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File: 158 KB, 365x273, SuperMario128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6065516 No.6065516 [Reply] [Original]

The best games we never got. What could've been.

WWF Backlash by AKI
Tomorrow Never Dies by Rareware
Super Mario 128
EarthBound 64
Super Mario 64 2
A real Sonic The Hedgehog 4
A Sonic X-Treme game using Sonic Jam's overworld engine
Final Fantasy VII for the Nintendo 64
Metroid 64

What else?

>> No.6065531

Alien Soldier fully completed.

>> No.6065585
File: 231 KB, 963x1200, IMG_6098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pop'n Land

>> No.6065598

Dinosaur Planet.

>> No.6065605

Decent list but Final Fantasy 64 never looked good.
For me fully backed high budget Phantasy Star sequels to compete with the other RPG's, and Phantasy Star for Saturn on the level of FF7.

>> No.6065610

Super Mario 128 is just a tech demo. Also, how about Twisted Metal: Harbor City, the cancelled sequel to Black.

>> No.6065617

There's already a thread exactly like this one

>> No.6065637

Jet Moto 2124

>> No.6065643

Thanks for coming in today

>> No.6066613

I bet you think the 64DD expansion for OoT was just MQ, too.

>> No.6066839

>tech demo
Came here to post this.

>> No.6066843
File: 147 KB, 1024x1014, F8E6AB26-4381-4299-B0ED-0D697D649F89.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I read about it on /r/gaming so Super Mario 128 must be real!

>> No.6067018

I could be wrong but I'm pretty sure Mario 64-2 was supposed to be a thing on the 64DD which became a GC title because the DD flopped and only then a tech demo because they decided to go with Sunshine.

>> No.6067023

I think about Super Mario 128 all the time.

>> No.6067048

Its interesting to look at the N64 compared to the SNES and you see many titles that ended up getting shelved in favor of the GBA for the next gen. Fire Emblem, Famicom wars, Earthbound, Metroid, and Golden Sun all off the top of my head. I sometimes wonder if the N64 had the PS1 hardware would those games have been released on time.

>> No.6067058

what held the N64 back were the cartridges and the promise of the 64DD. people shit on Sega and Atari for dropping support all the time but forget Nintendo all but doomed the 64 because of the 64DD.
hardware-wise it was far more capable than the PS1.

>> No.6068104
File: 48 KB, 775x515, I am Calypso, and I thank you for playing Twisted Metal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twisted Metal: Harbor City, the cancelled sequel to Black
Great shame. I loved how obscenely, comically fucking bleak and edgy TMB was, and I'd have loved to have seen it explored a little further. It feels like it was designed to be so dark and edgy just to see how far they could go, in a self-aware manner.
It's a grimdark reboot done right, but it's not even a reboot.

I heard the PS3 game sorta goes in that direction, but also that the game is kind of so-so, and underdeveloped.

>> No.6068206

a follow up to snatcher and policenauts

>> No.6068217

No, ‘Super Mario 128’ was a tech demo showing the gamecube’s abilities to have many characters on the screen at once. This feature was used in Pikmin, but it’s hardly a ‘spiritual successor’ to the Super Mario 128 tech demo

>> No.6068509
File: 24 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6068547

If it makes you feel any better, they're planning on making a TV / Streaming series off of Twisted Metal.

>> No.6068556

just curious, is there any info about what "Metroid 64" would have been? is it just what became Fusion? Because i often think about how they "skipped" Metroid during the N64 generation, which upsets me because it sort of is in line with how Metroid is neglected by nintendo next to Mario and Zelda.

>> No.6068594
File: 113 KB, 477x360, TwistedMetalCalypso.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, ok, I mean, sure, I can give that a chance.
It'll probably not be be Black, probably based on the last game, or a reboot.
If they honest to god made it based around original goofy and whacky Twisted Metal, that would be fine too.

>> No.6068598

Twisted Metal's story is a huge clusterfuck, and it's hard to imagine it being done well. 2012 largely disregarded the story from all of the previous games, and frankly, I don't think even David Jaffe actually even understands, remembers, or cares about the story that does exist in the series. Don't get me wrong, it could be done in a really cool way, but I don't trust them to do it. And if I want a Twisted Metal movie/show without the story from the games, I'll just watch Death Race.

