I want to try out the N64 prototype, it’s in the meeting room. I wasn’t a Mother fan, but I was trying be enthusiastic about my position there, so I tried it out. As far as I can recall, it was most of the first chapter (with a very Flintstones feel) and some cut scenes. The game crashed toward the end of the chapter.

>When I was looking for the link to event I attended, I saw some screenshots of the N64 version that I didn’t remember. Either I have a faulty memory, or there was more to that prototype than I thought. In any case, it was clearly the same vision as the GBA game. I suspect it is in a drawer or a box at Brownie Brown, unless HAL or Nintendo repossessed the cart.

>Brendan: Brownie Brown had a stock N64 in their meeting room. The game was stored on what appeared to be a rewritable N64 development cartridge.

>The program on the cart appeared to be very much an alpha build. If it had been moderately ready for a release, I suspect it would have been released for the N64. As things were, the GBA version of Mother 3 was pushed out the door as the platform was being buried. I’d say chances are slim to none that the public will ever get to meet the N64 prototype.

>Brendan: No problem. FYI, I mentioned the N64 prototype because I want to stress that there is no mystery Mother game was never released. You got Mother 3. When development was handed over to Brownie Brown, they were also given everything they needed to get the job done, including previous reference material. The GBA version is the final draft of a vision that took a long time to get out the door. Count your blessings instead of worrying about what could have been. =)
It's out there, though I doubt we'll ever see it.

>> No.6070538

But what if OP has an uncle who works for Nintendo?

>> No.6070552

this board is shit

>> No.6070562

This thread is somehow better with the shitposting

>> No.6071148

What if his uncle is Nintendo

>> No.6071159

Nothing is too stupid for /vr/.

>> No.6071181
File: 466 KB, 679x552, i2diqe16wcg31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was so excited for Earthbound 64. There was even an advertisement for it at my local video rental store.

We could have peered behind the curtain and see just how deep this went. Now we're cursed to relive those moments the next time a billionaire pedo who hung out with literally everyone gets caught and hope "ok this time, they won't be so shameless as to just kill him when the eyes of the world are on him. Trump bought the boat that woman's father was pushed off of and is named after her. She is also missing.

>> No.6071185

>The idea they would have put Earthbound 64 on the Wii Virtual Console

>> No.6071206

Better than EarthBound?
>>>/v/, and stay there.

>> No.6071218

Yes, the most highly reviewed N64 RPG. On the Virtual Console, where it’s been for years. Your point?

>> No.6071221


This is the kind of post that would warrant the installation of a button next to every post that, when pressed, would cause the person who wrote the post to instantly, painlessly die.

YouTube needs this feature too.

>> No.6071235


I can never get over how astonishingly creepy the shape of that guy's mouth was.

He was a pretty good-looking guy overall, though I guess there might be such a thing as too much chin. But that mouth. That nightmare of a mouth.

>> No.6071258

imagine getting triggered when someone points out how objectively shitty the n64 was.

>> No.6071264
File: 16 KB, 633x758, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-b-b-but it had good 3D platformers and kart racers!!

>> No.6071275

I'm more triggered at grown adults unironically using nintoddler as an insult