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6066558 No.6066558 [Reply] [Original]

Why do some people adamantly deny this being very similar to Sonic despite it having very similar themes, visuals, gameplay, and made by the same people?

>> No.6066575
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>> No.6066603

You tried this on another thread the other day, OP.
But bait aside, I agree with you, except for the gameplay. Nights isn't a platformer and that's the end of the discussion.

>> No.6066679

because outside of being made by the same people, it has none of those elements.

if you want to find a real link between the two, here are some:
- when you control the kids and can run around freely:
- - the camera is fucked
- - the controls are fucked
just like every 3d sonic game.
also it has an autistic fan base just like sonic games.

that's about the only common things between the two franchise.

>> No.6066681
File: 43 KB, 359x359, 4192D662-CB18-42C8-95B5-F7EBE65FC438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People don’t want to admit NiGHTS attracts the same disgusting autists that flock to Sonic

>> No.6066687

As discussed in the other Nights thread, the heart of this game is the chain mechanic. I think the reason it gets shit on because Sega released it around the time Mario 64 came out and the mags were hyping it up like it was Sega's "answer" to Mario. Because the game is essentially a score attack game (and a great one), it doesn't have much in common with Mario or Sonic, which are obviously platformers.

>> No.6066703

OP is sort of right about the gameplay. Both games are side-scrollers and feature a spinning attack that also makes you move faster. NiGHTS doesn't have any platforming, though, unless you think of the rings and set-pieces as an obstacle course similar to a platformer game.

Also, speaking of the spin move, I dislike how it's on a gauge and if it's depleted you can't use it.

>> No.6066709

NiGHTS has also only had one pretty good game and one mediocre game as opposed to Sonic’s massive library of fluctuating quality. It’s not really fair to compare the two given the decades of refinement and experimentation the latter has while the former is still pretty much a glorified arcade game.

>> No.6066721

and they're nowhere near as bad as the autists attracted to mario

>> No.6067075

Never seen nor heard. let guess you reply with a /v meme?

>> No.6067159

I like jesters.

>> No.6067184

even homosexual pederastic ones like NiGHTS?

>> No.6067189

NiGHTS doesn't give me that vibe, he's more like some kind of dream spirit.

>> No.6067195

There are others?

>> No.6067229
File: 11 KB, 300x203, NightsIntoDreams2-1-300x203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nights Into Dreams, objective is to fly through rings
>Sega makes him the face of the Saturn, beloved by fans
>Superman 64, objective is to fly through rings
>infamously one of the worst games ever made

>> No.6067230

NiGHTs is cute, Superman is not.

>> No.6067234

Superman is cute, though. He's a total boy scout. No homo.

>> No.6067238
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>> No.6067253
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>> No.6067280

I love Sonic and NiGHTS and am good at both, but I really don't see that much gameplay similarity. Sonic 3&K comes closest I think emphasizing speed and graceful running more but even that's a stretch.

>> No.6067447

is nights a girl?

please say yes...

>> No.6067468

NiGHTS is whatever you want it to be. When it merges with you it can be whatever gender fits best.

>> No.6067475

by merge...does that mean sex?
i can merge with girl nights

>> No.6067486

Have sex already you pathetic coomer.

>> No.6067492

>Sexualizing Nights
Simply wrong

>> No.6067502

yes the whole idea is that I have sex...with nights...read my post idiot...

if sexualising girl nights is wrong i don't want to be right...

>> No.6067504

Probably because Sonic is for faggots and they're still in the closet?

>> No.6067523
File: 2.09 MB, 3236x3619, 2949907 - Captain_Kirb NiGHTS Nights_Into_Dreams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6067576


To me he doesn't look female at all. Male except for the eyelashes, if lashes are enough to convince yourself that it is totally not gay to find him sexy then go for it.
Canonically he has no definite sex/gender and can be what you want.

>> No.6067814

NiGHTS is one of the most, if not THE most, conceptually fascinating games of the 1990s. Platform games were the staple genre of the 8 and 16 bit generation, and NiGHTS totally and utterly deconstructs the genre. Mario 64 just took the platform genre and made it 3D... Mario still runs, jumps, and gets chased by koopas. Boring!!! But some Nipponese madman in Sonic Team thought to himself "What if we had a platform game with no platforms? What if Sonic didn't need to jump? What if Sonic didn't need to bash robots?" I'm convinced that if Nintendo had created NiGHTS it would be lauded as one of the greatest games ever made - but that would be because Nintendo would have fleshed out the basic concept with more levels, challenges, finesse and polish, while NiGHTS as it is remains little more than a demo of itself.

>> No.6067823
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>What if we had a platform game with no platforms?

>> No.6067850

This sounds like a 5th grader trying too hard to look smart.

>> No.6068503

Uh oh, someone uttered an opinion without memes nor the terms "based" or "cringe" here come the angry 12 IQ little bitches.

>> No.6068520

>What if we had a platform game with no platforms?
Read this sentence again.