Also, why was Krista Sparks Dollface in TM2012? At least Marcus Kane and Sweet Tooth were operating on the same themes as before, and fine, Mr. Grimm was an entirely new character unrelated to previous iterations, but I'm still triggered that she was called Krista Sparks when she had nothing at all to do with previous iterations. Might as well have not given her a "real name" and just let her be called Dollface.

>> No.6068603

very funny

>> No.6068627

>Twisted Metal's story is a huge clusterfuck
That's why a separate continuity like Black was workable, you just change and reshuffle a lot of stuff to make it fit.

>why was Krista Sparks Dollface in TM2012
Good question. I get the impression they had a lot of ideas they wanted to do, but development was rushed. There seems like there should have been more character arcs.

>> No.6068651


Zelda 3 on NES

>> No.6068658

this one actually exists somewhere

>> No.6068665

>That's why a separate continuity like Black was workable, you just change and reshuffle a lot of stuff to make it fit.
Well I assume any movie or show wouldn't actually be the same continuity as the games anyway. But I mean what parts would they choose to actually adapt? How autistic would they be willing to get? Would they keep it at the relatively simple level of the first game? It might be the easiest option. But if you want any sort of substantial story, then you might want to get into Calypso's backstory and include elements from Twisted Metal 2, namely Grasshopper. Hell, with modern media, she would probably be the main character.

But if you're going to do any sort of story, you have to deal with Sweet Tooth, since he's obviously the most popular character. But the entire thing with him having split personalities adds a whole lot of complication, especially if you get to the implication of TM2, and treat the twist from Black as canon. I mean are they gonna go full Inception? I strongly doubt it, even though that's what an autist like me would do.

But of course Sweet Tooth isn't a protagonist, and making Marcus the main protagonist probably wouldn't work too well, even if you teamed him with Grasshopper. So who would be a main protagonist? Outlaw has more of a story than most characters, but it's largely unrelated to both Calypso and Sweet Tooth, and it's mostly interesting because it evolves over the course of three games. What makes it cool is that Outlaw's TM1 ending is the closest to being canon in TM2. You could maybe do a thing where there's a rivalry with Thumper or something, since he's one of the most recurring characters, and do a thing where they set aside their differences or something, but otherwise Thumper has barely any story too.

And we haven't even touched Grimm, who needs to be a main character, but is again largely unrelated.

Out of characters for this post, but I like being autistic for Twisted Metal.

>> No.6068667

I'm extremely satisfied with ALTTP, but I wonder what a third NES Zelda would have been like.

>> No.6068678

Possibly they could do little anthologies, the stories wouldn't all necessarily have to be closely interconnected.
Marcus/Needles could be a good twist for the audience which isn't in the know.

>but I like being autistic for Twisted Metal
By all means, continue, TM always fascinated me a lot.

>> No.6068701

SFA has most of the assets hidden in the game data.

>> No.6068706

Well if I were trying to make an actual narrative, the first step would be taking the core characters and concepts that must be included and then prioritizing characters and concepts that are actually related to them. Clearly the two most central characters are Calypso and Sweet Tooth. Unfortunately for our purposes, their stories actually have very little to do with each other.

On the one hand, let's look at Calypso. You can use the backstory from the TM2 comic, which then includes Grasshopper, Darkside (Mr. Ash) and Minion (Black). Now this is already tricky, because I'm not sure if even David Jaffe remembers Black, and that Minion clearly is Black, even though they only use the name Black in TM1 and don't say he drives Minion until TM2, even though in that game they call the driver Minion, despite it clearly being the character Black from TM1. But Black was an unseen character anyway. And then in Twisted Metal: Black, Black isn't an important character, and he doesn't drive Minion, and his story isn't even really revealed until the sequel, which wasn't even actually finished or released.

Then there's Sweet Tooth. If you want to actually have a story, then you want to include Marcus as well. So then you have to decide if you wanna go full retard or not. Actually, either way is retarded. Are you gonna have Roadkill and Sweet Tooth actually fight each other? Because in order to explain that you need to say everything is a dream. I'd personally go this route, but I don't think any producer would. The other option would be to have the two personalities switching control of the body, and I guess also switching cars? More "grounded" but still retarded. I guess either way you can try to include Yellowjacket. He's kind of simple at least. I'd go full retard and have him become Dark Tooth, before he's killed and his car is taken over by a merged Marcus/Needles near the end of the story, but that's asking a lot of Hollywood.

>> No.6068716

Mr. Grimm is also very iconic and would need to be included. And obviously I'd want to use the most iconic version, where he's actually the Grim Reaper. Which would be kind of simple I suppose. You could say he's working for Mr. Ash to try to collect Calypso's soul. But given how the franchise has gone, I'd expect they would try to do one of the more grounded takes like Black or 2012. And I don't care about those. It would probably just be a whole new guy who just happens to ride a motorcycle.

I'm also interested in using any other characters who actually recur a lot or have stories that evolve over multiple games. Like Outlaw (Carl Roberts). His wish from TM1 is the only one considered canon in TM2, and it leads to the interesting introduction of Outlaw 2, and eventually the teamed up Outlaw from later games. So I would want to count that ending as canon and basically make it so he's the one who actually gets his wish. Which works well enough since my other characters mentioned so far either don't have important wishes or just want to kill Calypso. Outlaw is also maybe the most important and recurring heroic character in the series. So maybe I'd try to have him assigned to protect Grasshopper, who of course was also made by the LAPD (but nobody knows that until near the end). Grasshopper's mission also calls to mind characters like Pit Viper and Crimson Fury (Agent Stone). Agent Stone is also Outlaw in Black, so maybe the simplest thing to do would just be combine his character with Carl Roberts, but that triggers my autism. The other option would be to have him be from a higher level of government who comes in taking jurisdiction over Roberts' case, as tends to happen in cop movies. This would then help make Roberts seem more like the little guy underdog, while Stone could be a more mysterious character. He wants to kill Calypso, while Roberts just wants to stop him, and Grasshopper could be caught in between.

>> No.6068738

Maybe Stone could get his car (Crimson Fury) destroyed and he comes back at the end as Warhawk, for a big fight with... idk, Sweet Bot. You gotta include Sweet Bot because it's the coolest.

My autism also makes me want to include Thumper (Bruce Cochrane) since he's in like four or five games, which is more than most drivers. Have him be like a criminal rival for Roberts, but they both care about "the community" so they have to team up to try to stop Calypso.

Also, even though Dollface isn't actually in many games, she's in the most recent ones, and her prominent role in 2012 means she would probably be included. But how? Her vehicle is Darkside, but that's also driven by Mr. Ash, who is actually important to Calypso's story, and Calypso is absolutely central to the series. Maybe you could do a thing where Mr. Ash, who is unseen in the games anyway, possesses Dollface? Could make for a cool escalation near the end of the story. Maybe do a split personality thing that mirrors Sweet Tooth and Roadkill. But then which Dollface would be used? The two versions of Dollface are very different. Do you use the Black one? It's pretty unrelated to every other character, except for the reference to Mr. Kreel making Sweet Tooth's mask, which is pretty insignificant. The 2012 one is called Krista Sparks but has nothing to do with Grasshopper. You could just not give her that name, and then use the character, since it's so unrelated. But again, it's unrelated to every other characters, so it might feel disconnected. Gotta think of a way to connect her to some other character that is somehow related to Calypso or Sweet Tooth.

There's also Axel. Too iconic to not include. I guess the obvious thing to do would be to just use the Twisted Metal: Black version. But a big part of me wants to use the classic versions as much as possible, even though Classic Axel's story is retarded and unrelated to every other character.

>> No.6068752

Don’t forget the N64 build of Eternal Darkness

>> No.6068763

If you're gonna use Black versions of characters, might as well use Preacher. He was in 2012 and it feels like he was supposed to be more important. He has a cool story in Black, and is connected to Sweet Tooth. Could use him to link to Junkyard Dog, too. But at that point you're getting pretty disconnected from everyone else.

Anyway connecting all these stories is pretty hard. Maybe doable in a tv series, but I don't think they'll bother, considering the creators of the actual games don't care about them either, judging by 2012.

Also, remember in TM1 where Warthog and Crimson Fury were trying to wish for proof of aliens? One of the few story elements that went with multiple characters in that game, but then was never mentioned again.

Also I just realized I confused Agent Shepard (Head-On Crimson Fury) and called him Agent Stone, who is TM1 Crimson Fury. And while I'm on that, Agent Stone (Black Outlaw) has the same story as Captain Spears (TM1 Roadkill), which is weird. Black Outlaw took the car from one character in TM1, the driver from another character in TM1, and the story from a third character in TM1.