>> No.6068526

He's obviously implying that they needed to think up a new type of game altogether you wojackposting retarded faggot.

>> No.6068535

Why do you speak in third person?
And be consistent, so were they trying to make a platform game without platforms, or a new type of game altogether?

>> No.6068538

Not the other two but I think you're really stretching. The closest I would agree is that it feels the way I think a lot of people expect Sonic to feel like. Just go fast fast fast and maneuver. So in a way it's the Sonic game people always wanted, but it's really not like a platformer.

>> No.6068539

>Why do you speak in third person?
Why do I need to be the poster in question to call out your obnoxious retardation that plagues our board?
>so were they trying to make a platform game without platforms, or a new type of game altogether?
They are inherently the same thing.

>> No.6068543

Yeah, suuuuuuure you aren't the same retard.
>They are inherently the same thing.
The correct answer is a new type of game. A platformer game without platforms or jump mechanics isn't a platformer.
...unless you consider Elliot and Claire's non-Nights gameplay, but there's still no real platforms to jump to, just wander around the terrain exploring.

>> No.6068593

>Yeah, suuuuuuure you aren't the same retard.
Missing the point of the website pretty hard to post shit like this.
>The correct answer is a new type of game. A platformer game without platforms or jump mechanics isn't a platformer.
You missed the point.

>> No.6068605

Not him but what is the point? I can't keep any of you straight at this point.

>> No.6068623
File: 17 KB, 320x320, 129791361355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>best modern equivalent of nights is in a sonic fangame made in fucking doom

>> No.6068637

>What would a platform game be without platforms?

>> No.6068652

A 2D flight sim. That guy is loopy.

>> No.6068661

Put it in context. It seems to be more about the mindset of what led to the game's design than a descriptor on the game itself.

>> No.6068707

I doubt that was their mindset.

>> No.6068710


>> No.6068717

Yeah I can see where you're coming from with that idea but I think it's off the mark. I think they were just trying to come up with a new kind of action game. I agree with the guy who says it feels like a 2D flight sim.

>> No.6068751

I think you're making out the thought process behind the game to be deeper than it actually was. They weren't thinking some high-concept pretentious "what if we made a platformer, but not?" bullshit. They were thinking "how can we make a really fun action game that hasn't exactly been done before?"

>> No.6069309

Wasn't my idea, I was just explaining what I thought he meant by it, I think you're probably right.

>> No.6069578

If I dream of NiGHTS having a big phat ass will she/he get one?

>> No.6069587

nights doesn't have a gender

>> No.6069649

>the game is essentially a score attack game (and a great one),

Except that the only trick to a high score is to grind each stage by getting the multiplier as quick as possible and then just flying over the goal sign so you can do another loop, then repeat it as long as you have time.

>> No.6069660

>The only trick is to get better at the game and do well

>> No.6069747

I believe what he was getting at was the method for getting high scores isn't particularly interesting.

>> No.6069795

It is pretty interesting to see how far you can go . What more do you need , no reason to complicate it

>> No.6069839

I think it's part of the reason the game is largely forgotten and ignored at this point.

>> No.6069856

>was the method for getting high scores isn't particularly interesting.
He wasn't really descriptive, but it sounds like he's just grinding an okay score through time bonuses. Figuring out larger and larger chains is where the score mechanic gets "interesting."

I'm sure he's a superplayer gamer and maxed out every possible chain his first playthrough, though.

>> No.6069865

>I'm sure he's a superplayer gamer and maxed out every possible chain his first playthrough, though.
lol. he'll say that. But this is what beginner NiGHTS play usually looks like. Really sloppy. IIRC, there's a possible 30+ link in the first level.


>> No.6070083

Yeah, getting long link chains is the real challenge. It’s not much deeper than that, but it’s still pretty tough to get a good handle on.

>> No.6070094
File: 339 KB, 640x360, A570871E-6FC1-4F5B-900F-B1E9F7B5778E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The sequel had the right idea in trying to diversify the challenges so that every level wasn’t just about getting link chains

But then it shot itself in the foot by making most of those challenges suck dick

>> No.6070243

>but it’s still pretty tough to get a good handle on.
Yep. It's an arcade game at heart. You can put 5 or so hours into it and put up some good scores or play it forever trying to beat your scores/biggest links.

>> No.6070294

Worth a play through, or is it really that bad?

>> No.6070309

>The sequel had the right idea in trying to diversify the challenges so that every level wasn’t just about getting link chains
That's not the right idea though. The fun of NiGHTS is accumulating points before the time runs out.

>> No.6070330
File: 66 KB, 1366x768, NiGHTS mode.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is damn fun though. Still need to unlock two of the bonus stages.

>> No.6070376
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, FC1B0ECE-B1EE-41B3-8063-068B9EB87CE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s alright. The voice acting is terrible and the motion controls suck, but there’s enough fun levels and music to make it bearable. If you already have a Wii and a GameCube controller I’d say it’s worth at least one playthrough.