Also, any attempt to make any sort of substantial story would probably need a way to justify characters surviving even though they lose, since in the games characters recur even though there should be a maximum of one survivor per game. Maybe the car can be destroyed, resulting in disqualification, but the driver can get away. At that point you're getting into the fact that even within a single game, stories for different characters will contradict each other, like four or five characters all being the winners of TM2 according to the individual stories of Head-On. Or Outlaw 2's story being that Outlaw 1 won TM1, but then halfway through the game you're told Minion won last year.

Anyway, the important thing is remembering that, according to the very first game, the Twisted Metal tournament is always held on Christmas Eve. Get Christmas movie money.

>> No.6068823

>WWF Backlash by AKI
This would have been true kino.
>Super Mario 128
Why do people think this was a game? It was just a tech demo.
>A Sonic X-Treme game using Sonic Jam's overworld engine
Doesn't make any sense at all, Sonic Jam's overworld engine literally became Sonic adventure and X-treme had nothing to do with that engine

>> No.6068851

Damn, take your meds already.

>> No.6068865

No Twisted Metal TV show will ever be as good as the one in my head. I didn't even get into how Season 2 should be an alternate universe that slowly reveals it's actually the real world and Season 1 was a dream, and how Season 3 reveals that Season 2 was also a dream and Season 3 is the real real world, and it was all Calypso's massive plot to Incept Marcus Kane into becoming a serial killer.

>> No.6068871

I wish Backlash came out. I was playing Wrestlemania X8 on Gamecube again and it was subpar. They shoulda just did Backlash for Gamecube

>> No.6068912

>Why do people think this was a game? It was just a tech demo.

the picture in OP is a tech demo. Super Mario 128 was a game

>> No.6069017
File: 267 KB, 875x1135, 24 pinball flyer front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

24 was originally going to be a much better pinball machine, but plans for the code were dialed back. I think it was either because Jack Bauer didn't want to do original voice work, or maybe because the CSI pinball machine that came before it underperformed and they needed to rush 24 out the door to close the gap. I don't really know.

It could have been great. Might not qualify for this thread, though. I'll post some ones that do.

>> No.6069024
File: 78 KB, 417x650, Krull Pinball machine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a prototype. It has another playfield underneath, visible through a mirror or something.

>> No.6069027
File: 142 KB, 478x535, Krull pinball playfield with lower playfield visible.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the lower playfield.

>> No.6069029
File: 68 KB, 480x640, krull lower level playfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I was wrong. HERE'S the lower level playfield.

>> No.6069031
File: 83 KB, 388x690, Zingy Bingy full view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Python Anghelo

>> No.6069034
File: 82 KB, 800x536, Total Recall Pinball Cabinet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6069037
File: 1.96 MB, 2500x3745, Total Recall Pinball Art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Had it been released, the Total Recall pin would have been very difficult to transport from one room to the next. Typically pinball machine are moved using a handcart, but that wouldn't work for this two headed beast.

>> No.6069125

OP already mentions the Super Mario 64 sequel as a different title
>Super Mario 64 2
It's not like the potential sequel to SM64 ever really had a definite title. Super Mario 128 (the tech demo) was definitely a little joke about this but it was never going to be a real game in and of itself.

>> No.6069153

Development never actually began for a Metroid64. The designers were unsure how to make a Metroid game using a control stick and in 3D. So they just skipped it for the N64 and allowed Retro studios to make a 3D game on the Gamecube.

>> No.6069154

>no kino dated-looking 2.5D Metroid released in 1997
Why do we even live

>> No.6069547

Considering how Other M went I'd say it might be for the best it never happened. On the other hand if more members of SuperMetroid were still on-hand it could have ended up much better. The world will never know

>> No.6069862

Shut up, I'm enjoying this.

>> No.6069876

Master of Magic 2. I feel bad over this every time MoM1 is mentioned.
Gothic 3.

>> No.6069926

>Wrestlemania - No Mercy - Backlash
What a downward trend. Would the next one be called Insurrextion?

>> No.6069951

>Super Mario 64 2
But we did get that. It's called Yoshi's Story.

>> No.6069965

Fallout 3: Van Buuren is the only one I would truly love to have been released

>> No.6069970

That would have been cool, but we did at least get New Vegas, which completely upstaged Bethesda's Fallout 3.

>> No.6070009


it's still not the Fallout 3 I'd like to see.
to be perfectly honest I'd be content with another story with zero changes to gameplay and engine of Fallout 2

>> No.6070017

GoldenEye XBLA

>> No.6070035

Well, I heard that the PS3 iteration was underpolished in places (like the racing bits, balancing, and not to mention the multiplayer servers), but it was still good. This is the only Twisted Metal game I DIDN'T get my hands on, sadly.

>> No.6070176

>game is 2d instead of 3D
>stars different character that controls completely differently
>you still count it as the sequel
You might as well count Mario Kart 64 as Super Mario 64 2.

TM2012 downplayed single player in favor of multiplayer online focus. The online then barely worked. The core gameplay is very good, but there isn't as much to do in single player as there is in the other games. I'd still get it. it's cheap now. It's also much harder than the other games, so if that's your thing, then cool.

>> No.6070184

Prince of Persia 3...

>> No.6070191
File: 489 KB, 1007x1444, Jak II what I expected.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jak & Daxter II before focus groups got to it and said that platformers are gay and every game has to be an edgy shooter/GTA clone now.

>> No.6070203
File: 34 KB, 320x224, Rayman2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2D Rayman 2

>> No.6070206

Very true. Nintendo should have never released the 64DD and just focussed on making more games on the N64. They already released the N64 and it's too late to change their decision on whether the games should be stored on discs or cartridges.
They should have learnt from Sega and other companies

>> No.6070214

N64 hardware was severely bottlenecked by their decision to stick with cartridges instead of moving to discs. But you're right that once they made that decision they should have just stuck with it. They were cocky because the Famicom Disc System is one of the only successful console add-ons ever, but especially after the Sega CD and 32X, they should have known to not try to do more add-ons. But I guess they figured the Sega CD and 32X would have been successful if it wasn't Sega fucking it up. Which might be true. Few can fuck up as bad as Sega.

>> No.6070217

I think it was a joke about YI having the Super Mario World 2 subtitle in the west.

>> No.6070224

Maybe, but I was always so autistic that Yoshi's Story felt too different for me to consider it Yoshi's Island 2.

Yoshi's Island is World 2, and World 1 is Bros 4, so Yoshi's Island is Super Mario Bros. 5. But Super Mario Bros. is basically Mario Bros 2. So Yoshi's Island is really Mario Bros. 6. The question then becomes what number Donkey Kong Mario Bros. would be. Donkey Kong 3 really screws things up, but I suppose with that and Wrecking Crew, Mario Bros. would be Donkey Kong 5. So Yoshi's Island is really Donkey Kong 10. And Radar Scope 11.

>> No.6070242

I like the N64 but they should have probably gone with the CD, cartridges offer very little advantages. The only ones I can think of is durability, much shorter loading times and more difficult to pirate (obviously that's an advantage for Nintendo)
Everything else is better on CD. More space for games, Audio is better since it could be streamed from the CD and not have to be sequenced, CDs are cheaper than cartridges, etc...

>> No.6070260


>> No.6070301

I don't think following through on the 64DD would have helped things, the Nintendo 64 should have used disc media from the beginning, not way after launch.

>> No.6070612
File: 1.09 MB, 1536x2048, Kingpin playfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some pinball machines we never got, but might be made at some point:
7 prototypes of Kingpin. I played two of them. Rarely do you see spinners on a ramp. I think it would be cool. There's a plan to make more units that's been bubbling for a while now. Hopefully someday.

>> No.6070614
File: 58 KB, 400x544, The Pinball Circus by Python Anghelo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RIP Python, part 2.
Two prototypes. One is available to the public at the Pinball Hall of Fame in Las Vegas. I've heard some not-so-good things about that place, though.

>> No.6070617

Here's some great footage from a digital simulation one of two unproduced Playboy pinball machines. Feast your eyes. And your penis.

>> No.6070771

I think what anon was saying is that Nintendo shouldn't have even bothered with the DD, because that made devs wait for it or waste resources trying to develop for it instead of for the base system. The base system which should have just used discs in the first place. But once they put it out with carts, they should have just committed fully to that.

>> No.6071013

What not-so-good things? They have free popcorn.

>> No.6071174

>>Super Mario 64 2
>But we did get that. It's called Yoshi's Story.
This may be one of the stupidest things I've ever read.